The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 27, 1908, Image 6

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IRA L. DARE, Publisher
General, Political, Religious, 8portlng,
Foreign and Other Events Re
corded Here and There.
Gov. Haskell of Oklahoma lins nucrt
W II. Hoarst for $600,000 damagos
for charges made In political speeches.
Sorvlco was secured as ho was pass
ing through Omaha.
National Chairman Mack declared
that ho was recolvlng reports from
various pnrts of the South that agents
of tho government woro traveling
through tho Southern "tnton and col
lecting a campaign fund for tho Repub
lican party from tho federal office
holders. Tho campaign fund of tho Demo
cratic national conimlttco and tho
names of all contributions of $100 or
over haH been mndo public by Trons
uror Horman Rlddor In Now York.
Secretary Wilson, nftor visiting
Kansas, declares tho stato Is safe for
By a recent order a lnrgo number of
govornmont positions nro placed un
der civil sorvlco.
Judgo Taft dcdaroB that tho labor
voto will bo dcHvorcd on tho usual
party linos this year,
Mr. Bryan mado twenty two
speeches In Nobrnska In ono day.
Daniel J. Koofo has mndo a further
denial of tho chnrgo that ho was of
fered an olllco by tho president In ox
chango for his support of Judgo Taft.
Tho political ball will roll at high
opood from now until election day.
Mr. Bryan gave throo dnys to
speech-making In Nebraska.
Mr. Bryan had largo audlonccs nt
Denver ntid Omaha, In both of which
cities ho mado npeoches.
Contractor Brothcru, who brought
charges against Colonel Goothals, was
accused by tho Panama cannl ongl
ncor of offering him a commission of
10 per cont to uso his Inlluonco to got
n certain orano dovlco accoptod.
Prestdont RoobovcH In a letter ro
viewing labor Ibsuoh of tho campaign
Bays tho effort to show that organ
ized labor has Interests hostllo to tho
wnssos of tho pooplo will fall.
Registration for Tripp county land
drawings reached about 1C0.00O.
Tho Bulgarian cabinet has formally
rejected proposal of tho powers for
payment of Indemnity to Turkey.
Governor llnskoll of Oklahoma sues
Editor Hoarst n Douglas county dis
trict court for $000,000 for alleged libel
and deputy sheriff breaks down door
of editor's stntoroom to got porsonal
Tho Northwcstorn handled 3,328
passengers from Lincoln to Tripp
county land registration points.
It wns announced that James S.
Kennedy, tho Now York bnnkor, haB
given ono million dollars to tho
Presbyterian hospital of that city, of
which ho Is president. Tho monoy 1b
to bo tisod In tho construction of
buildings. Other gifts mado by Mr.
Konnedy and provIotiBly nnnouueed
nro $500,000 to Columbia university;
$600,000 building for tho united char
ities, and $2G0,O00 to tho school of
Tho International copyright con
forenco was opened In Borlln. Dr.
Studt, former Prussian minister of In
struction, was elected president nnd
Jules Caumbon, tho Prouch ambassa
dor, vice-president.
Half tho business portion of Bonner
Springs, Kas., a watorlng rosort,
twenty miles west of Kansas. City,
was destroyod by flro oarly In tho
morning, causing u loss estimated at
In nu address at tho Nebraska uni
versity William J. Bryan attacked tho
arguments of Oovornor Hughes of Now
York In dofenao or tho republican plat
form, dwolt on tho ditferenco In tho
two platforms relating to publicity of
campaigns and discussed tho pro
priety of Presldout Hooaovolt support
ing Mr. Taft.
Govomor Johnson of Mlnnosotn pro
Hcuted tho Minnesota conferonco of
tho Swedish Luthuran church a chock
for $12, COO, in nld of tho ondowmont
of Gustavus Adolphus collogo at SL
William Jonofl, who nttomptod to
a ven go tho death of President Gar
field by shooting at his assassin, Gul
teau, killed John A. McPhorson. n dis
charged moinbor of tho marlno corps
In Washington,
Chicago polico uay Mm. Pratt la
tho woman In tho Tuckor caso and
this Is admitted by Mr. Tuckor's Bis
ter. A rollof train sent to tho town of
Motz, near Alponn, Mich., was caught
in forest fires and flfteon persona
woro burned to death,
Tho eastern railroads huvo Issued an
ordor placing tho now bills of lading
in effect Novombor 1.
Tho democratic press bureau In Chi
cago mnllod two van loads of rcpubll-
can campaign arguments which had
been delivered through mistake bo
foro the error was discovered.
Powors of Europe aro striving to
prevent war, but tho Servians nro In
a hostile mood and dcslro to contest
with Austria.
Tho Lincoln paper mills, situated
south of tho city, wcro destroyed by
Arc, tho causo of tho blazo unknown,
and tho loss $50,000.
Growth of Cathollo parishes in Nc
brnska Is so rapid that assistant
priests nro domanded In many
Dr. alias. Franklin Rand, tho first
volunteer to enlist In tho union army
after President Lincoln's call for
troops, and tho first soldier to rccolvo
from congress a tnednl of honor for
bravory on tho field died In Washing
ton. William McKonblo, a farmer 84
yoars old, died at his homo In Wynn
dotto county, Kansas. McKlnzlo's fa
vorite pastlmo was making ennoa, nnd
ovory United 8tntos prosldont, from
Gonarnl Grant's administration to tho
present, has received n cano carved
by him nnd has acknowledged It by nn
autograph letter.
Colonel Tuckor was nrostod at De
catur, III., on a chnrgo of deserting his
wlfo and family.
Tho balloon Conquorer, which was
wrecked In tho International raco at
Berlin, was built by Loo Stovona nnd
William F and Henry Whltohouso of
Now York.
Approximately 12,000 deaths from
cholera In tho Phlllpplno Inlands slnco
Jnnunry 1 of this yoar aro announced
In n detailed roport mado to tho pub
lic health sorvlco by Chief Quarantluo
Offlcor McCllntoc at Mnnlln.
Colonel William F. Stowart, who has
been In "cxllo" nt tho ungarrtsoned
pont at Fort Grant, Ariz,, hns boon ro
tired from tho nctlvo sorvlco.
Flro of unknown origin was discov
ered In tho loft of tho Whlto house
stables. But for tho prompt work of
tho stablo keeper and his assistant
tho building, In which aro housed sov
oral of tlio president's thoroughbreds,
would have hcou dostroyod.
Comptroller of tho Curroncy Mur
ray has decided to lncrenso tho num
ber of national bank examinations, In
mnny cases from twice to thrco or four
tlmoB a your. It is not his purposo,
howovor, ho says, to cxamlno all nn
tlonnl banks four or even thrco times
n yenr, but tho now rulo will bo mndo
to apply to all national banks tho,t
have In tho past shown a disposition
to vlolnto or ovado any of tho provi
sions of tho natlonnl banking laws or
tho regulations prescribed by tho
comptroller of tho currency.
A special train loft Washington for
Fort Smith, carrying 100 prisoners,
transferred fom tho United States jail
thoro to Fort Smith ponltontiary, bo
causo of tho crowded conditions In
tho Washington institution.
Tho bureau of ongrnvlng nnd print
ing has complotcd doslgns suggested
by Postmastor General Moyor for a
now Issuo of United States postage
stamps. Tho now stnmpa will bo of
tho following denominations: Ono
cent, 2 cents, 3 cents, 4 conts, 5 conts,
C conts, 8 cents, 10 cents, 15 contB, 60
conts and $1. Tho $2 and $5 denomi
nations now In uso will not bo re
printed, It will bo somo weokB bo
foro nil tho donomlnntlonB will bo put
on tho markot.
Aftor having boon confined in tuo
fortress of St. Peter nnd St. Paul for
ten months, Nicholas Tschalkovsky, a
member of the Russian revolutionist
organization, Ib to bo released by or
dor oj tho Russian government.
"Tho Persian pooplo will novor havo
a constitution unless tio present shah
Is killed and tho national party bo
como vlctorlua" Is tho opinion of nn
aged and venerable member of tho
Tabriz parllamont.
Tho last of tho balloons In tho big
raco from Berlin waB roportcd, tho
noronnutH having been rescued In tho
North sea with difficulty.
Tho powors of Europe havo agreed
upon n progrnm for tho consideration
of tho Bnlkan situation.
Aniorlcan makers of plows and har
vesting mnehlnory nro losing their
trndo, which twonty years ago they al
most exclusively controlled In Tas
mania, nccordlng to Consul Honry D.
Baker, This Is attributed to tho fail
ure of American dealers to rccognlzo
Tasmania's requirements.
