MY FIRST APPEAL TO MAN! lAllljtllUWH I W NOW Gentlemen, I appealed to the Ladies some time ago to try a sack or my 4-A pest Hour and the large num ber who took confidence in what I said and tried it, say that it is better than any brand they have ever used. Gentlemen, I would, appreciate it if you would interfere in the household duties long enough to see if your wife has tried a sack of my Flour. If she hasn't, you insist on the next sack being my Flour. I guarantee every sack or your money back. Every Grocer handles this Flour and I would like to have every man in town have his wife use it, and I am sure that there would be one point of mutual interest that every one would agree upon, namely: that my 4-X IS KING OF FLOURS. Here's hoping, gentlemen, that you will never have cause to complain to your wife regarding her bread. Chas. F. Iddin gs mmbbbj.juiiihim n wiiiii iiii'iiiiin i ii him miHssammmBmtaegmmmmKBBaBBaaBBKm.j!itMMmihiimmii THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital and Surplus - $120,000.00. DIRECTORS' . . ; , E. F. Sccbcrgcr, C. F. McGrcw, J. J. Halligan, F. L. Mooney, . Arthur McNamara. DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Ofiko over tho McDonald Stnto Bank. Mrs. Hormnn LoDloyt is visiting with relatives in Schuyler nnd Omalin, leaving Tuesday niRht. For Rent Mrs. Gantt'B C room cot tage Inquiro of Mrs. J. J. Hallignn, Socond nnd Sycumoro St. Itov. T. B. Grconlco returned .from Council Bluffs Wednesday. Mrs. Grocn lco will bo homo tomorrow. Tho regular appointments may bo ex pected on next Sabbat'n at tho Presby terian chruch. Como and you will bo made welcome Bo suro and take advantages of Clin ton's Big Discount sale. Only until Juno 1st. Tnlmadgo White who lives six milea south of Horshoy,. transacted bueinosR in town yesterday. Ho sayB that crops in that section iiro m fine condition. Mr. and Mrn. Ralph Smith returned Wednesday night from their wodding trip In tho wost, and began house keeping in tho Langdon Iioubo oa west Fourth street yustorday. Wo enrrv tho old rollablo Ho-wnrd watches, oldest watch factory in America and they aro reliable Lo t us show them to you. Clinton, Jeweler and Optlciun. It is said that llrady is to havn a newspaper, C M, Trotter nnd n Mr. Swnncutt being among those who will back tho enterprise. Tho first issuo will probably uppenr next week. Lost--Between Bantu' addition ami ono of tho lumber yards, nn opon face, gold cuso watcli, Elgin movement. Finder return to E. W. Crano and ro coivo reword. ' It. M. Colo, district foreman nt Grand Island und Traveling Engineer Aleavy wore in town yesterday. Friends in town kept n closo watch on them nnd they did not stray from tho straight and narrow path of rectitude. They expressed tho opinion that North Platto is rathor a bustling village. Whilo in Ogdon wcok Mr. nnd Mrs, Ralph Smith and Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Ryan wero tho guosts of Chas. C, Ilupfor formerly of this city. Thoy Bay Mr. Ilupfor has tho finoat and largost cigar stores in that city and is doing a heavy liusin oss. Ho hus also invested $D,000 in a very pretty .homo. q Tho frlonds of Mr., Hupfor in this city will bo glad to learn that lie is prosper ing in his new placo of residence. Mrs. Bert Naperstcck is visiting frlonds in Choyonno. Attornoy Muldoon is transacting bust ncas in Kearney today. ' P. A. Whito returned last ovoning from n protrnct,ed visit in Illinois. After looking nt othor makes, buy tno iuicic Aieai atovo. Ginn & White. Master Roy Amos left last night for a visit with friends at Lanark, III. Miss Hattio Friend loft last night for a visit with rolativcs in Denver. Judgo Iloagland goos to Loxington tomorrow to dolivor tho Memorial Day address. Nothing nicor than furnlturo for n wedding present. Ginn & White, Engineer Rector and family loft this morning for a visit with friends iq Columbus. The big truct of land lying north of Sutherland recently placed on tho mar kct by tho Union Pacific, has boon pur chased by n Kansas City party. There nro about 13,000 acres included in tho snlo. Mrs, Bun Ickoa, nco AirnoB LoftuB formerly of this city, is now on tho stngo, and has been playinjr lately in Denvor, Her husband is nn engineer on tho Denver & Rio Grande out of Salt Lako, liost wetinosuay -a earn caso con taining two meal tickets. Findor please loavo at Mrs. R. II. Langford's. Pullman tickots nro now sold at tho iocni iickoc oiuco, ana cucn person purchasing n tickot for travol on trains No. 1 and 2 nnd 7 nnd 8 must at tho snmo time purchaso h Pullman ticket to their destination. For Snlo Black dirt or sand. Inquiro of Jos. Spios, Tolophono No. A 101. II. S. Ridgeloy will stop over in town whilo enrouto from Basin, Wyo to the republican national convention, to which lie is a delegate. Mrs. Rldgely, who 1 visiting In town, will accompany him to .Chicago. , Tho Tramp grocery will bo closed nl day Saturday. At a mooting' of tho Board of Ed ucation Tuesday afternoon tho npplica tion of Miss Lois Preston ns a teacher in tho high school was reconsidered and unanimously rojectcd. This action grew out of tho recent "kidnapping" of Miss Preston und ono of tho othor teachors by tho Seniors on tho occasion of thoir recent picnic, Miss Preston, it is claimed, being a too-willing subject in tho procoodings. Miss Anna Losky presented her res ignation na a grado toacher and it was ncceptcd by tho board. Mrs. M. Hostettcr, of Sutherland, is he guest of Mrs. I. L. Bailor. Miss Minnie Picrson, of Sutherland, was a visitor in town yesterday. A deed conveying from Samuel Goozco to Whito -& Leak ey lots 3 and 4, block 08, has been filed for record. Tho con sideration was $3,000. Cnnvatt Shoe And Oxfords for men. $1.G0 and $1.75, Graham & Co. Bnof sessions of school were held this morning and promotion cards issued to pupils whoso standing in studies en titled them to such. Lucion Stebbins returned last ovening from Chicago where ho had been spend ing a week attending a national conven tion of tho socialist party. Lost College pin with bluo field, edge trimmed in filigree, with letters J. C. 1905. Finder return to tills office nnd roceivo reward. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Samuelson, who were married in, Ogalalla Monday, came to North Platto to spend their honey moon, remaining hero several days. Lester Walker is transacting business in Umahn, and will remain thcro to moot his mother and slstor, who nro expected to arrivo tomorrow, from their visit in tho' south. II. F. Carson went to Meado this morning to uoliver tho address at tno commencement oxorcises and from thcro goos to Imporial to conduct n teachers' institute Mr. nnd Mrs. Thos. Rynn roturned Wednesday night from their wedding tour and after remaining In town for a day went to Grand Island whore for a time they will mako their home. Weather forecast. Fair tonight and Saturday, rising temperature Maxi mum temperaturo yesterday was 69; ono year ago 00. Minimum temporn- turo this morning 46: ono year ago 48. .Two or three machinists, who wero employed in tho Grand Island shops, arrived in town this morning, having been transferred hero. Thoy aro tho advance guard of others who who will arrivo tomorrow. Lanning-Brown Wedding. Miss Elizabeth Brown nnd Willium Lnnning wero united in marriage Wed nesday ovening at tho homo of tho brido's parents by Rev. Mr. Medlin in tho presence of relatives and tho moro intimnto friend of tho contracting parties. Standing beneath a wedding bell suspended in an archway, and amid a profusion of green nnd whito decora tions, these two worthy young people took tho vows which mado them part ners in a voyago on the sea of life which nil friends wish will prove tran quil and successful. Tho bride wore a gown of lawn trimmed with valencienne lace, woro a wreath of white flowers and carried whito roscss Following tho ceremony tho young peoplo received tho hearty congratulations of relatives and guests, nnd later a nico wedding supper was Berved. Following tho depnrtdro of tho guests Mr. and Mrs. Lanning wero driven to tho house formorly owned by M. S. Rcbhnusen whero thoy will mnko thoir homo, tho groom having previously purchased all tho furnishings of tho houso from Mr. Rcbhausen. The brido hns been a resident of tho city since childhood and enjoyB tho es teem Qf n vory largo circle of friends. Mr. Lnnning Is n young man of excel lent character and popular with all ac Lutheran Church. Public worship will be held Sunday morning and evening. Owing to pns tor's absenco thcro will bo no servico tho following Sunday, Juno 7th. A Bargain Sale. Beginning Monday, June 1st and con tinuing for bIx days wo will give to each purchaser of Tho Wonder, Ono Mlnuto, or Pastimo Washer a nico high folding Clothes Rack mado of whito bass wood which is light, strong, durable, well Bmoothed and finished, has fifty-seven feet of hanging surface. Regular price $1.25 each. Como early in tho week and got your pick. Workman & Derryberry. Graduation Oxford For vountr men nnd Women, completo lino of Pntont Leather. All Into styles. Graham & Co. Frank Schaub, n former North Platto ball player, is now with tho Fon du Lae team of tho Wisconsin stato leoguo. In a gomo with Madiaon last Friday, Schaub mado a homo run, won the game and was tho hero of tho day. Dr. F. W. Miller, tho now lessee of tho opera house, will reopen tho mov ing picturo show Monday evening with a fino program. Tho Doctor will aim to givo the peoplo an attractive lino of amusements during tho Bummer months. Wo tnke this method of expressing our heartfelt thanks to friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us during the sickness and at tho funeral of our beloved wifo and mother. These acts of goodnosB and sympathy will over bo remcmborcd. L. F. Wauoh, and Children, Ascension Day services at tho Ma sonichall yesterday afternoon wero well attended, nbout fifty Knights Templar and their ladlos being present. Tho sermon was delivered by Rev. Mr. Chapman, and tho music furnished by the Episcopal choir. Owing to tho ab sonco of two of tho officers, tho instal lation was postponed until a future date At sovon thirty ono hundred sur rounded tho banquet tablos and were Borvcd with an excollcnt menu. E. F. Seebergor occupied tho toastmnster'B chair, und tho toasts woro responded to by F. E, Bullard, Rov. Soibert, W. T. Wilcox, Rev. Medlin, Albert Mul doon and Rev. Chapman. Following tho banquet a number of thoso present participated in a dancing party. Frank Eilor's "Down Mobile." Bowcn, advanco agent for "Down Mobilo" i3 in town making arrangements tor tho uppear- nnco of that attraction in this city on Thursday, Juno 4th. Tho play, which will bo presented under canvaBS, is one of Lincoln J. Cnrtor's comedy dramas. This company was he-o last season and gave excellent satisfaction. For Sale. 15 tons Baled Hay. A new firo proof Bafo cheap for quick sale. 175 bushol oats at Maxwell, Neb. W. V. IIOAGLAND. Tho peoplo of Grand Island aro .con siderably worked up over tho closing of tho shops nt that place, some con tending that it is retaliation on tho part of tho railroad company. The Dally Independent, howovor, takes a sonsiblo view of tho matter and says "It is plain, therefore, that in this move tho Union Pacific was not controlled by political motives. It3 action was not tho result of a spirit of retaliation. It has simply run ngainst n strong nppeal by engine men to pormit thorn to have their long hold-over at tho placo whore they live and tho situation reverts to that oxisting at tho time of tho Btriko fivo years ago when tho heavier repair ing was dono there nnd tho men hnd their long hold-ovor In thoir homo towm Ever sinco tho change mado at that time In favor of this city, tho unions comprised of train men nro said to have been laboring to get back to tho formr conditions and thoy havo won. It was natural that they should want this hold over where they had their homes." 1willsellSt. FROM NOW ON I WILL SLLL ANY ARTICLE IN MY STORE AT COST You can buy my entire stock at cost. This is no advertising scheme, as I desire to retire from business and will sell. If you want to go into business, buy a Hat, Coat or Cloak see me. Mrs. G. S. Huffman. Millinery and Ladies Furnishings. Vacant Lots. Fino residence lot in tho West End with cement walk for $200.00. A eood nuarter block 132x132 in erood residenco district in West End for $500. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. For Safety and Comfort YOU SHOULD BUY Call and See It at The "New Process" Wick Blue t lame Oil Stove, is the cleanest, safest, most convenient nnd economical Move one can use. There Is no waste of the heat generated on these stoves, as the flame is applied directly to the article to be heated. The kitchen does not become a fiery furnace, even in the very hottest weather, so you can always cook, bake or Iron on a "New Process" Wick Blue Flame Oil Stove, in perfect comfort. It is much cheaper titan a coal stove, too. Wilcox Department Store Barb wire for sale at Hershey's, corner Pith and Locust St. Phone 15. HUMPHREYS J No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Bnooiflca euro by noting directly on fho sick parts without disturbing tho rest of tho system. l lor l overs. 9. Wnmi " Teething. " Diarrhea. " Coughs. " Nouralcia. 9 " Headaches. No. 10 " Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Supprossod Porioda. No. 12 Whites. No. 13 " Croup. No. It Tho Skin. No. 15 Ithoumatism. No. 1G " Malaria, No. 10 Catarrh. No. 20 " Whooping Cough. No. 27 " ThoKitluoys. No. 30 " Tho Bloildor. No. 77 " La Grippo. In small bottles of pellets that fit tho vosi pocket. At DruRgit8 or nmiloil, 25o. oach. Sf- Medical Guide mailed frco. Nowvllbk0y'' Med. Co.,Cor. William fc John Strwt NOTICE roit I'miMOATION llepartmoiitof tho Interior. V 8, I.aiul Olllco at North Platto. Not) Nnttnn la .Jy 25th. H ot Maxwoir Neb.r'w o. V W i ?' i '.. ! 'Jnclpal Meridian, has iZl 1W, - "... x, kJ Ul.UIJ', f'lflttnaii n,'n w messes: William IV VANS, Kctr stor.,ll,yMOATION. tr o v"4" .l,,,unl ot mo interior U. 8. Land Olllco at North 1. Nob. .. May2!th. loos. Kiroro tho reulstor w 'V... u'wq. mttp. Nubr. on the 7 h rfiy 0 iSli loos rt" I'ellof li;a i.afe0hV-l,ost' t''-. and II. j. I'ellof llrady. NohrAsi " m- J K. Evaot, KegutorJ