The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 10, 1908, Image 6

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IRA L. DARE, Publisher
How Blind Children Are Trained.
I llio Now York Blnto school for
tho blind nt Hatnvla, flomo of tho best
work for tho blind Is bolng nccom
pllslicd. It 1b, In fact, becoming a
standard school, nud Is showing re
markablo rcutilts ns to what can bo
dono In tho way of bodily Improve
ment from carefully studied physical
training, Bays tho Craftsman. It Is
making sclf-rcllanco n most vnluod
possession of children who would other
wise go through life trembling with
fear and wllh outBtrotched handH to.
ward oft peril. The physlclal culture
work at Hntavla 1b divided Into eight
classes: klndorgarton, primary boyB
nnd primary girls, Intermedials boys
and Intermediate girls, Junior boys,
senior boys and senior girls. Clilldroi'
in the Kindergarten arc trained ny
marching und simple oxorclHOs with
musical dumbbells. They graduate to
rings and wand cxcrclsos In tho pri
mary classes und nttaln to barbells In
tho Junior year. In tho Benlor clnBsoa
boys aro exercised with dumbbells and
chest welghtB nnd by running and
military marches. Tho senior girls
ubo dumbbolls, barbells and Indian
clubs, and aro nlso tralnod In marchos.
Work Is given otitsldo of tho regular
hours to tlioso whose Interests or
needs nro greator.
Exiles No Longer.
In tho numerous articles appearing
from tlino to tltno on tho progress of
tho homo euro of tuberculosis nearly
all tho omphnslB Is inndo upon tho
purely Bclentlflc Bldo upon tho won
dors of modern medicine, of modern
experiments and modorn achieve
ments. And that tho scientific strides
In tho treatment of tuborculoslB aro
lltllo short of marvclouB, says tho
Loiilsvlllo Courier-Journal, Is not to bo
denied. It Is greatly to tho credit of
tho medical profession that It has dem
onstrated In tho abstract tho curabili
ty of tho disease, and then In tho con
crete hnH wrought tho euro at tho
ptftlent's own homo. Hut thero la tho
sentimental, tho mental, tho "heart"
Bldo of tho revolution which, whllo
spoken of llttlo, 1b not Its. least Impor
tant aspect. Undor tho homo treat
ment It la no longer necessary to
make exiles of loved ones to banish
tho tuborculosls patients to tho dis
tant lands of tho west, thero to whllo
nway their hours In Isolation, homo
uIcknosB, Introspection and drond.
Holland for somo unaccountnblo rea
son Ib putting off tho spanking of
Castro, nlthough for somo time past It
has had nn olllctal permit from tho na
tions of tho earth nnd sovoral generous
offers to hold Us coat. Castro must
bear n charmed life. For ono who has
boon threatened with torrlblo lickings
for go many years ho certainly looks
healthy and robust nnd good for many
happy roturns of tho ultimatums.
Many Bchomos nro bolng put forward
for tho securing of unlvorsnl poaco,
hut Castro has thorn all beaten. Ho
ban trlod his nnd It works. Just what
It la no ono scorns to know, but cer
tainly It lit flno modlclno for tho ward
ing off of an Impending war. I'orhnpa
ho Is guarding tho sccrot Jealously un
til such time ns ho can bottlo tho dopo
and put It on tho markots of tho
world. , '
From Winnipeg comos nowa of tho
death of Louts Itlol, tho only son of
tho Icndor of tho Hod rlvor rebellion
In wostorn Canada, which first
brought Lord Wolscloy ,into prom!
nenco, nnd mado him Sir; Garnet. On
tho approach of Col. Wolscloy, Itlol
flod across tho bordor Into tho United
States, whoro ho remained for somo
yours. Returning to Canada ho was
olected a mombor of tho houso of com
mons, but In 188G ho again headed an
nrmod Insurrection, and this tltno ho
wns captured, tried for treason, con
victed and hanged, ills non Louis, who
lias Just passed away, was only 3G, nni5
was omployod ns nn engineer ou tho
Grand Trunk Pacific railway.
Modern brick buildings of ton nnd
twolvo stories aro bolng taken down
nnd replaced by Btool frame Btructuros
of groatar height on Ilrondwny, Now
York. Whllo tho foundations of tho
original skyscrnpors nro strong onough
to sustain additions nbovo them, thoro
Is enough saving of upaco In tho now
plan of tldnnor walls to mako tho
change profitable.
Tho estimated cost of tho Roosevelt
dnm, which la part of tho Bait rlvor Ir
rigation Bchomo, has been cut down by
51,000,000 by tho OBtabllBhmont of a
government content mill on tho spot.
A gas explosion in Now York toro
tip DO feet of street and Injured four
mon. Tho explosion wns a trlbuto to
tho deslro to mako n fool of oneself
which springs eternal In tho human
breast. A man sought to locato tho
leak with a lighted match, and did bo
with omphatlo results,
Thero Is tulk of doubling tho spocd
of tho Wright noroplano. If that can
b( dono thoy may yet glvo exhibitions
or plgeon cutchlng in tho ulr, or racing
with wild duckB.
Misfortunes of the Man Who Is Always
"Just Going To."
Ho meant to Insure his house, but it
burned before ho got around to It.
Ho was Just going to pay a noto
whan it went to protest.
Ho was Just going to holp a neigh
bor when ho died.
Ho was Just going to Bond somo
flowcra to n sick friend when It proved
too late.
He was Just going to rcduco his debt
when his creditors "shut down" on
Ho was Just going to stop drinking
nnd dissipating, when his hcnlth bo
camo wrecked,
Ho was Just going to provldo propor
protection for his wlfo und family
when his fortuno was Bwopt nway
from him.
Ho wbb Just going to lntroduco n
bolter system Into his business when
It wont to smash.
Ho was Just going to call nn a cub
tomor to closo n doal when ho found
his competitor had preceded him and
secured tho order.
Ho wnB Just going to quit work
awhllo nnd tnko a vacation when ncr
toub prostration enmo.
Ho wbb Just going to repair hlo aldo
walk when a neighbor fell on It and
broko a leg.
Ho wns Just going to provldo his
wlfo with moro holp whon bIio took to
hor bed nnd required n nurso, a doc
tor and a maid. Succobs Mngazino.
It Can Be Played on 8late, Paper, or
Wooden Board,
Draw on your slnto or paper a
plan llko that In cut below. Tho dotB
& &
Board for War Game.
roprosont Boldlors, ono nldo bolng
Fronch and tho other Bldo Gorman.
Each player Is provldod with n sharp
ly polntod poncll, and tho gamo la
piny od thus:
.Tho Qormnn, kcoplng tho point of
tils poncll on n Bpot donntod by a
cannon, drags It quickly across tho
slata in tho direction of tho other
army. Tho poncll naturally lcavoa a
lino to mark his track, nnd if this
mark pnsBos through nny of tho men
belonging to tho othor aldo, thoy nro
conBldorod deud. Tho gnmo Is over
an hooii as all tho mon on ono stdo nro
dead. Each playor has a cortaln npneo
on tho Bluto allotted to him, nnd ho
may dlsposo of his mon In whntovor
pnrt of It ho plcasoH.
Tho track of tho poncll must bo
strnlght of curved; any shot in which
thoro Is nn anglo docs not count. Wo
hero glvo a bnttloflold whoro tho strlfo
Is ended. In this tho Gorman nldo
has killed nil tho opposlto side In olght
jhots, whllo tho Fronch In olght hnvo
only boou able to kill nlno mon.
A Steady Job.
Tho origin of "graft" Is probably In
tho dlscovory that Bomothlng easy
brings In n lnrgo rownrd. Tho only
problem, thon, Is to llnd tho ensy
thing. TnstoB dlffor. A writor In Lin-
plncott's Magazlno gives an oxamplo
or a "grail" which most porsons would
not enro to cultlvalo.
An export golfer had tho ml8fortuno
;o piny a particularly vigorous atroko
it tho moment that n seedy woyfaror
skulked across tho odgo of tho course
l'ho ball Btrtick tho trespasser and ron
dorod him lusonslblo for a brlof tlnio.
When ho recovered, n ilvo-dollnr bill
wns prossod Into his hand by tho ro
grotful golfer.
"Thunky, sir," anld tho injured man,
oftor a kindling glanco at tho monoy.
"An' whon will you bo plnyin' ngnln,
Tho Difference of a Letter.
