The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 18, 1902, Image 4

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    rief. J
OOio over Strait' Drag Store. Thono 82.
The ladies' sewing circle of St.
Patrick's church will meet next
Thursday afternoon with Mre.
Joseph Murphy.
Episcopal supper at the opera
house Thursday evening next. An
excellent meal tor twentv-hvc
Perry Buchanan has severed his
connection with Harrington & To
bin and accepted a position with
the Union Pacific an passenger
brakeman. He went out on his ini
tial trip last night.
Rev. IS L. Chamberlain, pastor
of the North Platte circuit, has be
(Tun the publication of The Gospel
Messenger, a paper which will be
more particularly for the benefit of
the mcmbcrB of that circuit.
The Catholic ladies will serve
supper on Wednesday evening of
next week, Nov. 26th, in the vacant
room m the Keith building oppo
site Dixon's jewelry store." The
menu will be publishccd in our
next issue.
Pursuant to the published notice,
Marshal Langford yesterday began
the extirmination of all unlicensed
dotrs in the city. He killed eight or
ten vestcrday and will keep up the
work so long as nn unlicensed ca
nine can be found.
Drink Planter's Blend. Finest
Coffee grown.
The concert given by the Schu
bcrt Lady Quartette Friday even
ing wab attended by a very larce
audience, and the program rend
ered gave excellent satisfaction.
The High School, under whose
auspices the concert was given,
netted 4,51.90.
While laboring under some sort
of a fit Sunday night a former
switchman in the local yardt,
named Nichols, cut several gnshes
on one of his wrists and on his
neck with a piece of glass. It is
generally nuppoaed that Nichols
desired to kill himself by severing
an artery.
It is said the arrangement which
the St. Paul road haB made with
the Union Pacific whereby the
former wilt have a through coast
service over the latter' road, will
necessitate an extra, tra)n over tho
Union Pacific. The arrangements
with the St. Paul road will become
effective about January 1st.
The Daly saloon was closed Sat
urday pending an action in replevin
urought by Mrs. Daly, who seeks
to recover the interest in the stock
and fixtures owned by her husband,
who has lctt the city. The stock
and fixtures invoice about six hun
dred dollars, The detendauts in
tho case are Win, Mills and the
Krug Drewing Co. The stock and
part ot the fixtures have becu re
ttioycd from the building.
Cunningham sells Stovo Boards,
Linoleum, Stove Mats, Bindings
Stove Pipe, etc.
xue ten percent increase in
wagp.s which the Pennsylvania
railroad voluntarily granted 59,000
of its employes last week, has been
followed by the New York Central
making a similar advance in the
wages of it thousands of employer
Voluntary increase of wages !b
what makes men loyal to a corpora
tioo, and neither of the nboye great
companies will lose ntiytlaug by
their action.
Mike Foster came down from
Sidney Sunday morning with n face
that looked as though he had been
htruck with a switch engine. Mike
got into a "mix-up" at Sidney Sat
urday, was knocked down, severely
kicked in the face, and may lose
the Bight of one of hln eyes. The
assailant was a fellow who Foster
supposed was an escaped convict
from the Lincoln penitentiary for
whose return a hundred dollars was
offered, nnd Mike was after the
reward. Several assisted the sup
posed convict iti knocking out
12-Gauge New Rival Shells,
per box $.45
10-Gaugc New Rival Shells,
per box 50
12-Gauge Repeater Smoke
less Shells, per box GO
10-Gaupc Repeater Smoke
less Shells, per box 65
Wilcox Department Store
Local News in Brief,
Now For Your.
Overcoat Trade.
i. l i i-i ii njtv i
if -r-ir- rer i m v i
"ready made;" on the contrary there is grace and
beauty of contour which
by tailors of the first class.
Yours at the phenomenally low
price of
itar Clothing House.
Stove Pipe.
6-in. Steel Stove Pipe per joint 15c
melt Planished btove Pipe
per joint 50c
inch Galvanized Stove Pipe
per joint 30c
6-inch Common Elbows, each 10c
The county commissioncrH con
vened in session yesterday, Com-
miBBioners Robbina and McCul-
lougli being present.
Dick Shinkle, of Hcrslicy, has
thiH season cut, baled and loaded
on the earn eleven hundred tons of
hay for Seeberger & Co.