The purported outline of tho Anglo
Russian ngrcomont for settling affairs
In tho Balkans rocognlzea tho tnde
pondonco of Bulgaria, tho lntter coun
try to pay an Indemnity to bo deter
mined by tho conference
Twonty of tho twentyono baloons
that star tort In tho Borlln raco havo
boon ronortod, Swiss noronautB, who
landed In Norway, 775 miles from Bor
lln, havo the best rocord.
An Imperial ruscrlpt from tho em
peror of Japan advocatos poaco bo
twoon tho nations of tho cast and
Tho prosldont has received many
lettors commending his country llfo
Two Aniorlcan noronautos In Gor
many had a miraculous escape from
Govomor Haskell addrossod n letter
to tho prosldont on oil lands leases.
Ivwrenco Qunkers aro praying for
tho defeat of Undo Joo Cannon.
Moro national bank oxamlncrH nnd
moro thorough examinations nro to bo
tho rulo of tho comptroller of curroncy.
Judgo Taft boos a bonofit to rail
ro'adB In tho improvement of Inland
Mr. Bryan told his committeemen
thnt tho ttdo Is still running townrds
democratic, success In tho wust.
noth Taft and Bryan will mnka
speeches loading up to tho night bo-
Doth of the Presidential Candidates
Will Make Speeches In a
Number of States.
Now York Putting forth their
greatest efforts In the slates that nro
called doubtful nnd plvotnl, now that
tlio presidential campaign Is in tho
last weok but ono, tho various party
managers unfold multiplicity of plans
for tho wook thnt aro well calculated
to kcop politics in tho forefront of tho
For Taft ns woll as for Bryan, tho
activity is to bo woll night ceasoloss,
and for Sherman nnd for Kern and so
on down tho line. Coming up from
his Invasion of tho south tho repub
lican candldato for tho presidency
will speak In New Jorsoy In tho foro
part of tho wek and thon return to
his own stato of Ohio for a day, there
upon making another flight to Indi
ana, tho cltlos of importance to bo
visited In tho Hoosior Btnto bolng
Evnnsvlllo, Indianapolis and Fort
Brynn will havo travoled In five
states boforo tho wook ends Indl
nnn, Kontucky, Ohio, West Virginia
nnd Now Jorsoy, finishing In Now
York, whoro ho will spend tho Sunduy
in rest.
Ills itlnernry In Ohio was arranged
with tho special aim of enabling him
to rench with his argumonts practlc
nlly tho samo peoplo who hoard Mr.
Taft in his tour thore.
Troasurer Bidder of tho democratic
national committee will make public
on Tuesday nn ndltlonnl list of sub
scriptions to tho fund of tho party's
campaign expenses.
Tho Camoglo hnll mooting In Now
York City on Tuosdny, nt which for
mer mombors of Clovolnnd'a cabinets,
including Richard Olnoy of Boston
and Judson Harmon of Ohio will
epenk, and tho mnBS motlng, also In
Now York City on Thuradny night,
of southern democrats, which Is to
bo tddrcsscd by Governor Swnnson
of Virginia, nro other democratic fix
tures for tho week of national Im
Tho week will bo rich In speeches
by mombors of Mr. Iloosovolt's cab
inet. Secretary of War Wright -will
bo hoard In Now York City and other
plnccB, and Secretary of Commcrco
nnd Labor Straun will spend tho en
tire week on tho stump, visiting Clovo-
land, Chicago, St. Louis and Louis
Such Is the Language Used by Taft to
Washington Correspondents.
Washington. "I cxnoct to bo elect-
ed to tho presidency." snid Judge Taft.
standing In tho East room of tho
Whlto Houso facing thirty or forty
nowspapormon who had congregated
to congratulate him aftor ho had snout
tho dny as President Roosbvolt's guest.
Tho answer was In rcsponso to a
question after n brief discussion of
Mr. Tnft's recont tour through thb
oouthem states, of which ho had spok
en as a pleasing experience. With ro-
fcrenco to that tour ho would only
flay ho thought It would onen tho wnv
for Improved republican conditions In
futuro campaigns. Judgo Taft ox
proBBOd a delicacy in revealing tho Is
sues which ho and tho president had
discussed, and whon prossed for a
statement as to tho nrosldont's vlow
of tho Bltuntlon ho would only Bay
that "Tho president 1b not a possl
mist." "Nor nm I, ' ho added.
Kaiser Approves Annexation.
Budapest. Tho omporor gavo an
audlonco on Friday to tho German am
bassador, Herr von Thchlrsky, who
proeontod a. lcttor from Emporor Wil
liam oxprcflslng his approval of tho an
nexation of Bosnia nnd Hcrzogovlnn
and assuring tho Austrian omporor of
Germany's support In tho present situ
ation. Emporor Wllllnm Uuib Is tho
first sovorolgn to roply to Emperor
Francis Joseph's lottcr announcing
tho annexation of tho provinces and
his decided nttltudo gives great satis
faction In may quarters.
Will Smith or Eagle Grove, Iowa,
Meets Death In Game.
Clarion, la. What wbb oxpoctod to
havo been tho doclsivc foot ball gamo
botweon Englo Grovo and Clarion
Saturday aftornoon resulted In a
tragody, when Will Smith, ono of tho
players In tho Knglo Grovo team, mot
with nn nccldont during tho ordinary
plays of tho gamo which resulted In
his death. Smith wns tho son of ox
Sonator Smith of Eaglo Grovo and
nophow of tho present roprosontatlvo
of Wright county.
Light Sentence for Evans.
Yokohama nontenant Frank
Evans of tho battleship Louisiana, who
rocontly was court-martialed on a
chnrgo of absontlng himself from hl&
post while olllcor of tho dock, dlsro
spect to his superior ofllcer ami lntox
tcntlon, has been found guilty of the
two formor charges. Roar Admlrnl
Sporry received tho papers whllo the
battleships woro at Manila and hab
just announced his verdict. Tho son
tonco provides that Lieutenant shah
Iobo 150 numbers and shall bo pub
Ucly reprimanded,
Itemo of Greater or Lesser Impor
tance Over the State.
Roy Hickman, ngod 27 years, wan
accidentally shot by tho dlschargo of
his WInchoBter shotgun half a mile
cast of Max, and died from tho offocU
of the wound nn hour later.
Tho Seven Valloys bank of Calla
way, which la the oldost Institution of
ILh kind In Custor county, Is soon to
chango Its namo to that of tho First
National bank of Callaway, with u
capital stock or $25,000.
Farmers should all haVo telephones.
Write to us nifd loam how to got tho
host sorvlco for tho loast monoy. Ne
braska Tolophono Company, lfcth and
Douglas stroots, Omaha. "Uso tho,
County Attorney Rawls of Cass
county filed a complaint In Justlco
Archer's court chnrglng Matt Bozartlt
with murder in tho first degree for
tho killing of Jamos Byor, October,
G, at Greonwoo-J.
Tho attornoys for Jamos LUHe, re
cently convicted of robbing Thomas
Martin, nn old soldlor who rosldos,
nenr Rockford, have proparcd a Mil
of exceptions nnd will carry the caso
to tho supremo court.
N. C. Peterson, a Danish farmer,
living northonst of Frlond, committed
BUlrldo, by shooting himself through
tho bend. Despondency Is glvon na
tho cause. Potorson was unmnrrled
and lived nlono on his fnrm.
For tho second time thin year tho
lumber offlco of S. D. Ayors at Central
City was broken Into nnd tho oafo
oponod and robbed, and Just as It hap
pened tho tlmo boforo, thoro wbb no
monoy In tho safe.
Tho Dodge county poultry associa
tion at a meeting held at tho court
houso voted to hang up a btg list of
prizes for tho show this year, i'ho
show will bo held at Fremont Decem
ber 12 to 19.
A child of August Kompf, living on
East Eleventh street, Columbus, was
drowned by accidentally falling into a
barrel of wutor. Tho child was about
1-year-old, and Just commoncolnug to
Tho now Burlington depot at Al
liance, which has been moro than a
yoar In building, was thrown open to
tho public last week and In Its com
pleted condition la at onco tho most
handsomo and substantial depot build-
in In tho Btnto outsldo of Omaha.
Hog cholern Is rapidly decreasing
tho herds of hogs In and niound Brad
shaw and Hnmpton. Hundreds upon
hundreds of hogs have died and their
seems to bo no stop. Farmers nro
selling tholr hogs, no matter what ago
or weight, fearing tho disease
Alfred Hannscn, nged flfteon, son
of Honry Hnrmscn, a farmer, dropped
dead at his home, four miles north
cast of Fremont. Young Harmson,
when ho went homo from, school coin
plalnod that ho had a soro throat. Ho
was an exceptionally strong boy.
