KEITH THEATRE I Chas. II. Stamp, Lessee and Mgr. GRAND OPENING, Wednesday, Sept. 23d. m William P. Cullen's Sumptuous Presentatibn of S Pixley and Luders Comic Opera Harry Hermsen and Ruth White and Over Half a Hundred Others, Including the Famous, Original, Saucy w angaroo Grirls s ft : w SEATS READY SATURDAY AT CLINTON'S ft g$ Prices $1.00, $2.00, $3.00, $5.00 The BURGOMASTER With: Tne Semi -Weekly Tribune Ik L. Bark. Kt'itor and I'ubltsher BDHSCHtrriDN It.VIT.Hi Onn Year, casti In uli kin't Sl.& MotltliK. rutU In .ih" . ..... AS CU FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 18, ' 1908. Pages 9 to 16. LOCAL MENTION. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dean loft Wed nesday morning for a visit with friends at Roodhouse, III. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Payne and daugh ter leave the early part of next week for a visit in the cast. Henry Welty, who hnd been spending a week in town; left yesterday for his home in Auburn, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Krauso arrived in tho city Wednesday from Albion, Neb., and will locate here, Mr. Krause hav ing accepted a position with tho Wilcox Department store. , Joe Gloaer and George Tekulvn re turned from Brady Tuesday evening with a string of fish, among which was a six and one-half pound catfish and a pike weighing over four pounds. Trustee Davis, who has been selling off the Burke & Co. bankrupt stock, mado a sale of the unsold goods Wed nesday to a Lincoln gentlemen, who will conduct a special sale beginning next Saturday. Chicken hunters are not having very good success, the birds being rather score0. One party of usually success ful hunters went to Maxwell and after a hard day's work secured eleven; an other party of five brought in thirty, while still others brought in about one half tho number they usually kill on tho opening day of the season. It is tho general opinion that the crop of birds was pretty well exterminated be fore the season opened. PERFECTION In Form can be obtained by wearing ........ Style 322. Price SI.OO. This is ono of our most comfort ably fitting corsets, at tho same time having tho perfect lines necessary for the now tight-fitting gowns. Front and side supporters. Mdo in a large variety of materials and trimmings. Wilcox Department Store Lozan Sentenced to Pen. Edward Lozan, charged with bur glarizing the Merrick storo at Max well on the night of September 5th and taking several revolvers, plead guilty before Judge Grimes Wednesday and was sentenced to ono year in tho peni tentiary. The burglary, tho preliminary hear .hearing, the "plea of guilty and the sen tence occurred within ten days that's quick work. FOR SALE. At the Experimental Sub-Station. Some choice Duroc-Jersey Boars at $15 each. Twenty-five head of yearling steers and heifers; nearly all of theso are Aberdeen-Angus grades. Brome grass seed of tho drop of 1908 at 10 cents per pound. Kherson oats for seed at CO ctfnts per bushel, There is no more winter wheat for sale. W. P. Snyder,. Supt. Presidental Candidate Coming. A. G. Wolfenbarger, of Lincoln, was in town Tuesday making arrangements for tho appoarance of Eugene W. Chafin, prohibition candidate for presi dent, who is enrouto east from a cam paign tour in tho west. Mr.' Chafin will arrive on one tho early trains next Monday morning and remain until No. 2 in tho afternoon. If tho weather is fnvorablo, ho will deliver an address at tho court house park about ten o'clock. or at tho opera -house should the weather prove inclement. Arrangements will ho made to give. Mr. Chafin a cordial reception by our citizens, regardless of party affiliations. Opera Home Saturday Evening. Klint &Gazzolo Amusement Co's nro. duction of W. L. Roberts' noted suc cess, "On tho Bridge at Midnight," win nil an engagement tpmorrow even ing. It will bo presented elaborately and with a strong company including some clever comedians for tho play is full of good fun, besiden beintr eauinned with the great bridge scene and other unusual scenery. The intrinsic worth of this attraction in contrast with chean sensationalism, makes it one of tho best and audiences never fail to become absorbed in tho story of tho sightless mother. Remember tho date tomorrow evening at Lloyd's. ' Seed Wheat. There has been a strong demand this fall for winter wheat of good quality, clean and puro. Without any adver tising whatever wo have sold all that wo had on hand and are turning down orders because wo have no more wheat for salo. Wo have sold about 400 bush els in lots of from 5 to 110 bushels at from $1.00 to $1.25 per bushel. We had ono order for a carload lot but wo did not havo the wheat and did not know of any one raising wheat that wo could guarantee to bo of one variety and free from rye. We have shipped wheat to several of tho eastern counties and Wyoming and Idaho. Tho largest part of it haB been sold to business men of North Platto who own farms. None has been sold to our immediate neighbors and but little to any of the farmers in this sec tion of the state. We will leave it with tho farmers to say whether it will pay to raise better wheat. W. P. Snyder, Supt. Experimental Substation. Notice for Bids. To whom it may concorn: Sealed bids will be received by tho Keith and Lincoln Counties Irrigation District up to noon Saturday, Sept. 20, 1908, for tho construction of a cement drop on said district's canuljand also for conBruction of wing at head of canal. Specifications and plans may be seen at home of the president of district, S, E. Anderson, Sutherland, Nebraska. James Shout, Sec'y. Belton on the Court House Question Replying to Articlo No. 5, ono largo safo each for tho county treasurer and clerk of tho district court and a large steel reinforced concreto vault could bo built on the back of tho court liouao sufficiently largo to hold nil tho old records of tho past, and future records for many years. If all tho records must bo preserved the old ones which aro not in daily uso are in tho way of tho officers and if thero was a safo vault away from tho court house whero old records could bo kept, it would bo a great convenience to tho officers. If ho Lwantcd an old record ho could look at his index and go to tho vault and get it. A vault of that description will al ways bo in demand and can bo built for less than fivo thousand dollars and as the county commissioners levied twenty thousand dollars more this year than last year, thero will bo plenty money to pay for tho vault. Tho committeo say that wo insinuate that graft is tho motivo powor that moves tho court houso promotors. Tho word graft implies a great many things besides money. If a North Platter could have a fine court houso built here at the expenso of tho county which gets no benefit of it, that would be a graft on his part and that will bo the main incentivo offered hero to get votes. Tho great mass of thov inhabi tants of tho county never como to North Platto. They have no reason to; they aro honest farmers and they can sell their grain, hogs and cattlo for as high a price in their own towns, and they can buy clothing, shoes, lumber and coal, dry goods and groceries as cheap from their own merchants, and can tako tho goods homo to their families for thero is no booze to be had in their towns, but the honest farmer cornea hero and sella his grain, hogs and' cattle ho is liable to take home a broken head nnd an empty wagon. There is more graft in building county houses and furnishing them than any thing clso the people havo to do with. And the initiative of tho present court house move has a rather suspicious look. It was started in the Commer cial Club rooms, an architect was cm ployed who makes a fancy picture and u lawn and of courso tho architect is a foreigner; he specifies whut tho house shall bo mado of, and tho building is to cost $100,000.00 and after tho comple tion of tho building no doubt but it will tako $30,000.00 more to furnish it for tho stylo is to patronize their co workers regardless of prico. It is ovi dont it is tho Commercial Club that is going to build tho court houso and not the tax-payers, of Lincoln County although thoy will havo to pay for it. If tho taxpayers of Lincoln county build the court houso, each town in tho county should select a delegate and tho delegates should meet in North Platto and decide how much should bo voted to build a court house, then advertise for plans for a court house nnd tho plans that suited adopt and pay for them. It is moro than likely cement would moke a bettor court houso out hero than any other material. Tho normal school in Kearney Ih built of cement and some or tho linost build ings in the stato aro built of cement. Brick mado in the east is poor mater ial to stand tho alkali in tho soil, if you doubt it then go and look at tho south west corner of tho high school. Aa for Articlo 5 it is simnlv a son to catch country votes. Tho idea of build ing a nursery in n court houso; tho Committeo knows that it will not bo occupied for that purpose but it might do occupied by tne club and save rent. MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP LEAGUI3, James Belton, Secy. Baptist Exchange. The ladies of tho Baptist church will hold n exchango at Howe & Mnlonoy's store tomorrow. Bread, cakes and pies will bo on salo, and tho patronago of tho public is solicited. Hearst Scores Bryan. In his speech at Atlantic, Ga., Sat urday, W. R. Hearst, in referring to W. J. Bryan, said: "Look at this man Haskell, whom Bryan mado chairman of tho commit too on platform and treasurer of his campaign fund. This man Haskell,4 known as n political paymaster of tho Standard Oil, is asked by Mr. Bryan first to inako a platform tho Standard Oil will npprovo of then collect from tho Standard Oil tho material expres sive of their approval. "Mr. Bryan has handed down his flag nnd surrendered. Whero in all of Mr. Bryan's vacillating courso, with its ign ominous conclusion, could 1 find an insp ration for further devotion or opportunity for honorable approval? "I havo to regard Mr. Bryan as a trickster, a trimmer, a traitor. Lost Tuesday between tho Rush and tho Richards stores a pockctbook con taining n five dollar bill, some change nnd chocks on Rush Mcrcantilo Co. Finder plcaso leave sumo at tho Rush 8 tore. Wm. Chrilstinnson, the pnssengor on No. 3 Monday night who was either murdered or committed suicide in his berth, died at the Grand Island hospit al Tuesday. Doath wns duo to a knifo wound in tho breast, which penetrated tho heart. Christiansen was onrouto fnom New York to his homo In Oak land, Cal. A Sure-enough Knocker. J. C. Goodwin, of Reidsvillo, N. C, says: "Bucklon'a Arnica Salvo Is a sure-enough knocker for ulcers. A bad ono came on my leg last summer, but that wonderful salvo knocked it out in a few rounds. Not oven a scar remain ed." Guaranteed for piles, sores, burns etc. 25c. at Stono's drug storo. Fall Styles 1908 Ladles' Suit No. 345-Mado from good quality Cheveron Striped Worsted. Jacket satin lined, trimmed with strapped cuffs and celluloid rim sntin buttons, two small pockets with flap and button, trimming on each side, collar edged with whlto silk cord. Skirt very wide, two box plaits down front, trimmed with bands of same materia), Price $25.00. Wilcox Department Store Ladies Who Drive appreciate nothing so much as a smart turnout. Our car- ? riages, single and double, with bodies resting-on springs that leave no trace of jar, or consciousness of movement to the occupants, and running noiselessly on wheels of pneu matic tires, give riding the acme of pleasantness. A. M. Lock. TO SEPT 2 TO OCT 3RD 1908. SARBEN FETCHES OlIIATtA DAY PARADE SEPT 29? NIGHT PARADE SEPT 30? FIREWORKS OCT I? CORONATION BALL OCT 2 CHILDRENS BALL 0CT3? THE: FIRST NATIONAL BANK, . of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital and Surplus - $120,000.00. DIRECTORS i E. F. Seebcrgcr, C. F. McGrcw, J. J. Halligao, F. L. Mooncy, Arthur McNamara. Ease the First Day Worn. $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 Every season finds more women seeking the pro tection that comes u ith the trademark of "QUEEN QUALITY" Shoes. The number of "Queen Quality" customers is now somewhere up in the milltons. But this is nothlnc nurnrisina fn rJirRf who Irnnw rhn VJ I O ' - - - -- ' n "Queen Quality" Shoe. Their only wonder is that 1 any woman can be induced to wear any other. Our Fall Line of "Queen Qualities" is in. We have them in Patents, Vici, French Kid and in all sizes B, C, D, E and EE. Also Tans. See our win dow display. Exclusive agents in Lincoln county. THE LEADER, JULIUS PIZER, Proprietor. My 4-X Flour is Uncle Sam's Pride and mino also". Why not yours? It'B tho perfect flour; a scientific product of tho most approved milling methods. Romembor every grocer in town handles it, and every sack is guaranteed. Wear that satisfaction smilo that comes from tho uso of tho first sack of my flour. 4 'Satisfaction" is my motto. C. F. IDDINGS. tut? wet flJMlMdfWk v-T inu .rL I IliLRtfSMHriHWir 1 lilt 1 VI II III UjlliaHBHK Pittsburg Perfect ELECTRICALLY WELDED FENCES 99 nro enjoying nhenomenal success, and nro conceded to ho for superior to any other fences on tho tnarkot. Thousands of pleased fence users will testify that "Pittshurg Perfect" Electrically Welded Fences Will stand ordinary as well as hard image Will not sag in summer's heat nor break in tho cold of winter Aro mado of tho best material for fencing purposes Havo stays that will not slip nor can thoy bo moved out of placo Will conform to tho most uneven ground nnd can bo erected over hills and through valleys as well as on lovol ground Havo no slack wires to Bpoil tho appearance as well as tho efficiency Do not require an oxpert to erect. Are now made with stay wires as large as the lino wiros Joseph HersheyP Agent, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA.