The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 17, 1908, Image 4

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    Discount Sale.
On account of the owner remodeling the build
ing which we occupy, we must reduce our stock to
save trouble of removing it and also to make room
for our plumbing stock, therefore we offer the
following discounts:
PGt GFl discount on Dining Chairs,
Rock ers, and Dining
Room Tables.
IO PCt1 CGflt! discount on all Case Goods
except Globe - Wernicke
Book Cases.
IO Per Gent
discount on
of Hammocks.
our entire line
US Per Gent
on all of our
Watch our south window each day for
display of goods on which discounts
are made.
f Ginn & White. I
Graduate Dcnllsf
OHlco over tho McDonald
Stnto Dank,
The wheat hnrvost is now In prog-
claimed, will avorago fifty bushels per
aero. v
'Tho I. K. & V. clothes for comfort,
stylo nnd quality at Tho Hub.
Furthor cvldonco of prosperity at
Sutherland ia thu nnnouncemont that
tin) rroabyierian pcoplo will erect a
manse for their ministor.
John Stawart nnd family, six in num
ber, paused through yoaturday enrouto
from Chicago to Goring. Mr. Stowart
la un old friend of P. A. White, tho
inttor making hia recent European trip
wiin mm.
nt tho Armstrong
Wnntcd-A girl
Tho tolophono company ia stringing 11
now cablo from tho central olllco to tho
McCabo residence on went Fifth strcot.
a distance of eleven blocks. Tho cablo
comploto weighB between 0.000 and
10,000 pounds.
Just to show tho kind of an ntrricul
turaliat ha ia, Conductor Gua Andorson
brought down from his farm in Ilinmnn
product yesterday sample utnlku of
corn measuring fully six feet tall. Guh
has thirty acres of this kind of corn.
biinea ropaireu witn ncatnosa ami
dltipatcll. TUKULVB AND THE BOV.
Doputy Shoriir Lowell returnod last
night from Donvor accompanied by
Claudo Stovall, who is charged with a
breach of truat in obtnining forty dol
lnrrt on a check signed by his uncln V.
iv. ucnuciiamp.
For Sale.
l'uro bred Shorthorn Bulla. Eligible
to registry. Prices right. Inquire of
duress. lii.ANKBNiiuiiQ uuos.
North Platto, Neb.
or ml
Proposals for Sites Opened.
Proposala for a site for tho now North
Platto federal building wero opened nt
Washington yesterday. Tho list an
given by a dispatch in today's Beo io oh
Chas. McDonald, northeast corner
Fifth and Locust, $10,000: Joseph Her
shcy, northwest corner fifth and Lo
cust, $10,000; Mrs. Anna Seyferth,
northeast corner Fourth nnd Pino,
$8,000; John F. Clabaugh, southeast
corner Sixth and Willow, $0,000; K. tt.
Favorite, southeast corner Fifth and
Locust, $12,000: F. H. Longley, north
west corner Fifth and Vine, $8,500; A.
M. Lock, northeast corner Locust nnd
Fourth, $11,000; Mrs. William Wood
hurst, southwest corner Fifth and Lo
cust, $10,000.
Tho award will probably not bo
made for aomo time.
Frank Welnirand returned this morn-
from a visit to Omaha and York.
II. E. Votaw. now with tho Mnv-
wood Milling Co., spent yestcrdav in
town. 1
A ten noundirirl arrived lust nltrht nt
homo ot Mr. and MrB. Jeoson. near
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Samuels rn-
turned Inst night from a visit with
friends in Omahu.
Mrs. John McCabo. who lmd tmnn
visiting ut the W. T. Beery residence,
returned to Choycnno yesterday,
Wo mako button nviif. (Inh ir
rim. All sizes.
Wll.CQX DErAUT&lKNT Stoiik.
Frunk Piclstickornnd C. H. Wnltnra
of Wnllaco, transacted business in town
today, lney made tho trip in an auto-mobilo,
1110 w. K. u. will havo for salo at
1110 nowo store tomorrow lota of good
"lings to eat. Your patronage is
TRUE watch fine
ness is a matter of
workmanship and ma
terial not of price, or of jewels,
or of a gold case.
The fineness of the Howard
watch is the fineness of intelligent
design, of workmanship with a
conscience behind it, of exquisite
Every HOWARD is adjusted in
its (ate, to heat, cold, vibration,
change of position.
The price it fixtd by the printed ticket
t tiie uctory $35.00 iu 1150.00-
ud il BVf cut.
"When you luy 1 IIowaid you gtt iome
tlllnr." We are diitributori (or thli dtitlnctlve
Clinton, The Jeweler.
Airs. N. is. Workman will leavo tho
una or next wcoK for SwiU City, Ind.,
wiiero sno win visit relatives and
Hunter's English Morello chorrlca
are in senson now. Lenvo your order
witn us.
