The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 17, 1908, Image 8

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    The Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ika h. Bare, Editor and Publisher
One Year, cash In advance . 11.3
Months, cash In advance did
Entered at North Tlatto. Nebraska, Postofllce
as second class matter.
FRIDAY, JULY 17. 1908.
Get Together.
Tub TmnUNE regrets to Beo so much
ill-feeling following Tuesdny'n election;
regrets it because it is detrimental to
the best interests of tho town and its
mnterinl ndvnncoment. Those who
favored tho defented bonds declare
they will work to secure tho defeat of
any school bond proposition, no matter
how badly additional school facilities
are needed. This is n spirit of rovenge
that is out of place In a progressive com
munity. In tho water bond election it
is fair to presume that each voter ex
ercised his suffrngo in the manner
which he consclenciously belioved to be
to tho best interests of himself and the
city. A majority of all voting cast
thoir voto against tho bonds and the
minority should accept tho defeat no
fair-minded men and not in n revenge
ful spirit, Tho latter is ovidenco of a
narrowness Ill-befitting tho residonta of
such an enterprising town as North
Platte, for if men insist on carrying
out this spirit of revenge they become
"town killers" instead of town build
ers. Hury the hatchet and get together.
North Platte is on tho ove of a wonder
ful advancement. To meet tho condi
tions which this growth brings will ro
(ulre our united efforts. Let us bo in
position to moot thorn.
Junior Normal Meeting.
A meeting somowlmt nnalagous to tho
annual commencement exercises, wbb
held Wednesday evening at tho high
school auditorium under tho auspices
of tho Junior Normal. Hecnuso of tho
band concert at tho court house the
oxcrciscs did not begin until 9:30 yet the
attendance was large and tho interest
well sustained. Tho program was as
Chorus Junior Normal Club.
Violin Solo, ProfGorlisch.
Invocation Hov. John Solbcrt.
Solo Miss Pyrtlo.
Address Dr. Heattle.
Chorus Junior Normal Club.
Dr. Dcnttio took as his subject
"Every Child an Inheritor" and deliv
ered a strong address, Ho said that as
it is no longor a question whothor n
child will road but only what it will
read so tho only query In dealing with
tho inhoritanco of tho child nocd bo
"what it will inherit". Four things
wore said to fix tho destiny of tho ln
Ulvldual, horedlty, natural ondowmcnt,
formal Instruction and environment.
Tho doctor Is a strong advocato of the
theory that ovory child is entitled to
tho moral environment and Intellectual
. . .. .
nuvnntngo possiuio to proparo it suc
cessfully to copo with tho problems of
life. Tho graduato of tho high school
such as wo havo at North Platto, ho
said, Is no bottor prepared for tho com
ditiou Unit confronts him than was the
eight grado pupils for tho environ
ment surrounding him thirty years
ago. Tho propor preparation for tho
Amcricun child of this ago includos five
subjects for which ho thinks there aro
no substitutes and for which it is al
most n crimo for parents to allow it
to grow up without some knowledgo
of, namely physics, English, litoraturo,
history and geometry. Tho nddrcss
throughout wub docldodly convincing nnd
will doubtless mako un improsslon upon
all present.
Following tho address tho principal
read tho namos of tho following young
ladles who would recoivo tho statu
elementary cortiflento: Misses Cora
White, Mabol Donohowur, Alico Allbec,
Roth Cunningham, Fern Stamp, Bessie
Slutts, Heatrico Murphy and Nollio
Workman. This certificate is glvou by
the Stato Hoard of Education to all
who havo completed at least tho tenth
grado of tho high school or Ha cquiva
alent, and in addition havo taken
twenty four wcekB, (four torms) at
tho Junior Normal or a corresponding
timo at tho regular stato normals. It
entitles tho holder to tench at leaBt
three years without examination
This feature of tho work will doubtless
bo an inducement to tho teachers of
this and adjoining counties to attend
tho Junior Normal for a given period
of years.
C. h. (JltUKNTllKit, secretary of tho
Bryan Voluntoora of Nebraska, hua
sent out clrculurs in which ho makes
this dlscou-airinir statement: "Nebras
kji shall not bo for Bryan" is tho order
that rrooa out from republican head
quurters, Tho trusts and corporations
will contribute largo sums of monov to
muko good that cry. Thoy will movo
houven and earth to administer u
nrimltlnt ilnfnnf In Itlu lwi.vw. ntnt,
..u.. ,..,, .1. ...U IIUIIIV DV'.bU I II
Mr. Bryan's principles for which ho
i I. - I.. 1... At t
tuiiiiiia. in iiuuninicii uioy navo tno
lulvnntlifrn nf n Q.l.fiflO rntmliltcnn inn.
jorlty. Ovor two-thirds of nil tho
newspapers of tho stulo aro against us.
