The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 13, 1908, Image 9

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    I A Bomctlmcs n. dyspeptic, but naked, Inquiringly. PMR5Kfifi '- v
r not nlwnys. Ho la also 'Oh. ycB," was my nnswor. WC
sometimes actuated by mo
tives entirely Impersonal
and unselfish. lint not al
ways. And reform politics may be
classed as of two kinds tho counter
feit variety and tho genuine.
Independent, or reform movements
in political campaigns, nro Intondod to
bo tho brcnklng away of members of
the old parties and n consolidation of
these "bolters" for tho purpose of
electing a ticket which Is supposed to
bo better than either of the old-lino
l)arty tickets. Sometimes an inde
pendent movement means this. .Some
times it means that a Domocrat or a
Republican who has failed of tho regu
lar party nomination has been per
suaded to mako the race on the
ground that l.o has been doprlved of
the nomination by unfair means. Hut
tho basic clement of Independent
movements is alwnys a claim toward
a bettering of conditions, ami there
fore arguing a reform, politically.
Then thoro is usually the Prohibi
tion movement to be reckoned with,
and this Is strictly founded on reform
principles. Or thoro may bo an edu
cational feature In tho campaign
which will prove to carry tho balanco
of power as to votes, and which may
bo adopted In tho platform of either
of tho parties, .jvlth a view to secure
votes for the whole ticket. Politics
5s largely a game of expedients, and
as tho only things that count, In tho
last analysis, are tho votes, It follows,
therefore, as the night tho day, that
votes nro tho prlmo necessities, and
any expedient to catch votes is consid
ered justifiable
Other phases of reform politics may
ontor partlculaily into national .cam
palgus, und may influenco local condi
tions enough to swlug victory to a
sldo which may bo weaker on papor
than Its antagonist.
In every largo city and noticeably
in my own city. I found two well de
fined typos of tho political reformers,
with a smnttorlng also of what were
known as "cranks," "droamors" and
"visionaries." Ono of tho two types
rcforrod to was tho hnrd-hended citi
zen who, regardless of ridicule and dis
couragement, steadily set himself to
work to better tho class of official
selection. Without caring anything
for party affiliations, ho associated
with organlzatloiiH which "went
after" weak or unfit cnndldntes, nnd
supported and encouraged good candi
dates for all offices, whether state,
county or municipal.
This class tt men accomplished,
with tho aid of decent politicians, a
great deal of good. In tho beginning,
like nil men actuated by really high
motives, thoy wero derided and lam
pooned, and their lot, like tho police
man's, was not a happy ono. Hut ns
tlmo wont on Miey beenmo a forco
which had to 'jo reckonod with, oven
by tho most hardened of tho "bosses,"
.coptlng In what may bo classed ns
strictly "saloon wards."
In the saloon wards, whero tho al
dermen for Instance, wero saloonkeep
ers, or whero the saloon inlluonco pre
dominated overwhelmingly, tho "boss
es" did not mind reform politics any
more than u rhinoceros would mind
the blto of a mosquito. I never could
understand, knowing the absolute
hopelessness of it, why tho reformers
would sometimes try to "break Into"
such n wurd In an ahlermaufc cam
paign. I remember very well tho oc
casion of n calling on mo
nnd cndoavorlni; to enlist my services
as a speaker In a campaign of till?
"You know the dlsgracoful condr
I ,, , -won, we want, xo run up u ciuim- x-rfjMlPSiJ lwvP
4 Uvea entirely Impersonal ,,nto for nidorman thcro and see If wo a vnm
tlons obtaining In
ttal ward?" ho SSfflHHf A
asked, Inquiringly.
'Oh. yes," wns my nnswor.
"Well, we want to put up a candi
date for alderman thcro and seo If wo
can't arouse tho better clement there.
Wo want to go in nnd fight tho saloons
to a finish," wns his next remark.
'w"''ia"qMITWMfHrjl I i'i4"IHtn'l.1Pri mill
H ''w'''hZi
"Whoso finish?" said I.
"Oh, wo will probably bo beaten,"
ho admitted, "but wo want to glvo
them a campaign of education and en
lightenment. What that ward needs,
whnt every ward needs, la a chance to
havo Its higher naturo arousod. What
they want, I'm convinced, Is more op
portunity to seo tho light."
"Aly friend," was my reply, "I'vo
trayelod some In that ward. What
thoy want there Is not moro light, but
moro boor."
Yet, despite Fomotimos misdirected
energy, these men und their associa
tions did much in making political
conditions hotter. For that they do
sorve substantial credit. So long as
thoy wore absolutely non-partisan thoy
wielded consbtorablo Inlluenco, and
properly, but on occasion thoy nllowed
projudlco to bias thorn and did Injns
tlco to good men.
Tho other typo of well-known ro
formor was tho ono who continually
headed "reform" movements. Ho
might bo a can.lldato for alderman, or
the Ieglslnturo, or congress. Hut whor
ever there was a "kick" coming, and
a meeting advertised to protest, or or
gnnlzo, this clnhs would bo on hnnd
enrly nnd get the chairmanship of tho
meeting, usually coming out In a
"ringing" speech of denunciation
against tho Infamy which tho citizens
had met to combat. This put tho re
former "next" If it was a proposition
to nominate an opposition candidate,
and ho often pcu away with tho nomi
nation. Or, If ho was a professional
man, a lawyer, a doctor, or n real oh
tato man, ovon, It was a protty fair ad
vertisement, wasn't ft? Not so "poor"
to havo your picturo In tho paper next
day, with a Ions nccount of you, your
business and your speech, otc. Some
thing that would havo coat you coin
to havo In tho papers, and you got It
for nothing. And then tho reporters
out to Interview you nnd quite n rack
et started about you.
And In every largo city I suppose
thoro nro only a fow brlgh.t promoters
llko that standing nround waiting to
sell a gold brick or two.
Some of thoso "rcformors" wero
pretty fierce when thoy happened to
land In an office. A fow of them wero
swept Into the city council nstrldo tho
top of a wave of "popular Indignation"
nnd thoy wero the hungry hoys, some
of thorn. They woro simply on the
qui vivo to bo "approached." And
when thoy wero tempted thoy fell
swlftlr and without a sound. Their
mottft wns that of tho Hon. Wobatoi
Flanagan, with a different Interpreta
tion. "Whnt aro we hero for?" was
their slogan, and they wont after fran
chlso "divvies" or any othor "divvies"
llko a terrier nftcr a rat.
Heal reforms wero not so olahorato
ly advertised us tho sham onos; tho
louder tho "holler" nbout the roform,
tho less gontdno reform was In sight.
And then thoro wero tho "fad" rcform
ors, going about flecking what thoy
might devour In tho shnpo of having
unmuzzled dogs caught with a soft
curtain ropo Instead of a who noose,
cab-horses provided with seats whllo
waiting far a fare, tho distribution of
copies of Hrownlng's pooms to cross
ing policemen, or somo.Buch slmllnr
There are sometimes uneasy people
In every community who wnnt to run
tho rest of tholr neighbors; tho blggor
tho community tho greater they aro
llablo to bo In number. And In n city
of two millions of Inhabitants tlioy are
suro to bo found. Thoy haunt tho gal
lory In tho council chambor of tho
city, thoy Intent tho mayor's olllce,
they Biirgo In with tho crowds having
hearings In tho public ofllcoa In tho
city halls, and whenever thoy havo no
connection whatever.
Substantial reforms nro of slow
growth. It took over 20 years' steady
work to drlvo the infnmous Justleo of
tho ponco system out of Cook county.
Some notnblo reformers went along
very well for x tlmo until thoy got so
prominent that thoy wore offered a
high-salaried political position. And
then they droppod practically from
sight as reformers nnd renppearod na
pny roll artists. This caused at times
a revulsion of feeling among tho re
formers at heart but thoy did not lt
a little thing llko that ontiroly dls'cour
ago thorn.
I got so that 1 could usually "spot"
a reformer as far ns I could soo him.
The majority of rnforniors nro very
busy wnlkera und talkors. They nro
not confined to one nntlonnllty. al
though I should Judge that the bulk
of them nro Americans. They nil have
"missions." If you ngroo with thorn,
and do everything they ask, you aro
"a patriot." If you dlsagreo with aomo
of them In any way, ahape or manner,
you nro either a scoundrel or without
montal balance. Hut to ha "a patriot"
In tho oyoa of Hioho who woro fanati
cal you must arcodo to their domanda.
"Patriots," said Sir Robert Peel,
"they aprlng up llko mushrooms In
tho night; I enn mako CO patriots In a
single hour; I havo only to refuge
some unrensonablo or absurd roquast,
whon up starts a patriot."
Thrro wore a number of women re
former', too, during my political years,
and tbey wero Invariably enlisted on
Bomo moral question, as they lookod
at It, tobacco, whisky, child labor, tho
bettiM-injr of conditions for women, tho
savhiK of girls, etc. Thoy wero very
much In earnest, faithful and enthusi
astic to their Ideals. Occasionally thoy
BHeccedod, and at least, thoy novor
Bfcined discouraged. It Is to tho credit
of politicians In general, that thoy wero
listened to with perfect respect, oven
when It was apparent that conditions
made It an nbnoluto waste of tlnio to
discuss the questions. Sometimes an
ordlnnnce barred their way: at othor
times a slato law, or possibly tho con
stitution of tho United Stales Itsolf
was a stumbling-block, but thoy wero
heard with pntlonco.
Reform politics during my day con
corned Itself mcst particularly In ro
habilitating the personnel of tho cltj
council. In this It mot with substan
lal success, and It was tho ono oxcop
tlon to poronnlnl reform which was
genuine. Not that tho rofonnors did
not occasionally havo "an ax to grind,"
but that, In tho main, thoy aided tho
bent candidates. Hut at tlmeB thoy
saddled themsolvos with aomo bogus
roformer nnd Jnmmod him through
at tho polls, felicitating thomsolvea
that thoy hnd "put nnothor ovor tho
political plate" whon thoy hnd In
reality only ndded a "cheap graftor"
to the city's pay roll.
When this happened It mado tho
regulation, gilt-edged graftora In tho
council Indignant. Not that tho "re
former" should turn out to bo "look
ing for nomothlng," but Hint ho bo
often took anything ho could got. Thla
mude trado bad, for it acalod prlcoa
and such a recruit to tho ranka of cor
ruption cannon a "lieur" mnrkert in
A cheap scoundrel carnod Just us
much contempt in tho council na an
overcoat thlof earns from a railroad
manipulator of stocks. I recollect tho
arraignment that ono of tho "regu
lars" gavo ono of theso easily pur
chased "reformers."
Said tho "regular," puffing slowly at
a big black cigar, tho llltlo linger of
bis loft hnnd ndorncd with a four bun
died dollar "shiner," and hhi shirt
front sporting Its mato, presented by
Ida admiring "conatlts:"
"I reckon 1 slzo that guy up right,
at the start. I toll 'em 1 scon what
kind of a lobster ho Is, tho Unit flop
of tho box. I tPlI 'om, you, watch him;
he's no reformer, and he's no thor
oughbrod. Ho blows up In tho stretch
the first tlmo lliey'ro off at tho gut.
An', say! Did ho? Woll, he's olocted
nil right, nnd ho goes ovor an' hooks
up with tho geuzoor In tho noxt ward
that wont In tho snmo tlmo ho gooa In.
Them two frames up and goes out for
tho stuff. Ho thoy get It? Yes, thoy
gft It, und how much? Say, on tho
lovol now, on tho squnro, thoy split
threo hundrod between 'em for a llttlo
thing thoy pull off. A hundrod and
fifty apleco, Beo?"
Ho paired and took a fresh puff at
his cigar, und reaumod: "Why, If any
cheap stiff 'd como to mo nnd try to
Insult mo with loas than $G0(J I'd throw
tho akato out of my office." And tho
end of his cigar glowed with righteous
(Copyright, hy Joseph U. Uowlos.)
Not Altogether Painless.
Pntlonco la Hint dentist's mothoda
Putrlco Not all of thorn. Ho bus a
phonograph In his ollleo! Yonkora
Tho Threo Grades of Milk.
A city man took n honso In tho coun
try for tho summer, Ho sought out a
fnrnicr at once, looked ovor tho cowa
on tho farm, found them to his liking,
and said:
"My servant will como to you ovory
morning for a quart of milk."
"All right," said tho farmer; "it will
bo eight conts,"
"Hut it must bo puro milk, mind,"
said tho city man, "absolutely pure,"
"In Hint enso it will cost you ten
"Vory good. And you will milk tho
quart from tho cow in my servant's
"Yes for 15 cents." Washington
Decorations for Women.
Thoro nro fow decorations for wom
en In Europe, tho most nnclent order
coming from tho Austrian throne. It
Is tho dccorntlon of tho Star nnd Cru
cifix, nnd is given to women of high
rank. Anothor Is the Lulscn, found
ed in memory of tho beautiful queen
of Prussia, whom Napoleon Insulted.
Thla order Is given to all classes ot
women who commit nny groat self-sacrifice
Tho extraordinary popularity of flno
whlto goods thla summer makes tho
cholco of Starch n mnttcr of groat Im
portance Dcfinnco Stnrch, being frco
from nil injurloua chomlcnla, la tho
only ono which is safe to uso on flno
fabrics. Its great strength ns n stiffen
or makea half tho usual quantity of
Stnrch necessary, with tho ronult of
porfect finish, cqunl to that whon tho
coods wero now.
Record of Good Work.
Tho American bonrd of missions
maintains 3S hospltnla nnd twice that
number of dispensaries In the' foreign
field, and Its medical missionaries last
year treated ovor 370,000 cases.
If Your Eyes Bother You
get n box of PirrnT'S KYH SALVH, ok
relinble, most biicccxfiuI cyo remedy made.
All druggistsor Howard llrun., HulTufo, N. Y.
Majesty or the Law.
Law kopt Is only Ia,w; law broken
la both law and execution. Moandor.
Smoker have to call for Lewi' Slnglo
Kinder cigar to get it. Your dealer or
Lewis' Factory, Puorin, 111,
Tho hnnd can novor oxecuto any
thing higher than the chnractor can
nsplre Emerson.
it buy Furs & Iliilen. Write for catalog 103
N. W. Hide &. Fur Co,, Minncnpolix, Minn.
To plead Hint anything la oxcuo
ablo Is to admit that it is wrong.
Tliono Tlrl, Arlilnir foot of Your
prrjl Allan' KnoUi:u. 'iV nt Tnur IJmitKUt'ft
torltoA.H.01uutil,l.ulto7,N. v., for amilo.
Ho who hosltntcs much will accom
plish little Von Moltke
Mrs. VlnIovr' NootlilnR rtjrrttii,
Yot children tpetlilnn, tofteni lbs Kunn, rnluco In
ammlluu, alUyi pain, curet vrtad cullu. ilioa buttle
If you have anything to do, do It;
don't loaf on the Job.
FARMS FOR RENT or wits on crop pay
ment!. J. MULIIALL, Sioux City, In.
Ono cannot quarrel if tho othor will
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 40, 1008.
I This Is What tTrfM
I - I illvs Mo Equal. ft
I Catches Me! IWlI
I l6o.One.Thlrd More Sturoh. 1 1
I Jl
I Vww
This vomnn says Lydla E.
IMnklmm'M Vegetable Compound
eavod her llfo. lteml Lor letter.
Mrs. T. C. Willndson, of Manning-,
Iovvn, writes to Mrs. Pinkham:
' I can truly say that Lydla K. Pink
ham's Vcgctablo Compound Baved my
life, and 1 cannot express my fjratltudo
to you in words. For years I suffered
with tho worat forma of femalo com
plaints, continually doctoring and
upending1 lots of money for mcdlclno
without help. I wroto you for ndvico,
followed It ns directed, and took Lydla
Ii Pinkham's Vcgotablo Compound and
It ban restored mo to perfect health.
Had it not been for you I should havo
been In my grave to-uny. 1 wish every
Guttering woman would try it."
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vogutublo Compound, mado
from roots and horbs, has boon tho
Gtandard remedy for fomalo ills,
and has positively curod thousands of
women who havo boon troubled with
displacomonts, inflammation, ulcera
tion, llbrold tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that lcar-lnrjc-ilovm
feeling', ilatulonoy,indigcs
t ion,dl7.zlncB8,or norvous prostration.
"Why don't you try it?
Sirs. IMnklinm invites nil flick
women to wrlto her for ndvico.
Hlto lins fruiilcd thousands to
honlth. Address, Lynn, Mass.
Positively curod by
thoso Lltllo Pills.
Tliry nlo rellare Dl
tremfrom Djrn pepsin, In
ICntlnif. A perfect rem
oily for Illiiliicm, Nau
Ken, DrowMnenn, Had
Tnste In tlio Itoutti, Cont--(l
Tongue, Pnln In tho
HliJo, TOItl'lD LIVER.
They regulate, tho Bowoli. Purely Vegetable.
Gonuino Must Bear
Fnc-Simllo Signature
CItn,i sot) Ixtutine. tht iulr.
l'miiiKt.t . laiurlmt Rrowth.
Wertr Foil, to Iloitara Ormr
Itnlr to It. Vouthrul OolorT
Curat Ktlp iIImkmi k Iulr (.UUii.
fOo,m1 llit i)rung1t
I IncrrntTnrlMT for ulo nt thu IcmfU prlren br
I. S, KKI.tlll.U,OTtt llVHl(ll.,! .(hit.,.
DEnawon starch lmis
Want a Job? iaii?AwY.V,VcciuaSS
"iSlWi I Thompson's Eyo Water"
I piUs.
MADE DV VSfeffffi
No prcmiumc, but one-third
more starch than you get of
other brands, Try it now, for
hot or cold starching it has no
equal and will not stick to the iron,