e V LOOKED FOR OTHER TWO. Little One Had Out One Idea of Term "Fore-Handed." Llttlo Catherines lins been boarding on a farm this summer, and many of ; tho rural expressions nro wholly un familiar to hor. One day sho chanced to hear her country hostess praising tho good qualities of a certain thrifty neighbor. "Ho really nln't got much, com pared to somo folks," said tho farm er'a wife, "but ho makes out wonder ful well; ho's so foro-handed." That evening tho man thus lauded happened to drop In, and Katherlno Immediately sidled up to him, with cu rious eyes. Slowly sho rovolvcd about tho chnlr In which ho sat, and bo per sistently did sho gazo nt him that tho farmer's wlfo finally noticed It. "Well, Knthorlne," sho said, "you seem to And a good deal to look at In Mr. D ; don't you?" "Why," replied tho child, her llttlo forehead wrlnklod In perplexity. "I did want to sco his two uvver hands, but I can't. Is ho slttin' on 'em?" Roosevelt IBS I HI 111 OF COURSE HE WOULDN'T. - r ( -v -..2. o- i, Alt 17 CONTRARY, INDEED. in Darkes By WBLLARD W. GARRISON Jangle Association Decides on Protective Auxiliary) for Only Living Ex-President rs Visit y HIS meeting will ploase oomo to ordo r, roared King Leo, rap ping for order upon Vice-President Jumbo's hard cranium. "This uxeouttvo committed has summoned tho inombors of tho East African Junglo association, post haste, to assemble hero for tho pur 1)0 bo of organizing tho Theodora "You certainly wouldn't marry a girl for hor money, would you, Tom?" "Of courBo not; neither would I have tho heart to lot hor becomo nn old maid becuuso sho happened to bo well off." got Absorbing. Silas Ha! Ha! Reuben bunkoed again. Cyrus Do tell! Whnt was It this time? Silas Why, Hcubcn saw an ad that stated that for ono dollar they would send him soino of tho "most ab sorbing llteraturo ho over read. Cyrus And what did thoy send him? Silas Why, thoy sent him a pam phlet entitled "How Blotters Aro Mado" and another entitled "Polnta on Turkish TowoLj." The Old-Time Boy. Tho boy of to-day who complains of anything should bo mado to read tho rules and regulations laid down for boys In old colonial days. Ho had to stand up at tho table. Ho must go to bed at candlelight. Ho must not sit down In tho presewco of a visitor. Ho must not shout Ho must not run without causo. Ho must not throw stones at animals or birds. Ho must not Idlo on tho street, and if ho had been found trying to stand on his head ho would havo gono to Jail for a week. Tho extraordinary popularity of flno white goods this summer makes tho eliolco of Starch a matter of great Im portance Defiance Starch, being freo from all Injurious chemicals, is tho only ono which is snfo to dso on flno fabrics. Its great strength ns n stiffen or makes half tho usual quantity of Starch necessary, with tho result of porfect finish, equal to that when tho goods wcro now. No Liquids. "Deso political meetings aro fakes," grumbled tho tall tramp in tho greon shirt. "Why so, pard?" nsked his chum. " 'Cauao last night 1 wont to a meet In' billed as an 'ovorllow meotln and thcro wan't nothin' ovorflowin' not oven root beer." Omaha Directory Wholesale and retail dtaleri In trrrrthlnf (or Otntlman'a table, Including fine Ira- ported TabU Dellcaelii. If tbtra U any llttlo Item jou are unable to obtain In your Home Town, write ui (or prices on lame, ai no will be euro to liavt It Mull orders carefully filled. ' MPOWTrnn hp oraitna IN PURE FOOD PRODUCTS TELEPHONES lt",V,0'48T COURTNEY & CO., Oinnba. Ncbr. TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS 1517 Douglas SI., OMAHA, NEB. Reliable Dentistry at Moderate Prices. fftTro) if Supreme Strenuosity Test in Search for Wild Bongo as Well as Elephant, Rhino, Hippo, Lion, Tiger, etc. Erring Aim Means Gravest Peril When Beasts Are CorralcdCost of Expedition About $1 '5, 000 Over 100 Men Needed for Expedition. ran xTTN. i Africa I J J lloosovolt must fire. If his aim for nny reason falls, it's tlmo to climb trees. For exports point out that Just nt that moment when tho bul let falls ot Its mission, tho Bnvngo mala will charge Hunting tho rhinoceros takes n lot mora sclenco than that which Is needed for tho Hon In African Jun gles. Tho rhino Is mora eavngo whim wounded and nn cunning ns K.Terjttilnirtortlmamatour Iiinroatwholeealeetorkln ttia WeiL btnd (or taloRUe. Mall orlenaeiwclally. THE ROBEflT DEMPSTER CO., Box 1197, Omaha, RUBBER GOODS by mnll nt cut prices. He ltd for. free ca tnlopjio. VlYERB-DILLON DRUQ CO., OMAHA, MEUFI. OMAHA WOOL & STORAGE CO. SHIP YO ket to cct belt returns. e( WOOLe he Omaha mar- rices and quick auk In Omaha. ask JOHN DEERE omaiia For Booklet "How to HaUe Uettar Crop." wkKmw 'i hp m i in i 1 1 i I M I, l.lirn ai ( Tl.l'l-J-- - " ZaTiTT IfVV JEW yMfca. Iff I I I I I I I AUJ .M T BHIIaMrT.flK - oMO V 4I I i I? lloosovclt Protcctlvo auiUIary," continued tho chairman. Tho glraffo wns on his foot In an Instant, doraandlng rec ognition with both hind feet and his neck. "What? Protect Rooscvolt? You go" "Sit down!" ngnln roared King Leo. "Tho gontlumnn from tho tall pines will plcaso not get so florid." Then turning his back upon tho glrnfTe, he continued: "Tho object of the auxiliary will bo to afford ns much security for tho mombors ot this society as may bo obtained by cautionary measures within our commonwealth. Tho motion having been made, I find that tho majority aro in favor, thereforo I dcclnro It adopted. Following uro tho officers of tho auxiliary: Leo, chairman; Kongo, sec retary; nud StrlpeB, clialrmnn of the com mittee ou predatory privilege. Tho chair man of tho auxiliary will report resolu tions March 4, 1003. Until that tlmo wo Btand adjourned." Dr. Monk, who had been kidding Ser-geant-nt-Arms Ithlno, ofllclal bouncor. be- causo the latter had Just begun to hoc a joko which tho former told nt a previous mooting, had darted Into tho sheltering branches of a cocoa nut palm but was conipolled to return upon feel ing tho glraffo chewing at his tall. Tho latter hav ing mistaken Air. Monk's tall for n cocoanut leaf, clovorly changed tho subject by Introducing the Hoosovelt question again. "Say, old man, I don't know whether this aux iliary Is Just tho best thing with election coming on. Supposing tho Jungle guards should bo called out during tho primaries. Whoro would wo got off at? You eao that auxiliary Hat of officials Is with the opposition and It'll bo Just like thum to call out our voting Btrungth to trail tho ox-prcsl-dent. I know how It is In my precinct, und I gueBS you know whero Uio Congo river bunch stand. Well, so long, Doc. Don't throw any mushy cocoa nuts at Theodore If ho sees you first." Tho habitues of tho jungle disbanded and went tholr ways, tho party in power determined that th only living ex-preBldent, whon ho beenmo such, should not get tho upper hand when he made his visit to Africa In search of gumo and tho opposing minority determined to koup ono oyo on Roosevelt und tho other on King Leo's bunch. Hear shooting In tho ennebrakes of Louisiana or trailing Druln In tho HocklcB Is tarno sport ulong Bldo of that which Theodore Uoosovelt will find In Kast Africa when ho goes thoro after his term of oflico expires. It will bo necessary to tnko over 100 men on tho hunting expedition, if ho goes after all tho big game to bo found, and, Judging from what tho cartoonists say nbout htm, It will bo his purpose to dcjiloto tho fastnesses of tbo dark con tinent to tho greatest posslblo ox tout. How will ho WW f W mm WADING THROUGH THE SUJD IN JOAFLCH OP WATC LUCKY SOT Jr Mt-w zi rJt t- 'A. -ffT l r"! 1 1 I'll T MTi- It IB (7wKM jlj.JMi'ie. Wt I isi HUNT" I'M mi show up ngnlnst Uio lion, ele uhant. bongo, hlnno. rhino, ze bra, tigers and smaller animals? From Indications, tho Democrats declare, thoro will bo no Jungles when Theodore leaves. Flvo thousand pounds of ammunition will ho needed, six months' food Ib nn ubsoluto noros slty and an expert declares that tho cost from tho tlmo ho steps onto the continent uutll ho leaves will uggregnto nbout $lli,000. That Is a largo amount of money to put into six months' hunting, but Urltluh and Clormnn sportsmen say It Is worth tho price. Tho real heart of tho hunting regions of Afri ca Is In rthodesln. There nro cnnnlbals thore, also hostile tribes, but Itoosevoltlnn diplomacy may becomo a splondld usuet, and backed up by his fighting experlenco gained on Snn Juan hill und In sparring bouts with the somite, there should be no serious dmigor. Ono of the features of tho expedition will bo shooting Hons by night. This hus been authori tatively announced by tho magazine which Is to pay Mr. Itooqovclt 1 a word for bis stories of the hunt. In stalking Hona by night tho president must ubo on automobile headlight, which African ar chives say King Leo hates. Ho dislikes It bo much that each season several dozen natives uro killed und carried away while carrying Jungle torches. Tho lnlr of tho Hon must bo halted with n llvo donkey. One of tho hired help holds tho light and tho president holds tho gun, ulways In readiness to end Leo's career ou sight. Whon tho king of boasts is (lighted, the nutlvo swings the spotlight full upon him und In tho single Instant that the lion is dazed by the glaro, Mr. cornered. tho cleverest of beasts. Tho ones wo boo with circuses look ns If thoy couldn't run fast or far. Perhaps thoy can't, but tho one who Is disturbed in his lnlr In declared to be tho fastoat thing nlloat. Tho shot which 1b mwuit to kill tho big hruto miiBt bo placed JUBt behind tho flhouldor. For thoro the Bkln Is exceptional ly soft and tho bullet will plorco his heart. Huntsmen say tho safest precaution against dlnastor Is to hit rhino thcro flrat. Tho hiiiiio precaution holds truo In tho enso of tho clephnut and hip po. Hoth aro tough-skinned nnl mals and terribly ferocious when Ills prey having beon killed, tho aides wltli the president will sot to wor'K'to Bkln tho bcntUs. Hut tho most Bought nnlmnl Is tho bongo, nf tor which ovory African hunter Is keen. U'h tho rnroBt animal on tho dark continent. Accord ing to ono wealthy ISuroponn, tho market prlco for n Blnglo Bpeclmen Is $G,000. Tho bongo la wilder und moro timid than tho American deer. Tho great continent of Africa for conturics has held civilized peoplcB la n hypnotic state. It simply tremn with mysteries and to get at tho bottom of thoHo, thousands of lives havo been Bnuffcd out by wild beasts, natural formations of tho country and tho novelists as i ill. Sta tlntlcs, gathorod between the years of 1801 and 187C, havo It that over one-third of tho works of fiction of thoso generations wore based on tho darkest continent. Arnbs. Portuguese, Dutch, French. TcutoiiB and Hrltons havo held sway In that order In tho most populated pacts of Africa. French, Dutch, nermann and IJngllnh are ntUI prevalent thcro and evidences of tho nuhjects of Portugal and tho wandering Arnbs aro ntlll to bo found li tho stylo of building, customs und costium-a. Tho tlasslcB of LlvliiRBtono, Speko nnd Stan ley tell us what It w.ih ouco like nnd now wo aro to havo a preuent day rohoaraal by Itoose velt hlir.aelf. Africa confrontH the traveler with tliu grandOBt, moat mysterious, must dllllcult touring proposition that Is to be found the world over. Kitty Isn't sho tbo moat contrary thing? Uotty Why so? Kitty Sho's boon conxlng and conx Ing mo to go to her picnic, nnd I won't do It, In Your Youth. And then thoro was tho tlmo you took Her to tho county fair. You woro that now $9.98 suit; had Dowcy Mun ger'a best roadster nnd rubbor-tlrod rig nnd n now whip with a red ribbon tied around It. Sho woro a whlto dress with a hluo snsh, and a string of bluo glass beads about her neck. Mind thoso onirics In your "dally ox ponso" hook enndy, 10 cents; pen nuts, G cents; merry go-round tickets, 2G cents; nldo bIiow, 20 contB; wclnor wurst snndwlches. 