The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 21, 1908, Image 12

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    The Semi-Weekly Tribune
Ira L.BARE,Editor and Publisher
One Year, cash In advance ..11.25
Monthi, cash In advanco 65 oUi
Knterod at North Platte, Nebraska, rostofflco
aa second clarni matter.
TUESDAY, JULY 21. 1908.
An Omnhti man fllippcd nnd foil in a
uhowcr Imth nnd broke his nrm. This
is o warning to men who insist on tak
ing bnths.
There in at lcnBtone lnbor union not
strenuously opposed to Candidate Tuft
the International Society of Shovel
men, to which union he has been elected
nn honorary member.
The candidates for president and
vico-prcsident on tho independence
lenguo ticket will probably bo Hcnrst
and Graves. Tho names arc suggestive
of a political funeral.
Judge Koiilhaat, of Chicago, lins
decided that a railrdad cannot lawfully
Issue intcr-stnto transportation in ex
change for newspnper advertising,
This opinion is dircr.tly opposito to the
contention of tho Union Pacific.
The earnings of tho Union Pacific
for tho year ending Juno 30thllo not
indicato that tho road has been haras
sed by adverse legislation or that it
needs any protection through tho
organized efforts of its employes.
Postmasters in the ciiRt part of the
stato havo been advised by the post
office department that unless all roads
covered by rural delivery nro prop
erty ropaircd during tho summer, the
withdrawal of rural delivery will prob
ably follow. This is n wnrnlng that
road overseers in Lincoln county should
Watson's qomplimenta to Bryan
Bryan mndo n mistako in denllip? with
tho political situation in tho south, am:
I will take advantage of this fact. Ho
has gone to tho limit in assuming upon
tho political help of tho south. Tho
southern states aro expected to glvo
him ICO electoral voice, almost two
thirds of the necossnry majority he ox
poets to win. Yet ho does not o von con
cedes to tho south tho second place on
tho ticket. -
Hearst Scores Bryan.
Wtu. H. Hearst, head of the national
independence pnrtv, owned of papers in
Boston, Now York, Chicago and San
Francisco, and who with his
money and papors supported Bryan
In tho campaigns of 181)0 nnd 1000, in a
recent Isbuo of his New York American
Wo aro bound to add, with regret
that wo havo lost confidence alHO in
William J. Bryan, who by well mnnip
ulatod bosshlp hit compelled this
No rclimico can bo placed on tho
democratic platform or on Bryan'i
declarations. Tho democratic platform
declares for one sot of principles nt
ono election, and for an entirely differ
ont set at the noxt election, whilo
Bryan Is apparently without permanent
prlnciplo or sincere conviction, or oven
honest attitude.
A noto is n promise to pay. It is
valuablo according to who makes it
and who endorsos. A platform is a
promise to porform, and a platform
mado by tho democratic party and on
dorscd by Mr. Bryan is nut worth tho
paper it is written on.
For Sale.
Puro bred Shorthorn Hulls. Eliiriblo
to. registry. Prices tight. Inquire of
or address. ih,anickniiuiim uuoh.
North Plntto, Neb
Wood Turning and
Furniture Repairs,
Cabinet Work, Screen
Frames, Saw Filing- and
Setting-. All kinds of Job
Work done on short
notice at prices to suit.
Terms Cash.
?l M. Sorenson
Shop North of 1'. O.
We can furnish vou with
chopped feed and shelled corn
at yie lowest market prices
Will deliver in town tree, in
500 pound lots.
The Star Barn
To e Pu li
By C. 0. LEWIS.
Copyrlfllit, 1903, by Associated Lit
erary Press.
It was reported of the Hon. John
Sliarpo that ho had hut two fads whero
other schemers and speculators and
owners of railroad lines had a dozen.
Ono of his fads was the P. and 0. rail
road, In which ho owned a controlling
Interest. He knew every foot of its
roadbed and kept himself postod on all
Ills other fnd was that his daughter
Kdlth. having finished her school days,
should Interest herself hi the P. nnd (J.
even as ho had. If she had been cut
out for an old maid or a business wo
man sho might havo olwyed orders lit
erally, hut as It was she had to assume
an Interest she did not feel.
The Hon. John lived In Chicago, and
his pet lino was farther west, when
tired of making money and fighting
other linos on tho Stock Kxchnngo or
by sonio sly coup, ho would order tho
general superintendent or ouicr ouicini
Into Chicago to report details nnd plan
If It wasn't tho general superintend
ent, then It was ono off n division or n
civil engineer nnd bridge builder. IIo
had them nt his house that his dangli
tor might hear nnd secure experience,
nnd when they had departed he would
go over tho matter again with her to
make sure that sho understood.
