The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 22, 1908, Image 1

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    flUto Hlilorlc! Scckty
1 H"f- it C itt
NO. 61)
Chns. II. Stamp, Lessee and Mgr.
MgsEMfcr. Wednesday, Sept. 23d.
we W
William P. Cullen's Sumptuous Presentation of
the Pixley and Luders Comic Opera
Harry Hermsen and Ruth White
and Over Half a Hundred Others, Including
the Famous, Original, Saucy tojj
K angaroo Grirls
Prir.P SI .00. 2.00. $3.00. $5.00 $
Manager Stamp informs us that u
number of out-of-town people have
engaged seats for "The Burgomaster"
tomorrow nvening.
The capital stock of the Sutherland
bank has been increased from $5,000 to
$10,000 which enn be taken as evidence
of progressiveness and prosperity.
Arthur Marlatte, of Maxwell, has
finished stacking 1,600 tons of hay on
his ranch north of that town,- in addi
tion to putting up 900 tens or. the Paw
nee ranch.
The Crystal Theatre presents the vory.
iltieat Ol mu Iliuuuii uutuica. iwwuya
something tq amuso and interest you.
Come to The Crystal and sec- a good
ihow for your money ten cents.
The commissioners appointed to view
a road running from the end of Twelfth
street west to connect with the road
running north and south at the west line
of the Cody lands, has reported favor
ably upi.n tho location of such a high
way. Will Lewis, who was taken to Omaha
last week to have an operation per
formed is getting alone nicclv. Tho
operation developed a bad case of ulcer
ation ot the Btomacn, tne trouoio nav
ing been of ten years' standing.
Dr. McLeay last week broke tho au
tomobile record between Gandy and
North Platte, covering tho distance
from that town to tho north end of tho
North Platte bridge m one hour and
fifteen minutes. When he reached the
bridge his speed was curtailed by reason
of meeting n numuer oi teams.
John Kinkaid, for twenty years a
resident of Lincoln county, but of late
dividing his time between relatives in
Denver and California, arrived in town
the latter part of last week and will
remain for several weeks, visiting his
daughter, Mrs. Geo. A. Walker.
"Tho Burgomaster", which will bo
the opening attraction at tho Keith
Theatre tomorrow evening, effervesces
with musical gems of gonuino merit,
and unnucstionablv will prove the
hritrhtost and best musical production
to be seen here this season. Some
fourteen sonirs are on tho program,
and they are rendered by people who
are vocalists of ability. The staging
and costumes of tho play are superb.
For the Big Miss.
We are selling1 a specially
constructed Shoe for the Big
School Girls. These Shoes
are made of the best Soft Kid
and they have a medium low
heel and a sole that will give
comfort and protection. This
is just the Shoe you have been
looking for.
Sizes 24 to 8
The Big Shoe Man.
52 1 Dewey St.
Taft Will Visit North Platte
In tho itinerary arranged for the
Taft trip in Nebraska, provision is
made tor .tne special train to reacn
North Platte about nine o'clock in tho
morning of Oct. 2d.
It is probobla that Air. Tart's stay
in North Platte will be somewhat briof
as he is scheduled to reach Chcyenno at
three in the afternoon.
Further particulars of the coming of
Mr. Taft will bo given later in theso
columns. No matter how short his
stay, arrangements will be made to
give him a hearty reception.
Lincoln County Lumber.
Jnke Coleman, who was up from
Pcckham precinct Saturday, informs
us that this winter ho will saw into
lumber the timber on his eleven aero
tree claim. These trees, of which there
are some 7,000. were set out in 1883,
and many of them now measure two
and one-feet in diameter and forty feet
from the ground to the first limb. They
are perfectly sound nnd will make
lumber free from imperfections. A
sawmill outfit from Gibbon will bo so-
Mr. Coleman, who has mcdo a snug
fortune sinco locating in Lincoln coun
ty, will probably move to North Platto
next year.
Miss May Walker was hostess at a
chafing dish supper Friday evening,
ten or twelve guests enjoying the function.
AI Tift dislocated his richt shoulder
last Thursday while getting out of a
buggy, his feet becoming- tangled up
in the lines.
Tho democrats have elected Thos.
Hcaley chairman and J. B. McDonald
secretary of tho county central com
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. McEvov took
their three yeur old daughter to Omaha
yesterday for the purpose of having an
operation performed for anemoroids.
Orrin Kollogg. of Douzlas. Minn..
has purchased of Alvin Vinot tho south
half of tho southeast quarter of section
3-12-30, for the sum of $3,000.
The fire department was called out
bunday afternoon to extinguish a burn
ing chicken houBO on the premises of
uob uover on west f ourth street.
Two carloads of California peaches
were retailed at Cozad last week at
seventy-fivo cents per box. That's
certainly cheap for Pacific coast fruit.
Tho initial party of tho 500 Club will
be hold on the evening of October 6th
at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Geo. B.
Dent, Mrs. Dent to be assisted by
Mrs. Ira L. Bare. The club this season
will bo composed of fourteen couples.
Miss Alma Waltemath was badly
stunned Saturday evening by the horse,
which sho was riding, slipping and fall
ing and precipitating her to the ground
with much force. She was unconscious
for somo little time following the mis
hap, and is still in a somewhat serious
Workman & uerryberry have hied a
complaint airainst F. E. Macnusscn
charging him with obtaining goods
uuder false pretenses. Tho firm sold
Magnussen WJ worth of mcrchandicc
on the representation that he owned
forty head of cattlo that wero being
pastured on tho Speer ranch north of
town, but tho complaint says Magnus
sen did not own cattle as represented.
Tho case has been set for hearing Octo
ber 24th.
Wo have just received our fall stock
of stoves, consisting of Jewel Baso
Burners, Ranges, Looks and Heaters
Also we have the well known Retort
Oak Stoves, of which somo are fitted
iu uuui utuuuait iiiou wu jiuvu ijiu lum
inal genuine Coles' Hot Blast Stoves.
We invite tho public to como in and ex
amine our different line of stoves
Yours for the stoves business.
The electric light plant closed down
at twelve o'clock Saturday nierht in
order that a new fly wheel might bo
placed on the engine. I ho workmen, of
whom there wero seven or eight, struck
a snag when attempting to remove tho
old wheel, and instead completing the
work yesterday as expected they will
not finish until today. On account of
no lights, services wero not he d in the
churches Sundayevening and last even
ing tho town was in darkness.
Many New Acreage Lots.
Tho Bitrvnvnr hna rnmnlfltml tho lav
ing out of tho new addition for Roy B.
Tabor, Trustee. This new addition will
bo named "Kivcrdulc Audition" and
tho two avenues of tho addition will bo
named Taft and Bryan avenues. Tho
laying out of tho njrengo tracts just
eait of the new addition will bo com
pleted within a few days and an an
nouncement will bo made in the press
when theso trncts arc placed upon the
market, wnicn win ue in nnouc a wcck.
There have been many calls for these
acreage lots joining the Riverdale Ad
dition, and it is very likely that the
sitlo of these tracts will be quite brisk
upon tho start.
New French Cleaner.
H. R. Reese, of tho North Platto
Pontatorium. clothes cleaner and pres
ser, has bought aFrench drv cleaner and
extractor lor cleaning clothes, ovr
coats, silk, satin and wool skirts
ladies' furs. rugs, fur ruirs and Intv
robes and in fact anything in tho clothes
cleaning line. It is not to bo construed
that this French dry cleaner and ex
tractor is a man or a woman, for it is
not; it is a new machine that ho has
bought which cleans clothes by a dry
process, and is something new in tho
clothos cleaning line. This machine not
only cleans clothes thoroughly but does
it quickly. It makes old clothes now
and tho specimens Mr. Reeso will dis
play shows what the machine will do,
This devico has been purchased by Mr,
Reese at an expense that is not war
ranted, but he hopes to bo sufficiently
compensated by increased business for
tho additional expense.