Buy Angel Food Taffy at Hap
ChcBter O'Brien nnd Earl Stamp,
who have been working at the'
Union Pacific round house, sevtired
their connection with the company
Flfty.thrcc can of hay were
shipped from this station lasr week.
iiau shippers been able to secure
all carB wanted the number would
have been greater.
It won't cost you a fortune to net
your Deutal Work done at Dr.
Prank Newman, day car checker
at the freight depot, leaven today
tor Cheyenne to nccept u similar
position. Clarence Dillard, night
car checker, succeed Newman and
Dorr Tarkjngton succtcd Dillard.
Rev. S. F. Carroll arrived from
Omaha the latter part of last week
and conducted IiIb initial services
at St. Patrick's church Sunday.
This is the second parish Rev.
Carroll has had, ns lo- nine years
he had been financial ngent for an
Omaha orphanage. The parish
ioners were well nlcascd with
Father Carroll's initial services.
Opera Glasses, Field Glasses,
Reading Glasses, Compasses, Mag
uiiicrs, etc., nt
The population of Notth Platte
is increasing so rapidly these days
that it is almost impossible for a
news gatherer to keep tab on all
the new arrivals. Oqe of the latent
io a bright, dimuultivc lady who
took up her residence at tho home
of Mr and Mrs. II. 15. Votaw on
Tuesday of last week. Miss Votaw
is of course queen of the household
and her advent was royally wel
comed. A Snngovoun Month.
This in Urn month of unuphs, colds nnd
nouto entnrrh. Do vou cnteh cold ensily?
Find yoursolf honr jo, with n tlolcllni; in
your throat nnd nti annoying cough at
night? Then, you pliould ulwnys hnvo
Imnily, u bottlo of BnllnnVn Ilorohouud
Syruo. J. A. AdorsoD.JlSt West Gth
St., Snlt Lnko City , writes: "Wo ubo
llnllnrd'n Ilorohour d'Syrup for Coughs
nnd Colile, it vt a imtuoillnto rollof .
Wo know it's tho bost roniody for tho60
troublos. I writi this to induce othor
peoplo to try this ulonannt nnd oflloiont
romody." 25o, Ke, nnd 81,00 at A. F
Strcitz'a Corner DrJg Storo.
Best Showing
OS the Year.
An Extremely Fashion
able Overcoat, 44-inch, full
box, made of fine finished
cloths of most sought after
colors, all satin lined
throughout with an extra
quality of satin guaranteed
to stand the wear.
There is nothing in the
appearance of these over
coats which stamps them as
cannot be equaled except
Wm. McMichael, commissioner
1 L t 1 , mi i.i
cicci iram uic j. mm district, was
in town yesterday.
Ruoel & Allegrcttie'a chocolate
and bon bonB ic pound and halt
pound boxeB. AUo Baldufl's box
contections. Fred Marti.
UnlonTlianksgivingsorvices will
be held at the Presbyterian church
on Thanksgiving day. Rev. John
F. Seibert will deliver the sermon.
The city council will meet in.rec-
ular session this evening, but so
far as io known no exciting matters
will be brought before that body
tor discussion.
Fancy Candles, Shade Holders
ail Cindh S:icki at
Clinton's Jewelry Store.
The street commissioner is hav
tng considerable dirt hauled into
Front street between Dewey and
Locust streets. TIiib work has
been badly needed and will make
.quite an improvement Iu that
Attend the Episcopal iair, nnd
supper at the opera house Thurs
day evening. , ,
The ministerial association of the
North Platte District will meet at
IlerBhey this evening and continue
Wednesday and until noon Thurs
day. Quite a number of the pastors
of the circuit will be in attendance.
and tor the meeting a very interest
ing program uaa ueen prepared.
Startling, Bat True.
"If ovory ono know whnt ngrnnd mod
loino ur. runes Now Urn Pill U
writes D. II. Turner, Dompeoytowti, Pa.,
'you'd soil nil you hnvo in n dny. Two
wook i uho bus nindo n now mnn of mo."
inminuio lor constipation, stotntioh nnd
liver troubioe. 25o at A. F. Stroitz'e
uruK oioro.
For Sale.
i mi oiooueil Poland Chinas. Such
BirninH nn uniei Tecumseh 2d and
v-niet i Know. Hest on earth and
peritenon, wm Sullivan.
Heishey, Neb.
Patent Kid
Anew one, just in from the
factory. Fashioned over a
very neat and perfect fitting
new last, with a single welt
sewed sole. Made with
uppers of Patent Kid. and
top of dull leather, making'
a very attractive contrast.
