UWlorkfct Society :v .... f TW ENT Y-FOUIITH YEAJt. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, AUGUST 4, t!)0U. NO- 51 JJorth Boost New Court House. Pnrsunnt to n call, which had Wen Binned by over one hundred voters of the county, n meeting was held at the court house Saturday afternoon to dis cuss the question of inaugurating a campaign which should have for its ob ject the erection of a now court houso. A number of representative farmers and business men of the county were present, and the meeting was called to order by J . E. Evans, who stated the object of the gathering. T. C. Patter son was selected chairman and Rev. J. P. Seibert secretary. The needs of a new fire-proof court houso were discussed by Messrs Heeler, Holligan, Hoagland, Senator Sibley and others, each stating the conditions as they existed in regard to lack of fire-proof vaults for valuable records, the need of more room for the accomo dation of tho county officials, the un sanitary conditions of the present building, tho cost to the county to re place the records should u fire occur, and the cloud which would be cast up on the title of every tract of land which has gone through tho courts, should ihcraiords bo destroyed. By a unanimous vote it was declared to be tho sense of tho meeting that immcdiato steps should be taken to have a proposition submitted to the voters of tho county for tho issuance of $100,000 bonds of tho county to build a court house of modern archi tecture, of fire-proof construction and of sufficient size to meet the require ments of tho county for years to come. The chairman was instructed to sc lect a committee to take churgo of tho campaign for the court houso bonds and pursuant to such instructions Chair man Patterson solectcd the following committee: J. J. Halligan, O. E. Elder, M. Keith Neville, J. G. Beeler. H. M. Grimes, Claude Wcingand. Ira L. Bare, Harry Dixon, F. R. Ginn, Leo. Tobin, N. McCabc, A. P. Kelly', N. E. Work man, E. T. Tramp, Churles Baskins, John E. Evans, William Ebright, M, H. Douglas, Victor VonGoetz, Sr., W. V. Hoagland, Ray C. Langford, J. Q. Wilcox, Ed Dickey, A. E. Huntington, E. R. Goodman, Arthur McNamara, George E. Prosser, E. S. Davis, W. H McDonald, James Robbins, Gus Hamcr, William Beatty, W. II . Plumer, Gus Meyers, I. B. Bostwick, J. J, O'Rourko, D. B. McNcel, Dorsey Ley poldt, W. Blackmoro, Willis Combs, Cyrus Fox and O. I. Hill. The committee is called to meet at the Commercial Club rooms at North Plutte Friday evening, August 7th, at 8:30, for tho purpose of selecting n chairman and secretary and the np pointmcnt of the necessary sub-commit tees to vigorously prosecute tho cam paign for the court house bonds. Move Toward a Park. Members of tho Buffalo Bill Gun Club, the High School Athletic Associ ation and other citizens aro interesting themselves in a plan to secura a park for sporting events and one that will ultimately become a city park. Tho plan is to purchase twenty-four acres of the Trustee Tabor tract cast of town, which can be purchased at this time for one hundred dollars per acre. The north line of this abutts tho Union Pacific right-of-way and runs south to Fourth street, and tho west line is three blocks east of the W. M. Cunningham brick residence. A cement sidewalk already extends to tho west lino. On the land is a swale or slough that could easily be converted into a lake soveral acres in area. Tho plan would bo to set out the land to trees, reserving space for baso ball, foot ball and other snorts, and at some future time could be purchased by the city for pork pur poses, 11 mc citizens bo uesireu. To acquire tho land and make im provements a company with a paid up canital of about S!,000 would be formed. It looks to us as though the plan is one that should be pushed. Not all eve troubles demand the wear ing of glusses. Your eyes tested free here bv an expert optician who will find out your trouble and toll you hon estly whether you ought to have glasses or not. Clinton, Jewelek and Optician Schiller & Co., family Druggists." Our store is tho best prepared to supply tho sick room with tho necessary medicine and sundries ordered by tho doctor or nurse. Our specialty is our prescription department, we use Parke, Davis & Co. pharmaceuticals and with skill and accuracy in compound ing you are assured of medical re sults at critical periods. Bring Your Prescriptions rlrst Door North or First National lUnk. ABOUT PEOPLE. Miss Vinoro Bridges is visiting friends at Lodge Polo. C. A. Mooro transacted business at Overton Saturday. Mrs. Thos Green left Sunday for a visit with friends in Columbus. Miss Grace Duncan left yesterday for n visit with friends in Logan county. Mrs. T. M. Cohagen and children returned Sunday from a visit in Denver. Miss Mabel Patterson, of Denver, is visiting friends in town, having arrived Sunday morning. Misses Laura Murray and Anna Erics son aro spending this week with friends in and near Maxwell. . Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Strahornand Miss Bcssio Salisbury left Sunday night for an outing at Cherokco Park. Mrs. Dolly Wallace, of this city, spent last week with friends at the soldiers' homo in Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Wisnor, of McPherson county, woro in town Saturday enroute home from a trip to Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dolson returned Sunday from Denver whero they went to nttend tho funeral of R. R. Hinc. Leo Tobin has been transacting busi ness in Denver for a couple of days, leaving for that city Sunday night. Fred Owings, a former North Platto barber, but of late located at Horrin, 111., visited friends it town last week. E. F. Carver is selling off his furni ture and with Mrs. Carver will leavo next week for Boise, Idaho, whoro they will locate. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Norris and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McWilliams left this morning on a trip of recreation to points in Colorado. Miss Selman and Miss Huba, who had been guests at tho Fred Waltemath residence for two weeks, returned to their homes in Omaha Saturday. J. B. Jeter will leavo this week for California to visit his family and to at tend the marrirgo ceremony of Miss Anna Sorcnson and Charley Rankin. James Hart returned Sunday morn ing from Mankato, Minn., whero he de voted a week to fishing for bass, pick erel and piko, which ho describes as great sport. Misses Evelyn Jeffers and Mnry Mc- Govcrn left Sunday night for a visit with friends in Grand Island and Oma ha, expecting to bo absent two three weeks. or Rev. Herbert Covell, son of Walter Coville of tho north Bide, who has been curate in a New York parish, had been assigned as rector of a parish in or near that city. Mrs. J. T. Murphy and children re turned last week from their visit in Missouri. Theft return was hastened by tho illness of Beryl, who is experi encing a return of heart trouble. Mrs. L. H. Dangcrfield, of Pueblo, and Miss Blanche McNamara, who had been visiting in Douglas, Ariz., aro vis iting in town while enrouto to Peoria, III. Both ladies are former residents of North Platto and their friends aro pleased to meet them. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cox returned Sunday mornlne from their visit in New York. During his absence Mr. Cox examined conditions on eastern railroads and expresses the opinion that engineers on the Union Pacific havo no crief" compared with the trials of tho eastern engineers. Notice to the Public. Having purchased the strip of land formerly owned by the city near tho South River bridge, all persons aro warned against depositing refuse mat ter or carcasses on said ground ns has been the custom heretofore. I am un der agreement to tho city to abate this nuisance, and I propose to do it. F. E. Payne. Three-Fourths of a Cent Is the Whole Cost of a CYCLONETORNADO POLICY in THE BEST OLD LINE INSURANCE COMPANIES For $2,000 Insurance for One Day on Your Property. TEMPLE REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENCY, Rooms 1 and 2, McDonald Block. NEWS OF TOWN AND COUNTY H. F. Kellner spent yesterday in town visiting friends and looking nftor business matters. Hois now connected with an Omaha rlprapping company that has a now system of deflecting tho water current. Tho postofilce at Echo having been discontinued, tho farmors and stock men living north and northwest of Wellfleet havo petitioned for n tri weekly rural delivery and It is belioved that the petition will bo granted. Do it now, buy ono of thoso $11.00 suits. SCHATZ & CLAnAUOU. C. T. Robinson, of tho Third Ward, was thrown from n buggy at tho Lo cust street crossing Saturday forenoon by his horse becoming frightened at a passing engino. He sustained cuts and bruises on the head nnd shoulders. Scrgehnt Walsh, who passed through North Platto several weeks ago on a walk extending from San Francisco to Now York, reached that city last Fri day. Ho was sixty-th'eo days and twenty-threo hours in making tho journey. A petition wl'l bo presented to tho board of commissioners of Dawson coun ty asking them to call an election to voto on a proposition to issuo ono hundred thousand dollar bonds for the construc tion of n now court house. Dawson coun ty, liko Lincoln county, has n fire-trap court house and wholly inadequate for tho needs of tho county. The attempt of tho state to continue tho enforcement of the Sibley act reduc ing express rates twenty-fivo per cent, in the hands of tho legal department of tho state, is to be renewed with vigor. Testimony will bo taken by Judge Sulli van showing the business of tho com panies doing business in tho state, which will bo compared with receipts previous to tho enforcement of the Sibley act by injunction process. Kearney Hub. Ono oveninir last week tho seven year oia daughter ot Air. anu mrs, James Roddy entered a closet to get an nrticle of wearing apparel and lighted a match to enable her to see. Tho match ignited n dress of soft texture and tho flames spreading to other wearing itpparel got beyond the little one's control. Sho hud tho presence of mind to call her father, who was work ing in tho garden ,and ho extinguished tho blazo with several buckets of water, Practicallv all tho wearing npparel in tho closet was destroyed. Tho apartments of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lathrop in Chicago were entered by thieves last week and every article of silverware and jewelry bolonging to them and jewelry belonging to two guests were taken. Among tho articles were Mr3. Lathrop's engagement ring nnd her watch, and a loving cup highly prized by Mr. Lathrop. Tho thieves even stripped tho silver trimmings from toilet articles. The robbery occurred in daylight during tho absenco of the occupants, mid residents of ad joining npartments said they noticed two men drive up to the Lathrop apart ments in an automobile, remain inside pn hour or so and then depart with n suit case, but presumed tho men were callers. Mrs. Lnthron was formerly Miss Mattio Gibbs of this city. NOTICE. Retiring from Business. Until finally disposed of, I will sell my large stock of harness and saddlery eoods and hardware at and below cost. Come early and secure tho bargains while they last. E. Blankcnburg's Harness nnd Hardware Storo, Locust Street. It's an Eastman. Call and see it at Rincker's Book Store, Pony Express Riders. W. L. Visschcr, has written and published a book on tho pony express riders who crossed tho plains boforo the advent of the railroads. Ono of those riders was Jim Moore, a noted frontiers man, whose routo was from a station called Midway, about fifty miles cast of this city, to Julcsburg n dlstanco of 140 miles. "Mooro rodo tho round trip of 280 miles onco a week," says Mr. Visschcr. "Tho stations woro from ten to fourteen miles apart, and a fresh horse, Spanish blood, was obtained at each station. There was little delay in these changes of horses, as tho rider gave tho "coyote yell" half a milo away, and day or night tho station mnn had tho pony rendy, so that tho rider had only to dismount from ono horso, saddlo and mount tho other, nnd with a dig of his spurs ho was on a run again. "On each routo thcro woro two ex press riders, ono going eoch way. As easy as it may seem to so mo a man to bestride horse nftor horse for 140 miles there were few men nblo to enduro It. Upon tho occasion of which I speak, Mooro'a routo partner had been niling and Moore was anticipating and dread ing that ho might havo to doublo the route. In this anticipation ho realized that thcro is a time limit to enduranco, and therefore ho gavo tho bronchos, a littlo tnoro steel than usual and made- tho trip to Julesburg in eleven hours. "Arriving nt Julesburg, his fears about his routo partner being unnblc to make the trip back were realized, and before he had time to dismount and stretch Ills cramped and tired muscles, tho "coyoto yell" of tho oast-going rider was heard. Ho drank somo cold coffee, filled his pockets with cold meat, and was in the saddlo again for another 140-mile run. In order to bo able to tivo the route out, he sent his ponies for all thero wiib in them, with tho re sult that ho arrived tit Midway after having ridden 280 miles in twonty-two hours from tho timo ho left thcro." Dwellings for Sale. For immcdiato salo wo are offering tho Chamberlain "property in the Third ward, consisting of 8 room dwelling, unco, largo barn, out buildings, shado trees, bluo grass lawn and cement wulks for $2100. This property is a snap and could not bo replaced for $3000.00. Good six room cottage, outbuildings, shade trees and bluo graBB lawn, oloc- tric lights, plumbing connected with sower, in the Second ward only thrco blocks from tho court house. Wo can make low price and oasy terms on this handsome property. Buchanan & Pattuiison, Solo AgentB. Third Ward News. (Contributed) Mrs. Wm. Hoyso is on tho sick list. The ladies' aid society of tho Luther an church mot with Mrs. Frank Brot her Thursday afternoon. A largo num ber were present and enjoyed them selves socially. MIbs Dorothy Johnson left the latter part of last week for a couple of months' visit with her nunt in St. Louis. Mrs. J. Kinley nnd family were the recipients of a fnrowoll surprise party Thursday evening given by tho Bap tist ladies' aid society and proved ono of tho most enjoyable functions of tho seuson. Tho invaders brought their re freshments with them which were served nt tho closo of tho evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Perkins will leavo soon for Portland, Ore., and points in California on a pleasure trip. Notice to the Public. All persons aro warned against tres passing, hunting or fishing on tho lands of tho Birdwood ranch. Violators will bo prosecuted. H. C. WALI.ACK REB POLLED BULLS FOR SALE Ik'iritf through with my herd bull I offer him for sale; four years old and a choice indi vidual. Also some fine young bulls ready for service for sale. One-half mile south of court house. F. E. Payne, RAILROAD NEWS. Supt. Anderson camo down from Choycnno yesterday morning nnd spent tho day In town. Traveling Engineor McCarty has had his headquarters transferred to' Ogdcn and tho family has taken up a residence in that city. John Stotcs left yesterday for Wyn- lusing, Penn., whero ho will spend two month's visiting old time friends nnd fishing for black basn in tho Susque hanna river. D. A. Russoll, who had been visiting in town for several weeks began sor- ico with tho Union Pacific Saturday night as a machinist in tho round houso on tho night forco. Two cars wero turned over nnd two thors derailed in tho west end of tho ards early Saturday morning. Theso cars did not clear n track upon which n switch engino was shoving a string of cars. Thrco cars woro derailed at tho oast switch at Gothenburg Saturday after noon, tearing up tho track for quite a distanco and delaying traffic about four hours. Tho local wrecking crew was sent down to pick up tho cars. Tho track is laid about thrco quarters of a mi'e on this sido of the Fox cut nnd up to tho graders. It all depends on tho graders whether tho track is laid into Oshkosh by tho first of next week. It will probably take two weeks moro as it now looks. Oshkosh Herald. A. R. Adamson loft Saturday night for a visit with his son James nt Daw son, N. M., stopping enrouto nt Choy cnno and Laramie. He will probably bo absent sixty days. Mr. Adamson ias been in rather poor health for somo timo and makes tho trip with a hope that it will benefit him physically. Roadmastor Hammor stated yester day morning that the tracklayers on tho North River brunch will rench Oshkosh by next Saturday evening. No orders havo been received for continu ing tho work beyond Oshkosh, nnd Mr. Hummer said ho understood tho labor ers would bo sent to western points. Accident Bulletin No. 27 just issued by tho Interstate Commorco Commis sion shows that fo- tho first three months of tho present year 728 persons woro killed and 15,441 injured in rail road accidonts. This deals only with employes on duty and passongors. Dur ing tho thrco months thoro wero 1,100 collisions, and 1,442 derailments, Trainmaster Roth, who with other officials had been making a trip over roads botweon tho Missouri river and Chicago nnd as far north as St. Paul, returned homo Sunday. Ono phaso of railroading that theso officials investi gated was dispatching trains by tele phone This method was first tried on double-track roads, and has worked no satisfactorily that singlo-track roads aro now ndopting the plan. Tho trains on 18,000 milos of track in tho United States aro now operated by tho tele phono method of dispatching and tho mileage is increasing daily. It is be loved that tho Union Pacific system will install tho telephone method with in a short time. For Sale. Section 29, town 15, rango 29, nnd sections 13 and 23, town 15, rango 30. uoou grazing land, i'rico $4.ou per ucro if purchaser will tako nil thrco sections. Inquire of J. L. Stlngley, ut North Platto Mcnt Market. Union Pacific Ready for Rush. "We havo our equipment in such ehnpo that we aro prepared for tho fall rush," said A. L. Mohler, vico proBi dent and general manager of tho Union Pacific. "Wo havo maintained a largo forco at thn shops nnd havo Kept our equipment up to standard, until now it is normal. Wo havo somo cars which need repairs, but these could bo cleaned up on short notlco and put into service. Wo aro anticipating an increaso in service, and are prepared to handle it " Omaha Boo. Mutual Building & i Association. Loan In order to supply the cash for loans allowed and approved by the directors this association will issue a limited amount of their paid up stock. Tlii stock pays dividends of six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and the money invested thereon may withdrawn at any time upon thirty days notice. Applications for sloe should be made to the secretary. Mutual Building & Loan Association, By T. C. Patterson, President Samuel Goozee, Secretary One of the Best Ranches in Western Nebraska for Sale Cheap. 720 acres of tho best farm and graz ing land in Western Nebraska; 125 acres under cultivation; good seven room houso; frame barn for eight head of horses; grnnnry 12x10 feet; thrco drinking tanks; two windmills and gas oline engine. Have cherry, apple, ash and elm trees around tho houso. Be sides this 720 ncros thero nro two ad joining sections that can bo .leased for $75.00 nor your, which nro already fenced (fenco belonging to tho ownor of tho 720 ncres nnd will go to to tho buyer) making a range of 1,875 ncrea. Thla 720 ncrea can bo purchnsed for $15.00 per acre, $5,000.00 cash, tho bal ance to suit purchaser. If interested write Tkmi'I.k Ki:ai. Estatk & Insur ance Agknoy, 1 and 2 McDonald Block, North Platte, Neb. MY LUMBER ALWAYS ON THE MOVE. Ask your neighbor tho reason. Tho answer comes, his prices nro right and satisfaction guaranteed. My largo and well assorted stock enables every buyer to got what he wants. Now is the timo to build. Let mo figure your next re quirements. My estimates will bo found tho lowest for the same superior quality of lumber than you will got from any ono el8o in tho country. Satisfaction is my motto. C. F. 1DDINGS. Wood Turning and Furniture Repairs, Cabinet Work, Screen Frames, Saw Filing and Setting. All kinds of Job Work , done on short notice at prices to suit. Terms Cash. P. M. Sorenson. Shop North of P. O. We can furnish you with chopped feed and shelled corn at the lowest market prices. Will deliver in town free in 500 pound lots. The Star Barn. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL :::::: FOR PILES, ONE APPLICATION "KINDS RCUCr. SAMPLE MAI7ED FIIEE. At DrtiKRlt.2!l ront, nr mMlmt. llulllLliri!y'Mmllo.uuC'o.. Cor. William anil John atrueU.Naw York. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakncas and Prostra tion from overwork and othor causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, In use over AO years, the only success ful rem ody. $1 pervlal, orspec 'al packago for serious cases, $b! Bold bjr DrugKlliCr vent irt'iilil on receipt of prlco Humphrci1 Ma. Co.. William L John N. Y. To tho Public Jos. F, Fillion Authorized DRAIN LAYER Would like to figure with you to connect your house with city sewer system. Also Plumbing Work, Tin Roofing nnd Spouting. 'Phono 180. 1