The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 15, 1908, Image 1

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M'WWMfrv-irmTnriur vinn
NO. (57
flHnV bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI
Who will discuss the political issues
of the day at the court house nt two
o'clock p. m. Thursday, Sept. 17th.
Curfew Will Be Enforced.
Tho Curfew ordinance will be strictly
enforced. This ordinance provides that
boys and girls under seventeen shall
not bo permitted on tho streets after
nine o'clock in tho cveninsr unless ac
companied by thoir pn rents or guard
ians. All thoso interested will govern
themselves accordingly.
Henry Gilfoyl,
Chief of Police.
In speaking of tho lambs which died
at the stockyards tho early part of last
week, it was stated that they wero
poisoned. This was an error, as death
was due to water-founder, the animals
having been in transit during tho ex
tremely hot weather and when given
access to water at tho yards drank so
fre.ely that they died.
All porsons knowing themselves in
debted to us will please call and settlo
their account in full. Owing to our re
cent loss by fire we are badly in need
of tho money jand nn early compllanco
will bo duly appreciated.
Sciiatz & Clabaugii.
Terminal Assessment.
County Clerk Elliott has received
from tho state board of equalization tho
assessment of railroad property in
towns in Lincoln county, which has
been made in accordanco with tho ter
minal tax law passed by tho last legis
lature. The amounts nro as follows:
North Platte $111,191.00
Brady , 19.G45.00
Sutherland .' 18,337.09
Wallace 11,771.00
Hcr8hoy and Maxwell, not boing in
corporated at the timo the assessment
was made, receives no benoflt from the
new law. Heretofore the proporty of
the railroads' was not subject to levy of
taxes for city or village purposes.
Meeting of Central Committee.
At the meeting of tho republican
county central committeo held at tho
office of Albert Muldoon Saturday
afternoon, G. A. Schrecongost was
elected temporary secretary, and Al
bert Muldoon temporary secretary, and
upon motion it was unanimously carried
that Georgo E. French bo elected as a
delegate to attend tho stato convention
to bo held on September 22d.
And it further appearing that only a
small number of the committeemen
being present it was moved that this
meeting be adjourned until Saturday,
Sept. 19th. at 2 o'clock p. m. at tho
offico of Albert Muldoon for the pur
pose of electing a permanent chairman
and secretary
Temporary Chairman.
Albeut Muldoon, Sec'y.
Twenty-fourth annual session of tho
western Nebraska conferenco of tho
Methodist church will be held at Goth
enburg beginnning Sept. 29th and clos
ing October 5th. Bishop Mclntyre, of
Minneapolis, will preside.
For Salc-The Mrs. C. O. Wilcox
house, 607 West Fifth street; will bo
sold at a bargain if taken bofore Sept.
20th. Inquire at the premises.
A splendid lino of velvets for order
work; suits, hats. etc. All tho now
shades including Canord, Peacock Blue,
Taupe, Green, Brown and all the other
staple colors.
The Hub.
About fifty North Platto Odd Fellows
will attend the sovereign grand lodgo
which meets in Denver next week. A
number of them will leavo for that city
the latter part of this week.
Will Friend, who has been visiting in
town for a couplo of weeks, will return
to Denver the latter part of this week.
Mrs. Arthur Baldwin, who had been
visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
John Bratt, returned to Omaha yester
day. '
Miss Genovive Ottcnstcin left yester
day moruing for Notre Dame, Ind., to
resume her studies in St. Mary's
Dr. H. C. Brock wont to Brady this
morning where ns tho guest of C. M.
Trotter, ho will hunt chickens during
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Austin are
visiting in Denvor and other Colorado
points, having left for that state Sun
day night.
Mr. and Mrs. ChaB. Hcndy camo
down from Denver the latter uarc of
last week and visited at tho Bratt resi
dence for a couplo of days.
Lawrence McGuirc, of Cheyenne,
spent Sunday and yesterday in town
while enroute to Lincoln, where he
will enter the stato university.
Dean Beecher nnd Canon Boll, of
Omaha, arrived in town yesterday and
went to the Pawnee ranch, whore they
will hunt chickens for several days.
II. J. Diener loft yesterday morning
for Colorado, where he will spend sev
eral weeks rccuoorating. His health
has not been good during tho past
few months.
Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Selbert returned
last night from a ten days' visit in the
cast part of tho 'stato. During thoir
absence they attended tho annual syn
odical meeting of tho Lutheran church.
Mrs. F. W. Rincker is expected homo
tomorrow from her visit with relatives
in Chicago. Sho will bo accompanied
by her niece Miss Wcinober, a young
lady who visited h"ro a couple of years
Henry Welty, brother of tho lato
W. II. welty, arrived tho latter part
of last week from Auburn, N. Y., and
remain for ten days assisting in mak
ing arrangements for settling tho
estato of his brother.
Oshkosh wants to be the county seat
of Deuel county, and petitions aro be
ing circulated by tho residents of that
village to have tho matter brought up
in the election this fall.
"On the Bridgoat Midnight" will bo
tho attraction at tho opera house noxt
Saturday ovening.
Platto Valley Lodgo No. .12 will con
fer tho E. A. degree this ovening.
FiiANK L. MooNEY, Master.
Found North of tho river, a ladies'
blouso waist. Owner call at this oflko
pay for this notico nnd receive waist.
Anew dynamo nnd perhaps other ma
chinery for the electric light plant will
nrrivo this week and will bo placed in
Tho ndjourncd term of tho special
August term of court convened yester
day, and during 'tho week a number of
minor cases will bo heard.
Everybody should see tho "Road to
Ruin" at tho Crystal tonight.
The Stato Journal announces tho
nomination of W. A. Stewart for state
senator In this district by a plurality of
twenty-seven ovor Raymond. Tho vote
by counties has not yet buen made
We nro informed that George Mudd
recently sold his IGO-ncrc farm in
Nichols precinct for soventy-fivo dol
lars per acre. Mr. Mudd contemplates
buying n farm directly north of Hcr
shey. A splendid lino of children's hats and
cans at Tho Hub. Also a new lot of
baby caps and bonnets.
Brady has been tho Mecca of fisher
men for tho past two weeks and hun
dreds of fine piko nnd channel catfish
have been caught. Tho river has now
reached a very low stago nnd tho fish
ing is not as good as a week ago.
"Hip, Hip, Hooray," was presented
to a large audience Friday evening, nnd
there was a unanimous expression of
approval ns to tho good qualities of the
play os a fun producer. The company
ilid not nrrivo until nine o'clock In tho
evening, but Manager Miller enter
tained the waiting audience with motion
Twenty-two cars of Btock wero
brought down the North River branch
Saturday ovening, seven of these be
longing to Nat Brownfield of Cozad and
four to Will Dolan of Maxwell. Mr.
Dolan has purchased 200 head of tho
Millvale Cattlo Co., and will make to
final shipment tho latter part of this
Miss Allco Birgo went to Lincoln
yesterday to resumo her studies in the
stato university.
Mrs. Jna. A. McMichacl, who has
boon spending Bovoral weeks in South
ern California, returned homo last
Material has arrived for tho new
front which will bo placed in tho
Strcitz building occupied by Ginn &
Whito nnd tho work began yostordny.
For Sale Vacant lot on west Fourth
street, either corner or InBide. Inquire
of A. Lidell.
An adjustment of tho firo loss sus
tained by Schatz & Clabaugh was com
pleted Saturday, tho firm receiving
$10,760 in ensh nnd the damaged stock.
Tliis leaves tho boys several thousand
dollars in "tho hole."
C. H. Stamp returned yesterday
from Omaha, where ho had beon for a
few davs securlnir nn iittrnnHnn tnr
tho opening night nt tho now Keith
theatre. Ho secured "The Burgomas
ter" for September 23d, and that dato
will bo tho opening for tho now play
For Sale My residenco proporty
house In excellont repair, two lots,
shado and fruit treos, lawn, bnrn and
electric light. Will be sold cheap If
taken during noxt thrco weeks
Geo. E. Fuench.
Tho initial political meeting will bo
held In North Platto noxt Thursday af
ternoon, when Govornor Geo. L. Shel
don will mako nn address at tho court
house at two o'clock. The Govornor is
nn Interesting talker nnd will tell his
hearers some things politically which
are well worth knowing.
Tho ladles of North Platto nro in
vited to call and select, tho materials
for their new fall headwear. A beauti
ful lino of plumeB, aigrottcs, wings,
fancy bands nnd other novolties to
choso from. Miss Dye, who has been
with lift Tnr thn nnat flu, imnn ...III
.. ', will
give your Work tho best attention.
For Sale.
My now roBldcnco and- two lots on
west Sixth Btreet. fivo blocks from
center of town, nlno rooms, electric
lights, bnth, telophono and sowornge,
basement undor wholo houso, Will bo
sold at a bargnln if taken Boon, as I in
tend leaving North Platto. Houso now
rents for $35 por month.
M. B. Cryderman.
E. L. Emory has gone to Choyonno,
whoro ho will bo employed ns cfork in
tho republican stato headquarters.
John T. Strnhorn, who had been
upending soverat weeks nt Cherokoo
Park, returned homo Sunday morning.
Ho enjoyed his stay thero vory much
and had excellent success in fishing for
Engineer Andy Liddcll, who roturncd
last week from Excolsior Springs, aays
tho barrels of water hn drank whilo
there hns provn more beneficial to his
stomach trouble than the cart load of
drugs ho had previously taken. Ho re
turns feeling liko n now man.
An Omaha paper says: Since Mr.
Harriman'8 visit horo there has beon
much talk about tho probablo expendi
ture of lnrgo sums of money in tho
west. It is believed Mr. Harrimnn
was impressed with tho excellent busi
ness situation during his short stop
and that ho will nt onco order the
working out of his program for expan
sion which was Interrupted by the
panic almost n year ago. Bofore IiIb
nrrival some of tho work then undor
way was started and doublo tracking
of tho mnin lino is now being carried
on at diircrent places between Omulia
and Ogdcn.
When Engineer Austin started out
with tho Harrinmti special last Thurs
day he had a schedule of a mile a min
uto to Grand Island. Ho reeled off tho
sixty miles to Lexington In flfty-fivo
minutes, and whilo stopping there for
wntor, was approached by Genl. Supt.
Pnrk and told to cut the aimed to flfty
fivo miles ner hour, which was done,
otherwise tho mile a minuto gait would
have been maintained. When Mr. Hur
rlman mnde his record-breaking jaunt
ncross the continent somo timo ago Mr,
Austin pulled tho train to Grand lslnnd,
nnd tho speedometer In Mr. Harriman's
car showed bursts of speed at tho rato
of eight-four miles per hour, und tho
railroad king seemed to enjoy tho gait.
Last Thursday, howovor, ho concluded
ho did not want to ride so swiftly.
Notice to Hunters and Others.
All persons nro warned agalnBt hunt
ing or treflprnsslnif on tho lands of tho
undersigned in Hnll product. Violators
will bo prosecuted to tho full oxtent of
mo law.
Oscar Stiles,
A. Gutherlcss,
Wm. Ackcrman,
C. P. Campbell,
Fred Mnlono,
W. H. Ruth,
M. E. Stiles.
snr zzz
ajestic (Malleable and Charcoal Iron Range'
Set of Ware
With every Majestic Range sold during
this Cooking- Exhibition, we will give ab
solutely FREE one handsome set of ware
as shown. t This ware is worth $7.50 if it is
worth a cent. It is the best that can be
bought. We don't add $7.50 to the price
of the range and tell you you are getting
the ware free, but sell all Majestic Ranges
at the regular price. You get the ware free.
Remember this is for exhibition week only.
Ware will not be given after this week.
This ware is on exhibition at our store, and
must be seen to be appreciated.
Come in any day during the week.
Make our store your headquarters. Have
coffee and biscuits with us.
Come, if you intend to buy or not; the
information gained will serve 'you in the
gj) CopprTea Kettle I AUCoppr Ccff..Pot
IMP iagrf. J vSs ; Wircd Drippin.qrFma. (Wi
Facts About
The Great Majestic Range
It is the only range in the world made
of Malleable and Charcoal Iron.
It has, beyond any question of a doubt,
the largest and best reservoir.
It uses about half the fuel used on other
ranges, and does better work by far.
The Majestic All Copper Nickeled
Reservoir heats the water quicker and hotter
than any other. It is the only reservoir
with a removable frame.
The Charcoal Iron Body of the, Great
Majestic Range lasts thr;ee times as long as
a steel body.
Being made of non-breakable material,
there is practically no expense for repair
ing the Majestic.
As for baking, it is perfection; not
only for a few months, but "for all time to
come. 1 ' ' ;
A Great Majestic Range lasts three
times as long as a cheaprarige' but it don't
cost three times as inuch.
PROOF Wo don't ask you to tako our word for any
of tho nbovo statements, but if yoi will call at our Btoro,
a man from tho fuctory, whero Majestic Ranges aro
made, will provo to your satisfaction that thoso aro ab
solute facts, and will show you mnny more rensons why
tho Great Majestic Rnngo is absolutely tho bcBt that
money can buy.
i mi in eaa ma
Maxwell, Nebraska.