The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 18, 1908, Image 16

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We are Busy! Why?
We have a stock of clean, up-to-date
.goods that will bring
business to any jeweler. The
dealer with the complete stock
is the one who gets the busi
ness. Call on us and you will
be convinced that we have a
full stock of everything up-to-date
in the jewelry line.
Dixon, The Jeweler
Over First National Dunk.
Phone 148
The Serai -Weekly Tribune
Ika L.BAKB.Editorand Publisher
Ono Year, caeh In advance 01J6
Months, cub In advance CU
Kntcred at North Platte. Nebraska, Fottofflce
aa second claaa matter.
Mrs. Emma Pulver went to Omaha
Mrs. Albert Muldoon visited frienda
in Ogalalla several days this week.
Win. Waldorf, of Burlington, Iowa.,
is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Borton.
Thos. Simants has sold to F. J. Cook
the smith 53J feet of lot 8, block 67 for
Mrs. J. It. Elliott, of Council Bluffs,
has been spending this week with
friends in town.
Miss MaryStevio returned tho early
part of tho week from a protracted
visit at Sheridan, Wyo.
Mios Marie VonGoetz went to Lin
coln Wednesday to resume her studies
nt the state university.
Mrs. Thos. Ryan returned to Grand
Island yesterday after visiting rola
t ives in town for a couplo of weeks.
Mrs. Fred Fredrickson and children
returned Wednesday night from a visit
with friends nt Ogalalla and vicinity.
Miss Ruby Yant, who had been a
guest of her aunt Mrs. J. F. Clabaugh,
loft Wednesday for her homo in Nampn,
Mrs. A. S. Clinton was called to
Michigan City, Ind., WednoBday night
by u telegram announcing tho death of
n nephew.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Coates wnnt to
Omaha Wcdnosdny night to be present
at an operation performed on Will
Lewis yesterday.
Tho ladies of tho Temple Craft have
leased tho opora houio picture show for
tonight and a specially attractlvo pro
gram will bo rendered.
Misa Gray loft Wednesday for Gilnor,
Neb., and tho position of vocalist at
the ouora house is boing filled by a Mr.
Stobart, lata of Donver.
Tho Tomplo Craft held an cnjoyablo
dancing party nt Masonic Hall Wcdnes
day evening, tho attendanco number
ing about twonty-fivo couples.
Butler Buchhnan and Judge Grimes
loft early yesterday morning for Tryon
to attend tho Old Settlors' picnic. They
mudo tho trip in Buchanan's auto with
Clarko ns challour.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hongland left yes
torday for Denvor to attend tho sover
eign grand lodgo of Odd Fellows, the
Judgo being ono of the grand represen
tatives from this stato.
W. C. Boguo had tho mlsfortuno
Wednesday to trip on his faithful dog
whilo coming down tho McDonald
block stairwny and fracture two ribs,
Though tho injury is Bomowlint pninfu
ho thinks nono tho less of tho dog that
contributed to tho accident.
Ed Ewcll, of tho Grand Island sugar
factory, who wub in town yesterday
tells us that tho bcot harvest in tho
vicinity of Lexington will begin next
Monday and In tho Hcrshey section the
Monday following, Beets which have
been tested ut tho factory show a good
percentage of both sugar and purity.
Notice to Sellers of Cream.
i ramp, tno grocer, Is buying rcam
and paying top price with immediate
returns of cash,
David Coli: Cmumeky, Co.,
Omaha, Nub,
Lostcr Wnlkcr returned yesterday
from a business trip to Omahn.
VV. V. Hongland went to Denver this
morning to attend tho sovereign grand
lodge of Odd Fellows.
J. E. Stcnvnll, who for several years
had been section foreman nt Warnsut
ter, Wyo., has returned to North Platte.
Mr. and Mrs. E. 3. Davis loft for
Denver this morning to attend the
sessions of tho Odd Fellows' sovcrign
grand lodge.
We sell Gillette Safety Razors. Thoy
have no equal. Shaving made pleasant.
DIXON, Tho Jo weler.
Miss Nellie Hartman returned yester
day morning from her protracted visit
at Washington, D. C, Glenns' Fall?,
N. Y., and other eastern points. Miss
Hartman reportB a very cnjoyablo trip.
Mrs. W. A. Paxton, of Omaha, ac
companied by Mrs. John Show, of Her
shey, spent yesterday in town. Mrs.
Paxton was enrouto to Pawneo ranch
for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jamos
No order too largo or too small for
us to fill. Prompt delivery.
