Hat Pins made out of Real Roses Real Rose Hat Pins It docs not ccm possible, yet It Is true, that theso Hut Pins roics.and charmed Into metal by a secret process. i Ills discovery is without doubt one of the lost arts of the ancient Ktrvntlan. Thev am llm mr l...,lf..l I of all Hat Tins. No two are alike. Mado In finishes to conform to the prevailing fashions In millinery. Six sizes at tho following prices i $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.75, $4.50 Evervhod v Is talklna ahnut ili.m Dnn'i , - 1 1 . . m. W mil iu cuma in anu sccuicm. incseare u the acnulno DELAMOT11E Ileal lloso R Hat Tins. H mi DIXON, THE JEWELER h DR. BROCK, DENTIST, jj jS Over First National Bank, g Phone 148 g Mrs. W. S. Dolson went to Omnha yesterday morninp. Mrs. Henry Mchlman and daughters, of Wallace, are North Plntte visitors. " Miss Nellie Bower, of Lincoln, is tho pueat of her friend Mrs. V. E. Sturr this week. Thntchnir-Lct me fix it. P. M. Souenson. DrupRist McDonell loft last night for Omnha where he will transact business for n few days.. ' Mrs. J.uUn Baker, who has been visit ing friends in town nnd at Maxwell, will return Saturday to her homo in Omaha.. Look up the Men's $7.00 Suit Salo and do yourself Bomo pood. Several out-of-town Elks will attend the picnic tomorrow nfternoon and eve ning. This outing promises to be one replete with pleasure. Twenty-two carpenters aro employed on tho now Union Pacific stockyards cast of town. It will require seven or eight weeks to complete tho work. Swell lino of up-to-date Silks for fall just arrived at Tub Leaden. Dan Atchinson, tho well known traveling man, is in town today. He has been taking a six-weeks vacation with the hope of building up his run down physical condition. A light-colored Ethiopian wns placed in tho calaboose this morning by Police man Grayblo because he was carrying a full-sized "Jug.'' Tho fellow is sup- Eosed to be implicated in tho recent urglary at Gothenburg. For Sale. Six room cottngo with bath and elec tric light. Inquire of Jos. Morsch, 213 East Fourth St., opposite high school. Clearing Sale of Low Shoes For Men, Women and Chil dren. Low Shoes can be worn until late in the Fall. Now is the time to buy. Men's Patent Leather, button or lace, regular (T 'I A price S.. 50, for..JO,i)U Ladies' Patent Colt, turn sole Oxford, regular J A price $3.00, for. 41 1 nrli' Pnlnnr Cnll turn snli lUucher Oxford, ('1 yj regular price 2. 75 $hLL Ladies' Golden Brown Colon ial Kffeet Hlucher Oxford, regular price (j? AO. $3.50, for tjM.lU SMALL , The Big Shoe Mnn. 52 1 Dewey St, A. Knauff, who had been spending tho summer with his sister, Mrs. Thos. Orton, loft Snturday for Falrbury. Mrs. J. C. Davis, of Chicago, n sister of J. H. Stone, has been tho guest of tho latter for several dayk and will remain this week. Mrs. Davis is accompanied by her Bon. When Insured by Bratt & Goodman against fire, lightning, cyclone and windstorm you are safe. H. H. Henderson, who twenty years ago was principal of tho North Platte schools, spent last night in town and left for the west this morning. Ho is now engaged In tho wholesalo grocery business in Memphis, Tcnn, John Frazier yesterday purchased of Keith Novlllo tho half block north of tho latter's residence for n considera tion of $2,200. Wo understand It is Mr. Frazicr's intention to erect on the lots a residence for himself and two cottages for renting purposes. There Is no question but tho prairie of Lincoln county is populated with statesmen. Wo havo ono candidao for a state office, three candidates for con gressman, two for state senator and two for represontativo and there aro others who aro not candidates. Tho Lute ranch north of Paxton, one of the finest located tracts of land in tho North Platto valley, and on which there aro excellent buildings has been sold, we are told, to F. B. Drake and tho Payne Investment Co. Thcro are 2,000 acres in the ranch. Frank Tracy, of Buffalo, N. Y., a son of Ira Tracy atone time a resident of North Platte, spent yosterday In town as the guest of his uncle C. F. Tracy. Mr. Tracy is manager of an under writers' assocation in BulTalo, and was en route to Los Angeles to attend tho convention of tho national association of underwriters. For the Most Popular Lady. Beginning last night tho Crystnl Theatre inaugurated a contest tis to who is the most popular young lady in North Platte. There will be a first and second prize. With every ticket tho purchaser gets n vote and