SPECIAL Ladies, we want you to cali and see our new line of China and Fancy Articles in China. Beautiful pieces and large stock CLINTON, T h Jeweler. DR. 0. il. CRE5SLCR, Graduate Dcnlis4 Ofllco over tho McDonald Stato Dank. W. T. Danks in homo from business trip to St. Joe, Mo. Charloy Honor loft this morning ' for a visit At Grand Island nnd York. Henry Wnltcmath and daughter Helen returnod last night from a visit in Omaha. Tho Presbyterian aid society will moot Thursday afternoon with Mrs. N. A. Davis. Ilratt & Goodman have eight per cent privato monoy to holp you buy or build. Wanted A girl for genoral house work. MrB. I. L. Miltonbargor. Goo. T. Field, who had been spend ing a couplo of woeks in Omaha, re turned Sunday. John Kolihor wont to Lincoln Sunday "B a dolegate to tho Degree, of Honor stato convention. Tho Wodnosday Afternoon Mualcalo will meot tomorrow nftornoon with Mrs. Chas. A. Dill. John II. Knowles, of Fort Morgan, formciily of Somoraet, i in town on business today. Wanted A girl for general house work. Mrs. Dr. Brock. C. H. Nevins, who recently sold his ranch in tho North Platto vnlloy, is in town today onroute homo from a busi ness trip to Omaha. Charloy Burklund camo down from Sutherland last oven in? and purchased a carload of eastern apples that had been shipped to this place. Moses McNanoy, who of lato has .been working for J. C. Richards, was placed in jail Sunday on account of actions which indicated insanity. Englrioor Schommorhorn came up from Omaha yesterday and this morn ing loft for the east on a motor car for the purpose of inspecting bridges. Two good attractions at tho Kolth theatre this weok, "Tho Volunteer Organist" tomorrow evening and tho Williams Jublloo Singers Thursday evening, A roprosontativo of a Shoboygan furniture manufacturer was in town tho latter pnrt of last weee and sold Horry Dixon a complete lino of ma kogony furniture for his store. Money Do You Want Building & Loan NOW. i os, wo can cot you all tho money you want right away in the Nebraska Central Building & Loan Association of Lincoln. Call and see us. Tornplo Rent Eatnto & Insuranco Agency, 1 and 2 McDonald Wock. J5A1 YOUR SHOPPING Tour is indeed far from com plete if you fail to inspect our splendidly complete and ex cellent showing of Women's Walking Shoes. Lasts that embody that lat est Metropolitan Style that are natural to the feet and leathers that are strong, dur able, lasting and properly tanned insuring you positive comfort and excellence in ser vice; in Button and Lace. $3.00 to $5.00, Graham & co. Tho usual weekly dance at tho opera house Thursday evening. H. J. Runner and Gcorgo Gorman, of Hooker precinct, nro each building a- new frnrne house on thoir farms. Yesterday being tho Jewish Atone ment Day, tho Fnlr and tho Leader were closed until six 'o'clock in the evening. Special meeting of Eastern Star Oc tober 12th; iniation nnd iloral drill. Sinco October 1st all meetings begin ot7:30. Sen that dramatic picture, "Lost in the Desert;" a thrilling trndegy of western vicisitudes at the opera houso tonight. Governor Hughes, of New York, will Bpenk in Kearney tomorrow afternoon. He will be in that city from three to four o'clock. Tho Holy communion will bo cele brated at tho Lutheran church next Sunday. A half hour preparatory hop vice will precede tho regular morning worship. MrB. W. T. Banks will entertnln nt hor homo Thursday evening u score of boys who sang nt a temperance rally at tho oporn housa ono Sunday evening during tho summer. Sam Bowers and Carl Lentz loft to day for O'Neill whoro they will regiHtcr as claimants for land in Tripp county, South Dakota. Tho drawing for the land will tnko placo on tho 10th Inst. Expect grent things, for you will suroly hoar thorn Thursday oVoning at tho Keith theatre If you go to hoar tho William Jubileo Singers. It's going to bo n treat and you can't afford to miss it. Corn Cribbing at Hershcy's. The Christlun Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian church will hold a social Friday oveninir nt tho Butler Buchannn residence to which the public is cordially invited. A good program will bo rendered nnd thoro will be plenty to eat. A. E. Huntington wont to Horshoy and buthorland this morning to make on estlmato of tho lumber in tho yards of C. F. IddlngB Cotnpuny, preparatory to a probable salo of part of tho in terests of tho company to Mr. 