State lltalorlcnl Society TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, MAY 29, 1908. NO. 85 The Coming Residence District Ab tho improvements of tho Trus teo'B Addition near completion, it bo- comcs moro evident that the best real denco portion of North Platto will with in a very few years be in tho Trustee's Addition. The construction of fivo feet cement sidewalks, all uniform, tho building of tho sewer, tho grading of streets, etc., are things which are looked upon with favor by people de siring residence lots. Never in tho his tory of North Platto has an Addition been laid out and improved by the sell ers of the lots with sidewalks or sewer. Tho Trustee's Addition boasts tho only block of ground inftho entire city which iB surrounded on all sides with fivo feet Btone cement sidewalks. Tho Trustee, at his own Expense, constructs the walks on the north and south sides of every block and in Block 3, tho owners of the cornor lots agree to put in the walks on tho east and west sides of the block; these walks have been completed, including tho alloyicrosstngs, and have. been laid to the curb lines. Tho owners have nlso contracted for the con struction of a fivo foot cement stone sidewalk along tho cast side of block 4. Almost 100 trees havo been planted in tho Trustee's Addition this year and practically every ono is growing. Some persons havo remarked that tho lots are low and it will bo impos sible to havo deep cellars. This is a mistake. The lots of the Trustee's Ad dition are higher with reference to tho surface water than any othor portion of the city. Tho sewer is deeper in the ground than clsowhorc. This Addition has the finest sowerago system in the city. Every lot has tho sower inthe alley to tho .rear. Two flush tanks havo been constructed to flush the sewer. This requires each flush tank to flush tho sowers for but fivo blocks. Every other flush tank in tho city is compelled to .flush more than twico that many blocks. Tho fall of tho sew er is twelve foot to tho milo and in the rest of tho city the fall is not greater than eight foot per milo. Cellars can bo built well below tho grade. In one instance n cellar has been constructed' in this Addition four and ono half feet below grade and connected with the sewer, he fall from the bottom of tho cellar to tho sowar is two feet. Tho Trustee's property was place'd on the market tho 1st day of the year and tho sales mado to date amount to almost 40,000. In the addition two homes have already been completed. W. M. Cunningham, who iB the owner of tho largo brick houso on Block 1, has tho finest homo in the city. William Maloney has completed a nice framo building on Block 2 of tho Addition. Tho cement stono houso being built by F.B.Simons is almost complete. Tho foundation has been constructed for a two story frame building for Wm. E. Shuman. John Frazier and Theo. Tot tenhoff expect to begin to build nice two story homes early this summon A number of other parties who havo WM. E. SHUMAN, Trustee's bought property in tho Addition will build yo. this year and still others next year. No othor portion of tho city of North Platto has'over taken such rapid strides in improvements. Ono reason for this is that tho land belongs to Ray B. Tabor as a trustee in bankruptcy. Ho is selling the lots under an order of court. Tho lotn must bo sold and the proceeds applied to tho payment of tho debts of the bankrupt estate. It is not a real estate transac tion at all, but meroly a forced sale of this property. That is tho reason prices nro bo low. Tho fol lowing are tho prices of lots in the Ad dition: ANY CORNER LOT. On Second and Front Streets $300 On Third and Sixth Streets 350 On Fourth and Fifth Streets 400 ANY 1NSIDK LOT. On Second and Front Streets $250 On Third and Sixth Streets 300 On Fourth and Fifth Streets 350 A discount of fivo per cent is allowed for cash. Lots will bo sold on time with a payment of one-third down nnd tho balanco within three years, with eight per cent interest. If you want to rcsido in tho nicest portion of North Platto you will havo to buy in tho Trustee's addition before all tho lots are sold, becauso they are going foot. Tho undersigned will bo glad to go to tho Trustee's addition at any timo with interested parties and show the unsold lots. Attorney. News of the City. Frank McGovern leave tonight for Denver, where he will visit his parents for a few days. Mrs; Wood Whitq haB been visiting her parents at Grand Island for tho past few days. Max McGrew went to Wilcox, Neb., yesterday to visit his father, who has been ill for some time. Walter States came down" from Den ver yesterday and will visit relatives and i riends for a week or two. For Sale Four head of driving horses, broken to drive single or double. Fine lookers and Bound i" all points. Inquiro at this office. Miss Bertha Oleson, who has been teaching school at West Point, Neb., arrived home Wednesday night to spend the summer vacation. The Iddings' mill has shipped in 4,000 bushels of good hnrd wheat from which to manufacture that 4 x flour which pleases everybody that has tried it. We have cash customers for dwel lings ranging in price from $100Q.OO to $2500.00. For quick sale list your prop erty witn iJucnanan & ratterson. Mr. Thomas, of the Wilcox Dept. Store, left last night for Denver and from there goes to Goodland, Kansas, for a visit with relatives and friends. Ono way to build up North Platto Ib to patronize homo industries. You can do this by buying Iddings' 4x Flour. None