The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 11, 1902, Image 3

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Wedding Gifts
Cut Glass,
Hand Decorated China, t
Clocks and Silverware, $
S We have a fine line suitable Jt
g for Wedding Gifts. A lit-
8 tie early for Christmas &
$ Goods, will talk to you about $
g them later.
a Would be pleased to see
S you.
I Glinton,
g The Jeweler and Optician. g
'1UESDAY, KOV. 11, 1512.
s avar StroltL's Dratr Blaro. Pilous 82.
The Presbyterian ladies' aid bo-
iptv tnpptn with Mm. V. V. Hoai'.
land on Tljurtiday afternoon.
Co. Supt. Neale is devoting this
week to visiting schools in the ex
treme southeast part of the county.
Prof. Leonhardt, ot Gibbon, the
well known and efficient piano
tuner, is doing business in town
tuts week.
Mrs. B. L. Robinson, who had a
bail penetrate a toot, was able to
pet out ot the uouse bunday tor mc
time since the accident
We have some good native, dc
irncd, one and two-year-old steers
to sell at right prices.
Br att, Burke & Goodman.
H. S, Ridplcy will leave in a few
ays fo. Cody, VVyo., to transact
ninenn nnn win hihu uucuu 111c
Iopening of Colonel Cody's new
Angel Food Taffy at Huplet's.
The remains of Mrs. J. K. Can-
nan, who died in 1893, were disin
terred Saturday and shipped to
Ogden, where a daughter of the
deceased resides.
It won't cost you a fortune to get
vour Dental Work done at Dr.
J Asa result ot the scrap po Front
Street Thursday evening, in which
an old man was quite severely
beaten, a warrant was issued for
the arrest of Joe Landgraf. He
was brought before Judge Baldwin
and fined five dollars and costp,
amounting in all to about nine dol
lars. Five-room house for rent. In
quire of Mrs. C. M. Dillard.
The High School foot ball team,
which played the Kearney Military
Academy at Kearney Friday after
noon, was defeated by a score ot 1G
J!6 At the close of the firBt half
JWthe game the score stood six to
five in favor of North Platte, but
during the last half both Otten and
Hannie were out ot game, consider
ably weakening the team and Kear
ney succeeded in carrying off tho
You mis It in not feeding your
' Ptock Eureka Stock Food and cattle
fed regularly increases the quantity
and richness of milk in your dairy
stock, it enables that poor worked
down horse to gnin rapidlv, makes
vour hoes healthy and pain rapidly
It is the best Stock Food on the
market. Try it.
Bratt & Goodman,
For Sale. -
Fresh Milch Cow with calf by
her side. Enquire at U. S. land
Will be less if you buy
your Soaps of us, etc.,
Wf Sell
Diamond C Soap 7 bars for
White Russian Soap 6 bars
for .... '.
&e.wis Lve per can
Merry War Lye per can. . .
Pearline per plcgc
Sapolio 9c, 3 bars
Paddle Bluiner 10c size. . . .
Paddle Bluing Sc size 04
Ammonia large bottle 09
Kingsford's Silver Uloss
Starch per phg
Kingsford's Corn Starch
per pkff
Yeast Foam, 2 pkga
On Time Yeast. 2 pks
Red Seal Flour Best Patent
per sack $1.00
Jewel Flour 2d patent per
sack 90
Store open evenings until 8
'Wilcox Difirtait Ste
Men's Shirts
and Overalls.
Men's Work Shirts, best qual
ity materials, cut long
made with separate collar bands,
sewed' with lock stitch, buttons
so they don't come off. No
trash. Each
50 Cents.
Men's Heavy Blue Denim
Overalls, per. pair
50 Cents.
Men's Best Grade Blue Over
alls, per pair
65 Cents.
All Western Made Goods, made
n clean factories by people that
don't make trash.
Marshal Landlord elsewhere
serves notice that he will soon
begin the work of extermination
ol unlicensed dogs, That is pioper.
There are a few hundred too mariy
dogs in North Platte that are of no
benefit to the owners and no source
of revenue to the city.
Taffy of all flavors at Hupter'a.
John.LemaBtcrs is carrying his
eft arm in a sling, the result of a
fall he received Saturday evening
by walking off a platform in the
rear of Harrington & Tobin'a store.
In the fall the arm waa frac
tured above the elbow. As Mr.
LemaBtcrs is rushed with work,
which includes the putting in of
two Gleam heating plant?, the
accidei t is particularly an unfor
tunate one. We regret the fixer got
fixed, but are glad I ' know that
the doctor has fixed the fixer as
best he could.
The great unloading sale which
opened at The Leader last Satur
day has so tar proven a big success
and as this bargain-getting event
becomes better known throughout
the county the trade will be even
gteater. 6ne man from the eastern
part of the county dropped into the
store yesterday with the only inten
tion of looking around, but he saw
so many bargains that he could pot
resist buying a oig bill ot goodB.
