The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 28, 1902, Image 3

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All especially
suitable Tor
Presents and
purchased by
us with (list
end in view.
An ab u n d a n t
variety and at
A unique stock ot
Pine Silver
Mounted Leather
Stiver Toilet Scts.Workr. of Art.
CLINTON'S Jewetery Store.
FRIDAY, NOV. 23, 1902.
Officii over Otroltz'j Drue 8 tore,; Fsno 82.
r The Yale Dancing Club gave one
of its enjoyable parties at the opera
house last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. M. II, Douglas wtll
entertain a party of young people
at their home this evening.
Judge Grimes returned Wedner
day night from the west part of the
state, where he held court for a
couple of days,
James Keliher, who has charge
of the roud-house at Kearney, came
up yesterday to speed Thanksgiv
ing with his parents.
Miss Ericsson, of Kearney, who
had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. O.
P. Whipple tor a few days, went to
Denver Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs, Connelly, who bad been
visiting iriends in town and in
Miller precinct, returned to Chey
enne yesterday morning.
Up to tbia morning no one had
been named to succeed H. C. Lang
don as trayeltng engineer on the
Nebraska division.
Harry Cooper, a former operator
at the D. & M. depot ia now in the
employ of the U. P. at North
Platte. Grand Island Indcpencnt.
One family in North Platte had
hot mince pie yesterday. The lady
of the house in preparing the
iniiice meat used a large quantity
of cayenne pepper instead of macr.
Seyeral parties were put goose
hunting the early part of this week
and had fair success. Charley Hup
fer, John Vernon and one or two
others, who were' up in the Bird
wood section, killed fifteen.
The city schools were dismissed
Wednesday evening for this week.
Atter gorging themselves with
turkey yesterday, the pupils would
not have been in condition tor
school -work today, hence it was
thought best to closs for the re
mainder ot the week.
Kerosene oil per gal
lon 17
Gothenburg '' Best
Patent. Flour per
sack Li.'.
Snow Flake Patent
Flour per sack
Red Seal. , Patent
Flour per sack ..
Jewel Patent Flour
JC1 SUl.l. ,
Atint Jemima Pan
Cake Flour per
Grape. Nuts 2 pkgs
Pierre Viau's Maple Syrup
i Gallon Cans j
J-Gallon Cans...
Quart Cans.,
Diamond C So'ap 7
Bars for
White Russian Soap
6 bars for
Store closes at 8 o'clock.
Wilcox Department Store
Jim Tnrpie, was. in from the
ranch in Plant p'recliict yesterday
getting a square meal and hia hair
cut. . -
Newell Burritt of "Gastlu amAV.
C. Dolan of Mixwell transacted
business in town the early part of
this week.
H. C. Blickcntderfcr m daily ex
pecting the stock for his new drug
store. It bhould have arrived sev
eral days ago.
The turkey supper served Wed
nesday evening by the Catholic
ladies was such as to please evety
patron and the number attending
was ycry large.
Angel Pood Taffy at Huplct'd.
The December term of the dis
trict curt will convene next Mon
day morning. While there arc sev
eral jury cases, the larger pait of
tb. docket is composed of tax
The supply of Thanksgiving
turkeys was scarcely aB large as
the demand, at least some homes
were turkeyless yesterday because
the lord til the household failed to
place his order in time to got a
Our former citizen, but now pre
siding elder ot the Kearney district,
the Rev. D. W. Crane, has almost
fully recovered from his late serious
illnehs, news that will be gladly
learned by the reverend gentleman'd
Iriends in North Platte.
The dancing party given Wed
nesday evening by the D. K. clti.
at the opera house proved an 'ex
ceptionally pleasant event. Quite
a number of invited guests were
present and during the evening re
frcshmcnts were nerved by the
ladies ot St, Patrick's church.
The infant child of Mr, and Mrs.
II. N. 'Smith, which was born
Tuesday morning, died yesterday
morning. When botn the child was
pronounced sound and healthy and
its death came vn xpi c'tdly. In
the loss of their little one Mr. and
Mrs. Smith have the sympathy of
many friends.