J. C.'Fogg, foreman of tho Pcderscn
& Gould ranch in Keith county, was in
. t .f l r
town vesieruay getting repairs ior a
corn binder, f hero nro 375 acres of
corn on the ranch and it will at once be
cut and fed to 13U steers which have
been into tho feed lots..
Tho excursion train to Oshkosh is
scheduled to leave the local depot at
7:35 east time tomorrow morning.
There will bo in tho neighborhood of
one hundred passengers, a number of
tho gentlemen taking their ladies.
A very brilliant meteor, described by
somo as "big as a barrel and a 1000
feet long. illumined U10 sky about
nine o'clock Saturday evening. The
ball traveled from cast to west and
was visible for tenor more seconds.
Sam Hardv has sold to W. A. Fisher
the southwest ouarter and not th half
ot southeast quarter section n-iz-u,
for a consideration of ?u,uuu.
Tho advanced snlo of seats for "Tho
Burgomoster" tomorrow evening in
dicate that tho new play house will be
well tilled.
W TT. MpDnnnlri Ja Vinvinir n turn.
Btorv addition built to his residence on
west Fifth streot.
The Auto Fedan Self Feed Hay Press.
The Auto Fedan Self Feed Hay Press.
has a self feeder that actually feeds,
that saves the price of one man each
day it is operated.
The Auto f edan flay rress will bale
more hay, do it easier, quicker, with
lighter draft and fewer repairs, than
any other Hay Press made, and with
out any danger of losing a limb or
mashing a foot.
Come in and see this wondorlul bolt
Feeding Hay Press.
Curfew Will Be Enforced.
Tho Curfew ordinance will bo strictly
enforced. This ordinance provides that
boys and girls under seventeen shall
not bo permitted on the HtreetB after
nlno o clock in tho evening unless ac
companied by their parents or guard
lans. Ail those interested will govern
themselveB accordingly.
Chinf of Police.
Article 8.
To tho Voters and Taxpayers of Lin
coln county:
One of tho points sought to bo mado
against tho agitation for n now court
house is that tho county officers are re
sponsible for tho safo keeping of tho
records and that they havo mado no
complaint; tho inferenco being that if
they mido no complaint, thero was no
cause for complaint. But if these par
ties had looked up tho records they
would have found that W. C. Elder,
clerk of tho district court formoro than
ten years, called the attontion of tho
board of county commissioners, at least
onco a year, to tho dangerous condi
tion of the building and to tho liability
of tho valuable records of his office to
destruction by fire.
Uf courso theso conditions are bo
coming more aggravated all tho time.
Tho records of tho office of the clerk. of
the district court havo becomo so
bulky that it is not practicable to stora
thorn in his oflico and ho has had large
wooden cases mado in tho district court
room wherein to storo them.
In the county clerk's office tho vault
s filled to its canncitv nnd n largo por
tion of tho records of that office is piled
on shelves and in wooden cases out in
the office until it is so crowded there is
hardly room to transact business of
the othce.
Quito a large part of tho records
havo been stored in tho garret of the
court houso. It was only a short timo
ago th lit Borne one in making a search
in the garret run across an old tax list
over twenty-five years old on which
thcro was several thousand dollars
worth of uncollected real estato taxes
of which thero was no record except
this unforgottcn book.
Theso conditions aro disgraceful, but
tho county officers are not to blame.
Tho only practicable remedy is the
building of a new firo proof court
houso with adequate vault roomB for all
of tho county offices, und this can only
bo dono by tho yote of the peoplo as
county commissioners cannot expend to
exceed tho sum of $1500.00 for this
purpose with being authorized by a vote
of tho'pcoplo.
Notice to Hunters.
All persons aro forbidden to hunt on
east half of section GO 1-2G, west half
of section 3-I0-27 and west half section
10-10-27, which land is owned by mo.
. . Attention!
