The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 13, 1908, Image 7

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Of Real Service
Signatures of more
really great men
arc made with the
Ideal Fountain Pen
than hy any other
It Is good enough
for you.
Dixon, The Jeweler
Over First National Bonk, v
:a Phone 148 j
The Temple Crnft will give a (lanc
ing party at the hall this evening.
Several brick layers who will work
on the Presbyterinn church arrived
Sunday and began work this morning.
What remained of the Scliutz & Cla
baugh stock of goods was moved Sat
urday night to tho north room of the
Keith theatre building.
Rev. J. W. Morris, formerly Metho
dist pastor in this city, but to be sta
tioned at Gothenburg for tho coming
year, visited North Platte friends last
Let mo figure on those storm windows
you will need. P. M. Sokenson.
John Burroughs, who has had charge
of the Telegraph's circulation depart
ment, resigned the position yesterday
and has re-entered the service of tho
Union Pacific.
Chas. Gillespie, who had a hip broken
Sunday morning, was taken to tho
Grand Island hospital yesterday morn
ing for treatment. The injury is con
' sidored a serious one.
Rev. Potter occupied tho pulpit at
the Methodist church Sunday morning
and evening and his initial sermons
were well received by the congrega
tions present. Rev. Potter's family
is expected to arrive today.
Y For Rent The Goss house on west
Third street. Address Paul Goss,' 333
No. 29th St., Lincoln, Neb.
The company which presents "Faust"
at the Keith Friday evening is practi
cally the Bume cast that presented tho
Elay here three seasons ago. It will
o remembered that at that time the
production was exceptionally good.
Weather forecast for North Platte
and vicinity: Generally fair tonight
and Wednesday, wanner tonight. The
maximum temperature yesterday was
76; one year ago 5!i. The minimum
temperature this morning was '10; ono
year ago 35.
For Sale or Trade Three light
Brahma roosters. Inquire of Mi, a
Ida Muir, Sutherland, Neb.
Regents Coupland, Abbott; and An
derson of the state university arrived
last night and are spending today at
the state experimental sub-station, as
is also Prof. Heckor dairyman at the
state farm. Director Burnett, of the
agricultural school, is also here, hav
ing arrived Saturday
For Rent.
Houses, rooms and stores, also stor
age room. Bit att & Goodman.
Removal Sale.
To allow workmen to repair our
room wo havo romoved our Firo Sale
stock to the north room of tho Keith
Theatre building.
The stock is now ready for sale and
at prices that will astonish you.
Men's Suits from $7.50 to $12.50,
worth from $10.00 to $30.00.
Men's overcoats from $5.00 to $9.00,
worth from $10.00. to $25.00.
Men's shoes, men's, women's and
children's rubbers and overshoes at less
than half price.
Men's shirts, collars, neckwear, silk
mufflers, fancy vests, smoking jackets,
hats, caps, etc., at prices lower than
ever offered before, in order to close
out. Remember the location.
Sciiatz & Clahaugh.
A. C. Shallcnbergcr, the demoratic
candidate for governor, will speak at
tho Keith theatre Thursday evening of
this week.
Tho Wednesday Afternoon Musicalo
will hold a callcd.mecting at tho home
of Mrs. Robert Finney Thursday
J. G. Weir, of Paxton, is in town to
day closing a sale of 100 acres in sec
tion 28-13-34 to a Buffalo county man.
The price paid was $2,030.
The homo of K. D. Small was made
happy yesterday morning by tho arriv
al of a very large, lively and healthy
girl baby. Tho mother and daughter
are reported to bo doing nicely.
The Club Ncdofi'c w;ll meet Wednes
day afternoon with Mrs. W. P. Snyder
at the state experimental farm. Mem
bers are requested to meet at the home
of Mrs. Wood White at 1:30 p. m.
Tom Gutherless and York Hinman
left laBt night for O'Neil to register
their names as applicants for land in
Tripp county, S. D. So far there have
been about twenty to register for each
quarter section of land.
Rev. Mcintosh, who held services for
tho Presbyterian congregation Sunday
nt tho court house,- will remain in town
over next Sunday. By that time the
old church will have been repaired and
services will be held therein.
The Woman's Relief Corps has leased
tho opera house picture show for next
Friday evening, and solicits a liberal
patronage from the public. Manager
Miller will present an extra fine pro
gram for that evening.
Judge W. C. Elder spent ystcrday
in the country and during his absence n
telephone was placed in his office.