20 cents; lomonndo, 10 conts; Ico cream, 20 conts; shoot ing gallery, 10 conts; tintypes you'vo got 'em yet, you sitting nnd alio stand ing with her hand on your shoulder CO conts. Goo, but you thoMght you "blow yourBOlf" that day, didn't you? Los Angeles Express. Lnundry work nt homo would bo much moro sallsfaclory If tho right Starch woro used, hi order to got tho desired Btlffuoss, It Is usually nucca sary to usu so much stnrch that tho beauty and Iluonuss of tho fabric is hidden behind a pnsto ot varying thickness), which not only destroys tho appearance, but also affects tho wear ing quality of tho goods. This trou ble can bo entirely ovorcomo by using Deflnnco Starch, as It can ho applied much moro thinly hocnusn of Its great er strength Uinn other nmkea. Indla-Gcatlon. Hero Is a story tho hlBhop of Lon don told John Morley tho other dny, says tho Philadelphia Inmilror. They wero holding nn "exam." In an Kast end school, nnd thu teacher wns ex plaining tho chief products of tho In dian empire. Ono child recited n list of comestibles. "Plenso, miss, India produces curries and popper and cit ron and chillies and chutnoy and and" "Yes, yes, nnd what comos attor that?" "PIoubo, mlsB, I don't ro member." "Yes, but think. What lo India so famous for?" "Plenso, 'm, ludln-gcstlon." None for Him. "Well, what doos tho lint hill como to this summer?" Inquired Mr. Jug Kins. "Lot mo boo," Bald Mrs. Juggins, pro ducing tho long papor. "My Morry Widow, Initio's pink Morry Widow, Ella's green and Mamlo's mauvo Morry Widow total J99.90." "Oco!" said Mr. JugginB, "Noarly a hundred I Woll, with tho ton cents remaining, I guoss I'd bettor havo my old strnw dono up again." His Idea. "Woll, Just what Is a socrot, any way?" "A thing to bo kept" "Yes." "On tap" "Oh!" "Until sovoral pooplo havo forrotcd It out" "Woll?" "And then It. Is published with big hoad Hues." Nashvlllo American. SELF DELUSION Many Pcoplo Deceived by Coffee. Wo Ilka to dufoud our Indulgences nud habits ovon though wo may ho convinced of their actunl harmful nous. A man enn convlnco himself that whisky Ih good for him on n cold morn ing, or beer on a hot BUinmor day whon ho wnnts tho whisky or boor. It's tho samo wlthcoffco. Thousands of pcoplo miff or headaches and norv ousnoBB yonr after year but try to persuade thomsolvos tho causo is not coffee because thoy Hko coffoo. "While yet a child I commonccd us ing coffeo and continued It," writes a Wis. mun, "until I wns a regular cof foo fiend. I drank It ovory morning nnd In ennsequonco had a blinding hendacho noarly ovory afternoon. "My folka thought It was coffeo that nllcd mo, but I liked It and would not ndmlt It was tho causa of my troublo, bo I stuck to coffeo and tho hoaduchea otuck to me. "Finally, tho folks ntoppod buying coffeo and brought homo somo Postum. Thoy mndo It right (directions on pkg.) nnd told mo to boo what dlffor onco It would miiko with my head, and during tho first wook on Postum my old nfllletton did not bother mo onco, From that day to thin wo havo used nothing hut PoBtiim In plnco of cof feo honduchoH aro n thing of tho past and tho whole family la In lino health." "Postum looks good, smells good, tnBtcs good, lu good, and does good to tho wholo body." "There's a nonson." Niimo given by Poatum Co., Dnttlo Crook, Mich, ltond "Tho Kond to Woll vlllo," In pkgs. Ever read th" novo letter? A new one appears fro line to time. They are genuine, tru nnd full of human Interest.