The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 21, 1908, Image 3

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Gllos Putllcy arrived In San Krnnclsco
to Join lils friend und distant rclntlvo
llenry 'Wilton, whom ho was to iiHalnt
in an iniiiortant unit mysterious task,
nnd who accompanied Dudley on the
ferry bout trip Into tho city. Tho re
lunrKnhle resemblance of tho two men
is noted and commenlud on by passen
sein on tho ferry. They seo a man with
;nake eyes, which sends a thrill throUKh
Uudley. Wilton postpones tin explanation
of tho strange errand Dudley Is to per
form, but occurrences cause him to
know It Is one of no ordinary mcanlnK.
Wilton leaves Olios In their room, with
Instruction to await his return and shoot
nny onn who tries to enter. Outside thero
Is heard Khotits and curses and tho nolso
of a quarrel. Henry rushes in and at
Ws request tho roommates qulrkly ex
ohaiiKc clothes, nnd ho hurries out again.
Hardly has ho Bono than Olles. Is
startled by a cry of "Help." und ho runs
out to find some ono being assaulted by
u half dozen men. Ho summons a pollco
Sian but they aro unablo to And any
Iraco of n crime. Olles returns to his
room and hunts for some cvldenqo that
mlcht explain his stratiK" mission. Ho
finds a map which hu endcuvors to de
cipher. Dudley Is summoned to tno
morgue nnd thero llnds tho dead body of
his friend. Henry Wilton. And thus Wilt
on dies without over explaining to Dud
ley tho puzzling work ho wns to perforin
in San KranclMco. In order to discover
tho Hecrct mission his friend had entrust
ed to him. Dudley continues his dlsgulso
and permits himself to bo known as
Henry Wilton. Dudley, mistaken for
Wilton, Is employed by Knnpp to assist
In a Btock brokerago deal. "Dicky" takes
tho tutppoxed Wilton to Mother barton's.
Alother Morton discovers that ho Is not
Wilton. The lights aro turned out nnd a
free for nil light follows. Olles Dudley
llnds himself closeted in a room with
Mother 1 lor ton who makes a confidant
of him. Hu can learn nothing about tho
mysterious boy further than that It is
Tim Terrlll and Darby Sleeker who nro
after him. Ho Is told Hint "Dicky Nnhl
Is a traitor, playing both hands In tho
game. Olles llnds himself locked In a
room. He escapes through n window.
Tho supposed Wilton carries out his dead
trlcnd's work with Doddrldgo Knapp. Ho
has his llrst c.pcr!onco as a capitalist in
tho Board Hoom of tho Stock ISxcluinge.
A Tangle of Schemes.
Doddrldgo Knapp was seated calmly
In my ofllce when I opened tho door.
There was n grim smile about tho firm
jaws, and a satisfied glitter in the
keen eyes. Tho Wolf had found his
prey, and tho dismay of tho sheep at
tho sight of his fangs gavo him satis
faction instead of distress.
Tho King of tho Street honored mo
with a royal nod.
"There seems to havo been a llttlo
surprise for somebody on tho Board
this morning," he suggested.
"I heard something about it on tho
street," I admitted.
"It was a good plan and worked
well. Let me seo your memoranda of
I gavo him my slips.
Ho looked over them with growing
perplexity In his face.
"Here's twelvo thousand llvo hun
dred shares of Omega."
"You paid too much for that first
lot." Ho was still poring over tho list.
"It's easier to sco that now than.
then," I suggosted dryly.
"Humph! yes. But there's some
thing wiong hero." Ho was compar
ing my list with anothor In his hand.
"There!" 1 thought; "my confound
ed ignorance has made n mess of it."
But I spoke with all tho confidence I
could assutno: "What's tho matter,
"Eleven thousand and twelvo thou
sand five hundred make twenty-three
thousand flvo hundred; and horo are
sales of Omega this morning of thirty
threo thousand olght hundred and
thirty." Ho seemed to bo talking
more to himself than to mo, and to be
far from pleased.
"How's that? I don't understand."
I was nil In tho dark over his musings.
