The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 29, 1908, Image 6

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    The Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ik ty. BARK.ICditor and Publisher
Onu Yoftr, cash In advance. 11.25
MumiiH, Chun in advance OS cu
Rntorrd at North I'lattn. Nulirnka, Pottodlce
ttiiocnrxl cum matter,
FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1908.
Pages Five and Six
Cottonwood and Vicinity.
genial ruin is just what
needed to soften the crust.
r t , . . i .f.- t .i
uoru unu neoi naming ib nuuui
through In this locality.
Jess Smith ntartcd Monday. Said ho
was going through.
Very few nt services Sunday nfter-
noon on account of rainy conditions.
Mrs. Trembly, of Higncll, was a
cnllcr In our vicinity Tuesday.
Anna Sowles school having closed.
bIio reached her father'a homo Satur
day night.
Lou Martin, of Sutton, Is ppendi"g a
fow days In our community. ,
C. 0. Hutchinson says n follow feels
like he's broke if ho doesn't put out
somo beets, and sometimes he's broko
if ho docs.
Corn at 70 and 75 cents per bushel
makes a fellow feel shaky when ho has
to buy.
What was Richardson doing on our
side last Tuesday? Hu should have
been taking his night's rest.
Andy and Irl Lowlcs caught two
young coyotes last week. They hnvo
them for pets.
Burt Houser received u kick from u
horse about a week ago.
Maxwell is "doing" somo. C. II.
Kuhns is moving his houso to tho west
part of town in order to get more room
for increasing his store room.
II. Jnngcnsen has bought a lot south
of whero ho lived nnd has moved his
houso thereon.
A Gandy team broko looso on Tues
day nnd cleared tho strcots for n short
Tho "Chapel Car" will bo In Maxwell
on Monday, Juno 1st, nnd services will
bo held therein every ovcnlng while
thoy stay. Como and hear.
Garfield Items.
Tho young folks dropped in on Phillip
Miller and gave him n surprise on his
Tho quarterly meeting will bo hold
hero Sunday morning, May 31st. Tho
presiding older will bo present.
Mrs. Luther Claudson has been on
Bick list, but nt present is bettor.
Harloy Dodgo, of Callnyy. Iiiib
been spending n weok with relatives.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Greer and children
of Callaway came up last week to visit
relatives over Sunday.
Last Saturday tho Arnold ball .team
camo up nnd played thu Garflclders,
Arnold winning tho game.
Hoz Pcaso camo over from Arnold in
his nutnmohllo to witness tho ball
Myrtle News.
Mr. Jensen, of Mcl'herson county,
culled at his daughter's Mrs. 13. C. Al
lison Saturdny.
L. C. Mitchell Is among tho first to
bo through planting corn in this neigh
boflliood. Travis Jotmen purchased a horso of
Reeso Ilruinmet a week ago.
A baby girl enmo to tho homo of
Geo. Bay laBt Friday.
Mrs. Rulcigh Roynolds was called to
Arnold by thu sorious illness of a cous
in. Mrs, Harry Morrow hns been under
tlio doctor's euro tho past week.
L. C. Mitchell began brooking sod
for D. E. Fowlos Mondny.
RoturnB from 21,077 saw mills in tho
United States show that for tho year
190G tho output of lumbor, lathH nnd
Bhinglca umounted to 37,910,007,000
fcot board measure. How many mills
made no rotum of their product no
body knows. In addition, railroad sta
tistics computo that thoy laid tho for
est under contribution for 103,000,000
prossties. How much fuel tho foreBt
supplies tho hcartliBtono Is h thing of
impossible consumption. The effect of
pur prodigal conjecture and vandal
waste of timber Is shown In a loss of
$100,000,000 in tho Ohio valley alone in
a Biugle year, due to Hoods that devas
tnted cities, towns, villages, hamlets
and granges.
Tho New York Herald concludes its
weakly impartial aimmurlesof tho pre
convention conlotts for the Ri publican
rrisldi-i.tinl nomuuitit n with n careful
ly piermcd n of tin- delegates uh
tliey are likely to vote in Chicago. If
inetructioiiH, uidoru moots and pledges
umount to anything, William H. Tuft,
secretary of wnr, will bo nominated on
tho first ballott. Ho can only bo beaten
by President Roosovelt, and tho prob
ability of a Btnmpedo is muchjmoro ro
moto than at any time during tho Inst
two months.
For Sale Cheap.
South half of N. W. 1 section 26-1G-
81, Lincoln Co., Neb., 80 acres of
prairie land. Write tho owner, C. F.
Simmormakor, Tipton, Iowa.
flie Ilea! Printi
. . . Hy . . .
CopyrlBhtod, 1903, by Awtoolntod
Literary !'rex,
How Knthcrlne Henrle enine to lie
Jack Carrlnglnn's ward belongs to tho
enrly chapters of a long story. It dntt
back, In fact, fifteen years, when Kath
orlnc was u three-year-old hahy and
Carrlngtou u young man of twenty.
Hut nt the beginning of the present
chapter, nftcr having Ix-on "finished
off" nt a very proper Inmrdlng school,
Knthcrlno had Just returned from
wlntor In Huropo with Cnrrlugton's
married sister.
And Carrlngtou as he sat In the twl
light on tho luxuriously appointed
porch of his out of town houso was ox
pectantly awaiting n promised after
dinner talk with her.
In accordance with a long and cam
fully formulated plan ho felt that tho
tlino had now como for lilin to tnko
Knthcrlno norlously In hand nnd to
prepnro hor for tho prominent part sho
was sure to play In n world of admir
ing but, nlas, Inconstant men.
Knthcrlno, radiant In n Huffy glory
of somo soft, delicate stuff beyond
mnn'fl comprehension, nt longth tripped
out through tho casement door nnd
perched horsolf nffcctlonntely on tho
arm of hor guordlnn'K easy chair. Ho
took hor little white hand in his and
pnttcd It gently as he would a child's.
"I suppose you hnvon't begun to
think about marriage yet, llttlo glr!7"
he asked by way of tactful beginning.
"Begun to think nbout It?' echoed
Knthorlno. "Why, I've always thought
nlxnit It always and always,"
Cnrrlngton looked up In amazement.
"H'iii," lie mused. "I haven't begun
n moment too soon, It seems." Then
nlotid he ndded: "So you've always
thought about marriage, my dear?
Well, welll And wlint have you thought
about It?"
Knthorlno threw her arms nbout hH
neck and gave lilin an energetic hug.
Then t-he placed a cushion at his feet
and fettled herself comfortably.
"I'll tell you," she began confidential
ly. "I've always adored fairy stories,
nnd of course there's a glorious young
prince In every fnlry story, you know
Well, It was always fun when I wns a
little girl to Imagine myself the beau
tlful princess whom the prince was
looking for and now I'm grown up,
gunrdy, denr, It's Just ns much fun,"
she finished naively.
Carrlngtou laughed heartily. IIo
waa greatly relieved.
"Imnglnnry princes nro nil very
harmless and proper, llttlo Kit," ho
commented Indulgently, "but protty
soon you'll begin to think nbout real
overydny men." , .
"Pretty soou?" Bho queried tenslngly,
"Denr mol" oxclnlmed Carrlngton.i
with nn unconcern ho waa far from
feeling. "Yott'vo not thought nbout;
real men nlready?"
"You'd call Harvey Dunton n renl
man, wouldn't you?" Knthcrlno nskod,
looking nt him roguishly.
Cnrrlngton'H Jesting mood passed In
n Hash. Ho shut his teeth with mid-
don vexation,
Where did you meet Harvey Dun-
ton?" ho Inquired scnrchlngly.
"On tho steamer coining back," an-
swered Kntherlne. "Your sister Intro
duced him. He's renlly very devoted
to mo. He's coming around later thlH
evening. IIo slugs, you know, nnd
I've promised to play his accompani
ments. Don't you like 111 in. gunrdy?
You don't look ns though you do."
"Oh, Dunton's nil right," ho answer
ed good naturally, suddenly nllvo to
tho fact that ho must play his hand
cautiously. "You ovldontly llko lilin,
llttlo girl?" ho pnrried.
"I don't know renlly, guardy. But ho
likes mo. That's as far as we've got."
was Kathcrlno's Ingenuous reply. "I'm
not taking hltn very seriously becnusc,
you see, somehow ho lsu't exactly llko
tho prlnco I've been expecting."
"I should hopo not," muttered Cur-
"What did you Bay?"'
"I said ho'n coming across tho lawn
now," ovadeil Carrlngtou. "I'll stay
out hero and listen to tho music If you
don't mind, Kit."
"Just us you like, gunrdy, dear,"
laughed Kitty. "I'll como out again
after he's gone nnd tell you bow wo
got on."
"Well?" naked Carrlngtou tut hour or
so later as Katucrliio appeared sud
denly In tho doorway.
Hho did not answer, but stood ns If
spollbound. This was a bad sign n
very bad sign, ns Carrlngtou Interpret
ed It.
"Well?" ho ventured agalni this time
it trltle peremptorily,
"Cunrdy." exclnlnied Kntherlne, her
rapt expression breaking Into tho mer
riest of smiles, "I'd forgotten you wore
out here,"
"That'H the way It seemed to me," re
turn I ('niTlngton "Dunton hart
it very alluring voice, huHii't he? Como
over here, you mischievous kitten, nnd
i oufeKs, as you promised."
Katharine came slowly,
"I'll tell you. guardy," sho began
hesitatingly, perching horsolf, us usual,
on the arm of his ehnlr "that Is, If I
can, I hardly know myself how 1 feel
You see, when Mr. Dunton Isn't sing
lug I don't llko him any better than I
do lots of .other iiicn, not nearly ns well
as some, but"
"Lots of other men, did I under
Btand you to sny?" Interrupted Carrlng
"Oh, well, threo or four, gunrdy!
What do a half dozon, moro or less,
"There's eofoty In numbers, to bo
sure," replied Carrlngtou tritely,
' ''But lot's get back to Dunton. 'You
C7 O "
Third It is ready for use as soon as it is lighted.
Fourth It burns the gas DIRECT from supply pipe,
therefore no chance for explosion.
Fifth It burns more air and less gasoline than others.
Sivtl It will burn ANY GRADE of gasoline with
out smoke.
Seventh It burns a PURE BLUE FIRE from start
to finish.
Eighth It is FREE from soot or smoke.
Nineth It is the MOST DURABLE
burner made.
Tenth It is very SIMPLE
no bolts and nuts, no
screws are used. Can
be taken apart and
put together without
Eleventh It is PERFECTLY RELIABLE at all
times; are used SUMMER and WINTER.
Locust Street.
were going to tell mo now you feci
nbout him."
Immediately Kathcrlno dropped her
frivolous mood nnd became thoughtful.
"When ho'H talking, guardy, ho
might Just ns well bo any mnn, as I
told you, but when ho sings, well"
"I almost fool that my prince hns
como." brenthed Knthorlno ecstatically.
H'ni! Very romnntlc," wns Cnrrlug
ton's chilling comment. "When will
you see him ngnln?" '
Not for n week. IIo wns to co tin
to town, on Importnnt business," slghod
ell. off to RmI with vou now. mv
.child." 'ordered the stem 'cunrdinn.
and may some good fairy tell you how
to know tho real prlnco when ho
V week later to a night Carrlngtou
ngaln sat listening to Dunton'B full
magnetic voice as, with seductive ease,
It glided through one love sing after
another to Kathorlno's sympathetic ac
Suddenly there camo a pnuso In tho
singing a long pause. Carrlngtou
waited for the sound of talking, but
the silence was unbroken.
Without stopping to weigh tho Jus
tice of motive or consequences, ho
Jumped up determinedly and made u
drnmntle entree Into the music room.
Dunton, stnrtled, straightened him
self stlllly. He had been lennlng over
Kntherlne, looking Into her eyes with
pnKslonnte plendlng.
"This business must stop right horo,"
commanded Cnrrlngton, looking Dun
ton squarely In the eye.
"I do not understand you, Mr. nr-
rlngton," replied Dunton haughtily.
"If you have been eavesdropping you
could have heard nothing, for nothing
han boon said."
"No; that's Just the trouble." retort
ed Carrlngtou hotly. "Nothluir hni
been said. Miss Searlo Is my ward, as
you know, and It Is my duty to pro
tect her frem such sorcerers us you. I
happen to know that, llko tho carofully
guarded ladles lit the fairy tales, sho
Is watting for her prlnco to como"
Hero Cnriiiigton smiled down upon
Katherlno gently nnd placed his arm
ttbotit her "n renl prince. Mr. Dun
ton. They wear many disguises, vou
know, nnd tho lady's protector has to
lie on the ulei t."
Dunton turned nshy whlto.
"I trust that she may find her real
prince," he unsworn! scornfully nnd
walked angrily troin tho room.
When the sound of his footsteps had
died away Katherlno Hung liotlt hor
warm white arms around Cnrrlugton's
neck. Her eyes were full of shining
tears, but her Hps were Binlllng.
"Otiardy," sho said softly, "1 havo
found my prince!"
"Katherlno, you don't mean" begun
Cnrrlngton Joyfully.
"Yes -Jack I do."
'""And bo," said Jack lovingly, after
he had kissed her until she protested,
"this Is thu end of the fnlry story?"
"Oh, no!" laughed Kntherlne softly.
"Thoy lived hnpplly ever after, you
Exerclso or Die.
Uvory mini and woman must do somo
muscular work or take equivalent ex
orcise, else they will die long boforo
their natural time. And If one's voca
tion Involves tho use of only ono set of
uniHclps work must bo found for tho
pthor muscles, olso tho Individual be
comes disproportionate In form nnd
Lovtmtunlly a prey to disease.
A Jioucnrrlcr, who .is required to uso
Why the
Is Superior to all Others
First It is absolutely
Second It requires NO
a tool.
RS 11 JE Y"
North Platte.
nenrly nil his muscles, exerting him
self close to tho limit of his strcugth
for many hours dally, never gives nuy
thought to artificial exercise, for ho
hns .no need of nuy. But the profes
sional man, tho clerk, tho typist and
tho saleswoman all these find llttlo
renl uso for tho muscles In their dully
employment, nnd they require to tnko
up sbhio system of physlcnl exercise
to maintain normnl health. Then there
are factory operntlves nnd the tollers
In vlirlouB trades, whose work brings
Into' piny certain sets of muscles, wlillo
others nro out of use. These require
exorcise ndnptcd to giving employment
to tjio neglected muscles. There Is
nlso' u clnss of wealthy people who do
no regtilnr work of any kind, who re
quire to follow somo strength giving
sport In lieu of work. At the opposite
oxtromo Is n class of athletes who
make- a business of nrtlflclnl exorcise
nnd build themselves up Into moun
tains o.f muscle. These nlmost Invnrla
bly overdo nnd In consequence suffer
later. Charles II. Cochrano In Metro
politan Magazine.
A Real Flro Engine
In all the varied list of curious causes
of fires perhaps the most absurd waa
the source of a conflagration Hint oc
curred In Worcestershire, England, In
1002, The Worcester Insurance com
pany decided to chauge Its fire engine
from a horse drnwn vehicle to ono op
erated by a motor. Tho work wns not
quite completed when the company re
ceived wnmlng of n flro which had
broken out on n farm nt nearby Kemp
sey village. However, the engine wan
In BtiUlcleut running order to bo sent
on forthwith under tho action of tho
newly Installed motor.
Unhappily tho engine's funnel had
not been protected by n spark pro
tector. As a result tho trail of tho
snorting mechanism wns embellished
with n gorgeous train of sparks. There
in lay tho causo of trouble. In a luno
thu tiro engine mot a wagon loaded
with straw, which tt promptly set on
flro. Unheeding. It hurried on Its way
and In Its courso presently Ignited
Bomo stocks which bordered on tho
road. It still pushed on relentlessly,
howover, nnd enmo to n standstill only
when tho water tubo of the motor
burst. It wns still some hundreds of
yards from Its destination, nnd there
tt remained Inglorlously helpless while
tho lira nt tho farm burned Itself out.
Boston Tost.
l'icnlc parties and fishing is positive
ly forbidden nt the Lnmplaugh Lake.
rarties tounu trespassing will bo
Lamplaugh Estati:.
Hulls and Heifers of all ages forsale,
Bred right and priced right. Wo guar
antee to sell any onon Bull good enough
to bo used in n registered herd nt n
prico that ho can ttlford to uso him on
common cows.
Correspondence solicited. Visitors
welcome. Hunch two miles west of
North Platto.
Fremont Watts & Sons.
With a Good Horse
and a pleasant companion life is well
worth living. You enn get tho eood
horso nnd a good carriage too from this
livery stnblo ntn moderate charge. So
moderate in fact that you can take her
driving without hurting you at all. And
her pleasure nlono would bo worth the
A. M. Lock.
Good Digestion Depends on
Good Meals
mostly not only wholesome
edibles but on their cooking,
too. That's why we are bid
ders for your restaurant pat
ronage we have what you
want in food, cooking-, service.
surroundings and price. One
meal here will prove it.
The Enterprise Bakery,
Mrs. Jonnie Armstrong, Prop
Grain and Seeds
Bought and Sold.
Alfalfa, Oats,
Broome, Rape,
Cane, Blue Grass,
And all Kinds of Garden
and Field' Seeds.
Locust and Fifth. Phono 15.
A full lino of Caskets, Robes, etc.
Calls answered promptly.
Day Phone 126, Night Phono 27.
The Iowa
Lower Down
Made In the Largest Separator
Fnclory In the World.
We will save you Dollars on
Lamb's Cash Grocery,
Your New Suit
should bo mado to order, and
wo nro in position to make it
nnd guarantee a perfect fit.
Now samples of spring nnd
summer goods just received.
Como in nnd let us show you.
No uso Bending out of town
for your apparel.
lewoy St,
Merchant Tailor
0 Homeopathic Physician
nnd Surgeon.
Ofllcci McDonald Bank Bulldincr.
Phono 183.
A. J. Ames, M. U. Mario Ames. .1. I)-
Physicians and Surgeons.
Office: Over Stone Drug Co.
Phones: Office 273, Residcnco 273
Physician and Surgeon.
Office: Over McDonald Bank.
Osteopathic Physician,
Rooms 7 and 8. McDonald
State Bank Building,
Phone 148.
Office over Schatz Clothing
Store. Phono 48
Oflico: Cor. Front & Dewey Sts.
None but the
Best Meats
Aro sold at our market, and wo
guarantee to please all customers.
With a thoroughly renovated mar
ket, new machinery and competent
workmen wo are in a position tc
give you tho best possible service.
Wo solicit a share of your trade.
North Platte Meat Market.
Wood Turning and
Furniture Repairs,
Cabinet Work, Screen
Frames, Saw Filing- and
Setting. AH kinds of Job ,."
Worjc done on short
. notice at prices to suit.
Terms Cash.
P. M. Sorenson.
Shop North of P. O.
Jos- F, Fiiiion
Would like to figure with
you to connect your house
with city sewer system.
Also Plumbing Work,
Tin Roofing and
'Phono 180.
The School
For You......
Our catalog will tell you why.
It is yours for the asking.
Write for it today.
Lexington, Neb.
Road No. 314.
Tho commissioner nppointed for
lujpuaoui vupiung m pare unu
iioiiuiK it puunc roau ns lonows:
(Part to bo vacated) To vacate a part
of .u0alLN0, !M, 'Binning 1G0 rods
north of tho southeast corner of section
C, township 1'.', range 29from thenco 80
rods west, thenco 100 rods north
(Part to be established) Commencing
1C0 rods north of tho southenst corner
of snid section 0 thenco 1G0 rods north
on said flection lino between sections G
nnd G, township lit, rmige 29, from thenco
east about 20 rods on township lino to
southwest corner of section IM, town
ship 13, range 20, from thenco ono milo
TnmiT,0'1011 lino between sections
32 nnd 3.1 township 13 range 29: also
commencing at northeast corner of snid
section 0 on township lino west to
connect with road No. 31 h,,
renPtcd ,fVor of th0 veauot
and the establishment of said road: ol
objections thereto or claims for dama
gos must bo filed in the county clerk'a
offlco on or boforo noon on the i 25th day
of July, 1908, or bucIi road will bo va
cated nnd establiehed without refer
ence thereto. tr-
"au'(' Worth Platto Ncbr., Mav
1008. F. R. Elliott, County Clerk