The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 05, 1908, Image 3

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Noted New York Structure Fifty Yeara
of Age to De Tcn Down.
Now York. Aftor having stood for
GO years us ono of the foremost land
marks of lowqr Now York tho Iron
shot tower of tho Caldwell Lead Com
pany nt 05 Contor street Is io bo torn
down. This 11-story Iron structure Is
tho oldest standing skyscrnpor.
During tho civil wnr n flag wns kopt
Arrange tho Bulletins Conveniently for Handling tho Milk
floating over tho towor. In 1802 tho
flag was cut down by iv crazy man.
Ho chopped the flagpole down, toro
r ' 1 Til '
I 1 IF fttMttCIWt. i I 1
1 II 3'''X'tV cjj CHUfW i 1
Itema of Greater or Lesser Impor.
tance Over the State.
Douglas county iiloneors will picnic
Juno 27.
Tlio Wymoro Stato bank Las opened
for business.
Holdrego schools cl6sed with twenty
one graduates.
Ashland citizens sent $100 to Lcils
vlllo tornado sufferers.
Early planted corn 1ms como up
well and Is doing nicely.
A Fourth of July celebration has
been nrrnnged for West Point.
Four prisoners broko Jail at Fre
mont, making good their escape.
Tho Standard Oil ngent at Tecum
seh, nftor sorvlco'of bIx years, has re
signed. Farmers about Murray havo lajcor
Initiatory steps toward' building an
A number cf farmers about Murray
woro worked on an Insurance swlnutc
by a man who Is now not to bo found.
In both Omaha and Nebraska City
there Is a disposition to hold down
nutomoblllsts who persist In traveling
at dangerous speed.
Mrs. J. F. Sapp of cKnrnoy commit
ted suicide at her homo by hanging.
Sho had been in poor health for some
time nud was despondout.
Tho Wymore Stato bank has opened
for business. The officers cf the new
Institution are tho same as those who
wcro connected with the Stato bank.
McCook has already passed the $25,
000 mark in her subscriptions of stock
for hor now Masonic temple and opera
house, which Is expected to cost $35,
000 or $40,000 when completed.
Mrs. Clara Dawson Balluy (colored)
of Hastings, celebrated her 108th birth
day anniversary. Sho wan born In
slavery at Richmond, Vn during tho
administration of John Adams.
The members of tho St. Anthony
Catholic church at Cedar Rapids aro
building n Jnrge addition to their
church, which for somo time past has
been too small to accommodate the
A reception wns tendered to r.risa
M. Ella Tucker by the citizens of Te
kniuah at tho homo of Dr. and Mrs. A.
13. Nesblt in recognition of her earnest
work for tho city schools during tho
last twenty-five years.
Tho Chicago & Northwestern rail
road has resumed running tho Satur
day and Sunday freight trains from
Oakdale to Fremont, which they took
off soma time ago and which caused
considerable) discussion.
Charles Smith became entangled In
the tumbling shaft of a corn sheller
near Edgar, and has it not been for tho
quick action of his son, who was drlv
in tho hcrscs on tho power, he no
doubt would havo met death.
Georgo Warren of Hct Springs, S.
D., formerly a resident of Hastings,
who was reported dead In a hospital
at Hot Springs, S. D on February IB
last, surprised his friends by appear
ing before them tho other day.
Brandishing a revolvor and threaten
ing to kill his mother, Bert Guo, a
young man who escaped from tho nsy
lum at Lincoln last February, wa3
takop In custody at Ueatrico by tho of
ficers. Suit has been cohimenced against
Sarpy county by Mrs. Marlln Tolg for
damages. Mr. Tclg and son, Arthur,
woro drowned May 12, during tho
tornado and it Is claimed that tho rend,
whero tho accident occurred was un
safo for travel.
The corner-stone- of tho new br:cn
Catholic church of Sholton was laici
last week. Tho ceremony was wit
nessed by n largo crowd. Rev. .Fatber
Wolfo of Grand Island, assisted by
Father Lynch of Wood River, was in
chargo of tho ceremonies.
At tho annual encampment of tne
Grand Army at Hastings tho votornns
of the Nobraska dopartmont denounced
what they term dcj paying politi
cians, who In positions of public trust
ignoro tho rights and wishes of tho old
soldiers In making appointment.
Dr. Wilson of Lincoln, stato boarn
of health Inspector, nrrivod m Boomer
(o decide a dispute between two doc
tors In regard to an epidemic nmong
tho school children. Sevoral families
had been Quarantined for smallpox,
but It was found to be chicken pox.
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Keens of Kear
ney came In from tho west over tho
Union Pacific last week, having com
pleted their second trip around tho
world afler an absence of Just twenty
weoks. Mr. and Mrs. Keens kept out
of the beaten path of tourists, and
nftor visiting Franco wont to India by
way of tho Mediterranean and tho Suoz
canal, and traveled about 5,000 miles
In India.
Frank Hnrkins, Las Vegas, N. M.,
sustained Injuries undor tho wheels of
tho Burlington fast train at Mlnden
which probably will prove fatal. HI&
arm was badly smashed and was am
putated at tho shoulder; his face was
cut, scalp cut opon and body bruised,
Thousands of citizens of York and
vicinity and hundreds of visitors wit
nessed York's first public school May
festival. Tho llower parade was a
gorgeous spectacle, with nearly 1,500
happy children In costumes participat
ing. Secretary F. L. Rain of tho Fair
bury chautauqua has issued tho pro
gram for tho fourth annual meeting;
which will bo hold at tho Chautauqua
ground, August 14 to 23, inclusive.
Tho list of talent engaged ombroces
tho best obtalnnblo and covers a wide
rango of topics nnd attractions.
Georgo Flnley, engineer of u Burling
ton passenger train, was killed, Daniel
U. Holllngor, mall clork, and John
O'Donnoll, onglnofir and John Storm,
firoman,. respectively, of n freight
trnln, woro badly hurt In a head-on
collision between a Burlington pas
senger and frolght train, near Wymoro,
HI I I 1
Tho accompanying plan for a farm
dairy will glvo a general Idea of tho
requirements for such a building. Ac
commodation Is mado for handling tho
milk of 30 cows and making butter.
A cement floor la In ovory way suporl-
Don't Board TIicpi,
Other foes of llttlo chicks aro ex
ternal parasites, Hco and mites. Wo
frequently find Hco ovon among win
ter brooder chickB. Llco on tho head
aro most troublesome. They fasten
themselves to tho back of tho chick's
head, near tho base of tho brain nnd
gradually kill tho chick. It Is a piti
ful sight to sco tho llttlo chick
scratching tho back of Its head try
ing to dlslodgo tho pest. Good re
sults aro usually obtained by greasing
tho head of each chick with five per
cont. carbonated vaseline. Koroseno
and lard, equal parts, prove equally
effective. Tho chicks can bo rapidly
trentcd nnd should bo attended to as
soon as there Is any suspicion of
head llco. Tho louso may bo seen
readily by moans of n small magnify
ing glass. It can also bo detected
with the naked cyo if ono is very care
ful to examine tho right place, al
though one must look carefully to
sco it.
To kill mites, clean nil coops and
brooders porfoctly, thon apply thor
oughly, clthor whitewash, keroseno
oil, or. somo of tho propared insecti
cides. Do suro to fill all tho cracks
and crevices as these aro tho places
whero mites will bo found hiding dur
lng tho day. Burn all tho litter and
add now. A Bprny pump may bo used
for applying tho Insecticide, as It
drives tho liquid into tho cracks and
crevices bettor than can bo done with
a brush. Whitewash can be applied
with n pump and then smoothed over
with a brush, doing rapid and effec
tive work. Mites dlffor from body
Hco in that thoy suck tho blood from
the fowls' bodies, while llco havo
biting mouthparts and Irvo on tho
sklii nnd feathers, causing intense
itching and annoyance. Mites llvo on
or to n wooden floor for a creamery
When properly put In, a cement ilooi
will Inst Indefinitely and can lie kepi
clean and sanltnry, whoroas a wooden
floor Is short lived, rots quickly and is
always a source of contamination.
tho fowls' body at night only, hiding
In cracks and crevices during tho day
They appear red when gorged with
blood, or whlto when thoro Is little
blood in their bodies.
