The Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bake, Editor and Publisher bdhsoiuption iiatksi One Year, cash In advance I 1.25 Months, cash In advanco ,.. 61 CM Kntorod at North Platte. Nebraska, Postofflco as second clam matter. TUESDAY. JULY 14. 1908. Traffic on tho railroads of the country is improving, the mills nnd factories nro adding to thoir forcos and the reports from tho principal cities of tho country show n frnnrnl rnsmnntion of build lit? n 1 . nctivity. Tho husinoss of tho country is assuming its oldtime briskness nnd the outlook for tho futuro is bright, including tho election of Tnft. Last Snturday corn in Omaha sold for seventy-four cents, hogs in South Omaha nt $6.41 nnd beef cattle went an high $7.00. With the farmer Rotting such prices for his products, why should he want a chnngc In tho national administration? Docs he want to "swap horses" and possibly have a return of tho prico of 1892, 1803 and 1804? Chairman Clayton tojd tho natlonnl democratic convention at Denver last wcok that "Taft must bo beaten topre vont him from carrying out tho Roobo volt policies." As practically every body wants tho policies of Roosevelt carried out, tho declaration of Clayton can only bo regarded as n compliment to Tnft and n pointor to tho voters of tho country. ,, , . . ; ".' . n Down at Lincoln, tho homo of Brer Bryan, tho spirit of commercialism Is so strong that n republican docs not dnr to express his political convictions far fnnr ho will ho ovorhunrd bv nnd offend soino democratic visitor who will loavo that town without sponding as much money with tho hotols, boozo joints nnd stores as tho Lincoln paoplo think ho should. John W. Khun, of Indiana, wna .1 t 1 11. r it - I unmnrnii riir rnn 1 innvnr nnnunnr irin nii 11 1 3 v..w WW...V... " running mnto for Bryan. Korn hns figured moro or less in Indiana politics, being a candidate for govornor of that ntatn twice nnd defeated both times IIo wan selected as tho vlco-prosidontlnl candldato with tho hopo that ho might win Bryan votes in his state, nnd not becnuo of any particular fitness for tho office. The democratic party was novorcom- plotoly Bryanized until now, say the Kansas City . Star, nnd independent pnpor politically. Tho Fnirvlow "farmer" has boon nominated on his own litems. Tho nnrtv. bo fat ns con vention nroccodlncs nro concerned, ur nni! for nntlitn.r Hint flnnn not rnmn from Lincoln. Neb. At last Mr. Brvan lms demonstrated to tho country what Is meant bv "Imnorlnllsm". " 1 AFTKR tho result of tho 1900 election was known, Mr. Bryan sent to his friend J. F. Morrill, of Knnsns City, this telegram: "Thank you for your telegram of condolonco. Tho dofont wns 11 sovoro ono; you nil did nobly. 1 cannot conscientiously nsk tho party to conaldor mo ngnln for tho presi dency. I led them to defeat four your years ago, and thut ought to bo onough for any ono mnn". And yot Mr. Bryan "worked" tho Denver convention for nnothor nomination, and becomes a cnndldaln who will bo slaughtered as ruthlessly ns boforo. Tun nomination of Mr. Bryan is n pho notnonou that seems almost boyond com mont. Tho cast will havo nothing of him. Tho practical lenders of the party did not want him. His standing an a presidential possibility has not In creased slnco his last dofoat. And his third campaign on his nnw democratic platform seems to foreshadow tho dis integration of a onco great party. An organization that continues to draw its political inspiration from tho old south and its economies from tho eighteenth century lucka sanction of cssontlal facts in doaling with tho problems of today; and the profession of faith announced in tho now platform is tho adoration of a fallen idol. Tho demand of tariff reform, with an eventual tariff for revenue only, is not an alluring possl blllty for a manufacturing nation that pays tho higheut wages in tho world; while tho "anti-injunction" plank is is only moro unctuous, and not half as sincere or attainable as that of tho re publican platform. However, tho dem ocracy has chosen its candldato and its platform, und If they do not seem to fit each other very well tho democracy must do, tho best it can with thorn. What tho nation will do with thorn is another matter. Denver Post. Commissioners' Proceedings. July 9th, 1908. Board mot pursunnt to adjournment, present full bonrd. Tlio board spent tho day oxaminlnir assessors' books and mndo tho following changes: Pockham precinct, cattlo rniscd for ty-flvo por cent. Hrndy precinct, cnttlo raised thirty per cent. Cottonwood precinct, cnttlo raised