The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 07, 1902, Image 1

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I Next Saturday Morning,
Nov. 8tb, rain or sliinc, wcopen
the biggest, most gigantic sac
rifice sale on every item in this
hou3C, that has ever been held in
tins city, and it will not end un
til December Sib, 1902, at mid- ,
. i .J - . . i r
nigiu Lome ont. anu enjoy
' shopping for once in your life. K
v: .J5
For Thirty Days
we pour out sunshine to all of the V
people, and not the favored few.
This store was erected for the
masses and not the classes.
Your dollnr here will do the
same work as the millionaire's.
The greatest awakening that this city ever saw. The
whole town is in an tipro r. The people will be going to and
fro like chain lightning. We arc going to raise the roof if it
is necessary and let in the sunshine that we propose to pour
out to the people for the next thirty days as never before by
man in this city. The whole house will bVab'la'zcrwith bar
gains. Fire, water and smoke, backed by the sheriff, could
not make the prices we propose to make for the next thirty
There is no getting next of the favored few. Wc arc
starting a sale for thirtv davs commencing November 8th
and wiudinir un at midniirht. "December 8th, that is for the
t mnvifiQ ruifl tint tlm r.1np4. Thousands of dolk
masses and not the classes. Thousands of dollars worth of
the highest grade merchandise in this community. The big
plain figures reads as the book says 843,976.31. It will be
the greatest upheaval of merchandise within . the walls of
this city since she came on earth. There is not to be one
item held in reserve.
Pizcr is directing the big guns, and you can hear the
cannon balls falling into the enemy's camp. He is flying,
but he cannot escape. The missiles and shells arc hitting
him which ever way he looks. With us it is an absolute
tret there sale. We must have cash and that quick; and
thirty days is the allottcdtime for us so do that it would take
n vrtr in iln in nrvlinnrv c rril mstntlCOK.
The whole house is in an uproar. She is ablaze with
bargains. We must cut loose. We bought too heavy and
we arc going to unload right at the time and take our loss
when others arc figuring for their usual SO to 100 per cent
profit, and the farmer and the workingmcn get the benefit.
You will hear of sales and you will sec sales, you will .hear of
signs and you will see signs, but they will only be signs of
distress. There will only be one place here where you will
hear the cannonading and where the shells are being deliv
ered, into the enemy's camp at the most fearful rate .you ever
saw. The storming of San Juan Hill won't be a comparison
of the way we pour it into the enemy, and they will be falling
like flies in December. The city is awake. They are coming
from all nuarters to attend this sale. They will be here in
& buggies, wagons, on hoss back, a foot, and hundreds of them
win ue coming in vaimaiiuu cms. it manwio vi w a
they come, just so they come down here. We will', treat
them better than they were ever treated in their lives. You
will find here in many lines one dollar will do the work of two
dollars elsewhere. It is cut loose now, not later. This
store will be a seething mass of humanity. Rain or shine,
the sale goes on. Nothing short of a. cyclone could stop us
and we do not believe, at least we hope they will not have it
in these parts during this sale or in the future.
We are going to start out to unload the whole shooting
match if we can and get ready for greater, grander and
more aggressive merchandise methods. We arcnotatraid
to tell the people what we are going to do, and there is not
item in this house when vou enter the door but what you
can sec the red ticket of destruction staring you in the face.
The walls will be lined with goods, the counters piled full;
boxes, barrels and fables jammed full of goods. Ev.cry nook
and corner will have bargains in. We are hunting for room
to get this merchandise out to display it to the people. In
fact, there arc 69,000 bargains in this house instead of four
or five as you will find others attempting to make, and no one
item but what you-will buy for less money than you have
been.btiying inn this house and elsewhere. It is the greatest
harvest of your lives. It will pay you to come a hundred
miles to lay in your supplies for the next six months or a
year. It matters not whether you want a suit of clothes, an
overcoat for yourself or the boy, a dress pattern or a dozen
ior your wife and the girls, or whether you want underwear
for the whole family; whether it is shoes for yourself, the
children or your wife, whether it is a paper of pins, a dress
pattern of any kind, silk or satin; whether it is corsets,
cloaks or shoes, blankets, comforts, notions of any and all
kinds; in fact, we have put them out and we believe we can
show you in round numbers f9,000 items and they all go at
the most ruinous prices you ever saw. You will hear other
merchants on the outside roaring that we are losing thous
ands of dollars in order to gather in this cash, but we cannot
help what they say; we are not going to try to run their in
stitution and we do not belivc they will run ours, at least we
hope then won't. It is a is:antic undertaking to unload, but
we arc loaded to the guards and you get - the benefit. You
will hear them. They will be weeping, but they will weep
alone. The' farmer and workingman will never hear 'em.
They know this sale was started; they know the men behind
it: HiPir word is their bond, and nothing on the face of this
unrlli ran utnn lliom. Tt will be carried into effect and from
the morn'mar of Nov. 8th to Die. 8th, 19J2, you
greatest m jrc'.undUc bittle ever carried on under the con y.
solidated roofs of this bij; store you have ever had the plea's
urc of seeing in your lives, but with us it is cash we want
and we want it quick, and it is the duty you owe yourself and
family to place your hard earned dollars where they will go
the fartherest." The harvest is on; the golden opportunity
is before voir Will you come and gather m some of the big
bargains that arc waiting for you and your frieuds? We be
lieve you will.
We have a nice line of Men's and Boys' Suits and Over
coats and they will go at prices that would even make the
sheriff ashamed if he was in charge. VVc are going to unload
here coals here wou't cost but little more than
overalls elsewhere. Men's Suits from $2.98 up, Children's
two-piece suits from 68 cents up, three-piece suits from $1.48
up. We arc starting in with one line of honest made over
alls made by honest hands, there is not a convict's stamp on
them; they cost you 39 cents during this sale, and worth SO
to 65 cents in any other store in this community. Then we
have some overalls that cost a little bit more money, but
they still cost 20 to SO per cent less than vou pay for them
elsewhere. And we have over 500 pairs of men's odd pants.
You always like to have three or four pairs of extra pants.
Here is an opportunity to pick them up at the price of j'eans
pants elsewhere. Remember, no matter what kind of a suit
you want in our big clothing department you will find suits
bf every description and kind. In fact, our custom-made
goods looks like tailors-made goods' und costs one-half less.
Mothers, we want you to come down and get your wants
in the clothing line for the little folks. The golden oppor
tunity is before you. The like was never seen before, and
we don't believe ever will be again in jthis city. The whole
store is shaking from center to circumference. It is shaking
with the prices that arc low enough to make anything shake.
will be sold 7 spools for 25 cents.
John Clark's thread, not made,
owned or controlled by the trust,
and no better thread on earth,
V will be sold, as long as tt lasts, at
J. CUIUS a jjuui. "w ij
for' a cent. Hooks and eyes 2
cards for a cent. Thirty days
the battle rages.
The whole dry goods slide is the liveliest spot in a radius
of three hundred miles of here. Everything in the Dress
Goods lineof which we have hundreds of bolts, all of fash
ion's latest, direct lrom ;he looms and manufacturers of this
country, as well as foreign countries, are at prices that
mortal man never say before. Every lady in this vicinity
should come out at the o icning day, and if they are here that
day, it is a certainty they will be here for the next twenty
nine days following" it, because we have all the new weaves,
all of the new cloths, everything from the finest piece down
to the commonest kind that is made. They are here for all
of the people and not tha lavorcd few. You will be able
now to procure two dress patterns at about the price of one
elsewhere. Nothing you can ask for but what we have in
that line. We are now, always have been and always expect
to be, the acknowledged leaders in the dress goods in this
city. No one questions that, but the reason we arc putting
the knife into these goods at this season of the year, right
when it is the harvest in profit-makinp for the average man,
is we want cash and we want it bad and we believe the ladies
vnll accept the proposition and come and buy one, two and
probably a dozen pattern!! at the price. We are talking linings
just as Joud as'we are talking dress goods, because the dress
findings arc things which every one must have. Here you
will find findings cost but little. Every piece of flat cambric
in this house goes out to the ladies at 74 cents a yard. It is
Slaters the best that is made. All other linings of whatever
nature or kind go out in ;hc same ridiculously low way, and
Coat's thread while it lasts to all of the people at 7 spools for
25 cents, while we are stilling John Clark's famous thread,
not owned, controlled or made by the trust at 2 cents a
spool, and there is no better thread on the face of the earth.
During this sale, or as long as they last, and we believe
it will last through, as we have several hundred gross, you
yill find pearl buttons at 4 cents a dozen that are absolutely
cheap in any other war-priced stores at from 10 to 15 cents a
dozen. Pins will be two papers for a cent. Hooks and eyes
we have a ten bushel box full of them and tlfcy go out to all
of the people at two cards for one cent. Did you ever hear of
the like? Our notion co unter is lined with notions from one
end to the other, and 9 cents here will absolutely do the
work of 15 cents elsewhere. It is a hot time in the old town
now. It is a cash gathering; you may j'ust as well come and
get you share, it is hcrd'for you.
"We arc slacking out lace curtains and bed spreads, bins
full of them, boxes full of them, at prices that would reach
the hearts of cyery lady in this city and surrounding country.
You never saw the like. Two bed spreads at the price of
When von enter this door vou enter the door that carries the highest tirade merchandise ever carried in this city.
licve that every man, woman and child in the county will vouch for it, aud you arc now going to buy them for less money than y?
you ever saw trash sold for elscwuere. . ' 0 a
We have a big line of Corsets, ,an elegant line of Ribbqns that all go at this sacrificing cash-getting sale. And we came v(
near forcetting the Tailor-made'Suits for the misses and Indies, and while our stock is pretty well sold out in this line, whatever j
ic loft will hf rU1 !,t hir ennrifice. There is all kinds of Neckwiir. all kinds of knit lroods at the most unmralleled prices ever J
V made within the history of this grand little city. Please
sill, and continues until uecemner em ai nuunigm. i ue
fall if they get in the road of the big gnus, because it is cutlooc and get cash quid
one elsewhere. Lace curtains at about the same price. We
Haven t said much about table linens, but we are going to
talk loud and straight from the shoulder. Wc have an in
voice direct from, the looms ol old Ireland, and namely Bel
fast, and as long as there is one piece in this house and nap
kins to match, you will buy them at but little more than
others would charge you for oil cloth. It is facts in cold
print and we can show you in outing flannels wc have been
the leaders, carrying an assortment of all kinds add colors
ranging at 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 cents that caps the climax of any
thing you ever saw in this city; while in calico and ginghams,
they are absolutely cheaper than others would charge you
for wrapping paper or wind elsewhere. The big red marks
are on them and you will be down here to buy a dozen calico
dresses. We want you to come early and stay late. It would
nearly pay you to bring your lunch baskets with you.
Our millinery department is one of the most attractive
in this big store, and ladies hats during this sale, trimmed
and untrimmcd, will be at prices that will bring every lady
and every child that wears u hat out to attend this sale" The
milliners will be glad to sec you, thev will treat you nice and
you know our trimmer is among the best of the land . Taste,
trimmingand style are the leading features of our millinery
department. Our carpet department is a great center in
this store. You will find here alt wool ingrain carpets wtorth
75 and 85 cents at 58 cents per yard, in fact many of them for
less than others would ask and charge you for rag carpets.
Wc have some rugs and they go out at the same ridiculous
ly low prices you ever saw, and wc want to show you table
oil cloths. We carry no seconds, but the firsts go out at
about the price the other fellow asks for seconds, ltdocsn't
peel off when you look at it, or the sun hits it, or when you
are drying it. Wc carry nothing but high grade goods.
All of our shoe stock for the ladies and men are the best,
as you know. The reputation of this house has stood at a
straight 100 percent since the house was built, and the rep
utation of this store has been won on good honest shoes.
But with us now every shoe in this house must move if prices
will move it at the price of trash elsewhere. One big-Ibin
piled full of shoes at 96 cents for misscsand boys that would
be considered cheap in any other of these war-priced stores
at $1.25 to $2.00. Another bin piled full, of men's dress shoes
at $1.19 worth double in gold and theshocs wc arc soiling for
the men and women ai $1.48 arc worth anywhere you go $2.25
to $2 75. We still have another lot of men's shoes at $1.98
and one for the women at the same price that arc worth $2.75
to $4.50 in any other store in a radius of a 100 miles of here.
Then we hayeshoes for the children and shoes forthe babies
and they cost but little here. Now is the opportunity of
your life 4for getting shoes enough to last you for
next year o'r two and tit the whole family out at about the
price of one pair elsewhere. It is the shoe harvest of your
lives. The counters are piled full of Hats and Caps. A lot
.of hats at 98 cents, never was sold and never will be by any
other merchant in this city under $1,25 to $2.00, and another
lot at $1.48 that they cannotscll for less than $2 to 52.75, and
the hats wc sell at $1,98 have wakened, them out of their
slumbers to sec the people crowding in buying hats that they
get $3 to $4 for. It is facts in cold print. Men's Suspenders
bore will be sold at the price of boys' elsewhere, Rockford
Socks here start at 4 cents a pair, and wc have got the big
gest line in this community. All of the Handkerchiefs, Hosi
ery and everything you find out and on display where you
can find each and every article at prices which never met
the eye of man before. You will buy Handkerchiefs for the
children at two for a cent, some at 1, 2,,3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11,
15, 17, 19 and 25 cents that arc worth double in any, store in
in this town, and the way we arc selling Hosiery for the ladies
at 8, 12, 19 and 23 cents is the wonder of modern times. You
will be here, wc believe to buy your entire wants-.
Our Undcwcar specialties consist of evervthinir that is
will s;e the
in this house, nothing held in reserve. The 23c kind b
worth 35c at any of these war priced stores, and the 39c kind
war-priced merchants get 50 to 60 cents for, while the kind
wc sell for 48c is worth in any of these war-priced stores
75 cents. We still have some better lines at the-same ri
diculously low prices.
When you sec the piles of cloak 4 on the fir.U aud second
floors for ladies, misses and children, also dress skirts, you will
think there is a half dozen garments for every woman and child
in the county. We have them in three-quarter lengths, automo
biles, short coats, and every style manufactured. A big line of
Furs and Collarettes and they too suffjr the big reductioh.
?e rciretnber the dates. This sale opens rain or shine, Saturday, November j
I'lic'e will be battling all along the line, and it is certain somebody will A
i cut looc and get cash quick with us. U
North Platte, Neb I
extra sales people will bc.hcrc to
wait on you and we are triAwr in
do our level best, whether it is
raining or the sun shining. The
harvest for the people Starts
next Saturday morning, Novem
ber 8lh. Come be with us. You
arc welcome.