The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 16, 1902, Image 4

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    fcVJ!)wVrtfV-? ; !iM vCVVwlrrft pJV fVH VvVWMHWW -fV',,'WV,vAr
Gifts of Comfort.
mhmhm 1 1 i ii ii mi i miii i i mm "in 'mmmn'P
"Whatever you give mc,'1 says the comfort-loving man, "let it be something
that will add to my comfort if possible." So she presented him with a fine warm
Overcoat, a Smoking Jacket and a pair of Dr. Reed's Cushion Shoes.
The fact that wc arc already setting aside selections of these luxurious gar
ments, urges us to advise others to do their choosing while the assortment is at the
bst. Good, comfortable, reliable merchandise is where THE STAR has always
aimed to excel, and this season's patterns and coloring arc exceptionally attractive.
Mlrt jtfUjrv WU0A X5'A pTWArfW A 3Wtf J ttf f
$10.00 to $20.00
8.00 to 18.00
- 5.00 to
2.50 to
- 2.00 to
1.50 to
.25 to
r We want the privilege, of showing you the many other useful as .well as com-
fortable articles of ware for men and boys. Will you grant it to us today?
3 S
Local News in Brief.
OHIib ovor Strolls' Draft Otoro. 'Phono 83.
Rev. Carroll, returned the lant of
the wcclc from a oricf visit in
Mr. and Mra. Robert Finney left
yesterday morning on a trip to
Lincoln and Kaunas.
The car checkers office han been
nioyed from the freight ofiico to the
yardmastcr'd office.
Charlen Brooks went to Chey
enne Saturday morning where he
expects to make an extended visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Flcharty
passed through the city Saturday
cn route from Washington, D, C , to
Boise City.
The W. R. C. will hold n ten cent
sociable at the home of Mrs. Val
Scbarmatin Dcccmbcp.'-lTtb, 1902.
Everybody invited!
District court adjourned last
Saturday until next Thursday,
when several cases will be heard.
TIiIb term of district court has
ground along steadily and excellent
progress was made in clearing the
Cunningham sells Stove Boards,
Linoleum, Stove Mats, Bindings,
Stove Pipe, etc.
The case of L. IS. Roche, trustee
ot the Rosenberg bankrupt stock,
against the Bank of Chan. McDon
ald, in which nhout 1500 arc
Involved, was hoard in the district
court the latter part of last week
and taken under advisement by
Judge Grlmcr.
While in Sidney last week Pres
ident Burt and other Union Pacific
officials authorized the erection of
a ten stall addition to the round
house, an addition to the. machine
shop, the erection of one of the
largest sand houses on the system
aud the baring 0f a new well.
Doolittlc lias made Smc spec
ial prices on his exquisite line of
Lewclpa Ware. You can afford
to buy it audit makes an Ideal
Christmas Gift.
The Sidney Telegraph quotes
Asst. Supt. Ware as saying that
the Union Pacific had inaugurated
the policy of having more unall
hhops and fewer large oiies and the
Ridnry shops are permanent. Mr.
Ware stated that the force at North
Platte would be reduced again and
the men stationed at Sidney and
Grand Island aa soon as accommo
dations for them can be furnished
at the latter places,
We don't uri-c you to buy expen
sive gifts, We have host of ex
quisite things that are all within
the range of modest iucomi pins,
rings, watche and pretty' bilver
novelties by the score.
Cmnton, tukJkvbm:u,
"A Night on Broadway" was pre
sented to a large audjltnco at the
opera house Saturday evening and
proved to be a performance that ex
cited much laughter,. Murray and
Mack are a good pair of Irish com
cdiaue, aud they have witli them a
foeyy ot girls who executo some
very pleasing drill and inarches,
but as vocalists they are not, us a
whole, as good as one might reas
onably expect. J
Judge "Grimes has taken under
advisement the case ot Wilcox &
Ualligan against the Valley Land
& Cattle Co., which was heard in
the district court Saturday. The
plaintiffs seek to recover seven huu:
drcd dollars which they claim due
as attorney fees.
Doolittlc will close out his en
tire line of expensive Pocket
Books at 25 per cent off the reg
ular price. The finest Hue ever
brought to North Platte.
The North Platte band, which
had not becti holding practice lor
some time, has been reorganized
and under the direction of 13arl
Stamp, holdn practice every Mon
day evening, a room having been
secured in the Keith block. There
are at present about seventeen
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Elliott, Jr., of
Omaha, will spend Christmas week
with relatives in town.
The West End Card Club will be
entertained next Monday evening
by Mrs. A. F. Streitz and Mrs. J.
II. Hcrshey at the home of the
Mra. E. B. Glbbs returned Satur
day night from Cheyenne accom
panied by Willie Stuart, who will
spend the. winter with his grand
parents. Buy Angel Food Taffy at Hup
fer'B. No. 5 arrived in the local yards
Sunday morning one hour late, but
was held here nearly two hours
owing to the engine that was to
have taken it but getting off 'the
rail. '
fa II, Graham,
Korth Platte,
What to Give.
If you're troubled over the ever perplexing
question of "what to mvi'f fnr C.Ur
brajiccs, let the Shoe Store help you.
Footwear that is good, fresh, bright and new,
is always appropriate,1 acceptable; it serves the
purpose of usefulness, is a personal comfort and
WOMEN'S SHOES-A large variety to select . ;
from, comprising- all the newest last , .
shapes,, the various kinds of popular
leathers, such, as hid, -patent kid, pat
ent colt, enamel, in thin and extension
soles, at. $4.50, $4.00, $3.50, and down to
$1.50 and..
MEN'S SHOES Any. style or leather that a
man would want, S5.00, $4.00, $3.50, $3,
down to , ,
MEN'S SUPPERS In extensive variety, in
Opera, Evcrettc and Rbmco styles, in
all gbod slipper leathers, at $2,50, $2.00,
$1.50, $1.25 down to
WOMEN'S SUPPERS-Any style or kind here
that a woman would want. Warm felt
house slippers, pretty kid or velvet
slippers in strap and Colonial styles,
plain, easy, soft kid slippers at S2.00,
$1.50, $1.25 down to ,
GIRU' SUPPERS In fine wool felt, in ankle
high fur trimmed Romeo's, or plain fk
low cut styles, at $1.00 and
LEGGINGS For hoys at 50c, 75c, $1.00. For girls 85c and 1.00
OVERGA1TEHS For men and women. Women's 50c and
75c, men's 85c
lers h
When anything in the Furniture line is wanted, the citizens of Western Nebraska
know that they can get it at "THE BIG STORE." Theyalso know that our goods
are built upon merit, that the best materials are used in construction; that the goods
are up to date in style and finish. Wc have for the Christmas trade this year a very
complete line and at prices that defy competition. We have the Globe, Wernecke
Sectional BOOK CASES. This is he case that you can buy a section at a
time. The celebrated Karpen Guaranteed Upholstered Goods are the best made.
We carry a line COUChesand Rockers and odd pieces for the parlor.
Our line of Rockers and Morris Reclining: Chairs is the best we ever carried
in stock. The EStey Organ is the leader and of course we have got it. House
hold, Wheeler & Wilson, Domestic and other Sewing Machines.
Bed Room Suits in maple, mahogany, oak, ash and elm, all good substantial
goods that will give you satisfaction.
We have Combination Book Cases and Desks,' Side 'Boards, Center 1 Tables,
Kitchen Cabinets and Extension Tables,
Our liife of Dining Chairs is very completed We have Stoves -and Ranges.
One of these would make a very warm present.
Have your pictures framed early.- See our display of pictures. The prices
are RIGHT. .
llil a!L SIjIm b SIm fbf W OmuIm ill br this
C, P. JCox came down from Chey
enne Saturday and baa been visit
iti); friends and relatiyes,
Christian Johnson was granted a
divorce from his wile Mary Johnson
by Judge last Saturday.
R. McGraw, who has been work
lug 'in Brpwn'rf gang-, has been
transferred to the car repair gang.
Mro. Win. Chambers and daugh
ter Miss Gertrude returned the lat
ter part of last week from a two
weckt.' viBit with relatives in Kan
sas. , '
Have you seen the beautiful
Doll Furniture git Doolittle's?
1 Arrangements are being made
tor a joint installation of officers by
the Rebekah and I. O. O. F. lodges
to be held ori the evening of Janu
ary. 1st. ' ' .
.W 'C. Milner returned Sunday
from hia eastern trip antl will g6 to
Sidney tddiiy to" take lita trick in
the .dispatcher' oihee' opened there
last .week.
Tomorrow aftcrrioon Miss Nettie
15. .Guthprless and Lqr,eu Purdy
will be united in marriage at the
home of the btide'd. parents north
Mr.' and Mrs. Arthur Marr, who
had been, visiting the lattcr'a par
ents Hear Gandy, returned to their
home in Cheyenne the latter part
of last week; .
A. larcwcll reception will be held
Wednesday evening at the home of
Mra; A)ex Pcnwick in honor of
Mrs. II. S, Ridgley, to which mem
bers ot the. Rebekah lodge are in
vited. ...
The usual beautiful line of
Calendars, Booklets, Christmas
Cards, and Novelties for the Hol
iday season at Doolittle's. The
only nlace in town tbat carries
II. Haiigot, formerly firing out of
tlm 'statl6n, but now acting as en
gineer on the Sidney switclPenglne,
came down from that place the last
ot the week aud moved his family to
that p1acc.
The supper to be given Thurs
day evening by the boilermakers
aud boilerinoUcra' helpers will be
the most largely attended of the
Hcaaon, judging trom the numbsr
of tickeu which haye been sold.
Alter the supper a dance will be
W. A. Paxton, of Omaha, spent
Sunday in town.
Albert Hansen, of Cheyenne, baa
been spending the paBt few days in
Miss Mary Flynn has .been con
fined to the house for i week past
with a lame foot.
Mrs A. B. Yates and sister Miss
Nellie. Connelly .went to . Cheyenne
yesterday to yisit relatives.
It won't cost you a fortune to get
your Dental VVork, done at . Dr.
Mrs. Win. Iloover left yssterday
for a visit with fqjenda and rela
tives in Grand Ialnndand Fremont.
John Holcombw came.) up .from
Maxwell Saturday and visited
friends in town tor a couple of
day' ..,',(.
Our show cascBiglisten with hun
dreds of gift suggestions in the
way of jewelry tor' mau and maid.
Scarf and stick ptiiB, brooches,
rings, etc., in an infinite variety bt
rich aud beautiful designs.-
Clinton, the Jeweler.
While waiting for passenger
train No. 3 Sunday morning, some
miscreant stole Conductor Xew
Hastings' satchel 'which he had
left.on a train box while in the of
fice for orders. The train was held
twenty-fiye minutes while search
was made tor the missing article,
and it waB finally .located under a
car near the round- house. Some
one co in in r from that place report;
ed that he had seen a man toss a
satchel under a car and upon in
vestigating it proved to be the .one
belonging to Mr. Hastings.,
Furs and Skirts.
Wc have a great line of tbesc
goods and wc are selling- lots of
them because the price and style
sell them.
A lot of Sillc and Wool Waists
just arrived. They are just
the proper things for Christ
mas presents.
Mrs Sluder and daughter Cora
expect to leave the last of the week'
for Sedalia, Mo , where they will t
spend Christmas. , t
Mrs. George Walker, living south'
ot town, is reported to be in a very
critical condition and death is ex
pected at almost any time.
Doolittle's Holiday Urine was
selected with great care for this
year and is unusually attractive. .
Ifyouwant up-to-date Christ-i
mas Gifts call and see our stock.
Several young men gave a very
enjoyable bob .sled party to their
lady friends last, evening, which''
proved a very jolly event.
Altertthe ride the youg people ad" '
journcd to the Walker residence ,
where a dainty lunch was scryed., . ,,
L7 and Duck- brand tigers de
horned at the Duck brand ranch '
two "hundred and eight calve "in
two'hours. Hank Chestnut manipu- ''
lated the saw and if he has a com- "
petitor in this business let him '
come to the front as this beatB the
record. - Ten days later they went
to the L7 ranch and vaccinated 208
calveB aud brahded $8 in five hours."
breaking another record. Ogalalla
Dr. F.H.Longley will do a gen
eral office, busjneas. Special attqn-,
tlon given,, to chronic diseases.
Phone office No. 10, residence No.
41. Office hours 9 to 12 m.j 2 to 4
p. in. Office City Pharmacy,-
North Platte. Neb. .
liy all means don't fail to exam
ine our stock of Ladies', Misses'
and Children's Cloaks. The
styles arc correct, and they areV
sold at prices just one-half their
real value. Ladies' Jackets. as
low as . s .-