"I picked ui) eleven thousand shares
In tho other Boards this morning, and
twelvo thousand flvo hundred through
you, but somebody has taken In tho
other ten thousand." Tho King of tho
Street Bcemed puzzled and, I thought,
n llttlo worried.
"Well, you got over twenty-threo
thousand shnres," I suggested consol
ingly. "That's a pretty good morning's
The King of the Street gavo mo a
contemptuous glnnce.
"Don't be a fool, Wilton. I sold ten
thousand of those shares to myself."
A new light broke upon me. I was
getting lOBSons of ono of the many
ways in which tho markot was manipu
lated. .
"Then you think that somebody
else "
Tho King of the Street broke In
with n grim smile.
"Never mind what I think. I'vo got
tho contract for doing tho thinking
for this Job, and 1 reckon I can 'tend
to li."
The great speculator was silent for
a few moments.
"I might as well bo frank with you,"
ho snld at last. "You'll havo to know
somothing to work Intelligently. I
must get control of tho Omega Coin
pauy. and to do it I'vo got to havo
moro stock. I've been afraid of a com
bination against ine, and I guess I'vo
struck It. I can't bo suro yet, but
when those ten thousand shares wore
gobbled up on a panicky market, I'll
bet there's something up."
"Who Is In It?" I asked politely.
"They've kept themselves covered,"
said tho King of tho Street, "but I'll
havo them out In tho open beforo tho
ond. Aud then, my boy, you'll nee tho
rue fly."
"I'vo got a few men staked out," ho
continued slowly, "nnd I reckon I'll
know something about It by this tltno
Thero wns tho growl of tho Wolf
In his voice.
"Now for this nfternoon," ho con
tlnued. "There's got to bo some sharp
work done. I reckon tho falling move
ment Is over. Wo'vo got to pay for
what we get from now on. I'vo got a
man looking after tho botwoenUonrd
trading. With the scaro that's on In
tho clilppor crowd out there, I look to
pick up n thousand shares or so nt
about forty."
"Well, what's tho programme?" I
asked cheerfully.
"Buy," ho said briefly. "Tako every
thing that's offerod this sldo of seventy-live."
"Um there's a half-million wanted
already to settlo for what I bought
this morning."
Tho bushy brows drew down, but
the the King of tho Street answered
"Your check Is good for a million,
my boy, as long ns It goes to settle
for what you're ordered to buy." Then
ho added grimly: "I don't think you'd
find It worth much for anything else."
Thero was a knock nt tho door be
yond and ho hastily rose.
"Bo horo after tho two-thirty ses
sion," he said. And tho Wolf, huge
and masterful, disappeared with a
stealthy tread, and tho door closed
softly behind him.
I wondered idly who Dohdrldgo
Knapp's visitor might be, but as I
could seo no way of finding out, and
felt no special concern over his Identi
ty or purposes, I roso nnd loft tho of
fice. As I stepped Into tho hall I dis
covered that somebody had a dooper
curiosity than I. A man wns stoop
ing to the keyhole of Doddrldgo
Knnpp's room in tho endeavor to seo
or honr. As he heard tho sound of
my oponlng tho door ho started up,
ami with a bound, wus around tho turn
of tho hall and pattering down tho
In anothor bound I wns after him. I
had eon his form for but a second,
und his lace not at all. But in that
second 1 knew him for Tim Torrlll of
tho snnkoeyes and tho murderous pur
pose. When I reached tho head of the
stairs ho wan nowhore to be seen, hut
I hoard tho putter of his feot bolow
and plunged down three steps at a
tlmo and into Clay street, nourly up
setting a stout gontlomnn in my hasto.
The street was busy with people, hut
no sign of the snakc eyod inan greeted
Much disturbed In mind at this ap
parition of my enemy, I sought in vain
for somo explanation of his proseuco.
Was ho spying on Doddrldgo Knapp?
What treachery was ho shaping In his
designs on tho man whoso bread ho
was eating and whoso plans of crime
ho was tho chief agent to assist or
executo? . I was roiiKJd by a man
humping Into mo roughly. I suspected
that he had done It on purpose, and
started by him briskly, when b spoko
in a low touo:
"You'd better go to your room, Mr.