Tit amp, the Giioceu.
C. W. Kates, with the Central Na
tional Bank of Lincoln, arrived in town
Wednesday and will remain a week or
so ns tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Starr. Ho is accompanied by Mrs.
Buys Meat Market.
Alex Brown, tho former Third ward
liveryman, purchased tho Colemen
meat market Wednesday evening and
took possession of the business tho fol
lowing morning. Mr. Brown is a hust
ling young business man and will no
doubt make a success in his new
Water Company Submits Proposition.
At tho Tuesdny evening meeting of
the city council tho Waterworks Com
pany submitted n proposition in which
it offorcd to lay threo miles of addition
al mains on tho outer edgo of tho city
and placo thereon thirty-four hydrants,
these hydrants to be placed in Bervice
without additional cost to tho city; in
other words tho company would in the
future furnish fire protection through
ninety-three hydrants for tho samo
sum $3,1G0 that they nre now fur
nishing through fifty-nino hydrants.
The proposition wbb strenuously op
posed by Councilman Yost nnd Good
man, both of whom stated that they
were satisfied that tho company could
donate the hydrant rental and still earn
eight per cent on its actual investment,
The proposition did not come up for
official action, but if it had it would
have been rejected.
County Sunday School Convention.
A county Sunday school convention
will bo held in tho Christian church of
this city! Friday, Sopt. 25th. Prof. H.
M. Stcidly, general secretary of tho
Nebraska Sundy School Association,
nnd Miss Minnn Stookor will be present
and mako addresses, "Ways that Win"
and "Tho Standard of Excellenco" re
spectively. Thoy will givo other help
ful addresses and bo of great help to
all Sunday ochool workers who will at
tend. Invitations havn been sent to all
tho schools of tho county nnd a good
attendanco of tho workers is oxpected
from out of town.
This is intor-donominational and every
Sunday school in the county should bo
represented by at least one, nnd ns
many moro ns possible It is greatly
desired that a good working county or
ganization be effected.
Entertained at Pawnee Ranch
Business engagements on tho part of
somo and illness of others, resulted in
curtailing tho number who had planned
to accopt tho hospitality of Mr. and
Mrs. James Waro nt tho Pawnee ranch
Wednesday. Thoso attending wero
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. McDonald, Mr.
and Mrs, T. C. Pattorson, Mr. and
Mrs. W. M. Cunninghum nnd daughter
Ruth, Mrs. J. J. Halligan nnd (laugh
ter Lucille, Mrs. Geo. B. Dent, Mrs.
Geo. T. Fiold, Mrs. A. F. Strcitz and
Mrs. Ira L. Bnro. Thoro wero also
present Dean Beccher and Canon Bell,
of Omahn.
mo uay wasuongnttuuy spent, ono
featuro being the game dinner served
by Mrs. Wnre, nssisted by her daugh
ter and Miss Lillian Hendy. Dinner
was followed by card games, then
wntormelon lunch, and inter
ing collation on tho lawn.
nn even
Church Services
haiti st ciitmcii.
1 ho subject announced for last Sun
day morning servico was not used he
cnuso of tho unexpected pleasure of
nearing uvangeiiat waru. mo samo
topic "Versions of tho Blblo" or "How
we got tho volume known aa tho Bible
win occupy uio next two morning sor
vices. Tills is a highly interesting
topic, nnd it is hoped that many will bo
sufficiently interested to coma to tho
meetings. Tho evening servico will bo
uvnngeliBtic. Come with us nnd wo will
do thue good.
Servico of public worship may bo ex
pected on next Sabbath morning, tho
evening services being omitted becnua
of tho temperance meeting to be held
at tho oiiern house. Sabbath school
and C. E. Societies will hold their scr
vices at tho regular houru. All are in
vited to the services.
New Lloyd Opera House
Saturday CPpT IQfL
Evening, uui -Will.
Klimt & Gazzolo
Presenting llio Celebrated Sconlc
and Comedy Triumph
On The Bridge
-At Midnight-
An elaborate) production of this
famous and successful drama
which not only excels in stage
pictures, but in its absorbing
story of life in a great city, with
its pathos, humr nnd true to life
The Great Bridge Scene
A Maslcrploco of Stagecraft
Davis Nominated for Elector.
E. S. Davis, of this city, received the
publican nomination for presidential
elector for tho Sixth district, receiving
285 votes, or nearly ob manv votes as
was cast for tho two leading candidates
for tho congressional nomination. The
office is purely honorary.
The Vote on Congressman
Tho complcto returns from tho Sixth
congressional district givo Kinkaid
0,810, and Sibioy 1,281, those being the
two leading republican candidates. W.
B. McNeoi, the democratic candidate
from this county received 820 votes nnd
WcBtovor 1,711, tho latter being the
successful democratic nominee.
Divorces Granted.
Three divorces were irrantcd bv
Judgo Grimes In tho district court this
week. Thoy wero as follows:
Alvlnn Picard against Joseph Picard.
Court finds that defendant has aban
doned plaintiff since 1880. Petition
Mnry Kostlc against John Kostic: de
fendant guilty of oxtromo cruelty nnd
using vilo and indecent language.
Decree granted aa prayed.
Jessio Sawyer against Harry Sawver:
decrco granted on grounds of extreme
'The Burgomaster" a Sumptuous Play.
Fresh from its phenomenal engage
ment at the Cnrrick Theatre, Chicago,
comes Pixloy & Ludor's morry musical
masterpiece to the Keith Theatre Wed
nesday, Sopt. 23d, as tho opening at
traction. Harry Hermsen, in tho nnme
part, and by the way n warm favorito,
will be welcomed as "Tho Burgomas
tor . in nis iontr anu varied career.
Mr. Hermsen has never had n part
which fitted him to such a nicety as
Peter Stuyvesnnt in this merry musi
cal. Ruth White will bo remembered
as the origmnl Willio Vnn Astorb t.
nnd in this yenr's production is exceed-
ngly clevor. "How mnny have you
told that too7" an original song, is
numbered among tho song hits in "Tho
Burgomnstor". Manager W. P. Cullcn
has mado n sumptuoua production for
this year's tour and all in nil should
onjoy a huge patronage
Ranch for Sale.
Ono and onn-hnlf unnfinnn All nmnntVi
land good dark soil. Situnted nbout 12
miles S. E. of North P ntto. and nbout
5 miles from tho laid out town of
liignell. Fenced nnd cross fencod,
KtnpWnrl wfHl pnt fin Vmrano n.irl Immi
Also n full lino of farm imnlements
nooui uu acres oi growing crops, ror
further particulars call at residence on
S. E. I 12. 'P. 19 n on
1. . . i. r r- m t
uusa uiener. worm riattc, Nob.
. . 1M l . -ns
Notice to Hunters and Others.
All nornnnn nrn wnrnnil nrrnlnaf tmnf
ing or trespassing on tho lands of tho
undersigned in Hall precinct. Violators
win uo prosecuted to tho full extent of
Oscar Stiles,
A. Gutherless,
Wm. AcKormnn,
C. P. Campbell,
Fred Malono,
W. H. Ruth,
M. E. Stiles.
Pickles and
Huy your Spices nt the Drug
store and get lirst pick.
Jamaica Ginger
Black and white Mustard Seed
Dill Seed
Celery Seed
Pure Gum Jar Rings
Sealing Wax
Para fine
Everything new and fresh.
Stone Drug Co.
By the Sea.
Ordinal. 1
One summer moonlight night I was
by the waves. 1 would rather bo near
them on moonlight nights than at nny
other time, especially when broken
clouds give the sky and the waters
variety. I never go to the hotels. I
get as far nwny from them as I can,
stopping usually nt some fisherman's
cottnge. On this occasion I had
pitched n tent on the beach and In
habited It alone. I was lying under
my ennopy, tho flops thrown asldo so
that from my bed blankets only I
could look out on tho ocean. There
was the sky, light clouds slowly drift
ing across the face of tho moon, tho
lino of tho horizon dividing the lighter
from the dnrker hemisphere. Tho ocean
plane met tho path of moonlight broad
enlng toward mo from afar, the waves
lazily rolling In nnd bursting on tho
I havo wondered slnco if tho music
of tho waters put mo to sleep and I
awakened or whether I did not sleep.
At any rate, my attention was ar
rested by something white, at least
lighter than tho Band, down near the
vergo. I watched It There -was an
occasional fluttering about It, Hko a
woman's uklrta gcnUy moved by a
brcczo. It appeared to bo about tho
height of a human figure, though really
In my perception of it thcro was no
such thing aa size, and was gently
uwaylng llko n very young tree shaken
by the wind.
Presently It moved. Then I was con
scious that It was coming toward me.
I had no suporstlUous fear. I was sim
ply curious. As tho thing approached
It ciuuo gradually out of nebula into
the form of a woman. There was a
certain grace of movement, a lightness
which, mingled with n slight rising nnd
falling, wna confusing. Had the figure
appeared on tho water surface 1
should havo thought my eyes wore
transfiguring n sail that was rising and
falling on tho waves.
It wns only when It enme nent
that I distinguished the outline of a
girl's figure not a summer visitor, one
of plainer mold, doubtless a fisher Ins
ole. She stopped a few yards from
mo, turned nnd looked out on tho
ocean. Tlicn, turning again witnout
appearing to uotlco or enro who was In
tho tent, she naked:
"Ih thnt n boat out there?"
"What aro you doing out hero at this
tlmo of night? Do you know whnt
time It Is?"
I drew my watch from my vest
pocket. I Blent in my clothes. "It's
half past 1."
"Is It?" She manifested no interest
at the hour. She stood looklug out at
sea, apparently watching for another
sight at tho boat
"There it Is. Heavens, how they
bond to tho work."
I raised myself on my elbows nnd
Btrnlned my eyes to discern If I could
boo what the girl saw. Surely thcro
was no boat out whero she was look-
lug. Tho dark face of tho ocean was
expressionless excopt where tho moon
light trailed over It
"I soo no boat" I said.
"It's in tho trough of tho sen now."
"Thero Is but n slight trough. Even
If a boat wero lost to sight between
tho waves It would roappear In n few
Sho stood peering out on the ocean.
A cloud floated over the moon. She
said with u moan, n noto of despair.
rather, It seemed to mo:
"Oh, how lllack!"
Tho cloud wus denser than nuy that
had obscured the moon before. The
last words I heard spoken by tho girl
were, "They're coming," nnd she began
to movo toward tho ocean, fading away
in tho Bhadow of tho cloud. When it
passed I looked for her, but sho was
nowhere to bo seen. 1 lay thinking,
wondering, for awhllo, then, lulled by
tho wnves, fell asleep.
When I nwokc tho sun was rising
out of tho oceap, whilo tho wnroa were
plnshlng languidly. The first thing I
thought of was the girl of the night
boforn. I drifted between many opln
Ions. Possibly I may havo dreamed It
all. But uevor beforo had I dreamed
about one n stranger to mo whose faco
and figure I could remember, while
hern I remombored distinctly. Was
sho not somo girl who had been do
monted by misfortune?
I went to breakfast at n fisherman's
cabin. It was n rude place, the only
docoratlon being n lithograph of the
Virgin Mary, but I got thero plenty of
sea food. The fisherman was prepar
Ing to go out In his boat while his wife
waited on me. 1 was full of my dream
or wlmtevor It wns, and related It.
Tho man stopped his preparations
pud listened with a look of horror,
making tho sign of the cross, while his
wifo turned and covered her eyes with
her hands.
I looked nt them wondcrlngly. It
was pinin time i una struck some
blight in their lives. Should I probe
it by questions or spare them? What
had I, to gain by fo cing a recltnl that
would giro them Infinite pain? If
there was any connection between
them nnd my apparition It needed no
strong Imagination to replace It.
Lying In my tent during that day I
wovo tho story. I saw a ship out on
tho bar, tho wnves beating furiously
ngnltiHt It. The shore wns lined with
people. Presently n boat was lowered
nnd n crew from the wrc k made an
attempt for their lives. It lovo nnd fell
on tho waves, its bow now pointing
to tho sky, Its stern now sliding down
out of Bight. Thon it hung for ono
instant on tho seething lino of foam
nnd was hurled bottom upward.
Perhaps It contained tho girl's lover,
The Bonnie Scotch Lassies in
will be presented at the
Theatre on Wednesday
For Sale
My new residence and two lots on
west Sixth street, five blocks from
center of town, nine rooms, electric
lights, bath, telcphono and Bewerage,
basement under whole houso, Will bo
sold at a bargain if taken soon, as I in
tend leaving North Platte. Houso now
rents for $35 per month.
Puckerue Island.
Mrs. Emory Martin had tho mls
fortuno to cut her hand quito severely
on a glass scaler last Monday whilo
caning tomatoes.
Oscar Johnson purchased August
Larson's farm of 80 acres last Tuesdny.
Tho school board on tho island pre
sented a new supply of books to Mi..
Livingston this week which wero very
much needed and would say if a new
sot of soats could be secured they
would bo highly appreciated.
Mrs. Kato Horn and brother Floyd
Shuner of Greeley, Colo., nro here
visiting their father John Shaner this
R. R. Roso removed his family to
Gothenburg last week where tho girls
will attend school.