Thoy will bo aided by tho powerful
army of federal and stnto oHIcioIb who
form a thoroughly organized and well
dressed fighting machine. Against
these distressing nnd discouraging odds
wo havo nothing to offor, except tho
moral umi nnanciui support WUlcn
comets uiruugn uiu voiunter movemont
On Republican Ground.
(Omaha Dee,)
With duo deference to tho fatuity
that has marked it for so many years,
tho democratic party is today occupying
ground ovor which the republican party
passed four years ago. In its platform
declarations, as promulgated from
Fairviow, by way of Denver, tho oppo
sition party gives splendid endorse
ment to republican achievement, under
the pretext of raising new issues.
On tho tarilT tho Hryanite platform
demands revision. Tho plntform
adopted at Chicago pledges the repub
lican party to accomplish rovision. All
tho tariff laws for forty years, save
one, havo been of republican origin.
That ono was passed by n congress
controlled by tho democrnts, and was
denounced by the then democratic
president as n miserable makeshift nnd
a disgraceful surrender of party in
tegrity. Mr. Urynn was a member of
tho committee that drafted the Wilson
hill, and as such came in for a full
share of the condemnation visited by
Grovcr Clovoland on the committee and
tho congress nliko for failure to enact
a democratic tariff billl. The dlsastor
that overwhelmed the country as n re
sult of tho Wilson hill is too fresh in
tho minds of business men, manu
facturers and worklngmon nliko to
make it at all likely that Hr. Uryan
will again be entrusted with tho work
of rovising the tnrifT.
On tho railroad question, tho recent
legislation of tho republican party is
endorsed most enthusiastically. Tho
Fairview-Donvor platform gives full
tonguo to tho thcorioB of the radicals
who havo abandoned their domand for
government ownership in favor of some
thing thoy said was impracticable. In
this, nlso, tho accomplishment of the
republican party Is mudo the excuse
for a platitudinous plea in avoidance by
Free silver and fiat curroncy mako
way for government guaranty for bank
deposits. The prccodont for this must
bo booked for in tho Ocala platform,
now forgotten, which had for its cen
terpiece tho subtroasury that was to
issue notos against deposits of farm
produce. In lieu of tho government
guurantoo bank, tho postal savings
bank is commended. But the republi
can idea of n postal savings bank is
speedily condemned.
On the incomo tax President Roose
velt is ondorsed," and. as Mr. Tni't is
especially condemned for rcnroHnntlni-
tho Koosovelt policy it may bo said that
the platform endorses Tuft in this par
ticular. Tho nnti-inlunction nlnnk is
composed of many words, and vaguely
rotors too inquirer to tno rojocted
plank of 1890. Tho republican nnlinv
of building up an ndequato navv is also
endorsed, as well as the republican pol
icy oi conserving mo natural resources
f the countrv. Hut. with tin.
blindnoBK of its devotion to state sover
eignty, tho democratic' party pronoun-
cos in favor of stato control of public
domain and forest reserves. In fact,
stato sovereignty is still tho demo
cratic shibboleth and is made tho parn-
mount feature of its
overy platform
On nearly every vital issue the nlnt-
form ondorses tho policy or achieve
ment of tho republican party. On im
material points it recurs to past ex
pressions ami reaffirms its opposition
to what has boon onueted into law or
achieved under executive admliiistrn.
tion. Briefly, tho democratic party
pursues its tradition and enmns todm
on ground that has been covered by
tno repumiennw. wh o nmsonMn.r w.i
disorganized opposition to every posl
nvo roiorm proposed by tho rcorgan
Izcd party of progress.
Puckarue Island. 1
Anothor shower full Mm tulllV til Ifnntt
things growing.
The majority of fannors through
his vicinity havo laid thoir corn by
for this your.
Miss Lila Sliancr and Moo Sholra re
turned from their visit ut Kimball,
Nob., Inst week.
Miss Vera Morant iletmrtiul fnc imv
homont Mitchell, Neb., Monday ovon-
Oscar Johnson and wife. Kmll
son nnd Carl Carlson visited ovor Sun
day In Hershoy with Mrs. Frank
Mllo Docker is homo again with his
Charlov Johnson Is cnntmiiiilnttni-
building a now framo houso us soon as
no can got tno carpenters to stnrt
CluiH. Trembly ia harvesting his hay
crop this week.
Mrs. Wilbur Towers, of tho Island, is
sponding this woolc nt Kearney visitinr
Mrs. Alvin Feather roturned homo
1' runty trout Koarnoy where she had
ueen visiting,
urvni uomi was seen going to town
Saturday witu a smllo on his fnco bo
causo his wife came up front Cozad
Hint ovenlng nfter a two weeks' visit,
Charles Drnko had tho misfortune to
'nn liRTn trlivl Ml IiIiiJb at lillla.