better. If not satisfactory your money back, Our exceptional 25 per cent discount sale is rapidly reducing our stock but we have many fine articles still to se lect from. Dixon, The Jeweler. Tho semi-annual apportionment of school money mado this week by State Supt. McBrien gives Lincoln county $3,732,23 or at tho rate of ninety cents for each pupil. Miss Emma Katherino Schmalzried and Elmer Everett Owens will be united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents Wednesday evening, Juno 10th, at eight o'clock. Mrs. M. II. Douglas, who had been attending tho G. I. A. to the B. of L. E. at Columbus, Ohio, will arrive homo next week, having stopped enrouto for a visit in Chicago. F. E. Bullard and sons Arthur and Milledgo went to Omaha Wednesday night to visit for a day or two and to meet Mrs. Bullard and daughters upon their return from the south. Womon'i Easy Low Shoe A lonir lino of plain toe style in Boft leather "and Boles for perfect foot comfort. URAHAM & CO. Kirk Sturtovant representing tho firemen, and Herman LeDioyt ropre- Kanting tho trainmen, were at Lincoln this weckjit the hearing before the state railroadcommission. Miss Irma' Clinton returned tho early part of tho week from a month's visit in Omaha and Lincoln. Buchanan & Patterson shipped a car load of hogB yesterday from their ranch to Denver Wednesday. Polled Angus Bulls for salp. Thomas E. Doolittle. A.,W. Plummer, of tho Harrington & Pluinmer Commission. Co., of Denver, transacted business in town Tuesday. Division Master Mechanic Likert was in town Tuesday making preliminary arrangements, for tho transfer of tho headquarters of Second district engine men from Grand Island to North Platte. See our new lino -of leather goods. Articles of every day uso at reasonable prices. Rincker's Book Store. M. H. Douglas, Geo. W. Finn, J. G. Mcllvano and Geo. W. Vroman went to Lincoln Tuesday night to be present at tho hearing given tho railroad men's association by tho stato railway com mission. Barefoot Sandalls for the Children. Small, The Big Shoe Man. H. A. Lawhcad, who haB been living In Grand Island, will remove Wb fam ily to North Platte as soon as ho can secure a house. Ho expects to purchase a lot nd build a house in the near future. Miss Mabel Otten. who had been visiting her aunt nnd uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Will Moran, at Tusumbia, Ala., since last fall, returned home Wednes day. The young lady was very favor ably improssod with tho south. Let mo muko you a set of window screens. P. M. Sorenson. Mr. and MrB. Clark Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Brown were a party of Cozad people who came un yesterdav tf attend tho As. cension Day services of the Knights Templar and were aIto present at tho social and danco given last night. Havo VOU seen our linn of nmlilnm rings in tho window. They aro all sub ject to our Big Discount Sale. Clinton, Jeweler and Optician. Tho Sanford Dodge company was not greeted by a very largo audiencea Tuesday uftcrnoon and evening, but aa at tho previous performance, rendered satisfaction to tho faudiences. At tho evening performance Mr. Dodge wub presented with American Beauty roses by the Elks lodge. Wanted A girl for general house work. Inquire of Mrs. Ed Ogier. Supt. Ware, of the Nebraska division, came up from Omaha Tuesday and rnado arrangements for a change of sidetracks at Maxwell which will givo the desired sito for tho Iddings eleva tor at that place. Tho alto now being determined, work on tho elevator will begin in tho near future und will bo completed in timo to handle this sen son's crop. Alumni Banquet. Following tho commencement exer cises at tho opera houso Wodncsday evening tho alumni association ten dered a banquot to tho graduating class at tho Dickey Cafo, and so carefully had every detail bean attended to by the committees in charge tlmt the af fair proyed a very successful and en- jdyablo one. The tablo decorations were carnations in the high school col ors, red and white, and ferns. Covers were laid for about sixty and thoso seated at tho tablo represented gradu- nting classes from 1888 to the present year. Tho faculty of tho high school, J. G. Beeler, member of tho board of education, and Rev. Chas. F. Chapman were other guests. An excellent seven course menu was served, interspersed with toasts. Horshey Welch ncted as toastmaster and the toasts wero responded to in n crcditablo manner. Tho address of welcomo was mado by Clarko Bu chanan, of '05 and very ably responded to by James Martin, president of tho class of 1908. "Tho Sweet Girl Gradu ate" was responded to by Miss Fern Stamp, and "Prunes" by Harry Smith, both of which wero well given, bring ing forth considerable wit and humor from the speakers and amusement for their hearers. This initiation of fifteen moro gradu ates into the Alumni Association of the North Platte High School proved a very enjoyable affair, nnd as ia tho cus tom brings together, from many dif ferent parts of tho country, thoso who claim the same alma mater, Ample Accommodations. Out-of-town teachers and prospective teachers who expect to attend tho Jun ior Normal need have no fear of obtain ing accommodations. County Supt. Ebright reports that ho has on file tho names of .North Platto pcoplo who will room and board 149 students, others room and board range from $3.00 to $5.00 per week only a few nt the will room eighty-three, and still others will board fifty-eight. Tho prices for latter price for bourd alone tho prices rango from $3.00 to $4.00 per week, and for rooms ulone tho charges rango from fifty cents to $1.50 per week. I' rom tho above it will bo seen that there aro accommodations for over 200 out of town students, which is probably a greater number than will bo present, street commissioner is leveling up Fourth street for n distanco of twelve or fourteen blocks. This Btrect ia ono of tho most prominent driveways in town, hence the desire to keep it in first-class condition. ' Tho Tribuno today issues one of its occasional short story numbers, They will be issued nu often as tho ad vertising patronage warrants, and will be found good "hammock" reading on a hot day, Hon. W. J. Bryan, THE GREAT COMMONER, Will speak on the issues of the day at Lloyd's Opera House in North Platte, Nebraska, on ..... Wednesday Morning, June 3d, At 7:45 O'clock. Mr. Bryan will arrive on train No. 6 from the west about ' 6:40 a. m., and leave on train No. 10 about 9:40 a. m. for the eastern part of the state. Your Only Opportunity to hear Nebraska's most distin guished citizen and the world's greatest democrat. Adequate Train Service Will be arranged for at stations east and west of this city. Headquarters Changed. Effective Juno 1st, tho headquarters of tho enginemen on tho Second dis trict will bo removed from Grand Is land to North Platto. Ab a result of this chango soven machinists, thrco boilermakera and one plpo man will bo transferred from the Grand Island shops to tho North Platto shops, and this increase in the local shops will, it is understood, bo followed later by tho employment of additional men. Thin transfer means that enginemen will bo under tho charge of District Foreman Beery, of this city, instead of tho dis trict foreman at Grand Island; that the repairs on tho Second district engines will be made at tho local shops instead of at tho Island, and that tho lay-over of enginemen will bo here instead of nt the eastern terminal of tho district. Soveral engineers and firemen who havo been living at Grand Island will in the futuro mako their homo In North Platto. This chango is in lino with tho an nounced intontion of tho company to make North Platte a division terminal second to nono on tho system. The hearing on Senator Sibley's pe tition for a 15 per cent reduction in grain rates on the Burlington in Ne braska has been concluded. The com plainant will havo forty days in which to filo his brief, tho defendant thirty moro and fifteen days havo been set an a period for additional argument. A determination of tho case Is conse quently not expectod before August 15 at tho earliest. The commission ruling is not expected beforo September, "Lincoln county never looked better, agriculturally speaking, than alio docH today," remarked a citizen yesterday who had returned from an extended drivo through the country. "Every thing looks better than at this timo lust yeHr, and tho farmers aro in ox ccllent spirits." FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Four Thoroughbred Hereford Hulls. Two four year old, one two year old, and one eighteen months old. Inquiro of or addrcs8 W. B. Ellis, North Platte, LOCAL MENTION. Warner Carlson, of Brady, was In town yesterday making final proof on hiB homestead. A fair trial of Iddings' 4 x flour will convinco you that there is nona better. Money back if not satisfactory. Aubrey Potter, traveling freight agent for tho Milwaukee, spent Wed nesday in town hustling business for that road. With ono exception, all tho schools in tho county have closed. This ex ception Is in District 11, where the term wbb lato in beginning. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Ogior, who had been spending a year or so at Burbnnk, Cal., arrived in town tho latter part of the week and will Bpond tho summer with relatives, Bryan enthusiasts at Sidney say they will havo a special train run from this city to that town next Tuesday to ac commodate residents between tho two placeB who desire to hear Colonel Bryan speak at Sidney that evening. A Signet Ring or Stick Pin for tho young man makes a fine gift. At Clin ton's Big Discount sale, For tho accommodation of thoso who desire to go tho national cemetery via Maxwell, an extra coach will bo put on train No. 6 tomorrow morning, and be returned on tho local in tho evening. It is understood that vehicles will be at r iii .i i . niaxweu to convoy parties to tno cem otery. Preston Mulllken, of Somerset pre cinct, was In town yesterday making final proof on 1C0 acres of land. In ad dition to this he has a Kinkaid claim of 480 acres, as ho is protty well fixed for farming and raising cattle. He says corn nnd grass in that section of tho country is showing up nicely. Good Investment. 4 room house barn and 2 lots paying 12 per cent on investment $1100. Fine 7 room cottage, cIobo in, $3600, Five room houso, good barn, two lots. $1050. Eight room houso, elegant barn, two diocks irom ucwoy street, $3uou. O, U. TllOELECKB. A prcgrossivo Philadelphia doctor haB been experimenting with tho X-ray machine in an endeavor to bleach ne groes whlto, and has met with a de gree of succobs. Tho Juno number of. Popular Mechanics contains an article on the subjoct nnd also a viov; showing tho doctor at work on a patient. Ten treatments, it is claimed, havo trans formed very black negroes into pale mulattoos. Lady's Suit Style No. 3247 made from good grade Navy Blue Pan ama, nicely trimmed with Black Silk Braid. Jacket lined with Navy Blue Taffeta Silk. Price $20. Wilcox Department Store . aM - - '