What was true ot tuts parpcuiar
man has been true of others, and
will apply to many tn the future.
Once in the Btore, one cannot help
but take advantage of the greaS
bargains offered. Tile great un
loading sale will continue until
Pec. 8th, but it Ih best to take ad
vantage of the sale as early as
Elsewhere will be found pub-
lished the proposition to vote
bonds in the bum ot tuteen thous
and dollars with which to erect a
gasoline gas plant. The election
will be held December 30th. The
Tpiiiune editor at this time is not
sufficiently informed as to the
merits of tlie proposed plant to
either advocate or oppose the bopd
orooobition. He will, however, in
company with one or two others, in
spect the plant at uenirai, .Jiiy
within the next ten days and afte'r
a careful investigation hopes to be
able to present the findings fairly
to the people through these col
umns. The attainment of the great
est good to the greatest number
should be the aim, of every citizen
and this can only be accomplished
by the investigation of measures
which are presented to the people
tor adoption or rejection.
A Dangerous Month.
This la tho month of coucha. colds and
noute cntarrh. Do you catch cold entiily?
Find yourself hoarse, with a tiokliDtr in
your throat and an annoying couch at
night? Then, you should always have
linndv. a bottlo of Unllnrd'a Horohound
Syrup. J. A. Anderaon, 351 West 5il
Bt., onu L.nno uuy, writes; -wo ubo
Uallard'd lloroliound fSyrup ror uougns
and Colds, it gives imuieuinto reiiec.
Wo know it'B the boBt remedy ror inoeo
troublos. I wrlto thiB to indue? other
people to try this ploaaant and ollloiont
remedy." 25o. 00c. and 81.00 at A. 1?
StroiU a uornor Drug bloro.
Baker Perfect Barb
Wire, Painted, per
Baker Perfect Galvanized
Barb Wire per hundred,
Wiko Departmen Store.
Bishop Graven will fill the pulpit
it the bpibcrpal chinch next bun
Art Fonda returned Sunday
night from a vUit in Kearney and
Grand island.
For the first time in several
months, the three passenger trains
were practically on time thiB morn
'The Jolly American Tramp"
will be produced at the opera house
next Monday evening. It is said
to be a hummer.
Dr. F. Deunin returned lat even
ing from a week's visit in Denver,
where; he combined businebB with
Fred Bremer has completed
breaking out 250 acres of land on
the Murphy place west ot town now
owned by the Payne Investment
We haye some good cheap .ranch
es, hay land and other lands lor
sale. Also houses for rent. Sec
Joun Bratt & Co.
Mrs. BcrcRchicd and daughte.
Mrs, Annie Hcwett. Who had been
isiting relatives in Nichols pre
cinct, left this inornlug for Kc-
wance. 111.
Miss Josephine Goodman will
leave Hastings tomorrow for Cody,
Wyo., accompanying Colonel Cody
o that point. She baa abandoned
er Kansas visit,
If you want good, sound Fire,
Lite or Accident Insurance in best
companies at lowest 'living rates.
Call on John Bratt & "o.
Gcraldinc Bare is confined to the
house by a severe sprain ot the left
nee. A bimilar accident occurred
bout a year ago, which lelt the
! - I 1 II.!
lieu iu u wcaKcncu luuuiwuu.
George Roberts ot Maxwell trans
acted business in town last even
in ir. His village is one ot con aid-
rable activity at present, due to
he shipment ot sugar bectu, as
many as a hundred wagon loads
being delivered daily.
Will Baker, who has been with
the Wild West Show this season,
returned home this morning. He
will remain here ten days and then
leave for New York and assist in
ettiug the show in readiness for
its European trip.
Ruoel St Allcgrct tie's chocolate
nd bon bona in pound and hall
pound boxes. Alto Balduff'n boy
conlectlona. Fred Marti.
The Lutheran ladieb' aid society !
will meet Thursday afternoon with ,
Mrs. Henry Peterson. The mem
bers are urged to come early. The
usual large attendance is urged as
business of importance is to be.
The "Sis Hopkin'o" company
came in lrom the eaBt oday
nd will present that sterling
pastoral comedy-drama at the opera
house this evening, Both tin: play
nd the company are excellent and
hould be greeted by a large
Messrs. Carter, Graham arid
Biting, the latter of Grand Itland,
killed twelve Canada wild geese
yesterday. Mr. En l tig madu a re
markable killing, v ive geese came
flying up to where he was stationed..
He killed two with the lirat barrel
and one with the second. He re-
oaded his gun and killed the other
two before they got out of shooting
The dczeu men working on the
construction ot the Nebraska tele
phone line are now about half way
between thia rity and Maxwell.