Tho barn on tho farm of Worthy
Luco In Todd creek precinct, Johnson
county, wns burned togothor with Its
contents. Thoro wcro 300 bushels of
corn, four tons of liny, fnrm imple
ments, harness, etc., in tho barn and
they wcro lost. Tho corn bolongcd to
Mr. Luco.
From reports coming In, York coun
ty will havo ono of tho Inrgost and
beBt corn crops raised In many years.
Tho quality Is extra good and already
roportB aro coming In whoro corn has
been shucked yloldlng from fifty-five
to sovonty-flvo bushels to the ncrc. At
tho prlco received corn lnnd will pro
duco from $25 to I$4R per acre, that
can bo bought for $85 to $120 per aero
Secretary of Agrlculturo James Wil
son, whllo In Nebraska City porson
ally Inspected tho pncklng plnnt of
Morton-Grcgson and tho Union stock
ynrds and found thom In fiho condi
tion, nnd paid tho firm a big compll
mcnt for tho way in which thoy hnd
overhauled and fitted up tho plnnt
and ynrdB during tho tlmo they hnvo
been Bhut flown.
Tho largest corn-ever exhibited in
Jofforson county !b bolng shown In
tho windows of Goodrich Bros.' bank
nt Falrbury. It camo from tho farm
of H. J, Cook, who lives flvo milts
north of Falrbury. Tho largest oar
mcasurea slxtoon Inches long. Thoro
nro about a dozon onrs In tho display.
and nearly all of thom crowd tho six-toon-Inch
mark closely.
Tho now city directory just pub'
llBhod bIiowb a largo incronso In tho
population of York. According to tho
lost United Stntcs consus York made
tho largest growth of any city In No-
brnska excepting South Omaha, nnd nt
tho present and past rato of growth
York will maintain its position of
making tho most rapid and groatost
crowth of nny city In Nebraska.
B. L. Shoppard, traveling Bnlesmnn
for tho Marshall Pennywolght Scales
company nnd Mrs. Leona Brunor,
stownrdoBB nt tho Lincoln Commercial
club, worn found dead In tho apart
monts of tho man In a business block
on North Elovonth strcot. Gna pour
ing from tho room cnusod an Inquiry
by occupants of tho block, and when
tho door wns broken down tho room
wns bo filled with gas It was impos
glble to romnln In It.
Vital statistics on file In the. city
clcrk'B office show that during the
pnst thrco years 337 deaths havo oc
currod In Fnirbury and immedlnto vl
cinlty. Tho birth record Bhows tho
stork hns visited G05 home's within tho
snmo length of time.
Ucbol Bros.' storo at Oxford wna
onterod somo time during tho night
Monoy and trading chacks to tho'vnluo
of $9 or $10 was secured, and this
was all that was supposed at first to
havo beon takon. Lator It was dls
covored that tho entire lino of silk
carried in sjtock had also boeu made
away with.
Goy.'-Sheldon Makes Somo Changes
After Advising With State Veterl
narian and Other Parties,
Governor Sheldon, nftor advising
with Stato Votorlnarlan Charloa A.
McKIn, hns Issued notlco of inodMcn
tlon of his recent qunrnntlno against
nnthrax nmong cattle in Wyoming and
South Dakota counties, bordering on
Nobrnska, and Sioux county, Neb. Ho
has modified the former proclamation
by raising tho quarantine against
Laramie county, Wyo., nnd by raising
It ns- to a part of Converse county,
Wyo., and provides - for terminating
the quarantine against South Dakota '
countlos and Sioux county, Nob., when
over It shall be shown that doath loss
has docreasod and carcasses of nil
animals which have died havo been
burned. The modification may bo en
forced any tlmo after October 12. The
governor's now proclamation Is as ioI-
"That part of quarantlno order, un
der dato of October 2. 1908, placing a
quarantlno against Laramie and Con
verse counties, of tho state of Wyom
ing, is hereby chnngod to read as fol
lows: "That portion of Converse county,
Wyoming, north of tho Chicago nnd
North-Wostorn railroad, and that por
tion that lies cast of tho lino drawn
from Lusk. due north of Weston coun
ty lino, thenco east to Wyoming and
Dakota line.
"Tho quarantine ordor of October 2.
against all portions of Converse coun
ty not mentioned nnd Included In the
nbovo description, and all of Laramie
county, Wyoming, Is hereby raised.
