KERM1T ROOSEVELT POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Washington Interesting Hits of News Gathered at the National Capital. Taft Boom Was Born in Barber Shop WASHINGTON. Tho nurnory ot Tnft'fl boom for llio presidential nomination wns n room In tho cxocti tlvo olllces of tlm Whllo IIoiiho BrountlH, where President Hoosovolt, boforo lio left for IiIb homo nt Oyster liny, wnn shaved ench work day. I lore, whon tho boom was n green and ton dor tlilm;, Kh first young shoots pushed to the light. Hero It wan coaxed to ' sturdlor growth. Here, In full blossom, It was talked over and ndmlrod. Prank Hitchcock was tho oMclnl and tho president the unofficial manager of tho Taft boom. Tho president, nt these heart-to-heart talks with tho can didate was In a barber chair. A cer tain White Honso mcssongor wlolded llio razor and lathor brush. It was the .only part of tlm day when official busl neas did not claim all of HoorovoII'h time. It was Taft'H ono chnnco to do inoRt of tho talking. , Even then, tho barber hnd to be watchful, and quick to snntch away tlio brush or blado. When T. K. wants to talk ho sometimes forgets ho Is bo ' Ing shaved. If tho harbor's hand had not a gambler's quickness, tho presi dent would have had tho lather brush Wholesale Prices Are Highest in Years IT will bo of Interest to thoso who wero busy last year In keoplng tho, wolf from tho door to know that fig urcs on wholesale prices of 2C8 repre sentative staple articles roachod tho apox of their soaring InBt October. Theso statistics nro for tho 18 years botwoon 1800 nnd 1007. Tho nnnunl roport on this subject of tho commorco nnd labor department shows that tho avorago for tho year 1007 was G.8 per cent, higher than far 1000; 44.4 per cent, higher than for 1807, tho year of lowest prices during tho 18-yonr period, and 20.C por cont. higher than tho nverago for tho ton years from 1800 to 1800. Prices reached their highest point during tho 18-yoar porlod In October, 1007, tho pverogo for that month being 1.2 por Wiley's Poison Squad End Their Test DIl. IIAHV13Y W. W1M3Y'S hyglonlo experimental Rtudents, Irrovoront ly rcforred to nt times nB tho "poison Bqund," havo onded tho sonson'B fenst ing at tho bureau of chemistry, nnd their condition la being carefully noted to nscortntn what offoct tho diet has had upon each, Sovon young mon composo tho class, and they havo boen giving their norvlcoa to domonstrnto what effect snltpotor and a variety of mlacolla jioous food products chemically or arti ficially trcatod have upon tho human uystom. Tho studonts havo resumed tho reg ulation boarding houso meals with out fenr of Interfering with tho scien tific Investigations of tho govern ment. DosldoB taking up Hitch mnttora as Bummer bovorages, wldoly advortlsed ns possessing medical properties, but Makes New Record THE retirement of Secretary of War Tnft IcavcB but two men In Hooso volt'B cabinet who woro thero whon ho Buccoodcd to tho presidency on tho death of President McKlnloy. Theso nro Secretary of Stuto Hoot and Sec rotary of Agriculture Wilson. Mr. Hoot wns Becrolnry of war whon Mr. Hoosovolt became presldont In Soptembor, 1001. Ho Hhortly nftor ward retired from tho cabinet, but wna portmadod to re-enter It upon the doath of Secretary of Btato Hay. Thero havo been muro changes and BhlftB In President HoosovoH'b cab lnet thun In that of any of his prude- censors. Ho has had two Hucrotarlos fof atate, Hay and Hoot. Ho has had three BOcrotarlea of tho troasury, Ougo, Shaw and Cortelyou. With Luko 13. Wright ho has had threo secretaries of war, Hoot, Taft fib &1S Whisperings In his eye as often as ho hnd It In his mouth. Tho shaving of the president and tho midday cultivation of tho boom of Taft started at 1 p. m. and lasted n half hour. Taft, when ho was In Washington, often saw tho presldont Fevorft! times In the morning. Dut Mr. Itoosovelt had many things on his mind then and no leisure. For nn hour or longer aft er 11:30 hlii outer office wns filled with men who had appointments. At tho ono o'clock shaving time enmo tho first respite. Tho room In which tho presldont was shaved Ib a small, narrow one, betweon tho presi dent's office nnd that of Secretary Loeb. It Ih used as an anteroom to both offices. On tho wall Is n long, framed photograph of a squadron of battleships. At this window Is a low-set lcathor upholstered chnlr. Against tho wall at ono side a writing desk. When tho time for shaving arrived tho low, leather covered chair was pulled out from the wnll. A neat foot rest of two stops was produced from under the writing desk and set In front of tho chnlr. ItooHovelt took his place Then cumn Taft, who pulled up nnothor chnlr alongside. Whou Taft was away Itoosovoit oft en received others In tho shaving peri od. Sometimes tho correspondents talked with him thero. Sometimes It was Hon. Jimmy anrflold, ho of the classic brow. cent, higher than tho avorago for the year 1007. When the commodities nro divided Into nlno groups every group shows an Incrcaso In prlco In 1007 ns compared with 1000. For farm products takon an n wholo this lncreuso was greatest, namely, 10.0 per cent.; for food, 4.G per cent.; for clothes nnd clothing, 5.C per cent.; for fuel nnd lighting, 2.4 per cent.; for raotals and Implements G.l por cant.; for lumber and building mntorlnls, 4.0 per cent.; for drugs and chemicals, 8.3 per cent.; for house furnishing goods, G.8 per cent., nnd for tho miscellaneous group, flvo por cent. Tho offect of tho money stringency In tho latter part of tho last year Is reflected In tho decrease rocordod in all commodities during November and December, the nverago prlco showing a docroaso of 3.5 per cont. below Oc tober. Of tho 268 nrticlos for which wholesale prices wore rocordod 172 showed an Incrcaso In tho avorago prices for 1007 ns compared with 1000; 3G showed no chango and Gl showod a decrease. thought by nclontlflo mon to bo objoc tlnnnblo bocnuso containing caffeine or o th or Injurious substances, thero la a wldo field for tho ptudents to experi ment. One of tho most Interesting possi bilities Is tho determination of wheth er or not foungreojc, tho famous old world horb remedy, which Is part of most medicines advertised to Incrcaso flesh, Is really what It Is said to bo, and will accomplish the purpoaos for which It Is advertlBod. A class In foungreek In said to bo ono of tho pos sibilities of tho early Muro. Condition foods for animals also offor a field of cndeavoi that Dr. Wiley may yet explore to dctermlno If tho claims made for tho various brands of food nro really true, Tho experiments conducted by Dr. Wiley nro tho first largo oxporlmsnta of tho sort conducted In tho scion tlllc world. Tho clasaos, which wero started In tho fall or 1002, havo al ready gono through a vnrloty of ex periments, llornx and boric acid were tho first to recelvo attention, eulphurto acid, bonzoto, formaldohydo nnd cop per salts havo also bcon fully tested ns to their effects on tho human sys tem when tnkon with food. for Cabinet Changes and Wright. Ho has had throe attor neyH gonernl, Knox, Moody nnd Uona parte; flvo postmasters general, Smith, Pnyno, Wynne, Cortolyou and Meyor: tlvo secretaries of tho imvy, Long, Moody, Morton, Honnparto and Mctculf. Ho hns had two secretaries of tho In terior, Hitchcock and Garfield. Ho hna had one Bocrctnry of agriculture, Wll son, and threo secretaries of commerco and labor, Cortolyou, Metcalf and Straus, Tho retirement of Secrotnry Taft hna lod to aomo speculation na to how long Mr, Wilson will continue at tho head of tho department of ngrtculturo. Tho chnncea are that ho will contlnuo to Borvo through the term of Mr. Hooaovolt, and nhould Secrotnry Tnft succeed to the presidency, It Is posal bio thnt Secretary Wilson would con tluuo In tho cabinet. It will bo 1? years uoxt March since Wilson be came Bccrotary of agriculture. Ho Is 73 years old, but n man of great activ ity. Howovor, It hua boen a matter of uomo surprise that ho has continued In ofllce ao long, as It has been the Hooaovolt tendency to get youwger men Into his cablunt ttopyrktit br WaMon rwcett. Son of the president who will accompany the latter on his hunting trip to Africa on the expiration of his term of office. SECRECY OVER A SHIR BIG 8EA FIGHTER TO BE BUILT AT NEW YORK NAVY YARD. Order Forbids Men Telling. Anything About New 20,000-Ton Vessel Keel to Be Laid Within a Few Weeks. Now York. In nn order which Is ono of the moat Bweeplng over Issued at tho Now York navy yard all blDccrs nnd men employed In tho construction of tho now 20,000-ton battleship, whoae keel will be laid within a few weeks, nro forbidden to glvo out any Informa tion whatBoovcr to tho nowspaporB or tho public. So strict Is tho wording of the order that tho ofllcers In charge of tho department of construction nnd repair, to whom It Is pnrtlculurly ad dresaod, will not oven glvo tho name of tho author. Hear Admiral Caspar F. Goodrich, commandant of the yard, Ib In Wash ington, and It Ib boltovcd thnt tho order had Its origin thore. Ono ofllcor did venturo tho Information that tho con tents of tho document would probably bo mado public within a fow dnyB. William J. Haxtor, naval construc tor, who will havo charge of tho build ing of tho ship, rofuaed to talk about anything connected with hla depnrt msnt. "I nm shut up tighter than a clam," ho Bald. "Undor this ordor wo cannot glvo out any Information. I cannot tell you whon tho keol of tho now vcasel is to bo laid. Tho order won't lot mo Bay how mnny men nre to bo taken on or laid off." All other officers connected with tho dopnrtmont of construction nnd re pair woro as reticent aa their chief. At tho office of tho labor board In tho yard It was found thnt tho ordor had produced an effect Blmllar to that In tho department of construction and ro. pair. While Bomo of tho officers nnd men nro of tho opinion thnt tho doslro of tho navy department Is to prevent for eign nations from learning of the Im provements In tho battleship, others boo In t tho rc8ult of tho strugglo thnt has boon going on botwoon tho ofllcors favoring tho consolidation of tho vnrl- oua departments of tho ynrd and tho nntl-consoltdnttnnlatB. Tho workmen at tho yard aro op posed to consolidation nnd many offl- MEXICO'S INLAND WA TER WA Y : Canal 104 Miles Long Between Tamplco and Tuxpam Built by an American. Tuxpnm, Max. Tho Mexican gov ernment la building an Inland water way 104 mlloa long to connect the ports of Tamplco and Tuxpam. It Is now about ono-hnlf finished nnd will cost about $5,000,000 Mexican money, which la equivalent to J2.G00.000 gold. It Is 75 feet wldo and has a uniform depth ot 1H foot. Tho first division of GC miles 1b now practically finished and Is opon for trntllc. It la expected that tho waterway will bo opened nil tho way through for Hnmll boats with in two years. This waterway runs within from two to five miles of tho gulf along Its wholo length. Ita construction grow out of tho fact that thoro nro frequent ly dnya at n tlmo when amnll boats ongaged In coastwise trado aro unablo to wenther tho rough water of tho gulf nnd thnt thero la Insufficient wa ter ovor tho bar at tho mouth of tho Tuxpnm rlvor at times to enable tho beats to reach tho harbor at Tuxpam. Another great Incentive that led to tho building of tho cnnal was that It woidd bo tho means of developing a broad agricultural region that has heretoforo been badly lacking In trans portutlon facilities for Its various products. Tho Tamplco-Tuxpam canal follows tho routo of nn Inland watorway which has boon In use for moro than threo- quarters of a century. Capt. Gharlca Shlllaber of Chicago la constructing tho canal for the Mux lean government on a percentage basis. Ho hnd mado a conifortablo fortune, had Just reached his Blxtletb year and ih corn nro In sympathy with them, for under the new order of thlngB It will bo practically Impossible for a work mnn to obtain promotion except by a competitive oxamlnatlon. OFFICE CAT PETRIFIED. Found Between Walls Thirty Years After Disappearance. OreenBburg, Pa. The ofllco cnt hna turned up nt last, and n prank of tho printer's dovll of 30 years ago has j como to llghL In tenrlng out n por tion of tho Mltlnger building rocontly workmen found tho potrlflod body of puaay, encased between floors. Every feature except the whiskers la well preserved and tho curio has caused much comment. Old tlmo printers nnd veteran news paper mon nre racking their memories to recall the disappearance of tho cat, but none hnn been found who remem bers tho circumstance. Thirty years ago tho QrcoiiBburg Herald wub pub lished in tho Mltingor building, nnd it Is prcsumod tho ''devil," finding tho hand Bet galleys scarce and Uttlo work to do, cnught tho cat, cunningly con cealed lier betweon tho floors, nnd nailed shut tho opening. Tho plcco of petrification Is heavier than Btono, of a graylah hue, and oven tho oycB of the fcllno retain a luster. TOO MUCH MUD IN OMAHA. Citizens Imbibed 11,315 Tons of Sedi ment In a Year. Omnba Neb. Omnha peoplo havo been drinking 31 tons of mud every dny, according to tho testimony of tho city chomlst, given In a suit wherein tho city Is protesting the bills of tho Omnha Water company becauso of tho Impuro water furnished. During tho year Omnha peoplo drank 11,316 tona of sediment, the chemist Bald. Tho Omnha water supply la taken from tho Missouri rlvor, tho muddiest Btrenm In tho country. Although alum Is used In Bottling tho water, and flvo different Bottling basins aro contained In tho battery of reservoirs, yet tho wntcr as it comcB from tho mains is murky. Tho water commissioners aro refus ing payment of tho water bills for tho last four years. hnd planned to Buend tho remnlmior of his llfo In comfort and enjoyment. Chnnelug to visit Moxlco on a pleas uro trill ti r nnnnnlvml ilw incuU.lilii,.o of Improving tho old wntorway, brought tho matter to tho attention of tho government and undertook to do tho work. WED BY SIGN LANGUAGE. Unique Marriage Ceremony Is Per formed In Iowa. Fertllo, In. A unique weddlnir com mony occurred hero In tho marrlngo of Mlsa Purely Smith to Frank Thomp son, O. J. OJerdlund ofllclutlng, which wns solemnized by uso of tho deaf muto language. Tho bride la tho daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Smith, prominent residents hero, la a grnduato or tho deaf-muto achool nt Council niuffa, nnd n most talented and charming young womnn Tho groom la a resident of Owatonn Minn., Is n prlntor by trado, nnd se cured his education nt Faribault, Minn., In nn Institution for mutes of thnt Btate. Tho officiating clergyman 18 also a muto. The young people w realdo In Owntona. Women Oil the Streets. Stouchsburg, Pa. Fully 200 of the S00 peoplo of this town Joined the oiner nny in n street anrinkllmr cm aade. Scores of women and children turned out with garden sprlnklera, and these woro used to sprinkle tho streets wun on. uy subscription bcvoij bar rois or on wero bought, nnd nil of It wna sprinkled on tho streets in knn down the dust that hns becomo so troublosomo slnco nutomohlles aro constantly passing through tho town. ml RUNS E 1 MANAGSS 1$ 9 TAT C WHILE HGfl FATHER 16 IN JAIL. Daughter of Unfrocked Rector Has Trouble, but 8tlcks to Hard Task with Success llncldentally Wears "Merry Widow." Richmond, Vn. Miss Elizabeth Har grave, since tho incarceration of her fnthor, Rov. Jamca T. Hargravo, tho unfrocked Kplacopnl clergyman, who was recently convicted In tho fedoral courta for using tho malls for purposen of fraud, has become solo managor of the estate, Cednrhurst lodge, In Hnno vor county. Tho evidences aro that tho pretty 10-yenr-old girl Is n genius In tho busi ness of operating fnrma. Sho nppenra ulso to know n thing or two about tho law, which Information Hho Is Btudylng to ndvantngo In her trials with tho county ofllcers. Mies Hargravo camo to tho city for the purpose of petitioning for nn In junction to provent the ofllcers from jelzlng tho property of her father whllo ho Ib a prlsonor. Tho law 1b to tho effect that a prlsonor In tho peni tentiary shall not be llablo to civil stilts. Tho question Ib whothor or not tho county officers nro Justified in tho sol.-.ure, slnco Hnrgravo Is sorving a term in tho county Jail. "There's nothing In It. I can't run a farm on air nnd water," Bald Miss Hnrgravo. "Whon they seize every thing thnt comes to mo I can't got on. Why, they oven dnro to take my own things my mnil, frolght and express packages, and everything. They've lovled on everything but tho plnco and thnt Is so fixed thnt thoy can't get at It. If thoy keep pushing mo I am going to tnke out tho 'homestead ex emption.' I don't Bupposo thoy can got around thnt. "Tho hardest luck of all," sho con tinued, slightly blushing, "Ib thnt f havo to rnke tho hny. Several days ago I had n field all plowed up ready for planting. Tho seeds wero nt tho station, but when I sent for them tho information came back to mo that thoy had all been lovled on." Miss Hnrgravo was neatly attired In a princess gown of striped gray. She woro a "Merry Widow" hat, trimmed In pink feathors and ribbon, with u big-headed hat-pin stuck through tho mlddlo of It Her long brown gloves swung limply across her right arm. Her appearance was that of a care free inalden, who had never known tho meaning of trouble. "I'll run that farm or dlo," sho ex claimed, as 8ho left to catch her train, having failed In her mission becauso of tho nbsenco of Judge Edmund Wad- dill from tho city. "I'm tho girl they can't fool. I'm going back to Hanovor to rako hay. It's tho 'Maud Mullor' game for mo, all right. Thero aro flvo mon on tho plnco at work to-day. 1 gucBB If thoy were glrlB, the county officers would try to selzo thorn. It's all vory awful, but I am not starving." PAIR WEDS AFTER 47 YEARS. Outbreak of Civil War Cause of Post poning Marriage. Lowlaburg, Tenn. After a postpone ment of their wedding for 47 yenra, O. P. Starnea of Johnson county, Texas, and Mra. Woolaver of Archer, Tenn., havo boon married horo. Thoy havo gono to Oklahoma on their hon eymoon. Tho brido was formerly Mlsa Mary Faloy and lived in Greeno county, which wna also tho brldogroom's homo. Thoy wore to havo been mar ried In tho Bummer of 1861, but nt tho outbronk ot the civil war Mr. Starnea enlisted In tho confederate army and tho marrlngo wns poatponod. At tho bnttlo of Missionary Rldgo tho pros pective bridegroom was critically wounded and loft for dead on tho field. Hcports thnt ho had been killed reached Mlsa Faley, nnd In tlmo Bho beenmo tho brldo of Robert Woolavor. Stnrncs naw Mra. Woolaver but onco nfter his recovery and left for Georgia, whore ho waa married. Ho Bilbao quently movod to Toxas. Eighteen months ngo Mrs. Starnes died and tho himband recently ascer tained that hla former Bweotheart In Tennosseo wns a widow. A corre spondence was bogun which resultod In tho consummation of tho pledges made many years ago. RIDES IN LOCOMOTIVE TANK. Machinist Beats Way 260 Miles and Nearly Drowns. Wllkcsbarre, Pa. Having ridden from lluffnlo to this city, 200 miles, in tho tunk of a Lehigh Valley railroad passongor loconiotlvo, considered nn Impoaslblo feat In rldo stealing, Wil liam Hahmlller of Mnucll Chunk, wna arrested hero whon tho 2:40 express arrived. Hclng n machinist by trnde, and having worked on locomotive tanks, ho know enough nbout their steel brao Ing to risk hanging on, and crawled In nt Duftalo. Ho was In wntcr up to his neck most of the time, and when the loconiotlvo dnahed around curves ho had hard work to save himself from drowning as tho water dnahed nil over him, He was also In danger oach time tho tank wns filled, but eacaped until It wns being flllod horo,- when thf flroman allowed It to run over, and Hahmlller had to pop his hoad out to got air and was discovered. After hearing hl8 story, Mayor Knit fen fined him only ono dollar. Tho holping hnml Is never empty. Ono to-day Is worth nnotcrnlty ot yesterdays. fherfl 13 nothing plntanlo nbout a roan's love for himself. If a Binall boy Is qultot his mother wonders what alls him. Money makes tho maro go and somotlmes sho goes to tho Jiorso doc tor. If a man expect3 a woman to ro rea sonable she thinks ho is unreasonable. SENTENCE SERMONS. The greedy nro always needy. Llfo is tho mill in which men aro made. They nro richest who glvo tho world most refreshing. Making a name for gold docs not make a golden name. Truth rests on fnctR, but her faco reaches higher realms. Hopo and aspiration Joined raako tho energy of nny life. It otto ntakes a great load to get a man down on his knees. An nppetlto for flattery attracts our foes and repels our friends. Knew Him. "William," eald tho head of tho firm, looking nt his watch, "I havo business out of town thla afternoon and may be detained several hours If anybody should call " "Thcr' ain't no ball game to-day, Mr. Bpotcash," Interrupted tlio ofllco boy. "I said nothing nbout ball gamcB, William," rejoined IiIb employer, eying him Btornly. "Howovor, my business is such that it can wait until some othor day. That will be all Just now, William." Starch, llko everything else, Is be ing constantly Improved, tho patent Starches put on tho market 25 years ago aro very dlftorent and Inferior to thop-o of tho present day. In tho lat est discovery Doflanco Starch all in jurious chemicals are omitted, whllo tlio addition of nnothor Ingredient, In vented by us, gives to the Stnrch a strength and smoothness never ap proached by other brands. All of It. Newltt Dut Dr. Price-Price doesn't ask for pay from poor patients." Markloy No, becauso ho wouldn't ret It. When ho treated mo ho asked me If I had any money, and I said "yes," of course Nowltt Well? Markley Ho said, "111 take it." Carriage to Match. "I heard Miss Gadabout wondering tho othor day whnt sort of an clectrio sho should got." "I would advise her, If she wants something fitting, to buy a runabout." Baltlmoro American. That nn article may bo good as well bb cheap, and give cntiro satisfaction, is proven by tho extraordinary sale of Deflanco Starch, each package con taining one-third moro Starch than can bo had of nny othor brand for tho enmo money. The nations which possessed a re fined art wore always subdued by thoso who possessed none. OmaJha Directory WfctUt&U it null 4tUrt la rirTtfcl f iwsin i&uv, iBiaciif rikt Jib I H4 TfclU Dtllcfcf If Ikari la n. IIMU tUm Tom ir n.fcU ta attain In ...tiM... wnu ti ft prlcai iiu, u will t xr it U orr erfU)Ir flllod. r filled. pvpt! $ia&' .4HMTiii ion niiirni m - .. , i.i .i, linn - -II w iuhc root- WQOUCTS NP TIE PrtlCACI COUKTMEY & CO., Om.h.. N,br. OMAHA WOOL & STORAGES 8HIP"YCfUH kt to tat bolter returru. Rif., ny mar- I I II II Frlce nrt 4iek w w mm i ink In Omaha. HSS LAN'S (lFHTAI RlmMS ,VU - - IIUUIIIU 'A;l 1517 Dotjelas St.. OMAHA. NFR. Rellabla Dantlitrrat Modaratt Prices. RUBBER GOODS Dp You Drink Coffee W put U. (HHP, nil, bliWr.UTMM voffta ia fouratOBi wk.o pur QERM AN AMERICAN COFFEE wtunomortl UUooliaTlMlL Your itroMr !! u r cao sat It t3 Q old) o jT iff 8I j m IK mm ASK YOUR DEALER ABOUT THE VELIE widow BUGGY JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. v. i.