The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 01, 1908, Image 4

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Ladies, we want you to call
and see our new line of China
and Fancy Articles in China.
Beautiful pieces and large stock
T h
1 c r
Anyone caught using or selling wife-beaters, barrel
staves or boards, rubber balls loaded, water squirts, fly paper
or other articles which tend to injure persons or destroy
wearing apparel will be arrested and fiqed. This action was
taken by the city authorities on account of the rough manner
of some of the crowd' last evening.
HENRY GILFOYL, Chief of Police.
The above action is endorsed by the North Platte Fire
Department. THOS. JEFFERS, Chief.
Mrs. S. S. Reynolds
for a visit in Lincoln.
Graduate Dcnlisl
Office over tho McDonnld
Stnto Hank.
Miss Vera Sltton rctnrned Saturday
morning from a visit with relatives in
For KentSix room houso in west
end. Apply to Geo. E. French.
II. J. Hanson and son Henry went to
youth Umaha yesterday with four cars
of cattlo.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Porrott left yes
terday morninfr for Lincoln whero they
will upend tho week at tho state fair.
That chair-Let mo fix it.
Sum Brown has cone to Green River.
Wyo., whero ho will nsnlst his brother
Charley, who is baggage agent at that
Aliss joy (jhurch was hostess at a
dinner party Friday evening. Miss
(ininey, of Chicago, being tho guest
Leo Tobln loft Sunday night on u
business trip to Choyenne. whero ho
will probably mako contracts for hay
You can got second hand buggies at
Van Cleave a all in good repair for al
most your own price. (Jail and bco
Increasing traffic has mado necessary
an additional switching crow in tho local
yards, two crews now being in sorvico
days and two at night.
Mrs. Minor Hlnman will entertain' a
number of ladies tomorrow nitornoon
nt it Kensington in favor of Mrs. Jas.
Minshall and daughtor.
Mr. ChaiTcur. how aro your auto
glasses? Wo havo a flno assortment
that aro highly satisfactory for your
purpose. DIXON, Tho Jowoior.
Conductor Hubbard roturnod Satur
dav night from Contonial, Wyo., whero
ho devoted ton dayB to trout fishing
with ploaauramo succoas,
About fifty North Platto pooplo at
tended tho Wild West show at Grand
iBlund Saturday, twenty-two of whom
went down on No. 4 Friday night.
F. A. Stroun sayB he hnd sixteen
land scokors in tow last wook and Hold
1.700 acres of land, with prospects of
additional sales this week to the same
For salo. two sections of good hay;
twenty cents per acre: six miles north
of Wallace section Band 9-11-31. An
lily to Harper Real Eutato Co., Wallaco,
John McCnbo, foreman of the sheet
iron dopnrtmontof tho Choyenne shops,
spent Sunday in town ana received a
hearty wolcomo from his old timo
C. L Pattorson, chief of tho Union
Pacific secret sorvico for tho Colorado
division, camo down from Donvor yes
terday nnd will remain In town for
sovoral dayB.
Sheriff Mlltonbocgor loft Sundny
night for Lincoln, taking with him
Claudo Stovall, who was recently sen
tenced to one year in tho ponltontlary
for forgery.
The North Platte cornet band will
render music each afternoon during
tho firemen's tournament.
Miss Kathorino and Mario Welch,
who had been the guests of Miss Em
ma Brau, left for thoir homo in Omaha
Membors of the Saturday . Evening
Cub were guests of Mrs. C. T. Who-
lan nnd tho regular session baturuay
Evorv fireman should hear "Tho man
with tho laddur nnd ho hose," sung by
Miss Gray tomorrow night at tho
opera house.
Frederick Cox. employed In tho
Union Pacific headquarters in Omaha,
spent Sunday in town as tho guest of
Miss Edith Patterson.
Shoos repaired with neatness nnd
dispatch. TKKUL.VK and the Boy.
Lost Sunday between tho Methodist
church and cHt Fourth street, a gar
net brooch. Finder will pleaso return
to this office and receive liberal reward.
E. S. Davis, trustee of tho Burke
bankrupt stock, has secured tho ser
vices of several salesladies and will be
gin a salo of tho stock tomorrow morn
For Rent Good six room houso. 402
West 3d St. Ituiulro R. A. Garman,
Star Livery Barn.
Two of tho threo burelars nrrcstcd in
this city laHt week nnd taken to Sidney,
broko jail Saturday night at that place,
but woro nrrcstcd at Potter tho follow
ing day;
One thousand styles of flceco
goods just arrived atThe Leader.
Rev. T. B. Greenlco went to Paxton
this morning to officiate at a wedding.
WantedA girl for general house
work. Apply to Mrs. Ed Ogier, 214
South Dewey street.
Miss Mabel JcfTcrs returned Sunday
night from n two weeks visit with rela
tives and friends in Grand Island.
George Dicks, section foreman on the
branch nt Keystone, brought his family
to town Saturday and they will remain
here this week. Mr. Dicks returned to
Keystone yesterday.
Mrs. Frank Wcingand. of Omaha,
accompanied by five lady friends, will
arrivo in town tonight and re
main n few days willenroute to Denver
and other Colorado points.
All two piece suits at ono-third less
than the regular price.
The Huh Clothing Dept.
C. A. Sibley, republican candidate
for tho republican nomination for con
gressman, spent Saturday in town. Mr.
Sibley says ho has met with much en
couragemcnt throughout tho district.
Tom Costollo, a former Union Pacific
conductor well known in North Platte,
has brought suit ngninst tho Union Pa
cific for $20,000 damages for iniuries
received in an accident in Omaha in
The Ideal Golf nnd Negligco Shirt,
50 cents to $2.25.
The Hun Clothing Dept.
left last night Special Meetine of School Board.
A sncclal moetinp of the hnnrd nf nrl.
lnied ucntion was held last night to adjust
matters pertaining to tho opening of
school. Miss Graco Duncan, who has
accepted a position as teacher in Los
Angeles, presented her resignation.
which was accepted, and Miss Sylvia
watts, beventh grade teacher, was
given tho Eighth grade taught by Miss
uuncan. miss uuitn rattcrson was
elected to temporarily teach tho Sev
enth grade, and was also elected as the
supply teacher in tho high school for
the ensuing year.
Chief of I'olice Oilfovl was elected
truant officer and will keen a cIobq tab
on tho boys nnd girls who absent them
selves without leave.
The new firo cscano was inspected
and upproved. This safeguard, which
had been somewhat delayed, has been
piaceu in servico in conformity with
tne state law.
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital and Surplus - $120,000.00.
E. F. Seebergcr, C. F. McGrew, J. J. Halligan,
F. L. Mooney, Arthur McNamara.
For Sale.
Just what you want if looking for a
nice home on West 4th St.. east
manic, xour chance, uood 7 room
houso with hot nnd cold water, bath,
sewerage, and barn, nice shade. Cut
to 53000.00 for nuick sale.
Mako offer for the beautiful lot nnd
small cottage west of tho Catholic
church. Must be sold at once.
4 room cottage and nice lot corner of
Maplo nnd 8th. Make oiler for this.
Uthcr nice cheap houses In different
parts of the city. Can sell any of these
tor one-third cash, balance same as
rent. It will nav vou to see us before
you buy. ijiiatt & uoodman.
My 4-X Flour is
Uncle Sam's Pride
and mine also. Why not yours7 It's
the perfect flour; a scientific product
of the most approved milling methods.
Remember every grocer in town handles
it, and every sack is guaranteed. Wear
that satisfaction smile that comes from
the use of the first sack of my flour.
"Satisfaction" is my motto.
When vou got tired of walking tho
streets, cotno down to tho opera house
and rest and sco a good show for 10
cents. LotB oi room, slay as long ns
you like,
Wunted -'Som'eono 'to cut nnfl Btnck
100 acres of hay in vnlloy seven miles
southwest of North Plntto.
Found On tho atrcots a white Merry
Widow hat with throe hatpins, also a
pair of white- silk gloves. Owner can
novo same by calling nt 314 West First
street and paying tor this notico.
Tho Indies auxiliary of tho B. of L.
F. and E. are raising funds to send a
delegate to tho grand lodge nt Clove-
land, Uhlo, and iiuvo leased the opera
house plcturo show for tomorrow night.
Wnnted Plain sowing to do. Inquire
920 west Sid St. Also have for salo
Emorson'a Sarsaparllla. Mrs. ChaB.