As they are putting up about a mile
a day, the line will probably be
completed to this point by the. mid
dle of next week. When this line
s completed, we can "hello" to New
York City, if we so desire, at the
rate of about eight dollars per three
or live minutes.
O. W, Siz;morc, who for over
three months haB been employing
his time in reconstructing tbe line
of the North Platte telephone com
pany, both in the city and between
here and Sutherland, completed the
work yesterday. The entire line ot
the company is now" in first clasB
order, and will require out tsw re
nairs lor several years to come.
Messrs. Field and Sizemore are
evidently determined to give their
patrons the best service poBi.iuie
The Wild West Show closed the
season at Memphis, Tenn , last
Saturday and the equipment has
been shipped to New York. The
miow will sail from New York on
December 3d and will open a three
months' encagemcnl in London on
December 20th and will then make
a tour of the continent. Colone
Cfdy leaves Omaha tonight lor
Cody, Wyo., where he will remain
for a couple ot weeks, UeyoMng Hie
time principally to a hunting trip.
He will xail lor ISurope about De
cember 12th.
Men's Underwear.
Heavy Fleeced Lined Under
wear, the kind many ask
50c for, our price, per gar
ment 35c
Men's Fleeced Lined Under
wear, the hind you have
paid 75c a suit for, our
price per garment 25c
"M. ! 1 .1 Pt p i r
per pair ,0U
Misses' Schqol Shoes, (ti
11 to 2, per pair $LCd
Boys' Shoes, 13 to 2, per, m-i
pair tt)1.0
Ladies' Shoes, Kid or
Calf, pcrpnir 0)1. OU
Men's Shoes, per pair aa
$1.25, $1.50, $2, up to. UU
WHcox Department Store
A Fine Concert Company.
A few years ago the Coming of a
good muuical company to our city
was a great eyent and always filltd
the bouse with a fine audience. Of
lute musical entertainments have
not been so freely patronized here.
Why? Simply because the usual
programs were too classical and
cold for the average auditor. In
the program to be given by the
Schubert Symphony Club and Lady
Qua 'tette on Nov. 14th, we have a
musical entertainment that is
highly enjoyable from first to last.
Our readers will do well to remem
ber that it is not often that we are
offered tiuch a feast of hiuaical
good things as the Schubert's pro
gram contains. ThiB enlerlaitj
ment will be gtven under the
auspices of the High School at the
high school auditorium-
Mrs. V. E. McCartv returned last
evening from a visit with relatives
at Cozad.
Secretary Julius Sheppard, of the
Y. M. C. A., returned Saturday
night from a brief yisit in Denver.
S. G. Mecombcr went to Omaha
las! evening on business connected
with the Order of Railroad Con
ductors. The Methodis' ladies desire us
to announce 'that they will scivc a
public upper on the evening of
December ll'th,
Wm. Turpie, of Columbus, Ohio,
ts spending this week in town' look
ing after his real cBtate interests
in this county and visiting Lib son
J II. Turoie.
Frank Bacon, receiver of the
United Slates land office, has been
d ingerouslyjil or a week paBtwith,
j.u-iumouir. j Th'n mot ing hia
ouui)ion was still murkily.
I. A. FortFrcLurncd last evenini'
from a business trip to Omaha
nir. v on expects to leave shortly
for Paris, Texan, ou.,buBi,ncsscoii
nected with a land deal.
The diBtritt' executive committee
ot the Machinists' Union ia in ees-
aiptnat Omaha this week. Sam
Grace represents the local lodge in
iuu cuniercncc.
Hay shipments this week are
hampered greatly by lack of cars
and shippers are of tbe opinion
that a greater dearth of cars will
exist in the near future.
The W. R, C. will serve supper
thiB evening tn the Keith building
opposite Dixon's jewelry store. The
menu will prove satisfactory to all
The conference ot the Union Pa
cific teJrgrapherB with SuptB. Korty
and Buckingham closed yesterday,
the key manipulators recciytng an
advance' in wages and the satisfac
tory settlement ot other demandB.
Mrs. Maude McConuell, who was
brought down from Nichols pre
cinct last Friday for examination
i . . t. i- . i r I . ! . , 4
uy mc uuaru oi mammy, una oecn
placed in the care of Mrs. W. D.
Pulver while the board takes the
case under further advisement1
Today's Omaha News says: The
district executive committee of the
International Union ol Machinists
is in conference this n.ternoon at
the strikers' headquarter, in the
Midland hotel. The purpose is to
formulate a plan for waging a win.
ter strike campaign. The men say
that the gathering has nothing to
do with recent rumors of strike
settlement and. that ifanv audi
move is contemplated by the Union
Pacilic, they have receiyed no offici
al inkling of it.