Duko Trembly has a forco of hay
hands putting up tho hay on J. Dalton's
placo between the rivers.
Jim Cannon and Oscar Ubron sold
their farm on tho side south to John
Griffith Tuesday for a consideration of
sixty dollars an acre.
Scott Shaner and Earl Wisely de
livered fat cattlo at Maxwell Tuesday.
Nelson Rose marketed fat hogs at
Maxwell Tuesday receiving top prices.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry A.
Shaner a bouncing boy Sept. 12th.
Robt. Lewis nnd wifo were shopping
in North Plntto Saturday.
A Paying Investment.
Mr. John White, of 38 Highland Avo.,
Houlton, Maine, says: "Have been
troubled with a cough every winter and
spring. Last winter I tried many ad
vertised remedies, but tho cough con
tinued until I bought a 50c. bottle of
Dr. King's New Discovery; before that
was half gone, the cough was all gone.
This winter the same happy result has
followed; a few doses once moro ban
ished tho annual cough. I am now
convinced that Dr. King's Now Dis
covery is the best of all cough and
lung remedies." Sold under guarantee
at Stone's drug store. 50c. and 1.00.
Trial bottle free.
A full lino of Caskets. Robes, etc.
Calls answered promptly.
Dtty Phono 126, Night Phono 482.
If yon ra feeling ont-of-sorts, take an NR Tib
ial, and you will feel better In the morntnr.
They will make yon
RKMKDY" stremthens
and purifies the Blood, does Iti work thornnclily and
pleasantly, yet It never gripes, weaken- or slckons
tnvarlably making the nser feel stronger and better.
Better Than Pills For Liver Ills.
Take NR Tablets for Indigestion, Blck Headache, Lou of
Appetite, Hallow Complexion, Llvet Complaint, Skin Diseases,
Pimples and Eruptions, Chills, Malaria, Illllonanets, Rheuma
tism, Torpid Liver or Inactive Kidney and all troubles arising
from tho digestive orgaai.
Get a
I 25&
I Box. i
I . M. J W -1
Don't Spend $3.50 When Fifty Cents Will do theuWork
Prot. W, M, Hayes, Aas't. Secty. of Agriculture of the United States aays about Stock Foodt
"These balanced rations are often found by aualysit to consist of the tailings of mills, elevators and
breweries, mixed with molassei and salt, to make the compound palatable to the cattle, and one of
the largest Stock Food Companies la aaid lo use fine sawdust, finely round, to cheaply bring up the
weight of his product, Instead of buying a superior and expensive balanced ration containing high
fattening qualities and acting aa a tonic, he has paid a high price for a feed containing, along with
ordinary grain, finely ground alfalfa bay and other common food stuffs, $5.00 to $2S.OO per ton, a high
percentage of refuse, and non-nutritious matter, some of which may be positively dangerous to
the health of bis slock."
t Make your own stock foods and remedies by using Skldoo Horse and Cattlo Tab lots for
horses, cattle, sheep, swine and fowls) proper dose in tablets. Mix In feed or salt. They contain
no sawdust, ashes, chopped feed or bran. Ask for and try once Skidoo Condition Tablets or
Skldoo Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera, Cathartic, Heave, Fever, Hog Cholera, Distemper, Pink
Eye, Colic, White I'lsgue l'revenllc, or Ulister Tablets, or Louse Killer, Spavin Remedy, or Uarb
Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO., Capital Stock $300,000.00,
Watortown, S. D U, S. A.
"The Burgomaster," which
opening of the new Keith
evening of next week.
. . Attention!
Is your dog in the best of
shape for the hunting season?
We are agents for
Dent's Dog Remedies.
They are the only prepara
tions prepared by a regular
dog specialist who is a regular
graduate in both human and
veterinary medicine.
Schiller & Co.,
Family Druggists.
First door north of First Nat'l Bank.
We Buy
Young and Old.
Highest Market Price.
Stinjlley's Meat Market.
At Druggist. 25 ecnts, or mnllert.
Humphreys' MedlcUioOo., Cor. William and Jobs
Btroets, Now York.
Vital Weakness and Prostra
tion from overwork and other
causes, Humphreys' Homeo
pathic Specific No. 28, in uso
over 40 years, the only success
ful remedy. $1 porvinl, orspec
'al package for serious cases,
Bold by Drugglsts,or son t r repaid on receipt of priOO
Humphrcyt' Mo Co., William ti John c., N. Y.
feel just rlclit. "NATURE'S
the Stomach. Liver. 1.. mors
-L, Jl I . I