UUlortcal BcW Stftto TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, SEPTEMBER 1J, 1908. NO. 00 Stebbins on the Slump. Lucien Stebbins, of North Platte, who has been In the city for the past few days expounding the socialistic creed to ths citizens from dry goods boxes on the street corners, was a passenger for Broken Bow Wednesday, where ho will continue his labors and will go from thero to Alliance and will make a largo circuit of towns before roturning to his home. Kearney Hub. The Coit of a Wreck. The wreck of the Brester express on tho Harlem division of the New York Central & Hudson railroad, near Wil liams Bridge, N. Y., on February 16, 1907, will cost $1,215,000. ClaimB for damages wero put in for twenty-two persons who wero killed and 156 who wero injured. Uf tho $1,214,000, $659,000 has gone or will go to tho relatives of tho.dead, or to the maimed and injured. The remaining $550,000 goes to the lawyers, to agents who settled claims out of court, to physi cians, investigators and various ex perts, and for trial of suits. Miss Whittaker has the most stylish Millinery in the city at popular prices, at Wil cox Department Store. Gothenburg Defeats North Platte. Ten or a dozen North Platto trap shooters went to Gothenburg Wednes day and in n contest with the team of that place gave an exhibition of which all were ashamed. The highest score made by tho locals was cighty-threo out of a possible hundred, this being made by McDonell. For somo reason tho North Platte bunch "fall down" when away from hjjme, nnd instead of scoring from eighty to ninety-livo points as they usually do at the homo trap, drop down to sixty to eighty. In tho Gothenburg contest Wednes day Henry Rebhausen who had vainly tried to break the blue rocks, discovered to'wnrd tho close of the shoot that tho barrel of his gun had been badly hent. Arrested for Burglary. Edwnrd Lozan, who since March has made his home at Maxwell, was ar raigned in the county court yesteidny. on the charge of burglarizing the store of W. H. Merrick & Co., of that place, on tho night of September 5th. The evidence of his guilt was conclusive and he was bound over to tho district court in tho sum of $500, and in default of n bond was committed to jail. Lozan claims that he had been in North Platte attending tho carnival, that ho went to Maxwell on train No. 4 and while sitting on the depot plat form was accosted by a stranger who asked him to watch tho Merrick store while he, the stranger, secured the booty. This he did, and after two re volvers and somo cartridges had been obtained, Lozan bought the same from the stranger. PERSONAL MENTION. Rolfe Halligan returns to Lincoln to night to re-enter tho state university. Maurice Fowler is transacting busi ness in Lincoln, leaving for that city yesterday morning. Mrs. E. S. Davis went to Holdrcgc Tuesday night to make an official visita tion to the Rebekah lodge. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Jepsen, living southwest of town, loft yesterday for a visit with friends in Lincoln. Russell Wyman has been spending the past few days in Denver, leaving for that city Tuesday night. Mrs. W. C. Hutchens loft the early part of Jtho week for a three months' visit with relatives in Idaho. x Miss Esther Antonidcs left thia morn ing for Lincoln where she will resume her studies in the musical conservatory. Misses Lillian Sturgcs and Jessie Workman left tho early part of tho week for Hastings to enter a business college. Herman Stovie went to Sidney Wed nesday night to meet his sjstcr, who arrived from Sheridan, Wyo., yester day morning. Mr. and Mrs. James Minshall and daughter left for their homo in Okla homa Wednesday after a ten days' visit with North Platto relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foster and two children returned yesterday morning from northern Wyoming, whero they had been visiting for two weeks. Mrs. Kate Blood, of Cheyenne, and Mrs. Nellie Bennett and Mrs. Elsio House, of Rawlins, arrived in town the early part