f . Peonies as a Medicine. I'oonlos wero originally cstooinpd less (or boauty of bloom than for vnluo ns a medicine. In recognition of Its curntlvo virtues, the peony was named after Paeon, Ilia physician of the gods. An old writer suys: "About an Infant's neck bant? pronto. It cures Alcydos t,yi;: -n. .a u Nor did the usu of the plant stop there, for peony water was esteemed and dranlc In by gone times, though whether as medi cine or merely as a refreshing tem perance bevel ago In more than modern writers can nay. Didn't Know Frogs. A dignified army captain wan once stationed In quarters nonr a pond In which wore many bullfrogs. The captain had never heard bull frogs, and In the middle or tho night, fairly distracted by their continuous hollowing, ho descended tho wtalrs in Ills robe dc null, and said to tho sen try: "Sentry, tell tho sergeant of tho guard to ding tho cow out of that marsh." Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with MJCAI. APPLICATIONS, in thry rannot rinfli llif eat of I hi (llM-nw. tauirli H a Mood or romitl lutkiiM miii in firilrr In euro It you mint take Internal rrmnllrs. Hull' Catarrh mire U tnkm in ternally, ami ncln directly titn the tikiocl anil mueutit rurfawt llall'n Calnrrh l"iire Ii ma n riuack infill line. It mm priwrllMil hy on! uf the Imt phyrlrlnii) li till WMintry lur yean nnil Li n reirular priMrltitlo-i. It ta cimitiowcl of the lrfl WiiIm known, nnntilfinl with Iho lt IiIiukI niirlflem. nttlnu illrrctly on llio fnurwH nurture. The ix-rlMt ruinlilnatlnu ol II (no ingrnllfflM H what iiriKlurea rurh wonderful re UIU In lurln ealarrh. Krnrt fur tMtlmonlnl, frre. F. J. CHUNKY A CO., ProlM.. 'loledo, O. Hold by Primal!, price 7!e. 'take If all's Family Pill for eoimllnitlun. A Broken Guarantee, "I nover guaranteed tho horso not to balk. 1 merely said thnt ho would stand anywhere." "Hut ho won't. When he balks ho lies down." HOUSE SYNOPSIS. Ollen Dudley nrrlvoil In Ban I'rniiflaco to Join lil.t rrlotnl unci distant relative Henry Wilton, whom In- wan to anoint In iin Important mid mynterloti IiihU. nml who acroinpnnli-il Utiillny on the. ferry bout Irlp Into the ulty. Tho n-innrluibli- roxeinhlance of tin- two mon Is noted nnd i-ominonleil on hy piisfifti xern on the ferry. They ee a limn with -tiuko 'fmt which ai.tiiIh h tin III through Dudley. Wilton poHlimmm nn i-xpliinittlun of the atrnniro nrrand Dudley In to per form, but orcurrcneeM chump lilm to know It in one of no otdlnury iiumuiIiik. Wilton leaven Olle In their room, with Instruction to awiill MIh ruturn. Unruly Iiuh ho none thun (Hie In Martini by u cry of "Help." Dudley Im Miiminoned to the inniKtiL and there IIikIk the dead liody of his frlund, Henry Wilton. Anil thun Wilton dies without i-vur .'xplalnlntt to Dudley the puzzling work he wus to perform In Han l-'ianclnco. In order to illM-over the sihti-1 iiiIhhIoii Ills friend bad entrunteil to him, Dudley ronlliuieH hln illflKUlsp and permltH hlmelf to ho known um Henry Wilton. Dudley, mlnlnketi for Wilton, In employed by Knapp to assist In u slock hrokeniKe deal. Ulles Dudley llnilM hlliiRelf rloneteil III II room Willi .Mother llorton who makes n eonllihint of lilm. He can lenrn nothlliK about the mynti-rloiiB hoy rurthir than that it Is Tim Terrlll nod Darby Meeker who an; after him. Me Is told that "Dicky" Nnhl In h traitor, plnylmr both hands In the eame Dudley kcIh his first knowledKC of Decker, who Is Kuapp's enemy on the Hoard. Dudley visits the homo of Knapp and Is strlrken hy the beauty of I.uella, his daughter. Ho Is provided with four KUiirilH, Drown, Ilarkhouse, l-'ltzhUKh and I'orter. Ho tenrns there Is to be no trotlblo about money as all expenses will he paid, the biro of the Ktiurds belni? paid by one "lllchinond." Tim body of Henry Wilton Is committed to the vault. Dudley re sponds to a nolo and vI.hIIh Mother Dor ton In company with Policeman I'nrson. (Hies Dudley ukuIii visits tho Knupp homo. Ho Is fasclnnted by I.uella ami horeil liv Mm. Howner. Ullitimilnn lour thrniiKh Chinatown Is planned. Tho trip to Chinatown. tJiics unuiey lenriiH uiiu Hie nuriv Im beltiir tihndowed by Terrlll. I.uella is dumbfounded when Sim anil Dinllov in her father enmlmr from an opium den. I.uolla and Dudley are cut off from tno rent or mo puny ami impi'mon mi in n imlltvnv befdnil an Iron-bound door. Threii Chlneso rulllaus ittiprouch thu tnnr soiled couple. A.uauie onsuen. wne In knocked down, Giles belns tlrlnir. Tim Terrlll Ih seen In the mob. A newly form ml mull In cheeked bv Khotll from (IIU-h' revolver. I'ollcomun Corson breaks down ihn ilmir wild on ax and the colllite Is rencued. I.uella thanks titles Dudley for anviiiK her life. DoddrldK" appears at the olllcn with no traces of tho previous lUKhl's debauch. CHAPTER XIX. -Continued. At tills Kppnur gnvo a blast like a cornet, and. waving hla arms fran tically plunged Into n small-sized riot. I hud entrusted lilm with fi.OOO shares of Crown and Diamond to bo nold for Thousandn nf AinnHenn wnmnn tho beHt price possible, and ho was in our homos rtro dailv HiinrHluiniz focdlng tho opposition Judiciously II.. J .1..!.. " I IMin i.rl nn iviivii-nit ffin n tiinmniil lull JlVUil IU UllLV. !. in ore or to keen Uio homo norit rnmeu anu icncucu w,. and pretty, rtho children well dressed At this I algnalcd to Wallbrldge. anu tluy, womon ovonlo. A loinnlo and witli nnotner boiiow no starieti wciiknesa or displacement Ih often an opposition riot, on tho other ulde urotichton anu tho v sutler itiH Ipneo. of tho room from Uniuior. and ten ciniunsr aionic irom uau to worse, frown Diamond in lumim to tno nowi unowililf well lime tlioy otlglit to Ing forceu or the Ueckor comlilnntion. imvoneiptoovorcomo llio pains and The battlo wob raging furiously. iiciicawiileliuaiiynmuolilualmrden. Theio was u final rally of thu Deck xi is to tneso nutuiui women tunc VEGETABLE COMPOUND 'Where Is It now?" 1 asked. "Sixty-nine and a half." I meditated an Instant whether to use my authority to throw another 5,000 shares nn tho market. Hut I caught sight of Decker opposite, pale, hawk-like, just seizing an envelope from a messenger. Ho toro It open, and though his faro changed not n line, I felt by a mysturlous Instinct that it brought assurance of tho aid he sought. "Huy every share you can got," I said promptly. "Don't got hi tho way of l.titllnior or Hppncr. Put on steam, too." A moment later tho clamor grew louder nnd the excitement increased. I heard shouts of 75, 78, 80 and 85. Decker's men had entered Into the bidding with energy. Tho sinews of war had been recruited, and it wna a battlo for tho possession of every block of stork. Thus far I had followed closely tho plan laid down tor mo by Doddridgo Knapp, and tho course of the market had agreed with the outlines of his prophecy. Hut now It was going up faster than ho had expected. Yet I could do nothing but' buy. I dared not hot hounds to the bidding. I could only grip the railing and wait for the end of tho call. At last It came, and "Omega, one hundred nnd live and throe-quarters" was tho closing quotation. 1 feverish ly took tho totals of my purchases from the brokers and gave the checks to bind them. Then 1 hastily mado "Well, Decker Isn't any hotter- off than you,' I said consolingly. "He's ten or r.'toon thousand shares worso off than I am." "And he's put a fortune Into Crown Diamond, nnd Is pretty well loaded with Confidence." "True, my boy." "And so," I argued, "ho must be nearer tho liottom of his sack than you aro." "Very good, Wilton," said the King of the Street with n quizzical look, j "Hut yoifvo left one thing otft. You don't happen to know that tho direc tors of the HI Dorado Hank had a secret meeting last night and decided to back Decker for all they aro worth." "Hather a rash proceeding," I sug gested. "Woll, ho had throe millions of their monoy In his scheme, bo I reck on they thought the tall might as well follow tho hide," explained my employer. "The only thing to do then Is to get h bank yourself," 1 returned. Doddridgo Knupp'a lips closed, and n trnco of n frown was on his brows. "Well, this isn't business," ho snld. "Now here Is what I want," ho con tinued. And ho gave directions for the biiylng'nt the afternoon session. "Now, not over 125," wns his part ing