Wii.cox Dki'artmknt Stoiik.
T.',10 frt-'sbyterian Chriatian EndeavoiO
win noui n iuwii socini tonight at tlio resi
dence of G. W. McDowhII. Evcryono
fl I m 1 . .
rorouio-ino ti. u. Owens property
n Bouth purt of town. A dcsirnlilo
nomo at a ngnt prlco. Soo
O. E. Eldkii.
Piatt White and Joe Pillion will mnko
a trip to Konrnoy next weok in tlm form.
or'suuto. While there they will attend
11 L .... t.
won t you tninu it a good idea to
have your watch looked after imfm-..
you start on that summer vacation? Wo
can give you quicK and good sorvice.
Dixon, Tho Jowolor.
Xhoro will bo no preaching services
next baouatn at tlio l'resbvterion church
owing to tlio nb8enco of tho pastor. Tho
usual Snbbath school nnd Junior and
Senior Christian Endeavor meotini's
win uu num.
in i, .1 ... .
triuiiuu -muii nntl WHO 10 worK on
rnnch; wife to cook. floo.d wages and
steady employment. Inquire at tlio
Loay raucii.
I. H. Knowlofl now livincr nt Fort
Morgan, Col., Is in town, onroute homo
from a visit to his ranch in Somerset
precinct. Mr. Knowlea, who lived iu
Liiucoiu county xor many years, says
nu never saw 1110 country iook moro
prosperous man tnis senson.
Special sale on Union Hour, in totvol
sacks $1.25 from July 18th to 20th. Tho
nest uour noui in North I'lntte.
Wilcox Dkiwktment Stoiik.
I'ollowing tho gun club Hhoot nt
uothonuurg Monday between tho Goth
enburg and North Platto teams, a ban
quet was held at the Houston hotel.
Attornoy Muldoon, of this city, occupy
ing tho toastmnater's chair. Tho Bcoro
of tho ahoot was.: Got honbunr 530.
worm naita -iDii.
Lost- -On Tuosdav. tho 14th inst.. In
west end 01 1110 city, ono grayish cut-u
way dresa coat. Hnder return to Mc
Donald Stato Bank nnd receive libera1
reward. Chas. McDonald.
Exnress Agout Hensolt has been
notified that two carrlor pigeons havo
been Bhinncd to mm uy J, 1. McUon
ough, of Youngstown, Ohio, and ho is
requested to turn them I0030 between G
and 8 a. m, of tho day following their
nrrlval for thoir return flight to
Youngstown. Tho distance from North
Plaito to Youngstown is about eight
hundred nines .
Peter Jcpson, who had been visiting
his son Lawrenco near Hershoy, re
turned to Elba last night.
Miss Villa Whlttakcr entertained n
party of friends at a lawn social last
evening nt tho homo of her sister, Mrs.
Edgar Schiller.
Messrs Holcomb and Apploford came
up from Maxwell on the local Wcdnes
day the former to visit relatives and
tho latter to purchase furniture for his
new residence at that place.
Special salo on Union flour, in towel
sack, $1.25 from Jujy 18th to 2Gth. The
best flour sold in North Platte.
Wn.cox Dkpautment Stoke.
It Is learned that Roy ShafTcr, wife
and son, formerly of this city, but for
eevernl yearn residing in Denver, will
go on the Majestic Vaudeville circuit
this fnll at a salary of $180 per week.
Tho family will sing, danco nnd do
other stunts. For three years past
Hoy has been n floor walker at Golden
Englo store in Denver.
New line of Boys' Overalls just re
ceived. Regular 60-cent grade on sale
nt.'i'J cents. BuitKK & Co.
Members of the Catholic choir
augmented by othora sufllcient to
mako tho total twenty spent a de
lightful dny Tuesday at the home of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Trovillo, well
known farmers living west of town.
For her guests Mrs. Trovillo and
daughter had prepared a dinner that
strongly appealed to them, iu
fnct it was a feast that one is not often
offered. Following dinner tho afternoon
was devoted to games of different
kinds, the dny aa a whole proving a
most delightful one.
No order too lnrgo or too small for
ub to fill. Prompt delivery.
Tramp, the Ghocer.
No cluo has been obtained to the
thief who Btolo tho diamonds nnd watch
from tho Cressler residence. Tho ringi,
tho property of Mrs. Aich, wero vnlu
ublc, one contained a diamond of 1J
karats, tho other of crescent shnpo set
with ten diamonds. The watch was a
costly ono. In making a note of the
theft, it was stated that these articles
had been loft in plain view. This was
erroneous. Tho rings had been placed
on a tablo behind some silverware, and
wo-o not easily seen. I he watch was
taken from a dresser in n bed room
whiio Mrs. Border was lying nwako on
tho bed.
