TWENTY-FOURTH YEAJl. NORTH PLATTE, NEBltASKA, OCTOHElfrtOOB. NO. 79 NEWS OF TOWN AND COUNTY. A half dozen automobiles loaded with Bryan admirers and others, leave this afternoon for Brady to attend demo cratic rally. Tho Lutheran aid meeting enter tained yesterday by Mrs. David Min- Bhall was lnrgoly attended. Tho soci ety will moot next week with Mrs. IVillard Hansen. Tho light colored pressed brick for tho superstructure of tho Presbyterian church are now being laid. These con trasted with the dark red brick used in tho basement wall makes n pretty showing. Ladies' skirts from $1.98 to $20.00. Wilcox Departmrnt Store. Tho ladies' missionary auxiliary of tho Episcopal church will hold a mis sionary tea at the Gilman residence on Thursday afternoon of next week. Tho ladica will be pleased to have tho public attend. Merchants Small and Richards mo nopolize a considerable portion of to day's Tribune with double page ads. Both theso gentlemen realize tho valuo of printer's ink in acquainting tho pub lic with tho bargains they have to offer. These advertisements arc worthy of careful perusal by our readers who are looking for bargains. That chair Lot me fix it. P. M. Sorenson. Tho Slayton Jubilee Singers, the first number of the high school entertain ment course, will appear at Tho Keith next Monday evening. These colored singers visited North Platto in the past nnd our people will remember them as vocalists of ability. The company con sists of a splendid mixed quartet, a fine male quartet and four soloists of un usual ability. Chas. E. Mcintosh, of Council BlufTs, chairman of the general committee of adjustment of tho Order of Railway Conductors, Union Pacific system, spent yesterday in town meeting local conductors and inquiring into the general conditons of matters at this terminal. Mr. Mcintosh, who has held the position for only a couple of months, created a favorable impression with the employes he met. Ladies' Coats from $5.00 to $40.00 each at Wilcox Department Store. Nightly rehearsals for the Elks min strels are now being held and they are progressing finely. The work is far enough along to predict that the afTnir will bo second to none ever given on the local stage. The solos and quartettes for the first part havo been assigned to young men of well known ability as vocalists, and tho choruses will be strong and well balanced. The local hits which the end men will get off are such as will create much merriment. C. H. Walters, of Wallace, who is the republican candidato for county commissioner, is a well known business man of that town, having been iden tified with tho commercial interests of Wallace for a number of yeurs. Ho has been successful in business, which can be taken as a guarantee that he is a business man, and men of his calibre are needed to fill tho position of com missioner, for unquestionably there is no more important office in the county. Tho county commissioners mako all contracts, approve and allow all bills; in fact on their business ubility depends to a great extent the matter of low or high taxation, and it is thereforo im portant that men of recognized ability be selected for that position. The men who havo known Mr. Walters the long est are the ones who most strongly commend him for the office for which he is a candidato. Persian ...Cream For all roughness of the skin. Chilly weather causes chapped hands, face and lips, but our ereparation cures them im mediately. Pleasantly per fumed. Fifteen cents a bottle. Bring us your prescriptions. Schiller & Co., Family Druggists. First door north of First Nat'l Bank. Notice to Hunters and Others. All porsons afo whrnbd against hunt ing or tresprassintr on tho lands of the undershrnod in Hall nreclnct. Violators will be prosecuted to tho full extent of tho law. Oscar Stiles, C. P. Campbell, A. Gutherles3, Fred Malono, Pnnnnr. W. II. Tlnth. Yfm, Avhvrtmm, M. & Btttas. MartMcCullough, of Elsie, transacted business in town a day or two this week. Contractor Wells, who built tho W. E. Shuman residence, returned to his homo in Lexington today. Hear tho Slnvton .Tnliilon Klncern nfc ------ 1 -o A"o Keith Monday evening and return home satisfied. ' Cyrus Fox, tho Garfield farmer and stockman, is in town today. "Every thing is lovely in our section," says Mr. Fox. Those jokos which the Elks' minstrel end men will get off on some of our sedate citizens will alono bo worth tho price of admission. Brakeman Jim Weeks is off duty by reason of a "pinch" ho received at Julcsburg last Tuesday, in which his back and sido was bruised. Peninsular stoves and ranges, tho best constructed lines made, at Wilcox Department Store. Tho production at Elks' Ministrol Show Nov. Gth Is repleto with extrav aganzas. Bright sayings never before put on any stage. It's ono laugh from end to end. Don't miss it. The benefit of the ladies auxiliary to tho B. of R. T. at tho opora house last ovening was very largely attended, and tho audience felt well satisfied with the excellent program rendered. Tho W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. Stebbins, Tuesday, Nov. 3d, at 3 o'clock. All friends interested in our union como and hoar from our president about the national convention. Secretary. Weather forecast: Partly cloudy to night and Saturday, raising temper ature Saturday. Highest tomperaturo yesterday 53; ono year ago 70. Lowest temperature this morning 32; one year ago 31. Upon her return home laBt night Miss Tillio Blankenburg found awaiting her a telegram offering her a position as stenographer in tho forest reserve department of tho government. Sho is given the choice of three sta tions Portland, Missoula, and Albu querque. She has not yet fully decided whether she will accept. W. L. Ross, of Myrtle, spent a day or two in town this week. Mr. Ross is ono of the .many Lincoln county farmers who havo been very success ful in late years, and while formerly a howling democrat, ho is aTaft boostor this year. "I dont believe in swapping horses in the middle of a stream", says Mr. Ross. "I am doing well, and want to continue doing so". The end men of tho Elk's minstrels are Messrs. J. H. Stone, Frank McGov orn, Louis Tobin, Albert Schatz, Guy Robinson and Perry Carson. That they will make a strong team is ovidenccd by tho smoothness with which thoy did their work at the rehearsal last night. Tho boys are certainly "up nnd coming" every minute of tho time. Mr. Nunn will act as Interlocutor. Democrats aro not so sanguine of carrying Nebraska as they were ton days or two weeks ago. Then they claimed at least 16,000 plurality for the Bryan electors; now that they have dropped down to 3,000. The fact is there has been a wonderful change in sentiment during that time, the drift being toward Taft. Quito a change is noticeablo heroin North Platte In speaking of "Under Southern Skies", which was presented in Grand Island Wednesday night, tho Indepen dent Bays: The play and the company are excellent and deserving of the best support from tho amusement-loving people. To begin to describe the artis tic work done in tho individual roles would be to occupy a column if justice were to bo done to all. At Tom Green's billiard hall quite a number of bets havo been posted during the past week, ono man offering to take ono thousand dollars on Taft No takors for this amount havo yet appeared, but wo understand some of the smaller betters aro trying to raise a pool to cover the amount. Quite a number of bets of different kinds and combins ranging from ten to ono hun dred dollars havo been placed. Tho stovo season is now on. If you intend to buy u Btove of any description or kind it will pay you to como in and seo us. We have tho most complete line of stoves in tho city. Workman & Derryberry. John Sarp Williams, tho democratic leader,, refuses to got excitod "Well", ho says, "from all I can seo and from all I can hear there is going to bo a democratic tidal wave, But I have seen so many of these democratic tidal waves sweep the republican party in that I am getting suspicious of them." That reminds the Springfield Republi can of A. G. Thurman's remark aftnr tho democruts had been beaten in an election that thoy were certian thoy hull on Ww ttvnr vrutch. nau won: "ino republicans r simply fch.ll tin fcfod buMI MfcptftVtt " ocieiy. Readers having Items fof this column will pleaso call phono all J. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. R. Goodman enter talned tho Indoor Picnic Club Wednes day evening. Tho usual jolly tlmo was had by those. present. Tho membors of tho board of educa tion and Mr. and Mrs. James Waro will be hosts and hostesses at a rccop tion to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Noville up on tho return of tho latter to this city, Tho Indian Card Club was pleasantly entornlncd Wednesday afternoon by Miss Kato Seyferth. She was assisted by Mrs. Weir, Miss Hartman and Miss Clinton. Tho prize was awarded to Mrs. Ilcaly. Mrs. P. M. Sorenson was hostess to tho Mothor's Club Wednesday nfter- noon, which sho entertained in a delight ful manner. Mrs. Erhard, n talented musician, favored tho guest with several instrumental selections. A dainty lunch was served at the closo of the after noon. Tho Tuesday evoning session of tho 500 Club at tho Grimes' rosidonco proved a very enjoyablo ono, about thirty membors being present. In entertaining, Mrs. Grimes was assisted by Mrs. F. W. Rlncker. The club will bo entertained November 10th by Mrs. E. F. Seeberger, assisted by Mrs. W. J. Stuart. On tho occasion of tho thirty-third anniversary of thoir marriage, Mr. nnd Mrs. Alex Fcnwick wore the recipients of n surpriso party last evening in which a score or moro friends nnd neighbors participated. Tho evening was pleasantly spent at card games, followed with refreshments. The In vaders presented Mr. nnd Mrs, Fcn wick with a handsomo cut glass berry dish. The ladies of tho Club Nedofic enter tained their husbands Wednesday even ing at a Hallowe'en party nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Schatz. Tho house was prettily decorated In yellow, red nnd black and tho entertainment for the evenlrigjCpjiBisted of a series of con tests and old fashioned gnmes. In the advertising contest the first prizo was won by Mrs. Will Hoover and tho booby prize by Mrs. A. Coates. In tho black cat contest tho first prizo was won by Mrs. Morrow and tho booby by Mr. Lewis while in tho vegetable contest the first prize was won by Mrs. Morrow and tho booby by Mrs. Wood White. At twelve o'clock a dainty two course lunch was served. Tho place cards were' hand painted witches nnd black cats. All present report a very good time. Mrs. W. S. Dolson went to Omaha last night to havo hor eyes treated. She will return homo Sunday. Secured at great oxponse Prof. Eberhardh Rush In that side-splitting one-minute act entitled "Who Trod In tho Salad." At tho Elks' minstrel show Nov. 5th. John A. Dolson, father of W. S. Dolson, of this city, who was mnrried at Kearney yesterday, came to town last evening and this morning went to Oshkosh whero thoy will reside on n homestead. Mr. Dolson is eighty-one years of ago and his brido is sixty-six. Had a Close Call. Mrs. Ada L. Croom. tho well known proprietor of the Croom Hotc!l, Vuughn, Miss., says: "For several months I suf fered with a severe cough, and con sumption seemed to have Its grip on me, when a friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery. I began taking it, und three bottles affected a complete euro." The fnmo of this lifo saving cough und cold remedy, and lung and throat healer is world wide, bold nt btono s drug store. 50 cents nnd $1.00. Trial bottle free. Your inspection is respect fully requested of our fall showing of feminine Shoes, The dandiest, most exquis ite and becoming of lasts and leathers the latest of exclu sive Metropolitan styles combined with the best of workmanship will find in our fall display, A trial solicited. I GRAHAM & CO. ABOUT PEOPLE. Mrs. John Shaffer, nco Laura Dtig gnn, of Casper, Wyo., Is a guest at tho Wm. Mnlonoy residence. Miss Delia Althcns, of Omaha, is tho guest of Miss Emma Braugh at tho ranch north of tho river. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L. Richards aro enjoying a visit from Mr. Richards' mother, whoso homo is at Odessa. Bob Clancy, who is nn nttacho of tho legal department of tho Union Pacific, is transacting business in town today. County Clerk Elliott, A. P. Kelly and Mr. Rcdfleld, of Omaha, left this morn ing for n duck hunt on tho lakes north of Sutherland. C. A. Diamond, of Lincoln, is in town todny selling goods to our merchants and visiting old-timo friends. Mr. Dia mond predicts that Brynn will carry Nebraska by from threo to five thousand. O. II. Thoclecko roturncd yesterday from a week's trip to, Iowa nnd Mis souri, whero ho closed sovcral Balos for Lincoln county land. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. DoFord nnd daugh ter loft this morning for Ot'tumwa, Iowa, whore thoy will mnko their future homo. Tho family enmo to Lincoln county over twenty years ago nnd located in Wnllaco precinct, moving later to this city. Misses Tillio and .Tcsslo Blnnkenburg returned lust night from thoir soven weeks' visit at Pacific coiiBt points. While absent they woro in Port'nnd, Oakland and Los Angeles. . Thoy say their trip was ono of unalloyed pleasure. Mrs. Millard Hosier returned this morning from Columbus, Ohio, where sho went several weeks ago to attend tho convention of tho ladies' auxiliary of the B. of L. F. nnd E. Following tho convontion Mrs. Hosier visited friends nt points in Ohio nnd Illinois. Sbe hud n very plensant visit. Will Jcffers Promoted. Word has reached here, that Will Jeffera, at ono tlmo chief dispatcher nt this terminal nnd of lata trainmnstcr at Green River, will bo appointed as sistant superintendent of tho Utah division, assuming; tho duties of that position nokt Siinduy. Mr. Jcffers friends in this city will be plensed to cam of his promotion, as he is a North Platte boy who has "madogood" In every position ho has filled In his up ward climb, for ho startod his railroad career as messenger boy to Genl. Supt W. L. Park when tho lnttor wob stationed in North Patto as assistant superintendent. Many Cement Blocks. Somo idea of tho extent to which ce ment blocks aro used In construction work in North Platto and the cuuntry tributary can bo gnincd from tho state ment of Contractor Whito who soya ho litis manufactured 40,000 of theso blocks tho present senson. In nddltlon thcro aro several others who mako tho blocks, and a consorvntivo estimato of the totnl number mado in this city this season is 75,000, which would fill tho samo space as 1,500,000 bricks. COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS. October 2G, 1908. Board of county commissioners mot pursuant to call of county clork, pres ent full board and connty clork. Iho following claims were allowed: A. P. Kelly, printing $415,50. Sundry persons measuring fill on Road Dist. No. 30, $12.00. Sundry porsons measuring fill on Road Dist. No. 4, $13.00. P. G. Moycr, office expenses $2.05. Lester Wnlker salary as poorrnas tor $50.00. Adjourned until tomorrow. October 27, 1908. Board met snmo ns yesterday, full board and county clerk present. Tho board spont tho fore part of tho day at Brady viewing roada and" bridges. A petition filed with tho board re quested by II. Cover and other free holders of Brady precinct praying that tho board take some action in tho pro tection of certain real oatato in Brady precinct south nnd west of tho town of Brady; tho board a 'tor viowlng the aforesaid real estate finds that tho samo is necessary. It is rosolved by tho board that It should havo sovorul facines plnced along thd banks of tho channel and to open tho channel between tho tow heads and main land; wo thereforo appoint J. R. Ritncr to build tho fa cines und placo thorn in tho chunnol for tho protection of our roads and bridges and certain real estate, J. G. Beolor presented application to tho board for Chris Paulson and W. G. Applcgato, guardian of the estate" of Melissa Lindsay, an incompetent, for nn upproval to have liconso issued to sell certain real estate belonging to said incompetont. Tho board grants Buid petition. AUIournud until tomorrow. Concerning Tabor Acreage Tracts To tho Public: Somo peoplo do not understand clcnr- ly concerning tho snlo of tho property belonging to Roy B. Tabor, Trustee. Somo hnvo tho idea that n speculative concern is handling this property for tho sake of largo profit. This is not truo. Every aero of this lnnd is being sold nt a forced snlo. Tho Trusteo was appointed by tho United States District Court nnd wns ordered to soil this prop erty ns fast as possible. Tho proceeds aro used and will bo used to pay off tho debts of Georgo W. Stewart who went into bankruptcy and nt tho tlmo of his bankruptcy owned theso lauds. Tho prices nt which this land is bo Ing offered to tho public nro much lower than ovor provallod with similar prop erty at North Platto. If you doubt this mako inquiry ns to tho prices ob tained for ncreago tracts elsewhere, wnicn contain no bettor boii nnd are loented whero ono will havo to cross tho Union Pacific or tho B. & M. R. R., when tho snmo is constructed. A number of vory splendid bargains havo bom mado by buyors nnd nftor wards n 'argo number of peoplo havo said that If thoy know this proporty or