Wilton." Ho said something more that
I did not catch, nnd, reeling on, disap
peared In tho crowd boforo I could
turn to mark or question him.
I thought nt first that ho meant tho
room I hud Just left. Then It occurred
to mo that It was tho room Henry had
occupied tho room In which I had
spent my first dreadful night In Snn
Francisco, nnd had not revisited In
the thirty hours since I hnd left It.
Tho advice suited by Inclination,
nnd In a few minutes I was entering
tho dingy building and climbing tho
worn and creaking stairs. Tho placo
lost Its air of mystery In tho broad
sunshine and penetrating daylight,
and though Its Interior was as gloomy
na ever, It Inched the haunting sug
gestions It hnd borrowed from dark
ness and tho night.
Slipped under tho door I found two
notes. Ono wns from Dotectlvo Loo
gnn, and rend:
"Inquest this afternoon. Don't want
you. Hnvo another story. Do you
want tho body?"
Tho other was In a women's hand,
and tho faint perfume of tho first
noto I had received roso from tho
sheet. It rend:
"I do not tindorstnnd your silence,
Tho money Is rendy. What Is tho
Tho officer's noto was easy enough
to answer. I found pnpor, and, nssur
Ing Dotectlvo Coogan of my gratltudo
at escaping the Inquest, I nsked him
to turn tho body over to tho under
tnkcr to bo burled nt my order.
Tho other noto was moro porploxlng.
1 could make nothing of It. It was
evidently from my unknown employer,
and hor nnxlety was plain to see. But
I wns no nearer to midlife her than
before, and If I knew how to rench
her I know not what to say. Ah I was
contomnlatlm: this state of affairs
with 8omo dejection, and sealing my
melancholy noto to Dotectlvo Coognn,
thero was ti quick step In tho hall and
a rap nt tho pnnol. It wns n slnglo
person, so 1 had no hesitation In open
lug the door, but It gave mo a passing
3k -IttTCr-OTIjZG OJ3-
satisfaction to have my hand on the
rovolvcr In my pocket as I turnod th
It was a boy, who thrust a letter In
to my hand.
"Yor namo Wilton?" ho Inquired
still holding on to tho envelope.
"That's yourn, then." And ho was
prepared to make a bolt.
"Hold on, I suld. "Mnybo thero'
un answer.
"No, thero ain't. The bloko as gav
It to mo said thoro woren't."
"Well, hero's something I want you
to deliver," said I, taking up my noto
to Dotectlvo Coogan. "Do you know
whero tho City Hall Is?"
"Does I know what nro yor nlvin
us?" said the hoy with Infinite) scorn
In his voice.
"A quartor," I returned with a
laugh, lousing him tho coin. "Walt
a minute."
"Yor ain't bad stuff," mild tho boy
with a grin.
I toro open tho envelope nnd road
on tho sheet that camo from It:
"Soil ovorythlng you bought novor
mind tho price. Other ordors off.
D. K."
I gasped with amazement. Had
Doddrldgo Knapp gono mad? To sell
twolvo thousund flvo hundred share
of Omega wns euro to smash tho mm
ket, and tho half-inilllou dollars that
had been put Into them would prob
ably shrink by two hundred thousand
or moro If tho ordor wns carrlod out.
I read tho noto again.
Thon a suspicion largo enough t
overshadow tho unlvorso grow up In
my mlud. I recalled that Doddrldro
Knapp had given mo a cipher with
which ho would communic ate with mo.
nnd I believed, moreover, that ho had
no Idea whero ! might bo at tho pres. j
um uiuiiieni.
"It's all right, sonny," I said. "Trot
"Whcro's ycr letter?" nsked tho boy,
loyally anxious to earn his quarter.
"It won't hnvo to go now," I said
coolly. I bollovcd that tho boy meant
no harm to me, but I wus not tnklng
any risks. Tho boy sauntered down
tho hull.
"Well, 1 must look llko n Btickcr It
they think I can bo tnken In by n trick
llko that," wns my mental commont.
