Ika L.Bake, Editor and Publisher sunscmi'TJOK rates: One Year cash In advance I' S Six Months cash In advance M cents Entered at North Watte. Nebraska, Postof llcc an second class matter. FRIDAY, NOV, 14, 1902. Juur.R Kinkadb carried twenty eight of the thirty-three counties in the Sixth congressional dihtrlct. That comes mighty near beinu unauimous, Geo. C. McAlmstkh, republican candidate for representative was elected by a majority of 759. He received a majority in all counties in the district except Perkins, In view ot the rumor that Sena tor Millard will resign, this paper wants to go on record au favoring A. 15. Cady aB his successor. Mr. Cady is one of the brainiest men in Nebraska nild well equipped for a scat in the United State senate. WUtl Thousands of republicans in Nebraska; ;Will not forget that ISdltor Rosewatcr ot the Omaha I3ce did much to secure the election of Hitchcock to coifgrcsa. Knives have been whetted to a keen edge and they will 'be Ufccd on Kosc water at the first opportunity, Pioneer' precinct, in Deuel county, which cast its entire vote tor McKinley six yearn ago, held no election this year, that is nut a res ident of the twenty or more in the precinct cast a vote. In speaking of this the Clnppcll Register Bays: Wc hardly know which is the more significant. Wc read between the lines that the sand hills wanted prosperity, voted for it, got it, and are now satisfied to let well enough abne and don't care to put the county to the expense of holding an election lor them, There is already heard a low murmur that the republicans of the state, will, in some way at. oonic future time remind Douglan comity it must be more loyal to the Re publican party and not so en thusiastic in thej cause of rot-gut and beer if it is to enjoy the cinolu mcnts.arid honors of political office. Omaha- always goes out of lW way to disqover if a caudidato ba,s coin puiiciiuns ugiiwiHi uuwuug up ai the gin mills If it finds be tins it raises the prohibition cry and cuts him off the ticket. But tltc Htatc can elect its candidates without the help of Omaha, This being true it might not bcamiHs to give that city a tew cnoy lesBonn in the ethics of political decency Fremont Tri buue. Beautiful Clear Skies. Harbiao oxerts n tllrcot Inlluonoo on the bowola, liver and kidneys, purifying and etretujthenlnff tlioso oranna, and mtunlululng them In a normal condition ot honlth, . thus .removing n commpn cause ot yollow, mqthy, groiuy skin, and more or lose pimples; blotoheu and binolc- hoailrt. GUo ut A. V, Stroltz'a Cornur Drug Store. BETWEEN THE RIVERS. Mrs. Byler and Mlsu Gertie. Smith of llcrshcy went to the county seat on Tuenday remainimr until afver the thrcatru in that city tuat evening, . Wild geese and ducks arc coming into the valley tn large numbers o late, tii ere are about ns many sportsmen as there arc fowls. Not withstanding the large stories told by the wily sportsmen the bagging lias been very iigut so tar. "Shorty" Gasell is erecting D, M Leypoldt's new residence in the village of llcrshcy. O. II. 13yerly and two little boys were in attendance at the theatre at the county metropolis Tuesday nigut. L. E Jones' father of Sterling 111., arrived Wednesday for a visit with Inn son, who met him at North Platte. Henry Weil was over north this week buying stock hogs to follow the eiirhtyfivc head ot Rtccru tha he is fattening for the spring market. M. Mickleson of Ilcrnhev has quite n stock ot lumber in his new- yard at that