The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 29, 1908, Image 10

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AMhp End the
Lotfer Level.
Copyrighted, 1908, by Associated
Literary Press.
Ulc like a boyof sixteen jnml dabbed,
down ttio BtoopBrnll. A
Helen sarikMfihply on tli? lower Btep
of tlio porch. Mason to cli thlt tiring'
for her father Mitm.n. n hbm hi' hud
flaunted nnd treated wlth'Wnnt cour
tesy! , . f
' Iloryfather's words, "lf(t nuked tno
not to tell you," spoko eloquently of
wounded pride caused by her mocking
words yblch had sent 'ilin,giwny, with
tho command to remain nwhy for tho
last three months. f
And now oh, she could ,hot bear It!
Sho gathered up her riding habit and
ran Bwlftly down tho trail, .
' When she reached the mine the en
tire population of tho camp had gath
ered In excited groups near tho hoist
Sinclair, ready to make tho first trip
down, would permit no one to go with
him. Slowly tho engineer lowered tho
old man down tho shaft.
The time seomcd an eternity, par
ticularly to tho tall, slim girt who stood
motionless nnd whlto apart from tho
crowd, her eyes strained to cntch tho
slightest vibration of tho signal wire.
At lost como two short Jerks tho sig
nal to hoist quickly. A gredt sob camo
from tho ontlro crowd. '
"It's no use, my friends," Sinclair
snfd, with his oyes on Hofen. "Tho
cavo began In tho 800 foot)lovol and
has buried everything as far as tho
"But tno manhole, dadr camo
through Helen's white lips,
"'Thorn ik bnlv ono chancoln a mil-
Uonthat MaVotfwn8 at that end of
tho croMcut. But If ho waslho would
by tl8 tlmo havo mado '.his way
through tho north drift to tho foot of
tho1, manhole, and then think of tho
climb hundreds of foot!"
Sinclair led tho way, and ttfeanxlous
crowd moved on to tho north cud of
tho claim, whero now oxlstc3 tho only
perils from tho lowor lovcl. 3
Dozens of men wcro rendyfto mako
tho 'descent down the Bmml round
well, with Its hundreds of feet of lad-
dor, but Sinclair selected one of tho
younger, stronger men, and Just as ho
stepped over tho edge a "clip-clip"
was heard. lie drow back, S-nd tho
crowd listened,
The sound camo nearer, eager cycB
peered Into tho dark below, fend In a
fow moments eager hands stretched
down to lift an exhausted, half faint
ing man to tho surface. Ills forehead
was cut, and tho blood made his whlto
faco ghastly. Ills left arm hung limp
and broken.
Helen, with a cry, pushed through
tho crowd to his sldo nnd oblivious of
days. No, no," M Sinclair ralswphkM im ,TKlu1uul,,n wu'8
innil fn rirntiwr' " I'h nil rlirlit. Thorn iwreu n-wuiu Amaiu kmiuj vui.
, , , . . "I '4. ,!. 1 TTI
shono as ho took her band, and, turn
ing to Sinclair, no said: "You wcro
right, old man. Tho gold Is thoro. Dut
I think," with n glanco toward Helen,
"that I as well ns you havo found a
fortuno through tho lowor lovcl."
"My heaven!" said old Sinclair as ho
roso Impatiently from tho tablo nnd
reached for his hat "If only I was
strong enough to work It I'd risk tho
cave-In, put up a drill thoro at tho end
of tho lo . ur level and boro through
that confounded rock myself, nnd tho
timber gang c'd go to"
Tho door slammed, nnd his daughter
heard him stride on down tho trail
leading to tho mtno.