Heretofore the Judge has been com
pelled to stop work and go to the
county clerk's office when answering
a telephone call.
Just Rece'ved A car of Auto Fcdan
Self feuding hay presses.
Workman & Dekuybeimy.
A force of carpenters began work
yesterday on the room vacated by
Schatz & Clabaugh and it is expected
that tho room will bo remodeled in
about two weeks. The material for
the steel ceiling and new front has
been received.
Fully a dozen North Platte people
have registered as applicants for Rose
bud Agency land. Among the latest to
do no was Sam Richards, who enroutc
home from Omaha, went to O'Neill and
' registered. Several citizens who have
been in Uncle Sam's service as soldiers,
have also registered, doing so by hav
ing an affidavit filed by proxy.
At the Experimental Sub-Station.
Some choice Duroc-Jersey Boars at
$15 each.
Twenty-five head of yearling steers
and heifers; nearly nil of these are
Aberdeen-Angus grades.
Brome grass seed of tho crop of 1908
at 10 cents nor pound.
Kherson oats for seed at GO cents per
There is no more winter wheat for
sale. W. P. Snydeu, Supt.
Ill-Mated Couples.
Saturday Judge Grimes granted n
divorce to C. D. Raney on tho ground
that his wife Jennie Raney had de
serted him for more than two years.
Yesterday Veva Stevens filed a peti
tion in the district court for a divorce
from her husband Martin Stevens for
cruelty and non-support. They were
married at Vroman in 1899.
Pearl LeRoy asks for legal separ
ation from her husband Chits. J. LeRoy
to whom she was married at Hayes
Center in 1904. Tho ground upon
which tho divorce Is naked is cruelty
and neglect. Mrs. LeRoy filed her
petition yesterday.
Dies of Injuries
Bert Brown, who was so severely
sculded while handling tho stoam shov
el nt the ice lake last Thursday after
noon, died from tho effects nt 8:30 Sat
urday morning. The condition of the
patient seemed favorable for recovery
up to Friday night, when ho began
sinking rapidly until death ensued. A
post-mortem revenled the fact that tho
burns had seriously affected his kid
nevs and other organs.
Tho decensed was thirty-ono years of
ngo and came to North Platte from
Keith county when n mere child. In
1898 he became a member of Compnny
E. N. N. G., nnd went with that com
pany to Chicknmauga Park. Shortly
nfter his return homo ho was united in
marriatro lo Miss Ida Neir, who with
four children, survive him. For six or
eight years he was in tho service of the
Union Pacific as fireman nnd was in the
employ of tho company when the acci
dent occurred. Bert wns an industri
ous young man of excellent habits,
and his dnath is regretted by nil, nnd to
the relatives tho sympathy of our peo
ple croos forth.
The funeral was held from the Epis
copal church nt three o'clock this after
noon. Young Girl Ends Life.
Nettie Lnmb, the nineteen year old
daughter of R. N. Lamb, tho Third
ward merchant, committed suicide
about eight-thirty Fridny evening by
shooting herself through tho left breast
with a revolver. She had spent the
nrly part of the evening with Mrs Bert
Nnpersteck, nnd complaining of feeling
ill, Mrs. Nnpersteck suggested that she
go into n bed-room and lie down. She
entered tho room, but returned shortly,
raying she guessed she had bf-ttcr tro
home. Later it was learned that while
in the bedroom she hnd sec
reted a revolver she had found
in the drawer of a dresser.
Arriving nthome she entered her room,
and shortly thereafter the report of a
revolver rang out. Going to tho room
tlui family found her in a semi-unconscious
Btate with a bullet wound in hpr
left breast. A physicion wns hurriedly
summoned, hut nothing could bo done
to save her life and death ensued about
eleven o'clock.
The cause of th net is attributed to
unrequited love, a young mnn breaking
nn engngoment n few days previous.
Funeral services were held nt tho
residence Saturday evening nnd tho
following morning tho remnins were
taken to McPherson county for inter
nient, the family having resided in that
county previous to removing to North
Tho sad ending of .the young girl'B
livo wns heartrending to the fumily nnd
deeply regretted by n largo circlo of
young friends.
Snaps for Investors Today.
4 room cottage always rented, only
$G50 00.
5 room almost new house with good
cellar, extra good barn, two nice lots
fenced, only $1000.00. See this and you
will want it.
Well urrnnged 0 room house, good
lot, shade, lawn, cement walk, only
Nice home, shade, cement walk. A
pretty comer on West 4th St., cut to
Neat 4 room cottage near Second Ward
School only $1700.00.