A professor In tho Unlvorslty of
norlln, who camo to this country n
year ago, wns much surprised, nccord
lug to a atory which President Hndloy
contrlbulos to tho Ynlo Alumni Weok
ly, when ho trnvolod In a sleeping,
enr, to bo asked by tho portor for his
berth ticket.
"My birth ticket? ho snld. "I hnvo
my paBBport, I havo my loMur of
crodlt, and 1 havo oven In my trunk
my cortlllcnto of vaccination, but why
tho railroad should want my birth
tlokot I do not boo."
"Ilut," euld tho portor, "I must know
whothor you hnvo upper or lower
"Upper, of course I" said tho Gor
man. "Look nt my pnaBport. Dooa it
not say, 'Woll and highly born?'"
New York's Costly Fire Dcc-nrtment.
Thoro Is a difference between tho
flro dopnrtmoiua of London nnd of
Nen York city. Tho London depart
ment coata ten contB a year for onch
Inhubltunt, whllo tho dopnrtmont of
Now York costs f 1.75 for ca,ch Now
How You Can Amuse and Mystlfj
Your Friends.
Which Is certain to causa much as
tonishment If woll arranged before
hand. Got a plcco of board about tho
size of a largo school slate, and hnvo
It painted black. The paint should
bo what Is known ns a dead color,
without gloss or brightness. Sketch
out tho figure of n skeleton on a plcco
of cardboard and nrrnngo it after tho
mnnner of a Jumplng jnck, bo that by
holding tho figure by tho head In ono
hand nnd pulling n string with tho
othor, tho figure will throw up its legs
An Amusing Trick.
und arm's In a most ludicrous manner.
Mnko tho connection of tho nrma and
legs with blnck Btrlng nnd lot tho
pulling string bo also: blnck. Then
tack tho 'skeleton by tho head to tho
black board. Tho figure having been
cut out must bo painted black to
match tho board. Now to porform:
Produco tho bonrd, directs tho Phila
delphia Ledger, show only tho Bldo
upon which thoro Is nothing. Request
that tho lights bo lowered Bllghtly
and tnko up your position a llttlo way
from tho nudlcnco. With a plcco of
white chalk mako ono or two nttcmpts
to draw a flguro; rub out your work
na being unsatisfactory nnd turn tho
Blato round. Tho bliick flguro will not
bo perceived on account of tho board
bolng tho snma color. Rapidly touch
tho edges of tho cardbonrd flguro with
chalk, lining up tho ribs, etc., nt lcls
uro, taking grcnt caro thnt nothing
moves whllo tho drawing la progress
ing. Thon mnulpulnto your fingers In
front of tho drawing and command It
to becomo nnlmntod, when, by sccrot
ly pulling tho string attached to tho
skoloton with your foot It will, of
courso, kick up Its legs nnd throw Its
arms about, to tho nstoulshmcnt of
tho company. A llttlo soft music from
tho plnno will greatly assist tho Illu
Suggestion for a Nice Little Gift tu
a Friend.
Thcao nro very pretty nnd useful
mndo of shoot collulold. Cut a plcco
two Inches by thrco Inches. Round
The Book Marker.
tho lowor cornors Bllghtly. Com
monco at half nn Inch from tho top
nnd half nn Inch In from tho odgo', nnd
drnw a light lino around thrco aides
to within half an Inch from tho top
ngnln. Cut through this lino with a
pair of sharp BclBsora. Round tho
cornor.s of tho flnp Just formed. With
gilt paint nnd n flno brush ornament
tho book-mark with nn npproprluto
motto, Interlaced with a simple out
lino design, A quotation from ono of
tho recipient's favorite authors Is a
good motto; or, "Everything In Its
plnco, nnd this Ib your place," or
"When found, mako a noto on't."
Good English,
A Fronch lady living In America on
gagod a carpentor to do somo work for
hor nt a stipulated price Sho was sur
prised later to find that ho charged
moro than tho prlco ngrcod upon.
Whon sho nttoniptod to romonstrnto
with him, howuver, hor English failed
hor mid sho said:
"You nro dearer to mo now than
whon wo wore Hrst ongngod." Suc
cess Mngazino,
Complain of American Methods.