'Baker of Omnlm. ErnoBt Rowland, ono or tho first whlto children born In Lincoln county, accompanied by his family, arrived from Omaha Saturday, nnd may decido to locate In town. For n numbor of years ho linn boon living In Omaha. Chulrmnn Dnvis, of tho republican county control committee, has selected bverctt Evnns iib secretary of tho commlttoo and Geo. E. Pressor treas urer, Republican headquarters will be oponod this week in tho Keith theatre building. Hie regular mooting of tho Luther an lndloa' old soeioty will meet Thurs dny nftornoon at the parish house Several of tho ladies whose homes are too small to accommodate tho. society will entertain nt this time. A lnrgo attendance in anticipated, Paula Bei t, the little girl who visited Prof, and Mrs. E. A. Gnrllsch both last summer and tho summer before, Is a member of "Tho Volunteer Organist" company which appears at tho Keith thontro tomorrow evening and takes an important port in the play. Frank Herten, of Shu Francisco, is tho guest of his sister Mrs. Edward Seyfcrth. Mr. Horten Is prosidont of tho San Francisco Turn Vorein, and is onroute homo from Eurono where he attended, as a delegate, the international convention of that society. In tho county court yoatorday To- moochl Nagumoto svna bound over to tho district court on tho charge of an umontiouablu crime, u Japanese girl named Holu Ynmofuji being tho in tcroBion party, uouu or $ouu was re quired, which Up to noon had not been furnished, and Nagamoto is in jail. Stranger Forges Checks. Joseph Hershey, K. D. Small and the Rush Mercantile Company were the victims of check forgeries Saturday. At the former's storo a stranger appeared during the afternoon and purchasing a gun for $20. GG, ten dered a thirty dollar chock purported to have bcn drawn by Francis Mon tague, who lives southwest of town, and received $9.35 in change. In tho evening a stranger entered Small's shoe storo nnd roprosenting thnt he worked for Contractor J. R. White, purchased two pairs of shoes for $7.50 and tendering an cighteen- dollar check with Mr. White'H name forged, received $10.50 In change. In the Hershey instance, Dan An- tonides, who made the sale of tho gun, grow suspicious nnd telephoning Mon tague, found that the check was a for gery. Later he met the man on the street, accused him of forgery nnd Bummoned deputy sheriff Lowell. The fellow denied that ho wns th't man, said ho lived in Lex ington and that by telephoning it would bo found that his assertions wero correct. He was finally released and left town on No. A, Later it was found that the gun had been left atone of the saloons and it was returned to Mr. Hershey. Ii tho other forgory, Mr. Sma'l was not apprised of the worthlessncssof the check untill he presented it for pay ment nt the McDonald bank yesterday forenoon. Concluding that all Norh Platto merchants wore "easy" on the check racket, Mr. Smooth Man went to Hur- rington & Tobin's about 8:30 nnd or dered a bill of groceries amounting to $5 '15 nrtd tondered the clerk a chock for $18 to which J. R. Whito's name hud been forged. The clerk snld he was instructed not to cash checks, to wntcn the tellow checrluliy rc- Boonded: "Send the goods to the houso nnd collect from my wife," nnd gave the number of n vacant houso on west Third. Tho fellow then went to tho Rush Mercantile Co. nnd purchased tho same bill of goods aa he did at II. 's, but in this instance the check was cashed nnd tho fellow given $12.45 in change. Ho ordered tho goods sent to tho same address on weBt Third. The goods from both stores were de livered yesterday forenoon to tho vncnnt house, and as the items wero identical suspicion was at onco aroused, and it qulry of Mr. White developed that tho check cashed by the Rush compnny was a forgery. V. R. C. Social All mombers and friends of tho W. R. C. nre most cordially invited to attend the social to be held at the home f Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Brown, West Third street, Wednesday, Oct. 7th. This nvitntion includes all mombers of tho G. A. R , and nil nre sure of a hearty welcome and n pleaFant time. You get in free, and get out for ton cents. Notice to Sellers of Cream. Tramp, the grocer, is