All sizes, all widths.
Men's Underwear.
Heavy Fleeced Lined Under
wear, the kind many ask
50c for, our price, per gar
ment 35c
M,cn's Fleeced Lined Under
wear, the kind you have
paid 75c a suit for, our
price per garment 25c
Wilcox Department Store.
II. S. White was a Lexington
rtsttor Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hoatson, of
Sutherland, were in town yester
C. R. Lawrence, ot Sutherland
was a business visitor in town yes
terday: J." 13. Evans left last night on a
busincsB trip to the cast part of
the ttate.
Mr. Wein, ol New Haven, Conn.,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs.
John Wollcnhaupt.
Mrs. D. A. Drown and Mrs.
Ezra Keen lctt last night for a few
days' visit in Omaha.
Attorney W. T. Wilcox 1b attend
ng the session of district court at
Sidney this week.
Walter Iloagland went to Lincoln
ast night to be present at the call
of the docket in the supreme court.
Manager Crummy, ot the Mackin
ranch, will leave Thursday lor
two weeks' visit with friends at Lc-
land, III.
13d. S. DaviP, deputy county
treasurer, was cailcd to Indianola,
Iowa, Saturday input by the serious
llncss ot his father.
Judge Grime is in Beaver City
holding court for Judge Norris and
the latter in in Sidney sitting
on the bench for the former.
Judge Iloagland went east yes
terday morning and last night
went to Sidney to look after cases
in the district court iu which he is
interested aB counsel.
The Episcopal Fair and Supper.
The annual fair and supper o
the Episcopal guild will be held at
the opera bouse next Thursday
evening. The supper rr.e iu will m
elude e8calloped oysters, cold
meats, potato chips, salads, cake
coffee, etc.
A number of fancy and useful ar
tides will be on sale.
The public is cordially iavited.
At the first regular meeting of S,
A. DouglaB Post, No. 69, to be held
on Dec. 5tb, 1902, at K. P. hall tb
annual election ot officers will' tak
place. All comrades are requested
to be present.
J. W. Voodry, O. M.
"Worm Destroyer,
White's Cream Vermifuiro. not on'y
Kills worms, but romoves tne mucus nnd
sumo, in which thy build their nests
it brines, nnn quickly, n nenitny conut
tion of tho body, whoro worms ennnot
exists. 25o ut A. F. Streitz Corner Drue
Gus Gunderson, living south of
Sutherland, was a Trioune visitor
Saturday, Mr. G. and brother
have two hundred head of cattle on
their ranch and in addition to tak
ing care of these they raised flity
acrcB ot com and about thirty-fire
acres of broom corn.
i lie next attraction at the opera
house, so far as at present known
will be "At the Stroke of Twelve"
on the evening of December 4th.
Dr. F.lI.Lougley will do a gen
eral office business. Special atten
tion given to chronic diseases,
Phone office No. 10, residence No,
41. Office hours 9 to 12 in., 2 to 1
P. in. Office City Pharmacy,
North Platte. Neb.
For Sale.
Fresh Milch Cow with calf by
her side. Enquire at U. S. land
Children's Shoes, 5 to 8,
per pair
Misses" School Shoes,
ll to 2, per pair. .. .
Boys' Shoes, 13 to 2, per
Ladies' Shoes, Kid or
Calf, per pair
... .50
Men s btioes, per pair AA
S1.25, $1.50, $2, up to..j)0 UU
JJ1 Wilcox Department Store
There are Others
Who sell Stoves, but none who sell such good
Stoves at such low figures,
Everything in
Will be found
ceived daily. That article
need will be found here.
Supt. of Motive Power McKeen
came in trom the west &ataraay
morning and spent the day iu town.
Ed Seyferth spent several days
n Sidney last week placing and ad-
UBtmg the new air compressor
which has been installed in the
machine shop nt that place.
The Sidney Telegraph says: The
new boiler lor tuc union i'acinc
e.cctric light plant arrived Wednes
day and will be put into place aB
soon as the workmen complete the
foundation tor it.
Strike leaders claim to have posi
tive knowledge that Uarriman has
giyen orders that no more of the
Southern Pacific engines Bhall be
supplied to t.he Union Pacific. Ten
or twelve ot these cneines Have so
far been received by the latter road.