Special salo on Union flour, in towel
sack. $1.25 from July 18th to 26th. Tho
boat Hour sold In Worth flattc.
Wilcox Department Store.
Congressman Norris delivered his
lecture on ''Practical Plans for
Intornutional Peace" at tho high school
auditorium beforo nn audience that
was much less in number thnn it should
havo been considering tho well known
ability of tho speaker and the nromi-
nenco ot the subject. Juugo noma
Bpoko for lust un hour, nnd thero was
not a dull moment: it was n lecturo
full of information and excellent sug
gestions nnd delivered In a pleasing
manner. Tho speaker s plan for inter
national peace was through tho medium
ot arbitration, nnd that any complica
tion between countries, no matter how
serious, could be sottlcd by that me
thod, thus relloving tho people of pay
ing billiona of dollars annually for tho
support of armies and navies.
Personal Mention.
S. II. Graco, of Omaha, visited with
relatives in town Wednesday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L. Cary wero pass
engers to Omaha Wednesday night. v
Julius Pizcr transacted business and
visited friends in Denver yesterday.
W. V. Hoagland transacted legal
businesa in Omaha the ear'y part of
the week.
Miss Mary Yonda is visiting relatives
in Plnttemouth, leaving for that city
yesterday morning.
Harry Porter returned yesterday
from a trndo hustling expedition to
towns in tho west part of the stato.
W. E. Shuman transacted business
in Omnha tho early part of the week,
returning homo yesterday morning.
Mrs. Fred Fredrickson, who had been
visiting friends iu Lincoln for several
weeks, returned home Tuesday night.
Mrs. M. II. Holcomb camo up from
Maxwell Wednesday evening and left
that night to visit friends in Georgia.
Hershoy Welch spent n day or two
in Sidney this week on business con
nected with the building of tho new
water works.
Mrs. ThoH. Hutrhca left Tuosdav nltrht
for Glenn's Falls. Idaho, nfter visitintr
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bnkcr,
ior several weeks.
Mrs. L. E. Roacho and children.
who had been visiting friends in Lin
coln for a month, returned homo
Wednesday night.
Miss Madden, of flmnhn. who hnr
ncen ino guest ot Mr. and Mrs. l A.
Norton for two veeks, returned homo
Wcdnofiflnv mnrninrr
j n"
Mrs. Chas. Gibson left vnsterdav
for a visit in tho east and later will eo
to Laramie to seo her husband who is
employed in that city.
Miss Emma Dve. trimmer at tho
Hub storo, left Wednesday night for
her homo in Kansas. Sho will return
to North Platto in tho fall.
Mrs. M. II. Doutrlas. Mrs. H. J.
Roth and children and Mrs. Robert
Armstrong and children went to Her
shoy yesterday to visit friends.
Arthur McNnmara returned tho
early part of the week from Denver
and Oakloy, Kan., visiting his daugh
ter Garonne at the latter place.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McKeen woro
members of a party which passed
through Monday night enrouto on a
trip through the Yellowstone Park.
Mrs. Wm. E. Shuman. who accom
panied hor husband to Omaha the early
part of tho week, went from thoro to
Sioux City to visit her brother John
PYml Mnvhoiv nnn nf tiin nrfiofn of
Bailey's barber shop, left tho early
visit with friends in Missouri and
Georgo T. Field returned Wednesday
from Omaha where ho had been trans
acting business for ten days, and look
ing after lumber that had been long
uciayeu on tuo roau.
W. .T- T.nffnn wna unntonpnrl f r f nr
days in jail Wednesday for indecent
exposure of person, tho complaining
witness Demg jonn onankman, the
Sixth street shoemaker.
To the Public.
My adopted son. Fred Fulk, having
loft his home, I will not bo responsible
for his acts or for any debts he may
contrnct. o. J. i'alk,
Hershey, Neb.
It's comfort, looks and
wear combined, that mnke
up the Shoe that satisfies.
Whatever the price may
be that you pay us for a pair
of Shoes, you can feel as
sured of, these qualities to
the very limit the price
We show very complete
lines of Men's Shoes and
Oxfords in the best leathers
and styles.
$2.00 - $5.50
Graham & Co.
High Winds Do Damage.
1 no soutn part ot tho countv wns
visited by heavy rains Snturday and
bunday nights, accompanied by heavy
winds. In some pluces tho rain is said
to havo amounted to live inches. In tho
Dickens section tho wind blew over
Fred Gammill's new frame house, and
moved P. K. Hoffman's frame barn
from ita foundation. A number of
windmills wero blown down.
Tim llPnilfv nf put- rrlnua ilnnnnrla nnnn
lt.1 hrillinnnv Hulf ilunnmla tmnn tUn
flnnlfrn. (lnntll nf Pllttinrra am) fVin niml!)..
of the gla?B. The glass wo sell is tho I.. ....!. I! 1.
ito in design and moderate in price.
Farewell Party.
StlllllMltn nf flirt .Tllninr Mnrmitl ...111
gather at the high bcIiooI nuditorium
this evening for tho purpose of bidding
eacn inner iiireweu. wmio tno students
havo attended the normal for tho edu
cational ndvnntnirnn nffnrixl tlinv Vinim
also had a pleasant time socially, and
mu iriunuHnip lormeti nus ngntened
whatever drudgery thero has been connected
gnthoring this evening will also assume
wio iorm 01 a mark 01 appreciation of
tho faculty, who havo been untiring in
their efforts to havo each student ro
ceivo tho beBt possiblo results from
muir attendance.
118 Men's Suits 118.
Those wo mush plnan nlT nf
in the next two weekB. They are broken
lots, but wo have all sizca from 34 to 41.
Every ono n bargain. They are not
sweat shop stuff but every one rcgulnr
tailored. llfrn nrn n fnw
$15.00 Bluo Sorgo at $12 00
j 101. worm jmz.uu at n nn
A lot worth $10.00 ot 7 50
A lot wortli XM.nn 7 nn
A lot worth $G to $8 at 4 48
Lomo in nnd look over this lot. Wo
can do you Bomo good. The Hun.
Road Expert Here.
Road Export Spoon, who has been
sent out by tho government to cxamino
road conditions in the west nnd mnko
suggestions for modol road building,
nrrived in town Wednesday nio-ht nnd
ycBtcrtlay morning wns taken over the
roau leading south of tho river by O.
H. Thoelecko. Dr. Ames and Keith Ne
ville. This forenoon tho party went
over north. In both sections Mr. Snoon
niado an examination of soil conditions
and recommended to tho above com
mittee tho work necessary to mako
model roads in this section.
A general meeting of citizens will bo
hold at tho Commercial Club rooms
this ovening nnd Mr. Spoon will mako
an address, outlining plans for having
better roads.
For Salo Cheap Ono hard coal stove,
small soft coal stovo, gasoline stove,
singlo iron bed, a walnut bedroom suit,
refrigerator, (lour chest, 1000 Washer.
galvanized iron water tank nntl other
things. Inquire of A. J. Senter, 900
West 5th St.
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital and Surplus - $120,000.00.
E. F. Sceberger, C. F. McGrcw, J. J. Halligan,
F. L. Mooncy, Arthur McNnmara.
Wc desire to state to the people of North Platte and
Lincoln county that we have recently purchased the
formerly owned by Mr. Streitz. To all those who
have been regular patrons of the store wc wish to
extend a solicitation of your continued patronage and
will say that we will endeavor to continue to uphold
the high and creditable standard in which this store
has been conducted.
Do You Ever go up in the Air?
You would think you were in
the clouds if you could smoke
one of the latest brands wc
have received of reasonable
priced cigars. . Come in. and
we will tell you all about it.
Ask the man behind the coun
ter he knows what you want.
The Team Will Be Waiting
for you nt the tirno you stated, when
you order it at this livery stable. You
won't have to worry about the carriage
being on time. It will bo there without
fail. You'll not bo disapointed in tho
character of tho rig cither. That will
be as attractive as any you 11 meet
during your drive. How, when and
where, can wo serve you?
A. M. Lock.
" .!.- --7 "'" "...
A Soon Empty Flour Sack
will bo your experience if you employ
my 4X brand in your baking. Your
family will cat bo much more bread
that it will seem as if you could not
bako enough to satisfy them. All
grocers in town handle it and your
money cheerfully refunded If it is not
Brush Up!
What wo havo not in tho lino of
horso brushes, curry combs, hoof and
harness oils, fly nets nnd horso equip
ments generally, Isn't worth tho hav
ing. Of courso our main business is
tho supplying of harness, but wo have
tho best of everything that ought to go
with it.
A. F. Fink.
5t WHITE & LESKEY, by constructive knowlcdgo nd skill,
High-grado results produce that never fail your want to fill:
j Invariably contracts are completed nccording to specification,
u Thus rendering by perfect unity each detail in right relntion:
Examining their work, you'll 'find it dono with scrupulous care,
u & becttU80of Its enduring nnturo it does not require repnir:
Liko magic they ptjt up the Wood, Stone, Brick or Concrete,
Exorting forces in cement building with which no other can compete:
So tho firm for choice material always on tho alert,
Jjj Keeps employed for each department of the job a truo export:
u! Endeavoring to get for yourself a homo, store, hotel or ilat,
You'll profit by calling on tho builders, WHITE & LESKEY,
of North riatto.