"Tho quarantlno now existing
against Fnll River, Clay and thnt por
tion of Yunkton county, lying cast of
the James river, In South Dakota, and
that portion of Sioux county, Nebras
ka, lying north of the Chicago and
Norfh-Weatern railroad and wort cf
tho Chicago, Burlington nnd Qulncy
railroad will bo raked or terminated
when It shall be determined that the
death loss from anthrax nmong the
live stock has ceased, and the car
casses of nil animals which have died
therefrom havo been burned.
"This modification of quarantlno
shall take effect and bo in forco from
and after October 12, 190S, to such
tlmo as Its conditions have been ful
A Present to Mr. Bryan.
Among the most ardent of the ad
mirers of Mr. Bryan la Frank Hlbbard,
the sago of Irvlngton, nnd he ban just
sent a testimonial of his regard for
tho Bryan family. Mr. and Mrs. Hlb
bard selected In tholr early youth what
aro now two large, flno silver srtico
trees from tho nrboroal treasures on
his overgreen farm, which ho de
termined, ns far back as 189G, should
adorn tho homo grounds of tho demo
cratic leader.
A few days ago ho concluded that
now was tho tlmo as tho trees had
crown to tho heluht of slxtoon feet,
knnd to move them safely was some-
thing of a problem. Ho hnd them
sarofully dug and tho dirt undisturbed
around tho roots, walled In with wood
nnd cemented. Then ho secured a
driver nnd had thom taken overland to
Lincoln from his ulnco west of Oma
ha. Tho tree planting la In pros
pers to tho delisht of Mrs. Bryan and
tho family.
Appeals to Supreme Court.
Jamoa Lilllo, sentenced to oMit
years for robbing nn old soldlor
named Thomas M. Martin of Gigo
county, has nnponled hi caso tn tho
Bupromo court. Tho robbery occured
October 11, 1900. but I Utlo left and
travoled ovor a largo part of the globo,
including Alnska, before ho was ar
rested. Ho was convicted of beating
nnd robblnc Mnrtin of $70. Martin
hnd just cashed a pension warrant for
$72. Ho visited Boatrlco and started
homo with a half gnllon of whUkoy
In hla possession. Ho stopped at tho
home of tho Llllles, whoro two liroth
era took n few drinks and Invited Mar
tin to stay for suppor. Later on ho
wub robbed.
A Valuable Acquisition.
The state historical society has ro
contly obtained from W. Jackson Bell
of Mt. Ayr. Ia., four bound volumes
of tho Now York Trlbuno, covering
tho poriod from Jnnunry 2, 1S5S. to
nnd including December 18, 1807, This
gives tho society noarly a complelo
fllo of tho Tribune, from Its beginning
down to tho close of the nlvil war.
Thoso Mob may bo used by tho public
at tho rooms of tho society.
State Teachers' Banquet.
Tho committee on tho union school
banquet to bo hold the ovonlug of tho
first day of tho Nobraska Teachers'
association, Wednesday, Nov. 4, havo
hold several mootlngs lately in tho
offices of Tho Nobraska Teaehnr ro
perfect plana and arrangements. It Is
propnsod to mnko this event tho groat
ost social and fraternal gathering In
tho oducatlonal history of Nebraska.
All dotnlls will bo arrangoi'. uoforo
hand nnd tho great task of .feeding
1,100 persons in a single room in ono
hour vfjll he carefully planned,
The Program as Outlined for First
Dny'o Vork.
All preparations have boon mado for
the nnnunl meeting of Btnto teachers
here, Novombor 4 to C. A remarkably
fine nnd Instructive progrnm has beon
prepnred with great care by thoso In
chnrgo and tho rosult Ib ns follows for
the first dny:
Wednesday, Novombor 4 Superin
tendents nnd Principals association:
George D. Cnrrington, jr., Auburn,
president; Jamos E. Dolzoll, Lexing
ton, vlco president: Margaret Brown,
Grand Islnnd, rocretary. Preliminary
reports of tlio committees of tho edu
cational commission on courses of stu
dy ior tho grades.
Reading A. A. Reed, G. II. Thomas,
.Margaret Brown, Report by A. A.
Reed. Discussion, Daisy Nettloton,
Porn, nnd Evolyn Dudley, Omaha.
Grammnr Georgo D. Cnrrington, jr.,
W. L. Stephens, R. II. Watson. Roport
by W. L. Stephons. Discussion,
George E. Martin, Nobrnska City, and
George Crockor, Pawnee.
Geography E. C. Bishop, Loulso W.