Inn ntul I.Unr C'.iinlilAlllt h.N
Biul un how uiu h fi t"r III mi
Mtlnn U uMor nil- J liT Unit
rul lii ltir tliA mlniita v u (Hit a t'l
n you, ninlio vim tr-'n.' r ami I
to tUo autlro dleuntlvo uynloni. Ono
lb, A. H. Lcvls Medicine Co.,
got his pony cut in tho wiro quito se
verely whiio hunting cattlo after dark
Tuosday night.
Quite a fow now potatoes nre com
ing in market at prosont but sorry to
say thoy aro very small for this tim'!
of the season on account of so much
cold weather.
Quite a number from hero attended
tho danco at Han-man's up Snell can
yon Saturday night. All report a gay
Homeopathic Physician
and Surgeon.
Ofilcei McDonuld Bank HuiHinp-.
Phono 183.
A. J. Aim. M. I). Mario Atm 1. I).
Physicians and Surgeons.
Office: Ovor Stono Drug Co.
PhonoB: Office 273, Residence 273
u Physician nnd Surgeon.
Office: Over McDonald Bank.
I'hnnP I Office 180
I hones KoHWenco m
Osteopathic Physician,
Rooms 7 and 8, McDonald
Statu Bank Building,
Phono 118.
Ofiico over fjchntz Clothing
Store. Phono '18
Office: Cor. Front & Dowey Sts.
We Cctti furnish you with
chopped feed and shelled corn
at the lowest market prices.
Will deliver in town free in
500 pound lots.
The Star Barn.
The iowa
Low Down
Modo In llio Largest Separator
factory In tho World.
We will
save you Dollars
Lamb's Cash Grocery,
Wood Turning and
Furniture Repairs,
Cabinet Work, Screen
Frames, Saw Filing and
Setting. All kinds of Job
Work done on short
notice at prices to suit.
Terms Cash.
P. M. Sorenson.
Shop North of 1'. O.
r&tra anil cAtlmrfcli-a fn- nnii
uttl th REAL Cur. HSiUm Mil nn1.l.
, 8 n I ili,l rvn u in r,-.nlt.
i f" ! k u I n- they iuVr
i '1 ,irv liruro -.. u mi nut
utl. r, auno tli y nro msilu to ri'cu.
Uuta will couyIiko y-ju. ai saa ui.
St. Louis, Mo.
m n B 1 Is
1 q the Public
A full lino of Cnskctfl, Robes, etc.
Calls answered promptly.
Day Phono 12G, Night Phono 27.
Cement Contractor
Special attention given to
Cement Sidewalks.
Wo guarantee perfect satisfaction In
tho walks wc construct. Phone 48-1.
The School
For You
Our catalog- will tell you why.
It is yours for the asking.
Write for it todav.
Lexington, Neb.
Statement of the Condition
of North IM.ittc, Nebraska, on the 30tu
tlay of June,
First mortgage loans 2.vj am no
Stock liiatiH n mo 00
Cash -. 1 172 23
Delinquent Interest, premiums and
lines t tno 00
Kxpcnscs and taxes paid 811 77
Total law 753 00
Capital Mock paid up $212 ttUl 70
unnerve 1 unci .1 Iltu DO
Undivided profits n ItfB S7
Premiums unearned 1 wo 57
Advance payments 3 457 30
.0 758 00
ll.ilancc on hand July 1, 1807 2S3 3
"ut Ml Us3 7S
iibcivni, invuiiuiun, icca unit uiiun.. w o.iu im
.fi.ltiu ri.imlil . .... of Tu,
" " .",'.. ...... .... ............ , ,.-, bt.
II, ml I'.vtntfi stnlitu iu m
Heilts ', 00 00
Total (U0 318 03
Loans (B 100 00
Kxnenses mil
Stock redeemed 35 WO (is
Cash on hand 1 172 ia
Total un aia cm
Binio or .M'lirasKn. Lincoln county, ss.
1, punuim uooico, secruiftry ot tlio Movu
nntiicd Association, do solemnly swear that
till fori'lTOlnir Mlllllnilllt. Ilf tlm nniwlltlnn it
snld Association Is truo and correct to the
tx-st of my knowlediro und liclluf.
... MAMUKi,ii(o.EK, Pccmtnry.
8ills(:rllHd nnd sworn In Ixiforn m. iliiu 1 :ti.
day of July. iws.
John J. HAt.MdAN. Notary rlubllc.