Helen did not wonder nt tho outburst
of temper. Her father had sunk his
last dollar In this mine, and now with
riches ns ho confidently believed al
most within his grasp tho timber gang
refused to work without their last
month's pay,
It was Impossibly to "drift" without
them. Tho tnlno wji's unsafe nnd ifiible
to cavo wjthoht tho 'support of tl$ big
timbers. Sinclair was confident that
once through4ttils wall of slattf which
thoy had struck In tlto Iovor level he
would And again tho rlc'tijedgo which
hud suddtTulj; stoppodA3)0 feet above
Then wngosVouldjio paid with Inter
est , '
To Mason, tho owner of the adjoin
ing mine, ha had said, "Any darn fool
knows Hint n high grade four foot
ledgo Isn't going to stop off short, as
though cut In two with a imw, uuless
old nature's hnd.n spnsm mid In twist
ing things about given this slato a
clianco to wcdgpjllsclf In."
And now-ns lio nriiug on down tho
- 1 A till I - I ..
tW)cp irniUjiie met oinnuu coming up.
"'"rhlngjfjliavo coino to n crisis there,
I hear," u'aUl tho latter, nodding his
head In. Uid'dlrectlon of tho mine, "and
I'd like ,tdtnlk toyou nboult boforo
,jt yotrgp.dwn.
. ' V'The . minors wllj not work without
thot protection of tho timbers. I bo
Hove you nro nearer tlirouglr that slate
than you realise I was dqwn lu tho
drift today, and tho character of the
rock Is changing. It's uultSpooalMe
that ono moro day's work would bring
, you to the' ouartz, but tho men havo
Jf" ' '3 ijtilt nre helpless. Whnt I
W waat to prbposo lirthat you lot jno go
uuwu. more nnu ,-worK. iur iwo ur'iiuiuu
Is less danger of n cavo-ln with only ono
drill at, work. Lot mo try it for n cou
plb of days anyway."
"It's exactly what I would do toy
Bolt If I was equal to it," said Sinclair,
"but It's n big thing for mo to accept
from you, Mnson. If anything went
wrong I"
"NonBonsoI It won't go wrong. It's
only giving mo n clianco to prQvo I am
right. And no ono need know what I
nra doing. I'd n llttlo rather you would
not speak of It, particularly to to Hel
en Just a notion. And now I'd Hko
to begin this work tonight" .
.(Wnclalr Dimply grasped hlsv .Mud.
ThwlogatherHhoy etrode dowh'io tlb
'wytling yas quiet Tho pound
ing ot. the' (rtkmtfs liad censed.' Tho
only sjgil of activity , was In tho englno
.roHD, where the engineer was, ns usunl,
pumping Uio water out of tho shaft
Sinclair motioned to him. Tho hugo
"bucket" poised at tho mouth of tho
tjhaft Thoy stopped well on to tho
center, holding to tho ropo, nnd begnn
tbilrVacscont Down, down, pnst tho
different lovels, whlclf'woro swnllowetl
up li.iuky blncknww, tho bucket glided
:, aolselctsely on, tho only sound being
the drlp-'drlpplng of tho water as it
, " prcelated through tho Umbers lining
Pjf i'Mjwt thoy camo to n standstill
ji' JtfwJ 'et lielow.- Sinclair reached
lx over., nnd psed n button nt thp side.
,of thfl'ahafTafid tho entire tuuncl wna
k)a'm wltklelectrlc lights, 'stretched
jiloBK lt roof. ' i
fl 'TJie ;twb,men trdvorsod tho ontlro
longth .of tho tuuncl to tho end of tho
i'aldpe," whoro tho miners had censed
' work a fow hours before, Sinclair
helped Mason to get tho Durlelgh Into
position,' nnd thon, naylng ho himself,
would .remain at tho ouglun througu.;
tho night in enso Mason wanted help,'
he walked through to tho Bhnft nnd
signaled to bo hoisted above.
Mason worked until early morning,
set oil his blasts nnd went homo for n
fow hours' rest Returning nt 2 o'clock
In tho nftomoon, ho snw thnt his work
of tho night before had uncovered rich
gold bearing quartz. Ho chipped off a
ploco and put It In his pocket, nnd then,
intensely excited, ho pushed tho car,
filled with tho worthless slate, along
tho trnek to the crosscut, whero tin
onoriuouB bulkhead Biipport wan being
built with tho "wusto."