M,i8 Helen II. Dearcorn and Cal
vin Smith, both of whom claim
North PJatte as their residence,
were united in marriage Tuesday
evening by Judge Baldwin in his
uaual felicitious manner. Mr. and
Mrs. Smith have the best ui&lich of
many acquaintances 111 tuis city
and vicinity. ,
E. D. Longpre, formerly living
south ot Maxwell, was in town
Wednesday. Several years ago he
went to South Dakota nnd pur
chased a ranch and cattle on time.
By hard work and good manage
ment he paid of his incumbrances
and is now located on "easy street."
He will visit hia father near Max
well for a week or two.
S. C. Mecomber, of this city,
chairman of the protective board of
the Order of Railway Conductors of
the Union Pacific, baa been in Om-
Tiha this week. To a reporter for
the Daily News' he admitted that
the trainmen are looking for more
pay, but denied any knowledge of
a meeting of the grievance com
miltcc'in 0 alalia,
Following a custom inaugurated
by his father in 'Germany many
years ago, Henry Waltemath pre
sented a number ot people Wednes
day evening with a Thanksgiving
turkey, In this particular instance
the recipients were Union Pacific
strikers', and each head of a family
who applied was presented with a
fine fowl. It is needless to say that
this kindness on the part ot Mr.
Waltemath was duly appreciated
by those who were the recipients of
his generosity,
Not less than ?25,000,000 is the
estimate of the loss entailed upon
the farmers of Nebraska this year
by their tailure to care for their
corn todder, made by Dr. W. A.
Thomas, state veterinarian. Dr
Thomas accepts the declaration
of the experiment station experts
that the fodder is worth one-third
or one-half of the market value of
the grain. Placing the corn crop
of the state this year at 225,000,000
bushels, it is easy to Bee that tne
estimate of 525,000,000 for the loss
of the todder ia not so far out of
the way, wild as itrniay seem at the
first glance. More than that, Dr.
Thomas insists that with a proper
curing and care of tie todder the
corn stalk disease would disappear.
State Journal.
Luck in Thirteen.
By sending 13 mtlos Wm. Sniroy, ot
Walton Furnnco. Vt., trot n box of Buck-
Ion's Arnica Salvo, that wholly cured 11
horrlblo Fever Soro on hia loff. Nothing
oIfo could. Popltivoly eurpa bruises
felons, uieore, oruptions. boilp. burns
corns una piles. Only lo. Uunrun
tood by A. F. Streitz, Druggist.
Thankigivln&Day; Wedding.
Vcstoti Folden. late deputy
sheriff, but now residing on Sherllf
Carpenter's ranch in Fox Creek
precinct, was united in marriage
yesterday to Miss Gladys P:tty, a
popular echool teacher of the south
part of the county.
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. Randolph at his home ai
eleyen o'clock in the forenoon in the
presence of a lew intimate friends.
The contracting parties are well
and favorably known in the rouUi
part ot the county, where they
have resided for a number of years.
To Mr. Folden and his bride the
best wishes of this writer aru ex
Double Wedding.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. Priest in this city last Tuesday
at noon, there occurred a double
wedding, the contracting parties
being Win. Brahmsteadt and Miss
Mattie O. Welsh, and John W.
Welch and Miss May E. Dunn. The
ceremony was pertormcd by Rev.
Thos. B. Greenlee.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Brokmstcadt and
Mr. and Mrs. Welch are residents
of Buchanan precinct, where they
arc well and favorably known.
Tin: Trihuni: unites with friends
in wishing both couples a happy
and prosperous voyaue on the sea
of matrimonial life.
Missionary Service.
There will be a Sunday School
Missionary Thanksgiving exercise
at the Presbyterian church next
Sabbath morning at the usual hour
of church service. An interesting
program will be rendered. Special
music is being prepared by the
choir. The pastor will deliver an
address on mission work in Cuba
and Potto Rico. Come one, come
all and enjoy this feast cf fat
things. " XX.
Mrs. I. Stebbms, ot Victor, Col.,
in the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
W. R. McKccn went west in his.
special car attached to No. b yes
terday morning.
The Presbyterian, ladies will
hold their annual fair and buppcr
next Thursday.
Mrs E. B. Gibbs lett this morn
ing for a brict , visit with her
daughter, Mrs.. V. J.' Stuart, in
Mrs. Arta Boat and children will
arrive in town the latter part of
next week and make their home
with Mrs. W. F. Cody.
You arc invited to attend the
supper and handkerchief sale to be
given at the Sorcnson residence
next Tuesday evening by the
ladies of the Lutheran church.
Thanksgiving Day was observed
more fully yesterday than for sev.
eral yearB. Nearly all the stores,
the banks and the Union Pacific
shop's were closed all day; there
was a good attendance at the
Thanksgiving service at the Pres
byterian church, and the day prop
erly closed with the foot ball game.
It ia reported at Kansas City that
one of the big ten-wheel compound
locomotives belonging to the Mis
souri Pacific blew up near Oasa-
watomie, Kas,, Saturday. These
big machines are known as battle
ships. The accident occurcd on
the Kansas and Arkansas division
of the road just south ot Ossawat
omie, killing the engineer, John
Lund, almost instantly. Details of
the catastrophe arc lacking for the
ofhciala, apparently, have made
effort to supress information re
garding the affair.
Baker Perfect Barty
Wire, Painted, per
Baker Perfect Galvanized
Barb Wire per hundred,
Wilcox Departmen Store.
A. H. Davis returned yesterday
irc-oi a business trip to Omaha.
Mrs. S. H. Grace returned Wed
nesday from a visit .vith iriends in
Miss Margaret Kockcn came up
from Omaha yesterday to eat
Thanksgiving turkey with her pa
rents, Miss Anna Sorcnson returned
Tuesday evening lrom a monthV
visit with friends in Omaha and
Grand Island.
Mrs. Elizabeth Donaldson left
Wednesday for Chicago and will
spend the winter season in that
and other eastern cities.
Ralph Poison, who is employed in
Master Mechanic Bnrnum' otlice in
Omaha, and his sister Miss Emroy,
who is attending a commercial col
lege in that city, "came home yes
terday to spcud Thanksgiving.
J. H. Stubbs returned Wednesday
morning from a business trip to
Denver. Mr. Stubbs is likely to
bid farewell to North Platte almost
any day, though his family may
remain here until January 1st.
The family of W. J. Stuart, who
moved to Cheyenne several months
ago, will probably return to the city
the early part of December. Mrs.
Stuart'a health in Cheyenne has
been none the best, hence the re
turn of the lamily to North Piattc.
D. S, McConnell who was taken
to Omaha about three or four
weeks since to have nil operation
pertormcd on him for gall stone is
still there and at last report was
bed fast. Hia wifo, who at times
was somewhat demented, was taken
to the county seat where she ia
being cared for by Mrs. Pulver ol
that city. Their children arc being
taken care of by relatives in the
i We have not as yet heard ot any
cattle in this section that have died
from the corn stalk disease.
Mrst O. H. Eyeilyaud little sou
have returned from a two mouths
viait with relatives and friends 111
Illinois and Iowa.
J. B. Gyger who operated the
Nichols creamery for neatly three
years 1b now located at SeUgwick
where he will engage in the cream-
cry business.
Isaac Stoddard recently traded a
horse to Iowa buggy dealers for a
fine new Bingle carriage,
Thanksgivingi was generally ob
served by the people of this
section of the country.
Al Hoover has returned from the
west with his herd of slicop.
D. B. White was at the county
seat after a load of barbed wire one
day this week with which to erect a
fence on the iarmon which he Uvcb.
F. C. Callaway is erecting the
new barn on the J. R. White farm.
Seyeral farmers in this vicinity
are at the present time feeding
their milch cows on sugar beet
tops which the cows readily cat
and which increases the quantity
and the quality of the milk,
O. II. Eyerly recently sold D. M.
Leypoldt of Hershey ninety May
pigs that averaged one hundred
and eighty-seven pounds each, and
for which he received fiv. dollars
and sixty cents per hundred
pounds. They were shipped west.
There seems to be a good demand
at this time (or good young work
horses weighing from eleyen
hundred pounds up. Such horscB
are briugiug from one hundred to
one hundred and twenty-five dollars
on the market at the present time.