Merchants in South America com
plain that manufacturers In tho Unltod
Stutos aro too ofton Inclined to "un
load" undcslrublo goods on them.
S Aptt
Information nnd Gossip Picked Up Hero
and There In Washington.
Squanders $4,000,000 in Five Years
WASHINGTON. Countess Julia W.
L. Seckendorf, tho dnshlng beauty
who rose from ludy's maid to mlstresB
of millions of dollnrH, through which
alio ran In flvo years, declares that
sho had no regrets because her for
tuno has been squandered.
Tho countess is now said to bo at
least 1100,000 in debt, and wns forced
to undergo tho humiliation of seeing
the last of her property sold at n debt
"I spont It when I had it," the beau
tiful countcBs Is reported to havo re
marked to a friend.
"I haven't any rogrotB now that it 1b
gono. Somo peoplo havo money, but
thoy won't spend it. Frankly, I can
not seo what good it docs them."
Tho career of tho countess, who Is
nn American girl, Is as romnntlcally
Interesting ns that of any woman in
tho world.
Onco tho lavish entertainer of cabi
net membors, ambassadors, sonators
and Boclal lights in Washington, tho
Countess Seckendorf, who flvo years
ago foil holr to tho 11,000,000 ostato
of her socond spouse, gnlned a roputo
tlon ns a Bponder, tearfully watched
her Inst possessions passing Into tho
Leper to Have Home with His Family
THE strict Isolation In which John R.
Early has been kept by tho district
health ofllcors la to bo broken. Within
a abort tlmo Early Ib to bo permitted
to live with hla family.
That la, ho will bo allowed to dwoll
In tho snmo house, but will not come
In direct contact with them. Ho will
havo his own Bleeping apartment, bod
linen, towels, dishes and othor domes
tic appliances.
ThlB hiiB been practically decided
upon by tho hcnlth ofllclals. Tho plan
will not bo carried Into effect until tho
commissioners havo received tho re
port from tho solicitor of tho treasury
na to whothor or not tho federal au
thorities havo power to transport tho
lopor to North Carollnn, tho lnttor's
homo state, regardless of tho fact
that !hat commonwealth has refused
to accept him.
Although tho decision has not been
forwnrdod to tho commissioners, it la
known thnt tho BOlIcltor'B opinion is
ndvorao. Ho lias said that tho federal
department Is poworlcBs to act, nnd
has reported to tho sccrotary of tho
treasury to that effect.
Tho commissioners will tako no ac
tion until thoy havo rocelvcd tho
opinion ln'ofllcinl form from tho latter.
That Early is to bo a pormanont caro
of tho district Is tho conviction of tho
Welsh Singers Refuse President's Wine
iET thoo bohlnd mo, Satan," la
VS whnt 25 husky Welshmen
thought when offered somo of Prosl
dent Roosevolt's shorry at tho con
clusion of a White Houso concert tho
other ovcnlng. What each really said
"No, thank you; none for mo."
Tho Welshmen gave n privnto con
cert for tho edification of tho White
Houso family. Tho ovent slid nlong
llko a hunk of tallow on a hot stove
pipe Tho president nearly bllstored
his hands npplaudlng tho "Men of Har
lech." Mrs. Itoosovclt's face was But
fused with ploasurablo onjoymont nt
tho rendition of "Old Ulack Joo."
Tho bad guess and Its consoquonces
camo ns tho Inst words, of tho final
choruB drifted out of nn open win
Civil War Veteran
rESPASIAN WARNER, cotninlsHion-
or of nenslonB. told President
RoobovoU tho othor dny of a remark
ablo caso of stricken consclonco. Somo
tlmo ago tho commlBBlonor received a
loiter from a ponatonor of tho civil
war Burrcndorlng hla cortlllcnto and
enclosing two $500 coupon bonds of
tho United Stntos and n draft for $172,
thoroby mnklng full restitution to the
government of all monoy ho had ro
celvcd on account of tho cortlllcnto of
Commissioner Warnor refused to
glvo tho nntno of tho soldier nnd .de
clared ho hnd not disclosed It to tho
treasurer of tho United States, to
Campaign Spellbinder Could Have
Done Much Better, for $25.
