PRIMITIVE IRRIGATION METHOD. V TV IN THE PUBLIC EYE JOHN WORTH KERN John Worth Kern, selected by tho Democrntlc convention nt Denver as Hrynn's running mate In the nntlonnl campaign of this fall, Is conceded to be the lender of the Indiana Democracy. Mr. Kern has run several times for governor, and each time be was said to have reunited tho warring factions of the Democratic party and to have won over a large Republican following, but eacb time he was badly defeated. Ho was elected city nttorney In Kokomo In 1871 nnd served Eovernl years, lie was elected reporter of tho Indiana supreme court, but was defeated for re election. He served two terms In tho stnto sennto nnd one ns city nttorney of Indlnnapolls, but boiiiq Republican always happened to coino along to oust him. This does not Imply that Mr. Kern Is a. weak or an unpopular man In bis state, for bo Is neither. Domocrncy was on tho down grndo In Indiana when be was coming to the front, and was only kept from dissolution by the phenomenal strength of United Stntes Senntor Voor bees, tho "tall sycamore of the Wnbash," who znnnaged to have a Democrntlc legislature elected Just In tlmo to re-elect blm to tho sonnto vhcn his term expired. Slnco he dropped out of politics Just before his death, n llttlo over ten years ago, Democtncy In lndlann had been practically wiped off tho map, and Mr. Kern hns had no moro show thnn would a Democrat In Michigan. Ho is a graduate of tho University of Michigan, nnd for n tlmo practiced law In Kokomo, but later moved to Indianapolis, where he has since lived. He has a high reputation In bis native state, and Is a man of considerable per sonal magnetism. Companies Organized Will Improve System In Old Mexico. St. Louis. Tho new Irrigation law which was recently passed by the Mox lean congress nlrendy has led to the Inauguration of a number of Irrigation projects In different pnrts of that country. The fact thnt the law carries an appropriation of $25,000,000 to be paid In subsidies to those who plnco land under Irrigation, servos as an In centive for tho establishment of Im provements of this character. Ono of tho largest of these Irrigation enterprises undor tho new law Is being financed by n syndicate of St. Louis men, headed by David It. Francis. His son, David R. Francis, Jr., Is WINFIELD SCOTT HAMMOND Wlnlleld Scott Hninmond, tho man who placed the name of Gov. Johnson In nomination for the presidency, is n member of congress from tho Second Minnesota district. Hnmmond Is the official Johnson nominator. This thing of nominating Johnson may almost be said to have become a habit with blm. llo nominated Johnson nt the Minnesota stato conven tion one time, and to the surprise of a largo number of pcoplo who thought they know some thing about tho game of politics tho country edi tor was nomlnnted. To tho surprise, too, of nn even Inrger number of people, ho was elected. When bis term wns out Congressman Hammond arose before another stnto convention and noml nnted him again. TbiB time the outcomo was not so unexpected. When tho Minnesota executive made up bis mind to let bis nnmo go be foro tho Democratic national convention It wns suggested to him that ho per mit some eloquent orator, some spellbinder of the Hourko Cockrnn typo, to mako tho nominating speech. Rut Mr. Johnson bnlked. "Out thero In St. James, Minn.," he snld, "there Is n plnln spoken sort of chap who does my nominating Just nbout tho way I like to have It done. I have bad some experience with bis brand of nominating, nnd I don't know that I havo a single objection to mako to it. And I reckon, when I have any moro nominating to be done, I'll Just let Win Hammond do It, for bo's my mascot." Hammond lives in one of tho string of towns up In Minnesota that scorn to have been christened by some pious persons In tho lntervnls between prayer meetings and Epworth league sessions. Ho lives in St. James. Gov. Johnson lives In St. Peter, nnd when be left there It was to go to St. Paul. Congressman Hammond is MnsEacbusetts-born, a Dartmouth graduato and when ho enmo west In 18S4 ho tnught school for six years. Then bo began the practice of law. Ho Is en his llrst term in tho house, having defeated James T. McCleary, a Republican of nntlonnl note, In a district thnt was al