the Semi Weekly Tribune Ira L.BARB,Editor and Publisher HnnnnniPTfoM tiAfirai One Year, cash In advance ....11.25 Months, cash In advance 64 cu Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Poitofflce as socona Class matter. FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1908. With tho net earnings of the Union Pacific greater in April 1907, than in April 1908, there is not much room for tho stockholders of that road to cry for n reduction of wages of employes. PEltHAPS tho reason the assessors placed such a high value on real cstato in North Platto is because they heard Bomo of tho owners say their property wbb worth $G,000, when in reality it would' not soil In an open murkot for $3,000. Tho assessor simply took tho owner's word as to tho vnluo. Real estate owners who possess sultablo sites for tho federal building should tako heart in tho announcement that tho sito for tho building at Pitts burg cost Undo Sam $900,000, when in reality it was worth but $600,000. It is nn instance showing that your Uncle Sam occasionally gets tho wool pulled over his eyes, Noiitii Platte merchants should follow tho lead of tho Norfolk commer cial club which has taken a firm stand against what it terms advertising "fakes;" that is schomca that do not produco rosultB. Tho club firmly advo cates newspaper advertising ns the most effective kind known to tho busi ness world and tho only kind that la worth whllo. As tho contests aro sifted down by the republican national committee at its sessions in Chicago, tho moro oppar ont it becomes that Taft will bo nomin ated on tho first ballot; in fact it would not bo surprising if no other namo was prosonted to tho convention. Tho 'con tested delegations so far decided has given Taft about 126 votes, making his total considerably in oxcoss of tho re quired voto. It is encouraging to noto that tho number of freight cars out of Borvico is steadily growing less, tho past thir ty days Bhowlng a decrenso of about 30,000 pver tho preceding month. That a general revival ofbusinoss is tak ing place ia in ovidonco on every hand. As tho west was tho last to feel tho of- fecta of tho slump last fall, It will probably bo a littlo Blow in fooling1 tho full effects of tho general resumption of business. It now transpires that tho $20,000 sont from Wull strcot to tho democratic managers in Nebraska in 1004 was not donated for any specific purpose; other than than that tho "boys" might havo a good . timo during tho Parkor campaign. Tho loadora accepted tho monoy without questioning whothor it was "tainted", and tho same loaders aro still in tho harness ready to ro colvo anothor $20,000 for tho campaign, and probably wishing that tho sum bo raised to $100,000. A ritiKND of Tho Tribune BUggosto that the North Platto Commercial Club should follow tho oxamplo of tho busi ness mon'B association at EllonBburg, Wash., which proposes to round up oil tho "knocke-s" and "mossbacks" found in tho district and buy them transpor tation to any part of tho world to which thoy wish to go on promiso that thoy will nover rorurn to tho town from which thoy aro sent. Tho cost of such doportation would bo alight iib com pared with tho benefits that would accruo, for a "knockor" -is on un measured oxponso to nny Hvo town. Those who aro in tho habit of sloop ing eight or nine hours out of each twonty-four, will bo interested in tho statomont of Thomas A. Edson, who Baya sleep ia merely a habit which was ncqulrod beforonrtiflcinl lightning camo Into ubo. Ho thinks four hours sleep out of tho twe'nty-four aro enough, and that such limited roposo, according to his oxporimontB, does not dull tho mind nor weaken ono'acopneity for work and valuable servlco. But most people would rathor accopt tho theory that eight or ton hours Bleep aro noccBsnry to good health and efficient effort, and it is eafo to say it would require a long evo lutionary process to got tho raco into tho habit of following Edison's idea. Pleasing Crop Prospect. Tho preliminary estimato by tho gov ernment of tho ncrcago and yield of spring wheat contains tho ploasing prospect that tlio wheat crop for tho year will bo very considerably In oxcoss of that of 1907, with tho prospcctB that it may even oxceed tho bumper yield of 1906, whon wo harvested close to three-quarters of a billion bushels, Tho government shows a total of 17,710,000 acres of spring wheat or moro than 031,000 acres moro than for last year, with the condition much better than that of a year ago and several pointB higher than for tho ten-year period. Tho reported condition on winter wheat shows a slight decline from the May 1 report, but about equal to tho normal average. Tho acreage of winter wheat is 322,000 acres larger than for last year. Careful investigation of tho winter wheat crop in tho different sections Indicates a heavier average yield than last year. Itust and tho Hessian fly havo wrought soma damaga in Kansas and in some sections tho floods have destroyed portions of the crop, but the outlook as n wholo ia for o largor har est in 1008 than ever. Tho Canadian yield is estimated by railroad oxperta at 100,000,000 bushels, so that If the forecasts now being mado aro reolizcd Amorjca, including Canada, will come closo this year to raising a round billion bushels of wheat. With every prospect that prices will continuo closo to their present ruttgc, tho inevitablo result will be tho addition to tho wealth of tho country of a volumo of money that will hasten a comploto restoration of business in nil lines. It is too early yet to Bpeak with con fidenco of tho corn prospects, The continued wet weather is generally considered prejudicial to prospects, but a wot soil and midsummer heat form a good combination, and it is novor tlmo to worry about com until it is found that tho sun is not hot in July nnd August. Whon tho warm woathor comos, tho farmer will, of course, havo' an unusually heavy fight with tho weeds, but there is still abundant timo for tho production of a bumper corn crop. It must bo romem borcd, too, that what corn may loso by moisturo is gained by hay, a crop that was valued last year ut $750,000,000, or moro than tho value of tho nation's cotton crop. Tho hay crop is already assured, and thero is yet amplo tlmo for tho corn crop to hurry nlong and arrlvo on schodulo time. Tho corn production lost year was valued by tho Department of Agriculture at $1,33G,- 901,000, or one-third moro than the appropriations of tho last congross for all tho oxpcnscB and enterprises of tho fodoral government and its colonial possessions. With n record corn, wheat and hoy crop, tho great west will do its share toward giving tho nation tho most prosperous times it has ovor known. Omaha Beo. Commissioners' Proceedings, Juno 8th, 1908. Board of county commissioners mot pursuunt to adjournment, present Wills, Kockon and Sprlngor commissioners nnd county clerk. Ray C. Longford, county treasurer: You aro horoby authorized to rofund to J, J. O'Rourko tho Bum of $4.40 tax ior tho yeor 1007 for reason of error in school district. Claim of Lcstor Walker, poormastor, for transportation of poor, nllowed on goneral fund for $50. 00. Claim of RllV ("!. T.nnrrfnr,! mtintv rf n.VAUf treasurer, to reimburse tax solo for southeast quartor of section 18-14-02, allowed on gcnoral fund caBh for $4.35. Honry Gllfoylo Is horoby annolnted constablo for Second ward of North Platto. Official bond of Honry Gilfovlo. con stable Second ward of North Plotto, is horoby approved. Donository bond of Citizens' S cenrltv Bonk of Wallace is hereby approved. Bond of W. L. Cory, doputy county survoyor, is horoby approved. Adjourned until tomorrow. Juno 9, 1908. Board of county commissioners mot ogreeablo to adjournment, present full board and county clork. Roy C. Lonirford. county tronsuror: You nro horoby authorized to correct tho tax list for 1907 us to all of block 4 in Taylor's addition for roason of error. Kay C, Lonirford. countv trensuror; You nro hereby authorized to rofund to II. J. Barraclough tho sum of $12.50 1007 tax paid under protst on occount of error in assessment. EiptcUllr need "Mktara'i ntmedr" mivtlim out of their julntii need tt to keep their Blonnoh, Llvor, Kidney anil lioweli lu good orderi need It (or the itreDtth and vigor II give. et "NATURE'S REMEDY" Br Your Doctor. Take a tablet now and then it villi keop ronr intern in inch good condition that dlieaiet cannot take hold. Every box la gaaraateod to Blvo eallafactlon, or the purahaao prlco refundod. Bette&Than Pills For Liver Ills " Uli l A SZCl. BOX. ii i A Bav m tm I a wra i m an i in A. F. STREITZ, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Claim of R. C. Longford, county treasurer, for redemption of southwest quarter of section 24-15-32, allowed on general fund for $12.05. Claim of Ben Eshlcman, services, al lowed on general fund for $7.00. W. C. Green is appointed overseer ior District xno. zu to nil vacancy. Ray C, Langford, county treasurer You aro hereby authorized to refund to U. P. R, R, Co, tho sum of $9.89 tax on section 7-11-34 for reason of double as sessment. Joseph Wilson, services, allowed on general fund for $60.00, Claim of A. P. Kelly, printing and publishing, allowed on general fund for 149.60. C. E. Beaver, road work, allowed on District No. 18 for $2-1.00. Mrs. Emma Pulver, partial payment of claim filed Oct. 17th, 1907, for care of poor, allowed on general fund for $150.00. Paul G. Moyor, surveying, allowed on gcnoral fund for $12.00. Paul G. Moyor, ofilco expenses, $1.75. Board takes recess as county commis sioners and met as board of equaliza tion, present Wills, Kockon, Springor and County Clerk, and county assessor. Puckerue Island. John Shonor ond gronddaughter Miss Lyla returned from Greoly, Colo., last Saturday evening. Born A bright littlo miss ' camo to gladden tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Boaucamp June Cth. Mrs. Ella Drake, who haa been a sufferer from erysipelas, is slowly re covering. O. D. Shaner is moving his house hold goods to Maxwell whoro thev will bo shipped to Illinois, which atnto was his former home. Harry Stevens' brothornnd family aro visiting him this week. Mrs. Chot Perry, of North Platte. wob tho guest of Mrs. F. M. Droke re cently. This rninv wnthor mnlfna thn fnt-m. era hustle to keep their b'eota ahead of tho weeds. Irl Sowles nnd Carl Arnold comnod on tho river fishing Tuesday night but fished in vain. Mrs. Robt. Lowis returned homo Sun day from Cozad whoro Bho had boen visiting hor Bister for a few days. l loyd bhanor has returned to Snvrler. Colo., after a few days stay here. unnur ivierricK ia r,ne proud pos sessor of a two seated auto. Thorn In n Inrltr fAnllot- in fVita i.l.Lit.. that seems to bo hard to beat as sho doea not givo. way for the nutos but keopa right in the lead and givea them a hard chaso. August Larson' and family attended tho Chapel Cor meeting at Maxwell munuuy nignt. Garfield Items Mr. Shumon of tho Talino Table camo ovor to visit his parents Saturday and Sunday. Geo. Dillon, who spent tho winter in Florida, has roturncd. Ethol Kinloy. of North Platto, who hod been spending a week with rela tives, returned homo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Johnson went to North Platto to hear Mr. Bryan speak. Mrs. Art. Wood and baby havo beon visiting with Mrs. Wood's sister, Mrs. C, B, Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burch spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith. Geo. Miller who haa boon soriously HI has rccovorod and is aMo to attend to business npain. Mrs. A. J. Goodonow and daughter Graco spent o week nt North Platto with her sister Mrs. H. J. Kinley. Miss Irma Hughes has gono to North Platto to attend tho Junior Normal. Mrs. C. B. Johnson went to Nosbltt to spend a week or so with hor mother, Mrs. P. C. Gibbs. Tho Sunday school is preparing a Children's Day oxorcise to bo hold in tho near future None but the Best Meats i Aro. sold at our market, nnd we guoranteo to pleaso all customers. With a thoroughly renovated mar ket, now machinery and competent workmen wo nro in a position tc civo you tho bost possiblo sorvice. Wo Bolicit a Bhnre of your trado. BACON f WALDO, North Platte Meat Market. (NN TbUt.)inee.llitnivi,nhn. rm in A Frightened Horse will ploy havoc with a harness if it isn't -.1 r tt . . t iijuuu irum superior, wen tanneu icatn- Cr and Tint tntrothnr r itvnnpfa Whnn j- T W ui IV IIUII you buy a harness be sure nnd get one tlinf. will hnl tnrrnthni. In niino nf - - - "u n 1 1 1 w a ... vnowo v& emergency, which you can always do if tIAM nl..... -f .. . 1 , juu uiuviu irum uur iv i nanusomo -L I. BlUC It . A. F. Fink. Jos. F. Pillion Authorized DRAIN LAYER Would like to figure with you to connect your house with city sewer system. Also Plumbing Work, Tin Roofing nnd Spouting. 'Phono 180. Wood Turning and Furniture Repairs, Cabinet Work, Screen Frames, Saw Filing and Setting. All kinds of Job Work done on short notice at prices to suit. Terms Cash. P. M. Sorenson. Shop North of P. O. W. R. MALONEY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER A full lino of Cuskets, Robes, etc. Calls answered promptly. Duy Phono 126, Night Phono 27. The Iowa Low Down Mode In tho Largost Separator Factory In the World. We will save you Dollars on Separators. Lamb's Cash Grocery, NORTH SIDE. SUNSET HERD OF SHORT HORNS Bulla and Heifers of nil ages for sale, Bred right and priced right. Wo cuar- nnteo to sell nny onon Bull good enough to bo used in a registered herd ot a prico that ho con nHord to uso him on common cows. Correspondence solicited. Visitors wolcome. Ranch two miles west of North Platto. Fremont Watts & Sons. Your New Suit should bo mude to ordor, nnd wo nro in position to muko it ond gunronteo a perfect fit. Now samples of spring ond summer goods just received. Como in and let us show you. No uso sendiifg out of town for your apparel, F. J. BRQEKEQ lewey St. Merchant Tailor PROFESSIONAL CARDS T S. TWINEM. V Homeopathic Physician nnd Surgeon. Office: McDonald Bonk Kulldinfr. Phono 183. A. J. Amos, M. I). Mario Ames, it. IV DOCTORS AMES & AMES. Physicians nnd Surgeons. Office: Over Stono Drug Co. Phonea: Ofilco 273, Residence 273 GEO. B. DENT, Physician and Surgeon. Ofilco: Over McDonald Bonk. IS5B 116 D R. L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician, Rooms 7 nnd 8. McDonald Stato Bank Building, Phono 148. WILCOX & HALLIGAN, Attorneys-nt-Law. Ofilco over Schatz Clothing Store. Phono 48 rp C. PATTERSON, Attornoy-nt-Lnw, Ofilco: Cor. Front & Dowcy Sta. The School For You Our catalog- will tell you why. It is yours for the asking-. Write for it today. LEXINGTON BUSINESS COLLEGE, Lexington, Neb. Roar) Nn 314 Tho COmmisnlonAr nnnnlnrorl fnr tlio lishing a public road as follows: (Port to be vacated) To vacate apart of Road No. 34 beorinnintr lfiO rnrln north of tho Rntlthnnut- mrnnrAf oooflnn 6, township 12, range 2D from thence 80 .... il inn i ii mua wvai, uiuiicu iou roas norm. fPnrfc to hfl nsrnMinhjvlt rVimmnnnlniT 160 rods north nf thn nniirhnnnf of Boid section 6 thence 160 rods north on said section lino between sections 6 and 5, township 13, rnnge 29. from thence east about 20 rods on township lino to southwest pnrnpr nf nnnHnn !l5 truirn. ship 13, range 29, from thenco one mile nstffli in nAfSAn 1 ! . 82 nnd 33. township 13 range 29; also buiuiiiuuuiiig at norineast corner oi Baia section 6 on township line west to connect with road No. 34, has reported in favor of tho vacation and tho OHtnhlinhm objections thereto or cloims for damn- i i ii . . . bub musi ue inea in tne county clerk s office on or before noon on tho 25th day of July, 1908, or such road will boVn- A .1 ill? 1 1 ... , . wiibu uiiu utjiuuiisnea witnouc reier ence thereto. Dated North Platto Nebr., May 21, iyuo. r . u. HjLLiott. uountv Clerk. imun ill actual UUSSLlSSIOIl Or occupancy of tho promises bolow described and to Thomas U Ellis In whoso namo tho ofilco of tho Itoetster of Doods In Lincoln uuuuiy. oouruHa, ion unu oacu or you nf Knvnmlw. lull u V ri II I - ... i public salo (cortlllcato No. 2m) at tlio County rrcnsuror'H ofilco of said County, tlio folio w- Uvo (5) in block numbor llltyslx (50) In tbo rr1t'1rii.I nfti' n. Vr.l. 1)1.,... T I 1 -i tv. Nebraska for the dollnguont taxes duo "J,1' w vnu jvuia iwi-iw mm iwt ior ioii i TV i u u" lU0 urst uay 01 Jia "w; " vuiu luuauusuqucnL taxes assessed mini nf 1 iS nnrl nn Ia (Ut A m... tuki ho paid tho snUsefjucnt taxes assessed against - . ,M ' iur uiu Bum paid tho mibsequont taxes assessed against Si Vi "'v."""" j" lllu ior iwi ior iuo mini oi .1 . . v "to ijr u 111U. 1WO. 11B paid tho subsonuont taxes assossod RKalnst of f 1.H7; that said propnrty was assessed In years 1003 and mot and to ltotta LoMastors fnrllm vn.ralldl In linn nn... .i rcdernpllon expired on tho olnhth day of Novombor. WOO, and If tho said promlsos aro not rodeomod on tho tenth day of Octo- IWr. 1 1K1S fmm cnl.l mv .l slsrned who was asslirned tho abovo ccrtincato u" ur uLxmt juno iu, iwu, will apply to tho County Troajaror for a docd to kin. nn... luuiljltttts. s.m.wu v.. .a .VVII UUJ UI tl uiiu iwn. . , , FltANK MARTIN. , Assltrnoo and owner of abovo cortlllcato df lalnM tlila 111.1. A T.. A irv Notica for Publication. Ilopartmontof tho Interior. Land Olll CO at North IMnttn. Noli U.S. . June 0, 1B0S. VW'SlP16' NobrasUa, who on September 3rd, 1001. mado Uomostoad Entry No. 1U103. "Tt hj mm imilu.t.KCCllon is.', tOWnsblD 17 FHYll'n nn una. ftlli 1 .1 1 ' i i i t v"1 muuuinui lias luuu uottco ot his lntontlon to make final llvo yoar proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, before Ij. C. ltonoau, clork of tho district court, at Tryon, Nebraska, on the (in isevcuicoiiu uay or July, iwub. Sy! Oallondor, both of North I'latie, Neb.. R. M. Waylloljl. of Ncsbltt. Nolj.. N. C. Androws. of North I'latto. J--"' J. K. EVANS. KeKlstor. BALK OF ATTACH ED PROPERTY. State of Nebraska. Lincoln county. Hoforo J, A. Mooro, Justice of tho Poaco- I.. 1 IlrnLrn will r a bn MAl.ln n... . i 22mldayofMayW.X of tho Peacp. of Maxwell Precinct. In Lincoln county, Nobraska Issuud an onler of at tachment for tho sum of 193 83 In an action pending boforo him wherein M. Kuhns Is uiBinuu uiiu j. u. iiraKo is aeronaant con- on lot 1. In block 27 In tho town of kaxwoll, has boen attached under said ordor. Balii cause was continued to tho 22nd day of Juno ", ill. K INN Notica for Publication.. Uepartmontof tho Intorlor. Land Ofilco at North Platte. Nob. ic,i .. . , .Juno Jt. im ..nn i. itoiviij jiYcn mat ueoreo w. ?uhvwn ?,iaxweni Nou'lMka. who on July for the southeast cjuartor northwest quarter! r."ii'-' .'"!.t".w,.,?"'P. norm. n ".wiViV J'V" ; ?n. has ...... u. i.niniiiiuii iu iuuko niiai uvo iT..pK?J.L .0...,C!,l.,Jls,, ?IIJ. to tho land v r mjiuru 11 10 it etc s tor and day ot July: 180S. """" on 1,10 ,ut" uiaiiuani nariies as witnesses: O. O. llow V.,MLS:,o, h,.wJ,An Kt Wlllird. No- of Maxwoli: Nebraikir Ut" NOTICE FOR POI1LIOATION. Department of tho Interior. V- B. Land Ofllco at North Platto. Nob. Mar 25th. U08. Notico ts horoby irlvcn that Fanny E. Cado, of Maxwoll Nob., who, on April A 1W. mado homestead entry No. 21776, for tho east half of Section 10, Township 13 N.. Rnep 28 W.. Otli Principal Morldlan, has filed notico of lntontlon to make final five year S roof, to establish claim to tho land alxvo escribed, lieforo tho Register and Receiver, at North Platto. Neb., onthofithday of July, Claimant names as witnesses! William Graves. Ocoreo Whitnoy, Arthur HooKornd BalemTown. all of Maxwell, Nebraska. in-29-u J. E. Evans. Roirlstor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Intorlor. U. 8. Land Ofllco at North Platto. Nob. May 25th, 1W. Notico Is hereby Bl von that Charles Trem bly, of Maxwell, Nebr.. who. on December 2, 1001, made homestead entry No. 1U18W, for lot four of Section XI. Township 13 N., Ilantro 28 W., Otli Principal Morldlnn, has filed notico of intention to mako Final Hvo year proof, tp establish claim to tlio land abovo described, loforo tho register and receiver, at North Platto. Nebr-, on tho 7th day of July 1WB. Claimant names as witnesses! J. II. Trom bly. F. M. Drake. E. O. Hosteller, and II. J. Poll of llrady, Nobraska. m2U-fl J. E. Evans. Register. NOTICE FOR PIII1LTCATION. Department of tho Intorlor, Land Ofllco at North Platte. Nob., May 4th, 1909. Notico Is hereby el von that Ilueh L. daunt, of North Platto, Nob., who on May 20, 1801, made Homestead Entry No. 1W59 for tho north half northeast quarter and north half southeast quarter of section 10, township IS, N.. ranro ill, V., 0th Principal Morldlan, has filed notico ot Intention to mako flnal-flvo year proof to establish claim to tho land abovo described boforo tho Resistor and Rccolver at North Platto, Nob., on tho 10th day of Juno, 1V0B. claimant names as witnesses; William Doobkc, Henry Doebko, Jacob Moyor and Qcorgo Macumber, all ot North Platto, Nob, m5-e J. E. Evans. Rcclstor. Department of tho Intorlor, General Land Ofllco, Washington, D. 0.. February 19. 1908. Notico ot Restoration ot Public Lands toSottlemcnt and Entry. Notico Is hereby Riven that tho Acting Secretary of tho In terior has vacated departmental order of withdrawal In so far as tho samo affects tho withdrawal for Irrigation purposes undor tho act of Juno 17th. 1902 (32 Stat., 8S8), for uso In connection with tho North Platto, Pro ject, Nebraska, of tho following described lauds In tho Stato of Nebraska, and by his authority such of said tracts as havo not been heretoforo finally restored and aro not othorwUo withdrawn, rcsorvod, or appro priated, will bo subject to sottlcmont undor tho public land laws of tho United States on and after, May 14, 1909, but shall not bo subject to ontry, filing, or selection until Juno 13, 1908, at tho United States land ofllco at North Platto, Nobraska, warning being expressly given that no person will bo per mitted to gain oroxerclso any right what ever undor any settlement or occupation begun after Fobruary 11, 1008, and prior to May 14, 1008, all such settlements or occupa tion being forbidden; all T. 19. n., R, 61 w., othp. m. R. A. Dalllngor. Commissioner of tho Gonoral land ofllco. Frank Plorco. First Assistant Secretary ot tho Intorlor. NOTICE FOR TAX DEED. Toovory person In actual possession or oc cupancy of tho premises bolow dosenbod and to F. R. Orockott and Amos W Howard In whoso namo tho tltlo of said premises ap pears of record In tho ofllco of tho Register of Deeds in Lincoln county. Nobraska, and to F, R. Crockett, as mortgagee: You and each of you aro horoby notlflod that on tho fifth day of Novembor. 100U, 8. Y. Glllan purchasod at public salo (Cortlllcato No. 8310) at tho county troasuror's ofllco of said county, tho following dcscrlb9d real cs tato. to-wlt: Tho northeast auartor (NE K) of Soctlon nlno (0). Township ton (10) north of Itango thirty-two (!) west of thoOth P. M. In Lincoln county. Nebraska, for tho delinquent taxes due thorcon for tho yoar 1903 for tho. sum of 82.07. and on tho first day of May. 1007, ho paid tho subsequent taxes assessed against sold promises for tho year 190t for tho sum of $a.S9. and on tho 8th day of May. 1008. E. S. Davis, who was as signed said cortlllcato on or about Fobruary third. 1908. paid tho subsequent taxes asscscd against Hald promlsos for tho year 1907 for tho sum of $2.07; that said property was assessed in tho namo of Amos w. Howard for 1005. to " AJVlght for 1900 and to F. R. Crockett for for 1907; that tho time for redemption will ex pire on tho sixth day of November. 1908. and If tho said premises aro not redeemed on tho sixth day of November. 1908, from said tax salo tho undersigned will apply to tho coun ty troasnror for a deed to tho said promises, Dated this 23d dayof May. ItKfc. ,E. 8. DAVIS. Asslgnco of abovo Cortlflcato of Tax Salo, THIS Is to cortlfy that at a mooting tho shareholders of THE HANK OF LIN COLN COUNTY. OF HEIISHEY, NERRA8 KA. held at Hershoy. Nebraska, on the 23d dayof April, 1908, duo notico having boen given, and every shareholder being present in person or by proxy, tho Articles of Incor poration wore aniondod by striking out all of ArtlcloVII and adopting and substitut ing therefor tho following: . , t "Tlio capital stock of this corpora tion shall bo Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000). to i bo divided Into two hundred shares ot fifty dollarsoach." THE BANK OF LINCOLN COUNTY, oi.initf w i , HJ'J-.W. Abhott, Cashlor. Stato of Nobraska, (, County of Lincoln. lss Subscribed and sworn to boforo mo this 14th day of May.A. D. 1908, My commission expires Fob. 5. 1010. ARNOLD F. HEELER. mZ3n Notary Public n , a SHERIFF'S SALE. .i 'rii .rt.u?ot nn .rdPr of Sttle Issued from tho district court of Lincoln county. Nebras ka. upon a decreo of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein P. L. Harper is plaintiff and 'Mary CM. Doyle and James Doyle aro dofondants. and to mo directed. I will on the 30th day of Juno. 1908. at 1 'o'clock v. m. at tho past front door of tho court houso In l1.1.',1, atl0' ""col" county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree Interest and cosUUho followfngdescrlbcd p7opSrty?to-w"t: n?lt,V1stn'Ju,lrt,lr. t8iX "I .? Uon Twcnty nlno Township Nino 191. Range Thlrts Jour 341. and Northwest ni artorlNW Ml I of Section Thirty-two 182 J. Township Nine i 91 braska!rhlrtyr0Ur f"1' i,nc1" ntM: Dated at North Platte. Nob.. May 10, 1008. ! L. MlLTONlIEUOEIl. ' m, "".iui. x-iiuiin.xn. ui wii.r. Tho State of Nobraks. I y lLl1" Lim-oni uounty. ) In tho County Court. In tlui m.llAB , il i.j . son; noceased" 01 Mftry 1 att"- nnV0n?lV0. ,N,?.VrAs.H0,,t?..U'.'elrs and ceaVed: mry i-auorson. do- lake Notico. that upon filing of a wHttnn SlJrSSS?1 Aurffi"f. JS ti.o ins? win 8 aaiowanceitlreWat !,1,,ase,t r.or 'taring tho 80th day of Juno a ii STnisrS' m .??. "rl? wuok" uccesslvoly Ir i th i North .gheiaitr I havo hereunto sot my hand and 1 tho so 1 nf W. O. Euieu. County Judge t nx Es'imate of Expenses. 1. LIlnH. P. Tntnnln ru.. ni i . by cortlfy thatthT folio S 0f f "8a wna mado by tho Mivor and City Council of tho CitvofEh Platto, Nebraska, the 10th daVof Salaries for City Officials S2 900 00 Expense for Firo Dep't inc lud- services of Chiof l ooo nn Streets. Culverts, etc " KM Sidewalks, Crossings and Ap-' ' ' iiroacnnR e . BoendsTnX fr Inter,efltnd ' ,0 Sewer MVinVoVanctax;:::::: Roono year was ?20,cw.l-l. Pa8t fl8CaI J. B. EVANS. IteitUter. has. F. Temple, City Clcrk