I i? . r V S' . ;b 'im'UVI CUPID'ALWAYS 'GETS 'BUSY in the Spring, and in view of that fact we have n very fine collection of en gagement and wedding rings. ,Tho set tings are tho most exquisite ever seen, and are well worthy of tho uso they nro put to. Wo wish to call attention to tho fine workmanship on all our Jewelry making it oxtromely durable and guard ing against loss of stones- and settings. DIXON, Tho Jeweler. to Motion Picture Show 0 er PROGRAM TONIGHT AND SATURDAY: 21 Motion Pictures: "IN BURMAH," "WRESTLING DONKEY," it vi it il ill i Our Pictures and Songs are the Best that (f ft Money Can Procure. fl "NEIGHBORS WHO BORROW," "BLUE BONNET." Illustrated Songs by Mr. Hay: tw .1 v r 11 w ri .1 w it in tne valley wnere tne water nines urow, "My Own United States." W III iu uents uniy. $ j( DR. BROCK, DENTIST, !! Over First National Bank. j Phone 118 .. tnnn Yellow Front Shoo Repair Shop. (V "M. Trotter, of Brady, is trrtnsact ipg'business in toWn today. 4t, ,3 Mrs M. W. Cross left yesterday for a protracted visit in Pennsylvania The D. of H. Social club will meet with Mrs. John H. Day Tuesday after noon of next week. It. L. Graves, traveling for tho Sherwin-Williams Paint Co., is visiting friends in town today. Hershey Welch is looking after busi ness matters in Sidney today, leaving for that place last night. Mrs. O. E. Weil left this morning for a visit with relatives and friends in Grand Island and Loup City. Misses Jessio and Volma Rouse of Cozad and Miss Nellio Tool of Kearney nro visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Boyd this week. Mrs. H. C. Brock returned yesterday from a three weeks' visit with Rela tives in Fairbury. She was accompan ied home by a sister. John Rodden announces that ho will .open n pantatorium in North Platte. Ho oxpects to go to Denver today to secure the services of a tailor. Arthur Boyd, who has been with the Wilcox Dept. Store for a couplo of years past, will resign the latter part of this month and leave for Minneapolis, whore he has been offered an cxcollcnt position. Get your shoes repaired at tho Yel low Front Shoo Shop. A. B. Hoagland sold to Alex Mcston yestorday lot 1, block 185, for a consid eration of twenty-four hundred dollars. This is the former Ronnie property in tho southwest part of tho city. The sale wai made through O. H. Thoelecke. Among the list of graduates of the state university appears tho names of four North Platte young ladies: Miss Edith Patterson graduates in Latin and German, and Misses Nell Edith Bratt, Arta Ethlyn Kocken and Mary E'iza beth Strahorn receive tho degree of Bacholor of Arts. Not all eyo troubles demand tho wear ing of glasses. Your eyes tested free here by an expert optician who will find out your trouble and tell you hon estly whether you ought to have glasses or not. Clinton, Jeweler and Optician. As an appreciation of tho work ho performed in organizing tho council of Knights of Columbus and his untiring interest since displayed, Chas. J. Pass was presented with a handsome gold watch charm emblematic of tho ordor at the meeting- of the local council Wednesday evening. For Sale. New two-story houso and a lot: 320 Smith Dewov street, six blocks from nnstofilce. Cement sidewalks. Price J3.300 cash. Inquiro of Picard Bros. Flag Day Program. Tho following program will bo ren dered next Monday at tho high school auditorium nt eleven o'clock A. M: Music Star Spangled Banner Invocation Rov C. F. Chapman Music. "Good Citizonship. " . . : . . . .Dr. Bcnttio Music "ZZ 11 Addrcss J. G. Beoler Music , Patriotism.. Sunt. E. S. Cowen Music "America." Tho G. A. R., W. R. C, Cadets, Y. M. C. A., band, school children and parents invited. W. C. Elder, Patriotic Instructor. Support Needed. Ono of tho conditions upon which tho Junior Normal was located at North Platte this yoar was that the citizons, by purchasing tickets, should bear the expense of tho entertainment course. To pay for this courso will re quio about $250, which means the sale of that number of tickots. Thoso tickets havo been placed at such a low price that, considering tho quality of the fivo attractions, thoro really should bo no troublo in disposing of them. Wo learn, however, that tho tickets aro not mooting with tho ready salo that they should, and Co. Supt. Ebright and tho committeo feol somewhat disappointed. Wo bcliovo that our peoplo should rally to tho support of tho normal and "make good" the guarantee made to Supt. McBricn that tho expenso of tho entertainment course would bo met by tho peoplo of North Platto. Tho first number of the courso will bo held at the high school auditorium this evening on which occasion A. L. Bixby will do liver a lecture. Tom Horn has closed out his panta torium and will leave town, Omaha be ing his objective point. Miss Fenha Bcelcr who is n student at the Northwestern university at Ev anston, 111., returned homo Wednesday night to spend the summer vacation. The George land contest case, which began , the latter part .of .last wqek, 'is still dragging along at tho Oqitcd States land office, and may' possibly run over into next week. r Nathan Post, formerly of this city, but now un onsign on the battleship Louisiann, passed through yesterday enrouto to Chicago to visit his par ents. Fred Pierson, who is down from Sutherland today, says thrco inches of rain fell at that place laBt evening. There was not enough hail to do any particular damage to vegetation.. Miss Harriet Jones, of Kearney, in structor of operators for tho Bell tele phone company, is in town instructing the "hello girls" of the local ofilco in tho methods of giving patrons tho best , possible Bervico. Senator Brown succeeded in getting tho appropriation 'for the Kearney fed eral builiding raised from $80,000 to $115, 000. If Kearney needs a postoffico build ing costing $115,000, North Platto with its postofllce, land office, weather bureau i and federal court ought to bo entitled to one costing $250,000. Another very heavy rain fell last evening, accompanied by considerable hail which, however, was not severe enough to do any damage to vegetation in this immcdiato vicinity. Tho hail is reported to havo been heavier both north and west of town and in Dawson county it was very heavy. In the faco of an exceptionally heavy rain, several hundred peoplo assembled at the opera houso last evening to sco Mrs. Fisko and her company in "Ros mcrsholm," a dramatization of ono of Ibsen'B strongest novels. Very unfor tunately for the audience, a good part of the first act was lost through the rain and hail which descondod with a clattor on thoroof and the words of the actors were not heard by those in tho center nnd rear of tho house, and in other portions of tho play tho words of the star were Bpoken so low that it was with difficulty the thread of tho story could bo followed. Perhaps this was duo to Mrs. Fisko's lack of appreciation of tho faulty accoustic properties of tho hall. But notwith standing these inconveniences to the audience, the play was much enjoyed, and tho work of tho great actress wns not disappointing to even thoso who had expected something much out of tho ordinary for North Platte. Tho emotional features and tho play is one of many emotional situations wero taken by. Mrs. Fisko with such naturalness as to excite much ndmir- ation, and her every msvo on tho stage was so dilierent irom those wo are ac customed to Bceinc that her actions alone wore interesting. In his emotion al parts, Kosmer was strong, and both , had excellent support. , Make Application for Demonstration. Congress having made an appropria tion, for demonstrations in good road making, Dr. Ames, with his character istic hustle, wrote Congressman Kin kaid asking that he sccuro such a dem onstration for Lincoln countv. Judge Kinkaid has replied, stating that he had visited the department having this matter in charge and urged that such demonstration be made in Lincoln county, and at the same time suggested that tho Commercial Club of this city make a formal application for tho work to bo done. O. H. Thoelecke who is a member of tho road committee of tho club, made out the application yestorday and sent. it to Washington. There are thousands pf applications for theso demonstrations, and as the appropriation iB.npt large, many of the applications will necessari ly be turned down, so it is not certain that such domonstrntlon will be made in this county, but wb'will bo'on tho "waiting list" for next year and this .will be at) '.advantage. Judgo Kinkaid said that if a demonstration is not made, it is probablo that a lecturer will bo sent hero to address our peoplo on tho subject of good roads. Dwellings for Sale. Wo have several nice dwellings that wo will sell much below real valuo and mako you mighty easy terms. Buchanan & Patterson. Local Railroad News; In tho county court today LowiB Pa pas, a Greek section hand, is suing Hahlcr & Abraham for $159 damages. Lust winter this firm attached the wages of Papas for a meat bill. Ho ac knowlegcd the bill and Hahlcr & Abra ham received their money. Later ho In stituted a damage suit, claiming that he was a married man and thorefore exempt from such procedings. For Sale. A nearly new Russell threshing out fit, 25-horso power engino which can also be used for plowing purposes. Separator is self-feeder, has straw- blower stacker and wagon box elevator. For further particulars writo Fred Pierson, Sutherland, Neb. Button Oxfords Thirty-fivo cars of storago coal aro in tho yards today, and Foreman Delnney is looking for men to unload them. Tho heavy rain last evening resulted in a wash out on tho Union Poc4fle near Paxton, delaying traffic about four iiours. Supt. Anderson and brido enmo th from Denver in tho "Colonel's private car yesterday morning and kUer hod the car attached to a west bound freight. Oscar Sandall has been given tho position of night car checker, Gcorgo Savin takes Earl Stamp's place, and tho latter is given a day position ni tho freight house. Tho report that tho Unldri Pacific will renew work on tho Nortft River branch July 1st, is still curronfc. "Where this report originated, no ono scorns to know. At Choyenno tho repost Is bo- liovcd to bo true. The arrangement of passcngor runs on the Second district, which has been n matter or consiucrauio discussion among the engineers, has finally boon adjusted, and District Foreman Beery expects to receivo the list today. Fruit business over tho Union Pa cific is increasing as tho crop of deciduous fruit ripon. Ovor two hun dred trains of Califonia fruit have boon iced at tho local plant so far this year. At present from fiftyv to eighty cars are being iced daily. Georgo Johnson is putting down a well for tho U. P. at this station. They are down to bed rock nnd intend going through this rock to see if a bettor quality of water cannot bo found. They have never tried this experiment bo fore nnd if this ono is a success all their wells in tho Platto valley will bo served the some way. Ogalalla Nows. Polled Angus Bulls for sale. Thomas E. Doomttlb. Lady's Suit Every woman admires these Golden Brown Button Ox fords, made on the "Tred-strate-last fr A A and only j)tlUU Our Tan in Russian Calf with $3.50 The Golden Brown Buckle Oxford is very popular this season, made on the Tred strata" last ffA and only JJtltiJl SMALL, The Big Shoe Man WIT Style No. 3247 made, from good grade Navy Blue Pan- ama, nicely trimmed witn Black Silk Braid. Jacket lined with Navy Blue Taffeta Silk. Price $20. Wilcox Department Store ASHLEY PETERS Cement Contractor Special attention given to Cement Sidewalks. PACTS AND REASONS Wo cuaranteo nerfoct satisfaction in tno walks we construct, mono 484. Smoke any one in the Box of Forest King cigars and you will And it oi tno samo oven excellence. lio causo tno tobacco in them Is all care fully selected, and every loaf has to bo perfect or is rejectod. Try a Forest King today. If thoro Is a better five cent cigar mndo it must indeed bo wonder. J.F. SCIIMALZ1UED. -Why the- "Detroit" VAPOR BURNER Is Superior to all Others First It is absolutely SAFE. Second It requires NO generating-. Third It !s ready for use as soon as it is lighted. Fourth It burns tho gas DIRECT from supply pipe, therefore no chance for explosion. Fifth It burns more air and less gasoline than others. SivH. It will burn ANY GRADE of gasoline with out smoke. Seventh It burns a PURE BLUE FIRE from start to finish. Eighth It is FREE from soot or smoke. Ninoth It is the MOST DURABLE burner made. Tenth It is very SIMPLE no bolts and nuts, no screws are used. Can be taken apart and put together without a tool. Eleventh It is PERFECTLY RELIABLE at all times; are used SUMMER and V INTER. it wil l. miRN ai roHm J J OS. HERSHEY Locust Street. North Platte. TZfiTWELfi THAT Pittsburg Perfect" ELECTRICALLY WELDED FENCES obc enjoying pTtcnouional miceaso, and aro concedeu to bo far superior to any otner fences on tho market. Thousands of pleased f onco usors will testify thnt "Pittsburg Perfect" Electrically Welded Foncos Will Bland ordinary iia won an hard usago Will nol sag in eumtnor'tf heat nor break in tho cold of wintor Are mado of tho best matorlal for fencing purposes Tlavo slays thnt will not slip nor can thoy bo moved out of placo Will conform to the most unovon ground and can bo erected ovor hills and through valleys as well na on lovol ground liavo no slack wires to spoil tho appearanco as well as tho efficiency Do not require an export to orcct. Are now made with slay wires as large as the line wires JOSEPH HERSHEY, Agent, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. t WHITE & LESKEY, by constructive knowledgo and skill, jjj High-grado results produco that novor fail your want to fill: Invariably contracts aro completed according to specification, jj Thus rendering by porfect unity each dotail In right relation: $ Examining their work, you'll find it done with scrupulous caro, k o cc because of its enduring nature It docs not rcquiro repair: Ml $ Llko magic thoy jrat up tho Wood, Stone, Brick or Concreto, Us jjj Exorting forces in coment building with which no other' can compoto: tjj So tho firm for choico material always on tho alert, Jjj Keeps employed for each department of tho job a truo export: uJ Endeavoring to got for yourself ft homo, storo, hotel or flat, J You'll profit by calling on tho buildors, WHITE & LESKEY, C P. TEMPLE, Manager. J. G. DEELER, Attorney. Temple Real Estate and Insurance Agency REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE. It wilt bo to your advantage to see un first when wanting anything In our line. North Platte, Nebraska. OIllco Oor. Knmt nud Dowoy bt psrUl"8TAlIt9,