Ika L. Baths, Editor and Publisher SUUSCnilTJOS' ItATKS: One Year cah In advance II W Six Months caih In advance fiS cents Entered at North Matte. Nebraska, Poslof. Dec as second class matter. TUESDAY, NOV. 11, 1902. May Change Liquor Law. "It would not he Bin prlHtniT to Had many frlciidn of the dUpctiHcry By hi cm in the legislature. Thin question hn.H not bten hcmoubIv agitated in the utatc but hinve. it ban been discussed mnny favor it. The activity of the Iwj'inr interctr in the camna'irti naturally drew at tention to the iawHf:ovcrmnjr them It would be panel blu t-cnouftly to embarras them by liewinc to the line in the enforcement of the prcs cnt Slocum law. A law providing for chemically pure liquor would clone up over halt the saloon in the state. The dispensary pystcm would nfford a mrans of h&ndllng the traffic in probably as acceptable fashion as any that ban been eiiir gestcd. It f an undoubted iact that this proportion wit come up and if it docs, it will take a pine by the side ot revenue in import ance. "State Journal. ptl: poason la the name sometimc3 given to what is generally known as the BAD DIS EASE. It is not confined to dens of vice or the lower classes. The purest and best people arc sometimes infected with this awful malady through handling the clothing, drinking from the same vessels. using the same toilet articles, or otherwise coming In contact with persona who have contracted it. blister or core, then swelling in the Ton year aird t contracted a bad easo of Illood Poison. I was undor treatment of a physician until I found that bo could do no no good. Then bo?an taklntr uiccnucu, wits i. ur, Vyv nu " g.g.g, I commenced to Improve at onco lashes fall out; the blood becoming and in a very short time all evidonco of more contaminated, Conner coiorcu the dtaenao disappeared. I tooKmxooc- . . . . . J. A . It bcffins usually with a little groins, a red eruption brcak3 out on the body, cores and ulcers appear in the mouth, the throat becomes ulcerated, the hair, eye brows and . .... ii nplotc bos and pustular eruptions anu " nvZiZS? Bores appear upon different parts of Wftl, Morri.town, ToaiU( the body, and the poison even destroys the bones. " ft. s. S. la n Hnecific for this loathsome disease, and cures it even in trio worst forms. It is a perfect antidote for the powerful virus that pollutes the blood and penetrates to an parts ot uic system. Unless you get this poison out of your blood it will ruin you, and bring disgrace and disease upon your children, for it can be transmitted from parent to child. S. S. S. contains no mercury or potash. but It guaranteed n strictly vegetable compound. , Write for our free home treatment book and learn all about Contagious Ulood Poison. Tf vou want medical advice rivc MS a historv of vour case. and our physicians will furnish all the information you wish without any charze whatever, . THE SVIFT SPECIFIC CD.. ATLANTA. OA. . J U 11 rl UK A I 1 B rti vuwumwir. JOHN BRATT & CO., Real Estate, Loans m Insurance LaLst CaJl Fair Warning! All persons knowing themselves indebted to Lincoln county for personal taxes for the years 1901 and prior, will please take notice that if these taxes are not paid, Distress Warrants will be Issued December 1st, 1902. These taxes MUST BE PAID. Do not blame me if you are compelled to pay costs. C. F. SCHARMANN, County Treasurer. New Stock of Furniture Just received, including1 a very handsome line of Rocking Chairs rnd Cook Adjustable Reclining Chair.s. AWWNVWVW Colonel Cody and Indians. Colonel W. V. Cody was at the Merchants holel yelcrday enroute to hia home in the Uig Horn batln after a season with his hliow. The Hhow closed at MetiiphlH, Tenn., on November 8, after a most hucccbs ful Benson. For the Inst tour montlm they have not had a drop of ram The ending oi the tour thin 3 car Is in contrast wnli that of a y- r itf, when they Hundred the latlroad collision near Richmond, which cost t lie liven of 135 homes. With "Buffalo Bil," are thirl. 1 -six Indiana, who arc heing returned to the government agency at Pine Ridge in charge of "Hill" McCunc. McCune will take nixty-Hve other Indiana nway from tu agency and prepare them lor the European trip of the Wild West show. Thirty-six Indiana hling into the dining room of the Merchants lor lunch was an unuaiial spectacle. They were re garded in the light ot an exhibit and the other boarders Mopped in the middle of their meals and gathered abdut to inspect them. Colonel Cody'n ".how will open in London on December 26th and will run there tor fourteen wcek,t. Fol. lowing that a. tour of the continent Idle Honey Invested In dllt Edged Securities NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. X ttrxiof orooo Any 33axaJXx. lax Wo'tora ..., nrxioforonooi-jajay aBaxxjuc lax axr owra sjutEe,. , ? 1 B Blankets and Quilts. We have just added a line of Blankets and Quilts to our stocU. Come in and see them. HOWE'S FURNITURE STORE. YWVWWWW WWW VWVWWVW wavwvvwvww have returned trom an extended riult with relativcH in South Dako ta. They were accompanied home f hy two of Mth. Staple' Wm and Chan. Nlttcn. John Parton, of Imscd the new hotel at Hcsliey and will soon have it open to the public. Heeuergcr v tjo. 01 ticrsncy, shipped out one hundred and twenty-jeven car load of baled hay during the month of October. Growcm of nuirar beets in this loci 1 1 ty arc atill baryesting, pitting and loading. An inspector ot rural mail deliv ery routes wan last week looxing nver the one that waa petitioned fnr out of IlerBbcy over a year ago. lie paid that it wan. the finest route that ho had inspected in tho Rtatc and while il wait nhort a tew liousetv hf thought it would be CHtabliahed. We hope that it will be as it would be a great benefit Mn the farmers especially. A. F. 'Heeler took "him from here to wortn iJiattc,, TIMIIEH OUI.TUIIR. FINAL r-HOOF-NOTlOH roit yuumoation Ijind Office itt North PUtla. Neb. OcIoUer 13th. 1902. brothers, Ix-ntttt, . uarillan of Currl II. ronnftck, In lilAliMI. nun Kill nfllc In North 1'lHltn. Neb., un Haturdar. tb 22 dr of Nnvi'mlifir. 100'. on lluilwr cnltnro n- pitoauoa no. ia,wii, lor mo nonaciuu qunrior of tctlna No. 32. In towoiblp Nn. 12, north range No. SO weit ot tbu Hlxthr. it. Hbe namfasa vltneacn-t Irwin A. Fort, John Connelly. OtorRO W, Dinner and lUlirj J. uicncr, an oi North Matte, Neb. ot(-0 uionqs. ramicn, nrm.inf. Stove Pipe Enamel. 0 e Rubbet Fountain Syringes, Hot WaterkBottles, Complexion Brushes, Bulb Syringes, Massage Rollers, Gloves Nipples, Sponges, Tubing, and all other Rubber Goods, just received fresh from the factory at low prices. put, I oldJ A 25 cent can will a beautiful closs on pipes, stoves and all iron work, VI I 1 ! A. P. STREITZ'S 1 Corner Drug Store. Al Hoover and.fn'inilv who.rccentr will be made which will laat for hv returned from Wyoming are at one or two yearn, according to the 'thi'n time located in rvti' ' olcT cknaU decision ot Colonel uody. The companv's Iiohbc at NIchoK greater part of tho show will sail M. Mickelocn is putting i'nv now on the St. Louis, leaving New York lumber yard in conuecjion with his department store nt Hershey A gentleman friend from up the line was Ihe eneM of A, A. Leister Urn ITcrhhpy blacksmith lately. Mrs. J. C, Gyger and children arc visiting friends up the line at precnt. North Platte Pliama&t December 3,0maha TJec. HUM) 1 11(1 AQF.NT8 TOll Heath &! MiMgan'Faint. JJoat Iilnlmout on Eiuih, "ntoH, sxov, m, ivwi 1 iiiiu rnoumii tlem, Inst winter, whb down In bod six Uof. till a friend unvo mo a bottlo of Uiil- Inrd's Snow Llnlmont. I usod It, mid not two more, bottles. It ourod mo and I haven't folt any rhoumnllntu Rlnuo. I onn rooOonnond Hnow Llnlmont to bo tho best liniment on earth for rlioumu- tlflm." For rlioumutlo, sulntlo or notirnb trio nnliis. rub In lJullitrd'u Bnow Lint' inent, you will. not eulfor lone, but will bo KMlillod with a spoody and cifootlvo euro. 25o, ROo, nnd 91.00 nt A, F. Htroltz o Corner Drug Btoro. FALL AND WINTER SUITINGS BETWEEN THE RIVEKS. Miss Gertie Smith and Miss Bessie ICshlemnn ictunied Satur day from the comity scat on No. 101. Will I54hlutnan, who tires out ol North Platte, came up home oil a visit over Sundav. He wau ac companied by Dallas Wills who happened in town that day It U reported that several head of cattla in the HUH have lately Untied'. cattle last week. diid from feeding on com stalks. R-v nickfo- d wan home from the 'Plin lttiif nnil pam r hiinlMhaa i n 1 ltM I r i iu . t ...v ....j !".. ...van ... -'-1 mi tile uuivemiv at iincoin iu cubi valley these days keeps everyuody i,i vote buny who wants to work. x4 0Dje are t,n losing cattle Irom mm. I'uuiijr niuuitn lutunibu i fne cornstalk disease , JOlin JHIIIUH WELLFLEET WAVELETS, The tcpubllcan ticket was the winner for every candidate on the ticket in this precinct. The bridge on the lSlder place is now completed. There was a musical entertain ment and dance at Seth Atwood's l,iBt Tuesday. A good tune is re ported, Also a dance at Mr, cnaBc's Thursday night. 1 A. car of applet was on track here last week for sale. Henry Wakefield has relumed from Indianola where ho has been plowing for six weeks ou a ranch near there. More fall wheat and rye has been sown here than for many ycarB ana it ib looking excellent. C has. Glaxe boucht all ot Unas. her home at the county seat Satur day from an extended visit in the valley. W. A. raxton ot Omaha, is up to lus ranch near liersiiev oversee. the branding and dipping of the cattle on the ranch. G. M. Smith, suctldn foreman at Hershey, and IT. 13. Hungerford, who resides on Mr. Smith's farm, sold "IvltJg" Cole about eighty hogs one day last week. They were not fully matured but brought 'them n neat little sum of money at $5.94 uer hundred pounds. J. D. ToilHon Jr. and family were cucsts of North Platte friends Saturday. Alrv Robinson nnd wife, of IIv mon; S. D.. were the guests of bl brother J. V Robinson and family nenr Nichots last week. N. B. Snurrier purchased a fine herd of calves of Chas. McAllister the other dav W. H. Hill, who for the past seven yearn has been manager of the Ilershev lumber and coil yardB for W. W, Young ol Lodge fole, informs the writer thai he did the largest business during the past month than he did any month since he took charge of the business, Sunt, Neal, Of the county metro polis, was looking after the inter ests of the public schools iu the valley last week. He found everyr thlnir in connection with the schools iu crood shape. Mrs- G. A, Staplca and daughter bavin''- lost report, thirteen since last The anuual fair snd si n :er o ll.c Presbyterian ladles' all society will be held December otii. Notice to Dotf Owners. Tun duvB from the date of this notice all douB found running a lnri'tf w Itbin the city of North l-Maltc ou which me license wis uu not been paid, will be disposed ol in accordance with the terms of the ordinance In such caiie made anu provided. Dated fsovemoer i, ivu-. R. H. Lanc.FoM), Marshal. Overshoes. Men's Heavy liucuic g an ......$1.25 75c Arctics, per pair.. . . Men's Snow Excluder Arctics, Hcary Edgc, per pair Ladies' lSuchlc Arctics ncr pair These nrc al fresh goods ant vc guarantee the satisfactory wear of every pair. WiKox Department Store "We are now showtncr''a new line of Fall and Winter. Suitings which we make up to order in correct style, and perfect fit. . Your inspection and order is solicited. 1 m m it S Jolin'Brntt John Burke.' E, It. Goodmnn Bratt, Burke & Goodman, DEALERS IN LIVE STOCK. BUY OR SELL ON COMMISSION. Reference Any Bank in Nebraska, Tel. No. 65. Office Bratt Bldg. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. & 5 9 F. J. BROEKER, Merchant Tailor. NOTICK. To T.milHa Mdv UoUb. Defendant; You nrc noretiy nouncu tnat nn tne iaa a ir ot October. Wl, Jatnen A. ltolih tiled a peif. ,1nn itirnlnRt vnn In tim rll.,rlrt riinrt nt T.:n cojn county. Kehranka, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce' from vou on the KroundN ot extreme cruelty and fraudulent reprencntatton without cood can?, and that you be restored to your You are required to answer nald petition on or beforo Monday. uccemtuT is, mt:. .iAJu;a a. kuiiu liy A. II. Davis, ins Attorney. in. .6 t Bale lies, Lightening (f Hay Press & Repairs it JOS. HERSHEY 2 Farm Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes and Fit lings and Tanks, Barb Wire. Locust St NORTH PLATTE, NEB. 1 9 9 1 AX ORDINANCE. Tn Biihinlt. In titirBiinnco to n Ftifilclont potitiou Imrctoforo Hied on tho 7th Hay ot October, 1SXW, to the olectora ot tho O ty ot North l'lntto. Jjincom county, Nebraska, nt a epootnl election called . thtrjfor, In said city, for tholr approval or rejection, tho proposition as to whether the pnld City or rorth jiJifiuo fihnll or shall not iesuo ita bonds in tho sum of Fifteen ThouHiimt Dollars ($15,000 00), in denominations ot $1,0CD.0U oacii, oearing interest at tour pur uouu pur annum, payable seinlnrjnual) , mntuririB in twenty years, oui, w u "nyablo nt any tlmo ufter ten years from t eirdnt", utthooptibn ot snld citr, for ho purpose of raising a Bum suluciont to eropt. btitlfl nnd pptnb'ifh a Rnaolltlo unt plant for lighting nnd heating pur I osob In sntd city, and tho samo to bo erected, established, owned and oporateu by emu uity or Nortb rintte; nnu biiuii tho proper omcersof Bald city be author ized to levy, In addition to tho usunl taxes, n upeoial tat on all tho taxablo property in said city sufficient to pay tho I annual interest on sitld bonds ns iho aonio mny becomo duo; and to also levy a sum BUlllclont to create a Binning iunu ror tho purpose or priying, at maturity, tho principal of tnid bonds. Said bonot) to bo d09tguntod '-Qnsolino OasJ i'lutit uonus." Do it Ordained by tho Mayor nnd Coun4 cil or tho Uity or North natto. Section 1. That on tho 30th day of Dccombor, 1002, thoro shall bo submlttod to tho voters ot tho city of North 1'lntle, in accordance with a petition horetoforo presented to tho council of Bald city, signed by ton or mora resident freo holdors of each of tho threo words of said city, tho following proposition, to-wit: FIRST Shall the city ol Ncrth PlatU lliss-o Its bonds in thoFUtnof FitUou auuUb and Dollars (315,000. CO), in denominu- Hons or gl.UOU uo each, bearing tnierem Ht four per coat par annum, payiblo Eerai-nnnuolly, maturing in twenty ynnr but pnvitbie at any tlmo atlpr ton . oars from thoir dato, ot tho option of 'ma oily, for uiu purpoao oi rumtug a sum sulllciont to erect nnd establish n gnEolono gas plant for lightiug nnd bent ing purposed in nnu ror eutu city, anu the eamo to bo erected, cBtabliehoJ, owned and operated by said city pt North Plntto: and shall the proper ofilcors of said city be authoried to lev; . In ndUition tn the usunl taxps, a epcci' i tax on nil tho tuxnblo property in bi d oity buflicient to pity the annual intoiett on said bonds as tho same may becomo due: and to also low n sum sulllciont to create n sinking fund for tho purporo ( f paying, at maturity, tho principal otentu bondu. iSuid bonds to bo doslguatod 'rinanlinn (inn T'lnnf. Mnmln." SKCONIJ. Snid bonds to bo negotiable in form and nmablo nt tho Fiacul Agency ot the Stuto ot Nebraska, in tho Uity of No York. TIIIKD. Tim bnllots to be used nt enld election shull havo printed thereon: "FOKtssuiug intloen Thousanu JJoi- lars (315,000 1 0), in tho bonds ot the city of North Platte, In denominations of 21 nOftrtAnnnli Kunri n ir Intarocit nt tfly per com per annum, payable semi annually maturing in twenty jonri but payub.lo at any tlmo niter ten years, from their date, at the option of said oity. for the purpose ot erecting nnd establishing n gasoline gaa plant for boating and lighting purposes." "AUAUNSX issuing t'ltteon Thousanu Dollars (S15.000.00). in tho bonds ot tho city ot North Platte, in denomiuuuonot 81,UU0.OU ouch, bearing interest nt tour por cent per annum, puyaoto somi-an-nuallo, muturing in twenty years, but payable iiny timo nfter ten years from their uate, at too option ot sum city, lor tho purpose ot erecting nnd establishing u igasolino gas plant for heating and lighting purposes." , Sf.o. 2. Thoso votlna in favor of said proposition shull mark their ballots with nn (X) after tho proposition beginning: "For issuing Fifteen Thousand Dollars in tho bonds ot tho city ot North. 1'lattoi" ThoBo voting agalnBt said proposition shall murk their ballots with on (X) after tho proposition beginning: 'Arrninot ifiqninrr EMftflnn thtiUBinrf DoT- lure in the bonds ot tho Oity of North Plotte." Sec. 3. This Ordinance shall tnko etfect and be in force from and aftdr its paBsago and publication as provided by law. Passed by tho Mayor and Counotl Nov. Gth, 1002. Harry oamelson UlerK. Approved Nov. 6tb, 1002. Ijfjstkr walker, ainjor. NOTICK FOR I'tlllMOATlON. Lnaa Otnco nt North Vliitt. Neb, Uotolwr Ultli. Notice liborobralTon tlmttho follnwlnu nnmnit ottlor hni lltsil itntlonur hu lilttintlnn tn mtka flaMiirixilln Uort or lilt nlulm, nnil tuut Hit J )roo( will lie mailt, before tho lltwl'tor nnil Ho retrrr, IidIIJ HIMm l.nutl nitlw, Nortb l'lnttu, Nut)., on iiecomtor uin, mc, vit IKVIN FAItAIIRI!!. whn liirnle llnmettcail lintry No 1TS12, for tbu nortliwi'it iiuarter of Boclton 81. town 11, north of rauiro SI!, wnl 0th P. M. lie URUirt the fol- lonlnK vltuef to prorn rite conttnnon real, ilence upon ruiI onttlvktion ot mil J Intnl. vlis joiiii linneetci, llllm L.ktn, MMumtel Lnpp nil I u. Hiiuiuore, mi ot w aiiacc, noo. o3U am. K. FnicMcii, Iteolster, Em Five Cent Cigar ppom ' vhv am TOWK AT SOHMALZRIBD'S. OnDKIl OF IIEMttNO. Htateot Nebraska. Lincoln county, H B. vmmtTK MOTlcn. In llio mstlor ot tbu KstMo of John Kit Houll. iloveasiol. On ro.KlInir nnti nuns me pottuoit or Auron Rcull. umilnir that Ibn Inatriimont, niixl on the MO .lay nr iioiooer, iwj. un i imrinirunii 10 ue me lHHivnii ana teaiameni or iu aani uecasoi. mar b tirornl. aiMirorw). probatol. allowed ami rwonlM ea the lent will ntt 1 tvalamont of tho aalil John Kit Hcull. ilocearcil. anil that In CI oie eutlnn t'f alil lnlrainent may be roiunilltcd and the aduilulntratlou ot eald iwtute mny I urantud to Aaron Hcull a uxooiiior. Onlored thai Nnvciulwr it. 1002. at o.olock a. m. . la alnliil for hxarttu aald petition, vilioti all poreona Intpro'twl In aalil matter may appear AtriOouulr Court to tin hold Iu and for aald county ana show rnnn why tho prayer ot petition liouu uo, uo trauiuu. A. 8. lUt.nwiN. 031-3 County Judge. 'wdjfiste NOTIfJK FOlt VUllMOATIOS. Land unlro at North 1'latlo, Nob., OototwrUlb, 1002. Vntlc U hereto iilvrn that Ilia followluu- named tattler baa fllrd notice of Ida Intention tn make final proof In support of hi claim and that aald proof will l made before reulatvr .and re. celver ot the U H. Land OfucentNoith I'latto, Nab., on Novemtwr Sllu, xwi. vtit UHNEHT O. rLEl'OIIKIl. vhitmada IIomo4tead Jtutry No. 17.W0. for Ilia uorthwett uarter of Iho eoulhoaHt quarter and ir..i!ii nimrUir of the south in t nuarlar and Iita 3 and 4, of Bectlnn 7, Tnwu , north of Hane 2Uwpt of BUth I. M. Ho namn the tollowlou wltnoaeea to prove 111 at nnntlnunua retldnnon Unou and. eulttvatlou of wld laud, vlit Kdward I.. jiloouey. and Kdward Eai of North I'latto, Nob., Cbarlea Terry, of Well. Deer, neo., auu ahiuo iifiumi, m muo, ntu. Is invariably found in every glass of GUND'S Peerless Bottled Beer THE DEER. OP COOD CHEER Because the best of materials and the greatest of care enter into the brewing of it. The ideal beverage for table use. JOHN CUND BREWING CO., - LaCrOMC, Wk. iStnd 13c far park of flat ploying cards. H. StHLfiSlNGER, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. RESOLUTION. Bo it resolved, by tho Mayor and City .Council ot the City of North Platte, Nebraska, that tho or dlnanoo heretofore passed on tho Gth day of March, 1002, grnnting a franohiso to oroct and maintain gas works in the oity of North Platto and regulating the constructing nnd opera tion thereof to Clinton J. Colbey and Charles I. Tcnny, that tho samo be sub mitted to the voters of the city ot North Platte, nt a special election called for thut purposo on tho .JUth day or JJeoem ber, 1902, for the npprovnl, adoption or rojootioti of snidofdinnnce at ealu oleo tion by said voters of tho city of North Plutto. Tho ballots to bo usod nt Enid election shnll hnvo printed thorfon: "For grnnt ing n rranchlso to erect anu maintain gas worus in tno city ot rnorin rintto regulating tho construction nnd opera tion iheror." "AcalnBt granting a frnnchice to ereot I nnd maintain gas works nt ihj city ot North rlntto. nnd reculatinidthd con. btruction nnd operation therf a!' Thoso voting in favor ot f aid Boronod. tion shall mark thoir ballntH with nn (X) opposite the propisition beginning" lr granting n franohiso to orootaod main tain gas works in the city of North Plutte, regulating tho construction and operation thoroof." Thoso voting again st sail proposition, Bl.nll innrk thoir ballots with nn IX after tho proposition beginning: "Against granting a rranchlso to orest and main tain gns workfl iu tho city of North Platto, and regulating tho construction and operntlon thoreof." That this resolution shall take effeot nnd bo in forco from nnd nfter ita passage nnd tho proposition- herein si nil b submitted to the voters of the oity uf North Plntto as provided by law. T a PATTERSON, Oflloe over Yellow Front Shoe. Store NOHTII PLAT1,E,,NKB.