Is your dog in the best of
shape for the hunting season:
We are agents for
Dent's Dog Remedies.
They are the only prepara
tions prepared by a regular
clog specialist who is a regular
graduate in both human an
veterinary medicine.
Schiller & Co.,
Family Druggists.
First door north of First Nat'l Bank
Traveling Engineer O'Ncil spent yes
terday in town.
Genl. Sunt. Park is expected up from
Omaha tonight nnd will occompany thn
excursionits to Oshkosh tomorrow
Tho emergency whistle at the shops
wlll bcaltachod, to tho engine hauling
tho Oshkosh excursion train, thus an
nouncing to tho people of tho valley the
approach of tho train long before ft ap
pears in sight.
Tomorrow is tho twenty-fifth anni
versary of tho Brotherhood of Railway.
Trainmen, but as tne members ot the
local lodgo are so busy on the road no
attempt will bo mado to celebrato tho
Alex Stewart, of Washington. D. C.
writes that on account of a pressure of
business ho will not be nblo to make his
contemplated hunting trip to North
Platte at prcsont. but hopes to be hero
later in the season.
An additional train has been added to
the service on tho North River branch,
mnkinf two trains nnnh wnv nr wnnk.
Tho new train leaves Monday morning
nnu returns Tuesday; the second train
leaves frirtay undroturns tho following
Tho Union Pucific has rescinded its
former announcement and now an
nounces a rate of a cent a mile to tho
Ak-Sar-Ben festivities at Omaha,
which open tomorrow. This is less
than six dollars for the round trip from
North Platte, and is considerable
cheaper than walking.
General Manager Mohlcr. who snout
several days last week in the North
Platte valley hunting chickens in com
puny with Millard Hosier and Claude
Uolaney, had excellent sport, the law
ful limit being secured each day. Mr,
Mohler returned to Omaha Saturday.
Tl Tnlmmv. nn (Mint, nrwl nnagmrrnr
brakeman, made himself obnoxious to
Night Baggage Agent Karth Saturday
nigm nnu recciveu a raincr Bovere
thumping, Both belligerants were
arrested by Policeman Grablo and
taken boforo Judge Baker, who set
Wednesday as tho oato for hearing tho
Clubs for Railroad Men.
at The Leader.
FOR TEN DAYS ONLY, We place on sale
our Mammoth Stock of All-Wool, Half-Wool '
and Cotton Blankets in 10, 1 1 and 2i at
Discount of 20 Per Cent on Every Dollar.
Cold nights are on the way. You will want
to prepare for winter. Now will be your time to
lay in your Blanket Supply at a Very Low Price.
JULIUS PIZER, Proprietor.
The Omaha Boo Bays: There is a plan
on foot, fostered by E. II. Harriman,
to establish clubs lor railroad men
along tho lines of tho Union Pacific and
other Harriman lines. F. E. Athern is
superintendent of the railroad clubs
of tho Harriman system and ho has
plans for clubs at Pocatello, Glenns
Ferry, Montpelior and '.Sparks. Plans
for other division points will be pre
pared in a short timo. Tho clubs will
bo uniformly equipped with billard and
pool rooms, reading rooms, bath rooms
and ull othor conveniences of n club.
A nominal fco will be charged the
tho employes, sulllcient for tho inci
dental expenses of tho club, and each
club will nave such officers as the mem
bers may elect. The idea of tho rail
road mangato is to provide rest places
for bin men bo thev will not bo com
pelled to seek a saloon for a place to
rest, it is thus hoped to better th?
1!. f r 11.. .
conditions oi mu men.
Druggist McDoncll spent Sunday
with friends in Omaha.
Hcrshoy Welch transacted business
in Sidney yesterday.
Mrs. W. T. Banks spent yesterday
with friends in Kearney.
Ed Walker Bnont Sunday with frionds
at Sterling, returning homo yestorday.
Homer Rector went to Denver Sat
urday night to attend tho Odd Fellows'
sovereign grand lodgo.