tho piece of lnnd, wns going to bo sold for tho prlco which was secured, thoy would glndly havo bought it. Such was said of tho snlo of tho Barton house to W. M. Cunnlnghnm and tho samo of tho 400 acres of hay land to Henry Wnltemath. ThoTrustoo has n numbor of bargains just ns good, and tho un dersigned will bo vory glad to show tho land and mako pricos upon tho remain ing tracts belonging to the Trusteo, bo causo tho tlmo is hero when this land must all bo closed out and a final accounting mndo to tho District Court of tho United States. Very truly, Wm. E. Shuman. Wnlkover shoes for men nt Wilcox Department Store. The Olds' Finally Locate. The Turlock (Cal.) Journal of Oc tober 23d, contained this item rclativo to former well known residents of North Platto: Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Olds and Miss Ella Dillon moved somo timo ego from North Platto, Nebraska, to Paonia, Colorado, whoro thoy ro sided ono year; from there thoy wont to Los Angolos, stopping thero soven months, then n jump to Ashland Ore gon for n year's rosidonco, and finally to tho Modest-Turlock Irrigation Dis tricts, Hero thoy hnvo decided to stay. Mr. Olds has purchased a fruit nnd dairy ranch situated botween Ceres and Hughson, which suits tho family in ovory wny. Tho beautiful homo has boon named Ivywild. This plnco is woll improved with buildings, tank house, windmill nnd fruits such ns figs, grapes pcachos, apricots, berrios, etc. Thoy will movo to their now homo at onco. For Sale. Forty-flvo head good Shorthorn cows. 20 head Aberdeen Angus yearling hoifers. Ono load good throe year old stcors, dehorned. If you havo something to soli, ooo mo or write. W. II. Turpie North Platto, Nob. Where Bullets Flew. David Parker, of Favctto. N. Y.. n veteran of tho civil war, who lost n foot at Gettysburg, says: "Tho good Electric Bitters havo dono is worth moro than five hundred dollars to mo. I spent much money doctoring for a bad ca8o of stomach troublo, to little purposo. l then tried Electric Bitters. and thoy cured mo. I now tako them as a tonic, and they keep mo strong and woll." 50 cents at Stono's drug siorc. After Filling the Grate you can Bottle down to un evening of solid comfort if you havo provided plenty of ForcBt King clgarB. With every puff your contentment will In crease. With every smell of their fragrant aroma tho world will seem brighter. Ono ForeBt King .cigar is a troublo chasor. Two aro ndrenm of delight. And tho prico is only C cents eacn. J.F. SCIIMALZRIEDt W.I f I Lutheran Church. Beginning next year tho pastor en ters upon his ninth yenr of scrvico in this church. Tho hour of (ovening wor ship will bo chnngod to 7:30 o'clock. Tho Sunday school orchestra will havo an additional member this week. Tho Luther Lenguo mooting last Sunday wns n good one. If you havo no other church prefer ence you nro invited to worship with us. John F. Skhiert, Pastor. Vtr T?nnf A ftvn nuim knnon uitfti barn. Two blockB from high school. Inqulro 40C Enst 3rd. street. DR. C. D. STANARD, DENTIST. Ofilco 5051 Dowey. Hinman Block. utneo hours: h:;ui to i2:uo m, 1:30 to 5:00 p. m. Brighten Up I am the People's Candidate. My platform is "Brighten Up Fin ishes." My slogan is brighter, cheer ier, cleaner homes for everybody, and am running in every constituency in the United States. "Brighten Up Finishes" contain a paint and varnish specialty for every thing about the house chairs, tables, rodiators, baths that arc dingy, floors that are worn, etc I expect to be elected bedausc my platform appeals to everyone- Brighter Homes for Everybody." "THE LITTLE PAINT MAN." If there is anything in your house that needs "brightening up" come and get the finest made particularly for that purpose. Ask for "Brighten Up inishes." McDonell & Graves. LADIES' COAT 851 Snappy and Dressy Coat. Made in broadcloth In rich shndo of reon and comfortably interlined nnd nod throughout with sutin. It is cut In tho moderately fitted modo which is still favored by many. A trimming of self tone braid extends over tho shoul der nnd down tho back. Tho trimming l. .. t L 1 f . I , .1 " uuiiuua uru cuvurcu wuu ciom, DUt metal buttons of new design aro used to fasten the garment. Tho turnover collar is mado vory striking by tho In set of black and white striped velvet, braid and button trimming. PRICE $30.00. Wilcox Department Store