Mason deposjted his load on tho
"dump" and turned to push back when
he henrd; au .appalling roar, but only
for a fraction of n second, then tro
jnendous! crash, nnd ho felt lilrnnelf
Murted -frith, terrific forco ugnlns.tho
Beautiful Women
Pilar Morin, the strikingly beauti
ful Parisian actress, of whom Amer
ica's leading theatrical m anager says:
"I consider her the greatest actress in
her line in aUMhe world", writes as
fn nurc: W 4
If l
"Ncwbro'e Herpicide is the most de
lightful hair dressing thatthas ever come
to my notice It prevetifsthe hair from
falling" out, daes away with dandruff and
gives the ha$v'a beautiful luster.
. Cordiallv yours,
'(Signed) PILAR MORIN."
.bulkhe,tl.i and wlttffls blank.
8upponlna the Ax Mad Fallen!
Somo j'ocru ago an InqulslUvo med
ical student whllo examining n gull-
lotlno lu a big waxworks exhibition in
London, took it Into his head that tho
sort of yolco which fits down on tho
shouldors of the criminal to hold him
In his placo would not bo sufllclont to
conuno a person wno struggicu.
nis curiosity on thnt point led him
to . watch till tho plnco was empty,
when tho nctunlly put himself In, let
ting down tho yoko. no boou found,
however, that ho wns qulto unablo to
lift If, nnd it at onco fiaBhed Into his
mind that the sharp ax suspended over
his neck might not bo (Irmly fixed or
it would fall, ns it should, with a
touch. (.
Ho wax afraid to strugglo lest tho
shaking' should bring It, down and nt
onco deposit hlB,(hoad in tho bnskot of
sawdust bolow him, Into which his
oyes wero of necessity steadily look
Having stnyod some tlmo lu this
plight,, ho was overjoyed to hear' tho
approach of a visitor, whom ho Im
plored to release lilmT- It was iu vain.
"I'm thinking,!' Bald the gcntlcmnn,
n Scottish visitor to tho metropolis, to
his wlfp Vthat,,beniust bo hired to
show how tho thing acts, nnd I think
wo'd hotter not Interforo."
So tho luckless student wns left Ull
ono of tho attendants cnnie In and
mado fast tho axue'fore releasing him
from his priidlcaaiant. The ax was
afterward removed' nnd laid by tho
Bldo of tho structure to prevent futuro
The White Flower.
There Is a lady living oir a main
street In n certain great city who had
a window full of flowers, all In bloom.
Ono day she answered a ring at tho
doorbell, to And a llttlo girl perhaps
uluo years old shivering on the door
"Please, nm'iim," said the waif, lift
ing her Bhy, beautiful eyes to the faco
ubovo her. "will you give lue a flow
?" The riMMiest was such an unusual
ono jhnt the lady hesitated In surprise.
"just one nine uower, pieni eu uie
chlUlilookln,: as ,(f sin were about to
"WHj;, or.toursjj." mild the lady, "you
siir.iijiiavt u Uower. t'oine in. You
snail pave n piTuy'ivu iiise.
Shq 'tejipetj to tljv.wln Uiw where tho
The fact that leading Parisian women
prefer Newbro's Herpicipe is certainly con
. elusive evidence of its superiority.
Beautiful, 'glossy hair, full of snap and life, is just us cssontial to a
beautiful fdeo as is the framo around a beautiful picture.
Naturn does not permit every women to havo a great or unusual
abundance of hair, but every womenwho hns reasonably rood health
may have beautiful hair if sho will give it somo caro nnd attention.