buvinrr cream and paying top price with immediate returns ot casn. David Colk Ckkamkky, Co., Omahn, Nob. For Sale Cheap Large size hard coal Jewel Heating Stove, also sheet Steel Stovo. Reason for selling imvo no further use for them. Jambs Belton, 218 W.4th St. Opera House Picture ....Show. Program Tonight MCTUR.ES "Don't Pull My Leg" "New Death Penalty" "Lost in the Desert" :Ker Choo" SONGSV Mr. Win. Besack "My Irish Rosie" "Sweet Jessie Dear" A Healthy Family. "Our whole faintly has onjnyed good health since wo began using Dr. King'H Now Life Pills, threo years ago." says L. A, Bartlelt, of Rural Route 1, Guil ford, Maine. Tlioy cleanse nnd tonu tho 8yutem in a gentle way that does you good. B5 cents at BUnu'a drug Wc Have Some Great Bargains in Real Estate Today Extra good building lots in nice loca tions at $75 and upwards. Nico homos nt from $G00 to $5000 on onsy payments. Improved farms, ranches, choice hay, nlfalfa nnd cheap unimproved lands nt $3.00 per ncre and upwards. Sco us boforo you buy. BUATT & GOCUMAN. School Notes. Miss Emma B. Smith wns appointed principal of the Central school at the meeting of tho bonrdlast Monday night. Sho will havo charge of tho teachers of tho building e.-clusive of tho high school, Ono of tho questions asked in tho monthly report of tho principls is: "Whnt pnrontB of the pupils enrolled in your building havo been to visit tho school during tho past month?" THo following wan tho report: North ward, nono; Last ward, 2; Wost ward, -1; Central, 1. Thu high school enrollment nt tho close of tho first month is 150. Tho first month is tho hard time on tho high school enrollment and it has stood tho test this year bettor than bo foro. Five havo dropped from school so far this yoar while thlrtoon bin quit at thin time last year. "All eighth grade pupils of tho city schools shall be required to take tho samo examinations and pass tho snmu grades boforo entering the high school that are required of tho pupils of the rural schools of. ihe county." In con fortuity with a recommendation of County Supt. Ebrlght and Deputv Stato Supt. Bishop, with tho approval of the eighth grade teachers and upon the suggestion of Supt. Tout tho Hoard pasHeil the uuovu resolution. This Is not a coming down for our Hchools but a levelling up anu win put an on an equality upon entering tho high school. worm natto is u loiur wavs awav from the Capitol of the state whoro the Stato Teachors Association will bo hold this fall, nut tho ISoird has announced that any teacher who cares to do so may attend this meeting without re unction 01 pay. mo pupils in rooms where tho teachers do not go to the State meeting will havo school as usual. l ho lecture courso which was arranged for the Y. M, C. A. last spring lias been taken over by tho Athletie Association of tho high school. This courso is a strong ono nnd wMl bo given 111 mo iveitn tiientre. mu ticuets tor the five numbers will bo sold at SI. 00 The boys are to bo commended on thei enterprise in talcing up such a propo sition. Midterm reports y1II be issued to nil nu nils of tho citv school mi V.itn..ui!u of this week. These reports nre to keen the parents informed as to the progress in wiBir emiuren. 11 iney snow an un satisfactory condition godiredMv totlu teacher (not to the Supt. or a member of the board) nnd find out what tho matter is. If you cannot be satisfied vith th teachers explanation the Superintendent will gladly take up the matter with you. .uutQtTK tha teucUar n chuuc Wednesday and Thursday 'Wifey's Strategy" "New York" "The Sailor's Dog" Admission 5c and 10c. Fall Styles 1908 S29 No. 520 Lndlas' Practical Coat Made from Broadcloth in all colors. It is threo quarter fitting and lined throughout with Satin. There is n cloth strap trimming down tho front and back, forming tho high waisted Ulrectotro mode. A I at collar is inlaid witli velvet nnd trimmed with wide braid and soutache. Price $18.00. Wilcox Department Store For Man and Beast our lap robes and blankets glv greater wnrmth, give better wear, look neater nnd givo more iienuino satisfaction to tho user than any yt put on tho mar ket. You cannot do better than to make a selection from our elegant stock A. i Fink. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital and Surplus - $120,000.00. DIRECTORS E. F. Seebergcr, C. F. McGrcw, J. J. Halligan, F. L. Mooney, Arthur McNamara. CLOTHES FOR HOYS Edcrhcinier, Stein & Co., Makers YOUR boy will mix up in games : like this all Fall; perhaps in sport more vigorous still. It will take the best clothes you can find to stand it., We're proud to offer you XTRAGOOD clothes. You're luchy to gat them. They are the honest product of the leading makers Ederhein.cr, Stein & Co. No question of their abiliiy to give the boy best service under all circumstances; no ' doubt of your satisfaction with fit, style, price, appearance. A lot of Norfolk and double-breasted -ntyles for you to choose from. For all ages 7 to 17. Weingand & McDonald Don't Spend $3.50 When Fifty Cents Will do the Work Prot. W. M. Hayos, Ass't. Secty, of Agriculture of the United State's says about Stock Food: "These balanced rations are often found bv aualvsis to consist of the tailings of mills, elevatnr m,i breweries, mixed with molasses and salt, to make the compound palatable to the cattle, and one of the largest Stock Food Companies is said to use fine sawdust, finely ground, to cheaply bring up the weight of bis product, instead of buying a superior and expensive balanced ration containing high fattening qualities and acting as a tonic, he has paid a high price for a feed containing, along with ordinary grain, finely ground alfalfa hay and other common food stuffs, $5.00 to $25.00 per ton, a high percentage of refuse, and non-nutritious matter, some of which may be positively dangerous to the health of his stock." , Make your own stock foods and remedies by tiling Skidoo Horso and Cattlo Tabletstor horses, cattle, sheep, swine and fowls; proper dose in tablets. Mix In feed or salt. They contain no sawdust, ashes, chopped feed or bran. Ask for and try once Cfcidoo Condition Tablets or Skidoo Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera, Cathartic, Heave, Fever, Hog Cholera, Distemper, Pink Eye, Colic, White Plague Preventic. or Blister Tablets, or Louse Killer, Spavin Kemedy, or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO., Capital Stock $300,000.00, Watortown, S. D U. S. A. FOR SALE BY JOHNSON'S CASH RACKET STORE. Barb wire for sale at Hershey's, corner Fith and Locust St. Phone 15. OUDKlt OF HKATtlNO ON PF.TITION FOIt Al'l'OlNTMKNT OK ADMIN 1ST UATOU Oil AD.MlNISTKATItlX. Ptnloof Nebraska, I County of Lincoln, f . In tho County Court October nth, 1CKW. li. tint matter of tho estate of William II. Wolty, deceased ' n readln and flllnir tho petition of Oath orlno M. Miller and Henry I). Weltr. prayluff that thn administration of said rst'atu may iHMrrnntutl to John K.Evans an administra tor. Ordered. That Octobcr31st. 1P0H, at 9 o'clock a. m., U nvslcned for hearing xald tHitltlun when all persons Interested In (.aid matter may appear at a County Court to lx held In and for said County, and dhow causa why tho prayer of petitioner should not Ih uraiited. This notice to lx pnhlUhcd for three. Miceesslva wtoliH In tho North Platto i riouna prior 10 ueioixiruiHt ihn. W. R. M ALONE Y, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER A full lino of Cuskots, Robes, etc. Sails answered promptly, 'ay Phono 120. Niuht Phono 482. LiKQALj NOTIOK Liicy II. Francis. Mary II. Peek. Henrietta II. Hale. Clarissa Stoddard and David II. Stud danlclofundtints will tnkn notice that on the 5th day of Octolwr, Hi, Daniel L. Hlch--inaii plaintiff herein, filed Ills petition in dist rict court of Lincoln County. Nebraska, acalnst "aid defendants Impleaded with other, thuobjoct and prayer of which are nulHt and confirm In plaintiff tho tltlo to the northwest quarter of oectlon fit. township It. ranro 2. In Lincoln County Nebraska. And tOKiihroiratu plolnilir to all rlirhta and In terHUtof each and all of tho above namid defendants In and to said promises clolmed by them as helm at law of Ni wton Hart dece ased, under certain mortjracu aealnst Kald premises Riven by Henry .Jones to Hald Newton Mart, anil for a deoreu foreclosing and barrlnif all rltrlit tltlo and Interest of eai h and all of tho defendants herein and to minis mm iiirsui.-M uiriuer ronor as may bo equitable and Just. on aro required to answer said potltlon on or Ixiforo tho Kith dav of Novemlior. UjK A I ob7t Oo1)rity'lu3U). Brofif. nrn. .