To kill tho llco wo must treat tho
lion's or chick's body, ns tho llco llvo
thero practically all tho time. Thoro
are sovornl kinds of those llco, but
thoy nil yield to tho somo treatment,
namely, a good diutlng. Tho dtiBt
fills up the breathing poros in their
bodies, nud thus suffocates them. A
good Insect powder may bo mado from
equal parts of lino ground tobacco
and powdered sulphur. Snuff Is atso
used. Thoro aro a number of insect
powdors on tho market nnd most of
thorn provo very satisfactory. Tho
essential thing Is a finely pulverized
substance thrt will go through tho
Having curcfully dusted tho chicks
(nnd lions, if the chicks are running
with thorn) clean tho houses and re
move to clean ground. A good dust
bath should bo arranged so that tho
hens and chicks may help keepj them
selves clean. An excellent dust bath
Is nindo by drawing n load of "chip
dirt" and dumping It in tho yard
whore tho llttlo fellows may havo
ready access to It. For winter uso a
box partly filled with flno snnd, rond
dust, land plaster or coal or wood
ushes answers very well. A mixture
of snnd nud land plastor seems to
pleaso them more thnu clthor ono
alone. Somo uso wood ashes alone,
but a mixture of wood ashes and
road dust, or fine sand, makos a
heavier bath and thoreforo moro ef
fective In cleaning tho lice out of tho
Good Alfalfa Field. I havo n two-year-old
field of alfalfa from which I
cut last year on Juno 30 3'3 tons per
acre, on August 1 Vj ton por aero,
and on October 24 over a ton. It also
gavo flvo weeks' pasturo boforo tho
snow fell. I do not Irrlguto my al
falfa, ns It Is only 12 to 20 feet to
Trap Nest of Simple Construction
X A stop ran roippooif
Tho construction of this stylo of
trap nest Is as follows:
Tho front of tho nest box should bo
11 Inches wide nud 20 Inches high;
two Inches from tho bottom a circular
hole eight Inches In dlamotor Ie cut. A
door Is placed at the top eight by
ton Inches square by which tho lion
Is removed. Tho trap consists of a
board ten lnchos squuro, with an eye
screw on each shlu, Tito door slides
up and down on n No. 9 wlro passing
through tho scrow oyes of tho trap
door. A nail bont in tho shape of an
"L" and filed fiat on tho bottom sldo
Is driven into the center of tho bot
tom of Urn tray rtoor with tho bottom
part of tho "L" projecting toward tho
lnsldo of tho box. About ono Inch
nbovo tho middle of tho entranco a
holo Is bored large enough to admit n
No. 9 wire that Is bont as shown. Tho
top side of the bent piece of wlro upon
which the null of. tho trap door rosts.
Is uIho filed flat, and tho trap Is sot
by placing tho "L" shapod nail of tho
trap door on the wire, as lllustratod
Tho wire hangs on tho IiibUIo of tho
noxt box, as shown. Tho hon in
passing through tho entranco on either
sldo of tho wlro moves It enough to re
lease tho trap door and lock herself
In. Tho length of this nest may be
from 10 to 20 inches.
o f? jf
- ----- '- ' 1
Dreams that becomo realities 1 Over
nnd over again has tho world wit
nessed such development, nnd no
claim cau be made for tho frituro part
which tho submarine and tho airship
aro to play in warfnro, which sooms
Impossible or Improbable, although
thoro aro mnny military experts who
smile nt tho Idea that either tho sub
marine or tho airship will ovor bo
much moro than novel freaks in mili
tary equipment. But on tho other
hand the big world powers continue to
buy nnd build tho submarine nnd tu
experiment In air navigation and
thero Is no tolling what may not bo
accomplished In tho yenrs to como In
perfecting theso engines of war along
practical lines.
Tho recent shipment from Now York
city of two submarines, destined for
tho Philippines, and tho near approach
of the extensive maneuvers which
havo been planned for tho rcBt of
tho homo flotilla aro again attracting
attention to tho typo of craft which
curries Its load Hue over the hatch.
In tho discussions which havo taken
placo relative to tho merits of tho typo
thero Is a notablo dlffurenco of opin
ion. Thero nro now upvvnrd of 200 of
this typo afloat, or porchanco sub
merged, and It may bo small oxnggor
atlon to say that thero aro as many
divergent vIowb concerning them.
Thero Is no naval power, great or
small, but now hns Its submarines.
Tho vnBt majority of theso aro nioroly
variants or tho Holland typo. Having
evolvod tho typo, and having spent tho
best part of his Hfo in perfecting it.
Mr. Hollnnd, of courso, has Implicit
faith In his Invention.
Tho following tablo shows that
Franco now leadB tho world In this
typo of vessel, possessing 88, built and
Numlior Number
Nation. Unlit. Uulldlng.
France 41 47
Orcat Britain n 3G i
United States 8 x
uermnny l
Japan 7 7
Hnsslu 2J 7
Ituly 3 :i
AUHtrla ,. 3
Holland i 1
Biveilen 1 1
Norway 1
TIiIb country hns eight ready for
sorvlco and eight under construction.
The oarllor beats of tho class now
lu service have n length of 03 foot
and a displacement, when awash, of
105 tons, and when submerged of 120
tons. Tho four nower nud larger ones
the Octopus, Cuttlefish, Tarantula,
and Vlpor uro 105 feet in length and
have a displacement of 200 tons. But
tho prevailing tendency towurd in
crease In size has affected submarines
as well as battleships, and tho latent
ono to ho authorized Is to have a ton
nnge of 500. It is now realized that a
seagoing submarine is Imposslblo on
a small displacement nnd that tho op
eratlou of tho moderuto-slzed boats
uro very restricted. Consequently
either tho slzo of the bouts must bo
enlarged or elso they must bo rele
gated as substitutes for mlno fields or
for forts. Of the submarine as n sub
stitute for forts very llttlo hns boon
snld, but thero seems to bo something
In tho Idea. It Is concolvahlo that tho
presence of a submarine In n harbor
would bo as likely to keep raiding
cruisers at n dlstauco as would a fort.
Submarines nro mobile while forts aro
not. But destroyorB might bo able to
rondor thorn useless, which thoy cor-
talnly could not accomplish with forts
Tho Octopus and the other three of
hor typowhlch aro to tako part In
tho coming maneuvers off Newport aro
equipped with powerful engines, mo
tors and Improved mechanisms, but In
general shapo and tho schemu of con
structlon, with slight modifications,
follows that of tho earlier boats bucIi
as tho Plungor, Shark and Porpoise
Tbav aro of greater struoturut
strength, and said to bo able to stand
tho prossura of being submerged 300
feet, though 200 Is tho olllclal depth
that was required at tho Nowport
Cfiio. of tho ninny n'ovol experiments
that have boon plunued lies in tho ef
fort to dctormlno whothor tho pros-
onco of dirigibles can bo detected by
means of balloons or by dirigibles. A
scientist, soon after tho Kingston
enrthquako, accidentally dlscovorcd
that submerged bodlos may bo moro
roadlly detected from n balloon soar
ing nt ii great height than from n
ship's rail. Ho had mado an ascent
In a balloon for tho purpose of gnln-
lng ri comprehensive vlow of tho ruliiB
nnd nltorcd coast lino, nnd thon noted
Hint tho furthor ho drew away from
tho wutor tho clenror submerged ob
jects bocamo. In this wny ho wbb
ablo to note tho changes which had
taken plnco In tho son bed.
Ills roport gavo a hint to our navy
olllcors, nud this knowledge Is now
to bo applied to tho detection of sub
mnrlnes rather It Is to bo utilized for
tho purpnso of determining whothor
submarines nro- ns amenable to detec
tion from balloons ns uro tropical sea
Tho radius of action of tho Octopus
nnd hor typo Is about 100 miles from
huso. Thesd vobboIb nro equipped for
warfaro with two 18-Inch torpedo
tubes. Submergence is accomplished
through tho filling of tho vnrlous bal
last tanks, which Include tho forwnrd
and nftor trimming tanks, a midship
tank, main ballast tank nnd sevoral
auxiliary ballast tanks which nro dis
tributed In various parts of tho boat.
The Octopim carrlos vory llttlo ro-
sorvo buoyancy, nbout 800 pounds, and
subinorgos by pointing tho bow down
nbout eight degrees, using tho horizon
tal rudder forvthlu purpoBo. To main
tain submergence nftor reaching tho
desired dopth, tho bow rcmaliiB
pointed down about thrco degrees,
with slight variations lu onch boat.
In making ready for diving tho boat
Is trimmed down by the head, nnd
nftor having Hllod tho trimming tanks
to tho required oxtont, so ns to leavo
tho nmount of posltlvo buoyuncy ro
quired, about 800 pounds, tho craft Is
In shape for tho plunge. As tho craft
gains hondway tho diving ruddor 1b
put down and tho vessol dives. Tho
dopth, roglstorod on n scalo, Is regit
latod by the diving ruddor, To main
tain submorgonco aftor arriving nt tho
proper dopth a man has to receive Hpo
clal training In operating the diving
To roturn to tho surfneo tho timid
ship tank Is first blown. TIiIb holds
1,000 poundB of water, which Is forcod
oijl undor ordinary circumstances In
llvo seconds by means of compressed
nlr. Another vltnl Interior feature,
both for breathing purposes nnd for
inotlvo powor Is tho compressod air
syBtoni. Tho air Is stored in n serlos
of 2,000-pound flasks and other lessor
ones. Tho latter aro used for llrlng
torpodoos and for blowing out tho
tanks. The motive powor is a powor
ful gnsollno onglno for surfneo run
nlng nnd an electric motor for sub
morgod running. Tho sped Is from
11 to 12 knots on tho surface and
about nine knots when submerged.
Ono of the features recently In
stalled Is a coppor signal buoy, 15
InchoB In dlumotor, which Is nrrangod
to bo roadlly roleasod frou tho lnsldo
In caso of danger while tho boat In
submerged. This rises Immediately
to tho surface, Indicating tho exact
position of tho craft, nnd serving ns a
dlstross Blgnal In enso of an accldont,
Tho ball buoy nnd a reel of 200 feet
of threo-8lxteenth-lnch bronzo wlro aro
Incnued on tho bridge, Just lu front of
tho conning towor, In v poxllko com-nartmeut.
m f
Old Shot Tower to De Torn Down.
tho banner Into shreds nud tonsod It
Into tho otroet.
Boforo tho dayB of tolophonos news
paper reporters used tho shot tower
ns n signal station from which to flash
to their olllces tho drop of tho trap
when hangings took plnco lu tho old
Tombs prison yard,
When the nrlnco of Wales vitdtcd
this country tho towor was Illuminated
In his honor.
Col. Fabyan Decorated with Emblem
of Order of Rising Sun.
Chicago. Col. Georgo Fabynn of this
city has been decorated by .tho cm
poror of Japan with tho emblem of tho
order of tho RlBlng Sun, through tho
Japanese ambassador nt Washington,
Baron K. Tnknhlrti, and Acting CoiibuI
Yomltn of tho Japanese government In
Tho docorntlon wnB In recognition
of Col. Fubynn's valuable services to
Japanese olllcluls during his long nc-
qunlntanco with tho govornmont of
Japan. It Is rarely rccolvod by Amer
icans. Tho only othor Chlcngoan who
hns boon honored with It is R. S. Mc
Cormlck, who was tho Amorlcun am
bassador lu Russia during tho Rubbo
Jnpaneso wnr.
Tho Rising Sun Is tho most exclu
sive order lu Japan. Thoro aro eight
classos In tho order. Marquis Ito, who
recently visited Chicago, Is a member
of tho first class.
Human Hnlr-ln Wedding Gowns,
Mud go O'Rourko, tho famous Irish
Amorlcan dressmaker all the famous
drosBinakers ure IrlBli-Amurlcnns
was showing a customer un assort
muut of wedding gowns.
"In every ono of thoso gowns, wero
you to rip them apart," sho said,
"you'd find a lock of hair hidden rod
hair, brown hair, golden hair, even
grey hulr.
"Sewing girls hollovo that sho who
works, on n wedding gown, ff sho sows
n lock of hor own hair Into It, will bo
married herself within the year.
"Oh, yea, tho belief Is unlvorsal.
Every wedding gown in tho world Is
apt to reveal, when cut up, a lock of
hair somo red, some gold, somo
black, and somo, alas, gray."
"Old Hickory's" Fnrewcll Address.
Danlol W. Thornton, a Chicago rail
road man, has In his possession, an In
teresting relic In the uhnpo of n copy
of Gen. And row Jnekson'B farowoll ad
dress to tiio people on his retirement
froin tho presidency of tho United
Btutes, Tho address Is composed of
about 11,000 words and was delivered
March '.I, 1837. Thoro woro orlglnully
11 copies printed In black type on
whlto satin, but only one of tho cop
ies remains, that one being Mr. Thornton's.