First of all she must constantly Strive to keep it free from tho in
visible, vegetable growth (tho dandruff germ) that causes dull, brittle
and luBterloBs hair with, Inter, dandruff, itching scalp and falling hair.
Tho only rational remedy for tho purpose is Newbro's llerplcldo,
tho original remedy that "kills tho dandruff germ". In addition to its
germ destroying powor, it is the most exquisite hair dressing in tho
world, for no other substance tends to beautify tho hair as does Herpi
cide. A TRUE BEAUTY TEST FOR WOMEN. Just begin tho intelligent
use of Herpicide in secret and seo how quickly your friends will notice
tho improvement in your hair.
Stops itching of scalp
Herpicide contains no Grease. It. will not stain or dye.
Guaranteed under tho Food and Drug Act, Juno 30, 1900. Serial No. 915.
Send 10c in Stamps to Herpicide Co., Dept. L, Detroit, Mich., for Sample.
STREITZ, Special
Applications at Prominent Barber Shops.
Horse Auction,
JUNE 2d, 1908.
On Tuesday June 2d, I will open the
Range HorseSeason with 200 head of j
good range horses and will have good, $
toppy young horses that will please you fj
all. I will have horses weighing up to
1400 pounds arid you can buy hem at
your own price. Don't forget the date.
Notice for Publication.
Department of tho Interior.
LanOOfllco at Nortli Platte. Nob.
April a). itoa.
Notice Is horoby dvon that 'Preston B.
Jlulllkln, of Homorsot. Nebraska, lias filed
notlcoot his Intention to mako ilnal llvoyear
proof In support of Ills claim, viz: Hotno
stoaU Entry No. HUB I. mado October 14th,
IWi, for tho NE!4 of soctton II, township 10 N..
ranco 31 AY,, and that said proof will bo mado
boforo tho resistor and receiver at Nortli
I'latto, Nebraska, on Moy 28. 1U08
IIo names tho following wttnossos to prove
his continuous rcsldcnco uiion and cultiva
tion of, tho land, vU: William N. Varcol,
Wellilcot. Nob.: GcorKo W. Mlllor. VorryO.
Mulllkln and Albert J. Koenltr, of Somerset,
a21-tl JOHN E. KVAN8. RcBlstor.
O. J. MOORE. -
DoDartmontot tho Interior.
Land OOlco at North I'latto.
May 4th. 1008.
Notice Is hereby el von that lluch L. Gaunt.
of North I'latto. Nob., who on May 20, 1001,
mado Homestead Entry no. imao for tho
nortli half northeast quarter and north half
southeast quarter of section 10, township 1
N raneu ill, V 0th Principal Meridian, has
filed notice of Intention to mako llnal live
year proof to establish claim to tho land
abovo described, lxjforo tho Register and
Receiver at North L'latto. Nob., on tho lUth
day of Juno, 1W8.
Claimant names as witnesses:
William Doebke, Henry Dosbko. Jacob
Moyur and Oeorto Macumbor, all of North
I'latto. Nob,
m&'O J. E. Evans. Register.
Department of tho Interior, General Land
Ofllco. Washington. 1). O.. Kobruary IB,
1008. Notlcoot Restoration of Public Lands
to Settlement and ltntry. Notlco Is horoby
fflvon that tho Actlnir Secretary of tho In
terior has vacated departmental order of
withdrawal In so far as tho same affects tho
withdrawal for Irrigation mir noses under
tho act of Juno 17th. 11XK! (83 Stat.. 883), for
uso in connection wmi tno worth i'latto, Pro
ject. Nebraska, of tho followlnc described
lands In the Slato of Nebraska, and by his
authority such of said tracts as liavn not
THIS ls to certify that at a mobtlnsr tho
4 shareholder of THE RANK OF LIN-'
KA, held at Hershoy. Nebraska, on tho 23d
day of April, 1003. duo notico liavlne boon
irlvou, and every shareholder boln present
In person or by proxy, tho Article of Incor
J.?rf U9"i w,?r? 0ln?na9'l y strlklnjr out all
fn'.M1 Y1.1! nnd adopting and substitute
lne thorcfiir tho following:
iVI,,i ,T,1,09aDltftl B'ock ot this corpora
tion shall bo Ten Thousand Dollars (flO,000)(
n0f,?iicd '."'.P two hundred shares of
llfty dollars each."
Statoof Nobraska J I W' ABD0TT' Casl,,ur
County of Lincoln, t RS
Subscribed and sworn to boforo tno this
Hth day of May. A. I). 1008.
My commission expires Fob. 5. 11)10.
maw ' Notary Public;
tho district court of Lincoln county. Nebras
ka, upon a decreo of foreclosure rendered In
said court wherein P. L. Harpor Is plaintiff
ond Mary O. M. Doylo and James Doylo are
dofendanu-. and to mo directed. I will on tho
30th day of Juno. 100s, at 1 o'clock p. tn.
Ntn,tf1!.i'iLr,?'ltdc50r of tho court houso In
rf0ri..iVilatt0' yncol'' county. Nobraska. soil
at public auction to tho highest bidder for
cast, to satisfy said decree. Interest and
costs, tho followlnedescrllHid property, to-wlt:
Bouthwest quarter l&vf H of section Twenty-
fo5in,,.miwS?,,l.SNln? lU1' K"ifo Thirty
four 1311, and Northwest quarter NW Ml of
""Thirty-four 131). Lincoln County, No-
Datcd at North Platto. Nob.. May 10. 1008.
Sheriff. ,
ktlllitjUij Sinclair wttB( tllo-rajrt'W. liiltMn hIio Imtl i-ut
M'uat fetHnfod from Jiur rldtvS Vilo u lllit touch Mton lior nr'in
li;-M HfliM!);' chattlni- Willi lior fn-' Not thnt oih, plcnso-uot ir icil ono;
th,, fwilug Rultan Ills usual
tilp lonujir. , Suddenly tlj?y hoard
J a dfll, 'xauHJftl Mom. ,
ffv f ''-&afc,Turau glmstly white as ho
$ wSiy: aod-fc oyjt"
thnt whlto one." Ami tholl ttlo clrl
polutoil to n canAkl'mn unfnldlng Its
HUy petals. V?
"I ennuot cat,t'at ouo, chitdlsald
tho-ludy gently. 'iwJiy must yof,hhvo
n whUo ono? WhyTTwon't any flower
'Ob. Attn. tlnkJli4kvan.'tha;ii)en ault P... V-.
tril. Thery ,cm ! the toIh."a 1 SOh, bccausUeauso It's for poor
8iiell'is,:iMi a'ixtjghtwca tlioi jaway. to. get som&flowors." mo nexk
Klrth of BliRan'B miVMJ J'Uo tbouiiltt Jiiomotit shu w7ipbblng ort tkla bosom
ijould Imre'throtiKb'lithat wall him 'of it uow friend, iul when sho wont
soir.illo'M lon thoio'siht-V yesterday, away sho carrlcd;,'tho precious Illy and
t nMMkea jim not to tQlP'youjV . k . lothor flowers to tho homo whcre.,doath
, AM tlib old man BpmuB Into. tl4 waA lia(l,")een.Ht. lomih tiioiMtUeroocrat.
Good Paints
& GoodJ" arnishes
for All Parts of Buildings
THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. make good paints and
good varnishes for all parts of buildings inside and
outside, and Jor all household uses. They make
special painta for special purposes, each one the best
of its kind, fclo matter what you want to paint or
varnish, you'll get best results, full measure, and
save most money if pu use THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS
Color cai&g and full information upon request.
THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. are the largest paint
makers in tkrt world They have built up their busi-
i on good quality.
A- GR Streito
Toovory porson In actual posossion or oc
cupancy of tho premises below described and
to. R. Crockett and Amos W. Howard In
whoso namo tho tltlo of said premises ar-
to KQiid f-Ji?,00'? cou.nty' Nouraska" nnd
to j . R. Crockett, asmorteaeeo:
been heretoforo finally restored andaronot thMonthol 1ft K NofeK 'inolj0sfl V
othorwUo withdrawn, rcsorved, or appro- oillan purchased i at n.,i.?i .WiA X:
No. SJi)at tho counti-treasurer's of lco of
Ctn,,at.?':tl-l?, '""ow'ne dosib0d 'real os
'iF i? w,t5 T,1 northeast quarter (NEK)
of Section nine (0 . Township ton (10) north of
Raneo thirty-two (iti) west of thoOth P M ?n
Uneoln county. Nebraska, for .i.n hJ.ii 11
taxes duo thereon for the year 1005
dar or'Mi,m,nl?7' f"97- on tho flnt
year ium fortlwram of 'SWm ontheBtg
day of May.lOOH. E. 8. Davis, who wa-
thlnldil5 llC11tl,'cato,on o?afioWuil4" "y
tnmi, ivm, ,pald thesulMequeut taxes assesod
Sun ofW.jrjTUo?,,or 1,10 "oar lWr tho
sum of SJ.07; that said property was asiiUW
In tho namo of Amps A Howard foSTS
Plro on thoslxth dar of WoK I,K..K
lftl'OHald premises an mi'S';"
5'.r.'.iaay of, November. 100H, from i sard tax
salo tho underx irn.wl u,m -...ti.. V"'.r"m lu
prlatcd. will bo subject to settlement under
tho public land laws of tho United States
on and after. May 11, 1008. but shall not bo
subject to entry, flllnir, or selection until
Juno 13, lout, at tho United States land olllco
at North Platte, Nobraska, warntntr belntr
expressly elven that no person will bo per
mitted to sain or exorcise any right what
ever under any sottloment or occupation
May 14. 1008. all such settlements or occiinA-
Hon boluc forbidden: all T. lit. n. It. Mw.
Hth p-tn, R. A. llallltik'i'r. Commissioner of
tho ucncrai land oiuec. Frank , Plorco, First
Assistant becrotary ot tho Interior.
Estimate of Expenses.
I. Chns. P. Temple. City Clerk, here
by certify that tho following estimato
of expenses was mndo by tho Mayor
nnd City Council of tho City of North
i-iaue, iNCDrasKii, mo mn day or May,
Salaries for City Ofilciala $2,900.00
expense tor r iro uep't tnclud-
servicca of Chief 1,000.00
Streets, Culverts, etc 1.C00.0O
Sidewalks, Crossings and Ap
proaches 4,000.00
General nnd Incidental expenses 4,000.00
Water Hydrant rental 3,500.00
Street lichtinr; 2,500.00
Sower Tax for Interest and
Bonds 1,200.00
Sewer Maintenance tax 800.00
Total $21,400.00
The entire rovenuo for tho past fiscal
year was $20,609;i4.
" Chas. F. Temple,
City Clerk.
to the ((inii-
sald premises,
aio ino unuoniencd will apply
ty treasurer for a deed to the s
"i misu uay or .May, 1008.
Asslcneo of abovo CortiatopMax Salo.
. Notice for Bids.
Notico is hereby given that tho City
Juncil will recolvo hUU f t. -'J
nCtiol! f Permanent sidewalks and
yi't"""1"" i" do mia by tho citv for
fiscal year of 1908. y
Bids must bo based upon tho snecifi
cations of tho City Engineer an gen
eral sidewalk ordiuance, passed ancTap
proved on tho 21st day of June 190C
Ciiy Clerk. " file in ?ho office 'of tho
All bids must bo in byC:00 o'clock P
Mm on tho 2nd day of j(lno 1908? '
i ho Council reHorvea tho right to re
ject any nnd all bids. M
Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk.