GODDO, THE HOLY MONKEY By HENRY AUSTIN 'I Kl I BjBB 1 1 .wv.v.v.v.w.v-v-v.v.YiVtVrtVtViViVtVtViVi i tV Vi Vi 1 1 1 1 i-l ) s W(3AB02V I AST of Plttaburg tlioy El look upon tlio man who I koos to Chicago as I brave. A woman via ltor Is bulled us a hor olno upon hor roturn. Tlioy regnrd Chicago na tlio frontier of tho United States, teeming with wild holdups, i;hnntly inurdorH, tho mncca fpr conlldoiico men and desperado gangs. Such Is not tho enso to-dny. Perhaps It waa a quarter of n century ago, hut tho prosont-dny Chlcngo la porhapa tho most carefully guarded city In tho country, Tho why and whoroforo of this Greatly Improved condition la 5,000 pollcomon-nthlotos. And tho ronaon for tho athletic forco Is tho civil aor vlco law with Uh phyBlcnl require inentfl, which tho mnn who would bo conio n "cop" muat oqtinl or oxcol to bocomo a fult-flodgod minion of tho law. Ho must havo n perfect cheat, heart, lungo hlB miMcloB muat bo strong, hla bonea well knitted, ho must bo nt lonat flvo feet eight lnchoa In holght, and not moro than six feet flvo lnchoa. Applicants In taking .physical toota muBt tip tho Bcnlea botweon ICO and 2B0 pounds. Obesity, mtiBculnr weakneaa and poor phyatquo . nro lnsurmountablo barriers to tho man with a craving for a place among tho "finest." Evory inusclo In tho body undorgoos n tost, which la inndo by tho ubo of machlnoa nnd weights. Tho Chlcngo pollcomnn muat bo nblo to carry himself well, ho must bo shifty on IiIb foot, quick to think nnd net. Ills oycB nnd warn muat bo perfect nnd hlu family troo muat bo absolutely dovold of horodltnry dlaonsca. In fact tho Chicago forco to-day Ib ono which do mnnds that u man ho n soldlor, nthjoto nnd min ion of tho law combined. During cortnln months each year oxnmlnntloiiB nro conducted nnd dur ing thu fiscal twolvomonth C.000 mon woro ox amlned. Of this number about one-half woro sue coBBful. First tho doctor looks over tho appli cants, then tho physical examiner takes tho mon in hand nnd puts them through tho most rigid toBts roqulrcd nnywhoro in tho world. Aftor that tho wrltton examination la given in which ench uppllcnnt'a education is brought to tho foro. Civil sorvico tests uro sovoro and absolutely honest. It la up to tho applicant himself to pass tho tcBta. You cannot bo appointed upon tho Chlcngo pollco forco by posieaBlng ncqunlnlanco .with a man "with n pull." So great has boon tho bucccbb of tho aystom Installed by President Hi ton Lower of tho civil sorvico commission and his nldea II. 1). Fnrgo nnd M. L. McKlnloy thnt to day ovory city of any bIzo In tho United States has its oyoB focuaod upon tho dotalla and moth odfl employed by tho Chlcngonna. Since President I.owor becnnio tho lending light in tho work of giving Chicago an olllclont pollco forco, great atrldcB havo boon taken by tho city toward making Hb cltlzona absolutely Bafo from criminals. Physical Exuminor Kdwnrd G, WeBtlnko Is in ft mcnBuro responsible for bringing out tho boBt bodily qualifications In tho men who uro turned over to him for inspection. Snya Examiner Wostlnko: "Stago fright during tho physlcnl examination Is ono of tho worst setbacks which tho testa meet. When a mnn becomes 'IliiBtorod,' knowing thnt u good Job depends upon hla ovory movement, it la qutto natural thnt tho bCBt ho known will not push Itsolf to tho Biufaco. Ilonco It la tho duty of thu examiner to allay tho fcura of tho applicant aa much na poBBlblo. "CoiiBcquontly 1 havo found thnt It holpa men to do tliolr beat by applying suggestions and occn Blonally allowing a mnn to lay off for a few mo menta until ho can compoBo hlmsolf. Whou tho period of embarrassment passoB, as It Invariably docs, tho bCBt that Ib In tho applicant la bound to como out. Tho men tnko tho toBts purely upon their own morlts and porhapa tho moBt Hovero of tho weight-lifting requirements Is that or lifting a 30-pound dumb-boll from a lying posturo, tho weight being hold back of tho applicant's head. This la to teat Btomnch muscles. It does not l . sorvico law tho Chlcngo pollco, flro and stationary engineers' depnrtments now liave a standing eligible list, tho num ber of names running up into tho hun dreds, Ilonco neither Chief of Pollco Shlppey nor Flro Marshal Horan nro ovor worried nbout securing good, stur dy men. Thoy nro nlways on hand ready to report for duty at a mo ment's notice. Scarcely a mouth passes but that new themes of work nro suggested to tho civil sorvico commission, tried out and either accopted or rejected. It was tho civil Bcrvlco body which gavo tho Impetus to tho movo for an ideal pollco forco and which eventually ro suited In tho formation of Chicago's famous "ber.uty Bquad" of coppers un der tho direction of MnJ. Iloudet, a soldier who has seen Bervlca In tho Cuban campaign In tho Spanl3h-Amorl-enn war. MnJ. Iloudet and his "beauty squad" bend tho list of Chicago pollcomon ideals nnd tho forco is proud of thorn. Tho benuty sqund pays moro attontlon to soldierly tactics than other sections seem dlfllcult to tho observer, but try It Just onco and you'll feel thnt passing tho physical test la fnr from easy." Mr. Wostlnko Is a nowspapor man on tho staff of tho Chicago Evening Post nnd hla 20 years In tho nowspapor .business, part of which was spent In knocking about In police districts ns u roportor, tnught him much regarding tho needs of tho de partment. Iloforo ho entered a nowspaper office, lio served as a railroad flroman. Tho constitu tion which that rigorous vocation gavo him, along with nn onvlablo muaculur development, lias stood him In good stead In demonstrating tho ubo of tho tests boforo admiring gatherings of would bo "cops." Firemen and stationary engineers aro also In cluded In tho civil sorvico physical testa and to day Chief Ilornn of tho flro department la work ing hard with tho civil aorvlco officials to havo tho standards raised bo that an even Bturdler forco mny bo secured to battlo with Chicago con flagrations. Following la a table, showing what Ib required In tho way of height and weight bo foro tho Btrength nnd nglllty testa aro given: Minimum Clr ferenco Minimum Mnxltnurn of Chest HrlBht. WnlKht Velnht .Quiescent. G foot K Inches 1B0 poundn 190 pounds 1 35 Incite R " 9 " IMS " 193 " 35V4 " G " 10 " ICO " 200 " 3(1 " C " U " 105 " 203 " 37 " C " " 170 " 215 " 37ft " (1 " 1 " 175 " 220 " 38 6 " 2 " ISO " .230 " 39 " U " 3 " 1S5 " 'KB " 40 " U " 4 " 190 " 240 " 41 ' 0 " 5 " 193 " 250 " 42 " Iloforo tho applicants fnco Physical Exnmlnor Wcstlnko, thoy aro scrutinized by phyBlcInns nnd recordB show that Cu per cent, nro rojoctcd. To show some of tho men's overcBtlmntlon of their quallllcatlons It la recorded that rocontly 1,500 lllcd applications In a bunch nnd of tbla number only 370 suoceeded In oniorglng unscathed rrom tho medtcnl, physical nnd montnl testa. Mr. Wostlako lays out n tublo of tosfs, showing tho llgurcB which Indicate meritorious porform ancca. Tho table: strtMixth Capacity of Iiiurs , 290 RtruiiKtli of baok , 215 Htrotmth at Iokh ...... 0(10 HtreiiKih of uppur arm (11. I'.) 10-10 HtivuKili of foro arm fit.' U) cs-irr I'oolorala ,, 82 Traction pull , , 57 Dumb bolls ,, no Abdominal muscles to Adductora w-, 100 Ladder , in,! Auinty ..14. ; !.!!!!..!!!!! . Im Condition OCxcellont, Clood. Poor) ....Iciood Successful applicants must bo nblo to oxpnnd their lungs nbout four tnches, oxhlblt strength of bnck, logs, uppor nnd lowor nrm. Then there Ib a tost of tho poctornl muaclos, n traction pull, tho lifting of dumb bells weighing CO and 70 pounda, testing of tho nbdomlnnl muacloa by tho lifting of n 30-pound weight behind tho head from a prostrate to n sitting poBturo. Following thoso teata como ropo nnd Inddor climbing, which, with tho nglllty oxnmluntlon com ploto tho phyalcnl work. Then tho appllcnn's condition la marked "oxcollont," "good," "poor." Ab n rosult of tho requirements of tho civil (Copyright, by Shortstory Pub. Co.) of tho forco nnd Is per haps some thing of an axporlmont In tho prop osition ot In trod u c 1 n g 111 A . . tics Tnto the ytaVWL 1UCLZ TfTS work of tho II nun nwiiiil pollcoinon. MnJ. Boudct's chargos perform a manual ol arms, which, If anything la moro complicated thar that which tho 