When tho civil engineer engaged In
building tho bridge over Centlpcd
creel: was called In ho and Miss Kdlth
met. Tho Hon. John was In high
feather that day. IIo had secured n
mall contract over a rlvnl line nnd had
been told tlmt the bridge could bo
built for $2",000 less than the estimated
expense. lie Htrctclieu nis courtesy to
Invite tho engineer to dinner and to
ask MIsh Kdlth to ploy tho piano after
Then two or three things bnppened
thnt ho didn't take cognizance of, al
though ho was rated a keen nnd ob
servant man.
From thnt night Minn Edith begun to
take more Interest In railroad mntters,
especially In the department of bridge
building, and Mr. Havens, tho engineer,
Kent In reports that seemed to neccssl
tato his visiting Chicago much oftcner
than before.
As punctually at the clock tho lion
John Sharp took u trip over his line
In his own private car every three
months. Mlsu Kdlth had accompanied
him twice before her midden grent In
torcst had come to the surface, and
her enthusiasm ovor the third up
proachlng trip so pleased him thnt ho
patted her golden hnlr ami rceimgiy
"You are your own father's daughter,
after all. You will eonio bnck better
posted on tho railroad business than
nny other girl In America."
"It must tako n very brainy ninn to
construct hucIi a brldgo as I have heard
you nnd Mr. Ilnvens talking about,'
she demurely suggested.
"It does, my dear n very brainy man."
"And one pretty certain to rlso In tho
Tho lion. John had risen In tho
world, nnd he took earo to let tho world
know It. I'.ut he was rnther opposed
to any one else rising, especially any
body employed on the V. and fl. road
"Yes, Mr. HnveiiH may rise In his
profession," ho reluctantly ndmlttcii
"hut you must remember tho Hoclal
LMilf now oxlstlmr between us. I or
you nnd I are tho owner. of tho V,
and Q. road. Mr. Havens is an cm
Ten dnj-B previous to tho Htnrt on tho
third trip tho Hon. John discovered
Boniothlng that throw him into n fer
vid Jinttor. it was not that his daugli
ter In her tmthuslasui to learn more
about railroad brldgo building was writ
lng to tho engineer for further luforma
tlon nhout the enntalover prluelplu or
that ho In reply was telling about tho
tensile strength of steol nnd the strain
put upon It under certain condltlouB.
It was that n fowler to his lino wna
about to pass Into other hands unless
ho ciMihl secure enough proxies to pro
vent this at tho election to be held in
Denver. He took off his coat nnd
started In, and he came home ono
night with beaming face to say to tho
"My dear girl, always remember
thnt the first principle of rnllrondlng
U to get possession of the road."
"Hut If you can't get enough of tho
utockV she naked.
"Then get, tho proxies. Buy, borrow
or hog. hut get them. It Is witn pros
les that I shall got control of the M
nnd V. I need only a thousand more
votes, nnd they are In Denver waiting
for mo."
The Hon. John wna rubbing hla
hands when his ear left Chicago. Ho
enjoyed coups, and he wan on his way
to miiko one. He felt Just a little xytu
pathy for the already routed enemy
Defeat would come with u dull thud
whereas he rather preferred something
of a battle Hint.
"Proxies, my dear," he said to his
daughter as he to:)'.; a bundle of them
from his pocket nud thumbed them
over "proxies nre the powder and ball
to desolate the ranks of tho enemy
Blessed lx proxies 1"
At Knnfn IV business detained him
half a day. lie had scarcely left the
car when Mr. Haveus made his tip
pearance and wna received with a
smile anil a blush
The talk between hlin and Miss
Kdlth began about the bridge ovor the
Centlped. but gradually came down
to less scientific and more Interesting
He reerred to u hint she had glvon
him In Iror laot Wlter nt assured her
that ho had acted on It, and he solic
ited her permission to nsk her father a
certain momentous question before tho
dny had expired. That afternoon when
the train had pulled out Miss Kdlth
fluttered around for n bit nnd then
timidly nsked:
Father, what will happen If you fall
to get that thousand proxies you are
counting on?"
"Why why. I'd le knocked Into a
cocked hnt, daughter. But I can't fall.
I know Just where they are. I shall
receive a wire at the next stop. I nm
glad to seo you so Interested In tho
mntter. Proxies nre tho powder nnd
ball, and I'm sure of tho proxies."
Half an hour Inter the Hon. John
was stamping up and down tho car and
roaring nt tho top of his voice. Ho hnd
received ttie expected wire and had
been Informed thnt tho party on whom
he depended had sold the stock nt a
sharp advance. This was tlio biggest
setback he had received In five yenrs.
It meant a staggering blow to the
P. nnd G. While ho stamped and
roared his daughter kept very quiet.
When he had got through smashing
the Kngllsh language he sat down hard
and wiped his forehead and looked nt
tho young lady with dcspnlrlng eyes.
'Father, I don't think we nre beaten
yet," sho Hnltl In reply.
"But wo nre, daughter. Those prox
ies aro certainly In the hnnds of that
Infomnl M. and W. gang, and they
hnvo got mo tight To think thnt I left
It In tho hands of Chllvcra to betray
ne! Why, I deserve to bo sent to nn
Idiot asylum!"
"But tho game may not be lost after
all. You know you hnvo been trying
to mnke n railroad woman of mo for a
year past."
"But that miserable Chllvers sold out
his stock on mcl" shouted the father
ns ho brought his fist down with a
great bang.
"Yes, dear, but Hint's u part of tho
railroad business. If Chllvers sold his
stock some one bought it, nud some
one has tho right to vote It In tho
mooting tomorrow."
"But tho M. and W. gang hnvo got It,
of course!"
"Perhaps. It's u part of tho railroad
business to find out. You didn't want
mo to stop at grades, sidetracks,
switchbacks and bridge building, did
you? My dear father, remember thnt
tho first principle of railroading Is to
get possession of the road, the next to
keep trne.k of stock and proxies."
"Ctrl, you know something." he said
after n long look Into her face.
"Well, suppiwe the M. and W. gang
didn't get that rtock?"
Hosgaspcd for breath nud turned
"Suppose that a gentleman Interested
In our road got II?"
The Hon. John sat with his mouth
"Suppose that a gentleman, n real
nice gentleman, u gentleman Interested
In In you, got the stock with tho Idea
of helping us out?"
"By thunder, but I'd break his ribs
hugging him! Out with If, girl! Don't
keep your old dnd on tho hooks this
"Well, then, Mr. Havens Is -In the
Pullman abend. Ho had to como up to
Scuta I to hurry the last of tho
brldgo stuff down. As he knew how
much you wanted control of that feed'
cr and as he know how interested 1
wns In the railroad business ho he"
But the Iton. John hnd sent tho
porter for Mr. Havens, nnd Edith skip
ped nwny to her stateroom. An hour
later there was a knock on her door,
"Say, young lady, you think you're
smart, don't you?" said tho father as
she appeared.
"I'm your (laughter, you know."
"Um y-e-s! Well, I've told Havens
thnt thai brldgo over the Centlped has
got to be finished before there Is any
further nonsense. After that he will
bo superintendent of the P. and (5., nnd
if you lenrn any more nhout the rail
road business It will be from him. You
aro n little too apt for me."
Best the World Affords.
"It gives mo unbounded plcnsure to
rocommonded Bucklin'B Arnica Salve,'
says J. W. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill, N
C. "I am convinced it's tho host salvo
tho world affords. It cured a felon on
mv thumb, nnd it novor fails to heal
every sore, burn or wound to which it
is applied. 26c, at Stone's drug store,
The Iowa
Low Down
Mado In tho Lurgest Separator
ruciory In tho World.
We will save you Dollars on
Lamb's Cash Grocery,
J . Homeopathic PhyBicin
and Surgeon.
Office: McDonald Bnnk Building.
Phone 183.
A. .1. Amos, M. I). Mario Amos, !. I)-
Physicians nnd Surgeons.
Office: Over Stone Drug Co.
Phones: Office 273, Residence 273
flEO. B. DENT,
I Physician and Surgeon.
Office: Over McDonnld Bank.
1 hones 1 Rcsldonco 115
It. L. C. DHOST,
Osteopathic Physicinn,
Booms 7 and 8, McDonald
State Bank Building,
Phone M8.
Office over Schatz Clothing
Store. Phono 48
Office: Cor. Front & Dewey Sts.
A full lino of Caskets, Robes, etc.
uans answered promptly.
Day Phono 120, Night Phone 27.
Cement Contractor
Special attention given to
Cement Sidewalks.
We guarantee ncrfect satisfaction in
mo wains we construct, i'nono 48-1.
The School
For You
Our catalog will tell you why.
It is yours for the asking-.
Write for it todav.
Lexington, Neb.
Statement of the Condition
of North I'lattc, Nebraska, on the 20th
uayor June, iw,
Flrnt mortgage loans UK 200 00
mocK loans 1) io (Xj
Cash , 1 i72 Z3
Delinquent Intercut, premiums and
linen ico 00
uxpenscs aim taxes pain 81177
Total...... J260 TS.TTio
Capital stock paid up..
S2I2 MM Ttl
a I IK) (X)
II 27H 7
uescrvc iiimi
Undivided prollts.
I'rcintums unearned...
Advance payments....
MX) ft
3 4W :U)
Total $.'ij0 75:1 00
mi; 1 1'.AU UNDI.VC. JUNE 30, IU08.
Ilalaace on hand July 1.IW7 J 'Xt
es.... mm
Interest, premiums, fees and tines.. 17 H.V1
Loans repaid J 21 r.u
Itonl atii Holes CM ou
Rents W) CO
.Stock redeemed
Cash nn hand
1 1 to sis va
iio? 400 00
Sill (12
." WO (18
1 17a
... TilA': iliosisw
Binit) tu ."NunrnsKa. Lincoln county, h.
I, Milium 1 liiHutMi, M'l'roUifi' pf tlm alioyo
iiuiiikii iih.MKuiuii, 110 solemnly swear tin
tlio foretrolnif htntciiieni of tlm pondltljn
mid Association N true nnd correct to t
Una of my kiow(ulso nud liellcf,
M.....V. .l.ii....... C. .............
Hi.n,iiuwi . .'.,.V...,V. Y"t'"!"VV ;va
(III) Ul UHIAt iwr
John J. llAu.iciAN.-Notary I'lubllu
VtOTOII VonOohth. j
T, C Pftttrrfcon. Directors,
-. --... ... n lull in
ooeiiimiiey of tlio urmn sos 1hIow dnsnriixil
and to.loM-pli II Murray In viliono iinino tliu
tit In or t.all promises aiipearsof record In tlm
olllro of dm liejrlster of Denis In Lincoln
viuiiH) , .u'limsKa. an" 10 1 ery person claim
Imr any Interest In said promises.
wi and each of you aie lu reby nollHi-d
lilt on tho llftli day of Novemlier, HOI,
Win. K. Mmman. i;iircliasnl nt public sail)
(certll Cain No Mill) ni 1 1 ... iv n.
surer's olllco of snld County. I lie followlm
oeM-rioeo real esinie. o wlti Tlio west half
of tho west linlf IWSWW ofseciionelulit IS,
of township llflcen l;i, north of much
twcnty-Miven 127). west fit 1 1 I'. M., for tho
.or the dellniiiieni tn.ies dun thereon for
tint yenr 1W for tlm sum of l.i!l nnd on
Hki twentylourth day of .lune. MH7. Wm.
h. Him in nn paid the sulseiiueiit tiis nt
sessed atrnlnxt said Premises for the year
MM for the sum of :t on tho -Jfltli dny of
.lune. iris. U tn l'. mi,,,,.,. .,i.i . 1. . .;i ...
.... t . ..4ihm ihi,i .iir r i ,"u -
llUent tmes assessed ofculnst said premises
tor hki year pi ( ror tlm sunt of fi.Wi that
said liroiwrly vas nse.sed In the nntii" of
Joseph fl. Muirny. 'flint t,o t(hig for
redemption 'M'lred on dm fMxtli day of
November. MW, and If tlio said premises aro
not redeemed on tlio slih day of No
vumUT, mm, fropi hald taxsalutho under
slttned will apply to tiu County Treasurer
iw. u 111-1-11 in inn nam itrinmses
Dated Hits 10th dny of July.
Vm. E. Kit
Eslrny Notice,
Taken up by tho tmdoraljTneil on his
farm llvo mllea southwest of North
Platte, on or abtjut Juno 20th, 1908, a
prntlo Jersey heifer, about two yeara
old, cither muley or dehorned, branded
either OT or Oil on rirjht hip. Owner
will call, prove property, pay charges
and take animal away.
jlst-5 l V. Ol.KSON.
Notice Is liroby e!rpn that nn Ttiemlar. thn
1st day of .September, lw. at the Totlni;
places In tlio various preclnrts of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, thero will be held a pri
mary election for tlio purpose of nominating
raimmaios ior uio louowinc oaiccs, to 00
voted for at tho general November election.
I'.miit rresKicntini Electors.
One (Jovernor.
Ono Lieutenant (Jovernor.
Ono Secretary of Htnto.
Ono Auditor of Public Accounts-
Ono stato Treasurer.
Ono Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Ono Attorney General.
Ono Commlsiloner of Public T..nr1 nnd
Ono Itallwny Commissioner.
Ono Congressman for tho Slvtli r'unirms-
slonal Dls'.rlct.
Ono Stato Senator for tlm Thlrtlntli Ponft-
torlnl District.
ono t?tato Heprcsentatlvo for tho Mfty
l ourth ueprcsentntlvc District.
ono county Attornoy.
Olio County Commissioner for Cnmmllotinr
District No. 3.
Justice of tho Pcaco to fill vacancy.
Constables to fill vacancy,
Ono Overseer of HlirliwaY for nnrdi Itnad
Also, foror acalnst n iiroimsed nmrnilmnnt
to section nine, (U). article eight, (H),uf thocon
Ktltutlon of tho Stato of Nebraska rlth refer
enco to the Investment of tho pcrmanont
school fund.
Also foror against a promised amendment
to sections two. (2). four(4), five. (). six (0) and
inirteeniia;, or article six jn), or tlio constitu
tion Of tho Stnto of Ncbrnskn with rnferencn
to nn Increase In tlio numlior of tho Judges of
tho Suuretno Court, timvldhn- for their ni-
lxjlnttnents. terms, rcsldonco and compensa-
1,1011 oitno.iuuges or tlio supremo and District
Which election will bo open at 12 o'clock
m. and continue (men until II o'clock n. m..
of tho snmo dnv.
iiatcii .ortn I'lntiw. Molir , this Wthdayof
Juno. lW. r. it. Ki,i,iorr.'County Clerk
To every Person In actual nossnsslnn nr iw-
cupnney of tho premises below described and
to .Micimci .Mci.augiiim tn whoso name tho
uuu oi nam primuses appears or record In
tlio olllco of I ho Iteclster of Deniln In Lin
coln county. Nebraska, and to every person
claiming any interest in tlio said premises
vou and each or you nro hereby notified
thnt 011 tho 7lh dnv of Novomlior. HWI. s. V.
(Milan purchased nt public salo (Ccrtlllcato
iso. zNwat too county treasurer s olllco of
said county, the following described renl us-
tnte. tovlt: All of lots llvo (5) and six (11) of
block elghty-llvo (S6) of the original city of
North Platte. Nebraskn. for tlm dellmiuent
taxes nun tncreon ror tno years iwii, iwk and
11J;I for the sum of nnd on the flrt dnv
of May. HW, S. V. (Mllati paid tho subsequent
taxes assessed against snin iiremises ror tlio
year 1101 for tho sum of .! i. nnil on tbo Isi
day of May, 1MM. H. V. (Milan, paid tho suh-
seiiuent taxes nsseseo ngninsi sniu promises
for tho year 11X15 for the sum of $.1.11 nnd on
tho 1st day oflMny. l'W, S V. (Mllnn paid tlio
suDseqentitaxesnssessedl against 'said orcrn
lsesjfor the year HO), for tho sum of in M and
on tho 7 tli day of .May. iw, It. Goodman.
assignee pniu tlm subsetiuent taxes assessed
against snld premUcs for tho year 1107 for tho
sum of 1.3j; that snld property was assessed
In the name of M. McLaughlin. That the
llino ror redcmntlon will einlru on thoslxtli
oay or .ovemisjr, iw. and if tho said
premises aro not redeemed on tho sixth day
of November, 11KW, from said tax salo tho
undersigned win apply to tbo county treas
urer ior a need 10 too said premises.
Dated this 10th day of July, M)S.
B. It. (iooi)MAN. Assignee of H. V. fllllan.
. Ily Wm. K. Shuman. Attorney.
Department of tho Interior,
tl. H. Land Ofllce at North Platto. Nob..
Juim 22, W.
Notlco Is hereby given that William II. T,ur
ple.of North Platte. Neb., who on August 1U.
l'.xu, mado Homestead Kntry No. iWTi for
south half southeast quarter and south half
southwnst quarter of suction if. township 12,
rango III, W th Principal Meridian, has
llled notlco of Intention to mako llnal llvo
year proof to establish claim to tho land
nlwvo deserllH'd, boforo tho Register and
Itecelvor'at North Platte, Nob., on the 5th
day of August. 1WW.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Curtis lllnman, Carl llroe dcr, Jolm Schar
mann, Hugh Songer, all of North Platte,
m R 0 J. K. Evans, lteglstcr.
In tlm County Court of Lincoln county. Ne
braska. July 7th 1VUS.
In tho matter of the estate, of Mary
Patterson, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given, that the creditors of
said deceased will moot tho Kxecutor of
said estate, boforo tho County Judgu of 'Lin
coln County, Nebraska, at tho county court
room In said countv, on tho :kl day of August
loos nnd on tlm Itli dny of January lMW, at
o'clock a. m. each day. for tho purpose of
presenting their claims for examination, ad
justment and allowance. Six months nro'al
lowed for creditors to present their claims
and ono year for tho Kxccutor to settle
said estato from tho Mth day of June. WW,
This notlco to to published In the North Platto
Tribune. 0 scml-wcokly uowspnper for four
weeks successively prior to tho 3d (lay of
August UHM .
Witness my hand, and seal of said court,
this 7th day pf July I W,
J-7-4 W. O. County Judgo.
Serial No. 0B. II. E. 21201.
notice for Publication.
Department of tho Interior,
Land onico at North Platte. Nob.
July th. HXK
Notlco Is hereby given that Isaac llolllug,
of North Plntto. Nebraska, who on July
ISth, HK5, mado homestead entry No. 212111,
for the north half nnd southeast quarter,
Section 28, Township 17 north, Itnngo ill west
Sixth Principal Merldlnu. has llled notice ot
Intention to mako llnal homestend proof
to establish claim to tho land above
described, buforo tho Register and Re
ceiver at North Platte, Nob., on tho 20th
day of August, HWH.
Claimant, names as witnesses: David Cal
lander, Henry Nowlmrry, of North Platte,
Nehraske, (leorgo H. Daloy, lrvlno Temple,
of'fryon. Nebraska.
JIO-l) J. E, EVANS. Register.
Application for Druggists' Permit.
Matter of tho application of L. B.
Munirer for drupgist's permit.
Notico ia hereby piven thnt L. B.
Munper did upon the 10th day of July,
1908, file his application with the coun
ty commissioners for permit to sell
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for
mcdicjnal, mechanical nnd chemical
purposes only at his drup store in Her
shey, Lincoln county, Ncbrnskn, from
tho first day of August, to tho
31at day of July, 1900.
If thero bo no objection, remon
strance or protest filed within two
weeks from July 17, 1908, snid permit
will bo granted, U. B. Munoer.
HOAD NO. ai3.
To all whom it mny concern:
Tho commissioners appointed for tho
purpose of locntinp n road commencing
at tlio south east corner of tho north
cast quarter of Section 30, Township 9,
Hnngo 29; thenco runninp enst one
half milo more or less and terminatinp
nt tho regular laid out road near the
center of section 31, township 9, innpe
28 hns reported in favor of tho estab
lishment of said road, and all object
ions thereto or claims for damages
must be filed in tho county clerk's of
fice on or boforo noon on tho 20th day
of Aupust, 1908, or such road will be
established without roferenco thereto.
Dated North I'lattc, Nob., July 15, 1908
P. H. Elliott,
County Clerk.
I oiTor nt private, aalo on the Bird
wood ranch, five miles west of North
l'lntte, tho following:
Twenty good milch cowa.
Pifteen spring calves,
Fifty head of brood sows and shouts.
Ono thorouphbred Poland Ctiinn Bonr,
Ono Davis (450 capacity) Cream Sep
arator. Terms Cnsli or bankable notes.
John L. Stinglev.
Article of Co-Partnership.
This nirriiompnt. entered Into this 12(1 da V
of June. 1WH, by and between Edgar chiller
and Nicholas jici ano. itnessetti!
That said ttartles have formed nco-nartner-
shlp for tho purposo of carrying on a retail
arug, notion, toi.ct article, surgical supply
and soda fountain business nt numlior (XK1
north Dewey street. In tho City of North
riattc, Lincoln county. isciirasKa, upon mo
following terms and conditions!
First. Tho name and stylo of said co-nart-
ncrsbln shall Isi "Schiller & Comtianv." and
shall contlntio for flvo years from this date,
unless sooner terminated by tho death of
cltherof sold partlcsor by expiration of syears
from tills date by ono uartv serving a written
notlco uiwn tho other party, that ho desires
said co-partnership dissolved and In said
written notice or dissolution no snau stato
tho amount of money in cash which ho Is wil
ling to nay for tho one-half Intorest of tho
other, and In said notlco shall also stato that
he Is willing to rccclvo tho same amount for
bis nnn-half Interest In tho business of said
co-partnership: and If the partner upon whom
notlco issorveo as arorcsaiu is not wining to
cither glvo or tako tho nmount mentioned In
said notice, appraisers shall bo chosen, ono
nnmcu py ono or tno partners nnu tno otner
by the other partner and tho two appraisers
so chosen shall render an appraisement In
writingof an tbo property lnsa d co-partner
ship and tho amount so ascertained shall bo
tno amount which tno partner upon wimm
notlco was servod shall give for tho Interest
of hlsco-partnershlportako for his own In
terest In the property.
Second. That said Edgar Schiller shall
contribute to tho capital stock of said firm.
tliesum or p.'.i.w.uu, being an undivided one
half Interest In tho stock of drugs, notions,
toilet articles, surgical supplies, soda foun
tain and fixtures generally now located at
number tHW north Dewey street In said city
and said Nicholas McCabo shall contribute
to tho capital stock of said firm tho sum of
S.',"30.0u. being an undivided one-half Interest
in tno stock or dtugs. notions, toilet articles,
surgical supplies, soda fountain and fixtures
generally now located at numlior 603 tiortli
Dewey street In said city, and tho said part
ners shall bo the owners of the stock in that
proportion and any further Incrcaso of tho
capital stock shall tie contributed by said
partners In thosamo ratio.
Thlnl Tl,n..l,l SoMIW ulifltl lu.ll,..
general partner In said co-partnership of
Schiller .V Company and shall havo solo
chargAof the business and shall rccclvo as
solo manager of the business of said co-partnership,
tbo sum of 57"i.C0 per month, to bo
drawn monthly, the said sum of i7!.00 per
mouth to bo charged as an Item of expense
against said co-partnership: and said
Nicholas McCain shall bo a special partner
with power to examine Into tho condition and
progress of tho puituershlp business ftom
tlmo to tlmu and may advtso as to Its man
agement, but ho shall not transact any busi
ness on account of sold co-partnership or Isj
employed for that puriioso as agent, attornoy
or otherwise.
Fourth. Said partnership shall not In any
manner become liable upon any promissory
noto or other obligation for tho accommoda
tion of any person whatsoever, nor shall said
partnership loud any of the co-partnership
funds for any purposo whaioever.
Fifth. Tho said EdgarSchlller shall keep a
regular set of liooks. which shall show all tho
receipts nnd disbursements dally, and tho
conditions of tho accounts with all persons
whomsoever with which tho co-partnership
does business, except that cash Items need
not appear otherwise than lu tho cash ac
count, and tho said Edgar Schiller shall
render to tho said Nicholas McCalio on tho
first day of each month a statement showlni?
all receipts, disbursements and liabilities of
tho co-partnership.
Sixth. Each partner shall Imi entitled to
ono-half of all profits by said partnership,
and an liivcntoryshall bo taken annually be
tween tho 1st and lUth dnyn of January,
tlio first ono to lxi taken between tho
1st and 10th day ot January. WW):
and after such Inventory Is taken, each
partner shnll bo entltWd to draw out
ot tlm funds of said II rm then on hand,
one-half of any excess ovor and nliovo tho
sum of 5,S(X).00 and the liabilities then exist
ing against said co-partnership; and on tho
1st day of July. Wv, said partners may each
draw out of sat J llrm. one-half of tho f undo
then on hands ot snld co-partnershlpovor
nnd abovo tlio amount of tlio original capi
tal stock and liabilities of said firm, and
thernafter draw any excess If any such thero
Is, aftnr tho annual Inventory Is taken each
yanr. and on tho 1st dny of July of each year.
Suvcnth, The said Edgar Schtllor shall
dovoto his entire time and attention to tho
business of said co-iiartnorshlp and shall not
enter Into tho transaction of any othor busi
ness. Eighth: Any violation of tho terras' ofl
these articles of co-partnership shall bo sufll
ciaMt cause for tho dissolution of this part
nership In nny manner horclnbufore pro
vided or through a court of competent Juris
diction. In Witness Whereof. Tlio said parties havo
set their hands Hits .'nd day of Juno, 1TOH,
In the presenco of A. P. Kem.v.
Ilrulunrd II. Willis and Lavlnla 11. Willis,
Will take notlco thaton tho 27th day of Juno.
HXM Max Einstein, plalntlir herein llled his
petition In tho District Court'of Lincoln Coun
ty. Ncbrnskn, the object nnd prayer of which
nro to uulot plalntllfs tlllo to tho north halt
of tho northeast U nnd tho north half of tlio
northwest l of section 91, township ID north,
ot range 21. west of tho nth P. M. in Lincoln
County. Nebraska, '.and that a pretended tax
deed from tho County Treasurer of Lincoln
County to ono S. P. Itjorklund. which deed Is
recorded In ol. A 2 at pago ill ot tho Deed
Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, bu de
clared null and void, and that a pretended
deed from S. P. lljoiklund and wlfo to Drain
ard II. Willis, as 11. II. Willis, which Is re
corded In Vol. A I, at pages MB and tM, of
the Records of Lincoln County, bo declared
null and void. And that tho court determlno
tho amount due tho defendants or any other
persons for taxes paid upon tlm pretended
tax sale, upon which said pretended tax deed
U based: ami for subsequent taxes paid and
Interest: and for general, ciiultablu relief.
on aro required to ankiver said petition
on or before tho loth day of August. 11KW
Dated Juno 80. ltxiA.
JW-l Max Einstein. Plaintiff.
Joseph II. McConnell. Cora E. Osgood.
Charles Osgood and Lewis Clark, defendants,
Impleaded with Sarah E. lllnman Curtis E.
lllnman. .Minor lllnman. Florence' lllnman,
Peter llurke. Elizabeth Ilratt and Jacob
Rupp. defendants:
Will take notice thaton tho 21th day of
June. Iltw. Samuel Go()7ee, plaintiff herein,
111(1(1 Ids Petition In tho District. Court nf T .In.
coin County, Nebraska, against said dofen-
coin County. Ncbrnskn. on tliu Hth day of
September. llJ;i, and delivered to tlm plaintiff,
And thero Is now duo for taxes paid, adver
tisement. Intorost nnd costs, tho sum of JSl.iu
jy'Lh !it,i,r,.ntrat Vi ,H)r cent from July 1st
im. Plaintiff further prays that ho may havo
Hen for taxes so paid on said real estate, and
that said lien lie forechised, and that the do
fondants bo barred of all equity and right of
redemption in nnd to said real estato. and
that said premises bo sold and the proceeds
thereof applied to the payment of plaliilltri.
Urn; ami ror general etpiltabto relief
You am required to answer said petition on
or before the luth day of August, IWW, Dated
Juno Illli l'.MH. v
... Sampki,(1oo.kk. I'lalntlff.
Ily W ilcox .. tlAM.niAN. Ills Attys.
John Stoccker. I) W. SlaVleton. whoso first,
real and trim namo Is unknown and Mrs. D.
V. Stnpleton whoso first, real and trim namo
Is unknown, defendants.
.ft.lll,!ako.,Ui,,l.i;V,tl,',n.t on. V1" ,st ,lar of July,
ItHW. the plaintiff. Tliu (llrard Trust Com
pany, , I rustee, . tiled lis petition In tho Ds
ti lot Court of Lincoln County. Nebraska, for
the purpose of foreclosing n certain real vsl
:.",..:,,f "" v rusv uouipany
" i , . - . '"!1, iajuii ix i rust
F0""i"fViy luly ashlV-l to the plaintiff tiore-
aiming Ixian & Trpirt
,, m1ui,iim.-iici in uecuro a nolo
or bond In tbo sum of w ob dated JuVo, iitV
hMi. due and payable ft years after date ami
ip per cent Interest after duo and upon which
there Is now due the sum of ii,i with ten
percent lliterest from July 1st W. Tlio
mortgage given to secure the same, conveyed
as such security to the said McKlnley-Lan-nliiff
l-ojji ,;V Trust Company, the B, L )( of
m i H.'.',; ' 1 "wnfl'lp. 1) North. Rango 31 West,
,1 '7 !.l"iays fVI'-ereo that said sum . so
foil id due Ui paid according to law and tWl
said premises Is. sold to sntlsfy tho amoSrit
as found dm.. The defonduiits nru required
oaiiswi r said petition on or Iwforo Monday
the lUth day of August. 1Ui7 "j
Dated thls-Jml davof JilIivtUH,
J1'-' y A. Mulpoon.
minis. uiuoDjcci ami prayer or which nro to
obtain an accounting ot taxes paid by tAih
plaintiff, with Interest, costs and attorneiis
fees, on lots 7 nnd 8. of block 7(1, of the original
town of North Platte, Nebraska, tor whleh'sald
taxes n treasurer's deed lias beep Issued by
O. r Scharmann. Countv Trenunmr ,r 1 1.