c Local Nows in Brief, j DB.P. W. MILIEU, GRADUATE DENTIST.' Office oror Btreltt'i Drug Btoro. Thono 82. A light fall of fitiow extended cast as far as Sutherland Wednes day afternoon. The D. K. dancing club gave its bi-weekly party at the opera bpuse WedncbUay evening. Readers wilt notice a change of the page advertisement of The Leader. It is well worth any onc'a time to read the ad. The Harmony card club will be entertained this evening by Mr. and Mrs. Claude Weiugand. Ma Fred Frcdcrickson has been confined to bed tor several days past with a fever which has symp toms ot typhoid. E. F. Seebcrgcr has a badly burned mouth aud throat, the result of mistaking ammonia lor listcrinc when gargling lna throat. Lincoln county farmers have so far been cautious in turning their cattle into the corn stalk fields, and as a result few daths arc re ported. Charley Satncltrn, of The Thi dune force, has taken a week's lay off and is devoting the time to kill ing wild geese at the home of IiIb brother southeast of town. i Hunters are meeting with fair success in killing wild geese this week. Several particR have brought in from six to twelve each. The fowls arc tn fine condition. Cunningham sells Stove Board, Linoleum, Stove Mats, Bindings, Stove Pipe, etc. A recent letter from A. B. Hong land, now at St. Louis, announces that Mrs. Honglaud's ryes arc in bad condition and do not teem to improve much under treatment given. Tlios. Simants has just finished filling a big hay contract with Harrington & Tobin, By the time Mr. Simants finishes baling he will have handled over a thousand tonB of hay this season. Rev. C. F, Swandcr, assisted by an out of town vocalist, has been holding evangelistic services nt the Christian church this week. There has been a fair attendance at the services each evening. North Platte merchants are mak ing a strenuous campaign for trade this tall, and generally speak ing their cffortH are being re- warded. The country trade this tall has been larger than lor sev eral, years past. ' Buy Angel Food Taffy at Hup xer s The reputation Of Ridglcy, Kelly and Federuoof as champion geese hunters has faded. On their ex pedition the early part of the week they succeeded in killing but five, tour ot winch were brought down uy v eucrnoot, Hicks predicts n storm period from November 19lh to 23d with a cold wave on the 22d. This will be followed by unsettled weather with considerable sleet and snow. He udviscB that all out door work be in good shape prior to thia Btorm period, Lost. 011 'the streets last Wcdncs- day a ladles gold watch, with short chain attached, and Maccabce charm with mm. L. S." engraved on charm, Finder will please leave at thin oilkc and receive suitable reward, Gen, A. McMichael, of this city, has earned the title of tennis champion of the Northwestern Unt- vcrtlty at Bvanston. Ill, Mr. Mc Michael won the fiiiul Binglea from the students, and later won three straights from the champion play er ot tlie tacultv ot tuu university Ah there are about three thousand students, the victory for Mr. Mc Michael is qulle a feuther in his cap. Drink Planter's Blend. Finest Coffep grown. Last Saturday the household goods of one Shirley were sold by the sheriff under a distress warrant issued by the county treasurer for personal taxes due, Shirley, like others, had been notified of his delinquency, bnt paid no attention to the notice. Others who are not responding to the final appeal of the county treasurer will receive the saute treatment as Shirley, Treasurer Scharmann is sworn to rio all in his power to collect dclln tiuent taxes, and he intends to carry out that obligation. Ladies' Skirts. After you have looked at the make and work of all the lines of Ladies1 Dress Skirts in town come and look at ours. We will show you Skirts that arc made and finished as you would nice to have them. Over thirty-live styles to pick from, Wittex Deptf tment Store. Now For Your Overcoat Trade, "ready made;" on the contrary there is grace and beauty of contour which cannot be equaled except by tailors of the first class. Yours at the phenomenally low price of $10 Star Clothing House. Siove Pipe. 6-in. Steel Stove Pipe per jointlSc 6-inch Planished btovc Pipe per joint 50c 6-inch Galvanized Stove Pipe per joint,. 