80ldler Is compelled to learn. One of tho prottlost sights lmnglnnblo in tho series ol evolutions which thoso pollcemon enrry out. Thoro nro somo tax-paying Chlcagoans who scofl nt pretty evolutions, but thoy, MaJ. Houdot claims, nro not of tho fnr-Bcelng clnsB. Ho points out thnt tho drilling of policemen In this mnnnor tenches them to handlo themselves with graco and, onao and makes them nbler In tho duties thoy por form. Only recently tho beauty squad, about 100 strong, gavo militiamen of tho First, Illinois Infnntry, sta tioned at Chicago, n drill exhibition In tho big First Uoglmont nrmory. So perfect woro tho ovo lutlona that even tho soldiers wcro awed. Tho po licemen formed rovolvlng wedges, hollow Bquaros, flvo-polntcd stars, circles and other Ingenious for mations, tho perfection of which had tnken them months to accomplish. Tho sqund Is formed on tho order of n mllltnrj company. Thoro is MaJ. Iloudet nt tho hoad, 0 first and socond lloutonnnt nnd tho regulation numbor of sergeants nnd corporals. Qulnlng n plnco on tho Chlcngo pollco forco to day Is perhaps as dlfllcult n fent as tho avorago man of mlddlo ago would enro to uttompt, nnd for that reason tho dopnrtment Is composed of the beat physlquo3 thnt tho city can furnish. Tho same Is truo of tho flro department, tho efficiency of which Is evidenced by tho fact thnt during tho past fiscal your ovory conllngratlon In Chicago wns put under control boforo tho flro could spread to adjacent buildings. Tho medical tost, which firemen aa woll aa po llcomon undergo, follows: IS THE nrcSl'lUlNCl MUUMUR clear and distinct ovor both I.uhkh? Ib tho olmrncti'r of tho Ucsplrutlou Kull. Knsy and UtKUl?r? Aro I hero any Indications of DIpcmiro of the OrKima ot Iti'tiplrntlon or tliolr AnpomlaKOH? ,.1.4 18 THIS CUAUAt'TKlt of tho TU'iirt'B ncllon Uni form. Kri'o and Steady? Aro Its Hounds nnd Uhythtn UcKUlnr unit Normal? Aro thoro uny Imlicutlonti ot Dluuuao of this OrKun or of tlio Dlooil VcsselsV IS TIIK SIOUT Oood? Ik tho Mi-arlne Oood? IS THU APPLICANT MibJect to CoiibIi. Kxiioetora tion. OlltU'Ulty of HroathliiK. or I'alnltutlon? Alt 13 TIIK, FUNCTIONS of tho 11 rain and Nervous hi 1 Una tho Hriiln or Hnlnnl Cord ovor boon IUouboiI ?..... IF '11 IH A1TI,ICA.NT him had any sorious Illnosa or Injury, stnto .uxprossly what orfoot. If any. Is nor- i-opiiiuo 111 iiiu ueart. L.unKB, k min or tho Bkln, ya or other Kyoa, Kara, Abdoinliinl Oruana, 44IIIUO. L-IV...... 1 ,.,.... .......ii,, ItnH lltinltl-ILIlt ll(l(tl ttltnf.MMufllUi l'n.iilr.i,t.wl W-VAmV-vS1" ,lvl'W"0C "I SnrBlcnl Oporuiion'?.;." AUI5 KIUNUS nortnal? HAH TIIK Al'l'I.ICANT any prcdlsposlilon, cither hmcdltary or noiiulroil, to any constitutional dla- ...pf.. 118 VliyililBlH, Kurofula. lltipuiimtlam? 1IAU1TH uu of Stlmulanta and Tobwao It was noon In the Holy City on tho bank of tho Holy river noon in slum berous but swarming Ilenares. Tho hugo nnncondna lay In greasy nnd fetid folds In tho Tomplo of tho Divine Snakes. Tho hideous apes woro asleep near tho fnnes of tho Sacred Monkeys all but Qoddo, tho smallest of theso di vinities. Tho attendant priests, or vnlets, of these slminn and ophidian godllngs woro also wrapped In slumbar nnd llttlo else lying In curloitBly animal attitudes olther within or Just outsldo tho cages of tho temploa. Tho most somnolent of sllcnco prevailed, except for tho occnslonnl chattor ot Goddo's teeth for Goddo was 111. Thero camo along through tho tem ple yard two Urltlsh officers In un dress uniform, handsomo, stalwart men, woll burned by tho Indian sun and many n brnndy-and-sodn. Thoy wero cursing tho heat, tho natives, tho snakes nnd tho suporsltlons of tho country, nnd ono had Just been con gratulating tho other on a coming leave of nbsenco. "Yes, Tom; I shnll snll from Dom bay in a fortnight, and n couplo of months lntor shall bco tho dear old homo. I'vo boon wondering what sort of a prosont to tnko nlong for tho cub." "Why not tnko him n holy mon key?" laughingly Inquired tho other, pointing to tho cago they wero about to pass. "Not n bad Idea," exclaimed MaJ. Majorlbanks, halting. "I could