The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 29, 1908, Image 8

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RA L. BARE. Publisher
Something of Congress, Political Ooo
olp Hero and There, and Ncwn and
Notes of General Character.
Currency legislation by tlio proa
cnt congress seems improbable.
Tlio Iioiibo pasBod tlio hill appropri
ating $1,500,000 for pnrtlclimtlon hy
tho Unltod Stntos In tlio International
exposition to ho hold In Toklo, Japan,
In 1011!. Tho hill lacks only tho pros
ldonl'H signature to mnfco It n law.
An omnibus torrllorloH hill embrac
ing llftcon monsuroa, favorably con
sidered hy tho committee, was passed
hy tlio Iioiibo TuuBday under suspen
sion of tho ruloa. Tho vnrlous provl
rlMiH of tho hill dual exclusively with
legislation pertaining to the torrl
torlcu. Pn range hy tho houso of tho gen
cial dolloloncy impropriation hill, car
rying nn appropriation of $17,308,572,
marked tho complotini hy that hotly of
the lust of tins great Biipply inoaBtiroH
of tho government. Tho hill was put
tliiough under suspension of tho rules,
with no tlmo allowanco for gonoral
debate. '
Nebraska mombors of tho houso
hnvo arrayed thoiiiBclveif on tho iildo
of tho presldont nH against Speaker
Senator Bulltely (Connecticut) Bpoko
In favor of tho passage of hlB hill to
authorize tho president lo re-Inllst tho
negro soldiers of tho Tyonty-ilfth in
fantry, nnd declared that ir poBHlhlo
ho would Hccuro action on It.
Announcement Ib mndo that nn rlv
cm and hnrhora hill other than an
ndtulnlHtratlvo nicauuro will ho passod
at thlB Houston of congrcBB,
In tho public building bill Iowa fares
'very well. Davenport gctB $00,000 for
ImprovcmonlB to ltn building; Council
UlurfB $G5,000 for additional grounds
and ImproveniontBj Ottumwn, $105,000
and ndtlltlou horotoforo granted for n
now building; Fort Dodge, $130,000 for
improvements, oxtoiiBloiiB and repairs;
Hsthorvlllo, $00,000 for a now building;
Amen, $00,000 for a building; LoMnrs,
Rod Oak nnd Fort MadlBon, $10,000
ench for a new hIIo; DoiiIbou and Iowa
Falls, $7,500 oaclt for now bUob; Hur
llngton anil Mutton City, $5,000 addi
tional each to cotnploto their build
Iiirh; Cedar llaplds, $10,000 addition
al to coniplcto Kb building.
Mr. Ilrynn nayH tho roBult In Ponn
oylvnuln la a good argument for tho
direct primary.
Senator Dolllvor will niako Homo
speeches In Iowa In tho Interest ot
Senator Alison.
Judgo KvnnB hnR roBlgncd tho chair
maiiBhlp of tho MlBBourl democratic
state commltto bocnuno ho lu a candi
date for governor.
President Itoosovolt has "taken no
tlco" ot tho $2,000,000 public building
bill and may voto tho mensuro.
Urynn carried tho Alabama primary
over Johiiflon hy threo to ono.
Pennsylvania. doniocratB aro divided
on tho qucBtlon of Htipportlug liryau,
California doniocratB to tho Dcnvor
convontlon aro liiHtructod to voto aB a
unit for Ilrynn.
Secretary Tnft announced tho
tcrniH of tho agreement ho reached
with tho Pnnnma government on his
rocont vlBlt there, which, it hi hollovod,
if carried Into effect, will guarantca
tho nbBoluto Integrity of tho uloctlona
to ho held In July.
Tammany Hall will ho roprcaontcd
at tho democratic convention at Den
ver by a delegation 050 Htiong. All
arrnngomontH for tho journoy havo
been completed.
Tho democratic territorial convon
tlon ot Hawaii iuutructcd dologatoa to
Dcnvor for Urynn.