J. J. Bosko, a Greman between
this city and Grand Island who
fell from his engine at Wood River
last Thursday, is said to be get
tine alornr satisfactorily It was
at first thought he bad received in
ternal miuries in the bead that
would prove very serious
Engineer Fonda and Fireman
Baily who were on engine 1859
when it turned over in the Grand
Island yards last Friday, came back
on their regular run the same even
ing. Both men remained on the en
gine and got out by crawling
through the cab window. Neither
were injured to any extent.
After a conference which lasted
but an hour, between the B. of R.
T. committee and President Burt,
the switchmen on the Union Pacific
were granted the ''Chicago scale,"
which means an increase of about
twelve per cent in wages. Under
the new Bcale, based on a day of
ten hours, day foremen will receive
J3 10, day belperB $2 80, night fore
men $3.30, and night helperB $3 00.
About a dozen men at this point
are affected by the raise.
A New York dispatch states
that E. H. Harriman has lost the
controlling interest in the Union
Pacific, J. P. Morgan and the,
Standard Oil Co, having succeeded
in getting hold ot a majority ot the
stack. This change of the control
of tbc road may result in some rad
ical changes, both in management
and in officials. It is freely pre
dicted that President Burt will be
deposed and that changes .in the
heads of departments may be ex
pected. Reports from the various shops
along the line of the Union Pacific
arc to the effect that the torce ot
strike-breakers is beingdiminished,
tue desertions being greatly in ex
cess of the importations. In the
North Platte shops a number of
men who lctt atone time or an
other since the strike began, have
returned and gone to work again.
The ayerage strike-breaker seems
to be a migratory individual who
makes a "stake," quits work until
he spend his savings and then re
turns to woru. nie greater pro
portion ot them seem to be strongly
addicted to the drink habit.
Cotton Blankets, per pair. . . .37c
Cotton Blanhets, per pair . . . ,50c
Cotton Blankets, per pair ..$1.00
Cotton Blankets, per pair . . .1.25
Wool Blankets, $3.00 up to 10.00
Wite hmi Siaro.
No hunting or trespassing on
any of our Jand.
s26. Mvlandeu Bit'o'if.
at our store. New goods re- $
of furniture you
notici-: '
To Louisa May Itobb, Defendant!
you are nrreuy nniiiien mat on tne 3U flay
of October. 1602. Jarnci A. Itobb llled a peti
tion against vou in the district court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska, tbc object and praver
of which are to obtain a divorce from vou
on the grounds ot extreme cruelty and
fraudulent representation without good
cause, and that yon be restored to your
maiacn name, i.ouisa May Howard.
You are required to answer Bald petition
on or beforo Monday. December IS, IWJ.
Uy A. H. Davis, Jits Attorney. ' ni-i
notice rou rmiuoATiotf.
Land Office- at Norlli I'lnlle. Neb.,
October Sltli. 1W..
Notice lahorebrnlYcn that the fnllowlne-niimml
settlor has tiled notlro of bis Intention lo tnnke
nnal pronf in support of lil claim, nml that Hslu
proof will 1 nindo before tho llefflstcr and llo
celvrr, tinltad Statna Land OlDco, North Finite,
Neb., on December 12th, 11KT vlr:
who made Homestead Entry Nn, 17512, for tho
northwest quartor of coctlon HI, town 11. north
of ran (to 3.1, west 6th 1. M. lie names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove tils continuous rcsl.
dnnce upon and nnltlratlon ot said land, vU:
John Uonestrel, William Lakln, Nathaniel Lapp
and L. O. Wbltmore, all of Watlncc, Nob,
o3l-d Ozo. K. FBENcn, liegtster,
ORDEIt or imniNO,
Btateot Nebraska, Lincoln county, B S.
In tho matter of tbo L'atato ot John Ell Si
On loading and filing tho petition of Aaron
Scull, praying that the Instrument, filed on Ibe
Stb day ot October, 1UQ2, nnd purporting to bo
the last will and testament ot the said deceased,
may b pioved, approved, probated, allowed and
recorded an tho Inst will and testament of the
said John Kll Scull, decessod, and that tho exe
cution of said Instrument may be committed nnd
the adm!nltrntton ot nld esUito may be granlod
to nrnn Houll as Executor.
Ordered that November 22, 1002, at 0 o,ctock n.
m. , Is assigned for hearing said petition, when
all porsons interested In said matter mny appear
ntn County Court to be hold In nnd fur said
county and show canse why tho prayer ot petition
suouia uoi oo granted.
A. S. IlAI.DWIif,
031-3 County Judgo.
Land OtUco nt North Platte, Neb.,
October 14th, 1002.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named selllcr has flled notlco of his Intention to
make final proof In support of bis claim and that
said proof will bo made before register and re
ceiver ot tho U. H. Laud (llllce at North Platte,
Neb., on November 21lh, 1002. viz:
who ninde Homestead F.ntry No. 17, M9. for the
northwest qunrter of tho southeast quarter nnd
northeast quartor ot the Fouthnest quarter nnd
Lota 3 and 4. of Section 7, Town 0, north of
ltangeSOwost of Sixth P. M.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove Ids
continuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land. vU: Edward L. Mooney, and Edwnrd Eaves
of North FlHtto, Nch., Charles Torry. of Well
fleet. Neb., and Austin L. Fletcher, ot Kclio, Neb,
ol70 Gr.onn K. Fmncn, Ileglstor.
Lnnd OBlce at North Platte. Neb.
October 13th, 1002.
Notice la hereby clven that Florenco P.
IXenvltt, guardian ot Carrlo M. lYonnek, has
proof before register ami receiver U. S. land
nfflce a North Piatt. Neb., on Saturday, the
22 dny of November, 1902, on tlmbr culture ap
plication No. 13,027, for tho Northeast quarter
of section No. 32, In township No. 12, north rnngo
No. 30 west ot tho Sixth P. M. She nnmes a
wltnescsst Irwin A. Fort, ,lohn Connolly,
Ooorgo W. Dtoner and Henry J. DIcner, all of
North Platte, Neb.
ol7-8 Or.onor E. FniNcn, Register.
Estray Notice.
Taken up as an ostrny by'the undor
ignod on his promises in Iirndv. Lin
coin county. Nournskti, on tho 21th dny
of Sopt., 1002, ono stcor nbout ono yenr
old. coh)r red, branded V on right hip,
wliito ppot iti forobond, Tho owner is
notiflod to nppenr, provo property, puy
churges nnd tnko nnimal nwny or sumo
will be sold nccordiim to law.
olC- P.J. WATEnnonv.
Logal Kotlco,
To Hubert W. Qloason, non-resident
You nro hereby notified that on tho
llth day of Ootobor, 15)02, Lillian I
Olenson, (Hod a petition ngainst you in
the district court of Lincoln county.
Nobrnskn, tho object nnd prnyor of
which nro to obtain a flivorco from you
on tho ground ihnt you hnvo wilfully
nbnndonod the plaintiff without good
cruise and that you hnvo wnutonly nnd
cruelly nocleotod to support nnd nintn
tain plnintilT and her child for ovor two
years Inst pnst, nnd for tbo custody ot
Ilolon A. GloiiBon, tho itatio of Kiiid
mnrriiigo nged four yours pnst.
You nro required to nnswer snid peti
tion on or boforo tho 21th dny of Ko
yorabor, 1902.
Lillian I. Gleason,
By Wilcox & Hiilligun, her Attorneys.
Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics euro by acting direotly upon
tho dlsoaso, without oicitiag disorder in
njy other part of tho system.
'jo, cvkKi, nucu.
I- l'evers. Congoitloni, Innammatlons. ,5
II Worms, Worm Fevor, Worm Colic... .25
3 Teething, ColIo.Crylng.Wakefulness .23
d-Olarrben, of Children or Adults if 5
7-Coualu, Colds, llronchltls 23
B-Neurntgla, Yoothache, Faceache 23
9-llendaclio, Blclc Headache, Vertigo.. .23
10 I) )-s pe ps I a , t ndlgea tlon.Weok Stomach .2 5
11 Suppressed or Painful Periods 25
IU Whiles, Too Profuse Periods 23
13 Croup, Lar"tillltls, Hoarseness 23
14 Salt niieum. Erysipelas, Eruptions,. .23
15 rtheurootlsni, Hheumattq Pains 23
lfl-Mnlorln, Chills, Fever and Ague 23
10 Catarrh, Induenia, Cold In tho Hood ,25
20 Whooping. Cough 23
ST-Kldney Diseases 25
2H Ncrvous-Dcblllty.. 1,00
30-Urlnnry Weakness, Wetting Bed 23
77-Grlp, Hay Fever 23
n?.kU u.mphIf yiV V??0 all Diseases at your
Druggists or Mailed t ree.
Bold by ilruKgtsts. or sent on receipt of nrlco.
How feV Co" c' VMHilmo? John SS!: