1 THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIB1M IRA L. DARE, Publlcher TERMS ?1.2 IN ADVANCE NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA To the Pole. Commander Penry In on his wny to tlio nrctlo, confident t lint this tlmo ho will rcnch tho north polo. Wliotlior ho BiicccodH or not, ho In without doubt tho boat equipped nrctlc ex ploror who hnn tlum fur appeared. Ho linH spout more yearn nnd morn thought upon tho problem than any other tnnn. Ho ban reached a point nearer tho polo than any other ox ploror; nnd If bo bad known an much iib ho now knows about tho direction of tho Ice drift abovo Greenland, bo would nt least bavo como pretty near reaching bin goal. Thin tltno bo ntartn with Dint knowledge. Ho In planning to cBtabllsh bis bnso of imp pllcn, not on tho laud, but on tho Ice, 12G inllen fnrtbor north, and will travel northwest with bin stodges, honing that tho enstwnrd drift of tho Ico will bo tho snino ns bo found It be fore. If this should bo tho caso, be ought to bo able to tnnko good progress in tho direction of tho polo itself, Ho has adopted an Ingenious way of carrying n houso north with him for uso ns bendquartors. It will bo built of tho boxen containing IiIh supplies, explains tho Youth's Com panion. Knch box in olgbt Inches high nnd tun Inches wldo, nnd of such length an Ih convenient. Those boxes will bo piled up to form tho walls of tho houso, with tho end to bo oponed turned to tho ItiBldo. When n pnek ago of crackers Is needed, bo can knock out a panel In tho wall of his houso that is, open tho end of a box roach in nnd got nil tho crackers ho noods, and so on with bacon, pom mlcan, oatmenl, sugnr, tea, coffco, roast-bcof hash or condensed milk. A publication dovoted to femininities asks what bus bceomo of tho fnlr haired pooplo wo usod to admire? Whoro nro lovely blondes, tho straw berry blonde nnd tho blondo condroo, or ovon tho rod-headed girls, whoro nro they? Look wboro ono will, brown hair or dark hair predominates. Bel onco trlcn to account for It. Wo nro told that tho tltno Is coming when tho genulno goldun lialrod boauty will bo as rnro ns tho "coppor butterfly," and Hint a bead llko n wheat sheaf will bo to proclaim nloud tho colffour'B artful aid. Tho bost of It Is, oxclaims tho lloston Hornld, tho peroxide blondo ban "pansod awny," so much so, In fact, that tho very nnmo Is spoken In dorlslon. And what means this dnrkonlng of tho raco? Ono tboory is nn good ns unotbor, and n fnvorlto niiBwor is, intormarrlngo; tho dlfforont countrlos, with their distin guishing typos, nro blending moro nnd more. Bcandlnnvla nnd Itnlln, tho north and tho south, mlnglo In tho west, nnd tho dogroo of lntltudo, tho tomporato zono does tho rost. Nature may us woll propare to glvo up bor socrota. Thomas A. Edison Is going to quit tho monoymaklng gnmo and devote tho rest of bis llfo to Investigations In tho ronlms of puro uclonco. Now wo shall know why Is a ben nnd alt tlioso other In trlcato nnd blthorto unanswerable problems. Tho vermiform appendix that borotoforo has laughed when questioned ns to Its purposo will have to sit up nnd glvo straight nnsworH or it will bo ruthlessly oxposod. Unlvor Blty profOBBors who hnvo boon making starfish may as woll throw up their bands. Tho oloctrlo wizard doubtless will mako sunflsb or moonflsh nt tho llrst uttompt. As for rndium, prob ably bo will show how eneh fiimlly can mnko n supply for homo consump tion out of a pair of old bIioob. Pro coed, Tom, oxclnlms tho Chicago Dally Nowb. May you Hvo long enough to llnd out all tboro is to bo known, nnd wrlto it out for us In a neat, If rather largo, book, Sir Thomas Shnughuessy, tho pres ident of tho Canadian Pacific railway, was tho gucfit of honor nt a banquet given In Toronto on Juno 10. In tho course of hla speech Sir Thomns ro forrod to tho fnct that Just 20 years have passed bIiico bis arrival from tho United States to assUt In tho inunngomont of Canada's now trans continental railway. The inlluonco of that lino on tho development of Can ada Is beyond estimate. England has recognized tho servlco rondorod to Canada by this Mllwaukco-born Amer ican railroad man, and it would bo bnrd to say how much has boon done for tho United Stutes by Sir Thomas Shnughnossy nnd by that other Amor lennborn railway bulldor, Sir William Vun Homo, William Uodmond, tho Irish lend er in tho llrltish houso of commons, recently in n gonlnl mood nnd In play fill (illusion to tho birthday honors list asked whether "as a matter of gonornl convenience nnd In ordor that honorable mombors might know how to address their colloagues with bo coming respect it could be iirrangod that honorable gentlemen who hnd Jolnod tho tltlod classes Bhould wear rosottos for nt loaBt ono month ufter tho conformont. of tho title." No min ister was bold etiough to answer. ROUND THE CAPITAL Information nnd Gossip Picked Up Hero nnd There In Wnslilni(on. Gen. Rucker Beats WASHINGTON. Tho person who If reaches tho ago of !)5 has lived long enough. Ho has no technical right to grt on living, anyway. Of course, thoy usually do, JuBt ns lots of peoplo rofimo to bo Oslerlzed at CO, but they do It at their own risk, so to speak, and In deflanco of a for mldnblo nrrny of mortality stntlstlcB. This was tho discovery mado by llfo ItiBiiranco Intercuts the other day whon thoy looked up tho "technical" domlso of Prig. Oen. 1). H. Hucker of Washington, fathor of Mrs. Philip H. Bhorldnn. Tho general has reached tho hoary ago of DC, and being still halo, was mirprlsod by being Informed by tho llfo Insuranco concern which bad been carrying him on IIb books for yearn and years that It was ready to pay his claim. Tho notion Is declared a startling Innovation In Insuranco annnls. Local oxportB could not recall any provlous caso of Hiich action, nt 90 or any other ago. Put when thoy looked up their tnbloa of logarithms and trlgonomotry thoy woro convinced that tho ac tion was not only justifiable, but logical. Theso tables showed conclusively that out or 100,000 Individuals nt tho promising ngo of ton Just tbreo may expect to round out 90 full cycles. Tlioso tbreo In turn bavo no right at Bridal Table of Mrs. William H. Taft i TUB wlfo of tho Republican cnndl dato for tho presidency Iibb many vnluablo possessions, gifts from tho mighty ones of earth, kings, omporors nnd princes, but her moBt cherlBhcd treasure Is a round mahogany table, black with ngo and showing dally use. Thin tablo Is used by the Taft fam ily whonovor their household goods nro not up and has been ovor slnco Mrs. Taft nttainod the dignity of the married Btnto. It whb tho table on which tho wedding breakfast of Wil liam Howard Taft nnd Helen Horron was sorved Botno odd yenrs ago. Judgo Horron and Mrs. Horron, parents of Mrs. Taft, woro lovers of old mahogany, and thoy bud many Red Rose on Coffin WITH sltnplo funeral rites, and ac companied only by a few faithful friends of his declining years and n fllnglo ropresontntivo of tho Gorman ombnBsy, tho body of Hnron Aloxnndor do Pury-Hervo, nn nld-do-camp to Illsmnrck nnd a member of ono of tho oldest houses of Gormnny, wns laid to rost In n Ilttlo comotory boro tho other day. Two lilies and a slnglo rod roso reposed on tho plain coflln. It waB his dying vcquost. A friend nnd comrade of Blsmnrck, ho was numborcd with tho prldo of tho Gorman nrrny that participated In tho Frntico-Prusslnn wnr. Ho married a prlncoBs of royal blood, but ho orred once, it is Bald, and, rather than bavo tho llngor of Bcom pointed nt bliu by hla comrndo8, ho quit tho army and camo to Amorlea. That was 28 years ago. Ills princess wife dlvorcod him. In Now York ho married nn nctross with whom ho fell In love. Tho fam ily prldo of tho Do Purys Is great, nnd ho was disinherited nnd his nllownnco of $;!00 a weok cut oft. Whon bo wns disinherited ho turned to Journalism, working on tho Now Commission Getting ALTHOUGH only a Bbort tlmo has elapsed bIiico President Hoosovelt appointed tho national conservation comnilaslon, tho work of hiking atock of tho natlon'a rosourcoB has been begun. It will bo carried on vigorous ly to onnblu tho commission to mnko Its roport to tho president by Janu ary 1, 1909. A largo amount of tho tunterlnl on witters, lands nnd minerals Is avail ablo In tho oxocutlvo department, tho bends of which hnvo offered tbolr co operation In tlio task iha cuuuiiltuUou Mortality Table that age to expect that Father Time will dole out to them nn nverago of moro thnn six months nplcco, More than Hint would bo overdraft, for hon oring which the guardian of tho hour glass and tho scythe should bo held directly responsible According to these snmo mortality tables llfo l.i seen to bo a thing of uncor tnlntles. They prove unquestionably that tho longer you livo tho older you nro likely to be" boforo you die. That Is to suy, while the expectation of life decreases as the ngo advances, It does tint fall uwny nenrly so fast as that advance. Tho youngster of ton can count on living to bo nenrly C9, but when ho has l cached tho manly ngo of 21 bis chances nro better, llo can now count on rounding 02. At 48, rotund nnd jolly, his chances nro tho best for living out tho nllottcd span of three score years and ton. Hut that Is not the end of bis hopes by any means. Whon bo gots to bo 00 his expectation Increases to 70, edging away Just llko that elusive pot of geld at tho end of tho rainbow. Hut nt 70 tho chances of life still give him nix moro years. At 80 his chances nro of tho bost for Boeing 84, but if, on the gambling cbanco that Is his, bo marches on to 90, there is still a year and n half, to his account in tho na tional bank of life. Ilit nt 9H you como to tho end of tho mortality tnbles. The account bns dwindled to six months, and If you nro obstinate enough to go right on living, tho statistician simply don't know wbnt to do with you unless ho pays tho claim, calling you "dead," and thus keeping tho tnbles correct. beautiful ploccs In tbolr Cincinnati homo. After tho wedding Mrs. Her ran believed that tho young couplo would appreciate having for their dinnor tnblo tho Bnmo bonrd on which thoy bad partaken breakfast on tho bridal day. So It was sont to their modest homo In Clifton, Cincinnati, and it wbb Bot for tho first meal after Mr. Taft brought his brldo homo from tho wedding Journey and ovor sinco It has boon tho medium of tho family faro as well as its most clabornto hos pitality. Mrs. Taft took the table to tho Phil ippines, and ugaln it camo bnck to Washington. Just now It is care fully Bwnthed in soft cotton wrap pings nnd stored In tho commodlcus nttic of ho nsBlatant Bccrotnry of war, Mr. Olivor, awaiting its resurrection. Hut whethor Its noxt nppearanco bo In tho Whito Houso or in tho privato homo of Wllllnm Howard Taft, It will bo tho dining tablo of tho family, ns Mtb. Taft expresses It, whllo tho clan holds together. of Bismarck's Friend York Stnats Zoltung nnd other pnpers. Tlion hlB actress wifo died. Icavinu him with throo children. Ho moved to Winona, Minn., whoro ho took chargo of tho Hornld. After a few years bo married again. Ho enmo to Washington nnd went to work in tho storeroom of tho govorn mont printing ofllco. Tho heavy work of lifting documents wns too much for tho old man nnd ho suffered n scvero strain, which made nn operation nec essary. ( All his llfo tho old soldlor woro a roso of red, but ho novor told why un til n fow dnyB boforo bis death. Tho story of tho red roso was woven around tho figure of Hlsmarck, whom ho loved. A battlo which tho Iron cbnncolloi1 hnd boon witnessing bad ended, tho sun was sotting on a Hold of carnage, nnd Hlamnrck, with bowed head, turned nnd rodo away, his aids around him. Tho figitro of a young ofllcor In tho full prldo of manhood lying white faced on tho Held cnught tho eyo of tho prlmo mlntator. Without a word ho dismounted, picked u red roso from a bush near by nud placed It over tho young olllcor'a heart. And ns ho plnced It thcro a tear fell from his oyo. So, whon tho old baron dlod, un honored, unknown, thoy placed a red roso on his brenst, for they know his secrot nt last. Data on Resources has undortnkon. Othor important datn will bo collected through speelnl chan nels, Including stato conservation com missions now being formed and sov oral of tho national organizations rep resented at tho Whllo Houso confer once, Hy enrly fall tho commission expects to hnvo sudlclent niatorlnl to begin tho study of tho Inventory of tho country's resources nnd by tho mlddlo of Oc tobor It hopes to bavo tho greater part of thla mutorlal in hand, bo that the full commission, which will hold Its Hrat mooting December 1, may tako up nt oneo the study of data which tho Buiiiinor'a work has brought togetbor. Ono weok Inter tho commission will bold n Joint mooting in Washington with tho governors of tho stntes or tbolr roproBontntlvos, with, tho view of closer cooperation with tho stato TWO LATE MODES Tho gown nt the loft Is of black crepo do chine. Tho half-emplro skirt Ib trimmed lengthwise with tucked bands of taffeta and is finished at tho bottom with a wldo band of laco re-embroldercd with Jet pnlllettes. Tho corsage and Ilttlo slcovca nro trimmed to correspond, and also with a Jot fringe. Tho tucked gulmpo nnd tho underslcevcs nro of whlto tulle. f Tho other gown Is of blnck cblffon-mouscllne. Undulating bands of taf feta and panelB of fllot guipure trim tho skirt. Tho prettily draped corsago is of tho filet gulpuro trimmed around tho neck with tho tnffeta bnnds. Tho yoko and underslcovea arc of whito laco; the glrdlo with pretty knot, is of black taffeta. FROCK8 FOR THE TUB. Blue and Brown Galatea Among the Best of Materials. Among tho chenpest of tho good looking tub Jumper frockB nro thoso mado of blue and brown galatea. Tho material sells at a very small prlco overywhero and waahoa like a collar. It comes In good tones that do not Bhow soil and comes out of tho tub without being faded. Linen makes charming ones, but ovory woman does not caro to afford many linen frocks. Tho good quality Is tho only ono worth buying, nnd a frock of It amounts up. When a girl feels sho can nfford only ono, alio Bhould got It In roso pink or nilo groon In order that It may bo drossy enough for nfternoon wear. Thla Is tho ideal coBtumo for church this summer, at homo or on a vaca tion. Cotton duck is another material that la oxcellent for overydny wear," as a wholo season of constant servlco makes Ilttlo Impression on It. Tho reason most of thcao materials woro not comfortablo beforo for sum mer frooka was becauso of their heat around tho neck and nrnia. . TWO SMART LITTLE DRESSES. Both Suitable for Girls from Eight to Ten Years of Age. Tho first costume pictured Is a smart ilttlo dress in blue checked zophyr. Tho skirt la trimmed with a band of plain bluo zophyr, tho plnaforo-bodlco being bound with tho anmo, and tho Bhouldors nnd fronts connected by strnps of zephyr fixed under tiny but tons. A bloiiBo of whlto muslin print ed lightly with bluo Is worn with It. Tho second la another pretty wash- Ing-dress of pink zophyr. Tho skirt lms a shaped pleco turned up at the foot and stitched on tho outsldo. Tho bodlco bns n small yoko of pleco laco sot Into a shaped yoko nnd platron of zephyr, tho sides bolng plaited nnd laid under it. Tho tight-fitting lower pnrt of sleovo Is of piece lace-. Matorlala required for tho first dross 3& yards zophyr 2S Inches wldo, 94-yard zephyr for trimming, 2 ynrds muslin for blouso. Tho second requires C yards zephyr, and ?i-ynrd pleco laco. Chiffon on Summer Frocks. No summer frock Is comploto with out Its yard or two of superfluous chif fon. It la a fad presenting such nllur lng possibilities to tho feminine mlud that It cduuot bo Ignored WAY TO MAKE NEAT HEM. Accomplishment Few Women Seem to Have at Command. It is really surprlaing how fow wo mon know how to mako a neat hem, although this was considered a neces sary accomplishment in tho days of our grandmothers. It is usod to finish tho raw edges of goods and It la most Important that it bo evenly and neatly turned down; always turn it toward you. To do thla, turn down one-quarter of an Inch all along tho edge and basto It on tho crease with oven bast ing stitches. ,Tako a stiff pleco of cardboard and mark on It tho exact width of tho hem. Placo tho edge of tho creased cardboard at tho creased edge of tho goods and mark tho desired width with a thread, using tho short and long basting stitch. Fold tho hem on tills lino of thread and basto to thq matorlal along tho upper edge with an oven baatlng. In hemming do not uao a knot. Hold tho hem across tho end of tho forefinger of tho left hand. Point tho needlo toward you, to tho right, nnd Insert it under the edgo of the hem closo to tho right hand. Draw tho needlo through, leaving an end of tho thread to bo tucked under tho edgo. To begin tho hemming stitch, point tho needlo toward tho middle of tho left thumb and take up ono thread of tho cloth and the same of tho fold. To hnvo tho thread Blant In tho right di rection, see that ench tlmo a stitch is taken that tlio needlo points directly across tho mlddlo of tho loft thumb. To bavo tho hem appear well whon flnlshod enro must bo taken to hnvo tho dlBtanco between eah stitch ox nctly tho same. Exchango. A TSeltlng Jumper. Embroidered linen belting, in whito nnd color, may bo bought by tho yard, and a very clover Ilttlo lady has used It to mako herself a Jumper. A double thlcknoss over each shoulder, from thci waist lino In tho front to tho walBt lino In tho back, is tho foundation of the garment, whllo a fow strips across tho bnck and front glvo tho wholo a very Jumpor-Hko nppenrnnco. Tho four loopB nt tho waist linq formed by the shouldor straps nro usod to slip tho belt through, bo, when It la worn with a white skirt and blouso, tho effect is of ono of the popular one plcco dresses. it is Just Bitch nn nrrongement that makes It possiblo to wear a blouso and skirt without a coat. Old Idea Revived. A pretty way of trimming n muslin and laco frock Is by heading tho deop Insertion of laco on tho skirt (tho band of dentollo so beloved of Paris) with a beading wldo enough to admit a soft satin ribbon, somo two or tbreo inches in width this ribbon being threaded through It nt Intervals of about a foot tied Into pretty bows, but theso nro not left on a level with tho beading. They nro nu ed throne, .. .... . . n- hw Willi, uiu bow bangs down over tho laco, the lit- tlo ends havlni: n lmli r,r .. m. I fin sh them off. with a bunch of frlngo falling from tho center of each ball. Theso loosoly hanging bows look very quaint ngnlnst tho laco background -Queen. Dressy Robes of Marquisette. Tho very dressy robes for afternoon or evening wear are now composed ot marqulsotto. This Is so very lino tha It looks llko organdlo or moussel o from a distance, it comes In nil col ors too, and tho colors nro very dainty nnd delicate. Of course tho mar qulsetto la flimsy, but everything thla season Is tho satuo. Drapers declared that goods wore to have moro body ? year or two ago. but heavy goods have not yet made an appearance. HER GOOD FORTUNE After Years Spent In Vain Effort. Mrs. Mary E. II. Itouso, of Crtn bridge, N. Y., Bays: "Fivo years ago I had a bad fall and It affected my kidneys. Sorcro pains in my back and hips becamo constant, and sharp twinges followed any exertion. Tho kldnoy secretions were badly disordered. I lost flesh and grow too weak to work. Though constantly UBlng mcdlcino I despaired of being cured until I began using Doan's Kldnoy Pills. Then relief camo quickly, nnd In a short tlmo I was completely cured. I am now in ex cellent honlth." Sold by nil dealers. 60 cents a box. Fostcr-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. PICNIC FOR THE PUP. His Devotion to Duty Rewarded by 8trange Luxuries. A Boston bulldog owned by Gcorgo II. Clapp was so determined to cap ture a woodchuck which ho had chased Into its den that ho followed after and staid in tho holo all night When tho dog had got hla Jaws about tho enemy ho found that ho could not get out owing to tho small slzo of tho animal's hole. Itathcr than loso his prey tho dog retained his hold on tho woodchuck over night, and wns helped out by his master in the morning. Tho dog was nearly exhausted, and revived after feeding and drinking in a curious man ner. Ho consumed about two quarts or unguarded ico cream, which had been set asldo for a party, and capped tho climax by faille Into a bucket of lem onado. -Worcester (Mass.) Tclogram. CURED HER CHILDREN. Girls Suffered with Itching Eczema- Baby Had a Tender Skin, Too Relied on Cutlcura Remedies. "Somo years ago my three Ilttlo girls had a very bad form of eczema. Itching eruptions formed on tho backs of their hends which were simply cov ered. I tried almost everything, but failed. Then my mother recommended tho Cutlcura Remedies. I washed my children's hcada with Cutlcura Soap and then npplicd the wonderful olnt mont, Cutlcura. I did this four or five times and I can say that thoy bavo been entirely cured. I bavo another baby who Is so plump that tho folda of skin on hla neck woro broken and ovenj bled. I used Cutlcura Soap and CutI-' cura Ointment nnd tho next morning tho trouble had disappeared. Mme. Napoleon Duccppe, 41 Duluth St., Montreal, Quo., May 21, 1907." On the Doctors. Mrs. Mary G. Baker Eddy, who, ol course, bos no fnlth in mcdlcino, told a Western Christian Scientist, at ono of her latest audiences, an anecdote about a friend of hers. This friend, a thin and nervous woman, could not sleep. Sho visited her physician and tho man said: "Do you cat anything Just beforo going, to bed?" "Oh, no, doctor," tho patient re plied. "Well," said tho physician. "Just keep a pitcher of milk and somo bis cuit bosido you, and every night, tlio last thing you do, mako a light meal." "But doctor," cried tho lady, "you told me on no account to cat anything beforo retiring." "Pooh, pooh," said tho doctor, "that was three months ago. Science hao made enormous strides slnco then." Cape Cod Fog. "Yes," remarked the Down Easter, "wo do have fog along Capo Cod some times. Ono night tho fog camo up and In tho morning when I went to milk I couldn't find tho old cow. Know where sho wns In tho habit of lying, though, and, followed her easy enough. Got to her just In time, too. "Why, I Just wont through tho holo she mado in tho fog sort of a tunnel like and pretty aoon I camo up to nur. alto was almost smothered. You seo the fog had packed ahead of hor, and aho'd Jammed her horns into it and got stuck. Had to chop her out.' You may bellovo It or not, but I'll show you the cow any tlmo you como 'round." Philadelphia Public Lodger. REMAINS THE SAME. Well Brewed Postum Always Palatablo Tho flavour of Postum. when boiled according to directions, 3 always tho same-mild, distinctive, and palatable. It contains no harmful substance llko caffeine, tho drug in coffee, and honco may bo used with benefit at all tlmea. Believing that ooffeo was tho cause or my torpid liver, Blck headache and misery in many ways," writes an Ind. p'IV q,ult nnd bo"Kht a Packago ot Postum about a year ago. w-iV . nnd 1 havo ben bo. to drlnVapd.UWt W haV CntlnUed o drink Postum ovor since. Wo llko tho tas eof Postum better than coffee. XvL ,nWnyB lh0 sam() Pwant S h nLW Ul0 CoffCo chaues 113 tate blend VOry B0W co"lb,naou or "Slnco using Postum I havo had no ? of 8U colic, So heaW- "eaa has left my chest, and tho old S VOry-l,ny headache is a N?monM Wn" "Th0r0's a Kca8 Cree " VSUm Co- Da"Io wSit pS41 ,"r,1 Koa Ever read the above letter? A new IrZ IT? frm t,me t0 "o. They a-nulne, true, and full of hamaS