30c 6-inch Common Elbows, each 10c jiu u Dell Huntington is working at his trade at Fort Kuatcll, uear Cheyenne, Loren Sturges, Jr., in attending the Highland Park College ut Dea MolncH, Iowa. The Schubert Symphony club will give its concert at the opera' house this evening. Wanted A girl for general housework. Apply to Mtb. 11, N. Smith, cabt Sixth street. Bishop Graves will conduct the bcrvlceB at the Church of our Sav- lour on Sunday. Morning, service at 10:30 and evening at 7:30. Mrs. Sarah Bangs, who was dan gerouily ill with blood, poisoning reaultipg irom the extraction ot u number of teeth, is reported much improved, Next Sabbath will be Decision Day at the Presbyterian church and Subbath school. Let it be a rally day too, for all of the member ship, a rallying of workers around their Captain and Lord, A wel come to all. 4 Quite a large amount of lumber is ueiug hauled to the Murphy land webt ol town, now owned by the Pnvnc Investment Co., with which to erect corralls and bam for the protection of the cattle which have been placed on the land. The move against the clzar trust which the retatl dealura in the ca.st cbcen making has reached Om aha and will later reach North Platte. Cigars made and controlled by the trust will not be pushed, while those made by the independ ent manufacturers will be shoved lor all they are worth. Consumers will be asked to quit the use ot trust made cigars and tobacco. New samplcB for Fall and. Winter Clothing. A. P. Carlson, agent Old stand, A Washington dispatch Bays that not until next spring will there be any decision by the inter ior department as to where the be L'inniuir i to be made in the work of reclaiming arid landB ny irrigation under tederal auspices. In the mean time Western NebrnB ka should awaken to the fact that If irovernment work ot'lhia kind is to be made in this section ot the state, a campaign Bhould be iuaug urated. Ammunition. 12-Gaucrc New Rival Shells, ner box.. $.45 4 10-Gaucrc New Rival Shells, ner box 50 4 12-Gauge Repeater Smoke iC9a Shells, per box 60 lo-GSuge Repeater Smoke less Shells, per box 65 Wilcox Department Store Department Best Showing Of the Yaar. An Extremely Fashion able Overcoat, 44-inch, full box, made of fine finished cloths of most sought after colors, all satin lined throughout with an extra quality of satin guaranteed to stand the wear. There is nothing in the appearance of these over coats which stamps them as l) 5 9 k Editor Kelly went to Omaha eduetday night. The county commissioners will convene in session next Monday. The J. S. club was pleasantly en tertained WedueBdav even ui' hv ir. aim iurs. u. w, mown. The Woman's Relief Corns served an excellent bUpper Tuesday even ing ana a generous patronage re sulted. W. C. Cole, of Nichols orecinct. napped three cars of hogs to the a ... ' 4 f uiiiiver marxct yesterday. The Episcopal ladies will hold their annual fair and supper at the opera nouse next Thursday even ing, Nov. 20th. The two buffalo, which had been I . . k. a . r Kepi iii me v,oay rnncu, were shipped to New York Wednesday, along with twelve or fifteen head of horses. A large audience attended the play "Sis Hopkins" at the opera house Tuesday evening, and it was pronounced one of the best plays seen 111 norm riaite ior years, Little interest is evinced in the proposition to vote bondB for a gas oltne gas plant, but it is probable mat more will be taken when th date of the electron draws nearer. Five-room house for rent. Iu uirc of Mrs, C, M. Dillard. Adycrtling paper has been re ccivedtor'A Night on Broadway aim "un me stroke ot Twelve. two companies that will appear at me opera nouae in the near ,future. uuring me lour ciayn ot nice n...i it weather which we are to haye, Job Nenry recommends all to hav their shoes repaired at his shoe shop, where they can have th soles sewed on, as he has plenty IIIIIC, There will be two or three local applicants for the position of re celver of the U. S. land office made vacant by the death of Frank Ba con, and it in probahle that there win by one or two applicants from uawson county. For Sale. Full blooded Poland Chinas.lSuch strain n Chief Tccumseh 2d and Chief I Know. Best on earth and perfection. Wm Suluvan, IIcrBhey, Neb Overshoes Ready for you when the weather says you need tlicm. Best grade, fresh made, OvcVshoes, iif all the favorite styles light or heavy weights here in am ple quantities, for Men, Boys, Women. Girls and Children. Loggings and Ov crgaitcrs as well. Yiyfiy FRONT I SHOE STORE GEO. M. GRAHAM, Mgr. ........ ........ ...r.... PERSONAL MENTION. 8 nrrfrrrr4M rrnM Tiev. J.' B. Fitzgerald, late priest of the local Catholic parish, lelt csterday for Norfolk. Mrs. W. C Blackmore of Sulh rland was the guest of friends in town lor a day or two this week. Miss Mildred Frazier and mother left yesterday for Denver, where they will probably reside in the future. W. II. McLcar, the Gandy ruirciat, was in town yesterday to! cut his sister, who arrived from Toronto, Canada. Sidney Dillon left thin week for rkansas with a carload of horses hich will be used in the Dillon radiug outfit. County Clerk Ginn and Arthur cNatnara left Wednesday morn- g on a ten days' trip to Keith and cPherson counties. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dili went to I Omaha Tuesday niirht for the pur pose of liavintr an occulist examine one of Mr. D.li'a eyes. II. S. Ridglcy left last night for Cody, Wyo , to transact business nrt be present at the opening ot Col. Cody's new hotel. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Booker, ot othcuburg, were called hereTues- as night by the death ot their brother-in-law Frank .Bacon. A. w. Flumer ot Maxwell, was n town yesterday, having returned rom Omaha where he marketed ix cars of western cattle at a satis factory price. Matt Clair came up trom Omaha the early part of the week to look iter business matters nuu visit nends. He will probably return to Omaha tomorrow. Mrs. Laura Vanllorn and Mrs, Thos. Jones, of Crcede, Col , are the guests of their aunt. Mrs. D. W. Baker, and will remain tor some time in order to receive the benefits ot a low altitude. The adies arc accomplished musicians, one a vocalist the other a pianist. To the Public Under instructions from the com missioner of the general land office, the local United States land office n this city is open for the informa tion ot the public relative to lands n the dtstttct. Applications for homesteads will be received, sub ject to the action of the register and receiver when the vacancy, caused by the death of Mr. Bacon, is tilled. Lutheran Church. bunday morning the congrega tion and Sunday school will unite in a joint Home Mission service, the bunday school making its an service will becin at the hour for regular church service. All mem bers ot church and Sunday school are expected to be presint. The Luther League will meet at 6:30. At 7:30 p. m. Rev, Seibertwill take as his subject Tlgodore Flicdner of I Kaiscrworth, Germany, the rcstor- er 01 me oince 01 ueaconess in me i it. re . e w Christian church, the same beintr the third address on "Hrayinir and Working." It you have no other church we shall be delighted to have you worship with us, A New Play Coming. jony American Tramp," a pure comedy melodrama bv the author ot Sol Smith Ruaaell'n great "A I'oor Relation" and successes, it Peaceful Vallev". will will ,nv- its initial presentation at the opera house Monday evening, JNov. ltb. Iu this piece the noted author clinus to the great mass ot people and takes his hero from among the lowly and unfortunate. 'The theme 1r.nl witli flii mnrlitnntirina nf fh ricn to grasp more gold, even it a woman's happiness aye, a human life is to be sacrificed to attain it. There are many situations in "A Jolly American Tramp" that will appeal to every one. The climaxes are said to be thrillingly interest- Ing and exciting to a degree. Much tender pathos aud many heart- touching passages are interwoven in its stirring story; the comrdy elements in it present many lauch- ter-provoking and sidc-splttting predicaments from which the hero I extradites himself in a ludicrous manner. The company which will present "A Jolly American Tramp" i, we are told, one ot the best now en tour, and a thorough perform ance is looked ior For Sale Fresh Milch Cow with calf bv her side., Enquire at U, S. land office. Shoes Children's Shoes, 5 to 8, per pair Misses' School Shoes, 11 Yi to 2, per pair. . . . Boys' Shoes, 13 to 2, per pair Ladies Shoes( Kid or Calf, per pair t . I Ol ' ! ... .50 ,S1.25 .$1.25 .$1.50 men onoea, pur pair rUM nrv $1.25, $1.50, $2, lip to, .$9 UU J Wilcox Department Store 0 There are Others "Who sell Stoves, (0 Stoves at such low I Everything in Furniture $ (i; "Will be found at our store. New goods re- i$j M ceived daily. That article of furniture you U fo need will be found here. i 0 to S E R WARNER. t to - f TIME BIG BLANKETS. , Cotton Blankets, per pair. . . .37c Cotton Blankets, per pair .. ..50c Cotton Blankets, per pair ..$1.00 Cotton Blankets, per pair... 1.25 Wool Blankets, $3.00 up to 10.00 S. G. TurnquUt, a farmer hying near Gothenburg, turned seventy hix cattle into a nine-acre corn stalk held, and in less than a day twenty-lour of them were dead. Another farmer living near Lpdi, Custer cotmtv, lost twenty-two head from the stalk disease. It is a little BtrnuL'e that farmers will not learn the bad effects following the turning of cattle into stalk fields. Lloyd's Opera House, ONE NIGHT ONLY, Monday, Nov. 17 The Greatest Comedy Melo- Drama of the Age, A JOLLY- AMERICAN TRAMP. By E. E. Kidder, AutllOf Of "POOT Re- lation" and "Peaceful Valley." GREAT COMPANY. HANDSOME SCENERY Hello Central! Give me 147-Tlie Tramp Grocery. "Send mc n sack of your Gibbon Flour, the 'Sun Beam,' that is the best flour I ever used," We do not want to brag, but lb,e above remark is an every day Occurrence Wltll US. lalDDOn Flour makes ideal bread. Wc also quote you a few prices: nmn.,in,i , m iiw aim Panoy tublo syrup, per Knl .; -10o Homo mndo country sorghum, per g C0o PV mnplo syrup (extra line) porunl 1.35 Wrlrht n hlinlf vvhnilf . nfir DOlinil. . 4n 2l.pound staudnrd totnatooo, 10a , per can; por enso u.uo 3 pounds Ex Jnpntvriop for 25o rnxion ic unilnizher iso i m a J cofToe, por pound 33o We have the best line of canned goods to be-found in the city: ulltEdRo ;l-lb tomatoes, per can., lfjo Gilt 12dRO 2-lb pours, por cun .... ICo Gilt E(1ro 2-lb string benne.por can lfio UiltKdL'o a li Buccoinan, nor can 15o Gilt Edgo 2-lb corn, porenn lIHa -v i? t - ' vjur line ui vm isinias yueens- ware will interest you. Uur prices arc correct, and it will pay you to give us a trial. We want your trade THE TRAMP GROCERY E, T. TRAMP, Prop. AN ORDINANCE. To submit, in purBiinnco to n Biifllulnnt notltlon nerotororo 1 cd on tho 7th .Inv ot Oetobur, 1002, to tho electors of tho Uity or iMortit riatto, Lincoln countv, iNouriiBis", m. ii epecini election callod therefor, in said city, for thotr approval or rojooiion, mo pronosition ns to whethor tho snid Cltv of North Pii.t.tn slinll or shall not ieauo its bonds in tho sum ot Hitmen Tiiouenmi Dollars (SlD.uuuimm denominations ot 8t.000.0J eaon, uennni: inwreai nt rour per cent i . . . . per annum, payable Eomi-annually. maturing in twenty yuare, but to be nayaulo nt any t me after ton vonra frnm their dat", ut the option of said city, for the purpose ot raising a sum sutllolont to erect, build and establish a Kusolino cas plant ior naming hihi heatlDc pur Poecs in paid oity. and the snmo to be erected, t3tabllphed, owned and operated by Bald City of North Platte; nnd shall the proper olllcoroof saldolty beautlpr ized to levy, in addition to tho usunl taxes, u special tax on all tho taxable mmm but none who sell such good ) figures, iff ' to STORE. to property in snld city Hufflciontto pay tho iiuuunl interott on said bonds ru tho snmo tnny bocotno duo; and to tils lovy n sum BUlliuiout In ureutu n sinking fund for tho purpose or. paying, ut matuiry, tho principiti ol snld Honda. Said hoods to bo do3ii;nntod ''Gusolino G:i3 l'lunt Bonds." Bo it Ordained by tho Mayor nnd Coun cil of tlioUity or Worth i'latto. Section 1. That on tho 30th day (f December, 1002, thoro shall be submlltod to tho votora ot tho city of Norti rlatto. in accordance with n potition b iretoforo preEonted to tbo council of Bttd oity, signed by tin or moro reiidsnt freo- holdors or oiian ol tho thiee wards ot said city, tho following proposition, to-wit: fikst. Shall tho city of North Platte, isiuo Its bonds in tho sum of Fit teon Thous and Dollars (.310,000.00), in denomina tions of 81,000 00 each, bearing iuterent ut four por coat par unautn, puyublo Bcmi-nunuully, maturing in twenty your but tiayablo nt any timo utter ton years from thoir date, ut tho option of enid city, for tho purpose- of raising a sum nulllciont to oroot and ostablisti n gntolono gas plant for lighting nnd heat ing purposes in and for said city, nnd the piuno to bo ereotod, established, owned nnd operated by paid oity of North Platte; and shall tho propor ofllcers ot said oity bo uuthorred to lory, in addition to tho usual taxep, a epoeial tax on all tho tuxnblo property in said oity sufficient to pay tho nnnuul intorest on said bonds no tho eauio may bucotno duo; and to also lovy u sum sulllciout to create a sinking fund for tho purpose of paying, nt maturity, tho principal of said bondti. Said bnds to bo designated "Gasoliuo Gub Plant Bonds." SECOND. Said bonds to bo negotiable in form and pnyablo at tho Fiscal Agency of tho Stute of Nebraska, in the City of Now York. THIRD. Tbo ballots to bo used nt said oleo' ion shull havo printed thereon:' "FOIt issuing Fiftoen Thousand Dol lurs ($15,000 1)0), in tho bonds or tho city ot North Platte, In denominations of 11,00000 each, bearing intorest at four por cent por annum, payable semi annually maturing in twenty years but payablo at any tmio lifior ten years from their date, nt tho option cf said city, for tho purposo of orocting nnd establishing a gasoliuo gas piiinv ior ueimng nuu ngnting purposed." "AGAINST issuing Fifteen Thousand Dollars (815.000.001. in tho bonds of tho oity of North Plntto, in denomination of 81,000.00 oaoh, bearing interest at four per cent per nunum, payablo Hotni-au-nuallo, maturing in twenty yearj, but payablo any timo nftor ten years from their dato, at the option of said city, for tho purposo ot oreoting nnd ostnlli6hing a gnBohno gas plant for hoatinc and lighting purposes." Sec. 2. Thoso votinc in favor of snld proposition shall marlc their ballots with an (X) after tho proposition beginning: "For issuing Fifieon Thousand Dollars in tho bonds of the city of North Platto." Thoso voting iigal net said proposition shall mark their ballots with nn (X) nftor tho pronosition boirinnlntr: "Against issuing Fifteen lhnuumd Dol lars in tho bonds of tho City of North Platto." Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take ou"oct and be in force from and aftor its nassago and publication ua provided by law. Passed by tho Mayor and Couuoil Nov. Cth, 1002. II.MtnY Samelson Clork. Approved Nov. Gth, 1002. LiRSTEK WALKEIt, Alliyor, UESOLUTJON. Bo it resolved, by tho Mayor and CityJCouncil ot tho City of North Platto, Nebroska, thnt tho orr dlnanco herotoforo passed on tjio 0th day of March, 1002, granting oT franchtso to oroot and maintain gns works in tho city of North Plntto nnd regulnting tho constructing nnd opera tion tlioroot to Clinton J. Colboy nnd Charles I. Tonny, that tho same bo sub mitted to tho votors of tho cjty ot North Platte, nt a special election called for that purposo on tho 30th dny of Decem ber, 1002, for tho approval, adoption or rejection of snid ordinance fit enid elec tion by said votdru of tho city of North Plntto. . Tho ballots to bo usod at said election shall li avo printed thereon : "For grant ing a frnnchiBo to oreot m d maintain gas works in tho city of North Plntto regulating the construction nnd oporn tlon ihorof." "Against grnnting n franchi? o to oroct and mnintaiu gas works iu tho cily ot North Platto, and regulating thd cou: struction and operation thereof." Thoso voting in favor ot said proposi tion slinll mark their ballots with an (X) opposito tho proposition beginning "For granting a frnnohiso to orect and main tain gas works in tho oity of North Platto, regulating tho construction and oporntlon theroof." Thoso voting ngnlnst said proposition, shall mark thoir ballots with an (X) after tho proposition beginning: "Against granting n franohiso to oroot and mni--tnin gns works iu the oity of North Platte, and rcgulatmtr tho construction and operation thereof." 'Dint, lliln rncnlntlnn cl.nlt nl. ir,.f and bo in forco from nml nftor ita nassngo and tho proposition herein d n'l be submitted to tho votors of tho city if North Platte up provided by low.