Ernest Arnett and wife were
guests of relatives at the county
seat this week.
Del Brownfield left with his team
Wednesday for York county where
he will gather corn for a time.
The American Baptist Publlca
tion Society's colportage wagon
No. 13, with Mr. and Mrs. Judkina
of Arnold aa colporteurs, was in
our midst last week. The colpor
teura go from house to house with
the gospel message, the Bible and
the printed page in cities, in vill
ages and in way places.
Six head of cattle belonging to
W. S. Robb died with the corn btalk
disease last week. John Pollutt
also lost one from the same caut-c.
Some of our larmers owning cat
tle talk of cutting down the corn
stalks and later burning them to
prevent cattle from getting in the
stalk fields to graze.
A little sou waB born to Mr, nnd
Mrs. Chas. Gambrel the early part
of the month.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wright gave a
dancing party to their friends
Monday night.
12-Gnuge New Rival Shells,
lcr box '. ....$.45
10-Gaugc New Rival SIicIIh,
lcf box r .50
12-Gaugc Repeater Smoke
less Sheila, tier box CO
10Gatigc Repeater Smoke
less Sheila, per box 65
Wilcox Department Store
The Third Week
s: goes on. Panic prices
Store. We have iiot 'em
r2 ihi'v rnn'r trnt in lino
the firing line nnd they
lering, but the people cannot hear them, because $-J
iney Know we are making prices such as was
never made before.
The crowds are growing greater each and $y?
'fflfc cvery aa-y you w, SCG
,lc iw ..
v.v. v. wa.i-.uiiuo, iiiu iiiiwii
on the varnished cars,
m? hoss-back. The tidings
the people and it is tidings of great joy. It is a
time when they can buy the necessities of life at
a season of the year when they need them for SlS
less money than they are usually sold by the SWv?
sheriff if he "was in charge; but we made up our
minds to cut this big stock down and give the
people the benefit right in the heart of the profit $Jv
making season of the year, and how well wc
have done it so far wc leave that for cvery man.
woman and child to say,
s? 7 vs m .,, , ..... . Yyec;
iwi-iu win uu uiic vuiuu
we put out the price lower than thev ever saw
f before. Wc don't confine ourselves to a few
items, but went through the entire institution,
marking them down, not taking cost into con- 3p
sideration . Wholesale prices and less on thous
ands of items in this big store. A wonderful re
vM construction, arid a great work is croinc on here. iA.
and wc are doing it in
ands or more people. We want them td come
from all the towns within a radius of a hundred
miles of here. We have sent word to them
SWv and they are coming, some coming a little faster
gf" than others, but they never pass the door. They
read signs and they sec the greatest change they
'jyj ?.. .i ....
ever saw in ims cuy,
'tp door they see the wheels
7fl? tntiy never rolled before. The clerks arc all
busy, they arc busy as bees. Each and every JC
W) item that stares them in the face isui real bar-
lus Sain- Come and see if
J. PIZER, Prop,
Startling, Brit Truo.
"If oVcry ""o know whnt ngrnnd niod
lolno Dr. King-H Now Lifo Pills, ia,'"
writes D. U. Turn r. Dompacytowu, Ph.,
"you'd poll all yuu li ivo miuliy., JDwp
week's tiso has mndo a nuw'inun or rtib."
Infallible for constipation, stotmioh nnd
liver troubles. '2'k nt A. F. Strottz'a
Drug Sloro.
Dr. 1MI. Long ley will do n gcrf
eral office business. Special atten
tion given to chronic disease's.
Phone office No. 10, residence ,jM6,
H. Office liriurB J to 12 in., 2 to 4
p. m. Office City Pharmacy,
North Platte. Neb.
and the great work still
reign through the Big S
iumnimr sidewavs. but
Tl,o,. nn-.r.- .. 07lS
never will. They are'hol- Sw
. ...
them coming in from
:.. i .1... I. vM
iuuus, wie uy ways, JSfj.
in carriages, a-foot and
arc going out to - all ol
and wc don't believe if.
ruiseu against us, occause
order to bring out thous- V;
1 1 . . vvs
anu wncn tney enter tne
of commerce rolling as $7.7
it is not so.