On tho ocenston of his twentioth birth
day Friday of oning, John Burroughs,
circulation manager for tho Evening
Telegraph, was the subject of a sur
prise party tondercd him by a number
of his frlonds, tho scene of action being
laid nt tho 1' red Klllott residence. I he
evening wan delightfully passed, nnd at
tho cIoho Mr. Burroughs was presented
with a hntulsomo fountain pen.
Notice to Sellers of Cream.
Tramp, tho grocer, Is buying
nnd paying top price wttn
returns of cash.
David Cole Cueamehy, Co.,
Omaha, Nob.
Tho carnival opened last night in true
carnival stylo with n noisy, jolly crowd
that surged nlong Dowey street for
two or threo hours blowing horns,
throwing rubber balls, using shippers
and employing othor fun-making meth
ods. Sovoral thousand pcoplo were on
tho streets, and apparently everybody
had n good time. Several of tho nt
tractions wero not in operation, tho
timo being too limited to get thorn in
Bhpo. Tonight everything will bo In
ship shnpo and the crowd can bo better
ontortnincd. Judging from tho way
things opened last night, tho presont
week will bo tho liveliest North Platto
has over known.
Chns. Pass has returned from Omaha
whero ho went to consult Dr. Jonns In
rcLMird to his nhvslcinl condition. The
Doctor, wo understand, did not givo
Mr. Pass very much encourngement ns
to a rapid recovery.
For Sale My residenco property;
houso In excellent repair, two lots,
shade and fruit trees, lawn, barn nnd
electric light. Will bo sold cheap if
taken during next threo weeks.
Geo. E. Fiiench.
L. L. Raymond, of Scotts Bluffs.
candidate for republican nomination for
state senator, spent yesterday in town
while enrouto homo from Pawson
county. Mr. Raymond's chance of
securing the nomination is excellent
Colonol Cody stopped over In town an
hour Sunday morning while enrouto to
Denver, lie wns driven to tho family
residence bv his daughter Mrs. F. II.
Gurlow, and later spent a half hour or
so looking over conditions at tho ranch
Wo sell Glllotto Safoty Razors. They
have no equal. Shaving mado pleasant
DIXON, Tho Jeweler,
Rov. and Mrs., J. F. Scibert leave
Thursday for Lincoln, where thoy will
nttend tho dedication of tho Lutheran
hospital, and later go to Hardy to at
tend the sessions of the Nebraska syn
od. Thoy will be absent about two
Extra police havo been employed to
pnrole each of the wards, yet it is the
proper thing to do when you leavo your
iiouho is 10 see mat mo uoors nnu
windows aro securely fastened. Tho
tournament is likely to attract tho at
tendance or crooKB.
Mrs. Elmer Owens entertained at n
three course luncheon Friday uftcrnoon
the young ladies who assisted at her
wedding. Ench guest was presented
with a souvenir spoon with her mono
gram engraved thereon. Tho function
proved a dolightful one.
Acreage lots at $100 per acre. One
half mile from city.
Wm. E. Shuman.
Why James Lee Got Well.
Everybody in Znnesvillc. O.. knows
Mrs. Mary Lee. of rural route 8. She
writes: "My husband, James Lee, firm
ly believes he owes his life to the use
of Dr. King's New Discovery. His lungs
were bo severely auccteu that consump
tion seemed inevitable, when a friend
recommended New Discovery. We tried
it, and its use has restored him to per
fect health." Dr. King's Now Discov
ery is tho King of thront and lung reme
dies. l or coughs and colds it has no
equal. The first doao gives relief. Try
itl Sold under guarantee nt Stone s
drug store. 50 cents nnd $1.00. Trial
bottlo free.
Barb wire for sale at
Hershey's, corner Fith
and Locust St. Phone 15.
Made in a ractory wnere
Accuracy i3 Everything.
Street Commissioner balisbury sayB
seventeen cement crosswalks havo been
laid in the First wnrd. thirteen in tho
Third, nnd a total of about fifty will bo
constructed in tho becond. bovorni
more will bo laid in the Third, and all
told ninety will be put in this season
Miss Blanche Fondn entertained
Pictures 3 1-4x5 1-2 Inches
Every feature that can be
desired in a Hand Camera
Miss Blanche r-ondn entertained a r 1 y Hid
number of girl friends Friday ovening KITIPmPI" 5 KOHlf MflfP
at a "stag" party in favor of tho iUHLftCI O DUUft UlUIC.
A Bargain.
Second hand upright piano for sale.
Clinton, Tho Jeweler.
Misses Turpie, who had been visiting in
town, as aoovo. uiuiraicu mo gins
woro boys' apparel, and of courso thoy
all hud a decidedly jouy evening, ue
freshments wero served ut tho closo.
as we
That means to buy them here. We give as much
attention to the high quality of young folks' Shoes as
we do to those for grown tips. Shoes that are solid
all through double at toes solid leather counters,
out and in soles and in styles that, when fitted a;
fit them, do not interfere with growing feet.
Girls' Sizes, 8 to 2, $1.25 to $2.25
Boys' Sizes, 9 to 5, $1.50 to $3.00
Graham & Company
Estray Hogs.
Taken ut on August 2Sth. six hogs.
1 black sow, 3 spotted sows, 1 white
sow and 1 white barrow. Owner pay
charges and take animals away. u. w.
Kockard, North rintto.
We Buy
flat Is a
Dollar M?
Just what it will buy.
In groceries it is worth
About $1.10
at ,,
Pittsburg Perfect
nro enjoying nhenomennl success, nnd nre conceded to be far superior to
any other fences on tho market. Thousands of pleased fence users will
testify that "Pittsburg Perfect" Electrically, Welded Fences
Will stand ordinary as well as hard usdfte
Will not aan in summer's heat nor brenlf in tho cold of winter
Are mado of tho best material for fencing purposes
Havo stays that will not slip nor can thoy be moved out of placo
Will conform to tho most uneven ground and can be erected over
hills and through valleys ns well as on lovel ground
Havo no slack wires to spoil the appearance as well as the efficiency
Do not require an expert to erect.
Aro now made with stay wires as large as the line wires
Joseph Hershey, Agent,
Invite Your Friend to Ride
with you and see the country. If a
visitor from a distance show her or him
what a fine plnce this is to live in. Cnll
up this livery stable and order any kind
of b rig you think would make the best
impression. Wo hnve every kind from
n smart trap to a closed carriage.
A. M. Lock.
Young and Old.
Highest Market Price.
Stiijley's Meat Market.
inoiienvor nay ,v urain uimtitnr. & mr.
poraunu, cuHOiMiiiiu:
YI itako not co that on the. 27th iliv ttf An-
trust WW. thu County J ml mi of Lincoln ('mm.
ty. Nebraska. Issued an order of attachment
iur inn miin or ff i i.w. in nit fiction twimtiiu.
Ixtforo lilm. wherein Wllliur V. Stafford Is
I illinium mm inn ihmivit nay ,v urain (Join-
I liany I defendant, anil that property of I
lino tieiennani. consisting or tnnnei-uin Mm
sum of H).vO, lias Ihtii nttai'lu il under said
order and that tho Union Pai'llli' lUllrouil
cotuiinny, a oorHratum, has U-en trarnWIieed
in ham rauso, aim iniu moneys of bald do-
lenuani in inoHiim in now in tho ikj-
sesslon of thu Union I'acluc Itallroad Com-I
puny nave, noen earnishi'eii. nu cause has
IMWII lfttltlttltll tit 111.! II til I Dlt lt ll,ll.Oul.
lWn. at nine o clock a. in. at which tlmn ssi.i
cunsn wm i-omo unior mm.
liatcil Atlk'USt 31st. HUM.
y micox uainvani ms mtrs.
The Latest Aerial Machine
can't be of higher or better
quality than the Forest King
cigar, which is a pure Havana
filler, well made, excellent
flavor and which we sell for
five cents. We don't hesi
tate to call this our leader.
JJ WHITE & LESKEY, by constructive knowledgo nd skill,
High-grado results produce that never fail your want to fill:
Invariably contracts nro completed according to specification,
jj Thus rendering by perfect unity each detail in right relation:
JJ Exnmining their work, you'll find it done with scrupulous care,
u & becauBo of its enduring nnturo it docB not require repair:
Like magic they put up tho.Wood, Stone, Brick or Concrete,
Exerting forces in cement building with which no other can compote:
So tho firm for choico tnnterial always on tho alert,
JJj Keeps employed for each department of the job a true expert:
U Endeavoring to get for yourself a homo, store, hotel or flat,
You'll profit by calling on tho builders, WHITE & LESKEY,
of North Platte, -v