hnvo fun with him on hoard ship, too. Pas sengers Hko to seo tho antics of a monkey In tho rigging. Fancy I could buy ono tolerably tame not given to biting?" "Why, yes; theso chaps aro tamo enough; thoy'ro quite used to their worshlpors. Get tho kid a monkey god ho'd bo qulto a treasure." "Lct'B try It. You speak Hlndostanl fairly woll. Just seo If ono of theso priests will sell his god for a reason able sum. I wouldn't mind going 20 rupees." Thus adjured, Tom walked up to Goddo's cngo, and finding a priest near by, curled up comfortably, kicked tho sleeper's foot. Tho Hindu slowly opened his eyes nnd stared sleepily. In bad but fluent Hlndostanl the Eng lishman explained. Tho attendant nroso, looked at both men penetrating ly, as If to rend their characters, and then glanced rapidly about tho temple and tho courtyard. No other waking priest was visible. Hero was a chance to mako a small fortune, and then, perhaps, eBcnpo to somo other part of India, where ho could havo a wife and a homo. Besides, ho was not a full Hedged priest only a neophyte. Tho crime would not bo so great. Moro over, tho chances wcro that tho god would cscapo from his now custodian and return to tho temple. If ques tioned too closely, ho could say that tho Infidel English took Goddo by forco. No ono would witness tho trans fer of monoy. Having thought all this out as rapidly as tho working of tho oriental Intellect would permit, the Hindu spoko, with tho slow graco of gesture peculiar to tho cast: "I will sell llttlo Goddo to tho groat soldlor on four conditions: First, that tho great soldier will never bo cruel to Goddo, or permit others of tho Eng llah raco to do harm or offer offonso to him. Second, that tho great soldlor will nover toll any ono that ho bought him from mo, slnco my llfo would be tho forfeit. Third, that in caso Goddo should escape and return hither the sahib shall tnko no stops to rotnko him. Fourth, that my lord shall pay mo horo In hand for my god tho sum of 30 plocos of silver that Is to say, , 30 rupees." I Tom, who Interpreted? fancied that 1 a covert gleam quivered a second un der tho long dark lashes of tho brown j Hindu oye, but tho silver wns pnld ovor, nnd It took nearly all In both of ficers' pockets. Tho priest quickly 1 tied n strong cord to tho monkey's brass collar, and tho mnjor departed with hlB prlzo. At tholr quartors God do was turned over to a Bcrvant, after Mnj. MnJorlbnnkB had admlnlsterod to him a good doso of brnndy and qul nlno, nt tho suggestion ot nn army sur geon, who had Immediately diagnosed tho nnlmal's distress as a touch of fever and chills, l When tho major took his monkey on board tho ship Rumchunder, bound j for London, via tho Cnpo, Goddo's health was ontlroly restored. His an tics cortnlnly did amuse tho passen gers. Ono lndy declared him to bo "a perfect llttlo love," nnd tho major grow proud of his possession, nnd took pains to inform everybody that Goddo was no common animal, but ono in the odor of sanctity, and, with tho rever ence duo to oxalted station, Goddo was not teased, but petted, and, in fact, given tho freedom of tho ship. All wont woll for n month, and thon tho monkey, having learned tho ropea and pretty much everything olso about tho ship dovoloped a disposi tion moro diabolic than holy, On both sailors and passengers ho plnyel an endless variety of prauks, from steal ing any llttlo artlclo ho could lay piw upon to slitting garments Into rlbboiB with a pair ot pilfered scissors. Noth Ing wns snfo from his predatory ln Btlnct. Llko tho sou' of a trust In-' camate, ho solzod everything In slght.1 Ono day it was tho dashing Widow Mnltland's enso of cosmetics and toilet mirror. With this, In the presenco of her rival admirers, Goddo proceeded to) paint nnd powder, with a series of coquettish grimaces at tho mirror that sent tho captuln of tho Rumchunder and MaJ. Majorlbanks Into fits of laughter. Tho captain did not laugh, however, when Goddo ran up Into tho crosstrces with hla handsomo watch and chain, and sat thero dangling It out over tho waves. A sailor got tho watch, to bo sure, but got