Discount Sale On account of the owner remodeling the build ing which we occupy, we must reduce our stock to save trouble of removing it and also to make room for our plumbing stock, therefore we offer the following discounts: OOIlt discount on 'Dining Chairs, 1 1 Rockers, and Dining Room Tables. HO PCt1 Gent discount on all Case Goods except Globe - Wernicke Book Cases. IO Per Gent discount on our entire line of Hammocks. 15 Per Gent discount Pictures. on all our Watch our south window each day for display of goods on which discounts are made. Ginn & White. NORTH PLATTE NEB. 'aAvAvvAaAaAaAvvA DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dcnlisl Ofllco over tho McDonald Slato Dank. News of the City. Tho rainfall lust pight amounted, to ono and ona-iourtn inches: and; was, worth about ono and ono-fourtli million dollars to Lincoln county. , Mrs. J. G. Pollock, of Denvor, who'. hod boon a guest of Mr. and Mrs. ' W. P. Snydor at tho atato experimental farm, roturnod homo today. Lot mo mafto you n sot of window screens. P. M. SoitENSON. Wonthor forecast: Probably fair to night and Saturday; coolor Saturday. Tho maximum tompomturo yostorday was 80, ono yoar ago 88; minimum I this morning G-i, ono yoar ago ,C8. Mrs. Dclanoy, who has been spending tho paBt yoar in Now York, is tho guost of hor brother Geo. T. Hold, whilo onrouto to hor homo in Los An golbs. A carcloud of automobilos wcro rc coivod yesterday by Davis and Pillion and havo boon stored in Salisbury's livery barn until tho Pillion garngo is completed, wmcii will uo in a day or two. STYLE FIT QUALITY Ye i, (or In these thrtio eiavntlall Iho I'lc -lm Shoe excels. Most Stylos $5.00 &0.00 It rolloi le (he latest styleinll over. Quality Is literally "built" right Into It. Put It to the rcal'tcit of o ehoc wear and you'll find tho l'Ior ihelm outlasts all others. Graham & Co., Miss Elizabeth Uonner entertained tho Indian Card Club Wodncsdny nftor noon. Work on Julius Pizer's new rcsidcuco on wcBt Second street will bo Started tho early part of noxt week. Mrs. Samuel Goozco Is nntortalning tho members of tho Birthday Club at JL:3Q luncheon this afternoon. For Salo Two colts; ono ono year old and ono throo yoars old. Inquird of Dr. Ames A splendid rain fell Tuesday ovening and whilo tho ground had not beeomo dry, yottho precipitation will not como amiss. MIbs Mnrgret Coopor and Josoph Guy Swopo will bo united in marriago at tho Church of Our Savior Wednesday evening, Juno 21th, at sovon thirty. wantou spring .cnicKons. will pay $1.00 per dozon. Apply to P. W.. SItton, Pacific Hotel. Members of tho local lodgo of Elks hro figuring on making an excursion to Gothenburg on July 4th. Thoy will no doubt bo courteously received by tho hoRpitnblo peoplo of that town. Lender Lowell of tho cornot band promises tho citizens a rendition of "Tho Forgo in tho Forest" in tho courso of if month or so. This is a vory flno ploco of music. Judgo Elder has boon dovoting all his timo this week to probate matters, and thq county court has been utterly do m it . voiu oi anyining mat tno nowspapor men could turn into a nows item. Quality 1b what you should stand out 4'orwhon buying sivorwaro or Bilver nlato. bilver means silver here, and everything in plated waro is tho best of Us Kind, wo can show ypu a splendid vnnoty oi oitnor: Clinton, Jeweler and Optician A party of eighteen Chicago bankers occupied a privato car on train No. 2 Wednesday. Thoy had been making a tour of tho west. On tho car platform was nn immonso chunk of coppor oro which thoy secured at Butto. lot Salo-My property, 321 East I'lttli street; corner lot. Mrs. Alvinn l'icnrd. A committoo of firomcn is Miss Maude Owens returned Tues day from a two weeks' visit with friends in Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McMurray, living south of Brady, were guests this week of their daughter, Mrs. Asa Snyder. ' Mrs. Bruce Dyo is n guest at tho Dugan residence whilo enroute to her homo in Oregon from a visit in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Byron came up from Gothenburg last evening to wit ness the Mrs. Fisko production at the opera houso, Wanted A competent girl for general housework. Apply to Mrs. A. B. Hongland. If you don't hear "Doc" Bixby's lecturo at tho high school auditorium this oVoning you will havo causo for regret tho remainder of your life. Tho Templo Crnft danco Wednesday .ovening was fairly well attended, and of courso evory ono expressed them selves as having an enjoyable time. Strcot Commissioner Salisbury com pleted grading Fourtii street last week and is now doing similar work on Third street for a distanco of a dozen or moro blocks. Wanted A girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs. John Bratt. Mrs. Will Vroman, of Vroman, and hor sister, Miss Emma Ferris, of Madi son, Wis., nro tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Vroman, having arrived last ovening. Propositions for sites for tho new federal building are now in order to be submitted to tho government. It will now develop just how many suitable sites in tho judgmmt of lot owners there aro in North Platte. Supt. Snyder tells ub that the heavy rain and wind of last night badly lodged tho winter wheat on tho experimental farm. Tho wheat is very heavy, and a considerable portion of jt will prob ably remain down. Tokulvo and tho Boy nt tho Yellow Front Shoo Repair Shop. Tho offer of C. F. Iddings of cah prizes for tho best bread made from his best patent flour ought to meet with hearty competition. Other then tho valua of tho prizes, tho honor of baking tho beat bread should mako any lady feel proud. Several cement wnlks have been laid on tho west sidn of Ash street tho pa8t week and this gives that street a per manent walk from Banks' Addition to tho IddingB' lumber yard. There is also considerable permanent walk on tho same street in the Third ward. Merle Wilcox, of Cozad, son of Mr, and.MrB. D. P. Wilcox formerly of this city, was married Wednesday evening to Miss Clara Wiseman of that placo. Tho wedding was a quiet ono, only rein tivoa and near friends being present. Rolfo Halligan, of ,this city, officiated as boat man. Merlo is now associated with his fathor in tho hardware bus! noss nt Cozad. Tho beauty of cut glass denends unon its brilliancy: that denends upon the design, doptli of cuttings and tho quality ot tno giaPB. Tno glass wo sen is tno best mude, clean cut, sparkling, exquis lto in design and moderato in price. CLINTON, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Tom Groon says tho' outlook for baso ball team in North Platto this season is anything but bright, uo started out to sccuro subscriptions for funds to build a fence nround a block south Dowoy streot, but only so cn Dollars in Cash Prizes For the Ladies. $5.00 1st Prize, $3.00 2d Prize, 12.00 3d Prize. To tho ladles baking tho best loaves of bread from my 4X flour. All broad to be brought to Rush's store Thursday morning, tho 18th, and each Indy to deposit with their brend a grocer's ticket showing tho has bought sack of my flour between now and that time. Three lady judges will award the priz?n Friday afternoon, the 19th, nt 3 p. m. My flour on sale at every grocer's in town. C. F. Iddings. Church Notices. METHODIST. Tho Methodist Sundny School has arranged n very fine nnd entertaining program for tho observance of Chil dren's Uay to bo rendored Sundav evening nt 8 o'clock. Como nnd help us enjoy the little ono'B efforts. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Children's Day will bo observed on next Sabbath. Thoro will be a joint service of tho congregation and tho Sabbath school at 10:30 a. m., with a special programme. Tho offering will be for tho missionary work of tho Sun day school board. Other appointments as usual. Wo will welcome all who may como to any of our services. BAPTIST CHURCH. All services will bo maintained dur ing the summer. Tho Sunday school is the only department whero a decrease in attendonco is noticeable, duo to so many going nwnv. Wo exoect this to be compensated by tho presenco of Nor mal students. All strnngers and friends aro invited to n place among us duriher their stay in tho city. Tho npnointments next Sunday will bo according to regulnr schedulo, ex cept that tho B. Y. P. U. meets after tno ovening service. Scaled Bids for Sidewalks. Sealed bida will bo received bv tho undersigned up to noon of June 15th, 1908, for laying a four-foot stone walk tno cast and south sides of the Central school building. lho right to reject any or nil bids is reserved. E. T. TRAMP. Sec'y Bd. of Education. on cured $1G0 of tho $G00 or $800 needed nnd quit in utter disgust. A number of tho best players havo loft town, in eluding Carponter, Kitzmillcr and Horn. Tho W. C. T. U. will hold its regular meeting nt tho Baptiat church Tuesday afternoon, JunolGth, nt 3 o'clock. Al members and friends interested keeping up tho Union will surely present. Rev. Favorita will talk to about systematic giving and wo will bo pleased to hear ministers of other churches mterosted in tho subject como and givo ua their views of it. COMMITTEE. Notice. Picnic partios and fishing is positive ly lo'oiuueii at tno Linmpiaugn lmko Parties found prosecuted. trespassing will bo Lamplaugh Estate. Notice. Members of Tnto Lodgo No. 04 A. O IT IT fT,. T! T XTn nr. nnmtnDa. w. IT. 1IIIVI iwu itivmo uuuuu llUi 1 u ingtho business men eliciting funds ? IVT 1 needed to dofrny tho expenses of .the Sunday and 'proceed from" thor'o to re state firemen's tournament to bo held in this city noxt Soptembor. Tho com mitteo is mooting ia with liberal spouses. There is moro or Icsb talk of holding a Fourth of July celebration, but somo of tho bUBlnesB men think thnt as thoy luivo contributed to tho firomon'B tour nnment, that is about nil that should bo 1 . T f L , 1 1 - uxiii'ciuu oi mom in mo way ot con tributions. Unless wo can havo a celo bration on n plan big enough to draw peoplo to town, it is hardly worth tho effort to havo any. At thlu lata date it would bo almost impossible to get up a celebration on a largo scn'o, tho comotery and docorato our departed members. graves o MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. New five room house with bath, electric lights, city water and everything mod em. Nine blocks from busi ness part of the city. Good ocatipn. Call and name your price and it is yours. Temple Real Estate & Insur ance Agency. Barb wire for sale at llershcy's, corner Fith and Locust St. Phone 15 For Safety and Comfort YOU SHOULD BUY Good Investments. 4 room houso barn and 2 lots paying 12 per cent on invostmont $1100. t! n 4t i.. onn 1'iuu iuuiii i:ubtuu, wioou pouuu. Fivo room houso. good barn, two lots, $1050. Eicht room houso. elegant barn, two blocks from Dewey street. $SG50. U. II. XHOELECKE. The "New Process" Wick Blue Flame Oil Stove, is the cleanest, safest, most convenient and economical stove one can use. There is no waste of the hc.1t generated on these stoves, as the flame is applied directly to the article to be heated. The kitchen docs mot become a fiery furnace, even In the very hottest weather, so you can always cook, bake or iron on n "New Process" Wick Blue Flame Oil Stove, in perfect comfort. It is much cheaper than a coal stove, too. Call and See It at Wilcox Department Store TORNADO INSURANCE. Wise people are taking out Tornado Insurance on their property before the storm comes. Let us write you a poli- , e til. . Big Picture Sale . . C. M. Newtoiv's 7 T 16x20 Framed Pictures - - f J THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital and Surplus - $120,000.00. DIRECTORS t E. F. Secberger, C. F. McGrcw, J. J. Halligan, F. L. Mooney, Arthur McNamara. How MuGh For a Corset? H No matter what you aro in tho habit of paying for your corsets, you ought to get acquainted wit tho Model No. 1027 Tf Tho point of economy js emphasized by tho service thosq corsets give. There is anothor advantage wearers of tho Justiute don't dis card a corset on account of its loss of shape. Justmte Corsets retain their shnpo. H Tho model shown hero is a medium low bust, long front and dip hips. Tho woman with an averngo figure cant find a bettor - t -A value at j1.5U Wilcox Department Store. Why Does It Pay To Paint? Preservation Good lumber is scarce and high in price. Old lum ber well seasoned and, preserved by painting, is more valuable than new. Paint is cheaper than lumber. Valuation The cash value of property is advanced by paint ing. Ask your real estate dealer why he paints before trying to sell. 1 Reputation Tourists say that the prosperity of a community can be accurately gauged by the appearance of the dwellings. You are one of a community does your home show you to be successful ? LINCOLN PAINTS SoBy Workmaiv . Derryberry, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. from any Point o! View Our Carriages will provo moro than merely satisfactory. In appearance, finish, lightness and strength they are superior to any othors to bo had at anywhere near our prices. In fact you can pay a whole lot moro and not got nearly as good a carriage as ours. A. M. Lock. A Nice Lilllc Meal ai Armslrona is always appreciated, where you get everything so appetiz ing and toothsome these June mornings, when your appetite is fickle. When you want to treat your friends, your wife or your sweetheart to a meal that is cooked to the Queen's taste bring them to The Enterprise Bakery, Mrs. Jennie Ai mstrono, Prop cy in one or our oia line companies. nl I . . ine best costs no more man the poorl est. Buchanan & Patterson,