Dr. F.H.Loiigley will do a gen
eral office business. Special atten
tion given to chronic diseases,
Phone nSice No. 10, reidence No.
41. Ofhce hours 9 to 12 m., 2 to
6, m. Office City Pharmacy
orth Platte. Neb.
For Sale
For blooded Poland China. Such
strains as Chief Tecumaeh ?d and
Chief I Know. Best on earth in
perfection. Wm. SubtivAv,
Herahev, Neb.
Your Rig
Will look better if you fit up with
' Horse Blankets,
Plush Robes,
Fur Robes.
Our stock isjcomplete.
Uf fa Department Store.
highest type of tailoring excellence. Coals are so con
structed that they arc rendered absolutely shape-retaining
that js, the collar, lapels and coat fronts cannot
break, wrinkle or say out of place. This great improve
ment is fully protected by U. S. patents issued July 15,
1302. This construction gives you made-to-order sat
isfaction nt roady-to-wcar prices. NONE OTHER
Y. M. C. A. NOTES.
One ol the best meetings held in
the rooms this year waB that of
Sunday. A. l Parsons had' the
privilege of spealunir to u body ot
fit ty men and he did it faithtully
and well. Mr. Youni; of Llncoln
Bang a solo iu a way that made
men want to hear him again, The
Quintette sang a beautiiulscloction
whicu waa greatly appreciated. An
offering ot $4.15 was cheerfully
given tor tbe work of the Interna
tional committee.
It ia just great to haye such
roorna aa wc have to open to men
cacti dny. Yesterday 125 vitlU
were made to them and twcitv
ei;jht enjoyed the baths. Many
times tlie piano was surrounded
with men engaged in singing and
last evening the reading mom wan
tilled with men enjoying tlictn.
selves. Three meu joined the asso
ciation. S.
A Good Show Coming.
ThiQ ia what the Daily News ol
Denver Hayn of Manager Lloyd's
attraction at the opera house for
one night only, Monday, November
17;u, and judging truin the crit
'cism o the News the people of
North Platte will sec a good show
on that date, "One of the best
attractions that has been presented
thiB season at the Empire theatre
is lA Jolly American Tramp,' that
opened a week'o engagement yes
terday forenoon at this theatre to a
crowd-d house, Judging iroin the
tit'e.of the play one would imagine
that it was sin, Hy a tramp show,
but siuli is not the case. It 1b
necessary to have him llie-e so that
the file of the piece i-so be saved.
He bobs up at tbe r'"ht time
throughout the entire three acts
and it must be said hat in the role
of the tramp Mr. Waller Gale ia
wltujut a doubt o.te ot tue eBt de
lineators of the genus hobo that
Denver theatregoers have ever seen.
His make up is perfect and he
presents manv specialties that kept
his auditors ih a hilarious manner
while he was one the Btagc, His
songs were highly pleasing. May
Ward is the ingenue ol the com
pany and she is winsome and
clever. The play is full of bright
comedy and pathos and catchy
specialties that all go to make up
a play tuat should please an aud
ience for fully three haurn. It is
impossible lor oue to see 'A Jolly
n KurfcnncimtM Co
AmcrKn leading
CtoiMt Mncrt
To learn who - -makes
our clothes
Kuppcnlieiincr's J
is known from
qnc end of the
continent to the
other. Pick up
any of the leading-
or periodicals,
nml. you'll find
that Kuppen
hctmcr lends in
Clothing. ,It
riii.ii'.iitiiiiiirt represents the
we1ngand g
W. M. Cmiiiiiii'liaii), ;
I have the
Round Oak,
Rock Island,
and Gem City
all good reliable stoyes.
Call and sec the
the king of all soft coal '
jviy Prices are Right.
American Tramp' and go away
feeling that they have not had their
money's worthfor such la not the
Why bcII your corn when wc can
furnish you any number of nice
dehorned steers to feed and pay you
good price for flesh you put on. See
13 raw, Burkc & Goodman.
Worm Destroyer,
Wlilto'a Croiim VormifuRo, not on'y
kills worms, but removes tho inuoua ami
Rlimo, in which thoy build tlioir noats;
ItbrinifB, and quickly, a healthy condi
tion ot tho body, whoro worms cannot
exists. 2Gu at A. P. StrolU Cornor Drug
Lloyd's Opera House,
Monday, Nov, 17
The Greatest Comedy Melo
Drama of the Age,
Dy E. E. Kidder, Author of "Poor Re
lation" and "Peaceful Valley."
No hunting or tr!Hjansuug on
any of our laud.
b2(- M-ylajwBr BRbft.
AW llranchcft of Den.
tlBtry Hcltintlilcully
done. Nitrous Ox lil
Ua administered. W
Pennsylvania College
of Dental Sumery
Onice over Wilcox Dept
bturv. 'I'none 131.