The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 02, 1908, Image 3

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First Prize Story by Thlrteen-Year-Old
Detroit Boy.
ThomaB Longyonr and Harry Dlako
woro enemies, or, rather, Thomas was
Harry's enemy, for tho latter boro
no Ill-feeling toward tho other. It
all Btarted becauso Harry Dlako had
won tho silver medal which Dr. Man
ton, tho principal of tho Kemp high
ochool, had offered for the best
original composition. Thomas had set
his heart on winning this prize, and
consequently felt very bitterly toward
Harry, who had Bnatched tho covotod
medal from him.
Mr. Longyear, the father of Thomas,
was n rich man, nnd had much In
fluenco In Kemp, whllo Harry'8 par
ents wero very poor. Tho money
stringency threw Mr. Dlako out of
work, which proved very bad for his
largo family of five. This was Thomas'
chance; ho told his father that Harry's
faJier was not honest and that ho
.Pulled Himself and His Companion Up,
would steal at tho first chanco ho had,
Thomas waB Mr. Longycar's Idol, ho
lng his only child, whllo Mrs. Long
year had been dead for somo years,
Tho boy's fooltph Btory was thorcforo
uellovcu by tno rona parent, wiioso m
fluonco then kept Mr. Dlako out of
Tho Dlnko family soon began to
find It hard to get food and fuel, nl
though Harry hunted for employment
ovory day nnd part of tho night.
On this particular wlntei evening
lio was walking homo by tho sldo of
the Mohawk river, talking bitterly to
"Why," said ho, "do somo people
have so much, whllo wo havo so lit
Dut Just then all thoughts wore ban
ished from his mind as a loud call
for help came from tho river. Ho
flung off his coat and rushed down to
tho very edgo of tho water. Looking
anxiously out, he saw a largo hole in
the ice, while, struggling In Its con
ter, was a boy.
Without stopping to think, Harry
ran rapidly over the lco and plunged
Into tho cold water. Coming to the
surface, ho looked around and saw
nothing; ho waited for a mlnuto nnd
then concluded that the boy hnd gono
down for tho third time. Taking a
deep breath, ho again dovo Into tho
water, and far below him saw tho fig
ure sinking. A few strokes brought
Harry to tho boy's sldo and, taking
hold of him, ho started to rlso. Sud
.denly Harry felt a bump on his head
nud looking up, ho saw lco above him
Tlio .current had carried them away
from tho hole. Frantic with terror,
tho heroic boy strovo to reach tho
placo of safoty, which he know wns a
few feet upstream. His lungs seoniod
bursting, whllo tho limp form dragged
him back. Many times ho felt tempt
ed to let go, but each time he set his
teeth and swam on.
i ,At last, attor great suffering, he
looked up and saw no lco above him
ltlslng to tho top, he took deei:
. .draughts of tho, cool night nlr, which
seemed like nectar, as ho had been
undor water a long time.
Ho caught hold of a treo (hat loaned
.out over tho lco and pulled himself
nnd his unconscious companion up
.Then, for tho first time, he looked at
tho boy'B faco, and was surprised to
find that ho had saved YThomns Long-
On regaining his sonses, Thomns
was very grateful and sooa.aftcr asked
his fathor If ho would give Harry
work." The magnato consonted, and
(the next day Harry and his fathor, too,
wont to work in Mr. Longyear's auto
mobile factory. Detroit Frco Press
h Game of Hunt the Fox.
1 Partners aro chosen and stand In
rtwo lines, partners opposite. The
fox at tho head Btarts and runs down
-tho lino and back, pursued by his
partnor, tho hunter. Ho can pans
through tho line, In nnd out, but tho
hunter must follow him. When caught,
tho couplo take their places at tho
foot of tho lino.
The Reason.
"The letter A," said Wlltlum with , a
And a twinkle In his nyo,
"Tho lottcr A Is IIUh tlio honoysueklo;
Nm ran you tell mo why!"
"No," answorcd Mary, "much as I en
Tha notnt T cannot see."
Wocause," said Williams. Always brluht
' nnd clover.
LlUto Lucy Locket.
t.lttlo I.ticy locket,
8ho hasn't any pocket
No plnco to carry anything at all
While Lucy's brother Uenny
Ho has no very many,
In which to nut his marbles, top or ball.
That when he's In a hurry
Tls something quite u worry
To find the one ho wants among them all
Now. why should Lucy, I-ockot
Not have a llttto pocket
A hundy llttla pocket In her dress?
And why should Urother Denny,
Who doesnlt need ho many.
Bo favored with a dozen, moro or less?
The reason. It you know It.
Ho kind enough to show It.
for really 'tis a puzzle, I confess.
Philadelphia Ilecoru.
How You Can Make Friends with Lit
tle Songsters.
There are several rules to bo ob
served In the placing of nesting-boxes
for birds, but nono of them Is moro Im
portant than thnt no food muBt bo put
In or about tho box; nor must It bo
erected In tho immediate vicinity of a
bird-table. To do tho latter is simply
to rob tho possible occupants of tho
one thing which thoy most doslro la
a nesting slto. A bird does not wish
to havo Its homo among tho continual
scullllngs, tho comings and goings, of
other birds; and a nesting box in tho
lmmedtato neighborhood of a bird
tablo is certain to bo' contlnunlly
haunted and raided by spnrows. To
put -food In or about a box 1b even
.orse, for, again, It meroly serves to
attract other birds nnd, which aro
much worse mice and rats. When
onco a nesting box Is made attrncttvo
and accessible to these animals, It bo
comes lmposslblo as a homo for small
birds. Tho latter will know hotter
than to attempt to niako n home thore,
whllo If thoy do attempt It they will
.Jesting Box for Birds.
havo littlo chanco of being nblo to
rear their young. Another common
mlstako is to put porches or laddors
or other aids to Ingress to tho hole,
for tho convenience of tho birds.
Equally mlstakon 1b tho common
adaptation of human Ideas of lltness
to the selection of the slto for tho box.
Tho Inexporlenced person Is llkoly to
hunt for nice, sheltered spots In tho
middle of n bush or among the small
twigs of trees, neither of which posi
tions Is In the least whnt a bird do
3lroB. Tho chances aro that any such
location will again be easily accoaslblo
to small four-footed cnoiulcs,, and It
must be remembered thnt It Is theso,
as well as other egg-ateallng spoclos
of blrdB, against which tho small birds
need protection.
Tho slzo of the box Itself la moro
or less a mntter of Indifference, as tho
birds will either 1111 up tho whole area
of the lloor with nesting matorlnl, or
they will build In ono corner if tho
space Is too largo. Still It will prob
ably navo them somo trouble, nnd add
to their comfort, If tho Interior bo not
too roomy. Six or seven Inches
squaro Is a good average slzo for all
the smaller birds, though an old
confectioner's chocolate box is often
occupied with Booming readiness. For
the entrance holo 1V4 Inches In dlam
oter Is largo enough for tho smaller
birds, and ljs Inches sufllces for tho
larger birds, rooms, nuinaicnea
(though theso will block up tho holo
to BUlt themselves), flycatchers, otc.
To make tho entrances lnrgor 1b only
to Invite spoliation.
To protect tho nest from tho as
saults of four-footed robbors, tho best
plan la to afllx tho box to the bnro
sldo of a troo trunk or tho faco of a
wall. To make assurance of snfety
doubly suro, when tho box Is near tho
top of n wall, an over-hanging roof, or
porch, may bo fixed above It so that
no animal can climb down to It from
abovo; while, when fastened to u
treo trunk, a strip of tin or of sheet
Iron nailed round tho treo Immediately
below tno dox win prevent oven
nnul nl fnm yillmKinif itn in It
Story of Amos Chapman, Scout Under
Gen. Miles.
Amos Chapman was 15 years In gov
ernment employ ns n Bcout on tho
plains. During his Ufa of constant
porll and exposure, writes Mr. Hnndnll
Parrlsh In "Tho Grcat Plains," one
of his most heroic deeds wns per
formed whllo ho was bearing dis
patches for Gen. Miles from his camp
on McClcllan Creek to Camp Supply,
Indian Territory. Tho dispatch party
consisted of six men. Early In tho
morning, nfter n hard night's rldo,
thoy woro suddenly attacked near tho
Washita river by a band of ovor a
hundred Kiowa and Comanche war
riors. Capt. Dodgo thus describes
what followed:
Tho first Intlmntlon of tho prcsonco
of Indians wasa volley which wound
ed ovory man In tho party. In an In
stant tbo Indians appeared on nil
Dismounting nnd abandoning tholr
horsos, tlo bravo band of whites
moved togot'ior for n hundred yards to
a buffalo wallow, a shallow natural
dopresBtou In tho prairie.
Chapman and Dixon, being but
slightly wounded, worked har3 anil
fast to deepen this depression, and
ns soon ns It was sufficiently deep to
afford somo cover, It was occupied,
and tho work continued from within.
Smith had fallen from his horso at
tho first fire, and wns supposed to bo
"Now, Boys, Keep Thoso
Redsklno Off."
dead. Chapman said: "Now, boys,
keep thoso infernal redskins off me,
and I will run down and pick up
Smith, nnd bring him back before thoy
can got at mo."
Laying down his rlilo he sprang out
of tho buffalo wallow, ran with all
speed to Smith, seized and attempted
to shoulder him.
"I lay down," said Chapman, "and
got his chest ncross my back and his
arms round my neck, and then got
up with him. It waa as much ns I
could do to stnggor undor him, for
ho couldn't help himself n bit. Ily
tho time I had got 20 or 30 yards,
about 15 Indians camo for mo at full
speed of their ponies."
Tho boys in tho buffalo wallow
opened on tho Indians, and Amos ran
for it.
"When I was within about 20 yards
of the wallow," ho continued, "n little
old scoundrel whom I had fed 50 times
rodo almost onto mo and fired. I fell
with Smith on top of mo, but ns I
didn't feel pain, I thought I had
stepped In a holo,
"Tho Indiana couldn't stay round
thcro n mlnuto. Tho boys kopt It red
hot; so I jumped up, picked up Smith,
nnd got safo Into the wnllow.
" 'Amos,' aald Dixon, 'you aro badly
'"No, I am not.' said I,
"'Why, look at your leg!' and Hiiro
enough, tho log wus shot off Just ubovo
tho ankle-joint, nnd I had been walk
ing on tho bono and dragging tho foot
behind me, nnd In tho excitement I
never know it, nor have I ovor had
any pain In my log to this day."
Emigrant Money in Italy.
Somo students of emigration In
Italy profess to bellovo that tho largo
sums of monoy annually sent back by
tho emigrants to their families, or de
posited In tho poatolllces, more than
compensato for tho ovlla. Cortnlnly
tho money sont back Is a real benefit
to tho country, as wo havo ulreatly
noted, but would anyone bo so short
sighted as to contend that any amount
of monoy can repay n people for tho
breaking up of family llfo, lowering of
noral standards and consequent physl
cal degeneration? "Man dooa not live
by bread alone," especially whon that
bread la got at tho expense of national
morals. Tho prophet of old la right
"Righteousness exulteth a nation, but
sin Is a roproach to any people." An
tonlo Mangano, In Charities and tho
Loot Her Own Case.
Mlsn Annie Hull of Cincinnati
daughter of tho Arctic oxplorer, re
cently defondod her own case In a law
suit, and It Is necessary to rolate the
fact that she lost It. Tho caso was
boforo tho supremo court, and tho man
intir tlin nttinr ul.lf. mndn Mm
mt.. naan, an 1hn .,., .,
I '
1 i
Dr. Rand Insists He Was First to
Volunteer In War or '61.
Submitting n copy of an affidavit
which states that ho voluntcorcd ns
a soldlor In tho civil war at Datavla.
N. Y., "within ten minutes nfter tho
receipt of tho telegram announcing
President Lincoln's call for voluntoors,
April 15, 18G1," Dr. Charles F. Hand
recently mndo reply to tho statement
of Mr. J. T. Ford, which appeared In
tho Sunday Star. Mr. Ford claimed
that the honor of being tho first vol
unteers In tho civil wnr belongs to
tho National Klfles of tho DlBtrlct
of Columbia, nnd not to Dr. Rand, as
claimed by him. In reply Dr. Rand
"Mr. J. T. Ford has given accurate
ly my record except In two facts which
I fool It Is necessnry to explain. Mr
Ford Bnys I Wns enrolled May 1, 18G1,
nnd mustered In May 13 nt Elmlrn,
which Is truo as far ns mustering In
goes, Datavla la a small vtllago and
we did not raise n company In ono
day. May 1 62 men wore mustered,
nnd wo wero two wooka In raising tho
company. Wo could not bo recognized
nB soldiers until wo woro mustered In,
which was on thnt dato. Wo had
at thnt tlmo no placo in tho sorvlco
and hud no assignment. Wo waited
to aeo if thoro waB n vacancy In
somo regiment thnt wanted n com
pany to till out. At last nows enma
hat tho Twolfth Now York volun
teers, at Syracuse, needed us. und wo
wore mustered Into thnt regiment
May 13, ns Company K.
"My claim as tho first volunteor In
tho war of tho rebellion has novor
ooen disproved and novor can be, un
less Borne ono can give bettor evidence
than I can nhow. When that la dono
1 will gladly yield tho palm. Men,
a number of them, clnlmod to havo
volunteered Immediately aftor Sumter
waa llred upon, which no doubt
la true, In which case thoy woro
throe dnys ahead of, mo. They
onllatod In tho mllltla. Thoro wero
no voluntoors at Unit tlmo.
"I did not volunteor until wnr was
declared, and voluntoors called for by
President Lincoln tho 15th of April,
18CL Tho mllltla was called Into
sorvlco boforo I volunteered. Tho
Third battalion of tho National
Rifles, which was called Into sorvlco
April 0, wus six days ahead of mo.
This claim Is good I acknowledge tho
fact, but It does not In nny way Inter
foro with my claim. Thoy woro nl
roady In tho service boforo tho war
"I hope this explanation will con
vince Mr. Ford that I was tho first vol
unteer In tho war of tho rebellion. I
think tho wnr department records
show no voluntoor whoso modnl was
dated previous to April 18, 18C1, tho
dato of my modal. I will also yield
that, point If hotter ovldonco la pro
"iftlcotf than that hero prosontod."
Not .Generally Known That Tabby It
Regularly tnnoteci.
When MaJ. Gen. Morrltt sailed from
Sah Francisco ho askod'tho govern
ment authorities for throe cats to
take to Manila. Probably tho trlu
of American follnos aro now teaching
Yurikeo habits to tholr mlsgutdod fol
lows jot tho Islands, for It was MaJ.
Gen, Morrltt's Intention to aond them
UBhoro when ho landed. Tho cats
camo from tho commissary dopot on
Josslo street, Snn FrnnciBCO.
It la not generally known that the
government spends sovornl thousand
dollars annually for tho malntonanco
of cats, but tho accounts of tho
United Stutes depot commisanrlea
prove it. In ovory storohouso thoro
are from ono to live nnlmala, and
tholr rations aro provided aa care
fully and regularly aa thoao of any of
the floldlora.
Thoy are not fed on Bcrnps nor nro
their Individual tastes disregarded, s
aro those of tho cnllstod mou, but
they aro allot tod so many pounds of
choice beef or any othor dollcauy their
palates muy desire. Of courao, they
may havo aa much gainu na thoy
wlah, und tho storehousea seldom fall
to furnish nu unlimited supply of
rats and mice. That tho cats savo
many times their cost of Hiipport Is
woll known, nu such supplies aa crack
era, cheoso, bacon, flour nnd meal aro
much sought after by the rodents.
All men-of-war curry cats. Tholr
UHofulnesa la novor more apparent
than on ahlpbonrd, Tho. wrllor wfftt
croHalng from Antwerp to Now' York
on the ateamshlp Southwark when ho
was awakoned by tho audilon stop
ping of the ship, an occurrence which
happening In mld-ocenn gonernlly
moans something serious. Tho pas
aongorB ruahed on deck, half clad, und
wero disgusted to learn that a rat
having crawled Into tho cylinder had
cauaod the halt. Such an accident on
n mun-of-warNln time of action might
be fearfully paid for, and an active
cat la Ha only preventive. San Fran
Cisco Chronicle.
Japanese the Style.
It la tho fancy of tho moment to
havo ovorythlng Japanese, and in ono
respect tills may bo commanded, and
that Is In the urrangemont of flowers.
These arranged in the simple Htylo of
tho orient, a spray to a vnao, might
havo something to do with decreasing
tho oxtravaganco that haa boon char
acteristic of floral dlaplayB for .the
last fow yeara. It la quite tho fad to
aorvo rlcn nakoa and tea, preaorvod
ginger and thu other things to which
tho Japaneso aro partial.
The Retort Apropos.
Old Moralist Romombor and mako
hay whllo tho sun shines.
Thoughtless Youth Ob, go to grass,
Ualtiruoro Amorlcan.
Little English Parish Troubled by Pro
posed Sale of Precious Chalice.
New York. J. Plorpont Morgan has
sot the good pcoplo of the little parish
of Churchill, near Worcester, Eng., by
tho ears, through coveting their
300-ycnr-old challeo, for which ho has
made n handsome offer. Tho vicar nnd
churchwardens wnnt to rclloor their
church, nnd If thoy can got tho money
JOO-Year-Old Chalice of Churchill
Mr. Morgan off era for the chalice, tho
work can bo dono without any call on
th (5 parishioners. The proposal has
been aubmlttod for tho annctlou of
tho chancellor of tho diocese, whoso
decision Is awaited.
Tho challeo la not of dlatlngutahcd
design. On tho contrary It Is of pre
cisely tho aamo dato and pattorn its
aro the chnllcca of several neighboring
churches nnd many othora about tho
country. It Is 5H Inches high, and Is
mado of hammered atlvor. It has a
conventional floral dcBtgn round tho
howl, but Its cover, which was orlglnnl-'
ly mndo so aa to bo used aa n paten,
has disappeared. Its hall-mnrk of 1571
coincides 'with tho yenr In which Plus
V. Issued hla flnnl Dull excommuni
cating Queen Elizabeth, and It rnny
be, na thoro nro many chalices olao
whoro of uniform design, that Queen
Elizabeth, to Bhow her disdain of thnt
Dull ordered generally that theso
fiucrod vessols should bo of this pro
scribed pattern. Howovor, this point
novor linn been sottlcd, and locally
thoro aro Bomo who think that It was
Dlahop Sandya of Worcoator nnd nfter
ward of London, an arbitrary Calvlnlst,
who Iorcd to rcduco thoso things to
dull uniformity, who hnd oldor challcos
broken and worked up to this simple
Chief of Bureau of Equipment Re
ceives Promotion. -
Washington. Capt. William Shof-
field Cowlea, who haa been nppotntod
rear, admiral, has bcon chlof of tho
bureau of cqulpmout, with hoadqunr
tcrs In this city, slnco February, 100C.
Ho was born at Farmlngton, Conn.,
Capt. William 8. Cowlce.
August 1, 18-10, und wns graduated from
tho United States Naval academy at
Annapolis In 18G7. Ho. served in tho
Mediterranean, Pacific, north Atlantic
nnd Asiatic atatlona and at tho lath
tuna of Pannmu, attaining hla llrat
command aa captain In 11)02. From
1893 to 1697 ho waa naval attache at
the United Stateu ombuasy In Loudon,
from 1899 to 1903 ho waa naval aid to
tho president, and from 1903 to 1905
ho commanded tho Mlasourl.
Was He Engaged?
Madame X wlshoa to secure
now butlor. "You know how to aorvo
tho table? and especially, can you
carvo woll?" alio naked of an applicant
"Mndam may roat assured of it," ho
replied. "When ono has boon ton
years a surgeona servant In n dla
aectlng room, ono ought to undor
stand hia business."
Her Reason.
Mrs. uotrox Mabel, dear, aro you
euro Mr. Woodby loves you for your
7f alono?
Mabel Yes, Im sure ho does
mamma. Ho always Is ao restless whon
vou aro la tho room. .
And the Moon Man Laughed.
Thoy woro jogging along tho old
road and cupld was so busy that tho
young man dropped tho lines olthor
sldo ot tho runabout. It was then
that tho wlso old nag turned lazily
'What aro you looking nt?" qucrlod
tho owl by tho roadside.
"I am reading between tho lines,"
laughed tho old nag as sho gavo a
horso laugh nnd showed her long yel
low teoth.
Laundry work nt homo would bo
much moro satisfactory If tho right
Starch woro used. In order to get the
desired Btlffueas, It is usually nccos-
nary to uso so much fltarch that tho
beauty nnd fineness of tho fnbrlo la
hlddou behind a pasto of varying
hlcknoBO, which not only destroys tho
appearance, but also nfTocts tno wear
ing quality of tho goods. This trou
bio enn bo entirety ovorcomo by using
Doflnnco Starch, us It can ho applied
much moro thinly becauso ot Its great
er strength than other makes,
Only Long Sleeves Now.
MlatrcsB Hero Is a nlco drosa for
you, Martha.
Maid Thank yo, ma'am; but I can't
take It, really.
Mlstross You foolish girl, of courao
you can tako It I Insist.
Maid No, really, I can't, ma'am.
It's got them old-faohloned short
How's This?
Wo offer One Hundred Uelltra Howard far anr
ikta ot Catarrh thai canou; t cured by IIUH
Catarrh Cura.
tor tho lait IS ear, and bellovo titui purfnctlr hon
orable la all buitneu mninollunt and ilnanelallj
alio to carry oat an? obllMlon made by hit firm.
ali'isii. uinnax mmitim,
Wholoaala DriUKlatt.Tolodo. O.
Hull'i Catarrh Cure It taken Intnrnullr. artimt
directly upon the blood and mucont aurfacei of to
ijiirm, ici:nioninMni irea. rnca Ticooupor
bottlx. Hnid hr all DrtiirxliU.
Tako llall'a 1 aiulljr l'UU for constipation.
"Tho stato!" anoorcd Iho convict
ed nnnrchlBt "What do I caro for
tho state?"
"Tho atato," ropllod tho court, "Is
not Inclined to ropay your hnrahnoas
In kind. It will enro for you for a
your." Philadelphia Lodgor.
Do You Eat Pte7
If not you nro mlniilntr half tho ntensuro of
life. Junt order from your groeor a fow
paclcnern of "OUH-PIB" and learn how
puny It Is to mnko Lomon, Cliocolato and
Custnnl plus thnt will plcuso you, It your
grocer won't supply you, go to one who will.
rTut up by D-Zurtu Co., Roohostor, N.Y."
Burns a Good Judge of Books.
John HiirnH la Rnlcl to hnvo tho best
working library of any member ot tho
English house of parllnmenL
General Demand
of tho Well-informed of tho World has
always been for a simplo, pleasant and
efficient liquid laxattvo remedy of known
valuo; a laxatlvo which, physicians could
sanction for family uso becauso its com
ponent parts aro known to them to bo
wholosomo and truly beneficial in effect,
acceptable- to tho system and gentle, yet
prompt, in action.
In supplying that demand with its ex
cellent combination of Syrun of Figs and
Elixir of Senna, tho California Fig Syrup
Co. proceeds along, ethical lines and relies
on tho merits of tho laxattvo for Its remark-
nblo success.
That Is ono of many reasons why
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is given
tlio prefcrenco by tho Well-Informed.
To get its beneficial effects always buy
tho genuino manufactured by tho Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for ealo
by nil leading druggists. Frico fifty cents
per bottlo.
Positively cured by
(hose Little Pills.
Mga nicy ix mo relieve uia-
BHiinrLE tread from Djapflimlo.Itv
T I dlRrntlounndTooIIearty
M I VFR l'.utiiiir. A perfect rem
Q A edy for Dltilneas, Nau-
Kjj r ILL 9a Drowalticaa, Had
H Mi TaatelntlioMouth.Coot-
!flBBH cil Tongue, Pain In tlu
I m. in, TOItriD LIVEH.
TUoy regulate tbo Uowela. Purely Vegetable,
Genuino Must Boar
leOAcrat Grain-Growing Land FREE. '
20 to 40 iluihala to lh Acra.
40 to 90 UiuhaU OaU to Ilia Acra.
35 to 80 Uiuhel Uarlay to th Acre.
Timber for Fencing and HulldlnftFREE.
Good vrlth Low Taxation.
Splendid Railroad Facilillea and Low Rataa.
Sclioolt and Churchei Convanlant.
Satisfactory Maiketa for all Production!.
Good Climate and Perfact Haaltli.
CLaneaafor Profitable InvettmenU.
Rome of tlio choicest crnln-produclrnrlanda lo.
BftaUatclif wan und Alberta may uow be ac
quired In tbf ho moat lieultuful nud proaeruua
ectluun under tbo
flovlsctl Homestead Regulations
bx which entry may tx made by proxy (on cer
tain conditional, by the futber, mother, aou,
duuirbler, brother or slater of luteudlng noma
ateader. Kutrr fee In each caae la 110.00. For pamphlet,
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