Misses Fern and Lucillo Griffin, -of
Denver, spent Saturday in town as tho
guests of Mrs. Frederick Warren.
Wm. Waldorf, who had been visiting
his sister Mrs. Borden, returned to
Burlington, Iowa, Saturday night.
Geo. E. French went to Lincoln Sun
day night ns tho Lincoln county dele
gate to tho republican stato convention.
J. G. Bcelcr and Butler Buchanan
went to Lincoln yesterday to attend
tho democratic and populist stato con
vention. Miss- Ireno Neville loft Sunday morn
ing for St. Louis and after remaining
there a short timo will go to West Vir
ginia to attend school.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kates, who had
been tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. b
Stnrr lor a few days, returned to their
homo in Lincoln Sunday morning.
Mrs. F. W. Rincker returned Satur
day evoning from a four weeks visit in
Chicago. Sho was accompanied homo
by her nioce, MIbs Edna Woinobor.
Mrs. I. A. Wildin, of Howard, Kan.,
arrived to attend the golden anniver
sary of her sister Mrs. Crvus Stebbins.
This is thn first meeting of tho Bisters
in ten yoarB.
W. W. McKccn. denot suncrinten
dent at Omaha, accompanied by Mrs.
Keen, arrived Sunday morning for n
visit with Mr. and Mrs. v. ai. aorenson
and other relativos in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Slllason, vho had been
on a wedding tour to Denver, stopped
over in town Sunday to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Frederlckson while enrouto
to their home in Keith county.
William Woinober. or Chicago, was
tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Kincker yesterday wnue enrouto to
Denver whore he will locate as a min
ing ongineer. Ho is a graduate of tho
Bchool of mines at Golden, Col.
Father Sullivun. of Elm Creek,
Fathor Carroll and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
nrphy went to the Brogan ranch in the
North Platto valley yesterday whero
they will hunt chickens for a couple of
days and win probably attend tne oar
becuo atOshkoih.
For Sale-
My new residence and two lots on
center of town, nine rooms, olectric
lights, bath, toiephono nnd sewerage.
basement under whole houso, Will bo
sold at n bargain if taken soon, as I in
tend leaving North Platto. House now
rents for ?;iG per month.
M. B. Crydermak,
Fine residence lots for sale, im
proved with 5 foot cement sidewalks,
etc Wm. b bhumau.
Fall Styles 1908
Ladles' Suit No. 345 Mado from
good quality Chovoron Striped Worsted.
Jacket satin lined, trimmod with
strapped ciiIIh and celluloid rim satin
buttons, two smnll pockets with flap
and button, trimming on each side,
collar edged with white silk cord. Skirt
vory wido, two box plaits down front,
trimmed with bands of same material.
Price $25.00.
Wilcox Deportment Store
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to us will plcnso cull and settle
their account in full. Owing to our re
cent loss by fire wo are badly in need
of tho monoy and an early compliunco
will bo duly appreciated.
The people of Oshkosh expect a
crowd of 2,000 or 3,000 people at tho
barbecuo tomorrow. A lurgo number
is expected from Alliance, Sid
ney, Clmppell and othor towns within
a radius of fifty to one hundred milos.
Ranch for Sale.
One and one-half sections. All smooth
land good dark soil. Situated about 12
miles S. E. of North Plutte, and about
5 milos from the laid out town of
Bignell. Fonced and cross fenced.
Stocked .with cattlo, horses nnd hogs.
Also a full line of farm implements.
About 05 acres of growing crops. For
further particulars cull at residence on
S. E. 1 Sec. 12. T. 12, R. 30 or address
cubs Diener, North riatte, Neb.
Ladies Who Drive
appreciate nothing so much
as a smart turnout. Our car
riages, single and double,
with bodies resting1 on springs
that leave no trace of jar, or
consciousness of movement to
the occupants, and running
noiselessly on wheels of pneu
matic tires, give riding the
acme of pleasantness.
A. Mi Lock,