place, Overshoes. Mcrra itcavy wucuic m aa Arctics, per pair., ..,,?"" Men'a Snow Excluder Arctics, ucary kou jm ie Edge, per patr..,,....,3 Ladies JJucKic Arctics ncr pair , vL These arc all fresh g-oods nn wc guarantee the satisfactoi wear of every pair. Wikox Department Store GERMAN HEATER. W. II. CoimiDiliaiii, HARDWARE, TINWARE, STOVES, Etc. I have the Round Oak, Rock Island, and Gem City SOFT COAL STOVES, all good reliable stoyes. Call and sec the GERMAN HEATER the king- of all soft coal Heaters. My Prices are Right. DRATT. VVVVVVVVVvVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVW E. R. GOODMAN. CO., JOHN BR ATT & 1 Real Estate, Loans Insurance i Idle Honey Invested In Clllt Edged Securities X NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, Wc understand that A, B. Good win and Dallas Wills are both haul ing baled hay for Seebcrger & Co. at this time. Alex Robinson and wife, who were visiting His brother, J. v. Robinson, and familv. have re turned to their Lone in South Da kota, We unJcrHtnnd they were well plraued wild this locality. U. Li. inctclur, MU Keaa Punkhouscr and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Pearson attended the theatre t North Platte Tuesday evening. There will be quite a bit ot al falfa seed hulled in this vicinity this fall. Mrs. Cbafl. Toillion'u mother, Mrs.' Deresclued, and Bister, Mrs, Anna Hewitt, returned to their home in Illinois after a couple of necks' visit in thin vicinity. Last Sabbath after Rev. Clinin- bcrlain'rt dlfcournc at llcrshcy, he received two liunurcu dollars irom various ones, to apply on the in- cbtcdness of the church at that place. Corn nliucuiiig in this vicinity is In iul blast and the corn far super- or to what wasnt ttrst anticipated. Hoes and cattle that arc being fed on it look plump and healthy. u, li. White and W. ,R.' Hrooks will represent NIcIiqIb precinct as tirora at the December' term o! district court Baled hay is being loaded put as as't ns cars can be procured , and ugar beets iih fast as orders arc received from Grand Inland. It in stated t,hat A- A, Leister and Geo. Hachliey, the' nershey blncksmitlis, rue at the present time on the htrlkc. W, C. Cole( the largsst hog dealer n western Nebraska, shipped' two or three cam West the other day. If you have any hogs for pale he will buy them at the highest mar ket price, the size ot the animal cuts no figure with him, . . prices almost equal to the best hay. This week will clean up the beet crop around Sutherland. There was a heavy shipment last week but the receipts have fallen off greatly thin. The crop haB been handled succesblully and proved profitable. Some doubt was eutci taincd, during the early fall, if hands could be secured for the beet liarvesl, but it seems that there lias been sufficient help to do the necessary work. Dame Rumor hath it that Ed. Yates and Cora IStchison were married at Cheyenne Wednesday. Mesdamcs Gtchison and Conway went west on No. 3 Wednesday morning and wtre present at the wedding. If the Free Lance has trot history straight it hastens to congratulate the happy couple and wish them a pleasant domestic life. Xiuoli In Thlrtoin. By fondlnjr 13 miles Wm. Sniroy, of Wnlton Furtmco, Vt., i;ot n box ot Buck- on'o Arnlcn Snlvo, thnt wholly otircd n horrlblo Fovor Roro on his leg. Nothing eleo coy Id. Positively euros bruison, (t'lnns, uicers,' eruptions, boilc, bums corns mid piles. Only 2."o, Quiiruu toed by A. F. Stroll!