The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 29, 1908, Image 7

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Yes, for In these
three eisentUls
the Flor Mm
I the Flor ' Mm X jf SJSi
Most Stylos
$5.00 &6.00
It reflects the latest styles ell over.
Quality Is literally "built" right
Into It. Put It to the real test of a
shoe-wear and you'll find the Flor
shelm outlasts all others.
Graham & Co.,
:': Over First National Bonk. '')
Phone 148
Mr. Mills, the pantorium man, has
been dangerously ill for several days
past. ,
Mrs. Chris. Tagader was called to
Shelby, Neb,. Wednesday by tho illness
of a relative.
Our. ladies tan shoes and oxfords mado
on tho "tredstrate" last aro tho most ex
clusive stylcsi
Small, The Big Shoeman.
Another light rain fell Wednesday
evening. In tho section west of the
city the fall was considerably heavier
than in town.
E. It. Smith, cashier of tho Gandy
Bjnk, was in town yesterday, coming
hure to take home his daughter, who
has been attending tho high school.
Tho latter will return nxt year.
Simmons salesman's sample lino of
Hammocks at Ginn & White's.
Tho colored man who was arrested
hero Tuesday was taken to Kearney for
trial Wednesday. He is charged with
stealing a suit of clothes, a watch, n
mandolin, and n small sum of monoy
from Thos. Hansen, a Kearney tailor
Wo have a nico line of books suitable
for graduation gifts.
Rinckek's Book Store.
The commissioners appointed to ap
praise the valuo of the land needed for
a proposed road running one and one
half miles west from tho west end of
Eighth street have mado their report
and place tho damage at about $2,800.
Three land owners aro affected. Tho
proposed road runs through tho shoot
ing tower on tho land owned by W. S.
For Rent.
A handsomo five room cottago in tho
West End with shade trees, bluo grass
lawn and electric lights.
Buchanan & Patteuson.
Mrs. W. M. Cunningham left last
night for a brief visit in Omaha.
Mrs. A. Redmond has returned from
a visit with her daughter, Mrs. J . D.
Lonergan, nt Rock Island.
Aluminum house numbers ten cents
each. Ginn & White.
Mrs. Adams and daughter, who have
been guests at tho A. E. Huntington
residence went to Denver this morning
Boilermaker Mnlinsky went to Oma
ha tho early part of tho week to have
treated an eye that was injured by a
flying piece of Btcel.
Tho Nabob A new oxford for Men in
Patent Leather, Blucher pattern. $5.00.
Graham & Co.
Julius Pizer'a household is living in
transit as it were, tho family occu
pying tho houso whiie it is being moved
to the Trustee's addition.
Ed Yntcs, who returned from Omoha
yesterday, reports his brother Arthur
satisfactorily recovering from his re
cent operation for appendicitis.
Tho W. C. T. U. will meet with
Mrs. Cyrus Stcbbins Tuosday after
noon of next week. Tho subject to bo
discussed will bo "Systematic Giving".
For Sale Oliver typewriter, good as
new, for thirty-five dollars if taken in
tho next tern days. Call on or address
II. P. Carson.
"Bob" Baxter, formerly superinten
dent of tho Nebraska division, passed
cast this morning. Ho is now division
superintendent of tho Lohigh Valley
road with headquarters at Buffalo,
J. E. Delzcll, superintendent of tho
Lexington schools, is in town today,
coming here to deliver the address at
the commencement exercises of tho
Eighth grade of tho rural schools of
tho county.
See our line of hammocks; several dif
ferent grades, but all the comfortable
kind. Rincker's Book Store.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. West, of Wyo
ming, Nobr., and Mrs. G. tV. RiBser
and daughter, of Nebraska City, who
camo hero to attend tho West-Fenwick
wedding, returned to their respective
homes yesterday.
About fifty pupils of tho rural schools
who successfully passed tho Eighth
grade examination aro in town today
attending the commencement exercises
which aro being held at the high school
auditorium this afternoon.
Potatoes for sale. Fifty Cents per
bushel. Vienna Restaurant.
Practically all the deputy assessors
have completed their work, and week
after next tho board of equalization
will be ready to hear the complaints of
thoso who think their property is as
sessed too high. As real estate has
been increased from twenty to forty
per cent, it is probablo there will bo
many complaints.
The contract jfor the heating plant
and plumbing in the new Keith opera
houso has been awarded to John Lc-
Masters, and the construction work
will bo in chargo of M". Green, who is
associated with Mr. LeMasters. This
is the largest plumbing contract over
awarded to a North Platte firm. In
bidding Mr. LeMasters competed with
a half dozen firms.
New five room house with
bath, electric lights, city-
water and everything mod
ern. Nine blocks from busi
ness part of the city. Good
location. Call and name your
price and it is yours.
Temple Real Estate & Insur
ance Agency.
iephyr Ginghams
1 1 Cents Per Yard.
Beginning Saturday, May 23d, and continuing
until June 1st we will sell all of our Regular 15 'Cent
Ginghams at 1 1 Cents a yard. This is less than you
will be able to buy these goods for again. Come early
so you can get desirable patterns.
Wilcox Department
The Free Gift Offer
we previously advertised will
be a feature of a great special
Sale of Jewel Ranges
which begins Monday, June 1st, at 8 o'clock and
will last just three days and no longer
Big Values in these Ranges as Low as
Wc are going to begin our free gift offer of Din-,
tier Sets at the time advertised in connection with this
special sale.
No Sale has ever meant more to the people of
North Platte than this unusual event. This is your op
portunity to buy a JEWEL RANGE at a very favor
able price and at the same time receive a beautiful 37
piece Dinner Set free of charge.
These Sets are of Moss Rose Pattern, delicately
colored, and gold trimmed. They consist of 37-picces
and will please you.
When one stops to consider that the JEWELS are
the best Ranges made and contain every feature inven
tive genius could devise to lighten the burdens of cook
ing, one can realize the importance of an opportunity
that gives the housewife a Dinner Set Free with her
It would take a book to tell you all the good points
of the JEWEL RANGES. Some of them are: That
all castings are made of Kemi-test metal, which is ana
lyzed and tested by an expert chemist; that the walls
are double and interlined with asbestos; that all rivets
arc hand driven; that the ovens are large and square,
and that the grates are the best that can be produced.
These features, together with many others, will be
pointed out in the demonstrations that will take place
on the days of this sale.
No opportunity has ever more forcibly demanded
your attention than this one, and even though you do
not care to purchase a range at this time, we urge you
to come in and learn about the special Jewel features
which make cooking a pleasure instead of a task.
Workman & Derryberry.
Dies After Brief Illness.
Mrs. L. F. Waugh died at tho family
residence in the west part of town
Tuesday afternoon of pneumonia after
an illness of but six days. Tho disease
was stubbornly fought by the physicians
and received tho constant care of tho
attendants, but it resisted treatment
and tho beloved wife and mother was
called to her homo beyond, surrounded
by the father, seven children, and rel
atives who had been called and arrived
Sunday. These latter wcro Mrs. J. A.
Venable, a sister; M. P. Allen, a
brother; C. II. Itiddcll, a brother-in-law;
and C. K. Allen, a nephew, all of
Rothville, Mo.
Tho funeral was held from tho resi
dence yesterday afternoon, Rev. Green
lee conducting tho services in tho pres
ence of a largo gnthering of friends
who aBsemblcd to pay this last earthly
respect to ono who by her goodness
and kindliness had won their lovo and
Willio Lee Allen was born in Virginia
in 1862 and removed to Missouri with
her parents when soven yenrs of age.
In 188G tho family moved to Ogalalla,
and it was in that town she became ac
quainted with and was later married to
Mr. Waugh. In 1893 Mr. and Mrs.
Wnugh moved to Lincoln county and
lived on u farm in tho valley west of
town until three yenrs ago when they
became residents of North Platte.
The deceased had for years been a
consistent member of tho Baptist
church, but had not affiliated herself
with the church in this city. Her life
on earth was Buch as to win for her tho
crown of life eternal. To tho grief
stricken family tho sympathy of all
acquaintances goes forth.
Soventy-fivo membors of tho Ne
braska State Railway Employes Pro
tective Association appeared before
tho state railway commission at Lincoln
yesterday to protest ngainst any ma
terial reductionin freight rates. As ex
pressed by the numerous speakers, re
presenting every branch of railroad
works, the idea of tho workmen is that
if freight rates aro reduced, wages of
employes must also bo reduced in pro
portion; that ovon if freight rates are
reduced, tho great majority of tho
people will not bo benefited, but the
profit thus mado will go tho middleman;
that tho small dealers aro not asking
for tho reduction, but tho reduction Ib
nsked for by tho largo shippers, who
have in tho past enjoyed tho benefits of
of liberal rebates, which aro now denied
them by law. S. C. Mccombcr, of this
city, locked horns with Commissioner
Williams and a lively tilt ensued, Mo
comber nroducinir u statement nur
ported to have been issued by Williams
In which it was stated that rates in
Nebraska should bo reduced fiftv nur
cent. Williams contended that no such
statement was in tho article ho had
A Pretty Wedding.
A very pretty and well appointed
homo wedding occurred Wednesday
ovening when Miss Nora Davis Fen
wick became tho brido of Raymond B.
West, a prominent lawyer of Basin,
Wyo. For this happy occasion tho
Fenwick residenco was prottily decor
ated with cut flowers and Bmilax, tho
color scheme in tho parlor being pink,
in tho dining room green and white and
red in tho other rooms. Tho corcmony
was performed by Rev. T. B. Grocnlco
in tho presence of nbout forty gueBts.
To tho strains of a wedding march
rendered by Mrs. C. A. Lowell, tho
bridal party entered the parlor preceded
by Lucilo Ridgoly and Eva Hoagland,
who formed n ribbon aisle for tho pas
sage of tho others, and by Marian Ris
Bcr as ring bearer. Tho brido wbb at
tended by Miss Vera Sitton and tho
groom by Clark Buchanan. Tho brido
was handsomely gowned in white silk
and carried white roses; tho maid in
pink silk with white net and carrying
pink roses. Tho ring ceremony waa
used, and aa performed by Dr. Green
leo proved very impressive
Following tho ceremony congratula
tions wero extended and later an
elaborate wedding supper was served
in the dining room, the bridal party and
relatives being seated at ono largo
tables, and tho gueBts at small tables.
Tho couplo wero tho recipients of many
handsomo articles of cut glass, china
nnd silver.
Mr. and Mrs. West loft on a night
train for Denvor nnd will remain there
a few days prior to going to their homo
in Basin, Wyo., whero tho groom is
associated with II. S. Ridgloy in tho
practico pf law, the firm being con
sidered ono of tho strongest in North
ern'.Wyoming and enjoying a very lucra
tive practico.
Mrs. Wost is n North Platto product,
nn attractive young lady who through
childhood and young womonhood had
enjoyed tho friendship and good-will of
every acquaintance
Puckcruc Island Items.
Crons aro ccrtainlv lookinir fino at
present in this vicinity.
Fnrmors have commenced to work in
their beet fields.
Mrs. Tcna Trembly transacted busi
ness in North Plntte Thursday.
Miss Vera Mornnt nrrived hero Fri
day morning from S,cotts Bluff to
spend Decoration day at Fort McPhcr-
Fred N. Drake sayB ho is preparing
for that proposal by sotting out nn acre
and a half of cabbogo plants.
Ed Hostottor'B baby is sick with
Mrs. Frank Drake who has been sick
with scarletina Ib convalescing.
Sidnoy Tibbots' father, who lives in
Koarney, is visiting him this week.
WHITE & LESKEY, by constructive knowledge nnd skill,
jjj High-grndo results produco that never fail your want to fill:
J Invariably contracts aro completed according to specification,
Thus rendering by porfect unity eoch detail in right relation:
J Examining their work, you'll find it dono with scrupulous caro,
& because of its enduring naturo it docs not require repair:
ft of North Platto. IR
X to
5JJ Like magic they put up the Wood, Stone, Brick or Concrete,
Exerting forces in cement building with which no other can compote:
$ So tho firm for choico material always on tho alort,
Keeps employed for each department of tho job a truo export:
J Endeavoring to got for yourBelf n homo, storo, hotel or flat,
J You'll profit by calling on tho bulldora, WHITE & LESKEY,
C. r. TEMPLE, Mnnagar. J. G. ISEELEK, Attorney.
Temple Real Estate and Insurance Agency
It will be to your advantage to see ub first
when wonting anything In our line.
North Platte, Nebraska.
omco Cor. Front aud Dowoy Bts
Tho Degreo of Honor Bocial club wil
meet with Mrs. SylveBtor Friend Tuet-
day afternoon, Juno 2d.
For Sale Two-row cultivators at $35
each. Joseph Horshey, Fifth and Lo
cust streets.
Axel Nelson, of Ogalallu, attended
Ascension Day services in town yon-
terday. He is a member of tho local
K. T. commandcry.
Notice for Bids.
Sealed bids will do received by tho
undersigned until 10 o'clock, a. m.,
central time, June G, 1008, for tho con
struction of a ono story brick building
on Front street, North Platto. Plans
and specifications can be seen nt tho
ofllco of Bratt & Goodman. The right
is reserved to reject any or all bids.
John Buatt.
Von hnvo tried nil klncU of pUU, watora ami cathartic for Co nut pa. 1
tion aiid Uvor Complaint, h.w get the ntM. Tnkn Nit '1 "bleu
r nnd mo liuw innch idler thoy urn, boo uni uiihtoi rti in rciuui. iiiui
..1ml l.r that lrlc euuiut (in-tli;y mukn yoi
feel better the minute you (aVe thrin. They braco you up u '?,'"" J
In you. make you leoi irunuor miu uci.ti jr.""1"". ll z
lata tho entire dlgeatlvo ayatem. Ono doao will convlnco you. U.l too Ooi.
7u A. li Lewis Medicine Ca &r V V SLLouijMo.
I ?Trt . .S 'AT OPTIC ez Jf