a s 4 SPECIAL Ladies, we Want you to call and see our new line of China and Fancy Articles in China. Beautiful pieces and large stock CLINTON, The Jeweler. -8 Frank Coker, of Suthcrlnnd, trans- Ei acted business in town yesterday. Don't forget to visit the candy booth before leaving the Masonic hall Thurs day evening. Tho C. E. Society of tho Presbyter ian church will hold a snlo of home mode candies at tho Masonic hall Thursday evening, November 12th. Tho Burlington railroad company paid into tho county treasury last Friday twelve thousand dollars, which rep resents that company's personal taxes for tho year 1908. Ball Brand, First Quality Over hoes and Rubbers, tho kind that wear, at Wilcox Department Store. Willis Karth, night baggageman, has been transferred to Grand Island and in company with his wife left for that city this morning. Ho is succeeded by Mr. Whyman. W. A. Paxton, Jr., has sold to Georgo C. Whito lots 4 and 5, and tho north half of tho southeast quarter of section 35-11-3 1. 121.45 acres, for a. con sideration of $.1,615. DR. 0. II. CRESSLCR, Graduate Denlisl Olflco over tho McDonald Stato Bank. . For rontModorn 7 room hoifsc. In quire of S. Richards, Corno to the Masonic hall for supper Thursday ovonlng; 25 cents por plate. Tho Presbyterian congregation at Gnndy is raising funds to build a church to replace tho ono burned two years ago. Work on tho now thrco-soction ice houso will begin In tho near future, preparations for tho foundation now bolng made. "Long Hungry Zeko" is tho title of n Bong that will bo heard In Tho Mis souri Girl which appears at tho Keith tomorrow evening. Tho quail Benson opens next Sunday and will close tho last; day of the month. Tho- birds nro said to bo -quite plentiful and local-huutors anticlpato flno sport. . Genuine Gliklden Barb Wire $3.20, Btiker Perfect $3,25. Ginn- & White. Tho Union Faclflc ico lako Is now filled with wator to th dopth of nearly fivo foot and Is thcroforo in readlncHS for tho first f roezo t hat will form ico of Bullklont thlcknesii for filling tho housos. . . 1 '"Tho mooting of tho Enisconal "Gulfd will bo held on Friday- 'afternoon '"of thl week Instoad of Thurs lay at tho homo of Mrs. M. II. Doogln b, A largo nt toridanco Ih CBocclallv t irtrod upon this occasion. Woathor foreciiBt- Partly cloudy to night and Wednesday, ,notmuch changi In -tho tomporaturo. II Ighoat tempera turo yoBtorday 33: onayi 'ar 62. Lowest tomnoraturo thla raonr. dng 50; ono yeur tigo 10. For insurance. Soo- Tbi nnlo Real Ea tato and Insuranco Agenc y. - Yosterday reminded'" e that winter la horo. Snow begam f, ailing; In thu morning and continued' un til lato in tho afternoon, but molted ulmo at as fast as It' fell. Durincr laBt night tho temperature dropped never al dogrocs and this morninc thoro was n ronown of onow. Biillkiont fal line b. V noon" to cover thd ground. Lot mo 'llguro on tho o storn. windows you win noou. 1 in, aon isnbun. President ROonovolt Is at woi "k on his lnat message to con gross. Or.'oofh recommendations wil'bo a practl cal and oifoctlvo amendmon t to tho Sh orman anti-trust act with t he viovv of csta' Hulling some such a government b upor vision of groat indui itrial corporations us tho intcr-atntn co mmorco commission maintains ovor rai Iroadn. For Salo. -No. 30 Art Garland Sto vo nearly now, Inn ulrc of Alox Moston, at Steam Laund' ry. The ladleB of tho EnlBcorml church will hold thoir annual November sale und supper in tho Mnsonlc banquet room Nnvem' jer 10th. You will find many things suitable for Christmas glfta ut thoir fancy work booth and in tho dining r jom a dcllcloua Bupper. Tho Indian will a ervo escullopod oysters, cold me.ats, sal .ds, potato chips, whito and brown bro ,nd, cako und coffee. That cl inlr-Lut mo flx'lt. P; M'. SoilENON. This I torn appeared In today's Omaha Boo: (V. R. McKeon, Jr., president and g' inoral manager of tho McKcen motor-' company, of Omuhu, who Ima been quite Hick for tho laBt throo. month and who Is now ut French Lick Springs, Ind,, Is reported as Improving fnat and will bo but o( tho sanitarlunl in u few days. Hla plans for recuper cratlon aro not completed and It Ib not known -whether he will return to Oma ha or f(o Bouth for a abort time. For Sale. My prosent rosldenco, corner of Lo cust and Twelfth Btrcot; eight rooms, bath, electric lights, and u flno dry collar undor entire houso; will soil with It. one lot or ono aero of lino soil froo irom alkali., . B. A. OAnV,' Miss Mary Weinberg has returned from a visit her sister in Lincoln. Tho Christian aid society will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. George Smvthe. Corner of South Vino and A Btrcots. Pcoplo of Maxwell and vicinity who deslro cut flowers for any purpose can cave orders with Mr. Fetter, the druggist, who js agent for Chas. Pass, the florist o' this city. A tfood Bunner for all who como to tho Masonic hall Thursday evening, November 12th. Tho county commissioners convened