It first In tho shapo of a buffet on tho head that ruined tho works. From tho hour tho shining watch was taken from him, Goddo's temper seemed to chango, and from being playful nnd merry his mischief beenmo malicious. Ono moonlight night, when young Mnltby and tho widow had tho after deck all to thorn solves, and Mnltby was Just at tho most Interesting point of a story most Interesting to widows, Goddo crept up ns nn arm stolo nround tho buxom waist and almost transfixed tho cont slcovo with n long pin which ho ran Into tho back of Mrs. Maitland. Tho lady leaped, shrieked and fainted, the doc tor wns called and Goddo skipped away grinning. Tho captain ordorcd tho monkey put In Irons, llko nny ordinary malefactor, nnd thti sntlor who finally caught htm in tho rigging swore ho would never tnko such a biting nnd scratching ngaln. MnJ. Majorlbanks, now tho most unpopular porson on board, stood up for Goddo with. fine- English ob stinacy, and roinnrkod prophotlcnlly that no good would como from tying up a monkey of rank, who when freed, would rcvongo hlmsolf. It did seem, especially to tho sail ors, moro than a coincidence that no sooner did tho prisoner begin to plno, nnd refuso food than tho weather,, which up to this tlmo had been ex tremely lino, began to bo very rough., In tho next few days tho Rumchunder, hnd several narrow escapes from go ing to thd bottom, lost a topmast anil several sails, and scared about every body on board but tho captain, Maj. Majorlbanks, who was unacquainted with fear, nnd Goddo, who from his place of duranco In tho "brig" could not seo tho storm. Sailors nro nothing If not suporstl tious, and as tho heavy weather con tinued, ono of them, who hnd hoard a rumor thnt tho monkey was a Hindu' god, slyly released him, telling his shipmates to wntch tho result. As a mattor of fact, asldo from any specula tion as to tho cause, Goddo's liberation was Immediately followed by a sub sidonco of tho tempost. Tho clouds cleared awny and tho sun smiled again. Tho astuto sailor bragged so much of his wlBdom thnt It. was soon bruited nbout tho ship that Goddo had I stilled tho storm. Tho captain swort at tho sailors' superstition and talked of putting both tho monkey nnd tho1 man who had freed him back Into Irons, but MaJ. Majorlbanks grimly 1 romnrked that It was equally foolish to expect Provldonco to regard with favor a ship where n poor monkey was ' Ironed llko a common criminal fori merely following tho bent of his na ture. Still, tho fact thnt tho release of Goddo and tho end of tho frightful storm wero simultaneous did mako an Impression on eomo of tho paasongors, who began to regard tho monkoy as something uncanny. That la why, Instead of becoming tho pot of n llttlo English boy, Goddo found a spaclovtB and poncoful cago In n renowned zoological garden, labeled: "Goddo, the Holy Monkoy." BY WAY OF EXPERIMENT. Bumptious- Clerk Was to Consider Himself Dead for a Time. Not long ago thero was a certain salesman In a dry-goods shop of an Ohio city who wns habitually observ ing to his fellow clerks that tho con corn would find It rather dlfllcult to get along without him. Thoso remarks coming to tho ear of tho senior part ner of tho firm, ho decided to Inter view IiIb clork concerning thorn. "Mr. Spotts," said tho partnor, with a grim smile, "nlthough you hnvo not provod to bo our most offlclent clerk, yet wo havo appreciated such sorvico as you havo condescended to render us during tho Intervnls when you wore not expatiating on your own merits. Now wo havo lately heard it said that If you woro to dio tho business would hnvo somo troublo In surviving the loss. This has worried us a good deal, for you, llko nil of us, aro liable to drop off at nny moment. "For this renson, therefore, wo have concluded, for our pence of mind, tc experiment while all ot us aro In good health, In order that wo may nscertnlc whether tho Arm enn benr up undei your loss. You will accordingly con slder yourself dead for tho period oi ono month, nnd wo will try to set whether wo enn got nlong without yoi for that length of tlmo." Hnrpor't Weekly.