each vote counts ten. The prizes aro on display at Clinton's store. Come out and vote your choice. Announcement. I hereby announco myself a candi date for representative of tho 54th dis trict, subject to the approval of tho re publicans at the September 1st pri maries. I have no extended platform but afjrec, If elected, to carry out the wishes of a majority of the pcoplo of the district to tho best of my ability. B. K. Bushee, Kimball, Neb. For Rent. The dwelling on West Third street owned by tho Cotton Estate. Lester Walker, Agent. Mrs. Thos. Frazier Dead. A telegram received last night by Mrs. Fred Brooks announced the death in Denver of hor mother, Mrs. Thos. Frazier. The deceased was for many years a resident of North Platte, and will bo rcmbercd by all of our older citizens. Tho rqjnnins will bo brought to this city for interment, arriving tomorrow morning or on the night train. Money to Loan. Eight per cent privato or money out of Building & Loan. B it att & Goodman. Real Estate Transfers. Tho following transfers of real estate have been filed for record in tho county clerk's office. ' Elizabeth Kinley to Keith Neville lot 1, in section 15-13-29 consideration $500. W. B. CofTen to Wm. Stull east half of southwest quarter nnd lots 3 and A, section 30-9-34, consideration $550. F. W. Donaldson to E. R. Johnson lots 7 nnd 8, block 33, North Platte, $1,800. A. E. Neilson to W. H. McDonald northeust quarter section 12-12-31, $300. Our Bargains Today. Good 5 room houso with good cellar and shade, close in and oxtra cheap at SJIoUU.UU. Good 4 room house and nice lot only $650.00. Extra mco lot and 4 room houso just west of Catholic Church. Can't find a nicer location. Must be sold this week. Make offer. Good 5 room houso, nice corner lot, cement walk on West 3d street. Seo this nnd you will buy it. Only $1700.00. Also other cheap properties that can be sold one-third cash, tmlancc same as rent. uratt & Goodman. A Car of Peaches will nrrivo about August 10th. Price $2.25 per bushel. Place your orders with tho Tramp Orocery. Aro vou lookinir for a home in the nicest residence portion of tho city? If so rend this: Nice six roomcottneo. built in 1907, with lot and half of ground. Lot tilled in; comcnt sidewalk in front and around Jiouse, the back and part of sides of lot fenced with high board fence. Good coal and wood house, and tho choicest location in tho city. West Fourth St. Prico $2G00. Como early to see about this, it won t lost long. Temple Real Estate & Insurance Agency. 1 nnd 2 McDonald Rlock . Mutual Building & Loan Association. In order to supply the cash for loans allowed and approved by the directors, this association will issue a limited amount of their paid up stock. This stock pays dividends of six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and the money invested thereon may be withdrawn at any time upon thirty days notice. Applications for stock should be made to the secretary. Mutual Building & Loan Association, By T. C. Patterson, President Samuel Goozee, Secretary. FOR SALE! FOR SALEI! 5 and 10 acre tracts in the Bratt & Goodman Addition to North Platte about ten blocks southeast of High School. This land is under ditch and all in crop. Price for five acre tracts 500.00. Terms 100.00 cash, bal ance 910.00 per month. 10 acre tracts f 1000.00 Terms 200.00 cash, balance 20 00 per month. This is the chance to secure a nice surburban home for little money and on easy pay ments. BRATT & GOODMAN. For snls, two sections of good hay; twenty cents per ncro; six miles north of Wallace, section 5 nnd 9-11-34. Ap pMto Harper Real Estate Co., Wallace, Today's Bee states that tho state board of assessment has raised the as sessed valuo of cattle in Lincoln coun ty fifteen per cent. Evidently tho stnto board considurn It in hrttnr nrniinlntml with the truo valuo of cattlo in Lincoln county than aro tho assessor nnd dep uty assessors. E. T. Trnmn vesterdav nurchasod of D. M. Atchison, genernlngent, a twenty horse power nuto which he will uso nrincitmllv for deliver nir poods. In creasing business demunded placing a mini Wilson in service, nnu miner man do this Mr. Tramp conclude to Invest in an automobile for delivery service. Mr. Holcomb. n well known North Platto vnlley stockman, has sold his ranch for $22,000 nnd will nlso disnoso of his horses and cattle. About twenty years ago Mr. Holcomb, then without linancial menns, took 11 homestead in the vnllev. later uddinir acre bv ucro until he