Victoii VoNdor.TZ. I
T. C. I'ntU'rson, Directors.
To (ivory iurou Id actual uossesslon 01 01-
Ctlimticv of tlm nrenilniN lxtlnilnKirtli.ri nml
i) .iiicimui Jiei.aiienun in wnoso noniu tho
iiuu in nuiu iiri'imntvi aiinimrs ot record in
tll OlltCO Of t III) IIcirlsIlT itf D.'i (1u in t in.
coin county, Nuhraskn, nnd to overy person
clfilinlnit any Interest In tho said premises
wu nun i-ui ii ui juu nrv iiureoy noillleil
lliiil. uti tlm 7tli fltn.fir VmnmLi. tnrn LI
(llllnii purchased ot public Kalis (Certificate
No. SHilMat tint county treasurer's olllco of
said comity, the following descrllHsd mnl
inn, , lu-wui ah or lots u vo(. anil six (U) of
bloolc elchtyllvi) (Ki) of tho orllnal city of
North l'latto. Nebraska, for the dellnnuent
tiiM'sduu ttiereun for tint v.inra iflui. ilr nml
1W for the sum of $10.50. and on tho Urst day
of May, HUH, H. . Olllan paid tho substwiuent
ui.Mvi 11 wsshi ukuiiisi. sniu premisns lor tlio
year 1WI for tin Mini ot Hi. and on tho 1st
uuy in .iay. iivi. n. v. uiiiiin, pam tho sun
Keiiuent taxes nssi .sed aealnst said premises
for theyonr IIHjA fur thn sum of Jsi.U and on
thi 1st day oflMny. IW, H Y Olllan paid tho
suWiiont.tnxesassosscdlnirnlnst said prrm
NcsSfor tho year 1WW, for tho sum of SIM und
on t hoTtb dnv of Mav. IIIOH. K ll.iiiwulm.n
nsslKiujo puld tho suliseiiuent taxes assessed
niialusl said premises for tho year 1107 for tho
sum 01 $! that said property was assessed
in tho natno of SI. Mcl.autrhlln. That tho
nuiu iur ri'iiemiHiou win expire on tho sixth
(In r '.,.... 1 likvi .1 1 m . . . .
iuj tn out i-m 1 n; r, aim 11 mo said
premises nro not redremed on tho sixth day
or .xivenitM-r. ww, from said tax salo tho
iiiiuiirMKnt:u win ninny 10 tno county treas
urer for a deed to tho snld premises.
Hated this 10th dayof July. UK).
h U. (Iooiiman, Asslirneoof 8. Y. Olllan.
111" Wm. E. Hliuman, Attorney.
u iiiuu iiiTMJii in nciuni lxissession or
occupancy of tho premises below doscrltxHl
and to Joseph II. Murray In whoso nnmo tho
tit oof said premises appears of record In tho
olllco of tho Kcglsu-r of Deeds In Lincoln
-iimiij, .ininiKB, aiin to every person CI aim
Inir nny Interest In said premises.
i oil nml ench nf vim nwi Imml,,. ,w.tinwi
'!"t on tlio llfth day of November, not.
Wm. K. Hhumnii. nnii'linsi il ni mil, IN. uni,.
(certllicnto No. 3141) nt tlio County Treas-
miHi.iu ...11m.. ... l.l . . J .
i ? , 1 ouuiy, ino louowiur
ui'MTiiH'if n ni isinie. lo-wili Tlio westbnlt
i ine nest nan i orsectlon o hiht IM
or lownshln Ifteen 151. north nf nnm
iu j-ni'vi i west nin r. hi., rortho
or the delinquent tnxes duo thereon for
tho year M'ti for tho sum of $.1.24 and on
ieiii)-iourin nay or .nine, 1TO7, Wm.
r.. riiiiiiiuii ruiiii i no sunsi'ipieiit taxes at
,;JS. B!1!"' Sl" premises ror tho yoar
.'J"'."" ,of - - 0,1 1'10 '-"'Hi day of
June, It, Wm E. Shuman paid thosulHe-
uueni taxes assessed oirulnst said premises
for tho year 1W7 for tho sum of J.f.0; that
said Property was assessed In thu namo of
Joseph. II. Mutray. That tho tlmo for
riMiciiiption evplred on tho Mxth day of
November. W, and If tho said promises aro
not redeemed on tho sixth day of No
vember. HOS. fnnil until tnv snl.. .1... .,.,,!..
Hleiicd win apply to tho County Treasurer
iui u iii-iii in hid kjhi premises
Dated this 10h day of .Iiily.lWH.
Wm. E. Snr.MA.v.
Hepartmeut of the Interior.
I S, Land Olllco at North Platte. Nob
vt .. . . . "" -. Il-
Alltlci l linrnln i pun IIia, enn... tl m...