I chnrged tho schemo up to my snnko-
eyed friend nnd hnd a pooror opinion
of his Intelligence than I had hitherto
entertained. Yet I was astonished
thnt ho should, oven with tho most
henrty wish to bring nbout my down
fall, contrlvo a plan that would Inflict
a heavy loss on his employer nnd pos
sibly ruin him nltogothcr. Thoro wns
ihoro beneath than I could fathom. My
brain refused to work In tho nuuo of
contradictions nnd mysteries, plots
nnd counterplots, In which 1 was In
I took my way nt last townrd tho
market, and, hulling a boy to whom
I Intrusted my, letter to Dotectlvo Coo
gan, walked briskly to Pino street.
The Den of the Wolf.
Tho street hnd changed its appear
ance In tho two or three hours since
had mndo my way from tho Kx
change through tho pallid, panic
stricken mob. Thero wero still thou
sands of people between tho corner of
Montgomery Street nnd I.oldcsdorff,
nnd tho llttlo alloy Itself was packed
full of shouting, struggling traders.
But thero wns nn nlr of confidence, al
most of buoyancy, In place of tho
gloom nnd terror that had lowered
over the street ut noon. I'lnlnly tho
panic was over, and men wero In
spired by a belief thnt "stocks wero
going up."
I made a few dispositions according
ly. Tnklng Doddrldgo Knnpp's hint
I engaged another brokor na a relief
to Kppncr, a short fat mart, with tho
baldest head 1 over saw, a black benrd
and a hook-nose, whoso rcmnrknblo
activity aud scattering chnrgcB had
attracted my attention In tho morning
Wnllbrldgo was his nnme, I found,
nnd ho proved to bo ns Intelligent ns
I could wish a merry llttlo mnn, with
a Joko for all things, nnd a flow of
words thnt wns nlmost overwhelming.
"Omega? Yes," chuckled tho stout
little broker, after he had assured him
self of my financial Btandlug. "But
you ought to havo bought this morn
ing, If Hint's whnt you wnnt. It was
hell popping und tho roof giving 'way
all at onco.'.' Tho llttlo mnn had an
abundant stock of profnnlty which ho
used unconsciously nnd with such
original variations thnt ono nlmost for
got tho blasphemy of It while listen
ing to him. "You ought to havo been
there," ho continued, "and wntched
tho boys shell 'em out!"
"Yus, I heard you hnd lively times.'
"Boiling," ho said with coruscating
additions In tho way of speech and
gesture. "If It hadn't been for Deck'
or nnd some fellow wo havn't had a
chauco to make out yet tho bottom of
the market would have been resting
on tho roof of tho lower regions."
Tho llttlo man's remark was- slightly
moro direct und forcible, but this w
do for a rovlsed version.
"Decker!" I exclaimed, pricking up
my ears. "I thought ho had quit thu
As I had nevor heard of Mr. Decker
boforo that moment this was not ex
actly tho truth, but 1 thought it would
servo mo better.
"Decker out of It!" gasped Wall
bridge, his bald head positively gllst
enlug nt the nbsurdlty of tho Idea
"Ho'll ho out of It when he's carried
"I meant out of Omega. Is ho got
ting up a deal?"
Tho llttlo broker looked vexed, as
though it crossed his mind that ho
had said too much.
"Oh, no. Guess not. Don't think ho
Is," ho said rapidly. "Just wanted to
save tho market, I guess. If Omoga
had gono flvo points lower thero would
have been the sickest times In the
Street that wo'vo seen slnco tho Banl
of California closed and thu shop
across tho way" pointing his thumb
at tho Kxchnime "had to bo shut up.
nut maybe It wasn t Decker, you
know. That's Just what was rumored
on tho Street, you know."
I suspected thnt my llttlo broker
know more than ho was willing to
tell, but I forbore to press him further,
and gavo him the order to buy nil tho
Omega stock ho could pick up under
In tho Exchange all was excitement
and tho first call brought a roar of
struggling brokers. I could make
nothing of the clamor, but my nearest
neighbor shouted In my ear:
"A strong market!"
"It looks that way," I shouted back
It certainly was strong In noise.
I made out nt last that prices wero
being held to tho llgures of tho morn
lug's sosslnn, nnd in some cases were
forced nhovo thorn.
Korty-fHo forty-seven llfty-flvo
Omugu wus going up by leaps
blessed the forethought that had sag
gosted to mo to put a limit on Wall
bridge at fit ty. . rue contest grow
wanner. I could follow with dlflli'iilty
i ho course of tho proceedings, but
knew that Omega wns bounding up
Abstemiousness Pays.
Tho future Is to tho people who nro
strictly sobor. Tho Japanese, ofllr.era
and soldiers, fed on rlco, aud during
tho great war from which they Issued
victorious had only water to appeaso
their thirst. llonrl Uochofort In 1In-trauslgeant
Oho Knew the Plac.
Tho elderly matron with tho bun
dles, who wan journeying to a point In
Wisconsin, nnd occupied a scat near
tho mtddlo of tho car, hnd fallen
asleep. On the sent In front of her sat
a llttlo boy. Tho brnkeman opened
tho door of tho car nnd called out tho
name of tho station the train was ap
proaching. Tho elderly woman rousod
herself wltb a Jerk.
"Whoro aro wo now, Bobby?" iho
"I don't know, grandma," answered
tho llttlo boy.
"Didn't tho brakoman say somethlnc
Just now?"
"No. Ho Just stuck his head Inside
tho door and snoozed."
"Holp mo with theso things, Bob
by!" sho exclaimed, hurriedly. "This
Is Oshkosh. It's whoro wo got off."
Youth's Compnnlon.
Cause for Thanksf
It was nt a soclnl gathering of one
of tho mutual Improvomont societies
which help to pass tho Bhlnlng (or
othorwlsn) hour in nn edifying man
ner. A llttlo singing wan to bo Indulged
In by sotuo ut tho members, nnd nbout
half-wny down tho program tho namo
of Miss Molemy-Brown figured. Alns,
however, when tho tlmo camo for hor
to appear a messenger arrived to say
thnt tho lady was suffering from a
cold, nnd, therefore, tho chairman had
to oxcuso her to tho nudlonco.
"Ladles nnd gentlemen," ho said, "I
havo to announce that Miss Brown
will bo unablo to sing, ns announced,
and, thcreforo, Mr. Urcon wlll'glvo us
A Song of Thanksgiving." Stray
What, Indeedl
Tompklnn is ono of tho people who
has taken up tho phraso, "What do
you know nbout that!"
Tho other nfternoon his boautlful
stenographer lnld down hor paper nnd
'1 ngreo with Olga Nothcrsolo In
tho opinion that It la hotter to bo a
mother than to havo a earner."
"Well," exclaimed Tompkins, "what
do you know nbout that!"
Important to Mothora.
Examine carefully ovory bottlo of
CASTOHIA a snfo aud sure romedy for
Infants and children, nnd seo that It
TlnnnH 4 i
Signature a(jZstfyftt&JUM
In TIso For Over ,'JO Years.
Tho Kind You Havo Alwaya Bought.
Without Soul.
"Do you enjoy hearing tho robins
singing Joyously in tho treotopa?"
"No," nnswored Mr. sinus unKor,
"I don't. If n human being kept prac
ticing tho samo tuuo forovor, llko a
robin, they'd run him out of the com
Trv Murine Eye Remedy
For Bed, Weak, Wcnry, Wntery Ryes.
All Druggists Sell Murine nt OUctH. t no
l'nne Book in each l'kg. Is worth Dollars
in evcrv nntne. hk your uiubkhi,
Murine Kye Remedy Co., Chicago.
Not Recorded.
Bill Did they record that polltl
clan's speech?
Jill I bellovo not. Thoy hndn't a
wind gauge, 1 bellovo. Yonkcrs Stntos
KITH. St. Vita' Dnncn unit Ilervnu IImio per
un mint hv llr. Kllnn'n (lritl Nnnn llentorrr.
Hi'ti'l for KltHr. him irlnl iHiitlo unit IrratUo. Dr.
1U 11. Klliiu. I!., IUI ArvhKttynt, 1'lillaUulpbla, l'a.
Let us labor to mako tho heart
grow larger ub wo becotno oldor, nB
tho spreading oak glvoa moro shelter.
Lewis' Finizlo Binder utrafitht fic. Mnny
KMioUcm prefer t limit to 10c cit;nrii. Your
denier or Lewis' Factory, l'eorin, III,
Jealousy Is tho trading stamp given
with each caso of trtio lovo.
Mr. Wlnainnr'n Honthlnir Hrrnp.
Tor rlitlilrra laettiliiK. niftcm tho Kiirot. reduce In
fliinmtlou, allAjrt fulii, cute wlail tollu. 23u botUo.
Birthdays, holidays nnd weddings
aro what keop tho nvorngo man poor.
Lei Me Send You a Package of
Defiance Starch
with your next order of proceries and I will guarantee
aM VTW I 111 I I I .
No othor mcdictno hits boon bo
succosaful iu reJlovlnn; tho suiToring
of women or rccoivctl so ninny gen
uino testimonials na has Xiydla K.
lMnkluun's Vegetable Compound.
In ovory community you will llad
womon who havo bcon restored to
health by Lydirt K Pinlchnm'B Vcg.
elablo Compound. Almost ovory
one you meet has oithor been beno
lltcd by it, or hna friends who have.
In tho Pinklmm Laboratory nt
seo tho Hies containing oior ono mik
lion ono hundred tltousand letters
from women seeking health, nnd
horo nro tho lottors in which they
openly stnto over their own signa
tures thnt they wero cured byLydia
E. l'inkham's Vegotublo Compound.
Lydia IS. Pinkham'H Vegotnblo
Compound has saved mnny woman
from surgicnl operations.
Lydia E. Pmkham'n Vogofcablo
Compound is nuulo from roots nnd
horbs, without drugs, and is wholo
eomo nnd harmless.
Tho reason why Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegotablo Compound is so
successful is lccaus it contains in
gredients which net directly upon
tho feminine organism, restoring it
to n healthy normal condition.
"Women who aro BulToring from
thoso distressing ills peculiar to thoir
box should not lose sight of these
factrt or doubt tho ability of Lydia
E. Pinkham'o Vogetablo Compound
to restore their health.
1G0 Aero Grain-Crowing Land FItEE.
20 to 40 lluilisl Wheat to llm Aero.
10 to DO lluilielt Oat to llm Aero.
30 to 50 lluihatlt Hurley to llio Atra.
Tlmbnr for Fmiclm and Uulldingt WtEE.
Good Law with I-ow Taxation.
Splendid Itallroad Facilities and Low Rata.
School and Churche Convenient.
Sallifnctnry Market for all Production.
Good Cllm&tn and Perfect Health.
Chance for Prafilahlo Investment.
Rome of tboclintccRt prnltvpnMliiclnulandaln
B.iHliu'eliewuu ami A ibeitu limy now t in
quired In tlu'HO maul licultllful und proaporoue
HcclloiiH under tliu
Revised Homestead Regulations
liy'wlilrli entry mixy lo inntlo ty proxy (nn eer
tn t ii eiiiidltloim), by the father, mother, mm,
dmiKhtcr, brother or Bister of lutcmlliiif houiu
Untry fro In eneh cune Is 1 10.00. Var pamphlet,
"LiiKt ll'HtV'Ht,"inrUeiiliirMiiHtoriiloH,rtmle,
bent tluio to ku imil where to locute, apply to
801 Niw York Lit Dulldlni. 0mh. Nelmtt.
i'ohitivki.y oimi:i ir
Overflow imtleiiu curivl durum Um iat S jti.trs. A
MUiiiltrlul hottlo wmt to nnr mlilmu nn rxeelpt of
a ota. lllt.ll, ti. 1UNMONT1I. Aatiurr l'ark M.J.
that you will be better satisfied
with it than with any starch you
have ever used.
I claim that it lias no superior
(or hot or cold starching, and
Bt Will
to tho
Nocheappreinliuns are Klven
with DKl'IANCK STAllt'II,
run voi'it ito.NiiV limn of any
oilier hriiud.
()c lor a 10-oz. piii'linc, and I
will refund your money if It
bucks to llio iron.
Truly yours,
llONUhT Jonn,
Th Grucu?nian
l t'7 " I
What a Sottlcr Onn Soouro In