-., Druggist, Sutherland Ncwsi Front tuo Froo Lnnco. Sam Audersou started his corn shredder Monday. The cxpurt was out, set up the machine and com- .menced operations, it is said that the machine works very satisfac torily and httBkH the corn cleaner than the average shucker, A large portion ot the com ticlds have been cut and harvested by Uiq corn bind ers and thcro will be considerable work for the shredder thi winter, The fodder is shredded in such shape that it can be baled and shipped, tiius creating another in dustry for the farmer who raises corn and has not the stock to con stinie the fodder. Some of this h redded fodder was bated nnd shipped to Omaha last winter a nil the HlocKincn seemed to prcicr it bciore hay and it would command I H. DAVIS, ATTOUNKY-AT-LAW. NORTH PLATTE,, - - NEBRASKA Orndy Block Rooms 1 & 2. All persons knowing themselves indebted to Lincoln county for personal taxes for the years 1901 aaftd prior, will please take notice that if these taxes arc not paid, Distress warrants win oe issuea December 1st, 1902. These taxes MUST BE PAID. j! Do not blame me if you are compelled to pay costs. C. F. SCIIARMANN, County Treasurer. E. ROCHE, ATTOUNBY-AT-IjAW, HlNMAN UlXOK, - DflWEV StnKKT, NoHTH Pr..TTK, Nkhiiaska. H. L T.01' New Stock of Furniture Jual received, including-a very handsome line of Rocking Chairs rnd Cook Adjustable Reclining Chairs. Blankets and Quilts. , . "Wc have just added a line of Blankets and Quills to our stock. Come in and sec them. HOWE'S FURNITURE STORE. . VSAWVVVVWVVWVW (AWWVVWW WVVSA WVVA,(VVWV Asloep Amid name a. Bronltlng Into a blazing homo, some dromon lately drnggod U10 sleeping in mates from dontb. Fnnclod soourity, nnd death nonr. It's that woy whon you uegloot cou"ghs nnd colds. Don't do it. Dr. King's New DIcovory for Con rumption givoa porfec'- protootton ngnlnst nil Throat, Chest and Lung Troublos. Keon It nor nnd'nyold sUf- faring, donth, nnd doctor's bills. A toa- sjiodnful stops n Into cough, persistent uno tbo most stubborn. Iiarrtilosa nnd nico tnsting, it's gunrnnteqd to satisfy by A. F. Stroitz. Prico C0o.and 81,.Q0. Trml bottlos froo. e 0 0 . a e o a s a a a a a a a a a a a 0 3i. Rubbei Fountain Syringes, Hot Water Bottles, Complexion Brushes, Bulb Syringes, Massage Rollers, Gloves Nipples, Sponges, Tubing, and all other Rubber' Goods, just received fresh from the factory at low prices. A. P. STREITZ'S Corner Drug Store. ;S Bratt, Burke & Goodman, m m 8 DEALERS IN LIVE STOCK. BUY OR SELL ON COMmiSSION.' , Referencw Any Bank In Nebraska, Tel. No. 65. Office Bratt Bldg. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Stove Pipe Enamel. A 25 cent can will put a beautmu eioss on oja pipes, stoves and all irqn work. aoentb ron Heath & Million Paints. 0 FALL AND WINTER SUITINGS Wc arc now ahowinc-'a new line of "Knll and Winter Suitings which wc make up to order in correct style and perfect fit. Your inspection and order is solicited. F. J. BROEKER, Morohaut Tailor. JJJ John Brntt John JUurke E, R. Goodmnn Ml m ii ft 9 9 JOS. HERSHEY i A 0 Farm Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes and Fit r tings and Tanks, Barb Wire. Bale Ties, Lightening . , . f Hay Press & Repairs 1 Locust St 9 9 1 m 9 NORTH PLATTE, NEB. OS Fiv Cent Ciar AT SOHMALZBIBD'S. PROFESSIONAL OARDS E. MoOAW, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OfUce over IIuiTmunB Millinery Store N0IITH PnATTE, - - Nedkabka 'ATTERSON, RTTORNBY-KT-LKW, OfUce over Yollow Front Shoe Store NORTH PLATTE. NKB. Q V. BEDELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Oflloeu: North Platte Nntionnl Bnnk Building, North PlnU, Nel. OeC00000OO0030OOO0C0S000S)0OOOOOGCl90CO0OQ0OOUOCeOOS9O a li o o o a a CI w CO a o ( a "Tha roailcra of t 'w A. O. U, Vt, GuWc, who ny bo afflicted Tf ItU rhetimallsa, nro lioro'jy Infuiwfit lUat tvo Jmro iea tmi romcay (ow) m cup ftouly Jor two yonre, ,ivi mil ji.M uiitb cunxl lhutumUm ot tho una ct r.!s ticotla' t'.uatflrif. &iul rljou. P Editor of A. O. U. Vvr. Guide Editorially Eniloroca MATT J. JOHNSON'S an$J tonic VjVi-.v.fyoiivu. i It Cures f.nHSKSS t kV"" " ' ss:tTY cjchtv-c:c:iv.) tSrvtTo jrsranioo ooatl to froo from a:; orlato, mitctiiIcOi Iroilc, 2 ooculuiwi ualloylatM nnd nit ioljo:ionn irnu cb S n.ntlKn of tmi toot ot a y"o auuCUai;, utter cxpcilucotici: vx asvi rat roculor J jjrowilsa?! AiJrocctvlnsfnordJoV DAVID RAHALKY. o RBRli ytVlfli Xbo ImU n boulo enil If not BRtliftctf rr rstnni tha Vottlo ana yew O UlAti tMr Vl-l L3 tc?unU4d, It lousl'.i (.a our uuthorUcd tcaO. iror Sb'.o ant! Guaranteed Oniy Cy A, F. Streitz, North Platte, Neb. JB is invariably found in pfc every glass of I GUND'S Peerless Bottled Beer THE BEER. OF GOOD CHEER Because the best of materials and the greatest of care enter into the brewing of it. The ideal beverage for table use. JOHN CUND BREWING CO., - LtCrOMC, Wfe. sStndtSc for paeK of ftnt planing cards, 1 . H.gS'BHU&INGER, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. E S. RIDQELY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ofllco MoDonnlil Block. Dwey Btreet. NORTH PLATTE. - NEBRASKA yiLCOX & HALLIOAN, . ATTORNEYS-AT.L AW, . f OBTU PLATTE, - NKJIRAHKa Otnc OTr North nu Noni iiont. JQR. G. B. DENT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office over Post Office. Telephone 115. North Plntto, ... NobrnnUa J. S. HOAQLAND. VT, V. IlOAOLAND Hoayland & Hoagland, TTORNEYS nnd COUNSELLORS Office oTer Mm. lluHmnn'i MllUanrr Storfl NKI NOKT1I PtiATTK, HRAHItA D R. J. P. SHUTE, DENTIST. AH nranchen of Den tlstry HClentlilcallv done. Nitrous Oxlil Qas admlnlRtered.'lO Pennsylvania College ot Dental SurKery OtTlce over Wilcox Dept Store. 'Phont! mi. NOTICE. To Louisa May Itnbb. Defendant: You are horeby notlltcd that on tho 2.U day ot October. I80J, Janicn A. Itobb tiled a peti tion against vou in tne district court or Lin coln county, Nebraska, the object ind prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds ot extreme cruelty and fraudulent representation without pood cause, and that you be restored to your maiuen name, i.ouisa May iiuwaru. You are required to answer said petition on or beforo Monday. December 15, 1002. JAMES A. KU1I1I. Uy A. II. Davis. His Attorney. ni t NOTICE rOlt rUIlLKJATION. Lnnd Olllco nt North l'latte, Neb., October Sltb. IKE. Kntlco litierebrclvcu thnt the followlnif-riiinipd settlor has filed notice "( lus Intentlni to muko final proof In support ot hit clnlru, nnd that said proof will bo mnile beforo tbo lteUtor nnd llo celvr, Tjnlted 8ttos I,n(l Oftlce, North I'lntte, Kcb., on Deceinbor 12th. 1PQ2, vlrt IKV1N t AllAllliii., who rondo I!omtoart Entry No. 1T512, for the unrthwett quarter ot section SI, town 11, north of ronKOS.'i. westfith P. M. He names the fol lowing wttnn.es to prove nls routlnuou. ril dnnce upon and oultlratlnn of said land, vlr: John Doneateel, William Lnkln, Natbanlol Lapp and L. 0. Whttmore, all of Wnllaco, Neh, o3UI Quo. E. VnENcn. lteglster, OKDER OF 1IEA1UKO. State ot Nobraska, Lincoln