of tho week, having been called hero by the serious illness of their sister, Miss Mollio Pcniston, whose condition for Bcyeral days has been serious. Sunt Chas. Ware, of tho Nebraska division, accompanied by Mrs. Wnre, camo in from the west Wednesday morning and remained until last night. They wero returning from a trip to New Mexico, whero Mr. Ware had gone to recuperate following an attack of pneumonia. He is now enjoying his usual health. For Sale. My new residence and two lots on west Sixth street, five blocks from center of town, nine rooms, electric lights, bath, telephone and sewerage, basement under whole house, Will be sold at a bargain if taken soon, as I in tend leaving North Platto. House now rents for $35 per month. M. B. CltYDEItMAN. School Shoes Properly Fitted. Fit your children with Shoes that give service, look neat and wear right. Our line of school shoes is very strong and we wil guarantee every pair to give satisfaction. A NICE SLATE WITH EVERY PAIR. The Big Shoe Man. 52 1 DeWey St.- ALL A. J. Morris, of Lincoln, camo to town Tuesday and tho following day in company with Sheriff Miltonborger drove to Deer Creek precinct, where they obtained possession of Ellis Brit- tingham, a two year old nephew of Mr. Morris, who it was claimed was being mis-treated by its mother, Mrs. Beer man. Tne child is a son of a lirltting ham who a couple of years ago was killed by tho the discharge of a shotgun nt tho Flanigan homo in Deer Creek. Later the wife of Brittingham married Becrman, and it seems the child did not receive tho treatment to which it was entitled. The mother gave up the child without process of law, although an action in habeas corpus had been prepared and would have been served had the mother objected to tho relin quishment of the child. . O. E. Elder, who made .an extended trip through the county this week, says ho saw fields of xorn that will yield fifty bushels to the acre, while other fields that wero damaged by tho dry weather of a month ago will make about twenty- five bushels. Taking tho county as a wholo tho corn crop will be up to the average, and as the acreage is large there will be sufficient to supply the needs of the feeders. B. K. Bushbee, the republican nomi nee for representative, spent yesterday in town while enroute home from Omaha. In tho primary election Mr, Uushbec received filty-Beven more votes than his competitors combined, His voto was 819, Springer received 465 and Shafto 297, "Hip! Hip! Hooray, which will bo presented at the opera house this even ing promises to be one of the best at tractions of the season. It is full of ginger from start to finish, and Cady Rice, the German comedians, will make fun galoro. The Harriman special, which passed through "yesterday, had a schedule of sixty miles per hour through Nebrask and tho boys handling the throttle hud no difficulty in making the time. Lost a plain gold bracelet, with letter A engraved thereon. Finder pleaso return to Enterprise bakery and re ceive reward. II . Otten has leased the Gosb house on west Third street nnd moved thereto tho early part of the week. They Take The Kink Out. "I have used Dr. King's New Life Pills for many years, with increasing satisfaction. They take tho kinkB out of stomach, liver and bowels without fuss or friction," says N. H. Brown of Pittsfield, Vt. Guaranteed satisfac tbry at Stohb's drug Btbrb. Wi. sheep seven- LOCAL MENTION. Isaac Selby and W. T. Banks have sold to Eugene A. Roberts lots one nnd seven, section 21-13-29, 93.66 acres, for $3,150; District court of tho adjourned special August term will conveno September 15th, and considerable "underbrush" will bo elenned up. Lost August 31st, betweon tho Methodist church nnd east Fourth St., garnet broach. Finder pleaso return to this offlco and reccivo liberal reward. Miss Gcraldino Bare is entertaining a scoro or more young Indies nt a contest party this afternoon nnd will entertain Bimilar number nt a high-fivo party tomorrow nftcrnoon. Cards arc out announcing tho coming