Ho had mado a fair speech In favor
of his political candldnto for governor
nnd'ngalnst tho othor, nnd when ho
had finished a friend stopped forward
and shook hands with him and Bald:
"I wnnt to compllmont you on your
offort. It waB great."
"Thon you liked my romarks. oh?"
"Thoy woro bang-up. I didn't know
It was in you to orato tho way you
"O, I did fairly woll, I guoss. Rut
you must romombor at tho Bamo tlmo
that this was only a choup speech.
Tho regular orator foiled thorn, nnd
thoy rung mo in for $15. Of courso, I
could not sproad myself for that. Sny,
I wish I had boon mnklng a rogulur
$25 speech. If I had been I should
havo called tho opposition candldnto
a liar."
hands of others to the accompaniment
of the droning voices of auctioneers.
It Is said that tho countess owes
about 1100,000, nlthough tho flguro has
not been nuthorltatlvely announced.
Somo years ago Miss Julia Davidson,
tho present countess, entered tho em
ploy of Mra. John O. Donnor ns maid.
Tho Doiiners had a daughter named
Elsie, and Miss Dnvldson cared for tho
About six years ago Mrs. Donncr
died and Donncr married Miss David
son. Immediately tho houso becamo
tho center of social llfo among tho
wealthy peoplo of tho district. Serv
ants Bccmcd everywhere, and tho now
Mrs. Dontier began to enjoy llfo to tho
Hor mllllonnlro husband waB devot
ed to her and his nffcctlon wan re
turned. Elsie, Donnor'B daughter, still
lived on tho estate.
After Donnor'B death flvo years ago
Mrs. Donnor camo Into the great for
tuno. Sho went to Washington nnd
mingled with tho fashionable sot there,
meeting tho count, who captured her
heart. Sho soon squandered hor
Plans for Early's futuro caro nnd
treatment havo been discussed by
Health Ofllccr Woodward and Dr. Wil
liam Fowler, chief of tho contagious
disease service. It is settled between
them thnt tho strict Isolation of tho af
flicted man Is to be broken.
It Is considered likely that somo old
building belonging to the district will
be turned over to tho leper nnd his
family for habitation and- ho will bo in
structed to provldo for himself and
kcop his own quarantine.
In tho event that this building cannot
bo procured It may bo thnt Early will
bo permitted to Uvo in tho house near
tho asylum grounds now occupied by
his wlfo nnd child. On tho othor
hand, It may bo suggested to him
that lid buy n small place in tho sub
urbs. Physlclnne in charge of Early aro
considering a plan to Inoculate him
with tho leprosy bacilli, which consti
tutes the recently dlscovored Nastln
euro of tho malndy. This method Is
said to havo cured tho dlseaso In sov
oral Instances, when used whllo tho
dlseaso was In Its early atago, as in
tho caso of Early.
Early cllngB to tho faint belief that
hla dlseaso Is not loprosy, nnd that
tho physicians havo mado n mlstako
I in diagnosing his caso. Ho does not
iuvor hub new irenimem.
dow. An attendant camo Into tho
room nlftlly Juggling an enormous
trny containing 25 glasses of sherry.
Ho tendered a glass to tho first man
at tho ond of tho lino with black
clothoB and a whlto choker. Ho de
clined with thanks.
Tho next thrco men also refused.
Tho other 21 had their mouths open
ready to mako Blmllar announcement.
Tho waltor Ilkowlso opened his
mouth, but In astonishment. Ho rea
lized thnt an nwful blunder hnd been
mndo uomewhero. In n dazed manner
ho waved tho tray until It was again
waving around hla head and hastily
ldungcd from tho room. Every mem
ber of tho Mountain Ash choir Is a
total abstainer.
Returns Pension
whom was turned over tho consclonco
When tho consclonco contribution
first nrrlved tho commissioner causod
an examination to bo mado of tho rec
ords In tho case. On the showing tho
votornn was entitled to his pension
beyond n question. A Bpeclal exam
iner was sont out to mnko nn Investi
gation on tho theory that tho soldier
might bo mentally Irresponsible.
Tho conscience-stricken man was
found to he in excellent health and
of sound mind. Thoroupon tho ac
count with consclonco was declared
closed and tho bonds nnd money
woro turned Into tho miscellaneous
rccolpts of tho treasury department.
"I should havo shown his utter un
fitness for ofllso.