Washington Btatu demands Bpllt up
on tho liquor qttostlon.
Milwaukee democrats will nlop In
Lincoln on their way to Donvor.
Complete returns tlum far recolved
from tho primary Indicate that Wil
liam J. Urynn will bo supported hy tho
Alabama delegation to tho national
convontlon at Dnnvor.
In tlio Now Jersey prohibition stnto
convontlon Dr. Day criticised Pres
ident "HooBovolt for drinking lu pub
Ho, Socrtary Tnft for Baying that pro
hibition would not hoIvo tho liquor
quoHtlou and Mr. Urynn for remaining
tillunt on tho subject.
Tho war dopartment ban lsBued or
ders for Htimmor manouvora of tho
Twenty peasants wore hanged for
agrarian disturbances lu Uusaln.
' Presbyterian general assembly dis
cussed tho reports of tho commlUooa
on' evangelism and Sabbnth observ
ance. HoBolutlonB woro passed con
demning nil secular work and sports
on Sundny.
No hill to modify tho power of tho
federal courts lu Injunctions will bo
passed at this session of congross. It
was no decided hy republican confer
ence. Tho Allaghcny bank failure Ib a bad
ono, shortages nppgru'jjig to grow
Jioavler day by day, "
Senator Piatt testified in tho di
vorco suit brought by Mao IC. Wood,
denying mnrrlngo or promise of mnr
rlago. Tho divorce enso of Mao C.Wood
against Senator Plntt waii called for
trial in n Now York court.
Tiio enso of Mao Woods against
Senator Piatt was dismissed and tho
woman sent to tho tombs for perjury.
Tho Washington state democratic
convontlon adopted a resolution do
clnrlng for tlio Hiibmlssion to tho vot
ors of a constitutional amendment for
bidding the salo nnd manufacture of
spirituous liquors.
St. Louis has boon grnntod nuthorlty
hy tho Unltod States supremo court
to tax corporations for occupation of
the Htrcots.
Dtirlingtnn nnd Union Pnclllc tax
commissioners told the stnto board
that their linos aro nssosscd too high
in Nebraska.
Morn than fifty porsons woro killed
lu a Delginn railroad wreck when
trains telescoped,
Missouri Is to ho for Mr. Urynn in
tho Denver convention llrst, Inst nnd
nil tho time.
Secretary Motcalf has detailed Ad
miral Hohloy D. Evans, Into command-or-ln-chlof
of tho Atlantic Hoot, to duty
with tho general board of tho navy,
which has to do with tho preparation
of plans for naval campaigns for use
In time of war.
Attorney (lonornl Uonnparto has
written tho circuit Judges of tho dis
trict of Philadelphia asking for n quick
hearing of a tost suit of tho com
modities clauso of tho now rate.
Omaha ministers aro up in nntis
against Sunday baseball.
Evelyn Thaw Is said lo bo In a
mood to drop her suit to annul tho
mnrrlngo with Harry Thaw.
Mr, Hryan got tho endorsement of
Michigan democrats, but fell down in
the Keystone state.
(lovernor Hrooks of Wyoming snys
Micro Is no doubt but what tho east
ern buyers aro taking advantage of
wool growers and offering low prices
for tho clip because tho groworB aro
In debt for sheep bought last fall.
Tho outlook Ib not encouraging for
any ilnnuclnl legislation tho present
congress. Senntors nnd ' representa
tives ara wldo apart.
William A. Martin, solo survivor of
thp John Drown Jury, is visiting in
Wnshlugtaon. His homo Is at Debt
plalne, Vu. Ho Is 77 years eld.
Hov. S. A. Coffman, a Methodist
clergyman of Fremont, W. Vn., killed
his wlfo whllo suffering from a ilt of
temporary Insanity, ns ho claims now.
Ernest S. Kcnlsou, who killed Sam
D. Cox ut Mluntare, was sentenced to
twonty-thrco yenra In tho penitentiary
by Judgo Orlmofl. Thin Is Kenlsan'tf
second trial. Ho was uontencod to
twonty-four years In tho former trial.
Tho Now York stock market con
tinues to bIiow nn upward tendency
with an lucrcuBo in tho volumo ot
In n boarding stable (lro at Omaha
Bovontcon horses perished. k.
Senator Hoyburn started n filibuster
ugalust, tho conference roport on
tho hon)otond bill, which would nllow
a settler 320 acres of any non-lrrlg-ablo
Louis C. Coufal has been nppolnted
postmaatcr nt Able, Uutlor county,
Neb., vlco F. J. Hch, rosined,
Tho flro Iobb ut tho Omaha packing
plant Is about $500,000.
A rcBiimo of tho present session of
congress elicits tho Interesting fact
that thoro woro more Important ques
tions presented to mid discussed by
congress on which tho public gener
ally or sections or casscs domauded
action than over before In Its history.
Representative Norrls of Nebraska
has boon tho recipient of many con
gratulations on tho pnrt of his col
leagues ot tho houso for tho ablo and
Impartial manner in which ho presid
ed ovor tho republican caucus on two
Tho houso refused to concur In tho
conferonro roport on tho postolllco
bill bccniiBo ot tlio ship subsidy sec
tion and passed tho campaign public
ity bill wlth an nniondmcnt decreas
ing representation of Bouthcrn states.
Senator Drown nnd Representative
Norrls prosonted to tho presldont In
tlio Btrongost posslblo manner tho
naino of William M. Gcddos of Orand
Island for ono ot tho commissioner
ships to tho Toklo exposition.
Senator Nowlnud endeavored to get
the bill appointing nn Inland water
way commission before the senate.
Mr. Uurkett, of Nebraska, objected to
Its consideration lu advance of tho
houso building bill, Mr. Nowlands
Insisted upon his motion, nnd It wa
voted down almost unanimously,
Senator Haynor mndo an appeal to
tho Bonnto for a voto on IiIb resolu
tion requesting and requiring tho
president to appoint a court ot In
quiry to luvestlgato tho charges
ngalimt Col. William F. Slownr.t, coast
artillery, utnllouod at Fort Grant,
George 'W. Uergo, it Is understood,
will en tor tho gubernatorial raco In
Secretary Tnft has roturnod from
Panama and Is ploasud with prngross
being mndo there.
Old oflletala of tho International Ty
pographical union huvo all beon ro
oloctcd. Mr, Urynn snys that tho pooplo will
dumnnd a government bank unless do
posits nro secured,
Hear Admiral Homphlll nnd the oth
er olllcorB of tho visiting Amorlcan
squadron nro shown much nttontlon
hy iho Japnuoso oulclnls at Toklo.
Tho various functions In tholr honor
npproxlnmto In importanco a public
Gains In Arbitration Recorded no Dis
trict Victories for American
Dllplomacy. '
Washington: With llttlo discussion
nnd loss publicity, tho Unltod States
sonnto has at thin session plncod its
approval of thlrty-sovon treaties
moro In numbor if not In Importanco
than hnd been ratified during tho twen
ty yearB preceding. In making effect
ivo bo many agreements with tho na
tions, International advancomont has
boon mndo along throe distinct lines.
Twelvo nations havo agreed by treaty
with the Unltod States to nrbltrato
future disputes, which Is takon to
moan nothing loss thnn that tho world
hns now been established on tho plan
of arbitration.
Tho foundation for continued friend
ly procedure In adjusting questions
with tho Orient is believed to bo con
tained In the treaties with and tho le
gislation In respect, to Japan, to which
Is added tho friendly visit of tho fleet
to that part of tho world.
A basis of settlement hns boon ar
rived nt with Groat llrltaln, by which
longstanding quostlons between Cana
da and Uio United States nro assured
of satisfactory ndjuutmcnt.
To theso Important nccompllsh
montB, dlrectod throughout by Secre
tary Hoot, may be added n number of
lessor mngnltudo. The territory avail
able as asylum for tho fugitive from
Justice hns been further restricted
through oxtradlctlon treaties with
Spain, Portugal, Urugay and San Mar
lino, whllo naturalization treaties havo
been concluded with Poru, Salvador
and Portugnl.
Tho gain for arbitration is rcgnrded
as a distinct victory for American
diplomacy, Initiated by tho Instructions
to tho American delegates to Tho
Haguo conference. Tho result so far Is
approval of genornl arbitration treaties
with Great Hrltaln, Japan, Franco,
Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Mexico, Por
tugnl, tho Netherlands, Sweden nnd
Donmnrk. Resides tho general arbi
tration troatics eleven ot tho Interna
tional treaties resulting from Tho
Hnguo conferonco wcro approved. Thoy
includo those subjects: Recovery of
contract debts, opening of hostilities,
laws and customs of war on land,
rights nnd duties of neutral powers;
submarine contact mines, bombard
ment of naval forces, naval war and
tho Gonovn convention, right ot cap
turo In naval war, discharging pro
JoctlloB from balloons and tho final net
of tho peace conforenco.
Ab to tho orient tho Important ac
complishment Is tho bringing of Japan
Into tho group of nationn committed to
arbitration. Dcsldos this nro tho con
ventions with that country which
gunrantco In Korea and China protec
tion for Inventions, trade marks and
President Signs Dills.
Washington President Hoosovolt
hns slgnod tho bills providing for tho
participation of this country In tho
exposition to bo held In Toklo In 1912;
tho legislative, executive and Judicial
appropriation bill, and a bill author
izing tho extension of tho street mil
wnys of this city to tho now Union
Mrs. Eddy's Son In Jail.
TJoadwood, S. D. George Washing
ton Glovor, son of Mrs, Mnry Unkor G.
Kddy, enmo to town from Lend. An
hour later a policeman hunted him
up nnd told him to remove his frac
tions horso to a livery atablo. Glover
declined. An alteration ensued and
tho ofllcor plncod him under arrest.
Night Riders Miss Da by.
niploy, O. Night rldors dostroyed
tho tobneco bcdB of Walter Hook, six
miles from Hlploy. Hook fired nt tho
men and in return thoy riddled his
houso with, ballots. Ono ballot ramo
within two Inches of hitting tho Hook
Alcohol Decimates Paris.
Paris After dovotlng two years of
study to tho question of death duo to
alcohol, directly or Indirectly, Mr. For
net of tho French Academy of Modi
cluo announces that 3 per cent ot nil
deaths In Paris' aro from uso of nlco
Doth Houses Shaping Business to End
Session This Week.
Wnshlngtqn Uoth tho senate and
houso will dovolo their boat efforts
to so shnplng their affairs as to bring
about nn adjournment nt tho oarllest
tlmo nosslblo during tho present week
nnd as a consequonco whntovor Is
dono will ho In tho nnturo ot com
pleting work nlrendy begun.
Vote to Return to Work.
Clovolnnd, O. Hy n voto of 010
against (ill tho striking street railway
conductors nnd motormen decided to
return to work us "now men." Tho ro
suit of tho voto, which was takon
Sunday, waB not announcod until mid
night. Tho voto Is In accord with tho
demnnds of the Municipal Trnctlon
company upon this point. At midnight
tho non-union mon now nt work run
ning tho company's cars bogan to vote
on tho question of whether ihoy would
submit tholr claims or seniority to arbitration.'
No Further Presentation Unless Rail
way Commission Ask for a Sup
plemental Hearing.
Reduction of Freights.
Tlio general hearing on tho proposi
tion of a reduction of freight rates In
Nebraska has closed nnd no further
piesentcon will tako placo unlois tho
railway commission nsks fcr n sup
plomontal hearing. Tho railway em
ployes nro yet to he heard. Talks
woro made by C. 13. Spoils, goncrnl
freight ngant or tho Uurllngton lines
west, General Solicitor J. E, Kelby of
tho samo road, Freight Trafllc Mnn
agor J. A. Munroo of tho Union Paci
fic, nnd Gonoral Solicitor N. II.
Loomls of tho Union Pacific. Tho
road mon nllogo that tho commission
must bnflo rate In Ncbrnska only on
business beginning nnd ending In the
state, and must not consider traffic
through tho state, boglnnlng In tho
stato and ending outside, or originat
ing outside the stnto and terminating
within tho state. After thin is dono,
uccordlng to tho railway attorneys,
who quote tho Wisconsin Itallway
commission ns nuthorlty, 80 per cent
of the vnluo of tho lines nnd equip
ment In tho stato must be taken, as
tho basis for dividend earning, SO per
cent of tho equipment having been
found neccBsnry to carry purely stato
trafllc. Mr. Kelby said tho nurllngton
caniB only 2 per cent on Its taxable
vnluo In Ncbrnska on atato business,
and Mr. Munroo said tho Union Pa
cific .earns only 1 per cent on Ncbrns
kn business.
General Freight Agent Spona con
fined hlu talk to tho dlffcrenco In
condltlona between Iowa and Nebras
ka Ib about 50 per cent of tho density
of trafllc lu Iowa, nnd that Iho cost of
carrying decreases with tho lncrcnso
of density of trnfllc. Ho snld ho did
not hlamo tho shippers of Nebraska
for comparing Nebraska nnd Iowa
rates, but ho thought when thoy un
derstood tho conditions they would
understand tho matter.
Light on Railroad Values.
T. A. Polloys, tax commissioner of
the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis &
Omaha railway company who spoko
before tho Stnto Hoard of assessment,
nppenrcd to bo boosting for n rnlao
In tho nascssed vuluation of other rail
roads in Ncbrnaka or to bo looking out
for an assessed valuation that may ho
iif'cd beforo tho railway commission as
nn argument for leave to lncrcnso
freight rates. Ho Bhowcd tho board
how It might lncrcnso tho valuation
of his own rond from $12,500 a mllo
In Ncbrnska to $47,000, and then ho
talked an hour or two to show tho
board that really $35,000 was about
right. Tho board of assessment Inst
year valued all railroads In tho stato
at an nvorngo of $14,110 :i mile, but
Mr. Polloys gavo a computation show
ing how it might bo $40,000 n mile.
Corn for Omaha Show.
Tho Nntlonai Corn commission
which Is planning for n largo repre
sentation of Ncbrnska corn nt tho
show to bo held at Omaha, December
10 to 10, met hero last week to coni
plcto arrangemonta for tho growing
nnd exhibition of corn. William
Ernst of TecuniBch, Dean Uurnctt of
tho agricultural college, Secretary W.
H. Mellor of tho stato board of ngrl
culture, nnd mombcrfl of tho commlt
tes woro present. Sccrctnry E. G.
Montgomery of tho national exhibi
tion nnd William James or Dorches
ter wcro in nltcndnnco.
State Unlverolty Commencement.
Members of tho Bonlor class of tho
stato unlvorslty hnvo chosen Chnrlos
A. Towno of Now York ns tholr com
mencement orntor, nnd ho has ac
cepted tho Invitation. Tho alumni
orntor Is to ho G. W. Gerwlg or Al
legheny, Pn. Tho nnnual concert or
tho school or music will bo held on
tho ovenlng of Juno 0. On Sunday,
Juno 7, Chnncollor E. Ucnjnmln An
drews will dollvcr tho baccalaureate
aormon. Tho Phi netn Kappa orator
will bo Chancellor G. 15. McLean or
tho University or Iown. An tho clasa
play, tho senior cIusb will present
"Tha Three Musketeers" on Juno 9.
Juno 10 will bo nhmin! day.
Objection to Cut In R.Ucs.
C. C. Wright or tlio Northwestern
spoko beforo tho 'railway commission
mid asserted that his road could not
stand a reduction of class latos; that
It la now making only 2.2 per cent on
Its valuation, and during the nlno
months of tho enforcement of the
Aldrleh hill mndo only 4.1 por
cent on nil buslnoss In Nebraska, and
for tho bannor yoar ending Juno, 1907,
mndo 0.07 por cont on stato nnd in
terstate business.
Board of Trade.
A quiet effort la now being mndo
to rovlvo tho project ot forming tu
board ot trado or commercial oxchaiigo
in Lincoln and there la talk or erect
lug a largo ofllco building to sorvo ns
a beard of trade, a club houso nnd an
otllco building. Tho Commercial club
has now about $7,000 subscribed on a
building fund, for which nt least $25,
000 will bo needed. If tho board or
trado project In suocssful tho grain
nnd lumbor Interests would undoubt
edly Join tho Commercial, b In
oroQUng, tho VuJhHnjj.
Ask State Board to Reduce tho Assess
ments of Their
At tho first hearing held by tho
Stato Hoard of Assessment for rail
road tax commissioners, n. D. Pollard
of tho Uurllngton appeared and asked
tho board not to value tho lines of
his company lu Nebraska at mcro
than $35,000. Thoy wore valued last
year nt $15,000. Tax Commissioner
Scrlbnor of tho Union Pacific also
epoko, but lie said it wns uoolors to
repeat his argument or last yenr,
when tho board valued tho Hiicb or his
company nt $75,000 a mile. Ho said
ho was dlsapiKilntcd lost year nnd
hoped for somo concessions thin year.
Mr. Pollard briefly ntta.cked tho ns
BCBssmcnt cf real estate, live stock
and money In Nobrnska nnd gavo fig
ures to allow that each class of prop
erty was assessed far below ltn true
value. He said his company earned
3 per cent on n valuntlon of $15,000
n mllo lu Nebraska for tho six months
ending March 31. Ho said it oarncd
$2,701 a mllo, nearly $300 lo3B n mllo
than tho yenr beforo. Mr. Scrlbnor
snld lila company earned nearly $400
n mllo loss. Ho ndinlttcd that his
company had coasod apportioning ltn
cnrnlngs between states; because nt
best such calculations aro moro esti
mates nnd often unfair nnd would af
ford llttlo light for tho board. Mr.
Pollard told tho hoard U company
arbitrarily apportioned tin earnings
between states and gavo to Nebraska
lines a constructive mllenge of 1.4,
Tills ho said crcdltod to Nebraska
nbout 20 per cent that tho linos had
not In fact earned nnd ho bcllovcd
that amount should bo deducted.
To Report Monthly.
Monthly station reports of business
in Nebraska will bo filed with tho
stato railway commission by tho ex
press companies until tho Sibley net
Is no longer in force or until its en
forcement is given judlclnl Bupport,
according to n message received by
tho commission from Attorney C. J.
Greene, who represents all of tlio com
panies. Ho Is in Now York, whero
he has been conferring; with express
officials, after tho rota-ml of the com
mission to grant a requested exten
sion of ten days. Tho first reports
were duo May 10. Attorney General
Thompacn loft for Now York to tako
depositions from express ofllclals in
tho enscs now in tho fedornl court.
Later ho will represent tho state there'
In tho hearing of theso men before
Rofro J. J. Sulllvnn. Mr. Wttling,, nn
expert nccountnnt, nccompanicd Mr.
Thompson and Rata Clerk Powell will
go to Now York this week.
Week's Crop Report.
Tho crop roport by Division Freight
Agent J. J. Cox for tho Lincoln trnfllc
division, contains the following state
ments: "Gocd rains over cntlro sec
tion tho past week. Tornado dam
aged crops to bomo extent at Nemaha.
Loulavillo nnd vicinity. Wheat and
oats in very good condition. Could
not bo hotter. Oats growing in good
shapo and coming up bettor thnn ex
pected. Different territories report
ed oats of poor stand nnd unovon,
but reports this week show onts up
oven nnd growing nicely. Corn plnnt
Ing progressing rapidly bctweon rains.
.About two-thirds of corn planted. Al
falfa not dnmnged to any groat ex
tent hy cold weather. Pastures In ex
cellent condition. Gnrden truck com
ing nlong nicely. Conflicting reports
on frulL Unablo to say what damngo
was dono by recent cold weather."
Examining Insurance Company.
After being .organized and in opera
tion for moro thnn two years, the Ne
braska Lumbermen's Mutual Insur
ance ussoclntlon, nn ndjunct to tho
Stnto Lumber Dealers' association, is
now being examined for th3 fliBt tlmo
by tlio state Insurance department.
Tho work is being dono by Archlo
Senrio, n brother nnd nppolnteo of
nudltor E. M. Sciuio. Tho company
has boon reporting its business each
year to tho department, but "has not
been required to submit its affairs to
scrutiny until tho present time. Secre
tary Bird Crltchfiold's records glvo
tho membership nt 550 and the nmonnt
of insurnnco in forco at $870,300, each
member being limited to $2,000 on nny
cno stock of goods. Tho company
furnishes protection to lumbermen nt
rntea about 00 per cent of those fixed
by tho "board" schedule
Governor cn Marriage Laws,
Governor L. Sheldon delivered tho
nddrosa of welcomo to tho membor3
of tho Nebraska Stato Mcdlcnl nsso
elation nt the opening genornl session
nnd In tho course or his speech snld:
"It Is high tlmo that steps aro tak
on to nmend tho mnrriage laws to
tho end that wo can gradually do
creaso tho dogonorato classes. No
man or womnn should bo permitted
to bo married without first securing
a ccrtlllcnto or good health from a
capablo physician. And 1 hopo that
at tlio next logiaintUro tho members
of the medical profession will como
in with a bill prepared that will help
nlong tho lines that I hnvo just pro
posed." Gonoral Freight Agont Monroo cf
Union Pacific road' mot J. N. Camp
bell nnd Edwnrd Penny of Fullerton,
C. H. Smith of Helgrndo and Gccrgo
E. Johnson of North Loup to discuss
complnlnts In regard to alleged , dis
criminations ngnlust Fullortou nnd
Helgrndo. Mr. Monroe proposed
chnnges and ngreed to moot tho com
plainants In Omaha to agree cn al
terations In rntos from Omaha west.
Fullerton pcoplo nllogod that a Jump
ot 12 cents p, hundred on first class
rroight from 'Jcpou to Fullarton la unjust.
Religious, Social, Agricultural, Poflt
leal and Other Matters Given ,
Due Consideration.
Valentino has begun work on Us
new city park.
Hastings dealers aro accused of sell
ing Impure milk.
Tho wntor bond proposition In Oga-)
lnlla was defeated.
All of tho Nebraska City teachers
havo been re-elected for nnothor year.'
Omaha banks show a million and a
halt lncrcnso slnco Inst report In Feb
ruary. Tho cornerstone or tho now Cath
olic church nt Falrbury wns laid last
Mrs. Ycomano, a sister of cx-Presl-dent
Ccvoland, wns visiting in Omaha
Inst wcok.
Tho Young Men's Christian associa
tion of Crete will build a homo to
cost $20,000.
Cadets of tho state university nro
camping in Nebraska City this week
for flvo days.
At Lincoln, John Lundgrcn, nn aged
man, wns run over nnd killed bya
Hock Island train.
About 500 veterans woro in nttend
nnco upon the Grand Army encamp
ment nt Hastings.
Tho mnyor of Hastings Issued a
proclamation designating "cleaning up
day" for tho city.
At Lexington bloodhounds readily
traced a thief who had committed rob
bery in u boarding car.
Tlio town of Winalow has voted a
bond of $1,000 fcr n now Bchool houso
to bo built this summer.
Christopher Schnvlnnd of Madison,
wns tho unanimous choice or tho Stato
Uoard or Assessment Tor sccrctnry.
Tho Morton-Grcgson packing plant
nt Nobrnska City has closed down for
sixty dnyB that repairs may bo mado.
Mrs. Mlchaelson, n violently lnsano
womnn in tho Norfolk hospital, was
operated upon for gall stones, slnco
which alio la rapidly regaining her rea
son. Somo of tho cltzcns of Utlca who
participated in tho aasault upon Evnn
gollst Miller Mnrch 21 must nnswer in
court, nccordlng to tho grand Jury's
Tho nuthorltles of North Platto havo
decreed that henccrorth nil tramps
caught loaillng around tho streets or
railroad yards will bo corralled and
put to work on tho streets.
Dcntrlco citizens reel highly clnted
over the passage of tho bill appropriat
ing $50,000 for tho extension of tho
poatofflco building. The forxco has
been cramped for quarters for Bomo
Tho commencement exorcises or tho
neatrlco High school will bo hold in
tho Christian church, Juno 5 nnd 0.
Tho graduating class numbers fifty
two, fJilrteen more than has ovor grad
uated boforo.
Tho board of education has olected
George E. Martin of the high school
no superintendent of tho public schools
of Nobrnska City. Ho haa been prin
cipal of tho high school for tho Inst
six years or moro.
At Hcatrlco Matt Haffy was found
dond nt tho homo of his nlcco, Mrs.
Georgo Upson, nt Lnnhnm, byn mem-l
her of tho family who wont to cnll himj
for brenkfaBt. Deatli was supposed tol
havo been duo to heart trouble. !
Crookston is to havo a station ngent.,
Hocently Mnx E. Volrtel filed a re
quest with tho Stato Railway Commis
sion for an agent to bo placed nt
Crookston, mnklng n shewing that
$22,000 of business was dono tho last
year at that station nnd naked for nn
Investigation. Tho resijlt wna nn
ngent will bo forthwith installed
James A. Carland, who is in tho
Castor county Jail charged with tho
murder of John Sanderson, nnd who
cannot bo tried in tho district court
till Soptombor, alleges that ho will dlo
beforo that tlmo If confined in tho
Custer county dungeon. His attorney
H. M. Sulllvnn has applied to tho su
premo court for a writ of habeas cor
pus, tlio object being to require tho
sheriff to plnco tho accused in somo
other county Jail or In tho peniten
tiary. ft will cost tho stato nbout $15,000
for two yenra to carry out tho now
plan of paying onclr member of tho
Nebrnaka nntlonai guard 25 cents for
nttcndlng wookly drill. Vho plan hns
boon In tarco long enough to show re
sults, but In tho enso of many com
panlos It baa shown a tailing off '.n nt
tendnnco rather than nn lncrcnso. In
nddltlon to this payment tho statu
makes n service payment to the. ofll
cors In nccordanco with tho length of
time thoy hnvo served in ono position.
At Woston, Charles Wondrn, wna
found dend early in tho morning with
in about two blocks of his home. Ho
had been drinking henvi'y.
Fdwnrd Scbrank, n prominent tann
er nnd owner of tho old Chritudwlg
farm south of Wiener, was Instantly
killed by n fall from his wngon.
Tho 1 1-montha-old child of Andrew
Nnss, a prominent Gorman farmer re-
hiuiiig uenr urn, mot death bv tailing
Into n stock wntprlng tank. Tho child
wns just old enough to toddlo about
nnd was out or sight ot the nurso but
a fow minutos, and when found wna
floating faco downward in tho tank.