The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 29, 1908, Image 5

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    Commencement Execciscs.
Tho commencement exorcises of the
North P lnttc high school were hold at
the opera house Wednesday evening in
the prosenco of an audience of several
hundred people. Tho class consisted of
fifteen, ns follows: Mary Guilliaume,
Helen Patterson, Isabel Doran, Maude
Sudman, Mamo McMichael, Olctha
Burgner, Ethel Hill, Evelyn Froeman(
Olive Watts, Bert Barber, Charles
Lierk, James Martin, Harry Smith,
Everett Fonda and Hugh Smith. These
young people formed a class which was
characterized by faithful and conscien
tious work, and their diplomas had
boon well earned.
Tho graduates, the faculty, tho
speaker of tho evening and President
Bullard of tho board of education, oc
cupled scats on tho stage. The program
opened with a trio by Miss Welch,
Prof. Grlisch and Hershey Welch with
Miss Bcrnicc Selby as accompanist on
tho piano, followed wilh a mnndolin
solo by Ernest Savin, both numbers
In Her Moment of
CopyrlKhtcd, 190S, by Associated
Literary PreBS.
She hud always been distressingly
capable and competent.
"I don't believe Beatrice ever had a
headache or a nervous spell like you
girls have," Henry Dalton had remark
ed ono day to his two sisters, absorbed
by bojtioiis and new novels nnd wrap
ped In Indlfforenco and silk negligees.
And tho tono In which ho spoke was
not entirely complimentary. In fact,
a distinct note of personal Injury rang
through It, for how can a man ussumo
an attitude of protective chivalry to
ward a girl entirely capable of dolug
for herself?
Beatrice never cropped her ran or
being nicely rendered nnd well received. Iher handkerchief, nor came Into the
Supt. Goss then introduced tho speaker 'drawing room wmi nor giovo unnm
of tho evening H. II. Wilson, who toned, nor gave opportunity ror uie lit
took for his Bubjcct "Tho Building of
n Nation." in which ho recited in a
most pleasing way the wonderful ad
vancement of tho United States, touch
ing upon tho principal epochs from the
year 17C0 to tho present date. Mr. Wil
son is a very ready talker, and though
his address was lengthy, his auditors
did not evince any weariness.
Following the address Chas. Hay ren
dered a vocal solo and l'rof. tout a
trombone solo, both of which were well
received, nnd then President Bullard,
of tho board of education, presented
the diplomas, prefacing the presenta
tion with brief but appropriate re
marks. Certificates of admission to tho
state university were presented to the
class by Supt. Goss, and in doing so ho
tie services which other women seem
ed to have demanded of Henry Dalton
since he had risen to the dignity of
Yet withal Ucatrlco Craig was noth
Ing If hot feminine. She wore the
Hottest and most clinging of fnbrlcs.
Sho played coif, but did not court bare
Utmiq iitul tnn film wnrn tnllnrnfl anlta.
but she softened them with delicious
froufrou bows of lace at her throat.
Slio was rullly nnd Huffy, but she never
tore her rullles and then asked for a
pin to make repairs.
And If all these things she was be
fore, her father's failure and death she
was doubly Inaccessible and Imprcgnii-
blo after reverses overtook her. Be
fore that slio had simply fenced with
Dalton. Now she donned an armor
that seemed well nigh Invulnerable.
Directly the estate was settled up
highly complimented the class for their nnd Ul0 B,nnnoss of tholr Inheritance
good work, and thanked the fnculty and
patrons of tho schools for hearty co
operation. Ho took occasion to say
that more than one-half of tho mem
bers of tho classes of 1900 and 1907 had,
nftcr graduation, entered higher insti
tutions of learning than tho one from
which they had graduated. This, he
thought, was a fine showing. The pro
gram closed with a well rendered violin
solo by Prof. Garlichs.
New U. P. Cut-off.
The Denver Times says: Tho Union
Pacific is buying tho right-of-way and
completing the preliminary arrange
ments for building n cut-off from Den
ver to tho main lino in Wyoming at an
estimated cost of about 8,000,000. The
wns made known to her Beatrice Craig
had turned breadwinner, Investing tho
pitiful little heritage In n smart shop
iwhere layettes of tho most suporlatlvo
fineness nnd beauty were sold
In the front room, with Its exquisite
fittings and scented presses, she cxhlb
ltcd wnrcs selected to suit the matrons
'nmoiig whom she had grown from girl
ihood to womanhood. In the rear room
she cathered tho most expert needle
i... . i. .... ..i.i ,i ., ,i
uuiuii ui'i iuisu I'uuiu I'uuiuiuiiii, mm
all work was dono under her direct su
Her delighted cllentclo said that her
success was founded on this personal
oversight. Her doctor said that nerv
,ous prostrntlon would inevitably result
from her persistent closo confinement
to business, Iler mother wept In sheer
loneliness at first and later drifted
from their tiny apartment back Into
route will bo over the present Cheyenne
lino to Plattcvillo, from which point it ,tho old bridge playing, novel reading
will divcrcro northwest through Ft. Col- iclrclo of gray haired friends. And
lins and then to a point on . tho main
lino about seventy-five miles west of
Cheyenne. ' ' '
The information comes from different
sources which leave no doubt nbout tho
authenticity of tho news. Chief Engi
neer R. L. Huntley and General Mana
ger A. L. Mohler have been personally
in chargo of tho plans nnd tho right of
way agents for tho Harriman system
have been quietly engaged in purchas
ing the right of way north and south of
Ft. Collins for several months. Infor
mation from one source shows that the
company is paying largo sums for these
Shops Close for a Week.
A Chicago dispatch dated May 2Cth
said: All of tho repair shops on tho
Northwestern system arc closed and wi;l
remain closed for at least one week. This
action was taken by tho management
to prevent a worse thing happening to
tho men. Owing to the lack of busi
ness tho shops aro full of repaired
engines for which there is no uso and
all tho idlo freight cars havo been re
paired. There was nothing else, there
fore, to do but closo tho shops for
seven daya or to reduce the forces
materially. There arc ten shops on the
roads in which aro employed 3,500 or
4,000 men. Similar means 'have been
adopted by other roads to prevent a
further reduction in shop forces and
give all of the men now employed
some work.
Omaha Bee Buzzings.
In Coreu a man is not nllowcd
wear trousers until ho is married,
some countries ho is not allowed
wear them after ho is married.
A magazine writer says that every
married woman should have an income
of $5,000 a year, kvcry marriou man
would bo tickled immensely if his wife
had an income of that size.
Cashier Montgomery of the Pittsburg
bank who got away with n little more
than S2,000,000 can not account for a
cent of it. Ho can at least prove that
ho did not hoard it.
what Henry Dalton said Is not for
repotltlon here, for, having no nieces
or nephews, how could he offer a do
cent excuse for hnuntlng a layette
shop? And only at her shop was Ilea
trlco to bo found savo the cruelly few
hours when outraged nature demanded
rest and refreshment.
Aud now today, with Henry Dalton
thrust Into tho dim background of tho
Hfo when her mother made all things
lovely for her well shod feet to wall
upon, she wns standing before her
cheval mirror preparing for a return
Just n brief return glimpse to tho old
Her mother hnd wept to some pur
pose. Tho doctor had said certain
sharp things that wore more effective
thnn mntcrnal tears, and so Ucatrlco
had accepted tho Do Haven Smiths'
warm lnvltntlon to spend tho week end
and perhaps a few days moro at their
lodge In tho Cntskllls.
Beatrice surveyed with critical eyo
her smartly tailored traveling Bult and
'then cast n smllliig glance nt tho suit
caso whero rested n delightful mntlnee,
product of hor own workroom. It
would bo good to lie abed mornings
and drink her chocolnto In n love of a
mntlnco llko that. And she should
rend a couplo of new books and wear
tho white crepo do chine, newly made
over for tho trip, to dinner. Old times
yes, she was strong enough now to
stand an occasional dip back Into old
"Beatrice, hero's a O. O. D. parcel
from Mason's. I picked up a love of a
waist for $13.75. navo you any mon
ey?" Ucatrlco readjusted her veil to a
moro fetching angle nnd murmured as
well ns tho pins lu her mouth would
"Yes, mother, there's a roll of hills
In my bag, tho largo pocket Tako
what you think will last you until 1
como back."
An hour Inter Ucatrlco leaned back
luxuriously In tho parlor car, her un
seeing eyes fixed on the Hudson pano
raina. It was good Just to do nothing.
And when tho call for luncheon came
slio felt hungry nnd smiled. The doc
tor h:id said a chaugo was all she need
ed, and hero she was hungry already
for the first time In weeks.
Tho obsequious darky In chargo of
her table gave her the perfection of
rervlcp, with ono eyo perhaps on tho
tlon which tho doctor had predicted,
but Henry Dalton did not know this.
He thought only tit it she wns slowly
but surclj killing herself by reason of
her prldq, nnd he must stand Idly,
dumbly by simply because he was so
disgustingly rich that she would not
And upon these bitter thoughts rush
ed tho psychological moment.
Miss Beatrice Craig, the Independent
nnd competent, opened her hand bag,
tho darky keenly observant, nnd slip
ped her hnnd Into tho largo pocket.
Her finger tips touched naught but pol
ished leather. She tried the small pock-
et and drew forth some cards. Sho sat
up very straight and dipped Into her
change purse to find a dime, a Quarter
and nn old German coin, souvenir of
Henry Dalton's student days In Ber
Her face turned scarlet, then white.
horrible nervous tremor swept over
her. Frantically she turned everything
out of tho bag to find almost anything
n businesslike yet distinctly femlnlno
person might own except money.
Llko n Uash sho remembered her
mother's request. Sho had kept it all.
every penny of the flatly folded bills.
Tako what you think will Inst you
until I como back."
Fateful words I
Beatrice sent for tho dining car con
ductor and explained tho situation. He
wns polite, but behind the mask of
courtesy sho rend amusement, or wns
It distrust?
She became haughty.
"My host will meet me at the depot.
Until then well, hero are my rings or
my watch"
Tho darkles had gathered at tho ta
ble opposite Henry Dnlton with heads
together, lips parted In Ironical smiles.
He summoned IiIb waiter sharply.
"Anything hnppencd to tho lndy?"
"Seems llko bIio ain't got tho price of
her lunch."
Just at tho Instant Henry Dnlton
rose precipitately. Beatrice came down
tho nlslo, her head high, but her faco
ghastly. It was not the nttltudo of tho
conductor nor tho grinning darkles, but
a sudden falntncss, a realization that
for once her business ability, her su
premo tact, her resourcefulness, had
failed her. Sho did not rend this as
physical exhaustion. Her ono grim
thought was that Bho hnd lost her grip
on herself.
And then came Henry Dnlton with
a hand outstretched and tho love of her
shining In his eyes.
"Beatrice. 1 am tho most fortunnto
of men."
"Oh, Henry," sho said, with a queer
break In her clear voice, "will you
Henry Dnlton carried her back to tho
stateroom in tho parlor car. Henry
Dalton took firm possession of her
luirgngo and firm control of the situa
tion, nenry Dalton all but lifted her
Into tho Do Haven Smith wagonette
when they left tho train. And nenry
Dalton read tho telegram, for which he
nald. thouch it was sent C. O, D. to
Ucatrlco Craig.
"Forgot to put money back lu purse.
What shall I do with It?"
"Buy flowers for yourself every
body," wired Henry Dnlton to tho' first
umnzed und then understanding mother
of Beatrice. "I 'am taking euro of
Ucatrlco and nlwayB shall."
And that was why tho smartest lay
ette shop In all New York passed to a
new owner nnd lovo camo Into Its own.
"Hughes will bo nominated ut Chi
cagoontho fourth or fifth ballot," says beautiful pigskin hand bag that rested
a New York paper. But in tho language against the wiudow. i lint img
of tho little hoy with the apple. "There
won't be no fourth or fifth ballot."
A railroad president has bought a
farm near Chicago on which ho pro
file wiudow. That bag had
been one of Dalton's gifts, and nt that
Tory moment the giver himself wbh
sitting nt a table behind Beatrice,
watching her every movo with hungry
eyes. Ho know thnt she was going to
poses to make a specialty of raising tho Do Haven Smith lodge. Mrs. Smith
turtles, gold fish, guinea pigs and mush- una imiuiy neia this out as a nait in ins
rooms. It is refreshing to find a rail- Invitation, but somehow ho felt that
road president anxious to rniso Borne- ,tho Pathological moment for making
A. , i... .i.i a Ids presence known had not yet ar
ming ucj.iuon.uwD. nmnmlmm. .. now
Morning Glory, ) A trio of Flour sol- 'uui ", "muuiuuw. u.-uui mny,
Minnesota ) novor excelled
Ants and tho Weather.
"When you go out on n cloudy morn
ing nnd find tho ants busily engaged
In clearing out their nests nnd dragging
tho sand and bits of earth to the sur
face, you may bo sure that, no matter
how cloudy It Is, there will be no rain
that day, and the probabilities aro for
several days of good weather," says a
"On tho other hnnd, If you see tho
nuts nbout tho middle of n spring or
summer nfternoon hurrying back to
the uest nnd a sentinel out trotting
round in every direction looking up
BtragglerB nnd urging them to go homo
ns booh ns they can get thero you may
fluuro on a rnln thnt afternoon or
night. When the Inst of tho wander
ers Is found tho picket hurries In, and
tho nest Is Becurely sealed from tho
lnsldo to keen out tho water. It Is
very seldom that ants are taken by
Burprlso by the approach of a shower,
but onco hi nwhlle when belated or too
far away to get home lu time they
mount n shrub and ensconco them
selves under the thickest, broadest leaf
they can find, nnd there they stay and
hold on until the rain Is over. When
an nuts' uest Is washed out ami the
nuts drown 1111 examination will always
Bhow that tho disaster was duo not so
much to lack of preparation as to acci
dent, a stream from nn unexpected di
rection flowing down between two
bricks or n downpour that caused a
fall or tho washing away of the bank
in which tho nest was placed."
The Alteration Sale
Is now in full blast, and buyers in large numbers arc taking
vantage of this great opportunity to purchase reliable mer
chandise at greatly reduced prices, and all arc convinced of
the genuineness of the bargains offered that the goods are
being sold just as advertised.
20 Per Cent Discount
off on every dollar in every department, and in some depart
ments goods arc being sold for fifty cents on the dollar.
In our Domestic Department we offer the best of Prints
at 6 cents per yard; the best LL Muslin at 6 cents per yard;
Hope Muslin at 8 cents per yard.
Yours for the greatest bargains ever offered in North
Julius Pizer, Proprietor.
We will sell nt Public Auc
tion at our place of business
in North Platte, Neb., on
Tuesday, June 2, 1908,
at 2 o'clock p. in., for cash or
approved notes, the following
named articles, to-wit:
l new 3-H. P. Fairbanks &
Morse Gasoline Engine.
i new 2-H. I ripple Geared
Challenge Feed Grinder.
l new 70-I3tishel Light Run
ning Nat i o n a 1 Manure
i Double Set Second-Hand
Buggy Harness.
i Second-Hand Cook Stove
5 New Emerson Harrow
i 4-Holed Second - Hand
Gasoline Range.
i 4-R0W John Deere I3cet
1 2-Row John Deere Beet
Workman & Derryberry
Front Stteet, North Platte.
between courses. This was tho reao-
Dangerous Ground.
"Illoss mo, Murthy!" exclaim ' t'n
clo Cyrus, looking up from hi : m ga
zinc, says the Youth's Companion
"We're getting u navy that don I need
to take a back beat for any of litem
European nations." Aunt Martha ou
tinned placidly measuring out the In
gradients of "mountain" c.ilo and
manifestly was not unduly excite I over
naval affairs.
"Jiiht listen lo thl 1. K-mio fellow has
been making estimate:!. Any hilf doz
en of our big cruisers havo engine
strength equal to tho pulling power of
nil tho horses in tho Russian cavalry!
'Xho engines of ono of our big bittlo-
Hhlps aro strong enough If they coul 1
ho fastened somewhere to pull the
hull United States cavalry Into tho
sea and"
"Mercy sakes," cried Aunt Martha,
with arrested Bpoon, for tho first tlmo
Impressed with these interesting Btu-
tlstlcs, "I hopo to goodness our cav
alry Ml keep nway from tho shorcl"
A'nw mi mi
Pittsburg Perfect
aro enjoying phenomenal success, and nro conceded to ho far superior to
any other fences on tho market. Thousands of pleased fence users will
testify that "Pittsburg Perfect" Electrically Welded Fences
Will stand ordinary as well ns hard usage
Will not son in summer's hent nor break In tho cold of winter
Aro mndu of tho best material for fencing purposes
Have slays that will not slip nor can they ho moved out of place
Will conform to tho most uneven ground and can bo erected over
hills and through valleys as well as on level ground
Havo no slack wires to spoil tho appearance ns well ns thoofllclcncy
Do not require an expert to erect.
Are now made with stay wires aa large as the lino wires
Men's Oxfords
In Tan, Velour, Calf, Gun
Metal and Patent Leather
$3.50 to $4.50
SMALL; The Big Shoe Man
One After Another
tho men of this town nro declaring
their preference for tho Forest King
cigar. Tho vast improvement in tobne
co growing and cigar making hnvo re
sulted in tho unexcelled ilvo cent cigar,
which ploasos bo well that every
smoker thereof is at peace with the
When You Drive
under My Lady's Porto Cochcro you
will havo tho satisfaction of knowing
that your horso is ns well appointed ns
any equino can be if your harness haa
been bought hero. Particular orders
for particular people our specialty.
A. F. Fink.
At Harrington ic iobin'B.