The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 12, 1908, Image 3

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What la Going on Here and There
That Is of Interest to tho Read
ers Throughout Nebraska.
Spanish votornno held their first
meeting at Lincoln with a good at
tendance. Hov, Hnyos, for two years at Co
lumbus, has nccoptcd a cnll to St. Paul,
in this state. '
Tho corner stono for tho proposed
now Catholic church nt Schuyler was
laid Inst week.
Tho siirlng wheat harvest is expect
ed to commence in Gage county nbout
tho 20th of June.
At a recent meeting of tho Wood
men of the World In Omalta. 1,305
members wero Initiated. ,
Washington county npplo growers
bollovo they will havo much of tho
fruit to sell in tho autumn months.
Tho Masonic tcmplo nt Fnirbury
nppoarn to bo a go, Judging b'y tho en
thusiasm of tho peoplo in tho pro
ject. A number of harmless insano will
bo discharged from the Lincoln asy
lum to mnlto ro om for moro pressing
cases. ,
Frank 0. Cox, who passed forged
checks at Fremont, will think ovor his
transgression for threo years In tho
Baptist ladles in Fnirbury arotry
ing to gather tip a load of wasto paper
that their church exchequer mny bo
J. Aliow Smith, wanted at Carlisle,
111., on tho charges of forgery and
murder, was arrested in Syracuse by
City Marshal Mcoker.
Tho season for destructive storms
is nt.liand. WIND nnd LIGHTNING
will destroy and damngo buildings and
kill nnd malm stock in barns nnd
pastures. Protect yourself by insur
ing thorn In tho Nebraska Mutual Ins.
Co., homo ofllco, HI South Twelfth
street, Lincoln, Nob. Wrlto us for
Tho Creto Young Men's Christian as
sociation has ctartcd a campaign to
raise $20,000, to erect a building". Moro
than $8,000 has already boon pledged.
Dr. E. Q. Winkler, n dentist who re
cently located In Valentino, was ar
rested on tho charge of practicing den
tistry without a license from tho Btato
Tho. Alma Intorstato Driving park
stables aro full of horses in training
for tho fall races which take place dur
ing tho Alma Intorstato fair in Sep
tember. '
Georgo nnd Scott Burke, sons of
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Burke, wero
drowned in Hooper creek, four miles
south of Adams, while out picking ber
ries. Tho boys wero eight and nlno
years old.
Jacob Crocker, a well-to-do farmer
living nbout ten miles southwest of
McCook, throw himself head fore
most down an abandoned well on his
farm. Tho well was 150 foot deop. IIo
was Instantly killed.
Two hundred chlckenB wero lost and
$500 worth of property destroyed as
tho result of a flro on tho Charles Hill
farm, southwest of Hnstlngs. Tho flro
started In a barn from a defectlvo
brooder or incubator lamp.
E. C. Burns, formerly deputy oil in
spector for tho Fremont district, for
many yenrs postmaster at Scrlbner
nnd roprcscntatlvo for, two torms of
Dodge county In the state legislature,
died at his homo In Scrlbner.
The Cass county mortgage record
for May shows: Fifteen farm mort
gages filed, nmount $41,450; released
eighteen, nmount $47,389. Ton mort
gages on city property filed, amount
$4,975; released ton, amount $2,803.
His attorney nt Grand Island has
filed suit for John J. Slattory for $10,
000 damnges against tho Chicago, Bur
lington & Qulncy, nnd Thomas Gra
ham for tho Injuries sustnlned by his
being pushed off a moving freight
train, as alleged, nnd having his skull
badly injured nnd his leg cut off.
Tho annual camp meeting of tho
Nebraska stnto holiness association
will bo hold this year at Epworth park,
Lincoln, stnrtlng Juno 18. Men from
the national association havo been so
cured to lead tho meetings, which aro
oxpectod to bo this year vory success
ful. Mlnlstors nnd lnymcn from all
denominations will bo present.
Coroner Howard of Howard was
called to tho farm homo, some eight
miles northwest of that city, of Potor
Paulus, tho information bolng that at
an enrly hour Mr. Paulus took his
shot gun and wont out to tho barn
nnd shot hlmsolf nnd that ho soon
dlod. Mr, Paulus lost his wife n few
months ago after somo months of
sovoro sickness, nnd It Is thought that
his mind had become unbalanced from
this and other entases.
John Petersen, residing near Friend,
was drowned whllo nttomptlng to
cross a swollen stream.
At tho election hold In Wayno tho
proposition to vote $50,000 bonds for
tho construction or u high school
building carried by n largo majority.
Tho fees collected In tho ofllco of
tho secretary of state during tho
month of May amounted to $4,205.08,
divided as follows: For filing nrtietes
of Incorporation, $3,G57; notary com
missions, $58.10; motor vehicles,
$3,540.20; brands, $52.50; certificates
nnd transcripts, $47.25; labels and
trado marks. $3G.C3.
mry or
ARD "bosses" 'como nnd go.
They rise and fall, and ono
makes room for npothor.
Tho fluctuations in politics
nro ns suuuen mm nurupi
ns tho changes In tho stock mar
ket, and tho "boss" ot last year
may bo tho plainest of plain citi
zens tho ensuing yenr. Ono thing
is morally certain, thoro will never
bo an elimination of "bosses" In
politics, becatiso leaders aro an
absolute necessity In ovory movo
mont, and prime mlnlstors nnd
presidents nro as surely polltlcnl
"bosses" as aro tho ward politicians
who hold their wards In tho hollow of
tholr hnnds.
Somo peoplo, good people, too, hnvo
stnrted In to fight "bosses," and havo
ended up by co-opornting with them
and gotting their aid to lmprovo con
ditions In certain districts. Fighting
n political "boss" is an uphill Job, for
"the respectables," so-called, aro usu
ally too busy to glvo nny assistance,
nnd tho "boys" nro all with tho "boss."
I remember n reformer who tried to
win out on tho presidency of a wnrd
club ngaliiBt the "boss." IIo tried
two years and wns dofeatod, but tho
third term ho seemed to be nuro of
succcsb. Nearly every ono of tho
members of tho club promised him
nld, and Dugan, as I will call him,, had
high hopes. Tho night of tho election,
with J 89 mombors present, Dugnn's
name was put before the club nmld n
storm of applause. His nomination
was seconded by at least flvo addi
tional speeches, ench u glowing oulogy
of "Danny Daman's staunch qualities
and Borvlcos to tho party." Dugan sat
entranced with tho praises which wero
being handed out to him. Tho "boss" "
candidate, Casoy, waB nominated In a
hulf-dozon words nnd feebly seconded
by only ono Individual.
Dugan hlmsolf was nppolnted ono of
tho tellers, nnd a roar of approbation
shook tho hall us tho chairman an
nounced his selection. Dugan wont up
and down tho nlsleB, and ovorybody
gave him tho "glnd hand" and folded
their ballots and tossod them Into tho
hat ho carried with "There's another
for you, Dan, old boy," or "Hurrah for
Danny Dugan."
IIo had a ballot shoved nt him with
tho Injunction, "Mako it unanimous-:,
Danny; hurl in a voto for your own
ticket," and ho put his ballot In the
other toller's hat and Bat down In tho
Bovonth heavon of anticipation. The
counting was finished in a few inln
utcs and Dugan smiled as ho saw tho
ballots all going over to ono sldo. "It's
a walk-away," ho whispered to tho
man next to him." , "It's n landslide,"
Bald his nolghbor. Tho chairman
stopped to tho front of tlio platform
and announced tha voto for president
ns follows: "For Potor Casey, 188
votes; for Daniel Dugan, ono voto."
Dugan grabbed his hat and madly
TO 8
rushed from tho room, with n porfect
howl of cheers following him. It wus
his last nppenranco In politics.
The term "political boss" images to
most peoplo a stoutly-built man with a
plug hut and a largo diamond, who
smokes long black cigars nnd rules
his ward or district with n rod of Iron.
Somollmes ho Is represented as a man
with n heart bursting with Hympnthy
for tho poor, who squeezes tho rich
citizen to help out tho constituents
whoso votes ho harvests on election
day. Ho Is gcnornlly typlfiod ns elo
quently profuno, nnd story-writers de
light to set him down Invariably as of
Irish birth.
As n matter of fact, howover, there
nro Just as many different "bosses" as
thoro nro nntlonnlltlCB In tho lnrg
cities, for a "boss" is simply n leudor
for tho tlmo being, nnd that may bn
for a few months, n fow years or
longer. And somo of tho most suc
cessful of nil "bq'ssos," politically
speaking, havo been Americans. The
prosont president of tho Unllod States
Is ono of tho most masterful of politi
cal bosses. Who In his party, daro
openly sny him "nny" with nny hope
of winning out against his rock-rooted
Tho "boss" in tho cities, howover,
especially tho typical ward "boss," Is
often a man who mny bo evolved by
cither accident or design. Sometimes
a man goes into tho gnmo to help a
friend out, or to satisfy u grudgo, nnd
tho glamor ot thq thing attracts hlni
and ho stays in, to finally em or go us
a full-blown "leader." And somo one
of tho young fellows who go Into poll
tics dollberutoly will work on for
years In tho same wnrd, growing up
with tho peoplo who llvo thoro, Identi
fying jiirnseir with them and tholr In
teroBtB and finally winning tho confi
dence of his constituents so lastingly
(hat they will Voto almost to a man ns
ho wishes.
A true "boss" both follows nnd
leads. Ho knows what his "people"
want, and ho does not Btray far away
from their doalres. If his ward has a
constituency which favors a liberal in
terpretation of the liquor quostlon ho
Is for tho "open" Sunday, nnd oven
tho nll-nlght BUloon, If necosshry. Ho
Is strong on tho subject of "tho poor
.man's club" nnd hot ngalnst "blue
laws" and for tho maximum of "per
soiml Hborty." Incidentally, ho favors
n low llconso, usually.
If a "boss" lives In a Prohibition dls
trlct no rulmlnates against "tho do
mon rum" and points out statistically
tlio ruin wrought by drink. This muy
not provont him from linvlng his
"hlgh-ballB" at the club, or his chain
pngnu at tho political banquots, but
tmiKes him strong with tho voters
whoso Btipport ho seeks. IIo is on tho
alort for "blind pigs,' or places where
liquor Is smuggled In and sold secret
ly, nnd ho leuda delegations to tho
1 Hl?
Mft&D BY tfsl &P
mayor's ofllco nnd to tho legislatures
to protest against tho vice of drink
Tho averago "political boss" Is In
politics strictly for "want Is In It," nnd
that means that, ho Is nelthqr In the
game for Ills health, his recreation nor
his Bplrltunl welfare. And why not?
Do business or professional mon outer
Into their respective avocations for nny
of tho ubovo reasons? I trow not. Tho
"boss" has ono fixed, set Idea, and that
Is to "got thoro," as ho would express
It; to accumulate a largo roll of stmn
loons and thou retire to somo respec
table residence portion of tho city nnd
forget tho low, course mob with which
ho wns compelled to nssoclato whllo
ho was gotting his start. Tho success
ful ones do this, and tho unsuccessful
ones remain nt tho samo old stand, ro.
vlllng tho Ingrntltudo of tho ones who
"mado the rlfllo" nnd got away with
their "bundle"
Wnrd "bosses" often combine to ac
complish results, and thoy often cut
tho ground from under ono another
without tho slightest compunction. I
novor know but ono "boss" whoso
word was absolutely nnd entirely to
bo depended on both as to what ho
could do, nnd what ho would do. Ho
could tell to a cortnlnty nbout how his
wnrd would go, nnd If ho gnvo his
word as to tho delegates ho novor un
der nny circumstances broke. IIo
wns a man of strong likes and dls-
Troplcal Races Are Shown
Much Longer Lived,
to Dc
Because In troplcnl countrlos moro
decayed vogetablo matter !h found and
In consequence more mluBma, the Idcu
has become popular that only vigorous
health and long life nro likely In
northern latitudes where froBt now
and then asserts itself, Tho fact that
humanity matures much earlier In
tropical cllmos seems to warrant tho
conclusion that It must necossnrlly
porlsh much enrllor. Dr. Lugl Sum
bon of Homo attempts to put tho pop
ular Impression to sleep by an elab
orate exhibition of statistics.
Ho doosn't contond that tho warm?
est climate Is the most suitable to a
man, under tho conditions of modern
civilization, but ho remonstrates vig
orously against tho Idea that a cold
and variable clltnato Is tho most con
duclvo to tho physical and intel
lectual Improvement of tho human
race. Whllo northern climates may
produce stalwart frames, statistics
show that they do not conduce to Ion
govlty, In proof of his position tho
doctor cites tho fact that the avorago
Arab outlives tho avqrago Esquimau
bv not less than 25 years.
likes nnd exceedingly blunt In his
way of putting things. But ho could
nolthor bo wheedled nor Intimidated.
The moro fact that ho had promised
tho support of his delegates In n con
vention to n cortaln candidate did not
determine that ho would support that
candidate nt tho polls on election. But
Just so far ns his word went, that
promise wns lrou-chul and Irrevocable
Time was when n "boss" was to bo
mnrkod by his reputntiun for physical
prowos. But thoso days nro in tho
eoro nnd yellow lonf. Strange to say,
even In tho touRhest of tho "tough"
wards, tho "loaders" nro very seldom
now men who depend on their "knock
down and drag out" abilities. The
"boss" of to-day uspiroB to bo a
"drossor" and a wit, not n "slugger."
Pugilism Is loft to its regulnr oxpon-
onts, nnd though ninny of the "bosses"
tuny be patrons of tho Bpnrrlng
matches, thoyvjmvo given tho rough-
luid-tumblo method of tho paBt tho
good-by, and plume themselves on
smoothor plans to nchlovo success.
Such n thing ns n consclonco Is
something that no unscrupulous wnrd
"boss" will harbor, for to him con
sclonco Is n dead letter In polltlcB. Be-
sides, a "bosB" may bo In ono party
ono yenr, nnd on tho other side of tho
fonco tho noxt year. Ho mny support
n measure at first nnd thon "switch"
nnd fight It. Expediency Is his watch-
word, and ho will support n man
whom ho cordially dosplscs If ho can
soo advantage to hlmsolf in tho end.
The questions of party prlnclplofl have
an exceedingly hazy IntoroBt to him,
for tho clnsB with which ho mingles,
nnd tho interests which ho represents,
hnvo no tlmo at all to study political
economy, and no inclination towards
tho ethical sldo nt politics.
It was a matter of gcnuluo Interest
to moot tho various "bosses," big and
little, and weigh tho nt and analyze
them us they canto into my perspec
tive. Thoy wore always a trlflo curi
ous ns to Just how I hnpponod to bo In
politics, nnd I nut quite cortaln thoy
wero decidedly uncertain ns to Just
how I camo to bo holding down n fair,
salaried position when I could not do
llvor delegates; nnd yot, mooting mo
in tho ganto nt every turn, from tho
primaries to tho national conventions,
thoy know I wnB "keeping cubob," ns
thoy mny havo expressed it, nnd that
In somo mysterious way I must bo ot
somo value in tho mini total of olo
niontn making up political life
Tho quostlon of sllfcnt "bosses" nnd
talkative "bosses" Is ono which has
beon vnrlously rovlowod, and tho av
erago Judgment baa beon that tho
Bllent "boss" was tho great powor,
Tho fact was that tho "sllont" boss
could talk fast onough whoit ho want
ed to, and tho tulkatlvo boss could
"stand put" whon ho so dOBlred. If it
was tho nature of n "boss" to talk ho
did so; If ho was naturally n Recrotlvo
man, ho kopt still generally. Tho most
cffoctlvo combination was tho "Boss"
who could talk or kcop still ns occa
slon demanded, and who could nolthor
be goaded nor coaxed Into either
sllunco or Bpecch ngalnst his bettor
It could bo snld In favor of noarly
every real ward "boss" that ho was
HQt an orator. Not lit tho senso of u
"sllvor-tonguod spoil-binder." Mnny of
tnoni could glvo good, common-Bonso
tulkii, und offectlvo ones, too, but thoy
did, not. CBRny to split tho wolkln with
their perorations, nnd rather dcsplBCd
In tholr hearts tho "wlnd-Jumnier" nnd
his periods, At tho sumo tlmo, for a
genulnoly grent spoultor thoy had
(loop respect and enjoyed hearing him
As for tho "ninn with tho pen," thoy
wore never unwilling to nvall thorn
solves of his services If ho could
"mnko good" with anything to holp on
a campaign.
(Copyright, 1!XS, by Jonopli U. Howlus.)
Ho sIiowb that tho peoplo who llvo
along tho unhcalthful coasts of Con
trnl and South America survive tho In
habitants of tho higher and cooler nit!
tildes of tho Interior. Ho shows nlso
that tho Hindus, who often reach
puborty as early as uluo years, llv
to a surprising old age. Tlio lnhabl
Units of tho southern countries
Europe are found to llvo much longor
than thoso of tho moro northern latl
To Illustrate, In England in a poptt
Intlon of 27,000,000 thoro aro but 140
centenarians, whllo In Spain, with
a population of but 18,000,000, thoro
aro 401 centenarians. Tho probablll
ties aro that tho groat mortality found
In southern latitudes Is found In tho
cities, and Is therefore not bo much
tho fault of tho cllmnto us of un In
difference to sanitary laws.
Forcing His Chnncea.
"So Shadlboy Is In troublo again?"
"Yes, a bit of a card scandal."
"I told him not to play unless ho
could afford to loso."
"Ho must havo gotten your ndvlco
mixed, and decided ho couldn't afford
to play unlosB ho didn't loso." Wash
ington Star.
JSk'nuimi nnriT timni
ii LVttllU UIILttl 11UIIIV
Includes Service In Two Wars and
Two "Near War" Retirement
Due to Wound Received In
the Civil War.
San Francisco. Itoar Admlrnl
Evans' two stnrred flag fluttorcd down
from tho main of tho Connecticut in
tho bay hero rocontly. In threo months
he will retire from tho nctlvo list und
will then bo nblo to look baok on a
record which includes Borvlco Jn two
wnra, tho civil and tho Spanish-Amort
can; two "near wars," tho Chilian Im
broglio nnd tho Boring son sealing dis
pute: command of two Hoots, tno
Asiatic nnd Atlantic, and accomplish
ment of tho transfer of tho luttor forco
from tho Atlantic to tho Paclfio via
Mngellnn in tho longest crulso over at
tempted by a command of such size
As n flag oillcer ho has had tho most
Important sea command during tho
porlod that tho now bnttlOBhlps wore
rganlecd Into a Heot and brought tno
now system of target practlco to its
present high Btngo of omctoncy. Ho
brings Ills Borvlco nlloat to a cIobo
now bocnuso of 111 health, which Is par
tlally duo to tho wound with which ho
began his conspicuous enrcor at tort
Fisher In tho civil war.
His life at tho naval acadomy was
an ontortntnlng account of study, dlB
clpllno nnd occasional escnpiideB, cut
short by tho civil war, which callod
tho midshipmen Into nctlvo service
Thon camo tho lauding party nt Fort
j'ishor. when Ensign Evnns was Bitot
in tho leg and lay for hours on tho
Band dunes. Ho was sent to a nuval
hospital, whoro a surgeon dotermlitod
to amputate hts leg, and wns only dis
suaded by a revolver in tho hnnds of
his equally dotormlncd patient, who
Rear Admiral Evans.
preferred to limp, as ho has dono,
on that log for 45 yoarw rather than
titlllzo a wooden limb. Another charm
In tho book was a poop behind the"
Bcones which it gavo to tho reader. Ab
commanding olllcor of tho Yorktown
the author remained in Chilian wntors
throughout tho uncortnln porlod fol
lowing tho Baltimore incident at Val-
paralso. Hero his rolo wits diplomacy,
placating tho Chilians, but permitting
thorn to aoo that tho Yorktown meant
buslnoss if troublo canto. This wns
successful sorvlco, and when tho next
ticklish Job camo along, tho Boring
sea sealing dtsputo, which also
brought a war cloud, Commandor
Evans wnB senior olllcor prosont in
tho North Pacific.
Ho did wall. Hlfl reputation was
mado and tho path laid clear boforo
him for command of tho crack ar
mored crtilBer Now York, which went
to Europo and gavo him opportunity,
which ho improved, to bocomo tho
friend of tho omporor of Germany.
After that ho commanded tho Indiana
nnd at Santiago tho lowa. A gift for
epigram had onablod "Fighting Bob"
to opltomlzo cortaln BltuatlouB In a
mnnnor which tho public npproved.
Ills remark that In a certain contin
gency ho "would havo mado Spanish
tho court langttago of hades" brought
him no llttlo popularity with tho coun
try at large
Near tin! closo of 1903, whon tho
secession of Panama had raised a
groat rumpus In South Amorica, Hear
Admiral Evans was ordored to pro
ceod to Honolulu, which ho did nt an
avorago of moro than 13 knots for tho
battleships, tho oldest of . which was
tho Oregon,
This wnB a most crodltnblo porform
nncri. A year lator Boar Admiral
Evans .-eturned homo, expecting duty
on tho llghthouso board, but Presl
dont Uooaovelt personally requested
him to talto command of tho Atlantic
Hoot. Ho did so In March, 1905. It
then conslotod of six battleships. It
now has 10.
Tho Atlantic fleet hnd gone through
a porlod of uncortaln policy. Under
Bear Admiral Hlgginson thoro wero
complaints that tho mon did not got
enough Hborty or privileges, and it Is
a fnct that desertions wero numorouB
nnd ro-oullstmoutB few. Hoar Admlrnl
Burkor filled In botweon tho Hlggln
son nnd Evnns commands. Tho lattor
brought with him as chief of staff,
Capt. J. E. Plllsbury, and tho two took
hold of tho licet with a Arm grip. Tho
mon woro promptly given ub much
liberty as possible, athletics of ovory
description wore oncourugod, baseball
and football leagues formed, regular
Bchodulos for boxing championships
arranged In all -classes, and rowing
racos wero roitularly hold.