G room house, corner lot, shade, on
West 3rd St. Closo in. Must go.
4 room house nnd comer lot. Let us
show you this. Owners say "sell it."
We hnvo other nice properties in
houses and vacant lots that we shall bo
pleased to show you. You will make a
mistake if you dontsco our bargains be
fore you buy. Can sell any for one
third cash, balance easy.
Bkatt & Goodman.
Retort and Retort Oak Stoves f
You have seen those kind of heaters where
the heat goes up the flue
And the smoke escapes so awfully that the
atmosphere is blue.
Would you like to have a heater that for
soft coal can't be beat,
Where the smoke goes up the chimney and
the heat is used for heat?
W.ould you think it worth the trouble to in
vestigate today
If we had a stove to show you that is built
. in such a way ?
One that burns the fuel completely, good
for winter or for fall,
LotS'of heat or justa little, economical withal;
One constructed so that from it fumes of
gas can never shoot
And will suit all sorts of people without
covering them with soot.
If this kind of stove would please you, we
have got the proper thing
For among the soft coal heaters stands the
RETORT OAK as king.
North Platte, Nebraska.
all Opening.
We are now located in our new store building and beg to announce the arrival
of our New Fall Goods, and invite you and your friends to call at our New Store
and see strictly Up-to-the-Minute Merchandise.
Never in the history of our business career have wc had such an immense stock
to offer the public and we challenge any store to do as well by you as we can. No
matter what you want it will pay you to get our prices before you buy elsewhere.
We have added to our business a large line of FURNITURE and the prices we
have put on these goods is making a lively business in this department. Wc have
everything in this line so don't buy until you see us. It will give us great pleasure
to show you through our new store. No matter if you do not buy wc want to show
you that we have the goods at the right prices.
New Fall Dress Goods.
A fascinating newness prevails in this department.
A bewildering display of colors and a large assort
ment. Prices arc reasonable and in keeping with
the quality.
Prices 25c to $1.50 per yd
New Fall Underwear.
For Men, Women and Children. Wc have a large
assortment and can suit you both in price and quality
Prices 25c to $1.50 a garment
Cotton and Woolen Blankets.
Particular attention has been given this line. We
do not offer the cheapest and undersized kind, but give
you values that arc in keeping with the quality.
Prices 75c to $8.00
New Fall Overcoats.
Wc arc showing a large line of snappy and stylish
overcoats in a variety of new shades. Wc have more
than doubled our line this season and if you contem
plate buying a nice dress coat come in and sec what
we have to offer. ' '
Prices $5.00 to $25.00
New Line of Fall Shoes.
Shoes bought for comfort, service and style. From
the smallest to the greatest wc arc able to shoe the
family. If you have not tried us on shoes do so now
so we can demonstrate to you that we have the right
kind of goods.
Prices 35c to $7.00 per pair
Our Grocery Department is always complete and you know our motto is "Best Quality at the Right
Price." Money back if not satisfactory, so don't fail to visit our Grocery Department where courteous treat
ment and prompt service await you. Yours for Business,
Entertain Teachers.
Mrs. Axtoll nnd Mi-h. York Hinmnn
pleasantly entertained tho city school
toiichor8 nt thu lattor'a homo Saturday
ovening. Partners for the evening
were found by matching letters in
words. Tho rooms were lettered cor-
rouiinmlmir tit ttirt rnnms in Mil) llll'll
school and in each room questions wore
asked pertaining to several different
subjects. Music and recitations were
a pleasant feature of the evening and
at tho closo a two-course lunch was
Do You Want Building & Loan Money
Yes. wo can cot you all tho monoy
you want right away in tho Nebraska
Central litilluingte uoixn Association ot
Call and seous. Tomplo Heal Estato
& Insurance Agency, 1 and 2 McDonald
Hearing for Insanity-
The board of insanity is in session
this afternoon innuiring into tho san
ity of Moses McNanny, whoso actions
of lato indicate- that ho has gono
wrontr mentally. For a few days past
ho has been kept at tho I'ulver hospi
tal, from which ho escaped both Sat
urday and Sunday, but was found and
returned. cunday morning ho was
roaming the streets in his underwear,
ono foot bare the other wrapped with a
gunny sack. Questioned by a citizen
U. t. 1 1 ! .1... 1
no sum nu uau iiuun uui m uiu urumuiu
brush and lost his overalls. So far ho
has not shown a vicious disposition.
Tho Stricken Iloae From Grief.