Mears, G. E. Condra. Report by
Loulso W. Mears. Discussion, H. E.
Bradford, Aurora, and W. T. Stock
dale, Winter.
History E. P. Wilson, II. W. Cnld
woll, C. L. Hopper. Roport by E. P.
Wilson. Discussion, Grnco Hoopor,
Noleon, and William Ritchie, jr., Sid
ney. Arithmetic W. A. Clark, E. L.
Rouse, A. L. Cavlnoss. Report by W.
A. Clark. Discussion, Frank Pllger,
Pierce, and II. M. Eaton, Lincoln.
The Culture Studies A. O. Thomas.
J. W. Crabtreo. W. W. Stoner. Roport
by A. O. Thomas. Discussion, Matil
da McCIollnnd, Hastings, and Edith I
A. Lnthrop, Clay Center.
Evening, Novombor 4, G o'clock
Union bnnquot at tho Auditorium: J.
L. McBrlon, toaBtmnster; W. K. Fow
ler, master of ceremonies.
A Pioneer Dead.
Judgo J. II. Broady, ono of tho
pioneers of Nebraska, died aftor suf
fering two weeks from a stroke of
paralysis. For a tlmo Judge Broady
monded and It was thought that ho
might recover, but a fow days ago ho
had a rclapso and sank rapidly until
the end enmo. Jtulgo Broady wns
three times elected Judge of tho dis
trict court In the First Judicial dis
trict nnd wns a candldnto on tho demo
cratic ticket for Judge of the supremo
Stole Commoner's Mall.
A number of letters which should
have been delivered to the Commoner
office, containing subscriptions to the
democratic campaign fund and to tho
papor, were among thoso taken from
tho Lincoln postofflco by Clarence F.
Broad, tho substitute carrier arrested
with stolen mall In his possession.
Bread was arralngned before United
States Commissioner Marlay for his
preliminary hearing, ho wnlvcd oxnm
inntlon nnd wns bound over to tho
federal grand Jury under $1,500 ball.
Civil Service Examinations.
Tho United States civil sorvlco
commission nnnouncos tho following
oxnmlnntlona to bo hold ot Lincoln,
Grand Islnnd nnd Omaha: October 28,
herder; October 28, public document
cataloguer, government printing of
fice; October 28 29. auperlntendent of
bulldln: , government printing office;
November 5. chomlenl bacteriologist,
bureau of chemistry department of
nsrtoulturo; November 5. Lanston
operator, government printing office.
Tuberculosis Exhibit Mottoes.
Two of tlio mottoes from tho Tuber
culosis Exhibit held In Omaha last
Tho average loss to tho community
by tho death from tuberculosis of a
wnge-earnlnc male Ib about S8.000.
Tho Instructed nnd caroful con
sumptive Is not dangerous to thoso
with whom ho lives nnd work?.
Address Tuberculosis Secretary, 408
City Hall. Omaha.
Andrews Warns Students.
In n signed statement Chancellor
Andrews of tho Stnto university for
bids class fights, kldnnplngR nnd snenk
dava and night gown parndos. Chnn
collor Androws declares that nny
studonts participating In tho forbid
den oxorclscs will bo oxpollcd from
tin unlvorslty.
A Requisition Itcued.
A requisition hns been Issued from
the governor's ofllco for tho roturn of
William Hall and II. W. Brown from
Buchnnnn county Missouri, to Do
woese where, on October 2, tho bank
was brokon Into, tho vnult oponod by
explosives nnd $2,500 Btolon.
Accepts the Nomination.
E, A. Roth of Holdrogo nccopts tho
populist nomination for senator In tho
Twonty-olsht district, tondorod him by
n populist commlttoo. C. A. Skoog,
the populist nomlneo, hns withdrawn,
thus causing the vacancy thnt has
boon filled.
Interest In Teachers' Meeting.
' Suporlntondont J. L. McBrlon is
much plonsod with tho prospects for
the stato tenchers' meeting In Novem
ber. Ho expects at least 3,000 to bo
In nttondance. Tho best ovldonco of
the popularity of tho event Is shown
by tho application for plates at the
union banquet. Nearly 1,350 aro now
on fllo. This bnnquot will bo held In
tho Auditorium. Only S50 can bo seat
od on tho main flour. Consequently
150 moro will bo served on tho stago
nnd a tablo may bo Improvlsod for tho
gallery to nceommodato othoiv.