yesterday and will remain in session several days transacting business per taininc to roads, tho allowance of claims and other matters of a general nature. For Building At Loan money, sec Tcmplo Real Estate and Insurance Agency. B. S. Davia, of this city, who waa ono of tho republican candidates for presidential olectors, lead tho ticket in tho number of votes received in tho county, thus showing that ho has lost nono of his popularity with tho voters, 8 percent private monoy to loan on farms or city property. BnATT & Goodman. A man who gavo his nimo na Wilson waa nrrosted In town Saturday on tho charge of stealing two rings and a pair oCtrousors from a Julesburg man. He was hold in jail until laBt night whon an otflcor came down and took him back to Julesburg. LostOn thp.streotB a sterling silver belt pin. Findor return to this ofllce and recolvo Buitabfo rdwrird. 1 Tho children of thd lato David JoncB dostro to express their ticartfolt thunks to friends and neighbors and to mem bers of tho G. A. R., W. R. C D, of II., L. O. T. M. and Hobo Co. No. 1 for tho iiflaistnuco glvon during tho sickness and at tho funeral of their father, President Rooaovclt has issued in vita tlons to u "labor legislation" dinner nt tho Whito Houso November 17. Tho guests will lucludo many . labor organ! .zntioii chiefs,, judges and executive oflteials, but it Ih undorstood that Gom por8, Morrison and Lennon aro not in eluded. Labor legislation will bo dis cussed. For Rent 5 room cottage, 2 lots, good cellar and city wator In houso. C A. Lowell. Tho Union Pacific has issued a bulle tin giving tho estimated yield of crops in the different counties of, tho atato for tho yeur 1008. Tho total production in Lincoln is tabulated as follows: Winter wheat 344,500 bushels, spring wheut 2CG.5G2 bushels, oats 218,900 bushels, ryo 47,400 bushels, barley 04,000 bushels, corn 1,885,200 bushels, pota toes 217,300 bushels, millot 4,223 tons, alfalfa 20; 250 tons, timothy 05 tops, wild hay 72,509 tons. Bargains in City Property. Beautifully located eight room cot tage, strictly modern, shado. and only two blocks from postofllce, $3000. Ono ot tho flneBt residences on Dewey street, just complete, two lots, $3,600. Six room cottage with corner lot, $2,800. Fivo room cottage, $1,800. Good four room houso with barn and two lots; snap at $1,100. O. II. Tiioelecke. Extra Session Feeler. Governor Sheldon has sent out tho following letter o each member of tho last legislature: "Tho best legislature Nebraska over had has still an oppor tunity to render great service to this state. If I convene tho legislature will you support a statutory provision for statewide prohibition reserving to any municipality tho right by three-fifths voto to suspend it and dispense liquor under such restrictions as may bo pro vided by law. For Rent House and storage room, also safety deposit boxes. Bratt & Goodman. Union Pacific Improvements. The Tribuno Is creditably informed that early next spring tho Union Pa cific will renow work on the .improve ments at this terminal which had been planned in 1907 but not completed this year. TheBO improvements will Include a now round houso, coal chutes and docks, yardmaBtor's office and remodelr ing and extending the present trackage In tho yarda. Tho total cost of theso improvements will exceed ono hundred thousand dollars. (. For Sale Thirty-three head of high grado Her- ford yearlings. Apply to or address1 A. S. Greer 1?. North Platte. Neb. ' THE LATEST STYLE CORSET. $10.00 Reward will bo paid for tho return of my whito and black setter dog or Informa tion leading to his. recovery. Dr. II. C. Brock. Xtouble Ahead For those youngsters who aren't shod.wfth our shoes. No matter how hard your boy is: on shoes bear in mind its the siirn of erood health. Don't caution and worry him about it Buy him a pair of our shoes and the troubles of both will cease. $2.00 to $3.00 GRAHAM &.-CO... SSSHKIHHXSh T RANGE IS A- PENINSULAR PEMNSULAH The steel from which Peninsular Steel Range bodies are made is several gauges heavier than other manufacturers use. It is highly polised genuine Planished Steel, which is the most expensive steel made. We were the originators in its use and are today the only manufacturers using it in their ranges. Other manufacturers have used this steel for a short time but on account of the high price discontinued it's use and are now substituting a cheap grade but are still calling it Planished. The bodies of our Ranges are three ply made up of two steel plates, between which is a sheet of genuine Asbestos Mill Board all strongly rivited together, making the most dur able Range possible to construct, and one that will retain the heat within the Range to be utilized for baking and cooking. Our Ranges are extra strong for we use more rivits than will be found in two ranges of other makes. All seams in back as well as in front, are rivited with steeple head rivits, set squarely to front of body