What a fortunato provision of natura
it Is, that deprives tho roso of niontal
mirroring: for how poignant would bo its
grlof to dlscovor. In tho fiolght of Its I
blooming1 glory, that a conkor fed nt Its 1
heart, nnd that Its beauty nnd frngrnnco I
wero uoomcu rorovor. Naturo always
epares tho sufruring; alio Is a vorltnblo
storo-houso of plonslng rownrds, for
thoso who sok her aid. In tho years
gone by falling hair and grnynoss havo
cast a gloom ovor tho lives of thousands
ot young women, but thanks to tho In
vestigations of scientists tho truo cnu.HO
of hair destruction Is now known to bo
a germ or iiarnslto that burrowB Into
tho hair follicles. Nowbro'a Ilorplcldo
absolutely destroys this germ, thus
permitting tho hair to grow ns na
turo Intended. Bold by loading drug
gists. Bond lOo. In stnmpH for namplo
to The Ilorplcldo Co., Dotrolt. Midi.
Two hIsioh CO cents and S1.0U,
McDoncll & Graves, Special Agts.
Calves For Sale
Sixty-five head of High Grade Here
ford Calves. N. B. Sl'umiiEit,
North Platte, Neb.
An Emotional Melodrama.
Manager C. H. Stamp will present at
the Keith Theatre on Saturday evening,
Oct. 17th. E. J. Carpenter's production
of Fred Summerneld'B emotional melo
drama, "Why Girls Leave Home."
Besides funds hing a wholesome even
ing's entertainment, tho play incul
cates a nluablo lesson, to-wit, that for
girls at least tho poet s advice is sound
and it is better to bear the ills we have.
than lly to others we know not of. Iho
plot hinges on the experiences of a
young girl who is induced to leave a
rather restricted homo lilo hy a design
ing villimi and lives to regret her hasty
step. Pearl Sherwood is a pure-minded
girl in a family near New York nnd she
responds when the dazzling lights of
the great city invito her to comu nnd
participate in its follies. There is a
scene in a wine room whero a good deal
of roguery is developed, nnd Whore
Pearl Sherwood, discovering tho truo
character of her associates, throws
wine in tho face of thoso who connivo
ngainst her nnd (lees from tha path sho
is following. From that time until tho
knnvcry is overtaken there is xcite
rnent of various sorts. Sho is abducted,
held prisoner, is the victim of a schem
ing woman and a man who is thorough
ly bad, but in tho end sho escapes it
all. Th play is beautifully Btagod, tho
cafe and prison Bcones being particular
ly uifectivu,
Stove C 1
Pipe LlkUUGl
and Hot Water Bags
Hnvo no significance relatively speak
ing. Novertheless cool weather reminds
us of both. A 25c can of Patten's Stove
Pipe Enamel with a 25c can of Patton'a
Aluminum Enamel will cover u multi
tude of blemishes on your hard coal
As for that hot water bag, wo curry
the kind that are guaranteed or money
refunded. You should havo tno on
hund as they are wanted during tho
night usually when your neighbors are
Stone Drug Co.
Souvenir Postal Cards for Sale.
Ask your neighbor tho reason. Tho
answer comes, his prices aro right nnd
satisfaction guaranteed. My largo nnd
well assorted Block enables: every buyer
to pet what ho wunts. Now is tho tfmo
to build. Lot mo figure your next re
quirements. My estimates will bo founy
the lowest for tho samo superior quality
of lumber than you will got from and
ono else in the country.
Satisfaction is my motto.
insures n perfect fit. But that is not
the only reuson why those who desiro
good, well mado harness should go to
l'inK s. wc use only the best oak stock,
nnisn nnu mount in tho very best style,
No bettor values anywhere.
A. F. Fink,
Delicious Bread
that confers an added charm to any
meal, is mado by tho Enterprise Bakery
and served nt your homo overy morning
for break f ant. It in famous among all
who know what is good to eat. It has
that delightful lluvor which is so sel
dom attained oven among tho best of
bread makers, uivo us a trial order
and you will know how good it is.
Enterprise Bakery.
Mrs. Jennlo HrniBlronu, Prop.
Notice to Hunters and Others.
All parsons urn warned against hunt
ing or trosprnssing on the lands of tho
undersigned in Hall precinct. Violators
will bo prosecuted to tho full extent of
tho law.
Oscar Stiles, C. P. Campbell,
A. Gutherless, Fred Malono,
Cooper, W. H. Huth,
Wm. Ackurmun, M. E. Stlliu.