nuptials of John Eshlcmnn, of this city, and Miss Jcssio Stearns at tho home of tho brido north of town on Soptembor 16th at high noon. - Mr. nnd Mrs. C. J. Alvord pleasantly entertained a number of friends Tues day evening in honor of Dr. nnd Mrs. Hart and Seth Hart, of Otho, Iowa. Covers wero spread for twenty. About soventy-fivo head of forming part of a shipment of teen earn from Idaho to South Omnha, died at tho local stockyards Monday. Death was duo to some kind of poison ing. Sixteen Indies w.ero pleasantly cntor- tanied at a kensington Tuesday after noon by Mrs. ChnB. F. Chapman in favor of Miss Chapman, who has been guest at tho rectory for soverul weeks. For Snle-Tho Mrs. C. O. Wilcox house, 607 West Fifth street; will bo sold at a bargain if taken beforo Sept. 20th. Inquire at the premises. H. B. Bowlby has been at Kearnoy this week running n lunch stand during tho carnival. Last week ho cleared up $138 with his stand in this city, and ho is suid to be doing equally as well in Kearney. Pat Kruso, charged with nssnulting Sam Murphy several weeks ago, had a hearing beforo Judge Elder Tuesday and was bound over to the district court under $300 bonds. Kruso and Murphy are both residonts of Walluco precinct. Tho weather of tho past week haB been the hottest of tho summer season, tho tcmpcraturo ranging above ninety each day. It usually happons that tho early part of September is warmer than July or August, duo largely to tho lack of moisture. The land buyers conio from tho rich Middlo States. Through a hundred lo cal agents I am in touch with the buyer. I can sell good land nt fair prices any whore in Nebraska. Write mo about yours. Unas. T. ftnnpp Miauio-wcst Farms & Ranches, Lincoln, Nebraska. Tho funeral of tho late W. H. Wolty was held from tho Episcopal church Wednesday afternoon' It was the in tcntion to hold tho funeral Sundny, but a letter from Mrs. A. J. Miller, a sister of tho deceased, was received stating that sho expected to roach here Mon day. Mrs. Miller, however, failed to nrrlvo until yesterday. Select County Central Committee. Tho republican county candidates nominated nt tho primary election held September 1st, met last Saturday and taking nn ndjournmcnt until Wednes day, selected tho republican county central committco in nccordanco with tho provisions of tho primary law. The members of this committco are called to meet in this city Saturday, Sept. 12th, for the purposo of selecting a chairman and secretary and electing n delcgato to tho stnto convention, at which tho platform will bo adopted. Tho county central committco as solcctcd, is as follows: North Platto No. 1 Gus Hesso North Platto No. 2 Albert Muldoon North Platto No.,3-L. B. Dick Antelopo Carl Nolson Blrdwood Wm. Coker Brady Geo. L. Swancutt Buchanan S. C. Wills Cottonwood J. J. O'Rourko Cox Fred Kuscr Deer Creek-J II Schick Dickens W A Chamberlain Fox Creek E J Petty Garfield A M Hughes Gnslin John Ginnpp Hall Gcorgo Kopf Hinmnn Thos Watts Hooker Georgo Garman JefTry R S Gregory Kem A Kunklo - Lemon Georgo Shonk Maxwell J L Lewis Medicine C F Hicks Millor-G F Moyer s Myrtlo W S Ross Nichols W E Funkhousor Nowell I D Boatwlck Osgood W P Snyder Pcckham S ParsonB Plant Georgo Dinner Roscdalo David Weir Sutherland C M Reynolds Sellers Georgo Single Somerset Martin McDcrmott Sunshine J C Weir Tnblo-J I Hill Vroman E J Hurlbut Wallaco Henry Mohlmnn Well G A Schrccongast WHUtior-James Abbott Willow-II C Robbina Walker Stephen McDormott A Paying Investment. Mr. John White, of 38Highlnnd Avo Houlton, Maine, says: "Have been troubled with a cough every winter and spring. Last winter I tried many ad vertised remedies, but tho cough con tinucd until I bought a 50c. bottlo of Dr. King'B New Discovery; beforo that wna half gone, the cough was all gone. This winter tho same' happy result has fallowed; n few doses once moro ban ished the annual cough. I am now convinced that Dr. King's New Dis covery is tho best of nil cough nnd lung remedies." Sold under guarantee at Stone s drug store. 