"I should havo proved that his elec
tion would ruin tho country.
"I should hnvo ndvancod statistics
to chill tho blood,
"I should havo appealed to my hear
ors not to bring about a Btato of an
archy nnd bankruptcy,
"I aliould havo summoned every
patriot In tho nudlcnco to go to tho
polls early nnd dlo for Amorlcan lib
crty. "I Bhould havo trotted out Hunker
Hill, tho Amorlcan eaglo and tho :nr
spangled bnnnor and wavod t'aem
around until mon would luwo busted n
lung In choorlng for them.
"As I said, this was only a cheap
efTort a fow remarks fof $15, but If
they havo pleased you and Btpsngth
cnod your belief In our cnuso, -why-why"
And thoy drank togethor nnd fig
ured out that tho country was, is wed
again. ClncnuuH Enqulror,
Arabella Ah, John, thoro was a
tlmo when you couldn't see enough of
John Well, I can seo plenty of you
now, can't I?
Eagle Lost Its Prey.
Eagles still hover over tho crags that
mako tho Cumberland narrows noted.
John H. Horchlor, nn onglncer, found
a pheasant fluttering In his yard at
Cumberland and observed a large
caglo flying nway. Tho eaglo had
dropped tho pheasant and mado fran
tic but unsuccessful efforts to recover
It, Hying Into tho yard, but was fright
ened away by tho presenco of Mr.
Horchlor, who found tho pheasant
fluttering with Jagged holes In Its neck
from tho onglo's talons. Baltimore
Fujiyama Modernized.
Tho beautiful mouutnln peak of Fu
jiyama, which Is regarded by tho Jap
anese ns llttlo short of sacred, la to
bo modernized by electricity. For tho
benefit of tourists tho mountain top
nnd tho trail to It will bo illuminated
by electric lights. Hotels and refresh
ments houses will bo erected on tho
mountain slope, ns well a8 telophono
and telegraph statlona.
Tho extraordinary popularity of flno
whlto goods this Bummer makes tho
choico of Starch a matter of great Im
portance. Doflnnco Starch, being freo
from all Injurious chemicals, is tho
only ono which is safo to uso on flno
fabrics. Its great strength as a stiffen
or makes half tho usual quantity of
Starch necessary, with tho result of
perfect finish, equal to that when tho
goods woro now.
Seek Advancement Always.
Endeavor always to bo content Id
that state of llfo In which your lot has
fallen, and think It a great fault rot
to employ your tlmo for tho Improve
ment of your understanding, health, oi
estate. Lady Fanshawo.
Hon. It. S. Tlmrin, Attorney nt Law
nud counsel for Anti-Trust League,
writes from Pennsylvania Ave, N. VY.,
Washington, D. C, ns follows:
"Having used Peruna for catarrhal
disorders, I nm nblo to testify to ita
great remedial excellcnco nnd do not
hesitate to tflvo it my emphatic endorse-
mn.nfr. imil lnrmfif. nninninnilnflmi rt
....... v ...... - - - - . tVJ
all persons affected ly thnt disorder. It
is nlso a tonic ot great usefulness."
Mr. T. Rarnecolt, West Aylmor,
Ontario, Can., writes: "Last winter I
was ill with pneumonia after having la
grippe. I took Peruna for two months,
when I Lecamo quito well. I nlso in
duced a yountf lady, who was all run
down and confined to tho houso, to tako
Peruna, nnd after tnlclnp; Peruna for
three months who is nblo to follow her
tr.ido of tailoring. can recommend
Peruna for all such who nre 111 and rc
qulro a tonic."
Pc-ru-na Tablets.
Some peoplo prefer to tako tablets,
rather than to take medicine In a fluid
form. Such peoplo can obtain Peruna
tablets which represent the solid mo
dleinul ingredients of Peruna. Each
tablet Is equivalent to one average dose
of lVrunn.
Positively cured b
these Little Pills.
Tlicj- nlno relieve Dis
tress Jrom Dyspepsia, In.
dlgestlonand Too Hearty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy tor DIzzIucsb, Nau
sea, Drowsiness, Bad
Taste In tho Month. rVint.
JbBMHH 1 Tonguo, Pain In tho
XUey regulate tuo Dowels. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature