( Li News of tlie Town and County. Miss Moore, who had been visiting her sister Misa Ethol BBrtley, returned to her homo yesterday. Mr. ntul Mrs. Johnson, of tho Racket Store, left Sunday for n visit with friends nt Clhrks, Neb.- . Tho Ideal shirts for men and boys at The Hub. The Oshkosh Hcrnld snyi: M. Mon tague, of North Platte, was in town thia week, and will probably locate a cigar stand here. Doputy Sheriff Lowell und Dr. Ames took Chas. Johnson, who was adjudged insane, to tho Hastings asylum Sun day morning. Wo remount and repair all kinds of lull diamond jewelry in our workshop. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. Another Kilpatrick grading outfit will arrive this week and will bo aent out on tho branch. Thero will bo twn-ty-two teams in tho outfit. Mr. and Mrs. August Carlson camo up from Mnxwol' Saturday night and left tho following day for Los Angeles, where thoy will Bpend a couplo of months. James Doyle, of Wallaco precinct, has boon transacting business in town for several days. Mr. Doyle owns a largo tract of land in tho south part of tho county, but has practically rotircd from activo farming. For Salo Tho E. D. Owens property in south part of town. A desirable homo at a right price. Sco 0. E. Elder. Arthur B. Yates passed through yes terday enrouto to Sutherland, after having spent a number of weeks, in nn Omaha hospital following an operation for a serious case of appendicitis. He is still weak and nervous, but Jb gain ing steadily and hopes to be himself again in a few weeks. Special salo on Union flour, in towol sack, $1.25 from July 18th to 26tl). The best flour sold in North Platte. Wilcox Department Store. . Mr. Hanna, representing the Frick Mfg. Co., was in town yesterday con ferring with a local party rolativo to an artificial ice plant. It is pretty cortain that such a plant will bo erected in North Platte tho coming fall, and that a cold storage plant will be built in connection. Tho beauty of cut glass depends upon its brilliancy; that depends upon the design, depth of cuttings and the quality of the glaes. The glass wo sell is the best made, clean cut, sparkling, exquis ite in design und moderato in price. Clinton, Jeweler and Optician. Ensign Hankin, of the Salvation Ar my, was in town yesterday soliciting funds for the rescuo homo for girls at Omaha. This home which is in charge of tho Salvation army, has been con- 'sidcrably enlarged and subscriptions to pay for the improvements are being taken. Tho donations mado by North Platto people were rather small. Ten-cent Lawn for five cents at The Hub. A son of Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Baldwin, former North Platto residents, has been made the legatee of an estate value'' at fifty thousand dollars by the death of a Colorado mine owner to whom young. Baldwin had shown atten- ' tion nd kindness during a seigo of ill ness. This is another illustration that acts of kindness do not always go unre warded. For Salo Cheap One hard coal stove, small son coal stove, gasoline move, single iron bod, a walnut bedroom suit, refrigerator, flour chest. 1900 Wusher, -galvanized iron water tank und other things. Inquire of A. J. benter, U0U West 5th St. The addition to tho Pass greenhouse has been completed and is well filled with chrysanthemums and asters for lato blooming. Growing in tho open aro over 2,000 carnation plants which ' later will be transferred to tho house, and probably as many more will bo added to the stock. As each plant pro duces an average of wenty-fivo flowerH it would seem that Mr. Pass will have , an abundant supply of carnations this winter. Not all eye troubles demand the wear inp; of classes. Your eyes tested free hore by an expert optician who will find out your trouble and tell you hon estly whether you ought to have glasses or not. Clinton, Jeweler and Oitician. Another deed has been filed in the county clerk's office convoying from ' ono Pierce to General Manager Hold- redge, of tho Burlington, section 21-15- 29, this county, for a consideration of $5,000. Tho fact that Goneral Manager uouircgc is purcnasing iana in Lincoln county looks as though the Burlington is getting ready to do somo thing, al though the land is eight or ten miles distant from the company's rlght-or way. Don't Spend $3.50 When Fifty Cents Will do the Work Prot.W. M. Haves. Au't, Secty.of Agriculture "These balanced rations are often found bv analysis breweries, mixed with molasses and salt, to make the largest Stock Food Companies is said to use weight of his product, instead of buying a superior and expensive balanced ration containing hlgli fattening qualities and acting as a tonic, he has paid a high price for a feed containing, along with ordinary grain, finely ground alfalfa bay and other common food stuffs, $5.00 to $25.00 per ton, a high percentage of refuse, and non-nutritious matter, some of which may be positively dangerous to the health of his stock." Make your own stock foods and remedies by using Skldoo Horso and Cattlo Tablets for horses, cattle, sheep, swine and fowls; proper dose in tablets. Mix in feed or salt. They contain no sawdust, ashes, chopped feed or bran. Ask for and try once Skldoo Condition Tdblets or Skldoo Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera, Cathartic, IleaveFever, Hog Cholera, Distemper, Pink Eye, Colic, White Plague Prevcntic. or Witter Tablets, or Louse Killer, Spavin Remedy, or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by I nt BLUfc BULL MtUIUINt CU,, capital Stock WW.UOQ.W, Watertown, S. D.( U, S. A. FOR SALE BY JOHNSON'S CASH RACKET STORE; Civil Engineer Mooro wont to Osh kosh last week and located the site of tho depot and the sidetracks. Readers will find in this issue two in stallments of tho serial story "Blind Folded," which had been omitted for two issues. Bennett's show pitched its tent oppo site tho Baptist church Sunday and gave a performance last night. Tho show will be repeated tonight. The Triijunb declines with thanks n communication giving in detail tho somewhat sensational episode transpir ing Sunday. Tho less said about such events, tho better. New lino of Boys' Overalls just re ceived. Regular G0-ccnt grade on sale at 39 cents. Burku & Co. Trout fishing in Wyoming is said to be exceptionally good this season, but not it word has been heard of the catches made by our friend Whitlock at Cherokeo Park . This is probably duo to his modesty rather than to lack of trout caught. Special salo on Union flour, in tovcl sack, $1.25 from July 18th to 26th. Tho best flour sold in North Platte. Wilcox Department Store. Street Commissioner Salisbury seems to bo determined to put the streets in good condition, oven though tho expen diture is somewhat heavy. Ono good featuro of strcot work is that practi cally every cent expended goes into the pockets of local laborers and is kept in circulation in the city. Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will bo rccovied up to Saturday, Jujy 25th, for tho construc tion of a two-stroy cement building, size 44xG0. Will resorvo the right to reject any or all bids. Plans and specifications can bo seen at my store. R. N. Lamb. TOWN AND COUNTY NEVS. Paul Goss loft Saturday for Nelson where he will snend somo time looking after two farms owned by himself und wifo. R. D. Fronk lias sold his pool hall at Brady to II. T. LafTerty uhd has nur- chased the meat market formerly con ducted by Johnson Bros. In our last issuo it was stated that Milo Decker had been urrostcd. This was nn error, as ho mado bin vnluntnrv appearance, and is now making arrange- Charley Weir returned tho lat ter partof last week from Decatur, HI., where he was called by the uincss ot nis wito. mo latter is re covering rapidly from tho operation to wmcn sno suumittea on July btn una win bo nome, in a week or so. Tho Brady Vindicator in sneakincr of tho shiall grain harvest, says: Somp report that their wheat will go twentv- livo bushels while others say twenty, with a few as low as fifteen. Rvo 5b a good quality und appears much heavier than was anticipated, whllo every Indi cation points to a bumper crop of oats. of which thero is a great acreage. The quality is excellent and tho head well filled. By tho death of Low W. Hill, of Omaha. Shirlov H. Wilson, who mnr ricd Mi83 Nellio Ziebert formerly of this city, becomes an heir to one-fourth of an estate valued at one million dol lars. Nor is this all. Another of tho heirs, n brother of the deceased mil lionaire, has mndd his home with Shir ley Wilson, and as this heir is now well up in years his fortune will no doubt go to Shirley. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are now living at Sidney where they arc associated with u. vv. ziebert in tho restaurant business. ALL WRONG. The Mistake is Made by North I'latte Citizens. Don't mistake thecauso of backacho To be cured you must know tho cause. It is wrong to imagine relief is cure. Backacho is kidney ncho. You must euro tho kidneys. A North Platto resident tells you how. Auirust Ackerman. livinir in tho southern part of North Platto. Neb.. says: "For the past four or five ycara I fluttered trom dull aching pains throurrh tho small of mv back directly abovo the kidneys. The lameness in my back wbb so severe that 1 could not rest well at night and tossed about from one position to another. Tho kidncve wero disordered, tho secretions being irregular and tar too treciucnt in ac tion. forcing mo to got up several times during the night. I was subject to headaches and dizzy spells and about a year ago waa In u terribly nervous and run down condition on account of this trouble. When I heard Doan's Kidney mis bo highly recommended, 1 pro cured a box at A. l. btreltz 8 Uruc Store, and noticed an improvement in my condition almost irom the nrst, Thus encouraged, I continued using them and mv health was restored.' For Salo by all Dealers. Price 50 cents. Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, Sole Agents for tho United btates. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. of the United States lays about Stock Food to consist of the tailings of mills, elevators and the compound palatable to the cattle, and one of fine sawdust, finely ground, to cheaply bring up thi ariderson's ...Stratecu. By CECILY ALLEN. Copyrighted, 1908. by ABSOClatod Literary Press. "Woll, of nil tho unpropltlous and in considerate times to ask such n ques tion!" cried Judith Urnlnard. "No one but you, Dick Sniulcrson, would hnve chosen it." Her tones wero almost wrathful, nnd Sanderson Hhlftcd his gazo from her mobile faco to the top of his Btiek. which ho twirled Idly. "Tho Idea of asking mo for the atccuth tlmo to mnrry you Just ns T was trying to decide whether to bor row a lemonade Howl nnd glasses from Mrs. Drake or from tho Bennington glrlsj" Judith pursued her troubled way, with romnnco pushed far into tho back ground, ' "I guess It had better uo from Mrs, Drake, because she's right next door, though the Bennington bowl Is much huntlHoincr." Dick SiuulcrHou rose abruptly nud towered above the girl of Ills heart. "I think that It in all nonsense, und I wish that you'd lot your career go to pot. Ah my wife you can Hlng for charity, you can run n church choir, you can teach tho little daughters of the poor, you can ' "And nil on your money! If you really loved mo nil these years as you say you did why did you wait to tell me until until all our monoy was gone and I was poor as a church mouse?" demanded Judith, forgetting her more present vexations In tho old grievance. Dick turned suddenly grave. "1 wanted you to have your fling. 1 think every girl should. It's wrong to marry the first tnnu who keeps you supplied In violets and things. You may find out that American Beauties nud another man are prefcrablo after you'vo been out a year or two. And 1 wanted my wlfo for keeps, not for a brief honeymoon. I wanted" Judith rose abruptly. "1 know It nil by heart, and so I'm going over to sco Mrs. Drnko about the bowl and glasses." 'Really, from what I've heard of critics and writers and other boho- minus. I should certainly mlvlso n strong dash of rum In the bowl." . Ills tone waa light, but behind It lay conviction, and Judith flushed vividly. "I might have expected you'd way something nnsty. Of coursu all tho big people In music and art are not brand ed 'drawing room,' but they do thing". nd, oh, Dick, I want to do something. I wnnt to show tho world that my od- ucatlon was not all veneer that tt Is practical." Dlck'n eyes softened na they always did at an appeal from Judith. "May I conic? I've never Been the Hons of the mimical menagerie, and I promise solemnly that 1 will not pro pose to you until It Is all over." 'That sounds like my old Dick. You may come and sco the monngcrle nnd well. 1 won't scold If you propose n.fl- or It Is nil over." Judith's world had gapped wjion sin.- had fled the prosperous New litiglnnd city after her father's death add es tablished herself lu Now York as a teacher of music. It was nil entirely unnecessary. There wero relatives -and Dick Sanderson. The relatives on the whole wero re lieved, Dick Sandefson spent most of his tlmo In Now l oil: for tho purpose, ns he expressed It to himself, of coun teracting the Influences of studio life. Judith nnd her mother had n cunning little npartmcnt In nn eminently re spectnblo neighborhood, and Judith had n few very prompt pupils. And now Bho was giving tho first of a scrlcH of evenings nt homo. She had met ninny clover men and women at other "nt homes' tho season before nnd had scattered her invitations broadcast. "You'd letter not como too early, Dick," sho called nftcr tho persistent one as ho went down tho narrow ball. "I do love some 'homey' people to talk It over with on tho finish." "All right. I'll hold hack as long hh I can." But when Mrs. Drake ciuno In with the howl nud glasses the rooms wore. a mass of ferns nnd flowers from Dick. "How lovely!" Bho exclaimed. "Flow ers do give a room such an nlr. It makes mo feel woiw thnn ever that wo cannot come tonight. Hut every oth or Tuesday, have you not?" Judith nodded her head absently. She was trying to decide between a plain or laco centerpiece under the bowl. And not for worlds would she admit Unit sho was disappointed. Mr. Drake was the critic on a prominent paper, and she wanted to cultJvato critics. "So sorry," she murmured perfuni' torlly. "I hopo Mr. Drake Is not III." "No, but Homo out of town relatives oro coming, nnd they aro not tho sort to undeistund our Hllpplng away. Hut we'll surely como next time. I under stand that Miss Morton, the new Jhig llsh violinist, Is to receive with you?" "Yes; we studied together In Paris." At 8:30 thoy wero all In Hue, Mrs. Urnlnard In pearly silk nnd real laco, Miss Morton oddly English its to cos tume, delightfully nllvo its to tho pleas ure of tho evening, and Judith a dream Jn blnelf not nnd violets, her eye"J n-glonni with anticipation. Everything wns typical of Now England and most unbohemlnn, oven tho Illtlo white cap ped muld engaged for tho occasion. Nine o'clock, and tho trio found It Impossible to keep up conversation. Not once had the doorbell rung. Nine thirty, nud tho odor of cut flowcra was positively oppressive. "Do you suppose that any one Is coming," said Judith In n very fnlnt voice, "at 0:15?" And Just thou the electric bell buzzed Joyfully. Euter upon tho bcciio Dick Bnudersou and nt his heels Hal Dam tou, tho critic of tho Social Whirl. "Thought I'd give tho crush a chanco to subside," exclaimed Dick ns Judith came forward, and then nt sight of hor faco his tongue failed him, nnd he reached forth Ida band Impulsively. She gave It a trembling clasp, then wont on to greet Darnton. No ono could tell afterward Just how It did happen, but Ilnl Darnton cer tainly laughed first nud at something Dick Bald. "Oh, my dear Miss Urnlnard," ho ex claimed between gales of laughter, "you don't know your Now York yotl Nothing starts so early In tho Reason. You aro about n month too early - nud, well, you'vo got to show 'em." And no one knew Just why, but Ju dlth told him nil her little succciisci nnd failures, and he proved such a sympathetic person thnt sho Qnnlly walled: ';i would not mlud nt nfh only thnt caustic Mr. Drake lives next door, nnd of courso he'll know. It is bo deathly quiet herb" Hal Dnhiton did not Intigh this time How often had ho watched the strug gle of other Judiths! Hut Dick Sander son spiting to his feet and remarked with decision: "This Is whero we make a noise like success. Judith, I'm golug out Into the hnll nud glvo that boll an other ring. Mrs. Drnko will hear thnt, and then wo will rattlo glasses, and Miss Morton will tlddtc, and you will piny the piano, nud we will applaud nud well, I know that Darnton hero will like your brand of lemonade." Tho audacity of the plan swept all objections aside. Sotuetlnies Sander son rang the bell and sometimes Darn ton. The little maid ran up nud down the hall, nnd the glares clicked, nud MI is Morton played, and D.irnton wing rollicking ( Ionium student rougs thnt none had ever dreamed he knew, and Mrs. nrnlnard laughed until the tcara threatened to fall on her line old lacca. And when it was all over and not an other soul had put In uppenraueo Darn ton carried Miss Morton off in a cab and Mrs. Urnlnard retired to lay away (he dear old pearl silk gown. The lit tle maid wont downstairs to whero her young man was walling to tnko her home, and Jtidlth and Dick stood alone in the flower banked room. Then upon the midden qutct fell a sound of muf fled tapping. Judith ran to tho door. Thero wns n whispered conversation, and very soon Dick snw her hand out something on n tray. She came back with eyes shining. "It wns Mrs. Drake. Sho said Bho heard us having bucIi n good time, nnd though sho nnd Mr. Drake did not dnre leave their guests now thnt every one had gone sho Just simply had to beg some of the lemonade. She had heard those glasses clicking nnd tho music through the wall." Dick's eyes wero dancing, hut Ju dith's wero dowy with n new and ten dor light. "Oh, Dick, you nro simply wonder ful. She thinks tt was n huge success -and und well, yon know what- I promised this afternoon. You enn" Dick gripped her hands. "Will you. Judith-will you, dear?" "Yea, Dick, and wo'll nnnounco It nt my next ovenlng 'at homo.' " Plated Tin Spoons. Hero Is one' way of making Bpoons, the process described being used in the manufacture of ono variety of tin plated upooiiH. in its original form the material from which theso Hpoons nro mado comes In lung thin strips of steel rolled to a uniform thickness. The strips nru twelve or fifteen feet in longth and of a width Hulilclent for the length of the spoon to be made. Thcsu strips nro fed Into n cutting mnchlue. which cuts oil pieces, each of sulllclent size for making a spoon, these being sim ply so many mnull, flat pieces of sheet steel. Then these blanks aro put through a grader, a mnchlne with powerful tolls, which so works the metal as to mako It thinner in those pnrtu of the blank thnt aro to form the bowl nud the handle of tho spoon nud thicker In the middle of the length of the blank from which the shank of the spoon will be made, ho that It will be the bet ter able to bear tho bending strain that will bo put upon the spoon In use. From tho gruder the blank goes Into a drop press, which cuts It Into tlw outline form of a spoon, though from this press It comcn out still flat. Then lu another press the bowl of tho spoon Ih formed, nud then lu still another the handle, nnd o at last you lmvo the spoon lu Its complcto spoon shnpo In steel, ready now to bo plated by dipping It In molten tin. Now York Sun. It Can't be Beat. The best of all teachers isexnerionco. C. M. Harden, of Silver Citv. North Cnrolina, says: "I find Electric Hitters does nil that's claimed for it. For Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles it can t no bent, i nave tried it and find it a moat exco'lent medicine." Mr. Harden Is rurht: it's tho best of all medicines also for weakness. Inmn back, nnd all run down conditions. Host too for chills and malaria. Sold under guaranteo at Stono'H Drug Storo, fit) cents. DK. F. W, MILLER, GRADUATE DENTIST. Ofilco over Dixon'it Storo. . KODA AT CUT PRICES TO CLOSE OUT. i TO CLOSE MY STOCK OF EASTMAN CAM ERAS AND KODAKS WILL REDUCE THE PRICES AS FOLLOWS: Brownie No. i, $i.oo, Q? My price 03 Brownie No. i, A, $2.00, 4 My price I .03 Brownie No. 2 A, $3.00, PA My price Iedt Brownie No. 2 F. P., $5.00, ' k JP My price 4ZD Brownie No. 3 Folding, .$9.00, - W rfP My price I I w Folding Pocket Kodaks No. 1, $10.00, , Q r7P My price : Oa i 3 Folding Pocket Kodak No. I A, $12.00 4 A fJF My pritc 1UI 3 Folding Pocket Kodak No. 2, $15.00 J rjfc My price I U Folding Pocket Kodak No. 3, $17.50, 4 ' ? My price....... I 0.Z3 Folding Pocket Kodak No. 3 A, $20.00 4 PI FTP My price 1 lol 3 Bulls Eye Kodak, $8.00 JA My price 03l Prcmo Camera 5x7, $21 00 (2 extra plate 4 Q fcfi holder with Premo 5x7) My price. A . . . f 03 Kodak Box with No. 2 Brownie, $4.00 J A My price J3U Above prices arc lower than jmy dealer in the United States can sell for and continue to handle Eastman goods. I shall continue to handle Amateur supplies of other makes, will let you know about this latter. Get one of these kodaks now, as you cannot buy at the prices after my supply is exhausted. C. TVI. NEWTON. 13 - rrrar urn tfSfy rmrn Pittsburg Perfect" ELECTRICALLY WELDED FENCES aro enjoying tdicnomcnnl bucccss, and aro conceded to bo fnr superior to nny other fences on tho markot. Thousaids of pleased fonco users will testify that "Pittsburg Perfect" Electrically Welded Fcncoa will aland ordinary as woll as hard usage Will not sno in Burnmor's hent nor break in tho cold of winter Aro made of the best rnntorial for fencing purposcH Huvo stays that will nol slip nor can thoy uo moved out of pluco ' Will conform 10 tho most uneven around and can bo erected over hills and through valleys as well as 011 lovol ground v Have no slack wires to spoil tho nppcaranco as well as thoofllciency Do not require nn oxport to erect. Are, now mado wlllislny wires as large as the lino wlros JOSEPH HERSHEY, Agent, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. t WHITE & LESKEY, by constructivo knowledge and akill, jj High-grndo resultB produco that never fail your want to fill: m Hi Invariably contracts urc completed according to specification, $ U Thus rendering by perfect unity each dotail in right relation: . m Jjj Examining their work, you'll find it dono with scrupulous care, $ M o & because of its enduring nnturo it does not require repnir: . , m lt r (ft lb rp uJ Liko magic thoy put up tho Wood, Stono, Brick or Concrete, $ v Exerting forces in ccmelit building with which no other can compete: jn J So tho Arm for cholco rnntorial always on tho nlort, $ JjJ Keeps employed for each department of the job n truo expert: Endeavoring to get for yourself a homo, Btorc, hotel or flat, ' You'll profit by cnlling on thobuildors, WHITE & LESKEY, t of North Platto. KS 8