THE QUEEN OF sic .s r SsBsavMasiwih 'aKdHb jtUftJKSft 9jis9maaaaaaW From atereoKrapn.copyrlKnt, by Underwood A Underwood, N. V. America's most distinguished champion of woman's suffrage is Mrs. Belya Lockwood, now in her seventh-eighth year. For 35 years she has been a practicing lawyer In Washington, D. C, arguing several Important cases be fore the United States' supreme court. When 60 years of age she took a spe cial university course at Oxford, England. In 1884 and again in 1888 she was nominated by the Equal Rights party for the presidency of the United States. BRADY IS RUSH (IND.) MAN IS CHAMPION HEN-FRUIT PICKER. Leader for Many Years In Unique Con test Gains Victory by Using His Teeth to Select the Hard Shells. ' Cumberland, Md. Thoro Is a cus tom at Rush, n village 12 miles east of hero, which has been In voguo from time Immemorial and linn no counter part anywhere else so far as can bo learned, consisting of nn cgg-nlcklng contest, which takes nlnco annually on Easter Monday. Tho Interest In the event centorB nround William Brady, who styles him self tho "egg king," hnvlng held tho championship for tho last 25 yearts or more. Brady has earned tho tltlo from the fact that ho hns been able to break all tho eggs that wero brought, to him In fair egg-picking contests. 1 At theso nnnual contests Brady Is pitted against tho Held. For weeks be fore tho ovont he visits all (ho stores for miles around, whero eggs nro kept, and goes through tho baskets of eggs, selecting all tho hard-shelled ones, and hoarding them up, Until ho has 60 dozen or more. JIo Judges whether an egg has a hard or soft shell by jarring It against his teeth. Having selected all the eggs which ho deems worthy of employing In tho battlo royal, ho takes a day off, usual ly tho Saturday before Easter, In which to color tho eggs. For tho lat ter purpose ho uses onion hulls steeped WOULD RA THER Oklahoma Man Making $15,000 to $20, 0C0 a Year Quits for an Office. Afton, Okln. If you owned 2,200 acres of land and were possessed of a fortune estimated at from $75,000 to ?100,000, besides conducting a business that netted you a profit of from $15,000 to $20,000 a year, would you glvo It up to nccept a political Job that paid $4,000 a year? That Is oxactly what Grant Victor, the new United States mnrshal for tho eastern district of Oklnhoma, did. Whon asked why he accepted tho ap polntment Victor snld: "I got Into politics ns a sort of a joko, but now that I hnvo been ap pointed marshal 1 am going to make good, oven If It does cost mo $10,000 a year." Victor Is a native of Illinois. Ho was born In Ulln -10 yenrs ago. His parents died when ho was nn Infant. Whllo a youth ho servpd an appren ticeship at tho bricklayer's trado at Cairo. From 188C to 1891 ho worked at the brick mason's trado In Kansas City. In 1891 Victor went to tho Cherokee nation to claim Miss Dellda C. Hast ings, a beautiful Cherokco Indian girl, SUFFRAGETTES EGG KING. In water, declaring that all other dyes soften the shells. Loaded down with eggs, early Eastor morning ho goes to tho vlllago grocery store, dressed In n suit mado of striped bed-tlcklng, which ho styleB his Easter suit and which ho wears on no other occasion. Ho nlso wears a hat mado out of tho samo material, ornamented with a roster feather. Ab soon as tho crowd commences to gather Brady mounts tho storo porch and makes a speech, In which ho re views his past record nnd winds up by saying that ho Is ready to meet all comers. In theso egg-plcklng contests tho eggs nro picked ngalnst each other "for keeps," tho owner of tho success ful egg taking tho broken one. When once tho contest starts It Is kept up until a lato hour at night, or until all the eggs offered aro broken. After tho contost Brady Juts often to secure a wagon In which to haul home the eggs that ho has won In tho day'B bat tlo. Brady says ho Intends to retire from tho contests now, ns his teeth aro In such condition that ho cannot tell for certain whether an egg has a hard or soft shell. Ho Is a unlquo flguro whon attired In his "Easter suit," and struts around seemingly ns proud of the honors which ho has won ns If ho wore really king of tho settlement rather than the "ogg king." That the later tltlo Is not looked upon lightly may be Judged from tho heroic efforts that aro made to wrest tho honor from him. BE MARSHAL. 1 m ns his bride. They took up their abode in Afton, where six children were born, all of whom wero given allot monts when tho affairs of their tribe wero wound up by tho Dawes cammls slon. This land, together with tho nl lotment of Mrs. Victor, has been con vorted Into a stock farm which covers nn area of 2,200 acres. During tho past two years Victor has mnrketed moro than $110,000 worth of cattlo, Ills country homo nt Afton Is ono of tho finest In tho now state. Victor has turned the management of his business Interests over to a nephew, who will have chargo of It as long as Victor hold3 hits Job as marshal. No Doubt on That Point. At school during tho nnturo study hour one of tho brightest llttlo fel lows In his cIbbs was asked by the teacher lo name threo cold-blooded animals, After a moment's heslta tlon ho said: "A polar bear, a walrus, and a seal." Tho teacher smiled and said: "Johnny, this time you did not get It quite right; hut perhaps you can toll me thrco minerals." "Oh, yes," came tho quick reply, "vlchy, seltzer, and ginger alo." POWER A GOLD MINE RESERVOIRS ARE PROPOSED IN APPALACHIAN MOUNTAINS. If Cutting of Forests Can Be Stopped Enormous Wealth May Be Reaped frcm Water of Streams, Says One Report. Washington. Tho greatest develop ment of water power recorded In tho United 8Uites has been accomplished during tho Inst fow yearn on tho rivers which drain tho southern Appalachian mountains, according to an ofllclnl re port of tho water resources of this re gion, It Is estimated that thoro Is nt least 2,800,000 Indicated horsepower from tho stromas which havo their headwaters on this watershed and moro thnn half of this power Is avail able for economic development. Only a small part of this has been used, but that which has vbeen utilized has been ono of the most Important factors in the recent Industrial development of tho south. Ono great difficulty encountered by users of water power Is that It cannot be hail tho wholo year, but must bo supplemented for a time each summer by coBtly fuel power, tho streams run ning too low to bo of sorvlce. As tho yenrs go, on tho jow water periods nro growing longer. This Ib becnuso tho forests nt the headwaters of tho streams aro being cut off, with tho result that tho melting winter Bnows nnd tho spring rains pour off tho de nuded nnd hnrdenod lnnd In devastat ing floods, sending down for a fow weeks far moro water than they can use and reducing tho cnpaclty nnd use fulness of their mlllponds by filling them with hundreds of tons of sand and soil which tho flcods scour off tho unprotected upper slopes. If lndlscrlmtnnto cutting of tho for ests on the crests of tho watershed can bo stopped thoro is n possibility, according to a report by exports, of Increasing tho development of powor up to threo to 30 times tho 1,400,000 horsepower nt present avallablo. Tho method proposed to develop tho Appn lachlan river resources to tho total Df 42,000,000 horsepower 1b to havo storage reservoirs which would catch tho surplus waters of the spring and retain them until tho summer, when tho mlllB now hnvo to fall back on fuel or closo. Tho United States geological survey has kopt records or stream flow In tho Appalachians for a number of years and ro cently- made a careful study of tho possibilities of storage reservoirs In that region. Tho forest scrvlco hna published lta report under tho tltlo "Tho Relation of tho Southern Appa lachian Mountains to tho Develop ment of Wnterpower." ExpertB of . tho gcologlcnl survey who made tho Investigation, nftor pick ing out reservoir sites and estimating their capacity and tho area from which they would receive tho run-off, con sider tho figures given very conserva tive. Even with only 1,400,000 horso power tho annunl return at $20 a, horse power per year would amount to $28, 000,000, equal to a gross Income of three per cent, on n capital of about $933,000,000. FIND RARE LACE IN TRUNK. Barber Spends $4.50 at Auction and Gets 53,000 Bargain. Kalnmazoo, Mich. "This gentlemen, Is n trunk," said the auctioneer, drag ging It forward from tho heap of un claimed goods ho was "auctioning oft" for an express company. "A trunk," repeated tho auctioneer. "It's full of something, tho Lord knows whnt. Too heavy to bo atmosphere and too light to bo pig Iron, Speak up, gentlemen, take a chance. How much nm I offered?" Tho bids ran from 25 cents to $4.50, and the auctioneer promptly closed tho salo. Tho high bidder, a local bar ber, loaded his purchase Into an ex press wugon and took It homo. There ho broke tho seal and discovered that ho had bought for $4.50 a quantity of laco which locnl merchnntB dcclaro Is worth In tho retail market between $2,000 and $3,000. Tho trunk enmo to Kalamazoo from Dotrolt with a lot of other unclaimed stuff from tho express company's of- flco there. Knlamazoo Is ono of tho selling points for such goods. Tho receptacle was scaled and tho seal was not broken. On it was tho ad dress, "Mrs. J. W. Weber, Detroit, Mich., U. S. A." CIGARS AT 15 CENTS PER 100. So an Entry In an Old-Time Ledger i Shows. Wayne, Pa. Two old ledgers, which wero In ubo for many years In tho old Mather homestead In Rcdnor, now tho Ellison property, havo recently como Into tho possession of John L, Mather of Wayne. Ono of tho books was used by Mr. Mather's gront-great- great-grandfather, and tho entries start In 1759. They are continued In tho Becond book for a period extending over 75 years. Ono of tlx Interesting features con tallied in the old lodgers Is tho change In 1810 from tho English system of pounds, shillings and pence to tho United States system of dollars and cents. Tho books Vro In oxcollcnt state of presorvatloi and tho writing 1b not faded. Ono notation that would make the average omoker wonder what sort of tobacco was UBed In tho good old days Is; "To 100 cigars, 15 runts " FOUND THE CAUSE. After Six Years of Mltery and Wrong; Treatment. John A. Endws, of Robertson Ave nue, Pen Argyl, Pn., Buffered for six years with Btlnglng pnln In tho back, vio lent headaches and dizzy spells, and was assured by n special ist that his kidneys wero nil right, though tho secretions Bhowed a reddish, brick-dust sediment. Not satisfied, Mr. EnderB Btnrtcd using Doan's Kidney Pills. "The kidneys began to net moro regu larly," ho Bays, "nnd In n short time I passed a few grnvol stones. I felt better right away nnd ulnco then havo had no kidney trouble." Sold by nil dealers. 50 cents a box. Fostor-Mllbum Co., Buffalo, N. Y. WENT HIM MANY BETTER. Mr. Newrlch's Visiting Card Left Friend In the Shade. Mr. Ncwrich, tho dust contractor, having mado a fortuno, part of which ho had Invested In houso property In tho enst of London, wished to rlso, llko a Phoenix, from his ashes into somo sort of society. His golden koy, applied to tho coffors of nn Impecuni ous nristorcr&t, ononod the way. His now menu, among otner tilings, ndrlKcd hlm that visiting cards wore a necessity, and, as n guide to drawing ono up ready for tho printer, handed him ono of his own, which read, "Har old Do Vcro, lona Houso, Portsmouth Square, W." Two dnys Inter, as Do Vero was sit ting In his dressing room nt breakfast, a servant brought In on a salver a vis iting card bearing tho following: "Ephrnlm Nowrlch, I Own 23 Houbcb, London, E." 8EVERE HEMORRHOIDS Sores, and Itching Eczema Doctor Thought an Operation Necessary Cutlcura's Efficacy Proven. "I nm now 80 years old, nnd thrco years ago I was taken with nn at tack of piles (homorrholdB), bleeding and protruding. Tho doctor snld tho only help for mo was to go to a hospital and bo oporatod on. I tried several remedies for months but did not get much help. During this time oorcB appeared which changed to a terrlblo Itching eczema. Then I began to ubo Cutleura Soap, Ointment, and Pills, injecting a quantity of Cutleura Ointment with a Cutleura Suppository Syringe. It took a month of this treatment to got mo In a fairly healthy state nnd then I trcntcd myself onco a day for thrco months nnd, after that, onco or twice n week. Tho treatments I tried took n lot of money, and It Is fortunato that I used Cutleura. J. H. Henderson, H6pkInton, N. Y., Apr. 20, 1907." In tho Free Vaccination Ward. A Lithuanian woman was getting her fifth baby vaccinated tho other day. "I am glad." said tho young surgeon, "that you recognlzo tho Impottnnco al vacclnntlon." "Oh, yes," sho said, "I pften won der." sbo added pensively, "what It'B dono for, though. It's to show you're n frco citizen, tho samo ns naturaliza tion papers, ain't it?" Important to Mothoro. Exnralno carefully every bottlo of CASTOR1A a snfo and suro remedy for Infants and children, und nco that It Signature ot In Uso For Over HO Years. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought Immense Pig Iron Production. In tho last eight yenrs tho thrco great Iron countries havo produced 10,300,000 tons of pig Iron, of which over half has como out of the United States. To provont that tired feeling on Ironing day Uso Defiance Starch savcB time saves labor saves annoy ance, will not stick to tho Iron. Tho big 10 oz. package for 10c, nt your grocer's. Every human being Ib Intended to havo a character of Ida own, to bo what no other Is, to do what no other can. Channing. Lewis' Single Binder the famous straight 8c clear, idwnys bent quality. Your dealer or tawis' Factory, Peoria, 111. Tho butcher should bo careful how ho steaks hla reputation. NOTARIES and JUSTICES MANDLINQ 13 P" IM Q I 1" (M TiMichersslwnltJ wrlto forcnab rilliOIUll offer to 'J'ahik & Whitman Co., Wellington, I), 0. (Over iff yi-ars' iperitnce.) PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Cclot mors poodi brighter and Inter colow than nm ether die. One lOo paekaga colore all fibers. The due In cold water belter than an, other de. You can drt Mfovaealsjlthtut ripping apart WrlU for Ue booUet-How to Ore, Bleach and Mix Color. MONROE DRUB OO., Quhitxy, iHktmfm. If an Advertisement Convinces You, Stay Convinced When you rend In this newspaper I tho advertisement of n manufacturer who has paid for tho spaco used to convlnco you that It Is to your lnteront to buy his goods, nnd you go to n denier whero such articles nro usually handled for sale, do not let tho dcnlor or any ono of his clerks sell you some thing clso which ho claims Is "Just as good." If an advertisement convinced you, It, was because of tho olomcnt of truth which It contnlncd. INSIST ON GETTING WHAT YOU ASK FOR. HER PROTECTOR. "Hero, nursol Who's that young chap Unit's always following you around? I ho a beau of yours?" "Oh, no, Blr. Dat's JImmto Hawk shnw, do detective I hires him to pro tect mo from kldnapors an' things!" Starch, llko everything clso, la be ing constantly Improved, tho patent Starches put on tho mnrkot 25 years ago aro very different nnd lnforior to thoso of tho present day. In tho lat est discovery Doflnnco Starch all In jurious chemicals nro omitted, whllo tho addition of another ingredient, In vented by us, gives to tho Starch a strength and Rmoothncss novcr ap proached by other brands. His Elusive Memory. Employor William, did that man who called to soo mo whllo I was out leavo his name? Shaggy-Haired Ofllco Boy Yes, sir; his namo la Ib well, tho last part of It Is "slmw." Employor What's tho first part of it? Ofllco Boy (making n Btrenuous .ef fort to recall It) Well, sir, It's cither Qrltn, or Hawk, or Hen, or Brad, or Fan, or Kor, or Rick, but to b.ivo my bloomln' life, Mr. Townscnd, I can't romomber which. With n smooth Iron and Doflnnco Starch, you can lnundor your shirt waist Just nn well at homo as tho steam laundry enn; It will hnvo tho propor stiffness and finish, thcro will bo less wear and tear of tho goods, and It will bo a posltlvo ploaBiiro to uso a Starch that docB not stick to tho Iron. Before Ananias. Adam had Just finished naming tho anlmnls. "Walt till I start on tho fish," ho ox claimed, gleefully. Tims wo loam ho was preparing to tell somo whoppers oven beforo tho fall. It Cures Whllo You Walk. Allen's Foot-Eoio is a certain cure for hot, (wonting, callous, and swollen, aching feet. Sold by nil DruKgists. Price 25c. Don't nccept any mlwtltiltc. Trial pnclc&go FIUMC, Addrens Allen S. Olmsted. Lo llo?( N. Y, Tho world belongs to thoso who como tho Inst. They will find hopo and strength, as wo havo dono. Long fellow. , "'tt flnrfiulil Ten is of particular benefit to thorn) mibject to rhemnnthm nnd Routt It purifies the blood, clenmes tho Hystcm nnd eradicate!) disease. Drink beforo retiring. Tho theatrical manngcr haB a poor show If It Isn't n good ono. Lewis' Sincle Hinder straight Cc. Mnny smokers prefer them to 10c cigars. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Pooria, 111. Electric signs nro rosponBlblo for somo bright romarks. Mrs. Window's Boothlnjr Hyran. For children teething', aof tens the gurna, reaneea b aammaUon, allaji pain, carta wind coUu. 18o a botUs. Do your duty nnd let the other fel low do tho explaining. WEAR SHIELD Recett School Shoea for boys and girls. Dressy, comfortable unequalled for real hard wear. c, $1.75 to $2.50. EULET-KENDALL SHOE CO. MFCS. Kansas FOR TtfT7 Tlf TT1 DISTEMPER PINK EYE 8H0C6 AT ALL rpmcc8. ron every MEMBEn nPTHr rAMii v MEN, DOV8. WOMEN. MIESEB AND gy W. L. Da up la a mnhna and mellu rta. tnan anyojnen mwnui actum afinn tiny. W. L Douglas $4 ami SO Gilt Edge Shoos Cannot naqauxo way liata tltclr&n fit hotter, wear Imngar, and r oroaicr vaiuo than anvoltirrozr- nlntha turorltl to-tin v. uyu o.Tii i .. ." VJV "nustainnmo sn pnesissutmpea on poiioni. mf n n min.tltnte. ,V..'ii '...ttJTi1 ,h." Af'fr. ererywbete. fiUoes walled. trom (Jlr""7 to any pnii of the world. IUiu. trotrd Calnloif fme to any sddreu. v. JU. jioiailH, Ifrucktaii, MausT Im DnnBlai namo and Thousands of American women in our homes nro dally sacrillcing their lives to duty. In ordor to keop Uio homo ncafe and pretty, tho children Avoll dressed nnd tidy, women overdo. A fomiilo weakness or displacement is often hrouKhton nnd thoy Buffer in silonco, drifting alone from bud to worso, knowing well that thoy ought to hnvo help to ovcrcomo tho pains nnd nehes which daily mnko life a burdon. Ib is to these faithful women that LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND conies ns n boon nnd a blessing, ns it did to Mrs. F. Ellsworth, of Mnyville, N. Y., nnd to Mrs. W. P. Boyd, of Beaver Palls, Pa,, who say: "I was not ablo to dp my own work, owing to tho fcmnlo troublo from which I suffered. Lydla E. Plnkhara'a Vct'o tnblcCompound helped mo woudorf ully, nnd I am bo wcU that I can do as big a day's warV a' 1 over did. I wlnh every Bleu womau .vounl try IU FACTS FOR SBCK WOMEN. For thirty Lydln E. Pink hnm'a Vegotnblo Compound, mado from roots nnd herbs, has boon tho Btnndard remedy for formilo ills, nnd has positively cured thousands of women who havo Imjoii troubled with, displacements, iniicmmation.ulcora- tion, liuroiu tumors, irregularities, poriodlo pains, baokacho, that bear- lug-down feOllng, Uatulonoy, indigos tion,dl7.zincsR,ornorvous prostration. "Why donltyou try it? Airs. IMiiklintu invites nil sick women to wrlto lior for mlvlco. Sho has fruldcd thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass TOILET ANTISEPTIC Keeps tho breath, teeth, mouth and body nntiscptically clean and frco from un healthy tfcrm-lifo and disagreeable odors, which water, soap and tooth preparations alone cannot uo. A germicidal, disin fecting and deodor izing toilet requisite of exceptional ex cellence and- econ omy. Invaluable for inflamed eyes, throat and natal and uterine catarrh. At drutf and toilet tores, 50 cents, or by mail postpaid. Large Trial Samplo with "health and cautv" oook sicnt rntt THE PAXTON TOILET CO., BostoMase, $60,000 Value GivonAway TIIK UAnVfl.K '. W lf. rrKMuro --"-""-on crunK iMUKcr.M lra lrln on rlialn, II nm. mill climb, kill, oiler Mini tlcjiles. I, tlie lrutl m.I 1 1 UK klKti-ffraila wbrel In the world. WllllaBtilHellniii. W.mtknno cn.p iucyi'LM but jon MneitT ATcinrnnv rjnincetiTMrurlr io nu ptmpmoi ami mx. it una aim tli IUct l.a and lion to trrt tli BOO. OOO. HMUFACTUaEM OF THE MCTCIE. MIOQIETOWI. 0. WmOVS?JDdor NEW LAW obUln4 PENSIONS bVa.5,Nn8,MCTa'. DEFIINGEGoldWaiirSUrch Unites laundry work a ploasuro. 10 oz. pits. 10 W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 21, 1008. BRAND SHOES If not nt dealers nsk us, City, Mo. CATARRHAL FEVER AND ALL NOSE AND THROAT DISEASES Cures the sick nnd acts ns ft presvf ntlvn for others. Liquid (ttven on the tnntfiip. Hnfo f or brood mnreu mid nil others. Urst kidney remedy ! to cents nnd JI.00 n bottles J5.00 and IIU.00 the dozen. Hold by all drutriflBtu nnd hurke goods houses, or sent express paid, by the Manufacturers. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists, GOSHEN, INDIANA CHILDREN. mora C5ft in ma . Be Equalled At Ani Price price U atampad on boltotn. 'J 8 WSMfl S XiO&X; YTW XFiVW Fax