1 . - mi II II I I,,. III M aHM. , . in. -..n in I i.ii . ,. I .j ill .1 n I I II I I III -p -t TRUSTEE'S BANKRUPT SALE OP THE STOCK OK Burke & Co. and Goldia Burke Consisting of Ladies' and Cents' Furnishings, Hosiery, Shoes, Skirts, Etc Also the Entire Millinery Stock of Ladies' Fine Hats, Hat Trimmings, Ribbons, Laces, Veilings, Etc., AT LESS THAN 50 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. ale Begins Wednesday Mornin Septe mber at 9 0 clock. and WiiS Continue Until Ail the Coods and Fixtures are Sold This is the only Big BonifLde Bargain Sale of Fine Goods ever held in North Platte. 509 Dewey Street. TV- E. S. DAVIS, Trustee. ?. T ?T 57? S 5T 5"? 57? T7 57 T7? T7 T7 T7 fT7 .T7 T7 C7 T? T? T7 T7 T? Hat Pins made out of Real Roses Vuv-X 5 now -s.-. n Real Rose Hat Pins It does not scent possible, yet It Is true, that these list Pins sre made out o( live roses.and changed Into metsl by a secre t process. This discovery Is without doubt one of the" lost srU of the ancient Egyptians. They are the most beautiful of all list Tins. No two are alike. Made In flnlsbea to conform to the prevailing fashions In millinery. Six sires at the following prices i $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.75, $4.50 Everybody Is talking about them. Don't full to como In and sect hem. These are the genuine DELAMOTHU Ileal Rose Hat I'lns. DIXON, THE JEWELER 8 DR. BROCK, DENTIST, p Over First National Bank. i I'honc 148 i' Tho C. W. B. M. nuxiliary meets with Mrs. Storm Wednesday afternoon. Let each member be present and as many of tho aid society as possible. Tho races of the firemen's tournment will be held on South Dewey street, where bleachers have been erected. A charge will be made for these seats. This item appeared in the Lewellen Gazette of last Saturday: It has been reported that Dr. Hall w..s robbed of $250 in North Platte the first of the week. Frank Smith, who had been in the employ of the Star Clothing Houbo for several months, has severed his con nection with that establishment. He will remain town for the time. Miss Ruth Streitz leaves tonight for Ardwick, Maryland, the summer home of her uncle, A. Stewart. After spend ing a month there she will attend the BriBtol School in Washington, D. C. The remains of W. H. Wclty are still held at the undertaking rooms of Ginn & White, no definite reply having yet been received from tho several tele grams sent to relatives in New YorK. The attendance for tho afternoon's performance of Buffalo Bill's company was a record breaker for a town tho size of Grand Island. The attendance at this performance was reported to bo about 15,000. Bratt & Goodman have 8 per cent money to help you secure a home, write the best and cheapest insurance against loss by fire, lightning, cyclone and tor nndo, and rent houses and rooms. Call and see them. If vou want nnv of the Hunter nlums you will have to bring your order in at once, lney will only, run live or six days more. WILCOX IJEPAKTM ENT QTOKK. While in Omaha last week Chas. Pass was told by W. K. McKeen that the Omaha shop ball team would be here next Saturday to nlay the local team but inquiry among local players iailCU vo uncii uny iiiiurmuiiuii ujjiiii the matter. IT . 11. lUltUt U, If l, 1 1 1 1 1. 1. V. IMIbUl have just marketed 211 head of hogs, without a single nocK, mat netted me $3,513.58. They were fed on our valley alfalfa farm one and one-half miles east of Welllleet, which shows a good profit on corn-fed. Mr. and Mrs. William Whitlock re turned last nicht from their two months' stay at Cherokee Park. Their visit was very enjoyable and Mr. Whit- lock reports very good success at trout fishing. A week before starting home ho caucrht one that weighed five and one-half pounds. To assure doubting Thomases he has a largo piece of paper nn which ho lit id tho sh and then drew an outline of its outside dimen sions. The funeral of Cecil Merle Porter field, tho infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Portorfield, who was drowned in the irrigation ditch near Hershey Wednesday, was held at tho residenco TdnKulau onnflnprnit liv Rev. Evans and interment took nlaco at tho River side cemetery. Tho services were nt tended by many friends and neighbors She Likes Good Things. Mrs. Chas. K.Smith, of West Frank lin, Maine, says: "I liko good things and have adopted Dr. King's New Life Pills as our family laxative medicine, because thovnrecood and do their work without making a fuss about it." These painless purifiers sold at Stone's drug store. wj cents. Miss Beatrice Murnhv. of Marengo. Iowa, arrived in town last night. Mrs. C. A. Dill and children have been tho guests of friends in Omaha' tor the pubt wceK. Judge Hoagland left this morning for Linco n and from there will go to Cam bridge to attend an old soldiers' reunion. Leslie Hoagland, of Gandy, was in town Saturday enroute to Mitchell, whoro ho waB clled by tho illness of his father. Tho rpiriilnr mnntinir nf t.lm Club Nn- dofic to have been held this week, has been postponed until Wednesday of next week. No order too large or too small for us to fill. Prompt delivery. TKAMP, the GltOCER. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Brown nnd child ren left this morning for Wisconsin to visit Mrs. Brown's mother, who has been in ill health for some time. Frank Flint, who is in the service of tho Union Pacific as fireman, secured a license this morning to wed Miss Matilda Miller, a resident of tho city. Fine residence lots for sale, im proved with 5 foot cement sidewalks, etc Wm. h. Shumau. Ed Ewcll is in town today boosting for tho Frontier Days and Harvest Festival which will be held at Grand Island October 6th, 7th, and 8th. Sherman Hyde, of Norwolk, Ohio, who has been m tho west for some time buying young cattle, is tho guest of his relatives Charley Bowen and Mrs. ueo. Is. rrosser. Wanted A girl for general house work. Apply at Harrington & Tobin's, George Mooney, a brother of F. L. Mooney, has been in town for a day or two working up an interest in the fair and festival to be held nt Lexington beginning Sept. 22d. A telegram recolved by M. H. Doug las yesterday announced tho death of his cousin, Irene Douglas Hampton, at Montpciier, lunno. i no deceased will be remembered by many of our people, having spent a year or so in town a few years ago. See tho Dclamotho real rose hat pins in our show windows. They are the latest fad. Made from real roses. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. Weather forecast. Fair tonight nnd Wednesday, raising temperature Wed nesday. Highest temperaturo yester day 7C; one year ago 87. Lowest temperature this morning 39; one year ago 58. An explosion of a gasolino stove in ono of the rooms in the Ames hospital Saturday afternoon resulted in a lively blaze and made tho destruction of considerable furniture. Tho stovo was being used by one of tho employes while engaged in ironing. In assisting to subduo tho flames Dr. Ames was badly scorched about the faco. China Painters. Wo have a full lino of White Saxony China, also Haviland, for decorating. Clinton, Tho Jeweler. School Notes. School will begin next Monday, Sep tember 7th. Enrollment in tho high school will bo- gin Wednesday morning of this week and will bo continued until Friday night. As tho high school pupils en roll thoy will bo given tho necossary books and will bo assigned a seat in tho high room. The advantago of en rolling early is that you will bo sure of n scat and possibly a sent you pretcr. Also in case there is a lack of books from nn nnusually largo enrollment you will be supplied. Come in at uny time op Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Examinations in subjects for promo tion and credit points in the grades or high school will bo given on Friday. Como in tho forenoon. Saturday is given up to tho teachers. Tho Superintendent will bo in his ofllco to consult with any and all touchers nt any time on Saturday. Then nt threo o'clock a general teachers meeting will be held nt which all teachers in tho grades and high school will bo present. Pupils from out of town mny bo lo cated by calling at tho superintendent's ofllco ut nny time this week. Do not put it off until next week for tho work is heavy then nnd consideration may not be given so carefully to your wants at that time. Thorn aro several boys and girlB who have asked to be placed in homes where thoy can work for their board and who have not yet secured such places. Ono boy wants a place where ho can milk, tend a horse, help with tho heavy house work, go on errands nnd keep a lawn. Another will clean out an office, build fires, answer tolophono calls or run er rands. A girl vho can do most kinds of work in a kitchen wants a place where sho enn have a comfortahlo dome nnd study nt night. Another girl would liko a placo whoro she can take care of children. If you can use such persons to advantago you can help out some boy or girl who wants an education bad enough to work for it Call up the Su perintendent. Phono 100. Tho Payno Investment Co. Iiub practically sold all the Rico and Lute tracts of land in the North Platto valley, only two small trncts remaining. There were originnlly 4,200 acres in tho two ranches. Dwellings for Kent. Five room cottngo near Third ward school for $10.00 per month, Good seven room cottage, barn, nico lawn nnd shado trees. $20.00 per month. Good 8 room houso four blocks west of court houso. $18.00 per month. A. J. Sentcr's nico new dwelling and barn in west end, $25.00 per month. Buchanan & pattehson. pickles and rreserves. Buy your Spices at the Drug Store and get first pick. turmeric Jamaica Ginger Cloves Cinnamon Mace Black and white Mustard Seed Dill Seed Celery Seed Allspice Pure Gum Jar Rings Sealing Wax Para fine Corks Everything new and fresh. Stone Drug Co. New Stock of Camera s and Amateur Supplies We have just received them. They are Hummers. We Sell Films Adopted to nil Cameras and Kodaks from Buster Brown size up to 4x5. We Develop Films and Plates. C. M. Newton. COMPETENT JUDGES. lien illy Inclorn KmlorNC Ilrrplclile. Woinon who nialto a buslncHS of bonti tlfylnic othor woinon como pretty notir knowing wlint will brltiK about tlio best rcsullH, Hero aro letters from I wo, con cerning Uorplcldo: "I can recommend Nowbro's "Uorpl cldo," n It Htopped my bnlr from falling out; and, nn a dreaalnt; It Imh no super ior. ' (WruoC ) Tlertlm A. TnilllnKor, "Complnxlon Bpociallnt, "2P'i ::ur'Ugn St., Portland, Oro." "AftV" ulnc ono bottlo of "Uorplcldo" tny lin'r bo Htnptiod fiWinir out, nnd my Hcnlp I . entirely froe from dnndruff. ''(Sluriod.) Ornro llodno. "Hoauty Doctor, "193 Plxth Ft.. Portland. Ore" Rold liy'lciidlnjf (IriiKxIsts. Bond W. In utiimpH for wtmplo to Tho IlerpIclJo Co., Detroit. Midi. Two sizes GO contB nnd $1.00. McDonall & OraTOs, Special Agents Evenly Balanced are the quality and price of the harness that we sell. We are not philanthropists we must live, you know, but we do give grade for price. All you have to do is to come in and examine our up-to-date stock of fine harness and see the prices we have placed on them. A. F. Fink. Why not Blow Yourself to a pood meal for onco nnd juBt bco what a delightful thing it is to hnvo your appetite tempted with tho snvory odor of steak and mushrooms, broiled chickens, or primo roasts, nnd then havo tho realization more than fulfill tho anticipation? When your nppotito ia coquettish on a sultry day try a meal nt Enterprise Bakery. Mrs. Jennie Armstrong) Prop.