can never pull through. When a flat head is used the steel has to be countersunk to receive the rivit. This operation reduces the tensile pulling strength about one-half, making the walls so weak that they will not stand the strain. . Two bottoms are installed, one to protect the floor, and the other to confine the heat to the oven flues. This construction makes the Range extremely rigid. The oven of Peninsular Steel Ranges is just what an oven should be, square arid roomy, and with our never break steel oven rack. You can bake on oven rack a'rid , oven bottonl at. same time, doubling your oven capacity without extra fuel. The dpor is' perfectly r balanced to open and shut easily and when open forms a broad o ven shelf wljich" every cook appreciates. Perfect oven ventilation is accom plished through our original oven ventilators. Fresh air is admitted at bottom of . tubular door- frame and is drawn into the oven' piping hot, and passes out through opening in back carrying with it all odors into stovepipe preventing soggy baking and burnt roasts, as air is always fine and dry. The oven botton is made of 10 gauge cold rolled steel riveted to body of range by steel flange every two inches and held in center by two heavy steel bolts. We absolutely guarantee it never to break or lose its shape. The oven top consists of three thicknesses, two plates of steel and reinforced by heavy cast plate wherever it comes in contact with the fire. Peninsular key plate top will out last any ordinary top, as key plates are interchangeable with each other making' their durabilty ever-lasting. The corners and centers are strongly braced and ribbed to prevent cracking. These parts are extra heavy and carefully fitted'with just sufficient allowance for expansion. The fire boxes are constructed in accordance with right prin ciples for burning hard or soft coal or wood. Grate is latest improved patented duplex grate and can be withdrawn complete through grate door without distrubing the linings or grate front. Ash pot is large and deep with ample room for free circula tion of air under grates. The beautiful Planished Steel high closet extends full length of body of Range, made in practically one piece, which keeps it so rigid it will never change its shape and will carry any weight. It has large capacity and is a neat convenience for keeping food and dishes warm. The rolling door operates easily and when open is entirely out of the way, The nickel work is all of Pen insular quality, triple electro plated shines like burnished silver and wears better and lasts longer. Call and examine them for yourselves at Wilcox Department Store. m FOR SALE. At the Experimental Sub-Station. Duroc-Jereey Boars at Tho Primadonna, Illustrated, is a new model, n combination of tho latest In French corsotry with tho graceful lines of tho Wade. It has tho snug, Blendor hip, long front and back and a brnssiero top, confining and sunporting tho bust, It Ib mado with or. without elastic ia scrtiona in front, no Insertions in back, and no lining. All stylesof VVado corsets. For Baloby Miss Hariet Beyerle. Over McCabe's Drug Store. Soma choico $15 each. Twenty- lvo houd of yearling steers and heifers; nearly all of thoso aro Aberdeen-Angus grades. Uromo grass soeu ot the crop of 1'JUa at 10 cents per pound. Khorson oats for seed at GO cents per bushel. Thero Is no more winter wheat for sale. V. P. Snyder, Supt. Five Hundred Dollars Buys the northeast quarter of section 10. Twp. 11, Range 31. No terms. Will mail deed to any bank desired. S. 13. Donuhue, P. O. Box 052, Seattle, Wash. Republicans Persian Cr earn For all roughness of the skin. Chilly weather causes chapped are not better pleased over hands, face and lips, but our tne result 01 ine election cicjjaiauuu tmcs mem mi- than are our patrons over mediately. Pleasantly per- he liUallty 01 Olir rfleatS Bring us your prescriptions. G,v ua Svtfu"11 ,ct 1,8 S c h i U e r & C o . , North Platte Meat Market Family Druggists. J,. U.STINGLEYt Pfp. , Finjt wtf rnvth t FirtN!) Bunk. The Next Best Thing When You Can't Get Guaranty of Bank Deposits. Invest your money in ono of the many good investment policies of tho Now York Life. Temple Real Estate & Insurance Aoency, Agents. FOR HIS BIRTHDAY or to give him any time to have on hand when male friends call, a box of fine cigars are always in order always ap preciated. If tho stamp and label on tho box bear the magic word "Forest King," thero will bono question as to tho pleasure airorded tho smoker, for thero U no better smoke extant than that obtained from the forest king cigar, J.F. SCIIMALZ1UED. We Are Making A Drive on several stylos Tof flno carriages which we have bem using tt3 samplen In our warerooms. If you can use one we will make it an object to purchase at once. Tho carriages are all right in both appearanco and make. But wo aro getting new samples and have not room for both. Henco this unusual carriage chance. A. M, Lock.