county, S. S. rilODATE NOTlCX. In tho ruattor of tho Hstuto of John Ell Baull, doceased. On roadlng and flllnK tho petition of Anrnn flcull, praylnK Oiat Uo Instrument, fllud on tho 8th .lay of Ootober, 1W2, nud purportlnii to be. the last will and testament of th said deceased, tUHj b proved, approved, probatod, allowed and recorded aH the last will and testament of the said John Kll Heull, doceatcHl, and that tho elo cution of raid Instrument may be committed and tho administration of eald estate may bo grantod to aron Scnll a. Kxecutnr. Ordored thnt November 22, 1002, at 0 o.clock a. ra. , 1 as.lKticd for uenrlnn said petition, whon all porions lutoroated In Bald matter may appear at a Ooaaty Court to bo hold In and for eald county and show canae why tho prayer of petition should not bo (jrautod. A. El. IUldwik, oSl-S County Judgo. NOTICE FOIt PU11L10ATIOS. Land OUlco at North I'lntte, Nob., October 14th, 1002. Notice Is hnroby given that the following. named .ottler ban nlrd nottco of his Intention to make final proof In support of bla claim arid that old proof will bo made before register and re ceiver ot the U.H. Land (IHlce at North Platto, Neb., on November 21th, 1B02. vltt KRNK8T C. FLETOHEll, who mndo IIomcatead.Kntry No. 1709, for the northwest quartor of tho fouthenst quarter and nnrtheaat quarter of the southwest quarter and Lots 3 and I, of Hectlnn 7, Towu 0, north ot limine 20 went of Hlith P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove lili contlnaous re.ldenoo upon and cultivation of tald land, vln Edward L. Moouey, anil Edward Knve of North Platto, Neb., Charles Torry. of Well, fleet. Neb., and Austin L. Fletchor, of Echo, Nob, ol'fl OrnunnE, Fmwcn, llglnter. T1MUKH OULTUItE. FINAL PllOOF-NOTIOK FOH PUULIOATION. Land Offlcont North Plait. Neb. Outobar 13th, 1002. Notice Is hereby given that Florenco P. Loavltt, guardian ot Carrlo M. Peunock, has died notice ot Intention to make final proof before rvgliter and receiver U. S. land nfllce In North Platto, Neb., on Saturday, the 22 day of November, 1002, on timber culture ap plication No, 13,027, for the Northeast quarter of section No. 12, In township No. 12, north range No. 30 west of tbo Hlilh P, M, Hue name as wltnesesst Irwin A. Fort, John Connolly, Oeorgo W, Dlener and Henry J, Dlener, all of North Platto, Neb. ol7-0 OKonoK E. FnKNon, ItogUter. Estray Notice, TnltPn up lis an est my by ,ho lindor ifrnctl oa his promUea in Britdv. Liu. coin county. Nobraekn, on tho 21th tiny ot Sept., 1002, ono etoor nl)out ouo yeRr old. color rod, brnnded W on ripht hipi white ppot in forehend, The owner is notilied to nppenr, provo proporty, pay churKes nnd tnko nnimol nwny or eamo will be Bold nccordinc to law. o!5- P. J. Watkiuibuv. Legal Notloo. To Hubert W, Glonson, uoii-rosidont dotendunt: Vou nro hereby notified thnt on tho tlth day or Ootober, 1002, Lillinn I GlonBon, lllcd n potitiou nK'ninst yoii in the district court of Lincoln oouuty. NpbrnsUn, tho object nnd prayer or which nro to obtain n divorco from you ou the Rtound thnt you lmvo wilfully abandoned the plaintiff without good cause and thnt you hnvo wantonly nnd cruelly neglected to support and mnin tnm plaintilT nnd her child for over two yeaiB last past, and for tho custody ot Helen A. Glonson, tho ifsuo of said inarrinr.0 nKed rouryonrs pnst. lou are required to answer Bnid peti tion on or bororo the 21th day ot No vember, 1902. t nn, , t1L1,"JI.GleA80N, By Wilcox S: Halliynu, liorAttorneyB.