Ple.of North Platte. Neb., who on Aiiuiikt 1
l.'11!. lllllllll I Mil l.4.. v.. ,i.i
It . i i,,,(j I1VI III
puiuii nan himineasi iiunrier anil south h
:, ,... .v. ti. nwuill I
southwest tiunrior of section 2s. township
luuKu hi, u.. tun it nc nni .Meridian
.11 . 1 ."ii't .'II I IIIIUI1, II
tllt'il iii .i ,.r i..t,i.ti i.... ... ...Kt... .i I .i
" ... ..,v.i..Mi ,w itiunii iiiiui uvil
venr urtuif in .ktni.iiwi. .,11... ... i... i t
, ... vmii it. i, uiu mini
aisno tli'scrllietl, iM'foro the Heglster and
Itecelyernt North Platto. Nob., on tho fith
u iv in ixiiirusi, nun.
i iniinniii names as witnesses:
flirt!l III,, finl I... I..I... .. .1. -
innjin, Hugh Sonirer, all of North Platto,
' ft " J - E. Evanh. Register-
I olfer nt nrivnto sale on tho Bird
wood ranch, five tullos west of Nortli
ruitto, tlio followlnir:
Twenty cood milch cows.
Fifteen snrintr cnlvns.
FiftV hllllil of lirnnil cniva nml oltnttlo
Ono thorouftlilirod Poland China Boar",
who jjuvih 1,-iou capneuy; uream sop
i armor.
Terms Caah or lmnkahlo notos.
John h. Stinglf.v
William J. I'errdll. defendant, will take
notice that on tho 16th day of June, 1U0H,
Isaac Dillon. plalntlfT herein, filed his peti
tion In tho district court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, atralnst said dofendant, the object
and prayer of which are to obtain a decree
that said defendant. William J. 1'crrell. on or
aliout September, KW5, sold, conveyed and
transferred by a pood and suftlciont dtiod of
conveyance to Keith ft llarton, a firm corr-
lKineii or Morrcll V. Keith and Guy C. llarton,
tho following described urniwrtv. m-wlt!
Tho west half of tho southwest ininrtor of
section 10. In township 14, rancuill, In Lincoln
county, Nebraska. And that said Isaac Dil
lon Is tho owner In fco of said land by reason
of conveyance from said Keith & llarton and
their irrantees. And for a decreo that said
Isaac Dillon has bold adverse, exclusive, no
torious and hostile possession of said premises
airalnst all tho world and particularly against
tho defendant, William J. Kcrrell. The plain
tiff Drays for a decree that said title mn v tie
quieted In him, and that said defendant Ikj
adjudifcd and decreed to have no rlaht, title,
lieu or Interest In and to said land.
You nre reoulred to answer snlil untlllnn on
or iK'foro tho 27th day of July, lima.
1BtCU JUIlO iqiii, nw,
IsAAO niLIJID. PlnlntllT.
4w lly Wilcox & Halllean. Ills Attorneys.
Notice Is hernbv clvnn tlmt nn Tnoad v. lm
1st day of 8eptombcr, ltux, at the votlnir
places In tho various precincts of Lincoln
County. Nebraska, thoro will bo held a pri
mary election for tlm linrixwn nt nnmlnillnir
candidates for tho following ofllccs. to be
vijtod for at tho Rcneral November election.
r.iirui rrcsuicntlal Electors.
One Oovemor.
Ono Lieutenant Governor.
Ono Hecretary of Htato.
Ono Auditor of I'ubllc Accounts.
Ono Stato Treasurer.
Ono Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Ono Attorney General.
Ono Commissioner of Public. T.nnilu nml
ono Hallway Commissioner.
One Congressman for tint Mirth r'um-rni.
slonal District.
Ono Stato Senator for' tho Thirtieth Sena
torial District.
ono State Heprescntatlvu for tho Fifty
mirth Representative District.
Ono County Attornuy.
Ono (.'ountv Cnmmlimtnnnr fnrPinimUulntinr
District No. 8.
Justice of tho Peaco to fill vacancy.
Constables to till vacancy,
Ono Overseer of Illirliwnra fur nncli Ifmil
Also, foror airalnsta proiiosed amendment
to section nine. 10). article elirlit. IS), nf llu.noii-
stltutlon of the Statu of Nebraska with refor
enco to tho Investment of tho permanont
school fund.
Also for or airalnst a proiiosed nmendmout
to sections two. (2). four (4). five. (5). six (0) and
thirteen (13). of nrtlclo six (8), of tho constitu
tion of tho Stnto ot Nebraska with roferenco
ro an uicrcaso m ine numnor or tho Judges of
tho Suorcmo Court, iirovldlnir for their m-
lKilntments. terms, residence and compensa
tion of tho Judges of tho Supremo and District
Which election will lio open at 12 o'clock
in. and contlnuo onon until 1) o'clock n. m..
of tho same day.
uateo .-Mortn I'latto. Nobr.. this 30th day of
juno. ji-jo. i-. u. r.i.r.iorr. uounty Ulork
Tho Stato of Nebraska I
Lincoln County I
In tho County Court. Juno 211 th. 1P08.
Ill tho matter of tlm entntii nf Tjip
Hcltman, deceased.
on reauini- and flung tho petition of Carl
Holtman. nravlng that tho admlnUtrntlnn nf
said estate may bo granted to Albert Durbln
as Administrator.
ordered, that July 25th, 1008, at 10 o'clock
a. m., Is assigned for hearing said petition,
when all persons interested In said matter
may atinear at a countv ennrt in lm lu.wi in
anil for said county, and show causo wliv tlm
grayer oi (letuiouer snouid not Do granted.
wiititu lu in; iiiiuiiniiuu in mo iiiirni
Platto Tribune & snmUwonklv muntimm,
printed In said county for six consecutlvo
issues prior to .nny ami, iron.
.., , w. C. Er.DEii,
JW-3t County Judgo
Tho Stato of Nebraska, I Ba
Lincoln county, ( "
In tho County Court.
In tho matter of the ostato of Susan Pick
ett, deceased.
The State of Nebraska to tho heirs, lnrn-
ie cs aim next or Kin or ine saiu susan PIckotU
Tako notice, that timm flllnirnf a trim writ
ten Instrument puriHirtlng to bo tho last will
and testament of Susan Pickett fur nrnlintii
and allowanco. It Is ordered that said matter
ihi set ror neanng tno ;ii uay or July, A. 1.
1WW, lieforo said County Court, at the hour
of it o'clock a. m., at which tlmo any person
Interested may aimear and conti'st tlm km..
and notice of this proceeding Is ordered pub-
iimieii inreo weens successively in llio North
riatio Trinunc. a semi-weekly uuwspaper
published In this state.
in testimony wtiereor. 1 havo hereunto m.i
my hand nnd tho seal of tho CoUnty Court at
.loriti riaito tins (lav or .linn. a. ii iiw
Je-3-3 W. C. Et.omt. County Judge.
Ill tho Countv Court of Lincoln cniinlv. Vn
braska. July 7th 1IKW. .
in tno matter or tho estato of Mary
Patterson, deceased.
Notice Is hereby slven. that the rrndtinra nf
said deceased will meet tho Executor of
said estato, boforo the County Judge of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, at tho county court
room in saia eouni.v, on tno ;ki day or August
MUI and on thu 4lh llliv nf .Innnnrv UK HI nt
11 o'clock a. ill. each day. for the mirnoso of
uroic uuiig ineir claims ror examination, ad
Justmeut and allowance. Six months aro al
lowed for creditors to present their claims
and ono year for the Executor to settlo
said estato from tho 20th day of June. UHW.
This notice to bo published In the North Platto
Tribune, a soml-weokly newspaper for four
weeks successively prior to tho 3d day of
August iw-
Wltnossmy hand, and seal of said court,
tins nn uayoi .iuiy ivus.
J-7-4 W. O Emikii. County Judge,
Serial No. 025. n. E
Notlco for Publication.
Department of tho Interior.
Land Olllco at North Platto. Nob.
.Inlv Hid. inns
Notlco Is hereby given that Isaac Moiling,
oi iiuriii riauc, ienrasKa, who on .Inly
18th. HW5, mado homestead entry No. iiiaif.
for thu north half and southeast onnrtur
Section 28. Township 17 north. Uango 31 west
Sixth Principal Meridian, has tiled notlco of
intention to mnuo llnal liomcstoad proof
to establish claim to tho land nlmve
described, before tho Register nnd Re
ceiver at in or to riattc, nob., on tho 2t)th
dayof August. WS,
Claimant names as witnesses: David Cal
lander, uenry wewiMrry, or North Platto,
Nobrasko, Oeorge II. Daley, Irvlno Toinple,
oi i ryon. aourasxa
JlO-rt J. E. EVANP. Register,
Notice of Application for License.
In tho matter of the application of
Leo Lewis tor liceneo to sell malt, spir
ituous nnd vinous liquors in tho villaeo
oi waiiacc, vounty oi Lincoln and
State of Nebraska:
Notice is hereby Riven that said Leo
Lewis did on tho 29th day of June,
A. D. 1908. llio his application nnd no-
tition to tno Lnairman nnu viuapo
uoaru ot Trustees ot wallnce. Lincoln
county, Nebrnskn, us required by law,
to sou muic, spirtuous and vinous liq
uors in tho buildinrr located on lot num
bored sixteen (16) in block numbered
ninteen (19) in tho said Village of
Wallnce, Lincoln County, Nebraska,
tor ine ensuing municipal year from
July 21, 1908 to April 9, 1909.
it tnoro protest or remon-
stranco filed within two weeks from
the 7th day of July 1908, tmid license
will be granted.
Lee Lewis, Applicant
Estray Notice.
Taken up by tho undersigned on his
form five miles southwest of North
natte, on or about Juno 20th, 1908,
graue jersey neuer, nuout two years
old, eithor muley or dehorned, branded
eithor OT or OH on right hip. Owner
win can, prove property, pay chnrgesJ
nnu tnKc animal away.
jU-5 P. W. Oleson.
Articles of Co-Partnership.
rri.i. ,..n,ni,tii iininrMl into this 32d day
of June. IW. by and between Edgar Schiller
olid Nicholas Jici ano. wunesseun
That said parties havo formed aco-partner-sldp
for the purpose of carrying on a retail
drug, notion, toilet article, surgical supply
and soda fountain binlnes at number tl
north Dewey street. In the City of North
Platte. Lincoln county, fioora-ua, uim uiu
following terms and conditions:
First. Tho name and style of said co-part
nership shall bo Si hillor k Company." and
shall continue for live years from this date,
unless sooner terminated by tho death of
clthcrofsald partlesorbyexptratlonofSyfiaM
from this date by one party serving a written
notlcotipon tlie other party, that ho desires
said co-partnership dissolved and In said
written notice or oissonuion no snmi niu
tlm nmmtnt nf mnni'V In cftth which ho Is Wil
ling to pay for tho oihi-half Interest of tho
other, and In said notice shall also stato that
lm Is willing to receive tno same amount itir
1tl nnilmlf liilnrosl 111 tho business of said
co-partnerships and If the partner upon whom
notlco is served as aroresaiu is not wining to
either glvo or tako the amount mentioned In
said notice, appraisers shall bo chosen, ono
tinmen ny ono or tno partners aim mo ouior
in-tlm nt Iiit imrtnnr mid tho two atinralsors
so chosen shall render an appraisement In
wrlllngof all tho property In said co-partnership
and the amount so ascertained shall bo
the amount which tho partner upon wnom
notti'e wns served shall irlvo for tho Interest
of Ills co-partnership or tako for his own In
terest in tno property,
Srcotid. That Haiti Eriirnr Schiller shall
contribute to tho capital stock of said llrm.
the sum of s-.imj.uu, iK'ing an iimiiviucu ono
halt Interest In thu stock of drugs, notions,
toilet articles, surgical supplies, soda foun
tain and II x ui res generally now located t
number 003 north Dewey street In said city
and said Nicholas McCalio shall contribute
to tho canltal stock of said (Inn tho sum of
Si'iWSX). being an undivided one-half Interest
In tho stock of drugs, notions, toilet articles,
surgical supplies, soda fountain and llxtures
generally now located at numlier COS north
liewey street in said city, anil tho said part
ners shall bo tho owners ot tho stock In that
tiroiMirtlon and any further Increase of thu
capital stock shall bo contributed by said
partners in tho same ratio.
Third. Tho said Edgar Schiller shall bo tho
general partner In said co-partnership ot
Schiller Comimuy and shall bavo solo
charge of tho business and shall recclvo as
sole manager of tho business of said co-partnership,
tho sum of STd.uo per month, to bo
drawn monthly, tho said sum of fJ'i.OO par
month to do charged as an item or oxpenso
against said co-partnership; and sahl
Nicholas .MeCabo shall 1x3 a special partner
with power to examine Into tho condition and
progress of tho partnership business from
tlmo to tlmo and may advise as to Its man
agement, hut ho shall not transact any busi
ness on account of said co-partnership or bo
employed for that liurnoso as agent, attorney
or otherwise.
Fourth. Said partnership shall not In any
manner become liable upon any promissory
nolo or other obligation for tho accommoda
tion or any person whatsoever, nor shall said
partnership lend any of tho co-partnership
funds for any purpose whatsoever.
Fifth. Tho said Edgar Schiller shall keep a
regular setof liooks, which shall show all tho
receipts and disbursements dally, and tho
conditions of tho accounts with all persons
whomsoever with which tho co-partnership
docs business, except that cash Itotns need
not appear otherwise than In tho cash ac
count, and tho said Kdgar Schiller shall
render to thu said Nicholas McCabe on tlm
first day of each month a statement showing
all receipts, disbursements and liabilities ot
tho co-partnership.
Sixth. Each tiartner shall bo entitled to
one-half of all piollts by said partnership.
aim an inventory snail no tauen annually be
tween tho 1st and 10th days of January,
tho first ono to bo taken between tho
1st and 10th day ot January. WW);
and after such Inventory Is taken, each
partner shall bo entitled to draw out
ot tho funds of said llrm then on hand,
one-half of any excess ovor and above tho
sum of $3,500,00 and tho liabilities then exist
ing against said co-partnorshlp: and on tho
1st day of July. 1DO0. said nartners mar ouch
draw outot said llrm. ono-half of the funds
men on nanus or said co-partnershlpovcr
and above tho amount of tho original capi
tal stock and liabilities of said firm, and
thereafter draw any excess If any such thero
Is, after tbu annual Inventory Is taken each
year, and on tho 1st day of July of each year.
Sovcnth. Tho said Edgar Schiller shall
devoto his entire tlmo and attention to tho
business ot said co-partnership and shall not
enter Into tho transaction of any other busi
ness. Eighth: Any violation of tho terms of
theso articles of co-partnership shall liosiini
clent causo for tho dlskolutlon of tl jiart
uershlp In any maunor hurelnboforiJ pro
vided or through a court ntcomrotoot Juris
diction. In Witness Whereof. Tho said parties havo
sot their hands this -Jnd day of June. IPOS.
EIK1A It SOI 1 1 I.I.Kit.
In tho presence of A. P. Kixi.y.
, Ilralndrd II. Willis and I.avlnla II. Willis,
Will tako notice that on tho LTth day of June.
1WM Max Einstein. plalutllT herein Hied his
petition In tho District Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which
aro to quiet plaintiff's tltlo to tho north half
of tho northeast ' and tho north half of tho
northwest H of section 'M, township hi north,
of rangoffl. west of thoOtli P. M. lu Lincoln
County, Nebraska: and that a pretended tax
deed from tho County Treasurer of Lincoln
County to onnS. P. Itjorkluuil. which deed Is
recorded In Vol. A 'i at pago 31 of the Deed
Itecordsof Lincoln County. Nebraska, bo de
clared null and void, and that a pretended
deed from S. P. Iljorklund and wlfo to Hraln
ard II. Willis, as II. II. Willis, which Is ro
corded In Vol. A 1, at pages MIS and fMl, of
tho Records of Lincoln County, bo declared
null and void. And that thu court determine
thu amount duo tho defendants or any other
persons for taxes paid mum tho pretended
tax salo, upon which said protended tax deed
Is lmed; and fursubseiiuont taxes paid and
Interest; and for general, equitable relief.
ou aro required to answur said Petition
on or iHifnro tho 10th day of August, 1HH
Dated Juno 30. nw.
J30-1 Max Ejnhtuin. Plalntlit,
Joseph II. McConnull. Cora E. Osgood,
Charles Osgood and Lewis Clark, defendants.
Impleaded with Sarah E. Illuman Curtis E.
lllnmau. Minor lllnmau, Florence lltnman,
Peter Iliirke. Elizabeth llratt and Jacob
Hupp, defendants:
Will tako notlco thatoti tho sith day of
Juno. 1WW, Samuel Goozee. plaintiff herein.
Hied his petition In thu District Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, against, said defen
dants, the object and prayer of which ore to
obtain an accounting of taxes paid by tho
plalntllT. with Interest, costs and attorney's
fees, on lots 7 and 8. of block 70, of the Original
town of North Platte. Nebraska, for which said
toM's u treasurer' deed has been Issued by
C. 1' Scharmann. County Treasuror of Lin
coln County. Nebraska, on tho nth day of
Septi'tnlier. iwn. and delivered to tho plalntllT,
And there im,..,v due for taxes paid, adver
tisement, interest, and costs, the sum of
JWH. Plalntill further prays that lm may havo
Hen for taxes so paid on said real estate, and
that said lieu ho foreclosed, and that tho de
fendants lm barred of all equity and right of
redemption In und to said real estate, and
that said premises lie sold and tho proceeds
theri or applied to the payment of plaintllT's
lien; and for general equltablo rolluf .
Vou aro required to answer said petltlonon
June ! aith IW V 0t A,"'M",, iWX "im"'
,,; Sajipfi. Hiiozkb. Plalntlir,
riilX II u'ufuJi- ' Attys.
.lohnStoeckor. I). W. Stapleton, whom first,
real and truo namo Is unknown and Mrs. I)
. Stapleton whoso llrst. real and truo namo
Is unknown, defendants.
) III tal.o notice that tin tho 1st day of July
llw. thu plalntllT. The (ilr.ird Trust C m
i'JV.'.V ru?uT', !lk'(1, "i4. Ix'tHlon In the Ills
rlct Court of Lincoln County. Nebraska, for
tho piirisiso of foreclosing a certain real cs-
s ate mortgage glvuii by J, stoeckf r to th..
Mc vlnloy-l.aiin ng Uian & Trust Company
and by the McKIn ey-Laniilng IxianV Trust
Company duly assigned to tho plalntlir hero
in, which mortgage Is given to securo a noto
or liond lu the sum of ifdUO.ou atiil Juno 1st
-Mi. due and payable , .1 years after a o ami
per cent Interest after due and up,,,, whl
there Is now due the bum of UH.i.(J0 with ti n
percent Interest from July 1st Was The
mortgago given to secure the same, convoyed
astucliMVurityto the said McK iiley-Laii-nlug
lo an Jt Trust Company, the S. E "f
section :. Towns dp, North. ItaiiL'n si vvw
PlalntllT prays for dtvtvo t h t s" hi sum so
found due I paid according to law ai l tlmt
said premises Is. sold to satisfy t h" an o nt
as found due- Tlm . I,. f ... i .... ... """i"".r
r A, MruiooN.