ways considered unnlterably Republican. LEVIN IRVING HANDY Levin Irving Handy of Delnwaro camo Into tho limelight nt tho Denver convention after an absence of years, becnuse of bis selection by the mnnngora of Judge Gcorgo Gray's presidential campaign as the mnn to place the Delaware Jurist before the delegates as a candidate for president. Resides being a politician nnd nn orator, Mr. Handy has been a nowspaper writer, a lecturer and a school teacher. In 1808 and 1899 bo was the entire congressional delegation of tho stato of Delaware in the lower rouse of congress, nnd for a little while ho wns the whole delegation in both houses, during tho brief period In which both seats In the sennto woro vacant. After serving ono term, Handy was defeated for re election by a Republican and retired to private life. Mr. Handy wns born in Mnryland 40 years ago, and was educated In the public schools. He taught school In bis nntivo stato and In Delaware, wns school superintendent of a county in tho latter stato for several years, and later became an editorial writer on Every Even ing, a Wilmington dnlly newspaper. In preparation for the recent crisis, apparently, ho became a public lecturer, and for a number of years delivered lectures throughout tho country upon assorted topics, calculated to appeal to tho patrons of tho local lyceum leeturo courses in town and city. From 1892 till 189G ho was chairman of tho Democrntlc stato centml committee of Delaware. Having been one of tho earliest men to urge the selection of Judgo Gray ns the Democratic presidential cnndldate, nnd ono of tho strongest supporters of thnt movemeiit in Its moments of sunshlno as well as Its hours of despair, ho was selected by tho Judge's personal representntlves to get whatever glory comes of the opportunity to make the speech formally placing his candidate's nnmo boforo tho convention. COL. JAMES M. GUFFEY Primitive Method of Irrigation In Old Mexico. actively Interested In the project, nnd has been spending much of his time In Mexico of into. Tho concession for this enterprise- provides for the uso of the water of Lake Chapala for Ir rigating nbout G00.000 acres of land ndjacent to tho Inke. Tho government will pny n subsidy of $25 per hectare of '1 acres on nil hind placed under Irrigation. It Is stated that a system of canals and ditches will be built to cover every part of the tracts of laud that aro to bo Irrigated and that great electric pumping plnnts will bo In stnlied to rnlso the water out of the lako. Tho cost of the construction nl tho system of Irrigation will ho nl most offset by tho subsidy. A number of nppllcntlons for conceit slons to estnbllsh largo Irrigation plants under tho new subsidy law are pending In tho dopnrtment of fomento of the fedcrnl government. Mlnlstor Olegnrio Molina of thnt department re cently signed a contract with Joaquin Redo, n wealthy business man of Ma zntlnn, for tho establishment of n system of Irrigation In tho vnlloy of tho San Lorenzo river In tho Btnto of SInnloa. Mr. Redo binds himself to plnco 25,000 ncros undor Irrigation within ten yenrs from tho dnto of tho contract. Prlmltlvo methods of Irrigation are In uso in many parts of Mexico. Some of those Irrigating plants have been In oporntlon continuously for more thnn 150 yonrs. The water 1b raised by means of cumbersome wntcr wheels operated by tho native peons. The capacity of tho buckets on tbeso wheels Is smnll, but a consldornblo quantity of water is lifted In tho courso of a day's operation nnd sov oral acres may bo Irrigated from ono wntcr wheel. Tho demand for mod ern pumping plnnts has Increased vory rapidly during tho Inst few years, and It Is not unusunl to see a gasoline on glno nt work nlongsldo of ono of tho nntlqunted water whcols. WISCONSIN MAN IS CHOSEN. Lorenzo D. Harvey New Head of Na tional Education Association. Monomlnlo, Wis. Lorenzo Dow Har vey, who has been olocted president Col. Jnmes M. Guffey. Democratic boss of Pennsylvania, who furnished ono of the most sen sational features of the Denver convention In his tight with Rryan, less thnn two years ago was read out of the party down In bis own Btnto. Rut he resolutely declined to stay dead. Anybody nt all acquainted with tho Pennsylvnnlan'H ninko-up knows that retirement for him will bo but tem porary, and thnt bo will be shuttling the cards In the political game for n good ninny yenrs to come. Guffey is a political fighter for tho pure lovo of the sport. He has held the Domocrncy of Penn slvanla In the hollow of Ills hand, so to speak, for moro thnn ten years, llo hns never asked for nn office and could not be Induced to talto one. He is referred to ns nn oil magnate In six states, coal king In two, sliver mlno owner In two and gold mine owner in the eleventh. His wealth goes Into so many millions that lie probably could not tell off-hnnd Jusi how much money bo has. In the first Uryan convention In 1 00, Guffey was a "sound money" dele gute. After Uryan hnd been nominated, Guffey enmo back home with thoughts of bolting In his bead, but when he found that bis rival William 1 Hurrlty, retiring stato bosh, had already bolted, Guffey turned in nnd bent overy effort to awing bis stnto to the Uryan column. Slnco that tlmo ho has boon national commltteeinnn, succeeding llnriily, who had boon national chairman. Four yenrs later Col. Guffey was nt?nln n Rryan worker in Ponnsylvnnln. His thousands huve always (town easily Into the pnrty cofferB In tlmo of need, nnd ho Is credited with being ono of tho throo heaviest glvora of ensh to tho Rrynn ennipalgn In both 18DG nnd 1900. Col, Guffey is r lighter and bo Is undonlntly n powerful factor In Penn sylvania politic. Whether he Is to ho crushed for good by tho Rrynn steam rollor ruinutiiK to be neon, but thoso who know blm best doubt It. Tho present feud between tho nnd tho boss grow out of tho Inttor's opposition to Pounitylvanlu't) bending a delegation to Denver, instructed for Rrynn, J 1 N3 nf the Nntlonnl Education assoclntiou. has been superintendent of the Mi nomonlo school system and Stout training schools slnco 190II. Ho hns been a teacher or superintendent f schools since 1on, the year following his graduation from Milton college, his work hnvlng been nt Sheboygan. Osbkosh, Mllwnukco and .Menonionic Mr. Harvey wns horn In Now Hnmj shire In 1848 and hns lived In Wis cousin 58 yenrs. All his life, except Ing live years, wbon bo wns engaged In the practice of law and In manufnr tuiing, bus been devoted to education al work. Ho has been president nl tho Wisconsin Teachers' association and of the library department of I In National Educatlonnl nssoclntlon nn! nt tho head of the superintendence de partmont of tho National Educatlonnl association, Ho succeeds Edwin U Cooloy of Chicago as presidout of Uiv association, " CASTORS ALCOHOL 3 PEIl mint. sImllaKngilKlkifamlRoJiiIa ling lite Stomachs rtrtdUwrJsoT PromofcsDigesllonJChtcrfur ncss and Ikst.Contalns neither Opiuni.Morphlnc norMincral. KotNahcotic. i JbcMttStit-ytwiStti Apcrferl Remedy for Curofif J- lion .aour aiomacn.uiauiiw amlLossOFSLEUR TacS'imilc Si'Jnnturc oT NEW YORK. m Gun.ran.tccd. under ttic thojM Exnct Copy of Wrapper. THE EFFECT OF WEALTH. Q?ho Kud You Havo Ahvnys Bought, nnd "which has boon In uso for over 30 years, lias borno tho Blrrnntnro of - niul 1ms boon nindonntlcr his por jr jC (j7i'?LAr Bonal Buporvlslon slnco Its hifiuicy. vxfyr. -UtCAVlt Allow no ono to dccclvo you In this. All Counterfeits, linltat'ns nnd" Just-ns-(rood'nro but 12xporlmonts that trlflo with nnd cntlangor tho health of Infants nnd Children Exporlonco ngalust Experiment, What is C ASTORIA Cnslorla is a harmless suhstituto for Castor Oil, Paro gorlo, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Op 1 tun, Morphino nor other Narcotlo Kiihstnucc. Its ngo is its guarantee It destroys Worms nnd allays Foverlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea nnd Wind Colic It relieves Toothing Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It nsslmllatcs tho Food, regulates tho Stomach nnd Bowels, giving healthy nnd natural Bleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Frloutl. QENUBNE CASTORIA ALWAYS Soars tlio Signaturo of v rv Tlie KM You Mm Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years thc ocntouh ooMnr, tt Murray amctT. Nturvonitcrrv. llllllc Who la that nwfully freckled girl on tho borso? Tllllo Why, tbat'n Miss Qotrox. She has sovcral mllllouB In her own nama Hllllc So? Myl Aren't hor freckles becoming? A TERRIBLE CONDITION. Torteced by Sharp Twinges, 8hootlng Pains and Dizziness. HlKirti Center, G18 South Oak street, Lako City, Minn., cays: "I wan so bad with kid ney troublo that I could not straighten up nftcr stooping without shnrp pains shooting through my back. I hnd dizzy BpollB, was norvoim nnd my oycslght af fected. Tho kldnoy oocrotlons woro lr regular and too fro- I wnB In n torrlblo condition, but Doan'B Kldnoy Pills havo curod mo nnd I havo enjoyed perfect health since." Sold by nil doalors. fit) conta a box. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Iluffnlo, N. Y. fluent. Wo tnrnlsb tho splendor of our best actions by too often speaking of thorn, fITS. St. Vltni' Dance and rTenroua ni.eataa per MnnnntlvpiirM Iit tr. KlltifVii (Itr&t Nnrvfi lleltortir. Hmrt for KUKh ri.UO trial Imltto and trpallfte. Ilr. L II. Kllue. II V31 Archtitri-et, I'lilladelpbla, l'a. Tho foar of death 1b nover Btrong In him who has learned how to llvo. Lewis' Siimle Hinder ciimr richest, most patinfying sinnko on tho market. Your dca'r or Lewis Inctory. lcona, 111. A two-faced Vimnn la moro danger oub than a bare-faced llo. . u-iniin'ii Knntlilnir Srrnn. For ehlMrf a Uethtnit. foftrna JJ"' ft" When monoy lmgins to talk pcoplo flit up nnd tako notice SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by theae Llttlo Pills. Thfy nlao roltoTa Dlw trraa from I)ypr psln, In illcrntlon nnil Too llrnrty KatliiR. A perfect rem eily (or Plitlre , Nnu cn, I)roralnti, llnd Tnatc In tho Mouth, Coat ed Ton into, rain In the Hide, TOIU'll) MVKIl. They rifralala the DowoIr. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. CARTER'S ITTLE VER ILLS. mi CARTERS IITTIE IVER PILLS. Gonuino Must Boar Fac-Similo Signaturo REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. of ihil paper de. fTnC liiinnlobuy tlted In iu coliimm ilioulu in.Ut upon having what they ailc lor, reluiing all lubftitutei or imitation.. AQTHII1 and HAY FEVER HO I I'OSITIVICI.Y COU1CI) iy KINMONTII'B ABTIIMA CUI1K OrerSCUU inlientartirtxl ilurlnu tho ruikt j'ttri. MJCi'lHinnl ihuiik Mint 10 nnr aciw. im. ii.h. Kir.iit.- rlnit tho ruibt S jewra, A injr ndilrraa on receipt ot NTII,Atburr I'orUN.J. DEFIANCE STARCH IS other .(archil only U ounee.ama prlte aud "DEFIANCE" 18 OUPtHIOH yUAUITY. ounrea to the packaia TOILET ANTISEPTIC Keeps the breath, tcclh, mouth and body ntlscptleally clean tfnd frco from un healthy jterm-Iilo and dlsaitrccable odors, wliicb water, soap nnd tooth preparations alone cannot uo. A germicidal, dliin fectbit and dcodor UInt toilet requisite o( exceptional ex ccllcncc and econ omy. Invaluable ot inflamed eyes, throat and nasal and uterine catarrh. At drutf and tollot stores, SO cents, or by mall postpaid. Urge Trial Sample 15551 WITH "HIAITH AND IAUTY" BOOK SINT f)tl THE PAXTON TOILET CD., Boston, Mug.. DAISY FLY KILLER. pUrl anywhare nil niM. clean, itmaraentat, nil .nt- an. AtMOluwly li.milM., clin. I .pill ortlp. or.r, will not .all or In ure any nj nir. liiaranlMtl alTec- tlTV. UlllK.tlfn, nritNf nrrrmMtnt BIKSlia, IIU II. ktlb ii.., Hra.kl, .T. (Uerllf.. lllliul.ll WIIO"WS'un,,0r N EW LAW "btalnod PENSIONS tr JOHN W. MORRIB. woauiugion, u, u. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 31, 1908. Alli n'a IrMit-ICHe,u l'nwdor Knrawollen.nweatlnefeet, 'Jlvi'nlimtant rll.f. Th. original iiuwdor (or tho feot. 2ioatull Iiruuslmt. Tho right kind of a doctor loaves well enough alono. acts f oatjyjol! prompt ly onthe bowels, cleanses the system eectu ally, asstsfe ono in overcoming Kabitual constipaVi on permanently. To get its beneficial ejects bny tlie donuino. PlQruifncWcd ylho CAIJF0RNIA BOLDDYIXAOINO DRUCCtSTS-Mt-BOTTU.. Bosoms, Collars and Cuffs LAUN'nFIt2Lx WITH efiance Starch Shirt 1 1 i?K - f 1 never crack nor be. come brittle. They last twice as long as those laundered with other starches and Rive tho wear er much hettersatisfaction. If you want your husband, brother or son to look drewy, to feel comfortable and to be thoroughly happy use DEFIANCE STARCH in the laundry. It is sold by all good grocers at ioc a pack age ib ounces. Inferior Marches soil at the same price per p.ickaRe but con tain only 12 ounces. N'oto tho difference. Ask your proccr for DKKIANCli STARCH. Insist on netting it and you will never uso any other brand. Defiance Starch Company, Omaha, Neb.