forty por cont. Gaslln precinct, cnttlo rniscd thirty por cunt. Loj; M, block 115, North Plutte, low. orcd from ?0,000 to $5,000. Hon 10-13-20, reduced from $600 to 300. South half southwest quarter and west half southeast quartor section 28-12-27, lowered from $-1,000 to $3,C00. Eust half of section 23-12-32 raised from $2,2-10 to $3,210, Board takes recess until tomorrow at ten o clock nnd reconvened ns n board of county commissioner, presont full board and county dork. Board discussed road matters. Adjourned until tomorrow. July 10th, 1908. Board of county commissioners con vened same ns yesterday, present full board nnd county clerk. Tho board adjourned until tomorrow, June 11th, nnd reconvened ns a bonrd of equalization. Present full bonrd. Valuation of Postal Tel Co. personal raised from $0,301.40 to $15,827.40. Operator appearing for company mnkes protest. Adjourned until tomorrow. July 11th. 1908. Board of equalization convenes, pre sent Wills, Kockcn, Bncon nnd Elliott. Continued compnring nnd equnllza- ing personal assessments. Tho Western Union Telegraph Co. not having nppoarcd for final hearing, its valuation is rniscd from $10,017.20 $40,550.01. At four o'clock tho board tnkes n recess until July 13th, and then recon venes ns a hoard or county commis sioners, present Wills and Kockcn and county clerk. Rny C. Lungford: You are hereby authorized to refund to J. A. Horner $2.50 nnd charge to Road Dlst No. 44 on account of doublo taxation. Adjourned until 'July 13th. ' , , XJ,e Rcmedy that Docs, "Dr. Klnc'B Now Discovery is the remedy that docs promiso but fail tho healing others to perform." snvs Mrs. is. it, rierson, 01 Auburn ucntro. Pa. "It is curing mo of throat nnd lung troublo of long standing, that other treatments relieved only tem porarily. Now Discovery la doing mo so much trood that I feel confident its continued uso for n reasonable longth of tlmo will restoro mo to porfect hoallh." This renowned cough and C0U1 remedy nnd throat nnd lung hcnler . . . . . . -. . R 8old nt Stono's drug Btore. 50 conts and $1,00. Trial bottle freo. Brady News. From tho Vindicator. Judging from tho number of pooplo who wont to North Plntto Sunday night, tho circus stilt holds its magic spoil ovor tho community. Fully na many took No. 13 that night to seo tho Solls-FIoto show on Monday us wont to tho colcbration on tho Fourth. North Platto has no causa to com plain of disloyalty on thu part of Brady in tho mnttor of attendance at their colobratlon. Ovor ono hundred of tho citizens of this vicinity colobrntcd thoro. Agent KiCO reports the Sale Of ninety-four tickets while about a dozen Pnld cush fnro on tho train un(1 lulto rt numoer urovo. tit 1 it 1 I v. w. VYinquoBC, tno popular casn- lor of tho Bnnk of Brady took No. Ill Saturday and will enjoy a trip to tho const. Wilbur will spend n day in Den- vcr, thonco to Los Angoloo,. whoro ho will visit his paronts and sistorB. He will return by way of Seattle, St. Paul and Chicago. Ho expects to bo absent for about a month. (jcruuniy tno urynn domocrats nro not lacking in loyulty and enthusiasm, for from this littlo burg, eight tickets woro sold to tho Denver convention. Tho party waa piloted by Ed Murphy, who made reservation on tho Dnhlmnn special for tho party. Thoso who mndo tho trip woro: Ed Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boattie, Mr. and Mrs. Roht. Burko, T. T. Mnrcott and Robt. Ma Murray. THE PEOPLE ALL ! Chorea Cried, dive TT Nevfbro'M llcrplcldc. This vfora or lato linn boon In ovory- ono'u mouth,, nnd many nro woiulerlnff what tho word signifies, thouch no ono has yot boon found, who will deny that NBWimO'B HEUPICIDK does tho worn. Well, for tho Information of thousand! of pooplo who llko to know nil about 11 Rood thlnir, wo would urty tlmt lllsttPICIDB means, n destroyer or killer of "Horpos," Now "Horpos" Is tho family nnmo of a dlsonso caused by various vorrotnbla inr- Mltes. A slmllnr microbe causes dan druff, Itching scalp, and falling ' ilr: this ts tho microbe that Nli2VnitO. ItEItri- CID13 promptly destroys; after which tho hair grows. Hold by leadlntr drumtli'ls. Bond 10c. In Btamps for eamplo to TU ZIorplcldo CO., Botrolt. Mich. Two hIioh CO conts and $1.00, McDonoll & Grnvos, Special Agents. nn iniMniinrvP' cnrnirino Ull. HUIiinmLlO ofLUiriud. ulrMiioatiiBifaiiiiriiui(M. Et)alljh,Cermn, Spanish, rorlunuoia ana french. 1. 1'evrra. CotutPitlnns, Inflimmatloni 3.1 . Wpruu. Worm I'ever.orWorm l)leao..!ia 4. llrrlir, of Children and Ailulti., 'J3 O. Ilyiriitery, Qrll'lliU. lllllotu Collo S3 7. Couahi, Cold. JironrtlM.i 39 H, Tuotliachr, t'areaclie, tlournlgt. 35 10. l)v.lcpiln, IiuIIkojIIou. WcatHtomach 33 13. Crnup, lloaro CotiKh, LaryngltU 33 14. Ban lihrinii, t:ruitlon, Kryl(Hils 33 13, ItluMimatla 1'alM 'ili AB:,T,,1,uUr!. ; , ; 17. Pllfi.llllnd or llloodlnit. External, Internal, 33 18. Oplitlialmla, Wmk or Inllamcxl F.yo J3 10. Catarrh. Innuena.Cl.i lit liond 25 Jll. tthuuplnn ,ouiiU,-r. i.j Cough U3 31. Attima.0l)pul,t)inutllt llreatlilng J3 3. nianoy iiiipn.o. amvci. uaimiii 35 ith Soroniouth,levcrBoreorranUcr..'..'.....'23 ju. urinary ineonimencr, neiuug pcu U. sore Throat. Qiilmy ana PlpliUicrla U3 I., curuiuo longi'tiiun'1, ieauanc 301 vt, Cflrpc, lluy l ever rjiii Sumner CoU5....i5 A mill tiottls ot 'riatit l'clleti. nit the yp ..w boklbjrdrusiutartuntoarocgiiitcriulcu. OJIUHMi tKOK HfSi IM, iiminurvs timirn Miminmu m nn.,.. WHY SO WEAK? Kidney Troubles May be Sapping Your Life Away North Platte People Have Learned This Fact. When a healthy man or woman begina to run down without apparent cause, becomes languid, depressed, suffers backache, hcadacho, dizzy spells and urinary disorders, look to tho kidneyB for tho cause of it all. Keep tho kid neys well nnd they will keep you well. Doan's Kidney Pills euro sick kidneys nnd keep them well. Hero is North Platte testimony to prove it. Mrs. J. F. Fillion, Sr., living on west Sixth street, North Platte, Neb., says: "Doan's Kidney Pills is n remedy of marvelous curative powors and I enn conscientiously recommend them. I used a few boxes of this remedy about a year ago after suffering for three- years from n dull grinding nche through tho small of my back nnd kid neys, nnd a terriblo bearing down sen- sniion inrougn my 101ns. uno uction r ' At if mi i of my kidneys was irregular and too ircqucnt in nciiuii, causing me consid erable nnnoynnce. I was advised to givo Doan's Kidney Pills n trial and procured a box nt A. F. Strnitz's Drug store. They helped mo from tho first, strengthened my back, toned up my system and restored my former good health." For Sale by nil Deolers. Prico 50 cents. Fostor-Milburn Co., - Buffalo, New York. Solo Agents for tho United States. Remember tho nnma Doan s and tako no other. PROFESSIONAL CARDS J. S. TWINEM. Homeopathic Physician nnd burgeon. Office! McDonald Bank Building. Phone 183. A. J. Amen, M. I). Mario Ames, .1. I). DOCTORS AMES & AMES. Physicians and Surgeons. Office: Over Stone Drug Co. Phones: Office 273, Residence 273 HEO. B. DENT, VA" Physiclnn and Surgeon. Office: Over McDonnld Bank. Phonos iOfflcolM i nones Rc8jdonco 11B D R. L. C. DROST. Osteopathic Physician, Rooms 7 nn'l 8, McDonnld State Bank Building, Phono 148. WILCOX & HALLIGAN, IT Attornoys-nt-Law. Offico oyer Schntz Clothing Store. Phono 48 rp C. PATTERSON, L 1 Attornoy-nt-Lnw; Offico:. Cor. Front & Dewey Sts. ASHLEY PETERS Cement Contractor Special attention given to Cement Sidewalks. Wo cuaranteo nerfect satisfaction in tno wniKs wo construct, f none 484. The Iowa Low Down 1 . .. 1 .. , i . . ,T,uuo '" -"u aopuraior raclory In Hie World. I T '11 1 11 vvl- SllVL ) uu wuu.trb on setxirators. I rimK7e f ook l.vninviT JLIC11HU O VaiJH VJI ULCI V I INURlil olUL. VJ 1 m Vf vUU 1 Ul llLllll UUU T ft ItllVtllfllVA lfnnon 1 urniiure IicPciliS, T r-.i '.,, C....., Cabinet WOI'K, OCrOfill Frinw; 'viw ImUmo" nnrl 1 r.llllt-b, OilW 1 lllllr ,ii,U bettnicr. A kinds of ob Woi'k tloilU Ofl sllOrt . . I I1U11CU ill priCCK IU Stilt. rl,-, rocli I .n - Ti ftrT C r IVI .nrPnCflTl 1 I KT .1. f 11 f W. K. MALONEY, UNERAL DIRECTOR AND CM CALMER A full1 lino of Caskets. Robes, etc. Calls answered promptly. Day Phone 120, Night Phono 27. Ts he Public We can furnish you with chopped feed and shelled corn it the lowest market prices. Will deliver in town free in 500 pound lots. The Star Barn. The School For You Our catalog1 will tell you why. t is yours for the asking. Write for it today. LEXINGTON BUSINESS COLLEGE, Lexington, Neb. NOT ICR FOH TAX DEED. To every person In actual possession or oc upancy of tliu promises below described and o .Michael McLaughlin in whoso namo the Itlo of said Promises anncarH of record In thn olllco of the Itrglster of Deeds In Lln- oln county. Nebraska, and to ovorr person claiming any Interest In the said premises. you and each or vou aro herubv notl cd that on tho 7th day or November, I0OI, 8. V. (Milan purchased nt public salo (Certificate No- 2H7W at tho countr treasurer')! ofllen of said county, tho following described real es tate, to-witi Aiior lotNiivowami six (fl) or mock it g ili-l vo ((&) of tho original cltr of North Platte. Nebraska, for tho delinquent axes duo thereon for tho years 1IKJI. iwl and 114X1 for tho sum of 310.511 and on thn first dnv of .May, IIV3, H. Y. (Jlllan paid tho subsequent taxes assessed ugainst sain premises for the year iw fort he sum of f- HI. and on tho 1st lay of iilny. 11XW. H. V. O an. pa d tho sub sequent taxes asseseu airalnst said premises for tho yoar 1W for tho sum of sl.41 nnd on the 1st dav nflMav. K4J7. H. V. fjlllnn inld Mm sultseqentStaxes assessedl atralnst'sald prcm Isesijror the year 1(H, for tho sum of i3 M and on tho 7tli day or May, 1IKW, E. It. Ooodman, asslKiieo paid tho subsequent taxes assessed Ok'alnst said premises for the year 1U07 for tho sum of that raid property was assessed n thn name of M. Mel.Binrhlln. Tlinf tlm tlmo for redemntlon will nxnlrn on tlinulrili day of NovemlMjr, 1IW8, and If tho said premises nro not redeemed on tho sixth dnv or November. II'oh. from said tax salo tho undersigned will apply to tho county treas urer for a deed to the said promises. nateu this tutu day or July, 1 E. It. Goodman. Assignee of S. V. Glllai. Itr Win. E. Hhttmnn, Attorney. NOTICE FOU TAX DEED. To every Person In actual nossosslnn or occupancy or tho premises below described and to Joseph II Murray In whoso namo tho tltlo ot said premises appears ot record In the office of tho iteclster of Deeds In Lincoln County. Nebraska, and to every lHirsonclalm lngnny Interest In said premises. vou nna ench or you aro hereby notified that 011 tho fifth day or Novemlicr. HKH. in. K. Shumnn. Diirchnsed hL nnlilln sain (cortlllcato No. attl) at tho County Trcas surer's olllco or said County, tho following described real estate, to-wlt: The west half or tho west hair IWHWM1 or section eight 18, of township lirteon naj, north ot ratigo twonty-Hoveu l-T, west Cth P. M., for tho for the dellnnuent taxes dun tln.rcnn fnr tho yoar 1W5 ror tho sum of 1.2 1 and or) tho twenty-Iourth day of Juno. HOT, Wm. I'.. Miumau paid tho subsequent tnxes as sessed against said promises for tho yoar liw ror tho sum or $2 22 on tho alth day of June. It OH. Wm. E. Shumnn paid tho subse quent taxes assessed against said premises for tho year iwi for tho sum of f2.fO: that said property was assessed In tho namo of Joseph II, Murray. That tho tlmo for redemption expired on tho Jslxth day of Noveml er, 1108. und If tho said premises aro not redeemed on tho sixth dav of No- vemlMir. 1W, from said tax salo tho under signed win apply to tho Uounty Treasurer ior auecii 10 1110 Hdld premises. Dated this 10th day of July. lW. . Wm. E. Siiuman. NOTICE I 'OH IMIllI.IOATION. Department of thu Interior, U. 8. Land Olllco at North I'latte. Nob, limn 2a. I1MH. Nollep Is hereby given that William II. Tur- nie.or iMortn riatto. ni., who on Aucust 1. iwl. mndn Homestead Entry No. 1W72 for soiuii naif soutueast quarter and south half southwest quarter or taction 2s, township 12, rantro .1 . iiin rrincinal Jlerldlan, has filed notlco of Intention to mako Dual live year proof to establish claim to thu laud aiKJVo desurined, iMiforo tho Kcelster and Hecolyerat North l'latto, Nob., on tho 3th day ot Atiirust, iwn. Claimant names as wltnessesi Curtis Illnman, Carl llroedor. John Schar maun, lluuh rioncor, all of North l'latto, .eurnsHU, m Ml J. E. EVANS. HeBlstor Notice for Publication. I)enartmentof tho Interior. U. 9. Land Olllco at North I'latte, Nob. , , , , . Juno 9, 1W8. Notice Is hereby irlven that Alls rt H. En Rlcn. of Oandy, Nebraska, who on Sentomber Sril. 1IH)1. made Iliime.Htiinil Puirv V mini for nV4 nwl and nK mhf, section 3J, townshlii 11, ruiiKu .hi, west in i). meridian, lias tiled uotleoot his Intention to mako dual flvo yoar IirtKif, to establish claim to tho laud abovo deerllx!d, before I,. C. Keneau. clurk of tho dUtrlet court, at Tryon, Nebraska, on tho imii isnvonteotli) day or July, H'oa. , Claimant names as witnesses! II, V. Illck ley. I). N. Callender.tKUh or North l'latto. M Maylleld. or Nesbltt, Nob., N. O, .of North l'latto. Andrews, J. E. Evans. Heelster. Serial No. OW. n. 21201. Notice for Publication. Department of tho Interior. Laud Olllco at North l'latto. Neb, xr .1 . . , . . Jul!" Win IPOS. Notlco Is hereby ttivon that Isaac Itolllnir, .i'.i .Hi" 1 .oorasun, who on Jul lith, lvOJ. mndo homestead entry No. 21SH tor tho . north hair and southeast ouarter. ?jl" . i - J i I ovuslii 17 north. ItaiiKo 31 west Sixth Principal .Meridian, has li ltd notlco of Intention to make final homestead proor to establish claim to tho laud atxivo desrrllied, lnfor tho Itetrlster and Ito- i . ?l 4,,,rlM i latto, wen., on thu 2t)tl Claimant names as witnesses! David Cal laiiut r. nenrv inwiutrrr. ir rv.ipii. iiin,.. Nubrasko, (leorijo II. Daley, Irvlno Teroplo'. of. Tryon, Nebraska. J J- E. EVA NP, Ileiflster, FOR SALE. I otfor at privato sale on the Bird wood ranch, flvo miles west of North rmtie, mo louowing: Twenty good milch cows. Fifteen snrinrr cnlvcs. FiftV hoilll of brood finwu nn.l J . . .. ....,( DHUUIO. Ono thorouprhbred Poland China Boar. uii ivuvih wv cupacuy; uream oop Tprms Cnsh or bnnknblo notes. John L. Stingley, Estray Notice. lnkon up by tho undorsiirnotl on his lurm llvo miles Boutliwest of North riatto, on or about Juno 20th, 1908. Krauo dcrsov lienor, nuout two venm old, elthor muloy or dehorned, branded either OT or OH on right hip. Ownor will can, provo proporty, pay charges NOTICE. William J. Forroll. dofendant. will take notlco that on the lflth day of Juno, 1V09. Isaac Dillon, plaintiff herein, filed his peti tion la tho district court of Lincoln county. ftcnrasxa, airainst saia aoremiant, tno object and nravur of which aro to obtain a decree that said defendant. William J. 1'erroll. on or about September, ist, sold, conveyed ana transferred by a rood and sufficient dcod of conveyanco to Keith tc Ilarton, a Arm corr posed of Morrell U. Keith and Ouy O. Ilarton, tho following described property, to-witi Tho west half of tho southwest quarter of section 10. In township 14, range J1, In Lincoln county, Nebraska. And that said Isaac Dil lon la tho owner In fee of said land bv reason of conveyanco from said Keith & Ilarton and their rrantees. And for a decreo that said Isaac Dillon hasheld adverse, exclusive, no torious and hostllo possession of said premises against all tho world and particularly against tho defendant, William . I. Forrell. Tho plain tiff nravs for a decree that said tllln mnv ln quieted In him, and that said defendant bo adjudged and decreed to havo no right, tltlo. lien or Interest In and to said land. you aro required to answer sad petition on or Imforo tho 87th day of July, 1WH, Dated Juno 10th, 1W. TaA Afl t'lntnllrr 4w Hy Wilcox & Halllgan. Ills Attorneys. IOCS 1'MMAUY ELECTION NOTICE, Notlco Is hereby given that on Tuesday, tho 1st day of September, 1V08, at tho voting places In tho various precincts bf Lincoln County, Nebraska, there will be held a pri mary election for tho ptirposo of nominating candidates for tho following offices, to bo voted for at tho general November election. Eight Presidential Electors. One Governor. Ono Lieutenant Governor. Ono Secretary or State. Ono Auditor of Public Accounts. Ono Stat,o Treasurer. Ono Superintendent of Public Instruction. Ono Attorney General. - One Commissioner of Public Lands and llulldlngs. Ono Hallway Commissioner. Ono Congressman for tho Sixth Congres sional District. OnoStato Senator for tho Thirtieth Sena torial .District. Ono State ltepresentatlvo for thu Fifty Fourth ltepresentatlvo District. Ono County Attornoy. Ono County Commissioner for Commissioner District no. s. Justice of tho Peace to fill vacancy. Constables to 1111 vacancy, Ono Overseer or Highways for each Iload TIImII... Also, foror against a proposed amendment to section nine. nu. articio eight, m, or thocon stltutlon of tho Stato or Nebraska with refer enco to tho Investment or tho permanent scnooi tunu. Also for or against a proposed amendmont to sections two. (2). fourUI. five. six (0) and thirteen (13), or article six (0), of tho constitu tion of tho State of Nubruska with roreronco to an Incrcaso In thu numlmr or tho Judges of thu supremo court, providing for their np polntments. terms, residence and comnensa' tiou ofthe.IfldgesBof tho Supreme and District uourts. Which election will bo open at 12 o'clock m. ana continue open until v o clock p. m., or tho saimj day. Dated North Platte. Nobr., this 30th day of juno, nro. i' it. KLMorr, uounty uiurk J3-sl OKDEIt OK HEAPING ON PETITION FOIt Ari'UINTMKNT OF ADMINISTHATOlt Tho Stato or Nebraska I Lincoln County f In tho County Court. Juno 2th. 1008. In tho matter of thn estntu nf T.rm Ileltman, decoased. On reading and fllliisr tho nntltlnn of flnrl Ileltman. praying that tho administration of saldestato may bo granted toAUwrt Durbln as Administrator. Ordered, that July 2flth. 1WW. at 10 o'clock m.. is assigned for lmnrlni? anld ontltlnn. when all persons Interested In said matter may appear at a county court to bu held In and tor said county, and show causo why tho prayor of petitioner should not bo granted. t his notice to bo published in tho North L'latto Trluunn a seml-weeulv newsnntwr printed in said county ror six consecutivo ssucs prior to July Soth, ukm. W. C. J)-3t County Judeo NOTICE PIIOHATE OF WILL. Tho Stato of Nebraska, l Lincoln uounty, 1 In tho County Court III tho matter of thu estato or Susan Pick ett, deceased. Tho Stato or Nobr ask a to tho helm, loir a tees and noxt or kin or the said Susan Pickett, ueceaseui Tako not co. that upon filing of a trno writ ten Instrument purporting to bo tho last will and testament of Susan rickett ror probate and allowance. It Is ordered that said matter do sot for hearing tho wd day or July. A. I) 1U08. iHiforo said County Court, at thu hour of U o'clock a. m., nt which tlmo any person interested may appear and contest tho same and notice or this proceeding Is ordered pub lished three weeks successively In tho North l'latto Tribune a seml-weokly newspaper puunsueu 111 1111s Miaio. In testimony whoreot. I havo hereunto s my hand and tho seal of tho County Court at noun riatto this uay of June. A. l). urn Jc2il-a W. C. Eluek, County Judge, 1'ROHATE NOTICE. In tho Countr Court of Llneoln eniinkr. Mn braska. July 7th 1008. In tho matter or tho estato or Alary Patterson, deceased. Notlco Is hereby ulvcn. that thn creditors nf said deceased will meet tho Executor or said estate, bororo tno uounty Jtidco or Lin coin County, Nebraska, at tho county court room in said countv, on tho ki day or August low and on tho UH day of January 10O0, at 0 o'clock a. in. oach day. tor tho ptirposo of nreseiumir tneir claims ror examination, ad justmcnt and allowance. Six months aro al lowed for creditors to present their claims and ono year for the Executor to sottlo said estato from thu lioth day ot June. 10OH. This notlco to bo published In the North I'latte xrinuno, o semi-weokiy newspaper ror rou weeks successively prior to tho 3d day or Aucust iws Wltnossmy hand, and seal or said court, this 7tn day or July nw. j-f-i w. u. Kt.tiKit. uounty judeo, NOTICE. Joscnh II. Mc.Connoll. Cora E. Oimod Charles Osgood and Lewis Clark, defendants Impleaded with Parah E. Illnman Curtis E illnman. Ailnur i unman, l lorenco illnman I'etor Kurke, Ellzalwth llratt and Jacob Ituuii. durendants! Will take notlco thaton the SUh dav nf June, liw, riamuel uoozeo, plalntllr heroin i led his petition in tno District court or i.m coin Countr. Nebraska, against said dnfim dants. tho object and prayer of which aro to obtain an accounting of taxes paid by tho uainuu. wiin interest, costs aim attorney's 'ecs. on lots 7 and 8. of block 70. or tho original town or North I'latte, Nebraska, ror which said taxes a treasurer s deed has been Issued by O. K Hcharmann. Countr Treasurer or Lin coln County. Noiiraska. on tho 8th day or September, iwn, and delivered to tho plalntllr, And there Is now duo ror taxes uald. adver tisement. Interest and costs, tho sum or $41,10 with Interest at 10 por cent rrom July 1st lliOH. l'lalntttr further prays that ho may have lien tor taxes so paid on said real estate, ana that said Hen bo foreclosed, and that tho de fendants bo barred or all equity and rluht or redemption In and to said real estato. and that said premises lio sold and tho proceeds thereof applied to tho payment or plalntllt's lion: and for ircnoral cdtiltab o relief, Vou aro recml red to answer said petition on or boforo tho loth day of Auirust, 1108. Dated Juno 3UU ntw. KAMUEIi UOOZEC. I'laliitlff, lly Wilcox llAi.i.tdAN. Ills Attys. fSO-1 Notice of Application for License. In the matter of the application of bee L,ewis tor license to sell malt, spir ituous and vinous liquors in tho village ot waiiaco, uounty ot Lincoln ana State of Nebraska: Notice is hereby given that said Leo Low is did on tho 29th dny of June A. D. 1008, filo his application nnd pc tition to tho Chairman and Villain Board of Trustees of Wallace, Lincoln county, Nebraska, ns required by law. to sen mait, spirtuous and vinous liq uors in tho building located on lot num bored sixteen (16) in block numbered nintoen (19) in tho said Village of Wallnce, Lincoln County, Nebraska for the ensuing municipal year from July 24, 1908 to April 9, 1909. it tnero is no protest or romon stranco filed within two weeks from tho 7th day of July 1908, said license APPLICATION i-on DIlHOOlsT vT.nmv Miftnrnf Atmllratloii of l.dgar Schiller for Druggist l'crnilt. Notlco Is hereby given that Kdgar .gcnljlpr did upon tho 2flth day of June, A. ., w, nio his application to tno city council 01 nuiui I'latte, Lincoln uounir, noimsKg. jw li cense to sell .Malt. Spirituous nno vinous Liquors for Medicinal. Mechanical nnd Chemical puriwses only, at 0 North. Dewey Htreot In tho city of North I'latte. Lincoln County. Nebraska, from tho lath day of July, 11KX, to tho 1st Tuesday ot May. iWJ. It thero I... .nnn.l f(lttill 111 tWll lt (llPfl within two weeks from Juno 80th. A. 1)., lw, said license will lie granted. f. DO A II fumi.i.i:n, Appucaiu. APPLICATION 1'Olt DHfaOISTPEIlMIT Matter of application 01 Aionro w. .no Doncll, ror Druggist Permit. . , ... N'ntli'n U In.rxlir ilvmi that Alonzo D. 5IC- Donell did upon thu 2lth day of June, A, II,. 1WS lllo his application to tho city council of North Platto. Lincoln County, Nebraska, for llccnso to sell Malt. Spirituous and Inous liquors for Imudlclnal, mechanical and chem ical purposis only. ntS23 North Dewey street, in tho city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, from tho 15th dny of July. 1M. to tho first Tuesday of May. 1UW. If there bo no objection, remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks rromjuno 30th, A. D. 11)08, said license will bogranled. AUXZO II. .MOUOXWla Applicant. Articles of Co-Partnership. This atrrc omont. entered into this !d day of June. 10OH, by and liotwoon Edsar Hchlllor and Nicholas McCalw. Wltnesseths That said parties havo formed a co-partner-ship for tho puriioso of cnrryliitr on a retail urtiir. notion, tonoc article, surtficai supply ana soda fountain business at number ii north Dewey street. In tho City ot North I'latte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon tho following terms and conditions: l'lrst. mo namo and stylo of said co-part-ersblti shall Imi "Sclillli r & Cnninnnv." and shall continue tor five years from this date, unless sooner terminated uy tno tieatu oi elthcror said parties or by expiration orayears from this date bv ono tiartr survluir a written notlco upon tho other party, that he desires said co-partnership dissolved and in said written notlco or dissolution he shall stato tho amount or money In cash which ho Is wil ling to pay for the one-half Interest of tho other, and In said notice shall also stato that bo Is willimr to recelvo the same amount for his one-half Interest In tho business or said co-partnership: and If the partner upon whom notlco is served as aforesaid is not willing to either bIvo or tako tho amount mentioned In said notlco, appraisers shall bo chosen, ono named by ono of the partners and tho other by tho other partner and the two appraisers so chosen shall render an appraisement In writing of all the property In said co-partnership and tho amount so ascertained shall lio tno amount which tno partner upon whom notlco was served shall irlvo for tho Interest ot his co-partnership or tako for his own In terest in the property. Second. That said Ed car Schiller shall contribute to thu capital stock of said llrm, tiiosum oif.'.i.m.iw, iH'imr an undivided one- lialf interest in tlio stock ot drugs, notions, toilet articles, surgical supplies, sodu foun tain and fixtures gcnurally now located at number tHKl north Dewey street In said city and said Nicholas McCabo shall contribute to tho capital stock of said llrm tho sum ot f-',7& Ulne an undivided one-halt Interest In tho stock of drugs, notions, toilet articles, surgical supplies, soil a fountain and II x lures feucrallynaw located at number rU2 north )ewey streot In said city, and tho said part ners shall Iw tho owners or tho slock In that proportion and any further Increase of tho capital stock shall to contributed by said partners In thu same ratio. Third. Tho said Edgar Schiller shall bo tho general partner In said co-partnership of ychtller fc Company and shall havo solo charge of tho business and shall receive as solo manager of tho business or said co-purt- ncrsuip, tno sum or ii.ui per mouth, to bo drawn monthly, the said sum of J75.00 per -month to bo charged as an item of expense against said co-partnership; ana said Nicholas .McCains shall lie a special partner with power to examine Into the condition and progress of tho partnership business from tlmo to tlmo and may advlso as to Its man agement, but ho shall not transact any busi ness on account ot said co-partnership or bo employed tor that puriioso as agent, attorney or otherwise. l ourth. Said partnership shall not In any manner liecomo liable upon any promissory noto or other obligation tor tho accommoda tion or any person whatsouvor, nor shall said partnership lend any or thu co-parlnorsulp funds for any ptirposo whatsoever. I' irtli. Tho said Edgar Schiller shall keep a regular sotof books, which shall show all tho receipts and disbursements dallr. tnd tho conditions of tho accounts tvlth all jwrsons whomsoever with which tho co-partnership does business, except that cash Hems need not appear otnerwiso than in tno cash ac count, and tho said Edgar Bchlller shall render to tho said Nicholas .McCabo on tho first day of each month a statement showing all receipts, disbursements and liabilities or tho co-partnership. Sixth. Each uartner shall lie entitled In one-half or all prollts by said partnership, aim an inventory snail no taKcn annually tio tweon tho 1st and 10th days ot January, tho first ono to 1h) taken hotween tho 1st and luth day ot January. 10Oii and otter such Inventory is taken, each partner shall bo entitled to draw out or tho funds of said llrm then on hand, one-half of any excess over and aboVo tho sum of J3.5O0.ou and tho liabilities then exist ing against said co-partnership: and on tho 1st (lav of Julv. UWO. said nartners mav'li draw out or said firm, one-half of tho funds then on hands or said co-partnersblpover and abovo tho amount of tho original capi tal stock and liabilities or said llrm, and thereafter draw any excess IT any such thoro Is, after tho annual Inventory Is taken each year, and on tho 1st day ot July or each year. .Seventh. Tho said Edgar Schlllor shall dovoto Ids entire tlmo and attention to tho business or said co-partnership and shall not enter Into thu transaction or any other busi ness. Klghth: Any violation or tho terms or these articles ot co-nartnershln shall be suill- clcnt causo for tlio dissolution or this part- iiursiup iu any manner nereinoetoro pro vided or through a court or competent Juris diction. In Witness Whereof. The said parties havo set their hands this --'nd day of Juno, 1008. KIIUAK .sun 1 1, 1. Kit. . . NICHOLAS MCOAIIE. In tho presence or A. 1'. ICkij.v. J23-J31. NOTICE. Ilralnard It. Willis niwl l.nvlnln II Willi,. defendants: Will tako notlco thaton tho 27th day or June. im Max Rlnstnln, plaintiff herein Hied his pennon in mo uisirict court ot Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, the object and prayer or which aro to aulot plaintiff's title to tlm nnrtli Imir or the northeast U and the north hair or tho northwest or section SJ. township 10 north, of rango 20. west or the th 1'. M. In Lincoln County, Nebraska; and that a pretended tax deed rrom tho County Treasuier or Lincoln County to ono H, I'. Iljorklund. which deed Is reeonieu hi i' - i at page ill or tho Deed ltecordsof Lincoln County. Nebraska, bo de clared null and void, and that a protended deed from s i. Iljorklniid and wife to Ilraln ard 11. Willis, os II. II. Willis, which Is re corded In Vol. A -1. atpnges SS8 and fey, of tho Itecordsot Lincoln County. Iw declared null and void. And that the court determlno tho amount duo thu derendants or any other persons ror taxes paid upon the protended tax salo, upon which said protended tax deed Is based; and rorsutwiiuont taxes paid and Interest; and for general, enultablo relief. ou aro required to answer said petition on or before tho 10th day of August. 11XW Dated June 30, 1UK JW-l ' Max Einbtijin. 1'lalntltr. LEGAL NOTICE. JohnStoeckor. I). W. Stoploton, whoso first, real and trim namo Is unknown and Mrs. I). W. Htapleton whosp llrst. real and truo namo Is unknown, defendants, Will take notice that on tho 1st day of Julv. UHlrt. tho plaintiff. Tho Ulrard Tnist Com pany. Trustee, tiled Its petition In the Dis trict Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, for thu puriioso or foreclosing a certain real es state mortgago given by John StoccUer to the Sic Mnloy-I.annlng Loan & Trust Comnanv and by tf.e McKlnley-l.anulng ln & Tru" t Company duly assigned to tho plaintiff hero in, which mortgage Is given to secure a note m. due and payable- ft years after dalo and JO per cent Interest after due and upon which thero Is now duo the sum of tmOO with ten percent Interest trom July 1st Mw. Tho mortgago given to secure the same, eonveved ay such .security to the said .McKlnler-Lan-nlng Loan fc Trust Company, the S J.J u ,,f mCl.,0.iU- l'wsh'l'. 0 North, Kongo St West. Plaintiff prays for decree that sft,i ,; round duo lie paid according to law and that sal.l premise U-sold to satlnrythe anion t as found duo. The defendants are roVJ j ,mI , ISHm'Att?. life0' ,w'or,, M"" H iiy A. Mi'i.iK)0s-. Hnu tiiKO unimat away. jU-6 P. W. Ol.ESON. will be granted. Lee Lewis, Applicant. Part west half Houthoitst quartor sec llVJmVlllielmn I OI1UJI INOrtll UI I . KJ,