ncquircd n fine ranch. When he uisnofles of liisBtock he will have a snug roll of forty thousand dollars. A Douclas countv mnn who snent Sunday in town and was tnken out in tho country in nn nutomohlle by T. C. Patterson, pronounced thocrons in Lin coln better than they aro in the east part or tno state where land sells for three times ns much lis in this countv. The eastern Nebraska farmer has no edge over the western Nebraska fnrmer 1111s year. Live stock inspectors in this district are having considerable troublo in gett ing stocKinen to din tneir cattle, which under tho federal law is required when cattle nre mangy. Several in this county have been notified that unless they dip within n certain time their cattlo will be quarantined on tho ranch or farm where they belong. In several instnnccs proposed shipments of cattlo havo been dclnyed by order of the in' spectora until the cattlo were dipped. For Rent. Two rooms suitable for light houae- nininfr ITiit-nlabnrt nt nnfiirnlolinrl n a desired. New house. Terms reasonable. Mns.ii. u. swan, 720 West 2nd St., For Sale. Several cxtrn good lots' in different parts of the city $100 and upwards. Let Ua phow, you these. is II ATT & GOODMAN. " I $1.80 For Boys' Patent Leather $2. 50 Oxfords, Sizes 24 to 5 Graham & Company. The Iowa Low Down Mado tn tho Largest Separator Factory in tho World. We will save von Dollars on Separators. Lamb's Cash Grocery, NORTH SIDE. Your New Suit should be made to order, and wo are in position to mnke it nnd guaranteo n perfect fit. New samploH of spring and summer goods just received. Como in and let us show you. No uso sending out of town for your nppnrol. F. J. BROEEiER Howoy St, Merchant Tailor Odds and Ends Wilcox Barb wire for sale at Hershey's, corner Fith and Locust St. Phone 15. All the Women's Oxfords and Low Shoes-this Sea son's Newest and Prettiest Styles being Closed Out at 20 Per Cent Discount Come. Graham & Company. When will the Clock Stop? FIVE DOLLARS GIVEN AWAY SATURDAY, AUGUST 15th, 1908, AT THE Rexall Drug Store to the party holding- the card closest to) the "TIME THE CLOCK STOPS". We have placed in our window a large 30 day clock, this clock will be wound up and allowed to run down. It will be unveiled SATURDAY, AUG UST 15th, at 4 o'clock p. in. With each fifty cent cash purchase we give you a card on which a "time ot day" is stamped, bring this card to pur store on SATURDAY, AUGUST 15th, at 4 o'clock p. m. as it may win the cash prize. Don't Spend $3.50 When I Prot. W. M. Hayet, Att't. Sccty. of Agriculture of tbe United State ty about Stock Foodi "Ttitie balanced rations are often found by inalyiia to coniitt of tbe tailing of milli, clevatori and breweries, miicd with moliiui and lt, to make tbe compound palatable to tbe cattle, and one ol tbe largest Stock Food Companies is said to use fine sawdust, finely ground, to cheaply bring up tbe weight of his product, instead of buying a superior and espensive balanced ration containing high ' fattening qualilies and acting as a tonic, he has paid a high price for a feed containing, along with ordinary grain, finely ground alfalfa hay and other common food stuffs, IS 00 to 12S.00 per ton, a high percentage of refuse, and non-nutritious matter, some of which may be positively dangerous to the health of his stock." Make your own stock foods and remedies by using Skldoo Horso and Cattlo Tablets for horses, cattle, sheep, swine and fowls; proper dose in tablets. Mix in feed or salt, They contain no sawdust, ashes, chopped fcesl or bran. Ask (or and try once Skldoo Condition Tablet or . Skldoo Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera. Cathartic Heave. Fever. Hoe Cholera. Distemner. Pink Kye, Colic, White Plague Preventlc. or IIIisterTableta, or Louse Killer, Spavin Kemedy, or Barb Wire Liniment.. Distributed by THE BLUE. DELL MEDICINE CO., Capital Stock $300,000.00, Watertown, S. D., U. S. A. KOR SALE BY JOHNSON'S CASK ItACKET STORE. From Now Until August 23d We will put out on tables a great many broken lots of Shoes, Oxfords, Shirts, Shirt Waists, Belts, Corsets, Wash Dress Goods, etc. These goods will be marked At Greatly Reduced Prices in order to clean them up before we open the fall season. The lots are small and will be changed from time to time so we are unable to quote prices, but we assure you that you will be able to pick out many desirable things at con siderable saving to yourselves. Department Jos. F, Pillion Authorized DRAIN LAYER Would like to figure with you to connect your house with city sewer system. Also Plumbing Work, Tin Roofing nnd Spouting. Phono 180. SUCCESSORS TO A. F. STREITZ. Fifty Cents Will do the Work Store Horlal No. 0202. II. E. 1P7H3. , .NOTIOK VOU IMJHLlOATlON. ,,,. - Depart mentor tliu Interior. U. 8. Laud Ulllco At North l'latto. Noli. , August loth. IPOS. Notlco In horoby irlvmi that Knthurlnn Forenson, formerly Katherlno Peterson, ot Denmark, Nebraska, who, on Hcplomhur 21st, 1UU3, mado homestead entry No. IU7SJ, for southeast quarter Section .11, Township It N . IUiiku 28 V.. Hlh Principal Meridian, has tiled notion of Intention to mnko Final tlvo year proof, to establish claim to the. land ahovo described, txiforo tho register and receiver, at North Platto, Nebraska, on tho Uth (lay ot Octolxir, 1WW. Claimant names as witnesses! I , M. Aber cromhlc. Hans I), JuruuiiNun and .Jacob losen lcrir. all of Maxwell, Nuhraska, anil Nets Nelson, ot Denmark, Nohraxka. ait-0 J, K. Kv'ANfl, ltenlstur. oimrcn ok hkai'inq on imctition koh Al'l'UlNTMKNT OK ADMINISTRATIS Tho Btato of Nobraska lua Lincoln Comity f In tho County Court. Ailk'nst 10th, IPOfl. In thrt matter of tho estate ot Frederick A. Landers, deceased. On readlnif and llllnir tho petition of Molllo K. Harris, praylmr that tho administration of said ostato may bo granted tolleo. K. French as Administrator. Orden-d. that tHHttcmlx) 2d, WW, at U o'clock a, m., Is assigned for bearlnc said petition, when all persons Interested In said matter may appear at a county court to lie hold In and for said county, and show cause why tho prayor of petitioner should not bo (.-ranted This notlco to Ihi published thrco successive weeks In the North l'latto Trlbuno prior to to Sept. 2d, WW. V. C. Ki.npii, County .ludiro- all-.lt I'KOIIATU NOTIOK. In the County Court of Lincoln county. Ne braska. AUKUKtlOlh IWW. In the matter or tho estate or i.ou Illtmailn, deceased. Notlco Is hereby inven. that tho creditors or said deceased wilt meet tho Administrator ijf said estate, before tho County .In dee of Lin coln County, Nebraska, at the county court room In said county, on tho ltd dayof Seplcm bur. IKH and on Hie Ml, day of March, WJ, at uo Clock a, in, euen (lay. lor tne purposo or presenting their claims ror examination, an- JustJiiciit aim allowance, mx mourns are al lowed for creditors to present thrlr claims and ono year for tho Administrator to set tie said estate from the '41th day of Mar. W Tills notice to bo published for four consecu tive weeks in Hie worm riatte Trltmno prior to Sept. tth. HK aii-i vt.u r.i.iiKii, uouuiy .iiiokc. l'HOUATK NOTIOK In the county court. Lincoln county. Ne braska In tho matter or tho ostato or llenrr A Lotlor. deceased. NOTIOK. To any ixirson Interested In said estate: Whereas, on the 7th day of Auirust, A. I). IW. Mary A Ilcr, llnrry A Ixwb r. lteslo l' Orectr, Kdwlu It. Uiler and .loo M Lolcr. petitioners, presented thrlr petition to said court allcgiiiir aiiiom: other thlnirs, that bald Henry A. Uiler died In Cuyahoirn county, state of Ohio, leavlmr a last will and testa ment, which has Itcen duly admitted to pro bale In the I'rolmte Court ot said Cuyahoga county; and further alleulm: that at tho time ot his (lenth said Henry A. Ixiler was the owner of land In tbe county of Lincoln, ami slate of Nebraska. And said tH'tliloiier at tho same time filed with their said iwtltlon a duly aiithenti cated copy of Mich will and tin- probul thertsnf. as pnivlilisl by law In the case of forelen will and pruylnir that such will nnd the probate thereof may 1st allowed, tiled and recorded as tho last will and losUirent of said Ilonry A. Ixirlur. deceased Now. thcrt fore. You aro herehy nntlflod that I hae designated and hpihiIiiUh! Saturday, the Mh day of Septtimlxir, A. It. vm. at the hour (if u o'clock a in or said day, at my olllce In tliu city of North I'latt.e, tu said Lincoln county, as thtt time and pla -i for bearlmr said petition wlmn and where j can appear and show cause. If any there 1m why the prayer of said pctltlonum should n t Ihi granted and said will and t Ins prol an thereof so authenticated should not lie at lowed and recorded as the last will of" Henri A. Ixulor, decoaswl. This notlco to l published In the Norm Platto Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaix r for 8 successive wwks prior to September fth. 1iw. W llm my hand and the seal ot sld court this flu day of Aijjfust, wm. all-n v. O. KuiEii, County JudGo.