Injunction. "You may not got much I don't think you will though I have a scheme that may bring a re action." Doddridge Knapp's schomo for a re action must have been ono of tho kind that goes off backward, for Omega Jumped skyward on tho afternoon call, and closed at UIO. And I had been able to get a scant 1,500 shnrca when the call was over. "I did hotter than you," said Dodd ridgo Knapp, when I explained to him tho course of tho soaslon. "I found a nest of 2,500 and gathered them In at 120. Hut that's all right. You'vo done well enough as well as I ex pected." "And still 8,000 to got," I said. "Nearly." "Well, we'll get them In due time, I suppose," 1 said cheerfully. "We'll have 'am hy Monday uoo.i, nnmna na n 1nnn ntirl n lilnoutinr WIUVJ Uli MUUI1 (ItiV ID U.UOtllllK, as it did to Um. F. Ellsworth, of er forces, and tho call closed with Crown Diamond at G;i. I hnd sold 12, 000 shares. 1 was pleased at tho result, Dodd ridge Knupp had Intrusted mo with the hIuuoh. with tho remark: "I paid MftWillo. N. Y.. and to Mrs. W. P. 50 for 'om and they're not worth a Jioyd, of Beaver Falls, Pu.,who say: tinker's dnm. I got an insldo look at "IwaBtiotnblo to do rav own work. to ' wnon i was in Virginia uuy. owlnir to tho fcmulo trouble from which Food Decker all ho'll tako at fit), lie's I Buffered. Lydla E, I'lnlcham'a Vetro- boon fooled on thu thing, and I reckon tobloCompoumllielpoil ino wonderfully, he'll buy a good lot of them at that." anu iam sowoiunai icanuo as mp u , lm(1 Ho)(, IJO(,(irl,igo Knapp's on- MZXt$i tho lot of tho stock at an average of mmjMtm - I U'U 3U, 111111 MUUlUt lllllt I'tWIll, Wl rAUlb l-UK aiUIV WUnIELN 1G n share, and hnd. for a second pur For thlrtv vor.rs Lvdla E. Pink- hobo, served tho plan of cnmpalgn by liam'a Vegetablo Comjwund, inado drawing tho enomy'B resources to tho irom roots mm uorim, has been tho derensu of Crown Diamond nnd weak Btandard romcdy for fontalo ills, onlng, by so much, his power of op and has posit Ivoly cured thousandsoi orating elsowhoro. womonwnonavoouentrouDledwith ny tho tlmo Omega wns reached 1 ICARTEtfSl WITHE H PILLS. displacements, inikuunation.ulcora tlon, llhroid tumors, irrcfrularlties, jwriodioiMims, uacmicnc, mat near-uiK-down feellnff, iiatulency. indices. tion,dizzlnes8,or nervous prostration. wiiy don't you try it r Mrs. lMnklinin Invites nil stole women to write her for ndvlce. Shu has (rtihlctl thousands to uealtli. Address, JUyiin, iuusB. SICK HEADACHE l'o.nltlvoly cured hy those Lllilo Tills. W i 'racy nuo relieve jji TTP ItrrMsfroin Uyin-pHln, lu ff lfrn Mlk'i'HtloiiuiiaTooIIinrlj I IT1 I U f K Cntluir. A perfect rrin ledy for Ultilui-MH, Nuti- Ircu, DrownlncRH, II nd 'fuutfltutlie Jtniitli.Coiit- led Touch r, l'alti In the IHldc, TOHPID LIVKll They regulato the llowels. I'urcly Vegetablo SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Similo Signaturo REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. THE DUTCH DOY PAINTER) STANDS FOR tf ri ill Allil I J A i rAIIM I UAU IT IT 15 FOUND ONLYOU . kPUREWHITELEAD MADE OV THE ftLn niirrH . PROceos. ' CARTERS fro& hud tho plans full in hand. l'lio assatilt, on Crown diamond had caused a nervous feeling all nlnni; the line, and under rumors of a bear raid thoro had boon a drop of several points. OmeRti felt tho result of the nerv ouiiness and depression, and opened at 7G. There was a moment's buzz the unlet of a crowd expectant of great events. Tlion Wnllbrltlgo charged into the throiiK with a roar. 1 could not distinguish his words, but I knew that ho was currying out my onlor to drop 5,000 shares on tho market. At his cry there was an answering roar, and the sceno upon the Hoor turned to a riot. How tho market was going 1 could only guess. At Wullbrldge'B onset I saw l.attlmor and Kppnor make a tllvo for him and then sopurate, following other shout ing, screaming madmen who plrouttud about tho Hoor and tried to save themselvos fiom a mobbing. I henut 70 shouted from one direction, but could not inako out whether It set thu price of tho stock or not. The dlu wus too confusing for mo to follow tho course of events, At last Wallbridgn staggered up to tho rail, Hushed, collnrless, and pant tug for breath, with his hat a hope less wreck. '1 sold down to 71 averaging 711, I guess and she's piling in tit to break thu door," ho gasped, "Did Lattlmur and Kppnor get your stock?" 1 could not help asking. "They got about 3.000 of It. Hoson. helm got tho rest." 1 remembert'd ltoseuhum as the agent of l)cckur, and sighed. Hut hat timer and Kppnor wero busy, aud I had hopes. Ilk IIP v! ' "OTT 7HZPJ2fCF W&VT UP PJZZTTy my way through tho excited throngs that blocked the cntrnnco to tho Kx chnnge, brought thither by tho ex citing news of "a boom In Omega," and hurried to the olllco. Doddridgo Knapp had not yet come, and 1 consumed inyaelf with Impa tience for ten minutes till I heard his key In tho lock nnd ho entered with a culm smile on his face. I guva him my memoranda and tried to rend his face as ho studied thom. "You did a good Job with Crown Dia mond," ho grunted approving'. "Thanks," 1 returned. "1 thought It wasn't bad for a stock that was not worth mentioning. And hero Is 7.000 shares of Omega bought and 5,000 sold. Thnt schomo worked pret ty well. Wo made 2,000 by U. Um the prlco went up pretty fast. Tho King of thu Street looked sour ly ut tho Ugures beforo lilm. "You ought to have got more stock," ho growled. This was a hhock to my solf-con gratulutlon over my success, and 1 guvo an iuuulrlng "Yes?" "As 1 llguro It out," ho said, "some body olso got 7,000 shares and odd. Thoro wero over 15,000 shares sold In your Hoard." 1 murmured that I had done my best. "ua, yes; i suppose bo," said my employer. "Hut wo need more." "How much?" 1 nuked. "1'vo got a Uttlo over 48.000 shnrus," ho said sloy, "and I must have near C0.000. It looks as though I d have to light for them." or wo won't hnvo 'om nt all," growled Doddridgo Knapp. "How's that?" "Yop seem to hnvo forgotten, young man, that the stock transfer books of tho Omega Company close oh ftlonday at 2 o'clock," hu said as tho door closed behind him. As I luut never heard this interest ing pleco of information beforo, 1 could not In strictness be said to have forgotten It. CHAPTER XX. Making Progress. "You really don't mean It." said I.u ella severely, "and it's very wrong to sny wlint you don't mean." "In society?" 1 nsked blandly. "I'm nfrald you're a horetlc, Miss Knapp." "Hut wo'ro not In society, not just now, that Is to say. Wo'ro Just friends talking together, and you're not to say what you don't menu Just for tho sake of ploutliig my vanity." "Well, If wo'ro just friends talking together" said 1. looking up in her race. I was seated on tho footstool before her, nnd It was very eliariulng to look at her face, so 1 stoppod at that. "Yes," said I.uella, bonding forward In hor interest. Ueforo I could reply, .Mrs. Knapp's voice was In my oar, and Mrs. Knapp's llguro was In tho archway of tho al cove. "Oh, you aro bote," she said, "I thought 1 heard your voices., I.uolla, your fathor wants to see you a min ute. Ami how do you do, Mr. Wil ton?" I greeted Mrs, Knapp cordially thoiiph I wIfIk cI that slip hnd delayed her appearance, and looked regretfully after huella. "I want to thank you for your hero ism the other ovonlng," she said. "Oh, It was nothing," I answered lightly. "Any one would have dono tho same." "Perhaps but nono the less we are all very grateful. If I had only sua pucted that anything of the kind could have happened. I should never have al lowed them to go." I fell rehelllously glad that she had not suspected. "I blame myself for It nil," 1 bowed. "It was vory careless of me." "I'm afraid so, nftcr all tho warning you have had," said Mrs. Knapp. "Hut ns It turned out, no harm was done," I said cheerfully. "I supposo so," snld Mrs. Knapp ab sently. Thou sho spoke with sudden attention. "Do you think your ene mies followed you there?" I was taken nback with tho vision of tho Wolf figure In tho grimy pass age, a fiend In tho intoxication of opi um, and Btammored for a reply. "My siutkc-oycd friend ntndo himself a little familiar, I'm afraid," I ad mlttod. "it Is dreadful that these dangers should follow you cvorywherc," said Mrs. Knapp with feeling. "You must bo careful." "I have doveloped eyes In tho back of my head," I said, smiling at her con cern. "I fear you need moro than that. Now tell mo how It all happened, Just ns you saw It. I'm afraid Luella was n little too hysterical to glvo a true ac count of It." 1 gave her tho story of the sceno in tho passage, with a few Judicious emandations. I thought It hardly worth whllo to mention Doddridgo Knapp's appearance, or a few other Items that wero moro precious to mo than to anybody else. When I had dono Mrs. Knapp sighed. "Thoro must bo nn end of this some day," sho said. , "I hope tho day Isn't fnr oil," I con fessed, "unless It should happen to bo tho duy tho coroner Is called on to tako a particular interest In my per son." Mrs. Knapp shuddered. "Oh no, no not that way." Then after a pause, sho continued: "Would you not rather attack your dangers nt once, and have them over, than to wait for them to seek you?" 1 felt a trlllo uneasy at this speech. There seemed to bo a suggestion In it that 1 could end tho wholo matter by marching on my enemies and coming to decisive battle. 1 wished I know what sho was hinting nt and how It was to bo dono beforo I answered. "I haven't felt any particular dis position to hunt them up," I confessed, "but If I could cut oft all tho heads of tho hydra at onco It would bo worth whllo. Anything for peace and uulet, you know." Mrs. Knapp smiled. "Well, thoro is no uso challenging your fate. Thero is no need for you to act, unless tho boy is in danger." "Oh, no, nono at all," I replied tin blushlngly. "And we'll hope that ho will be kept safe until tho danger has passed." 1 hoped so devoutly, and said as much. After a few moro words I took udvautngc of tho lull to excuso myself and make a dive into tho next room whero I espied Lmellti. "Yes, you may sit down here," sho ' sulil carelessly. "I want to bo amused." I I was not at all certain that I wus I Haltered to bo considered nmuslng; ! but I was willing to stay on any terms, so wo fell into animated conversation on nothing and everything. In the midst of this entertaining situation 1 discovered that Mrs, Knapp was watching us, and her fnco showed no easy stato of mind. As I caught hor eyo sho moved away, and a mlnuto later Mr. Carter appeared with, "Uxcuso me, Miss Knapp, but your mother would Hko to seo you. Sho and my wifo hnvo some conspiracy on hand." I was pleased to seo that Luella did not tako tho Interruption grateful ly, but sho, surrendered hor place to Mr. Carter, who talked about tho weather with a fertility of common places that excited my admiration. Hut us oven tho weather has its limits as a subject of Interest and tho hour grew Into I suppressed a yawn aud sought the Initios to take my leave. "Oh, must you go?" said Luella, ris ing. And, leaving Mrs. Carter to her mother, sho walked with me to the hall as though sho would speak with mo. Hut onco moro nloue. with only tho hum of voices from tho reception-room us company, sho foil silent, and I could think of nothing to say. "It's vory good of you to come," sho raid hesitatingly. My mind wont back to that other ovonlng when I had loft tho floor In humiliation and blttornoss of spirit. I'orhaps she, too, was thinking of tho time. (TO ni-3 CONTINUED.) A SIMPLE SAFEGUARD IN BUYING PAINT. Everybody should know how slmplo and easy It Is to avoid all uncertainty in buying paint materials. There nro many so-called whlto leads on tho market, which contnln chalk, zinc, harytes, nnd other cheap adulterants. Unless the properly owner takes nd vantago of the slmplo means of pro tection afforded him by rellablo whlto lead manufacturers, ho runs great risk of getting an Inferior and adulterated whlto lead. It la to protect tho paint-buyer against fraud nnd adulteration that National Lead Company, tho largest makers of genuine Puro Whlto Load, placo their famous "Dutch Doy Paint er" trademark on every keg of their product, nn absolute guarantee of Ha purity and quality. Anyono who wants to muko a practical test of whlto lend, nnd who wants a valuable free book about painting, should address Na tional Lead Company, Woodbrldgo Uldg., Now York, and aik for test equipmont. AUTOMOBILE SHOP TALK. "What was your record across Jer sey?" "Ono country constable and a cow." Laundry work nt homo would bo much more satisfactory If the tight Starch wero used. In order to got tho desired stiffness, it Is usually acces sary to uso so much starch that tho beauty aud Iluencss of the fabric is hidden behind a paste of varying thickness, which not only destroys tho appearance, but ulso affecta tho wear ing quality of tho goods. This trou bio can bo entirely ovcrconio by using Deflnuco Stnich, as It can be applied much moro thinly because of Its great er strength than other makes. Ethergrsm. Langungo grows apaco with tho victories of applied science. Con sider for n moment how many worda In tho ordinary work-a-day vocabu lary woro unknown a quarter or a century ago and ere tho natural prod uct of discovery and Invention. With tho perfection of wireless transmis sion of Intelligence thero obviously ennio need of a word designating a moBsngo conveyed by tho new method. "Ethorgram" has been suggested and, in fact, Is bolng used in Great Britain. rlf not, why not? Lost In the Telephone. Henry Abraham has calculated tho maximum effeetlvoness of tho tole pono for a Bound of given pitch nnd a current of measured intensity. Tho result shows thnt thero Is great room for Improvement in this respect. Not withstanding tho apparent oxtromu seusltlvenoss of the best telephones, they aro, after all, surprisingly inef fective, since they transmit to tho ear im the form of sound-waves less than a thousandth part of tho energy ro. colvod from tho lino. Boy Grades the Clergy. Bishop Potter, at an ecclesiastical dinner In Now York, rend a Coopers town schoolboy's essay on "Clergy men." Tho essay, which created much amusement, was as follows: "Thoro aro 2 kinds of clergymen Hlshups rectors and curnts. the blsh tips tellB tho rectors to. work and tho curat3 have to do It. A curat Is a thin married man but when ho Is a recter ho gets fuller and can preach longer 8ormons and becums a good man." Washington Star. Satisfied. "Look here!" grumbled the old farm er. "This hero almanac Is a fraud. It predicted snow for yesterday and, by gum, It was hot as blazes all day." "But my dear sir," responded tho Wand almanac peddler, "It snowed up at tho north polo yesterday." Tho old farmer's Jaw fell. "It did?" he drawled slowly. "Wal, I reckon tho nlmanac Is all right then. It did toll tho truth, didn't It?" Nev Method of Shaft Sinking. A inetnml of shnft siuklng has been tried In Franco In w (ch coment slurry m forcod through boreholes In to soft fissured strata In onlor to form a wal. of concroto within which sink 'ns cuj bo performed. MOTHER AND CHILD Both Fully Nourished on Grape-Nuts. Tho vnluo of this famous food Is 3hown in many ways, in addition to what might ho expected from its chem ical analysis. Grape-Nuts food is made of wholo whent and barley. Is thoroughly baked for many hours and contains all tho wholesomo Ingredients in tlieso co reals. It contains also tho phosphnto of potash grown in tho grains, which Na ture uses to build up brain and nervo cells. Young children require proportion ntoly moro of this oloment because tho bralu and nervous system of the child grows so rapidly. A Vn. mother found tho value of drupe-Nuts In not only building up her own strength but In nourishing her baby nt tho same time. Sho writes: "After my baby ramo I did not re covor health and strength, and tho doctor said I could not nurse tho baby as I did not have nourishment for her, besldcfs I was too weak. "Ho said I might try n chniigo or diet and see what that would do, and recommended Grape-Nuta food. I bought a pkg. and need It regularly. A marked change camo over botli baby nnd I. "My baby Is now four months old. Is in line condition. I um nursing, her and doing nil my work and never' felt better In my lire." "There's-a Uenson." Numo given by I'ostnm Co. Hnttlo Crook. Mich. Head "Tho Uond to Well vllle," In pkgs. Ever read tho above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They arc genuine, true, and full of humaa Interest, Y