50c. and 11.00. Trial bottlo freo. Hunters . . Attention! Is your dog in the best of shape for the hunting season? We are agents for Dent's Dog Remedies. iney are tne only prepara- F0R THE NEW COURT HOUSE. Article No. 6. Ono of tho now features that aro being incorporated into tho mnny new modern court houses that have been built in, Nebraska during the past ten years is the public rest rooms, whero tho fnrmers and tho furmor's wlfo and children, when they come to tho county sent on business or pleasure find pleasant rooms neatly furnished with easy chairs and provided with heat and light and toilet facilities. These samo rooms also como in very handy when court js in session as rest rooms for tho witnesses, litigantB nnd jurymen. Whorover such rooms aro provided they aro a groat blossing to tho general public. Sometimes bucIi rooms havo been provided nnd maintained by private subscription, as has been done in North Platto in times past, but such impro vised rooms do not answer tho purpose, being inadequate, and besides the average farmer feels too independent to accept of charity. With tho public rest room in the county court houso, bolonging as it does to tho tax payers, the farmer ac cepts of its hospitality as n matter of right. Tho tenativo plan for tho now court houso provides for a large public rest room 38 x 47, with nursery for women and 13 x 17, and a smoking room for men 16 x 35, with toilot facilities for m men nna ior women nnu children sep arate And in any plan thnt may bo adopted by tho county .commissioners similar arrangements will bo made. These features alone will be ample rccompenso for any additional tax that any resident tax payor may bo culled upon to pay for tho now court houso. And your committeo aro unable to see how any public spirited citizen of North Platte, who pretenda to bo friend of tho farmer, could doprlvo the B il. . I rt. m . 1 iarmur 01 mo ucneuts or tneso pro ! posed public rest rooms for tho sako of evading u paltry ono mill tax. Court House Committke. Ease the First Day Worn. $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 r Every season finds more women seeking the pro tection that comes with the trademark of "QUEEN QUALITY" Shoes. The number of "Queen Quality" customers is now somewhere up in the millions. But this is nothing surprising to those who know the "Queen Quality" Shoe. Their only wonder is that any woman can be induced to wear any other. Our Fall Line of "Queen Qualities" is in. We have them in Patents, Vici, French Kid and in all sizes B, C, D, E and EE. Also Tans. See our win dow display. Exclusive agents in Lincoln county. THE LEADER, JULIUS PIZER, Proprietor. How to get Strong. P. J. Daly, of 1217 W. Concrcss St Chicago, tells of a way to becomo strong: Ho soya: "My mother, who is tinn nrnmrprl hv 1 rermlnr Id nnd Wa8 very foob,' is driving so tions prepared by a regu ar much bonofit from Ecctr,c B uog specialist wiiu is u regular that 1 fcul it'u my duty to toll thoao graduate in both human and who nood a tonic and strengthening 1 medicine about it. In my mother's , enso a marked gain in fleBh has ro : suited, insomnia has Leon overcome, und aho is steudily growing stronger. Electric Hitters quickly remedy stomach, liyer, stomach and kidney complaints. o veterinary medicine. Schiller & Co., Family Druggists. First door north of First Nat'l Bank. That chair Lot mo fix it. P. Mi SOnENSOfo. Church Services. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Tho church is looking toward larger things. Tho vacation season is passed, tho autumn breezes blow, tho school bells ring, tho activities of tho year aro again beforo us. In harmony with tho spirit of tho season wo wish, on noxt Lord's day, to ro-onllat all of our onor- gios in tho gospel work. At 10 n. m. wo want to have a great biblo school, at which wo will bo ablo to greot all of the pupils and workers, Wo must on this day again bring our nttondanco up to tho one hundred mark. Lot all como. Regular preaching sorvico nt 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. At tho morning servico wo hope to moot nil who aro at thia time or ovor have been mombors of tho Chris tian church horo or elsowhero who may now bo in driving distance of North Platto. A rousing Christian Endeavor mooting nt 7 p. m. followed by a ser mon to the young pooplo upon Christian Endeavor work, will closo what wo hopo will bo a good day. All pcopl0 who will worship with us will find u wolcomo. L. C. Swan. BAPTIST CHUHCH. It is oxpoctod that intorost in nil de partments will bo ronowed as was man ifested in tho last biblo school session. Noxt Sunday morning tho pastor will present a very interesting and helpful subject, "Versions of tho Biblo." This will show how wo camo into possession of tho printed volume, tho book of books. All othor meetings in the regu lar order. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The regular appointments may bo ex pected on next Sabbath, and tho pastor would be pleased to greet as many as possible at all tho sorvico. If strangers in our city wijl come and wor ship with us, we shall certainly try to make thorn welcome and at homo. Pastor. Judge Takt Borvcs notice on W. J. Bryan that his claim of holrshlp to tho Koosovolt policies is spurious, that tho pjrosidfptprMjyftloiJ, thorn wholly him self nnd th'ntHWioy aro entirely his own. Ho has not mudo n last will and testa ment bequeathing them to Bryan and tho latter will huvo u mighty hard timo to provo that ho is a legitimato heir. Tho fact, however, that ho puoh ihg his claim indicates that they aro. of sumo vnluo. Judgo Tuft, on tho othor hand, whilo not Betting up any claim ns an heir takes tho position of n person who has been appointed executor and gives plcdgo that (ho business of tho administration (tho Roosevelt policios) shall bo continued in forco. kearnoy Hub. Ranch for Sale. Ono nnd ono-hnlf sections. All smooth land good dark soil. Situated about 12 miles S. E. of North Platto, and about 5 miles from the laid out town of Blgnell. Foncnd and cross fenced. Stocked with cattlo, horses and hogs. Also a full lino of farm implements. About G5 acres of growing crops, For further particulars call at residonco on S. E. i Sec. 12, T. 12, It. SO or address Guss Dioner, North Platto, Nob. Notice for Bids. To whom it mny concern: Scaled bids will bo received by tho Koith and Lincoln Counties Irrigation District up to noon Saturday, Sopt, 20, 1008, for tho construction of a drop on said district's canal; imd nlso for con struction of wing ut head of canal. Specifications and plans may bo seen at homo of tho president of district, S. E. Anderson, Sutherland, NobruBkn. James Siioui', Sec'y. under guarantee at Stone's drug store. c. New French Cleaner. H. R. Reese, of tho North Platto Pantatorium. clothes cleaner and nrcs- si; r, has bought aFronch drv cleaner and extractor for cloaning clothes, over coats, silk, satin and wool skirtB, ladies' furs, rugs, fur rugs and Inp robos and in fact anything in tho clothes cleaning lino. It is not to bo construed that this French dry cleaner and ex tractor is a man or a womun, for it is not; tt is a new muchino that ho has bought which cleans clothes by a dry nroccss. and is somothincr new in the clothes cleaning line. Thia machine not only cleans clonics thoroughly but docs it quickly. It makes old clothes new nnd the specimens Mr. Recso will dis play shows what the machluo will do. This device has boon purchased by Mr. Reese at an expense that is not war ranted, but ho nones to bo sufficiently compensated by increased business for tno auuitionai expense. For Sale or Trade. Section 31, town 12, range SO, located ten miloBvoouth and ono mile west of NortU Plfttta- writto O. T,-Auatin, pickles and rreserves. Buy your Spices at the Drug Store and .get first pick. 1 urmenc Jamaica Ginger Cloves Cinnamon Mace Black and white Mustard Seed Dill Seed Celery Seed Allspice Pure Gum Jar Rings Sealing Wax Para fine Corks . Everything new and fresh. Stone Drug Co. imwronce, jngd. 1